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OnCommand Insight (OCI) PowerShell Cmdlet Tutorial

This tutorial will give an introduction to the OnCommand Insight PowerShell Cmdlets

Discovering the available Cmdlets

Load the OCI Module

Import-Module OnCommand-Insight

Show all available Cmdlets from the OCI Module

Get-Command -Module OnCommand-Insight

Show the syntax of all Cmdlets from the OCI Module

Get-Command -Module OnCommand-Insight -Syntax

To get detailed help including examples for a specific Cmdlet (e.g. for Connect-OciServer) run

Get-Help Connect-OciServer -Detailed

Connecting to an OCI Server

For data retrieval a connection to the OCI Server is required. The Connect-OciServer Cmdlet expects the hostname or IP and the credentials for authentication

$ServerName = ''
$Credential = Get-Credential
Connect-OciServer -Name $ServerName -Credential $Credential

If the login fails, it is often due to an untrusted certificate of the OCI Server. You can ignore the certificate check with the -insecure option

Additionally, you can now import the OCI Server certificate into the Trusted Root Certification Authorities. This allows connections to be trusted via PowerShell and Browsers such as Internet Explorer.

Import-OciServerCertificate -Name $ServerName

You can also remove the certificate from the Trusted Root Certification Authorities with

Remove-OciServerCertificate -Name $ServerName
Connect-OciServer -Name $ServerName -Credential $Credential -Insecure

By default the connection to the OCI server is established through HTTPS. If that doesn't work, HTTP will be tried.

To force connections via HTTPS use the -HTTPS switch

Connect-OciServer -Name $ServerName -Credential $Credential -HTTPS

To force connections via HTTP use the -HTTP switch (HTTP is not available in OCI 7.2 and later)

Connect-OciServer -Name $ServerName -Credential $Credential -HTTP

Timezone setting for connections to OCI Servers

As the timezone of the OCI Server is not available via the REST API, it needs to be manually set so that all timestamps are displayed with the correct timezone. By default the timezone will be set to the local timezone of the PowerShell environment.

A list of all available timezones can be shown with


You can set a different than the local timezone when connecting to the OCI server with e.g.

Connect-OciServer -Name $ServerName -Timezone "Pacific Standard Time"

The currently configured timezone of the OCI Server can be checked with


To manually set a different timezone (e.g. CEST or PST), the following command can be used

$CurrentOciServer.Timezone = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::FindSystemTimeZoneById("Central Europe Standard Time")
$CurrentOciServer.Timezone = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::FindSystemTimeZoneById("Pacific Standard Time")

Simple workflow for retrieving data from OCI Servers

In this simple workflow the available storage systems will be retrieved, a NetApp FAS system will be choosen and then all internal volumes for this system will be retrieved.

$Storages = Get-OciStorages
$NetAppStorages = $Storages | ? { $_.vendor -eq "NetApp" -and $ -match "FAS" } | Select-Object -First 1
$NetAppStorages | Get-OciInternalVolumesByStorage

As the OCI Cmdlets support pipelining, the above statements can be combined into one statement:

Get-OciStorages | ? { $_.vendor -eq "NetApp" -and $ -match "FAS" } | Select-Object -First 1 | Get-OciInternalVolumesByStorage


Retrieve all devices of all datasources

To retrieve all devices of all datasources you can use the following command. For large environments, especially with a large number of ESX Hosts, this command can take some time:

Get-OciDatasources -Devices

Retrieve Performance data

The following command will get all Volumes with all Performance Data. For everything else then small test environments this can result in huge amounts of data. Make sure to either only get the volumes for one storage system or restrict the timeframe for which you want to retrieve performance data with -fromTime and -toTime:

$VolumesWithPerformance = Get-OciStorages | Get-OciVolumesByStorage -Performance -fromTime (Get-Date).addDays(-1)

To extract just the Minimum, Maximum and Average IOPS and pretty print the data use:

$VolumesWithPerformance | % { [PSCustomObject]@{Name=$_.Name;"Min total IOPS"=$;"Max total IOPS"=$; "Avg total IOPS"=$} } | ft -Wrap

