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Cygrsync project

Cygrsync is a minimal set of files needed to run rsync in Windows. It's a repackaging of current Cygwin rsync without the entire cygwin environment.

It supports both client and server (via rsyncd) and also supports rsync over ssh (uses $USERPROFILE/.ssh folder).

How to update binaries (x64 only)

  • Open a cmd.exe session with administrative privileges
:: Dowload Cygwin setup
powershell -Command (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('','%TEMP%\setup-cygwin-x86_64.exe')

:: Install Cygwin, SSH and RSync (about 150Mb in C:)
%TEMP%\setup-cygwin-x86_64.exe -q -n -N -d -R c:\cygwin64 -s -l %TEMP% -P cygrunsrv,openssh,opensshd,rsync

Copy new files from C:\cygwin. You may need to use Dependency Walker to check what .DLLs are needed.

How to collaborate? Contact?

Pull requests. [email protected].