Breaking Change:Amazon's receipt was incorrectly being put in originalJson
it now matches the other platforms: transactionReceipt
Fix android crash by delaying ios check #1456
Moved Amazon readme to the docs folder
Separated "Support us" doc to it's own file for better visibility
Breaking Change: removed deprecated method: consumeAllItemsAndroid
, alternative flushFailedPurchasesCachedAsPendingAndroid
has been available for a while. Also removed refreshItems
from android native modules since they were only used by this deprecated method
Breaking Change: Methods that are suffixed by Android
or iOS
will now fail if called in the wrong platform instead of returnning a default value.
Breaking Change: Removed finishTransactionIOS
, consumePurchaseAndroid
and acknowledgePurchaseAndroid
. They have been replaced by ``finishTransaction` since version 4.1.0
Breaking Change: (Only if you were using the native iOS module directly) iOS Native Method canMakePayments
was renamed to initConnection
to match the other platforms.
Resolve to false when playservices not available #1447
Fix crash on android request Purchase #1452
Added monolinter and fixed inconsistent dependency versions #1444
Breaking Change: Removed oldAndroidSku from requestSubscription. This field was passed for Android only
Remove init on main thread as it is no longer needed in this version of the SDK #1427.
Move init code to initConnection method in Amazon #1425
Fix Android subscription update #1423
Hotfix on getting skus on android #1414
Update gradle plugin to 4.2.2 #1410
Fix getPurchaseHistory
for android #1411
Revert strict check for Amazon module #1407.
Migrate Android
to billing client 4.0.0.
- Include
function to add getQuantity api.
- Include
Removed setInstallSource and updated docs #1401.
- Remove an unnecessary reject when canceling by user #1389
- Update type to match new
receipt style #1402
Refactors Google Play Java code limiting to a single billingClient. This can be considered a breaking change as it will fail when attempting to initialize the library more than once. It also adds documentation on the proper handling of the lifecycle docs
- Implement deeplinking to subscriptins for Android (#1394)
- Implement requested client-side validation for amazon purchases (#1392)
- Fix regression on return type (#1393)
- Fix promise resolving logic #1390
- Adds documentation to Android deferred proration (#1387)
- Update URL in package.json (#1386)
Fix an unnecessary error when canceling a purchase #1385.
Fix java lint errors and add CI #1380
Clean up internal code that detects GooglePlay vs Amazon modules#1374
Fix wrong package.json
setup #1377
- Removed docs from built
Spliting Android app stores into Google Play and Amazon. They can now be accessed through different flavors #1358
Creates two variants: play
and amazon
and only uses the required code.
NOTE: This would be a breaking change with a very simple fix described in the documentation. To add: missingDimensionStrategy 'store', 'play'
in build.gradle
- [Android] Handle deffered proration in
listener #1357
- [Amazon] Fire tv detection #1356
- Strict type error [Enhance] Strict type error #1324
- HotFix - Android build #1328
- [Android] Update deps, fix permissions on graddle wrapper #1323
- [Amazon] Add promise handling for Amazon purchases instead of resolving immediately 1302
- Add force refresh receipt for ios #1303
- Add
- React Naitve IAP hook is out. Follow the medium post on how to use it.
- Remove IAPPromotionObserver for manual installation process #1267.
- Fixed android receipt validation url #1262.
- Rebuild again incase of missing pre-build.
- Fixed fetch requestheader #1258.
- Added more fields to android receipt type.
- Reduce size of import by removing prev packs.
- Support android receipt type
instead of only json.
- HotFix -
returns fetched products only. Previously it returned both.
- Fixes build issue #1238
- Add sandbox agnostic receipt verification #1228
- Fix tvos presentCodeRedemptionSheet not available #1237
- Fixed posible problem clearTransactionsIOS #1227
- Improving typescript types for iOS subscription #1219
- Fix(presentCodeRedemptionSheet): Xcode 11 compatibility #1218
- Patch clear transaction #1215
- Added presentCodeRedemptionSheetIOS #1201
- By @Bang9
- Fix that getPendingPurchasesIOS() may returns undefined #1199
- By @gki
- Fixed Amazon products prices parsing #1191
- Add introductory price as string without formating and currency #1182
- Add iOS store country code #1186
- Add type definition on
- Expose more variables in
- Fix amazon buyItemByType missing parameters hyochan/pull/1149
- Renamed param to
since this is android only #1130 - Fix for 'RNIapModule.buyItemByType got 6 arguments, expected 7' #1132
- Upgrade android billing sdk to 3 #1112
params are removed.
- Fix & avoid blindly consuming success purchases #1085
- Allow specyfing string subtype for product ids #1089
- Let user know which productId was the error about #1100
- Be more specific in purchaseErrorListener param typing #1101
- Ability to know when a SKPaymentTransactionStateDeferred purchase update occurs #1080.
- Fix promise not resolving on
- Fix iap-promoted-product listener #1039
- Fix regresion in
- Upgrade packages and expose
- Fixes #989.
- Fix regression. Revert
to false. This should actually be false in default.
was set to true for default. I should be false.
- Implement
method to declaratively finish observer in iOS. - Remove
in IAPPromotionObserver.m for dup observer problems. - Automatically startPromotionObserver in
for iOS. - Deprecate
Add guide add IAPPromotionObserver
in ios
- Bugfixes for #849.
- Attempt to fix #934.
- Upgrade packages.