#Recent Changes
###Tutte ( - 1/12/2017
- [PUBDEV-3876] - Enable HDFS-like filesystems
- [PUBDEV-3816] - import functions required for r-release check
###Tutte ( - 12/22/2016
- [PUBDEV-3291] - Summary() doesn't update stats values when asfactor() is applied
- [PUBDEV-3498] - rectangular assign to a categorical column does not work (should be possible to assign either an existing level, or a new one)
- [PUBDEV-3618] - Numerical Column Names in H2O and R
- [PUBDEV-3690] - pred_noise_bandwidth parameter is not reproducible with seed
- [PUBDEV-3723] - Fix mktime() referencing from 0 base to 1 base for month and day
- [PUBDEV-3728] - Binary loss functions return error in GLRM
- [PUBDEV-3747] - python hist() plotted bars overlap
- [PUBDEV-3750] - Python set_levels doesn't change other methods
- [PUBDEV-3753] - h2o doc: glm grid search hyper parameters missing/incorrect listing. Presently glrm's is marked as glm's
- [PUBDEV-3764] - Partial Plot incorrectly calculates for constant categorical column
- [PUBDEV-3778] - h2o.proj_archetypes returns error if constant column is dropped in GLRM model
- [PUBDEV-3788] - GLRM loss by col produces error if constant columns are dropped
- [PUBDEV-3796] - isna() overwrites column names
- [PUBDEV-3812] - NullPointerException with Quantile GBM, cross validation, & sample_rate < 1
- [PUBDEV-3819] - R h2o.download_mojo broken - writes a 1 byte file
- [PUBDEV-3831] - Seed definition incorrect in R API for RF, GBM, GLM, NB
- [PUBDEV-3834] - h2o.glm: get AIOOB exception with xval and lambda search
- [PUBDEV-3482] - Supporting GLM binomial model to allow two arbitrary integer values
- [PUBDEV-3376] - Implement ISAX calculations per ISAX word
- [PUBDEV-3377] - Optimizations and final fixes for ISAX
- [PUBDEV-3664] - Implement GLM MOJO
- [PUBDEV-3501] - Variance metrics are missing from GLRM that are available in PCA
- [PUBDEV-3541] - py h2o.as_list() should not return headers
- [PUBDEV-3715] - Modify sum() calculation to work on rows or columns
- [PUBDEV-3737] - make sure that the generated R bindings work with StackedEnsemble
- [PUBDEV-3833] - Add HDP 2.5 Support
- [PUBDEV-3012] - Remove grid.sort_by method in Python API
- [PUBDEV-3695] - Documentation: Add GLM to list of algorithms that support MOJOs
- [PUBDEV-3791] - Documentation: Add quasibinomomial family in GLM
- [PUBDEV-3676] - Add SLURM cluster documentation
- [PUBDEV-3692] - Add memory check for GLRM before proceeding
- [PUBDEV-3765] - Check to make sure hinge loss works for GLRM
- [PUBDEV-3803] - Add parameters from _upload_python_object to H2OFrame constructor
- [PUBDEV-3804] - Refer to .h2o.jar.env when detaching R package
- [PUBDEV-3805] - Call on proper port when exiting R/detaching package
- [PUBDEV-3806] - Modify search for config file in R api
- [PUBDEV-3818] - properly handle url in R docs from autogen
- [PUBDEV-3256] - Documentation: As a GLM user, I want to be able to better understand the parameters
- [PUBDEV-3758] - Fix bad/inconsistent/empty categorical (bitset) splits for DRF/GBM
- [PUBDEV-3793] - Auto-generate R bindings
###Turnbull ( - 12/14/2016
- [PUBDEV-2801] - Starting h2o server from R ignores IP and port parameters
- [PUBDEV-3484] - Treat 1-element numeric list as acceptable when numeric input required
- [PUBDEV-3509] - h2o's cor() breaks R's native cor()
- [PUBDEV-3592] - h2o.get_grid isn't working
- [PUBDEV-3607] - `cor` function should properly pass arguments
- [PUBDEV-3629] - Avoid confusing error message when column name is not found.
- [PUBDEV-3631] - overwrite_with_best_model fails when using checkpoint
- [PUBDEV-3633] - plot.h2oModel in R no longer supports metrics with uppercase names (e.g. AUC)
- [PUBDEV-3642] - Fix citibike R demo
- [PUBDEV-3697] - Create an Attribute for Number of Interal Trees in Python
- [PUBDEV-3704] - Error with early stopping and score_tree_interval on GBM
- [PUBDEV-3735] - Python's coef() and coef_norm() should use column name not index
- [PUBDEV-3757] - Perfbar does not work for hierarchical path passed via -h2o_context
- [PUBDEV-3474] - Show Partial Dependence Plots in Flow
- [PUBDEV-3620] - Allow setting nthreads > 255.
