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Quickstart Guide

Alex Reustle edited this page Oct 22, 2018 · 34 revisions

Fermitools Quickstart Guide

The Fermitools and associated data files are distributed via precompiled packages which are hosted on an Anaconda Cloud channel named fermi_dev_externals. In order to obtain/run the Fermitools you must, at a minimum, have the following system requirements:

System Requirements


Once you have downloaded and installed Anaconda, use the following command to download and setup your Fermitools environment:

conda create -n fermi -c conda-forge -c fermi fermitools

This command will create a conda environment named fermi and install the Fermitools and dependencies (including Fermitools-data) into the fermi environment.


To enable the Fermitools run:

source activate fermi (csh/tcsh users use conda activate fermi)

The second command activates the environment and runs the necessary activation scripts for the Fermitools. You will be dropped into the fermi conda environment with the Fermitools setup and ready to go!

Addendum for csh/tcsh Users

If you are using the Fermitools within csh or tcsh you need to take an extra step to set up your conda environment. At the bottom of your ~/.cshrc or ~/.tcshrc file append the following command on a new line:

source </path/to/conda>/etc/profile.d/conda.csh

Where </path/to/conda> is replaced with the path to your installation of anaconda2 or miniconda (for example /foo/bar/anaconda2/ or /foo/bar/miniconda2/). You will need to re-source your .cshrc or .tcshrc file to make sure that the change takes effect in your current shell

Note: If you install any extra software into the fermi environment via conda install it will be isolated to this environment. Please keep this in mind. For more information, please read the Conda documentation on managing environments.

Updating the Fermitools

If you already have an existing installation of the Fermitools on your machine, you can update by activating the conda environment (usually named fermi) the tools are installed in and running the conda update command.

Bash Shell Csh/Tcsh
source activate <environment_name> conda activate <environment_name>

conda update -c conda-forge -c fermi fermitools


The XML model editor GUI (called by the ModelEditor command) is dependent on the package pyDS9. Unfortunately, at this time this package is not available in the conda-forge anaconda cloud channel. In order to use this package you will need to install pyDS9 via pip, i.e. pip install pyds9. Once the installation is complete, ModelEditor should start without a problem.