This pipeline step builds a container image from a given Git repository and pushes it to an external registry.
This step requires the OpenShift Client plugin to be installed and configured in Jenkins.
- imageName: string; Name of the resulting image, e.g.: ""
- imageTag: string; Tag for the image, e.g.: "latest", or "d57f6a4"
- pushSecret: string; Name of the OpenShift secret that will be used to push the image to the registry (this is NOT a Jenkins secret)
- gitUrl: string; URL pointing to a Git repository, e.g.: ""
- gitRef: string; Git reference, e.g.: "master", or "ca8eca526ababc4ffae29dfac8e6d222687e368b" (default is "master")
- noCache: boolean; Flag whether caching should be enabled during the build (default is true)
- forcePull: boolean; Flag whether builder should force-pull base image before the build (default is true).
- dockerfilePath: string; Path to the Dockerfile in the repository (default is "Dockerfile")
- openshiftProject: string; Name of the OpenShift project where to build the image
- buildName: string; Arbitrary name that will be used as a name for the OpenShift build config
imageName: '',
imageTag: 'd57f6a4',
pushSecret: 'quay',
gitUrl: '',
gitRef: 'master',
buildName: 'rpmdeplint-image',
openshiftProject: 'fedora-ci'