- [PUBDEV-3700] - Add RMSE, MAE, RMSLE, and lift_top_group as stopping metrics
- [PUBDEV-3719] - Update h2o.mean in R to match Python API
- [PUBDEV-3579] - Document Partial Dependence Plot in Flow
- [PUBDEV-3621] - Add R endpoint for cumsum, cumprod, cummin, and cummax
- [PUBDEV-3649] - Modify correlation matrix calculation to match R
- [PUBDEV-3657] - Remove max_confusion_matrix_size from booklets & py doc
- [HEXDEV-645] - aggregator should calculate domain for enum columns in aggregated output frames & member frames based on current output or member frame
- [HEXDEV-658] - Naive Bayes (and maybe GLM): Drop limit on classes that can be predicted (currently 1000)
- [PUBDEV-3625] - Speed up GBM and DRF
- [PUBDEV-3756] - Support `-context_path` to change servlet path for REST API
- [PUBDEV-3279] - Adding a custom loss-function
###Turing ( - 11/7/2016
- [PUBDEV-3484] - Treat 1-element numeric list as acceptable when numeric input required
- [PUBDEV-3675] - Cannot determine file type
###Turing ( - 10/25/2016
- [PUBDEV-3546] - h2o.year() method does not return year
- [PUBDEV-3559] - Regression Training Metrics: Deviance and MAE were swapped
- [PUBDEV-3568] - h2o.max returns NaN even when na.rf condition is set to TRUE
- [PUBDEV-3593] - Fix display of array-valued entries in TwoDimTables such as grid search results
- [PUBDEV-3585] - Optimize algorithm for automatic estimation of K for K-Means
- [HEXDEV-646] - include flow, /3/ API accessible Aggregator model in h2o-3
###Turing ( - 10/10/2016
- [PUBDEV-3363] - R binding for new MOJO
- [PUBDEV-3384] - S3 API method PersistS3#uriToKey breaks expected contract
- [PUBDEV-3437] - GLM multinomial with defaults fails on attached dataset
- [PUBDEV-3441] - .structure() encounters list index out of bounds when nan is encountered in column
- [PUBDEV-3455] - max_active_predi tors option in glm does not work anymore
- [PUBDEV-3461] - Printed PCA model metrics in R is missing
- [PUBDEV-3477] - R - Unnecessary JDK requirement on Windows
- [PUBDEV-3505] - uuid columns with mostly missing values causes parse to fail.
- [HEXDEV-599] - Fold Column not available in h2o.grid
- [PUBDEV-1943] - Compute partial dependence data
- [PUBDEV-3422] - Create Method to Return Columns of Specific Type
- [PUBDEV-3491] - Find optimal number of clusters in K-Means
- [PUBDEV-3492] - Add optional categorical encoding schemes for GBM/DRF
- [PUBDEV-3327] - Tasks for completing MOJO support
- [PUBDEV-3444] - Ensure functions have `h2o.*` alias in R API
- [PUBDEV-3465] - Sync up functionality of download_mojo and download_pojo in R & Py
- [PUBDEV-3499] - Improve the stopping criterion for K-Means Lloyds iterations
- [HEXDEV-596] - Encryption of H2O communication channels
- [HEXDEV-636] - add option to Aggregator model to show ignored columns in output frame
###Turing ( - 9/19/2016
- [PUBDEV-3300] - NPE during categorical encoding with cross-validation (Windows 8 runit only??)
- [PUBDEV-3306] - H2OFrame arithmetic/statistical functions return inconsistent types
- [PUBDEV-3315] - Multi file parse fails with NPE
- [PUBDEV-3374] - h2o.hist() does not respect breaks
- [PUBDEV-3401] - importFiles, with s3n, gives NullPointerException
- [PUBDEV-3409] - Python Structure() Breaks When Applied to Entire Dataframe
- [PUBDEV-2707] - Diff operation on column in H2O Frame
- [HEXDEV-619] - calculate residuals in h2o-3 and in flow and create a new frame with a new column that contains the residuals
- [PUBDEV-2785] - Clean up Python booklet code in repo
- [PUBDEV-3296] - In R, allow x to be missing (meaning take all columns except y) for all supervised algo's
- [PUBDEV-3329] - median() should return a list of medians from an entire frame
- [PUBDEV-3334] - Conduct rbind and cbind on multiple frames
- [PUBDEV-3387] - Add argument to H2OFrame.print in R to specify number of rows
- [PUBDEV-3418] - Suppress chunk summary in describe()
###Turing ( - 8/25/2016
- [HEXDEV-608] - Hashmap in H2OIllegalArgumentException fails to deserialize & throws FATAL
- [PUBDEV-2879] - NPE in MetadataHandler
- [PUBDEV-3086] - hist() fails for constant numeric columns
- [PUBDEV-3173] - Client mode: flatfile requires list of all nodes, but a single entry node should be sufficient
- [PUBDEV-3207] - Make CreateFrame reproducible for categorical columns.
- [PUBDEV-3208] - Fix intermittency of categorical encoding via eigenvector.
- [PUBDEV-3211] - isBitIdentical is returning true for two Frames with different content
- [PUBDEV-3222] - AssertionError for DL train/valid with categorical encoding
- [PUBDEV-3237] - Wrong MAE for observation weights other than 1.