Get related objects

The OCI API allows to get related objects. E.g. for the internal volume it is possible to get related storage, performance, dataStores, computeResources, storagePool, volumes, storageNodes, applications, annotations, replicaSources, performancehistory. The related objects can be retrieved by specifying paramter switches. These can be shown with get-help:

get-help Get-OciInternalVolume -Detailed

To retrieve all related objects for e.g. internal volumes use

Get-OciStorages | Get-OciInternalVolumesByStorage | Select -first 1 | Get-OciInternalVolume -storage -performance -dataStores -computeResources -storagePool -volumes -storageNodes -applications -annotations -replicaSources -performancehistory -datasources -qtrees


Add new annotation

Applications can be of type DATE, TEXT, FIXED_ENUM, FLEXIBLE_ENUM, BOOLEAN or NUMBER. TEXT is the most flexible, but FLEXIBLE_ENUM may also be a good choice if the number of different values is low. FLEXIBLE_ENUM will automatically extend the list of values if a new value is added. FIXED_ENUM will only allow the predefined values and will give an error if an undefined value is added.

Add an application of type FLEXIBLE_ENUM

Add-OciAnnotation -Name "Enum test" -Type FLEXIBLE_ENUM -Description "Enum test description" -enumValues @{name="Item name";label="Item label"}

Get annotations

Get all annotations


Get the previously added annotation

$Annotation = Get-OciAnnotations | ? { $_.Name -eq "Enum test" }

Update Annotation

The Update-OciAnnotation Cmdlet always overwrites all parameters of the annotation, thus it is recommended to get the existing Annotation, modify it and then pass the modified Annotation via the Pipeline to Update-OciAnnotation.

Here is an example to update the enum values of a FIXED_ENUM Annotation:

$newEnumValues = @(@{name="two";label="two"},@{name="three";label="three"})

foreach ($newEnumValue in $newEnumValues) {
    # remove enum with same name as newEnumValue to prevent duplicates
    $Annotation.enumValues = $Annotation.enumValues | Where-Object { $_.Name -ne $newEnumValue.Name }
    $Annotation.enumValues = @($Annotation.enumValues) + [PSCustomObject]$newEnumValue

$Annotation = $Annotation | Update-OciAnnotation -Verbose

Add an annotation value to an OCI object

Retrieve a volume

$Volume = Get-OciStorages | Get-OciVolumesByStorage | select -first 1

Show all annotations of the volume

$Volume | Get-OciAnnotationsByVolume

Add the previously defined annotation to the volume with a new value

$Annotation | Update-OciAnnotationValues -objectType "Volume" -rawValue "New item" -targets $

Check the annotation values of the annotation

$Annotation | Get-OciAnnotationValues

Get the annotation and check that it contains the new value "New item"

$Annotation | Get-OciAnnotation | Select -expandProperty enumValues

Delete all values of an annotation

OCI does not support deleting all annotation values out of the box, but the PowerShell Cmdlets do by first getting all values of an annotation and then removing them. Just run

$Annotation | Remove-OciAnnotationValues

Check that the values have been deleted

$Annotation | Get-OciAnnotationValues

Manage Applications and Business Entities

You can create a Business Entity with

$BusinessUnity = Add-OciBusinessEntity -Tenant "tenant" -LineOfBusiness "lof" -BusinessUnit "bu" -Project "project"

You can get all Business Entities with


You can remove all Business Entities with

Get-OciBusinessEntities | Remove-OciBusinessEntities

You can create a Application with

$Application = Add-OciApplication -name "application" -priority Critical -businessEntity $ -ignoreShareViolations

You can update an application with

$Application | Update-OciApplication -priority Low

Remove all applications

Get-OciApplications | Remove-OciApplication

Retrieve OCI Server health status


Show Information with Grid-View

An easy way to show tabular data and to filter columns is included in PowerShell with the Grid-View.

