PTCRISync 1.1 (September, 2017)
- All synchronization procedures generalized to support funding entries
PTCRISync 1.0 (March, 2017)
- Updates to support the ORCID API 2.0
- Support for bulk getting and adding works
- New functionality: generic work grouper
PTCRISync 0.2 (December, 2016)
- Updates to support the ORCID API 2.0rc2
PTCRISync 0.1 (November, 2016)
- Support for the synchronization of research productions (works)
- Support for the following synchronization procedures:
- Export local works
- Import novel remote works
- Import remote work updates
- Import invalid remote works
- Import novel remote work counter
- Built over the ORCID API 2.0rc1
- Based on the PTCRISync specification v0.5