- [PUBDEV-3244] - H2ODriver for CDH5.7.0 does not accept memory settings
- [PUBDEV-3276] - H2OFrame.drop() leaves the frame in inconsistent state
- [PUBDEV-3007] - Implement skewness calculation for H2O Frames
- [PUBDEV-3008] - Implement kurtosis calculation for H2O Frames
- [PUBDEV-3128] - Add ability to do a deep copy in Python API
- [PUBDEV-3163] - Add docs for h2o.make_metrics() for R and Python
- [PUBDEV-3218] - Add RMSLE to model metrics
- [PUBDEV-3264] - Return unique values of a categorical column as a Pythonic list
- [PUBDEV-3235] - Refactor and simplify implementation of Pearson Correlation
- [PUBDEV-3238] - Add MAE to CV Summary
- [PUBDEV-2702] - Create h2o.* functions for H2O primitives
- [PUBDEV-3098] - Add methods to get actual and default parameters of a model
- [PUBDEV-3132] - Add ability to drop a list of columns or a subset of rows from an H2OFrame
- [PUBDEV-3138] - Ensure all is*() functions return a list
###Turing ( - 7/29/2016
- [PUBDEV-2805] - Error when setting a string column to a single value in R/Py
- [PUBDEV-2965] - R h2o.merge() ignores by.x and by.y
- [PUBDEV-3135] - Download Logs broken URL from Flow
- [PUBDEV-2958] - H2O Version Check
- [PUBDEV-3022] - Add an h2o.concat function equivalent to pandas.concat
- [PUBDEV-3050] - Add Huber loss function for GBM and DL (for regression)
- [PUBDEV-3071] - Add RMSE to model metrics
- [PUBDEV-3104] - Add Mean Absolute Error to Model Metrics
- [PUBDEV-3108] - Add mean absolute error to scoring history and model plotting
- [PUBDEV-3116] - Add categorical encoding schemes for DL and Aggregator
- [PUBDEV-3155] - Compute supervised ModelMetrics from predicted and actual values in Java/R
- [PUBDEV-3162] - Compute supervised ModelMetrics from predicted and actual values in Python
- [PUBDEV-1888] - Implement gradient checking for DL
- [PUBDEV-2627] - Add better warning message to functions of H2OModelMetrics objects
- [PUBDEV-3021] - Add demo datasets to Python package
- [PUBDEV-3113] - Replace "MSE" with "RMSE" in scoring history table
- [PUBDEV-3122] - Make all TwoDimTable Headers Pythonic in R and Python API
- [PUBDEV-3129] - Achieve consistency between DL and GBM/RF scoring history in regression case
- [PUBDEV-3131] - Disable R^2 stopping criterion in tree model builders
- [PUBDEV-3149] - Remove R^2 from all model output except GLM
###Turin ( - 7/15/2016
- [PUBDEV-3040] - File parse from S3 extremely slow
- [PUBDEV-3145] - Fix Deep Learning POJO for hidden dropout other than 0.5
###Turin ( - 7/1/2016
- [PUBDEV-898] - DRF: sample_rate=1 not permitted unless validation is performed
- [PUBDEV-2087] - create a set of tests which create large POJOs for each algo and compiles them
- [PUBDEV-2322] - Merge (method="radix") bug1
- [PUBDEV-2325] - Merge (method="radix") bug2
- [PUBDEV-2565] - Fold Column not available in h2o.grid
- [PUBDEV-2964] - h2o.merge(,method="radix") failing 15/40 runs
- [PUBDEV-3030] - Parse: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 0 > -2147483648
- [PUBDEV-3032] - Cached errors are not printed if H2O exits
- [PUBDEV-3072] - java.lang.ClassCastException for Quantile GBM
- [PUBDEV-3077] - model_summary number of trees is too high for multinomial DRF/GBM models
- [PUBDEV-3079] - NPE when accessing invalid null Frame cache in a Frame's vecs()
- [PUBDEV-3081] - TwoDimTable version of a Frame prints missing value (NA) as 0
- [PUBDEV-3089] - Fix tree split finding logic for some cases where min_rows wasn't satisfied and the entire column was no longer considered even if there were allowed split points
- [PUBDEV-3093] - saveModel and loadModel don't work with windows c:/ paths
- [PUBDEV-3095] - getStackTrace fails on NumberFormatException
- [PUBDEV-3096] - TwoDimTable for Frame Summaries doesn't always show the full precision
- [PUBDEV-3097] - DRF OOB scoring isn't using observation weights
- [PUBDEV-3099] - AIOOBE when calling 'getModel' in Flow while a GLM model is training
- [PUBDEV-2681] - Properly document the addition of missing_values_handling arg to GLM
- [PUBDEV-1617] - Matt's new merge (aka join) integrated into H2O
- [PUBDEV-2822] - Improved handling of missing values in tree models (training and testing)
- [PUBDEV-3060] - IPv6 documentation
- [PUBDEV-3066] - Stop GBM models once the effective learning rate drops below 1e-6.
