Initially, I wanted to use Visual Studio .NET 2017 to develop and deploy modules to IoT Edge but I quickly realised that Visual Studio Code currently provides better tooling for this.
This section only explains how to set up your development environment with Visual Studio Code as the main tool to develop for Azure IoT Edge.
What is required:
.NET Core SDK when modules are being developed in C#
Since IoT Edge modules are containers, Docker must be installed on the development machine.
To have a local development experience for creating, testing and debugging IoT Edge modules,
must be installed. Before being able to installiotedgehubdev
Python must be installed. When Python is installed, thepip
command line tool should be available as well. Run this command to installiotedgehubdev
:pip install --upgrade iotedgehubdev
Install Visual Studio Code if it hasn't been installed yet
The following extensions for Visual Studio Code must be added: