rewrite nickdiego/compiledb in Go for speed.
test using a build log over 2MB size and over 200 valid entries
# make -Bnkw > build.log
# time ~/go/bin/compiledb -p build.log
~/go/bin/compiledb -p build.log 0.21s user 0.02s system 106% cpu 0.210 total
# time ~/.local/bin/compiledb -p build.log
~/.local/bin/compiledb -p build.log 5.21s user 0.01s system 100% cpu 5.179 total
Tool for generating Clang's JSON Compilation Database file for GNU
-based build systems.
It's aimed mainly at non-cmake (cmake already generates compilation database)
large codebases. Inspired by projects like YCM-Generator and Bear,
but faster (mainly with large projects), since in most cases it doesn't need a clean
build (as the mentioned tools do) to generate the compilation database file, to
achieve this it uses the make options such as -n
and -k
to extract the compile commands. Also, it's more cross-compiling friendly than
YCM-generator's fake-toolchanin approach.
# go install
# go build ./cmd/compiledb && go install ./cmd/compiledb
USAGE: compiledb [options] command [command options] [args]...
Clang's Compilation Database generator for make-based build systems.
When no subcommand is used it will parse build log/commands and generates
its corresponding Compilation datAbase.
--parse file, -p file Build log file to parse compilation commands. (default: "stdin")
--output file, -o file Output file, Use '-' to output to stdout (default: "compile_commands.json")
--build-dir Path, -d Path Path to be used as initial build dir.
--exclude value, -e value Regular expressions to exclude files.
--no-build, -n Only generates compilation db file.
--verbose, -v Print verbose messages.
--no-strict, -S Do not check if source files exist in the file system.
--macros value, -m value Add predefined compiler macros to the compilation database.
--command-style, -c Output compilation database with single "command" string rather than the default "arguments" list of strings.
--full-path Write full path to the compiler executable.
--regex-compile value Regular expressions to find compile (default: ^.*-?(gcc|clang|cc|g\+\+|c\+\+|clang\+\+)-?.*(\.exe)?)
--regex-file value Regular expressions to find file (default: ^.*\s-c.*\s(.*\.(c|cpp|cc|cxx|c\+\+|s|m|mm|cu))(\s.*$|$))
--help, -h show help
make Generates compilation database file for an arbitrary GNU Make...
provides a make
python wrapper script which, besides to execute the make
build command, updates the JSON compilation database file corresponding to that build,
resulting in a command-line interface similar to Bear.
To generate compile_commands.json
file using compiledb's "make wrapper" script,
executing Makefile target all
$ compiledb make
forwards all the options/arguments passed after make
subcommand to GNU Make,
so one can, for example, generate compile_commands.json
using core/
as main makefile (-f
flag), starting the build from build
directory (-C
$ compiledb make -f core/ -C build
By default, compiledb make
generates the compilation database and runs the actual build
command requested (acting as a make wrapper), the build step can be skipped using the -n
or --no-build
$ compiledb -n make
base command has been designed so that it can be used to parse compile commands
from arbitrary text files (or stdin), assuming it has a build log (ideally generated using
make -Bnwk
command), and generates the corresponding JSON Compilation database.
For example, to generate the compilation database from build-log.txt
file, using the -p
or --parse
$ compiledb --parse build-log.txt
or its equivalent:
$ compiledb < build-log.txt
Or even, to pipe make's output and print the compilation database to the standard output:
$ make -Bnwk | compiledb -o -
By default compiledb
generates a JSON compilation database in the "arguments" list
format. The "command" string
format is also supported through the use of the --command-style
or -c
$ compiledb --command-style make
searches the user's $PATH for the compiler executable and in
case it's found, replaces the executable name with the full path to
executable in "arguments" section in compilation database.
This argument allows to specify the compiler path only once, when
calling compiledb, like so:
PATH=/opt/buildroot/bin:$PATH compiledb --full-path make
I've implemented this tool because I needed to index some AOSP's modules for navigating
and studying purposes (after having no satisfatory results with current tools available by the
time such as YCM-Generator and Bear). So I've reworked YCM-Generator, which resulted
in the initial version of compiledb/ and used successfully to generate
for some AOSP modules in ~1min running in a Docker container and then
could use it with some great tools, such as:
- Vim + YouCompleteMe + rtags + chromatica.nvim
- Neovim + LanguageClient-neovim + cquery + deoplete
- Neovim + ALE + ccls
- Windows: tested on Windows 10 with cmd, wsl(Ubuntu), mingw32
- Linux: tested only on Arch Linux and Ubuntu 18 so far
- Mac: tested on macOS 10.13 and 10.14