- [PUBDEV-3094] - Log input parameters during boot of H2O
###Turchin ( - 6/10/2016
- [PUBDEV-2920] - Python apply() doesn't recognize % (modulo) within lambda function
- [PUBDEV-2940] - Documentation: Add RoundRobin histogram_type to GBM/DRF
- [PUBDEV-2957] - Add "seed" option to GLM in documentation
- [PUBDEV-2973] - Documentation: Update supported Hadoop versions
- [PUBDEV-2981] - Models hang when max_runtime_secs is too small
- [PUBDEV-2982] - Default min/max_mem_size to gigabytes in h2o.init
- [PUBDEV-2997] - Add "ignore_const_cols" argument to glm and gbm for Python API
- [PUBDEV-2999] - AIOOBE in GBM if no nodes are split during tree building
- [PUBDEV-3004] - Negative R^2 (now NaN) can prevent early stopping
- [PUBDEV-3011] - Two grid sorting methods in Py API - only one works sometimes
- [PUBDEV-2743] - Add seed argument to GLM
- [PUBDEV-2917] - Add cor() function to Rapids
- [PUBDEV-3005] - Verify checkpoint argument in h2o.gbm (for R)
- [PUBDEV-2040] - Sync up argument names in `h2o.init` between R and Python
- [PUBDEV-2996] - Change `getjar` to `get_jar` in h2o.download_pojo in R
- [PUBDEV-2998] - Change min_split_improvement default value from 0 to 1e-5 for GBM/DRF
- [PUBDEV-3013] - Allow specification of "AUC" or "auc" or "Auc" for stopping_metrics, sorting of grids, etc.
###Turchin ( - 6/2/2016
- [PUBDEV-2985] - Make Random grid search consistent between clients for same parameters
- [PUBDEV-2987] - Allow learn_rate_annealing to be passed to H2OGBMEstimator constructor in Python API
- [PUBDEV-2989] - Fix typo in GBM/DRF Python API for col_sample_rate_change_per_level - was misnamed and couldn't be set
- [PUBDEV-2979] - Add a new metric: mean misclassification error for classification models
- [PUBDEV-2972] - No longer print negative R^2 values - show NaN instead
- [PUBDEV-2984] - Add xval=True/False as an option to model_performance() in Python API
###Turchin ( - 5/24/2016
- [PUBDEV-1899] - Number of active predictors is off by 1 when Intercept is included
- [PUBDEV-2942] - GLM with cross-validation AIOOBE (+ Grid-Search + Multinomial, may be related)
- [PUBDEV-2943] - Improved accuracy for histogram_type="QuantilesGlobal" for DRF/GBM
- [PUBDEV-1705] - GLM needs 'seed' argument for new (random) implementation of n-folds
- [PUBDEV-2743] - Add seed argument to GLM
- [PUBDEV-2928] - Remove _Dev from file name _DataScienceH2O-Dev
- [PUBDEV-2945] - Clean up overly long and duplicate error message in KeyV3
- [PUBDEV-2953] - Allow the user to pass column types of an existing H2OFrame during Parse/Upload in R and Python
- [PUBDEV-2954] - Tweak Parser Heuristic
- [PUBDEV-2955] - GLM improvements and fixes
###Turchin ( - 5/19/2016
- [PUBDEV-2909] - Documentation update for relevel
- [PUBDEV-2282] - DRF: cannot compile pojo
- [PUBDEV-2304] - GBM pojo compile failures
- [PUBDEV-2878] - Bug in h2o-py H2OScaler.inverse_transform()
- [PUBDEV-2880] - Add NAOmit() to Rapids
- [PUBDEV-2897] - AIOOBE in Vec.factor (due to Parse bug?)
- [PUBDEV-2903] - In grid search, max_runtime_secs without max_models hangs
- [PUBDEV-2933] - GBM's fold_assignment = "Stratified" breaks with missing values in response column
- [PUBDEV-2729] - Implement h2o.relevel, equivalent of base R's relevel function
- [PUBDEV-2857] - Add Kerberos authentication to Flow
- [PUBDEV-2893] - Summaries Fail in rdemo.citi.bike.small.R
- [PUBDEV-2895] - DimReduction for EasyModelAPI
- [PUBDEV-2915] - Make histograms truly adaptive (quantiles-based) for DRF/GBM
- [PUBDEV-2902] - Add a list of gridable parameters to the docs
- [PUBDEV-2904] - Add relevel() to Python API
- [PUBDEV-2905] - Improve the progress bar based on max_runtime_secs & max_models & actual work
- [PUBDEV-2908] - Improve GBM/DRF reproducibility for fixed parameters and hardware
- [PUBDEV-2911] - Check sanity of random grid search parameters (max_models and max_runtime_secs)
- [PUBDEV-2912] - Add Job's remaining time to Flow
- [PUBDEV-2919] - Add enum option 'histogram_type' to DRF/GBM (and remove random_split_points)
- [PUBDEV-2923] - JUnit: Separate POJO namespace during junit testing
###Turchin ( - 4/25/2016
- [PUBDEV-2852] - Incorrect sparse chunk getDoubles() extraction
- [PUBDEV-2825] - Create h2o.get_grid
- [PUBDEV-2834] - Implement distributed Aggregator for visualization
- [PUBDEV-2835] - Add col_sample_rate_change_per_level for GBM/DRF
- [PUBDEV-2836] - Add learn_rate_annealing for GBM
- [PUBDEV-2837] - Add random cut points for histograms in DRF/GBM (ExtraTreesClassifier)
- [PUBDEV-2851] - Add limit on max. leaf node contribution for GBM
