Prerequisites for building CarbonData:
- Unix-like environment (Linux, Mac OS X)
- git
- Apache Maven (we recommend version 3.3 or later)
- Java 7 or 8
- Scala 2.10
- Apache Thrift 0.9.3
I. Clone CarbonData
$ git clone
II. Build the project
- Build without test:
$ mvn -DskipTests clean package
- Build along with test:
$ mvn clean package
- Build with different spark versions (Default it takes Spark 1.5.2 version)
$ mvn -Pspark-1.5.2 clean package
$ mvn -Pspark-1.6.1 clean install
- Build along with integration test cases: (Note : It takes more time to build)
$ mvn -Pintegration-test clean package
The CarbonData committers use IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse IDE to develop.
- Download IntelliJ at and install the Scala plug-in for IntelliJ at
- Go to "File -> Import Project", locate the CarbonData source directory, and select "Maven Project".
- In the Import Wizard, select "Import Maven projects automatically" and leave other settings at their default.
- Leave other settings at their default and you should be able to start your development.
- When you run the scala test, sometimes you will get out of memory exception. You can increase your VM memory usage by the following setting, for example:
-XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Xmx3072m
You can also make those setting to be the default by setting to the "Defaults -> ScalaTest".
- Download the Scala IDE (preferred) or install the scala plugin to Eclipse.
- Import the CarbonData Maven projects ("File" -> "Import" -> "Maven" -> "Existing Maven Projects" -> locate the CarbonData source directory).
Read the quick start.
This is an open source project for everyone, and we are always open to people who want to use this system or contribute to it. This guide document introduce how to contribute to CarbonData.
To get involved in CarbonData:
CarbonData project original contributed from the Huawei