The Quarkus service analyser
consumes messages from the channel sensors
, performs some analytics on them and
publishes the results on another channel. Currently, the service calculates the gradient of the content which is
measured by each sensor. Then, the service forms a simple moving average (SMA) of these gradients.
To run the analyser
in Quarkus development mode without the need to separate build and run, you can use the Quarkus
plugin via the Maven wrapper.
./mvnw quarkus:dev \
When the analyser
service starts, it attempts to retrieve the needed number of sensor data of every sensor from the
service database-storage
(success or failure can be observed in the logs). To achieve this, analyser
has to know the
port of the storage. You can provide the port via the -D
flag at startup.
./mvnw quarkus:dev \
-Dquarkus.http.port=<port> \<storage-port>
The service calculates a SMA of the gradients. The gradient assumes a linear function between two data points. These
gradients are then stored to calculate a moving average, i.e. an average of the last few gradients (ignoring the older
ones). Generally, the SMA calculation uses the last two gradients. If you want to change this, you can set the property
. You can either set this property in the
or use Maven's -D
flag. To start the service in development mode, use the following Maven command.
./mvnw quarkus:dev \