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File metadata and controls

79 lines (58 loc) · 3.48 KB


This package provides a plugin for Django CMS 3 similar to cmsplugin_filer_image, but in addition can deliver multiple sizes as a html5 srcset attribute for the img tag.


How the srcset is built is determined by the style choices attribute. You can configure them via the DJANGOCMS_RESPONSIVE_IMAGE_IMAGE_STYLE_CHOICES setting:

    'fullwidth': {
        'name': _('full width'),
        'widths': (960, 640),
        'aspect_ratio': 16/9,
        'sizes': '(max-width: 800px) 640px',
        'default_width': 960,

width ist a list of width values which will be used to create the srcset img attribute and also to render the thumbnails with easy_thumbnails.

aspect_ratio will be used to calculate the height attribute for each source. Set it to 0 to use the source image's aspect ratio. Remember to from __future__ import unicode_literals if you use Python 2.

sizes is the value of the sizes img attribute, refer to your favorite html5 documentation for information on how to use it. You can also omit it if unnecessary.

default_size will be used for the src attribute and the corresponding thumbnail as a fallback for browsers which don't support srcset.

By default, the srcset includes high-resolution (2x) images if the source image is large enough. You can disable this behaviour by setting DJANGOCMS_RESPONSIVE_IMAGE_ADD_2X = False.

Usage outside the CMS (template tag)

You can include responsive images also using the responsive_image template tag. Add {% load responsive_image %} to your template to use it.

Please note that unlike the plugin, the template tag always uses the djangocms-responsive-image/snippets/image.html template, even if a predefined style is used.

There are two options to specify the source sets:

Using style choices

You can refer to the same style choices defined in your settings that the plugin uses, e.g.:

{% responsive_image image "default" alt="Alt text" classes="img-responsive" %}

Specifying widths directly

You can specify the attributes directly without using a style choice, e.g.:

`{% responsive_image image widths="600,900,1200" aspect_ratio=3 alt="Alt text" %}

Full list of arguments

  • image: The Image instance to use
  • style_name: The name of the style choice to use. Has precedence over widths, default_width and aspect_ratio.
  • widths: A comma-separated list of widths to use, for example 600,1200. Will be ignored if a style choice is defined.
  • default_width: Width that will be used for the src fallback tag for browsers that don't support srcset. Will be ignored if a style choice is specified.
  • aspect_ratio: Aspect ratio for cropping the images. Set to 0 to keep the image's original aspect ratio. Will be ignored if a style choice is specified.
  • sizes: A string that will be set as the img's sizes attribute. Refer to your favorite html5 documentation for more information.
  • alt: Alt tag for the image.
  • classes: CSS classes for the img tag.


  • 0.2 changed conf syntax (widths, aspect\_ratio and default\_width instead of srcset attribute), added template tag that can be used outside the cms
  • 0.1.1 added support for high-res images; bugfix
  • 0.1.0 added description field and alt getter with fallback to the default_alt_text of the image
  • 0.0.11 added fallback src attribute to default template