- [PUBDEV-2848] - Add tests for early stopping logic (stopping_rounds > 0)
- [PUBDEV-2877] - Make NA split decisions internally more consistent
###Turchin ( - 4/8/2016
- [PUBDEV-2820] - Implement max_runtime_secs to limit total runtime of building GLM models with and without cross-validation enabled
- [PUBDEV-2815] - Add stratified sampling per-tree for DRF/GBM
###Turchin ( - 4/7/2016
- [PUBDEV-2766] - AIOOBE for quantile regression with stochastic GBM
- [PUBDEV-2770] - Naive Bayes AIOOBE
- [PUBDEV-2772] - AIOOBE for GBM if test set has different number of classes than training set
- [PUBDEV-2775] - Number of CPUs incorrect in Flow when using a hypervisor
- [PUBDEV-2796] - Grid search runtime isn't enforced for CV models
- [PUBDEV-2819] - AIOOBE in GLM for dense rows in sparse data
- [PUBDEV-2540] - Compute and display statistics of cross-validation model metrics
- [PUBDEV-2774] - Add keep_cross_validation_fold_assignment and more CV accessors
- [PUBDEV-2776] - Set initial weights and biases for DL models
- [PUBDEV-2791] - Control min. relative squared error reduction for a node to split (DRF/GBM)
- [PUBDEV-2806] - On-the-fly interactions for GLM
- [PUBDEV-2815] - Add stratified sampling per-tree for DRF/GBM
- [PUBDEV-2055] - Create test cases to show that POJO prediction behavior can be different than in-h2o-model prediction behavior
- [PUBDEV-2620] - Populate start/end/duration time in milliseconds for all models
- [PUBDEV-2695] - Consistent handling of missing categories in GBM/DRF (and between H2O and POJO)
- [PUBDEV-2736] - Alert the user if columns can't be histogrammed due to numerical extremities
- [PUBDEV-2756] - GLM should generate error if user enter an alpha value greater than 1.
- [PUBDEV-2763] - Create full holdout prediction frame for cross-validation predictions
- [PUBDEV-2769] - Support Validation Frame and Cross-Validation for Naive Bayes
- [PUBDEV-2810] - Add class_sampling_factors argument to DRF/GBM for R and Python APIs
###Turan ( - 3/16/16
- [PUBDEV-542] - KMeans: Size of clusters in Model Output is different from the labels generated on the training set
- [PUBDEV-1976] - GLM fails on negative alpha
- [PUBDEV-2718] - countmatches bug
- [PUBDEV-2727] - bug in processTables in communication.R
- [PUBDEV-2742] - Allow strings to be set to NA
- [PUBDEV-2719] - Implement Shannon entropy for a string
- [PUBDEV-2720] - Implement proportion of substrings that are valid English words
- [PUBDEV-2733] - Add utility function, h2o.ensemble_performance for ensemble and base learner metrics
- [PUBDEV-2741] - Add date/time and string columns to createFrame.
- [PUBDEV-58] - Certify sparkling water on CDH5.2
- [PUBDEV-277] - Make python equivalent of as.h2o() work for numpy array and pandas arrays
###Turan ( - 3/6/16
- [PUBDEV-2644] - Collinear columns cause NPE for P-values computation
- [PUBDEV-2721] - Update default values in h2o.glm.wrapper from -1 and NaN to NULL
- [PUBDEV-2722] - AIOOBE in NewChunk
- [PUBDEV-2111] - Hive UDF form for Scoring Engine POJO for H2O Models
###Turan ( - 3/4/16
- [PUBDEV-2713] - /3/scalaint fails with a 404
- [PUBDEV-2711] - Allow DL models to be pretrained on unlabeled data with an autoencoder
- [PUBDEV-2708] - H2O Flow does not contain CodeMirror library
- [PUBDEV-2710] - Model export fails: parent directory does not exist
- [PUBDEV-2712] - Flow doesn't show DL AE error (MSE) plot
- [PUBDEV-2717] - Do not compute expensive quantiles during h2o.summary call
###Turan ( - 3/3/16
- [PUBDEV-2705] - implement random (stochastic) hyperparameter search
- [PUBDEV-2639] - Parse: Incorrect assertion error caused by very large few column data
- [PUBDEV-2649] - h2o::|,& operator handles NA's differently than base::|,&
- [PUBDEV-2655] - h2o::as.logical behavior is different than base::as.logical
- [PUBDEV-2682] - Importing CSV file is not working with "java -jar h2o.jar -nthreads -1"
- [PUBDEV-2685] - Allow DL reproducible mode to work with user-given train_samples_per_iteration >= 0
- [PUBDEV-2690] - Grid Search NPE during Flow display after grid was cancelled
- [PUBDEV-2693] - NPE in initialMSE computation for GBM
- [PUBDEV-2696] - DL checkpoint restart doesn't honor a change in stopping_rounds
- [PUBDEV-1883] - Add option to train with mini-batch updates for DL
- [PUBDEV-2698] - Return leaf node assignments for DRF + GBM
- [PUBDEV-2674] - Change default functionality of as_data_frame method in Py H2O
- [PUBDEV-2697] - Add method setNames for setting column names on H2O Frame