To show output in the Grid-View use

Get-OciStorages | Out-Gridview -Title 'Storages'

Export to CSV

Retrieve OCI data (e.g. Storage Arrays)

$Storages = Get-OciStorages

Specify filename, encording and delimiter for CSV file, then export to CSV

$FileName = 'C:\tmp\test.csv'
$Encoding = 'UTF8'
$Delimiter = ';'
$Storages | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path $FileName -Encoding $Encoding -Delimiter $Delimiter

Export to Excel

Install PSExcel from and load PSExcel Module

Import-Module PSExcel

Retrieve OCI data (e.g. Storage Arrays)

$Storages = Get-OciStorages

Specify filename and worksheet name for the Excel file. Then export to Excel

$FileName = "$HOME\Documents\Ocitest.xlsx"
$WorksheetName = 'Storage Arrays'
$Storages | Export-XLSX -Path $FileName -WorksheetName $WorksheetName -Table -TableStyle Light1 -AutoFit

You can easily add another worksheet to an existing Excel file with

$WorksheetName = 'Additional worksheet'
$Storages | Export-XLSX -Path $FileName -WorksheetName $WorksheetName -Table -TableStyle Light1 -AutoFit

To create a single Excel file with many OCI objects, run the following commands

$FileName = "$HOME\Documents\OciOverview.xlsx"
Get-OciAcquisitionUnits | Export-XLSX -Path $FileName -WorksheetName 'Acquisition Units' -Table -TableStyle Light1 -AutoFit
Get-OciAnnotations | Export-XLSX -Path $FileName -WorksheetName 'Annotations' -Table -TableStyle Light1 -AutoFit
Get-OciApplications | Export-XLSX -Path $FileName -WorksheetName 'Applications' -Table -TableStyle Light1 -AutoFit
Get-OciDatasources | Export-XLSX -Path $FileName -WorksheetName 'Datasources' -Table -TableStyle Light1 -AutoFit
Get-OciDatastores | Export-XLSX -Path $FileName -WorksheetName 'Datastores' -Table -TableStyle Light1 -AutoFit
Get-OciStorages | Get-OciDisksByStorage | Export-XLSX -Path $FileName -WorksheetName 'Disks' -Table -TableStyle Light1 -AutoFit
Get-OciFabrics | Export-XLSX -Path $FileName -WorksheetName 'Fabrics' -Table -TableStyle Light1 -AutoFit
Get-OciHosts | Get-OciFileSystemsByHost | Export-XLSX -Path $FileName -WorksheetName 'Filesystems' -Table -TableStyle Light1 -AutoFit
Get-OciHealth | Export-XLSX -Path $FileName -WorksheetName 'Health' -Table -TableStyle Light1 -AutoFit
Get-OciHosts | Export-XLSX -Path $FileName -WorksheetName 'Hosts' -Table -TableStyle Light1 -AutoFit
Get-OciStorages | Get-OciInternalVolumesByStorage | Export-XLSX -Path $FileName -WorksheetName 'Internal Volumes' -Table -TableStyle Light1 -AutoFit
Get-OciLicenses | Export-XLSX -Path $FileName -WorksheetName 'Licenses' -Table -TableStyle Light1 -AutoFit
Get-OciPatches | Export-XLSX -Path $FileName -WorksheetName 'Patches' -Table -TableStyle Light1 -AutoFit
Get-OciStorages | Get-OciStorageNodesByStorage | Export-XLSX -Path $FileName -WorksheetName 'Storage Nodes' -Table -TableStyle Light1 -AutoFit
Get-OciStorages | Get-OciStoragePoolsByStorage | Export-XLSX -Path $FileName -WorksheetName 'Storage Pools' -Table -TableStyle Light1 -AutoFit
Get-OciStorages | Export-XLSX -Path $FileName -WorksheetName 'Storages' -Table -TableStyle Light1 -AutoFit
Get-OciSwitches | Export-XLSX -Path $FileName -WorksheetName 'Switches' -Table -TableStyle Light1 -AutoFit
Get-OciUsers | Export-XLSX -Path $FileName -WorksheetName 'Users' -Table -TableStyle Light1 -AutoFit
Get-OciVirtualMachines | Export-XLSX -Path $FileName -WorksheetName 'Virtual Machines' -Table -TableStyle Light1 -AutoFit
Get-OciVirtualMachines | Get-OciVmdksByVirtualMachine | Export-XLSX -Path $FileName -WorksheetName 'VMDKs' -Table -TableStyle Light1 -AutoFit
Get-OciStorages | Get-OciVolumesByStorage | Export-XLSX -Path $FileName -WorksheetName 'Volumes' -Table -TableStyle Light1 -AutoFit

