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114 lines (103 loc) · 6.15 KB

File metadata and controls

114 lines (103 loc) · 6.15 KB

My NEOVIM config.


git clone ~/.config/nvim
tar xJf nvim_config_with_vendor.txz
mv nvim ~/.config/ with rg ctags lsp

etc folder

other tools config. e.g.
zsh ctags rg tmux tig...

user config

modify user config.

project config

modify project config.
e.g. .git/.nvim.lua.
if there is not scm dir, save .nvim.lua in workspace. autoreload ..nvim.lua after save this file.

config var

config var, modify it in user config or project config.

  • Option
    Option for fuzzyfind and generate tags, default:
Option.dir = { ".root", ".svn", ".git", ".repo", ".ccls-cache", ".cache", ".ccache" }
Option.file = { "*.sw?", "~$*", "*.bak", "*.exe", "*.o", "*.so", "*.py[co]", "tags" }
Option.rg = { "--max-columns=300", "--iglob=!obj", "--iglob=!out" }
Option.mru = { "*.so", "*.exe", "*.py[co]", "*.sw?", "~$*", "*.bak", "*.tmp", "*.dll" }
Option.cconf = { ["*"] = { "-ferror-limit=0" }, c = { "gcc", "-c", "-std=c11" }, cpp = { "g++", "-c", "-std=c++14" } }
  • g:colorscheme

    let g:colorscheme='solarized'
  • g:background

    let g:background='light'
  • g:pylsp_jedi_environment default exepath('python3')


default <leader> is <space>

Shortcut Mode Description
fb Normal fuzzy buffers search
ff Normal fuzzy file search
fg Normal/Visual search under cursor or search visual selection
fh Normal fuzzy find help tags
fj Normal fuzzy find jumplist
fl Normal fuzzy find in current buffer
fm Normal fuzzy marks file search
fo Normal fuzzy mru file search
fr Normal resume last search
ft Normal fuzzy find tags
f/ Normal live grep
fc Normal select colorscheme
gsiw Normal search under cursor (display in quickfix)
gs Visual search visual selection (display in quickfix)
gd Normal goto definitions
gi Normal lsp_implementations
gr Normal lsp_references
gt Normal lsp_type_definitions
go Normal ctags outline
gO Normal ctags all buffer outline
K Normal lsp_hover
<leader>la Normal lsp_code_actions
<leader>ls Normal lsp_document_symbols
<leader>ld Normal lsp_diagnostics
]d Normal lsp_goto_next_diagnostic
[d Normal lsp_goto_previous_diagnostic
<leader>rn Normal lsp_rename
tg Normal gen tags(ctags) and compile_commands.json
tc Normal remove tas and compile_commands.json
<leader>wf Normal open file explorer
<leader>wl Normal locating current file in file explorer
gcc Normal/Visual comment toggle
<leader>fp Normal/Visual fold search
<leader>q Normal close current buffer
v Visual expand select region
V Visual shrink select region
s Normal flash move to {char}
S Normal flash treesitter
<leader>sa Normal surround add
<leader>sd Normal surround delete
<leader>sr Normal surround replace
<F2> Normal toggle show number
<F3> Normal toggle show list
<F4> Normal toggle wrap
<F6> Normal toggle syntax
<F5>/<leader>z Normal toggle paste
Q Normal map Q q, map q <nop>
<leader>ds Normal delete trailing space
<leader>dm Normal delete ^M
<leader>da Normal delete ansi escape codes
<leader>pu Normal update plugins
<leader>pr Normal remove unused plugins