- [PUBDEV-2703] - NPE in Log.write during cluster shutdown
###Tukey ( - 2/23/16
The following changes are improvements to existing features (which includes changed default values):
- PUBDEV-2362: Handling Sparsity with Missing Values
- PUBDEV-2683: Fix for erroneous conversion of NaNs to zeros during rebalancing
- PUBDEV-2684: Remove bigdata test file (not available)
####Bug Fixes
The following changes resolve incorrect software behavior:
- PUBDEV-2678: CV models during grid search get overwritten
- PUBDEV-2648: Di/trigamma handle NA
- PUBDEV-2679: Progress bar for grid search with N-fold CV is wrong when max_models is given
###Tukey ( - 2/10/16
####New Features
These changes represent features that have been added since the previous release:
- PUBDEV-1798: Ability to conduct a randomized grid search with optional limit of max. number of models or max. runtime
- PUBDEV-1822: Add score_tree_interval to GBM to score every n'th tree
- PUBDEV-2311: Make it easy for clients to sort by model metric of choice
- PUBDEV-2548: Add ability to set a maximum runtime limit on all models
- PUBDEV-2632: Return a grid search summary as a table with desired sort order and metric
- HEXDEV-495: Added ability to calculate GLM p-values for non-regularized models
- PUBDEV-853: Implemented gain/lift computation to allow using predicted data to evaluate the model performance
- PUBDEV-2118: Compute the lift metric for binomial classification models
- PUBDEV-2212: Add absolute loss (Laplace distribution) to GBM and Deep Learning
- PUBDEV-2402: Add observations weights to quantile computation
- PUBDEV-2469: For GBM/DRF, add ability to pick columns to sample from once per tree, instead of at every level
- PUBDEV-2594: Quantile regression for GBM and Deep Learning
- PUBDEV-2625: Add recall and specificity to default ROC metrics
- HEXDEV-399: Added support for Python 3.5 and better (in addition to existing support for 2.7 and better)
The following changes are improvements to existing features (which includes changed default values):
- PUBDEV-2233: Adjust string substitution and global string substitution to do in place updates on a string column.
- PUBDEV-1981: Fix layout issues of Python docs.
- PUBDEV-2335: as.numeric for a string column only converts strings to ints rather than reals
- PUBDEV-2257: Table printout in Python doesn't warn the user about truncation
- PUBDEV-2460: Version mismatch message directs user to get a matching download
- HEXDEV-527: Implement secure Python h2o.init
- PUBDEV-2504: Check and print a warning if a proxy environment variable is found
- PUBDEV-2335: as.numeric for a string column only converts strings to ints rather than reals
- PUBDEV-2257: Table printout in R doesn't warn the user about truncation
- PUBDEV-2430: Improve R's reporting on quantiles
- PUBDEV-2460: Version mismatch message directs user to get a matching download
- PUBDEV-2407: Improve model convergence plots in Flow
- PUBDEV-2596: Flow shows empty logloss box for regression models
- PUBDEV-2617: Flow's histogram doesn't cover the full support
- HEXDEV-436: exportFile should be a real job and have a progress bar
- PUBDEV-2459: Improve parse chunk size heuristic for better use of cores on small data sets
- PUBDEV-2606: Print all columns to stdout for Hadoop jobs for easier debugging
####Bug Fixes
The following changes resolve incorrect software behavior:
- PUBDEV-2633: Ability to extend grid searches with more models
- PUBDEV-1867: GLRM with Simplex Fails with Infinite Objective
- PUBDEV-2114: Set GLM to give error when lower bound > upper bound in beta contraints
- PUBDEV-2190: Set GLM to default to a value of rho = 0, if rho is not provided when beta constraints are used
- PUBDEV-2210: Add check for epochs value when using checkpointing in deep learning
- PUBDEV-2241: Set warnings about slowness from wide column counts comes before building a model, not after
- PUBDEV-2278: Fix docstring reporting in iPython
- PUBDEV-2366: Fix display of scoring speed for autoencoder
- PUBDEV-2426: GLM gives different std. dev. and means than expected
- PUBDEV-2595: Bad (perceived) quality of DL models during cross-validation due to internal weights handling
- PUBDEV-2626: GLM with weights gives different answer h2o vs R
- PUBDEV-2319: sd not working inside group_by
- PUBDEV-2403: Parser reads file of empty strings as 0 rows
- PUBDEV-2404: Empty strings in Python objects parsed as missing
- PUBDEV-2319: sd not working inside group_by
- PUBDEV-2231: Fix bug in summary when zero-count categoricals were present.