List devices discovered via multiple datasources

$Datasources = Get-OciDatasources -devices
$DuplicateDevices = $Datasources.devices.Name | Group-Object | ? { $_.Count -gt 1 } | Select -ExpandProperty Name
foreach ($Device in $DuplicateDevices) {
    "$Device," + (($Datasources | ? { $ -match $Device } | select -ExpandProperty Name) -join ',')

Create new Datasource`

First get a list of all supported datasource types


Select the datasource type you want to configure:

$type = Get-OciDatasourceTypes | ? { $_.description -match "CMode" }

Select the acquisition unit to use for the datasource:

$acquisitionUnit = Get-OciAcquisitionUnits | Select -first 1

Now create a new datasource from the type to work with locally (this does not create anything on the server yet!):

$Datasource = New-OciDatasource -name "test" -acquisitionUnit $acquisitionUnit -type $type

Regardless of the datasource type, all datasources will have a foundation package. Other packages like storageperformance, cloud, hostvirtualization are datasource type specific. Check the available packages and their attributes with


The attributes are filled with the default values from the type definition. You may now change some of the attributes

$ = $true
$ = ""

To set username and password, it is recommended to use Get-Credential:

$Credential = Get-Credential
$ = $Credential.UserName
$ = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().password

Most additional packages like storageperformance are disabled by default and need to be enabled

$Datasource.config.storageperformance.attributes.enabled = $true

Now the datasource can be added to the OCI server

$Datasource = $Datasource | Add-OciDatasource

Check that the status of the datasource changes to success which indicates successfull collection of data

$Datasource | Get-OciDatasource

To remove the datasource, use

$Datasource | Remove-OciDatasource

Manage Datasource Configuration

Get all datasources including its configuration

Get-OciDatasources -config

Get a single datasource including its configuration

Get-OciDatasource -id 1 -config

The configuration contains packages (e.g. foundation, performance, cloud) and each package has several attributes which can be modified.

Here's an example to change the password of a single datasource:

$Datasource = Get-OciDatasources | Select -first 1 | Get-OciDatasource -config
# modify password attribute
$ = "test"
# update datasource
$Datasource | Update-OciDatasource

Here's an example to change the password of all datasources:

$Datasources = Get-OciDatasources -config
# modify password attribute
$Datasources | % { $ = "test" }
# update datasources
$Datasources | Update-OciDatasource

Here's a full interactive example for datasource password management including verification that the change was successfull.

Import-Module OnCommand-Insight 

$ServerName = Read-Host -Prompt "Please insert OnCommand Insight Server full qualified hostname" 

$Credential = Get-Credential -Message "Please enter credentials to access OnCommand Insight server" 

Connect-OciServer -Name $ServerName -Credential $Credential -HTTPS -Insecure

$Datasources = Get-OciDatasources -config

$DatasourceCredential = Get-Credential -Message "Please enter new credentials to be used by datasources"

foreach ($Datasource in $Datasources) {
    $ = $DatasourceCredential.UserName
    $ = $DatasourceCredential.GetNetworkCredential().password

    $Datasource = $Datasource | Update-OciDatasource

foreach ($Datasource in $Datasources) {
    $Tests = $Datasource | Test-OciDatasource

    foreach ($Test in $Tests) {
        if ($Test.result -eq "PASSED") {
            $Test.message = $Test.message -replace "Configuration:","Datasource $($Datasource.Name):"
            Write-Host $Test.message -ForegroundColor Green
        else {
            $Test.message = $Test.message -replace "Configuration:","Datasource $($Datasource.Name):"
            Write-Host $Test.message -ForegroundColor Red