- PUBDEV-1749: Fix h2o.apply to correctly handle functions (so long as functions contain only H2O supported primitives)
- PUBDEV-1872: Ability to ignore 0-byte files during parse
- PUBDEV-2401: /Jobs fails if you build a Model and then overwrite it in the DKV with any other type
- PUBDEV-2603: Improve progress bar for grid/hyper-param searches
###Tibshirani ( - 12/7/15
####New Features
These changes represent features that have been added since the previous release:
- PUBDEV-2189: H2O now allows selection of the
flag in GLM for R and Python
- PUBDEB-1540: Added Generalized Low-Rank Model (GLRM) algorithm
- PUBDEV-2119: Added gains/lift computation
- GitHub commit: Added
parameter to GLM
- PUBDEV-2079: R now retrieves column types for a H2O Frame more efficiently
- PUBDEV-2294: Added Python equivalent for
- PUBDEV-2233: Added
to Python client - GitHub commit: Added weighted quantiles to Python API
- PUBDEV-1304: Added
operator to Python - PUBDEV-1969: H2O now plots decision boundaries for classifiers in Python
The following changes are improvements to existing features (which includes changed default values):
- GitHub commit: Change in behavior in GLM beta constraints - when ignoring constant/bad columns, remove them from
as well - GitHub commit: Added
to all algos - PUBDEV-2311: Improved ability to sort by model metric of choice in client
- PUBDEV-2409: H2O now checks for
env variable in Python GitHub commit - GitHub commit: H2O now allows l/r values to be null or an empty string
- GitHub commit: H2O now accomodates
- PUBDEV-1378: In R,
previously returned a list of one, now it just returns the string
- GitHub commit: Added more tweaks to help various low-memory configurations
####Bug Fixes
The following changes resolve incorrect software behavior:
- PUBDEV-2042:
failed when REST API version was not default - PUBDEV-2401:
failed if you built a Model and then overwrote it in the DKV with any other type GitHub commit - PUBDEV-2392:
failed with exception after running/3/SplitFrame
- GitHub commit: PUBDEV-2426 - Fixed error where sd and mean were adjusted to weights even if no observation weights were passed
- PUBDEV-2396: GLRM validation frames must have the same number of rows as the training frame
- PUBDEV-2053: Fixed assertion failure in Deep Learning
- PUBDEV-2315: Could not compile POJO using K-means
- PUBDEV-2317: Could not compile POJO using PCA
- PUBDEV-2320: Could not compile POJO using Naive Bayes
- GitHub commit: Fixed weighted mean and standard deviation computation in GLM
- GitHub commit: Fixed stopping criteria for lambda search and multinomial in GLM
- PUBDEV-2262: H2OFrame indexing was no longer Pythonic on Bleeding Edge 10/23
- PUBDEV-2278: Trying to get help in python client displayed the frame
- PUBDEV-2371: Fixed ASTEQ
bug GitHub commit
- PUBDEV-1749:
did not correctly handle functions - PUBDEV-2335: R: as.numeric for a string column only converted strings to ints rather than reals
- PUBDEV-2319: R:
was not working insidegroup_by
- PUBDEV-2397: R: Ignore Constant Columns was not an argument in Algos in R like it is in Flow
- PUBDEV-2134: When a dataset was sliced, the int mapping of enums was returned
- PUBDEV-2408: Improved handling when H2O has already been shutdown in R GitHub commit
- PUBDEV-2231: Fixed categorical levels mapping bug
- PUBDEV-2403: Parser read file of empty strings as 0 rows GitHub commit
- PUBDEV-2404: Empty strings in python objects were parsed as missing GitHub commit
- PUBDEV-2375: Save Model (Deeplearning): the filename for the model metrics file is too long for windows to handle
- GitHub commit: Fixed streaming load bug for large files
- PUBDEV-2241: Column width slowness warning now prints before model build, not after
###Tibshirani ( - 11/23/15
The following changes are improvements to existing features (which includes changed default values):
- GitHub commit: Added Iterations and Epochs to DL job status updates, added Iterations to scoring history
- GitHub commit: Cleaned up iteration counter to work for checkpointing
- GitHub commit: Cleaned up counter iteration logic
####Bug Fixes
The following changes resolve incorrect software behavior:
- GitHub commit: Fixed scoring speed display for autoencoder, was showing 0 because wrong runtime was used (ms since 1970 instead of actual runtime)
###Tibshirani ( - 11/5/15
####New Features
- GitHub commit: Added support for grid search
- PUBDEV-2272: Implemented GLRM grid search in R and Python
- GitHub commit: PUBDEV-2289: Enabled early convergence-based stopping by default for Deep Learning
- GitHub commit: Added L1+LBFGS solver for multinomial GLM
- GitHub commit: PUBDEV-2289: Added Python API for convergence-based stopping
- GitHub commit: Added
toDelete InitID
- GitHub commit: PUBDEV-2289: Enabled convergence-based early stopping for R API of Deep Learning
- GitHub commit: Enable grid search for Deep Learning parameters
, &elastic_averaging_regularization
- GitHub commit: PUBDEV-2289: Stopping tolerance and stopping metric are no longer hidden if
is 0 - GitHub commit: Added checks to verify the mean, median, nrow, var, and sd are calculated correctly in
- GitHub commit:
now return lists
- GitHub commit: [PUBDEV-2257] H2O now gives users [row x col] of Frame in
- GitHub commit:
is now sampled forgroup_by