LDAP Configuration

The LDAP Configuration can be retrieved via


Here's a full example for LDAP configuration changes

Import-Module OnCommand-Insight

$LdapServer = Read-Host -Prompt "Please insert LDAP URI (e.g. ldaps://,ldaps://" 
$LdapDomain = Read-Host -Prompt "Please insert LDAP Domain (e.g. DC=example,DC=com)" 
$LdapAdminGroups = Read-Host -Prompt "Please insert LDAP group for Admin role"
$LdapCredential = Get-Credential  -Message "Please provide credential for accessing LDAP server"

$Test = Test-OciLdapConfiguration -LdapServer $LdapServer -UserName $LdapCredential.UserName -Password $LdapCredential.GetNetworkCredential().password -Verbose

if ($Test.statusCode -eq "SUCCESS") {
    Write-Host "Connection to LDAP Server $LdapServer with user $($LdapCredential.UserName) succeeded" -ForegroundColor green
} else {
    Write-Host "Connection to LDAP Server $LdapServer with user $($LdapCredential.UserName) failed" -ForegroundColor red

$LdapConfiguration = Get-OciLdapConfiguration

$LdapConfiguration.isEnabled                    = $true
$LdapConfiguration.directoryLookup.server       = $LdapServer
$LdapConfiguration.directoryLookup.userName     = $LdapCredential.UserName
$LdapConfiguration.directoryLookup.password     = $LdapCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
$LdapConfiguration.directoryLookup.domain       = $LdapDomain
$LdapConfiguration.groups.admins                = $LdapAdminGroups 
$LdapConfiguration.attributes.userPrincipalName = "sAMAccountName"

$LdapConfiguration | Update-OciLdapConfiguration

Creating and restoring OCI

All available Backups on the OCI Server can be retrieved with


A backup can be created with and stored under C:\tmp

$Path = "C:\tmp"
Get-OciBackup -Path $Path

A backup can be restored with

$BackupLocation = "C:\tmp\
Restore-OciBackup -FilePath $BackupLocation

The latest Backup available on the OCI Server can be restored with

Get-OciBackups | Sort -Property Date -Descending | select -first 1 | Restore-OciBackup

Patch Management

Add a new patch

You can add new OCI Patches (and service packs) via the following commands (replace path to the patchfile you want to add):

$patchFile = "$HOME\Downloads\7.2_SP5_Patches\7.2_SP5_Patches\netapp_7mode\7.2_ici-4588_netap_api.patch"
Add-OciPatch -patchFile $patchFile

Check patch status

A new patch will be evaluated by OCI and if all datasources are either working as before, or improve from FAILED to SUCCESS, OCI will give a recommendation for approval of the patch


You can get individual patches with the conclusion OCI reached for each datasource with

Get-OciPatches | Get-OciPatch -datasourceConclusion

Rollback patches

If the patch caused new issues, then a rollback may be neccessary. This can be done with

$PatchesToBeRolledBack = Get-OciPatches | where { $_.Recommendation -eq "Rollback" }
$PatchesToBeRolledBack | Rollback-OciPatch

Approve patches

If the patch was successfull, it can be approved with

$PatchesToBeApproved = Get-OciPatches | where { $_.Recommendation -eq "Approve" }

Add patch notes

You can add a comment to a patch with the following command:

Get-OciPatches | Update-OciPatchNote -value "test"


If you encounter issues with timeouts, this may be due to slow OCI Servers or very large environments. Try increasing the Timout from the default of 600 seconds (10 minutes) when connecting to the OCI Server

$ServerName = 'localhost'
$Timeout = 1200
Connect-OciServer -Name $ServerName -Timeout $Timeout

Alternatively you can configure the timeout direcly using the $CurrentOciServer variable

$CurrentOciServer.Timeout = 1200