- GitHub commit: Parameter checking is now split between float and strings/unicode
- GitHub commit: H2O now only wipes
- GitHub commit: Refactored default arg handling in
- GitHub commit: Added new parameters to estimators
- GitHub commit: Added session start/end; Python now ends the session on exit
- GitHub commit:
types are now checked forNone
- GitHub commit: H2O now passes caches through all prefix ops
- GitHub commit: H2O now pushes cached types, names, and ncols forward if possible
- PUBDEV-1951: Removed the R backward compatibility shim
- GitHub commit: Added [rows x cols] to
in R - GitHub commit:
can now aliassdev
- GitHub commit: Changed
- GitHub commit: Removed debug printing of
==Finalizer on
in R - GitHub commit: Added metalearning function
- HEXDEV-475: Added EasyPOJO comments and improvements
- GitHub commit: [PUBDEV-2204] Enabled
to convert string columns to categorical columns - GitHub commit:
now works in
####Bug Fixes
- PUBDEV-2317: PCA: Could not compile POJO
- GitHub commit: [PUBDEV-2317] Incorrect PCA code was generated
- GitHub commit: PUBDEV-2297: Python was not updating exception on job update
- GitHub commit: Added missing arguments to DRF/GBM/DL in scikit-learn-like API
- GitHub commit: Fixed
in Python - GitHub commit: Restored
- GitHub commit: Fixed reference to
in H2O module
- GitHub commit: [PUBDEV-2301, PUBDEV-2314] Hidden grid parameter was passed incorrectly from R
- GitHub commit: H2O now uses deep copy when using
from one global to another - GitHub commit: Fixed
and directoryunlink
- PUBDEV-1824:
failed to launch on the Docker image - PUBDEV-2043: Deep Learning generated an assertion error
- GitHub commit: Fixed rm handling of non-frames
- GitHub commit: Fixed
- GitHub commit: Fixed eq2 slot assign
- GitHub commit: Fixed a bug found during benchmarking for small data
- GitHub commit: PUBDEV-2295: User-given weights were accidentally passed to N-fold CV models
- GitHub commit: Fixed NPE in Grid Schema
- GitHub commit: PUBDEV-2289: Convergence checks are now numerically stable
###Slotnick (
####New Features
- GitHub commit: Added
- PUBDEV-674: Added REST API and R / Python for grid search
- GitHub commit: Added option in PCA to use randomized subspace iteration method for calculation
- GitHub commit: Deep Learning: Added
to R and Python client APIs - GitHub commit: PUBDEV-1247: Added stochastic GBM parameters (
) to R/Py APIs - PUBDEV-1450: GLRM has been tested and removed from "experimental" status
- GitHub commit: Added support for H2O with HDP2.3
- GitHub commit: Added
method - PUBDEV-2166: Added Python grid client GitHub commit
- PUBDEV-2098: Scoring history in Python is now visualized (GitHub commit)
- GitHub commit: PUBDEV-2020: Python implementation and test for
This software release introduces changes to the R API that may cause previously written R scripts to be inoperable. For more information, refer to the following link.
- GitHub commit: Added
to the R wrapper - GitHub commit: Added ability to set
with a named list - GitHub commit: Added
to get the back-end distributed key/value store ID from a Frame - GitHub commit: Added column types to H2O frame in R, which allows R to set the correct column types when
is used on an H2O frame - GitHub commit: Added
for exported R functions
- GitHub commit: Added string length util for Enum columns
- [GitHub commit: Added pass-through version of
, andtoStringVec()
for code simplicity and backwards compatibility - GitHub commit: Added string column handling to
#####Web UI
- PUBDEV-1977: Added grid search to Flow web UI
- PUBDEV-467: Show Frames for DL weights/biases in Flow
is now configurable - GitHub commit: Deep Learning: Scoring time is now shown in the logs
- GitHub commit: Sped up GBM split finding by dynamically switching between single and multi-threaded based on workload
- PUBDEV-1247: Implemented Stochastic GBM
- GitHub commit: Parallelized split finding for GBM/DRF (useful for large numbers of columns and nbins).
- GitHub commit: Added improvements to speed up DRF (up to 35% faster) and stochastic GBM (up to 5x faster)
- GitHub commit: Added some straight-forward optimizations for GBM histogram building
- GitHub commit: GLRM is now deterministic between one vs. many chunks
- GitHub commit: Input parameters are now immutable
- GitHub commit: PUBDEV-2135: Cleaned up N-fold CV model parameter sanity checking and error message propagation; now checks all N-fold model parameters upfront and lets the main model carry the message to the user
- GitHub commit: PUBDEV-2130: N-fold CV models are no longer deleted when the main model is deleted
- GitHub commit: PUBDEV-2107: The title in
is now editable - GitHub commit: Parse Python lambda (bytecode -> ast -> rapids)
- GitHub commit: PUBDEV-1847: Cleaned up/refactored GBM/DRF
- GitHub commit: Updated MeanSquare to Quadratic for DL
- GitHub commit: PUBDEV-2133: Speed up Enum mapping between train/test from O(N^2) to O(N*log(N))
- GitHub commit: Added GLRM scoring history with step size and average change in objective function value
- GitHub commit: SVD now outputs the V matrix as a frame with a frame key, rather than a double array in the API
- GitHub commit: Modified k-means++ initialization in GLRM to set X to inverse of cluster distance with sum normalized to one, for each observation in training data
- GitHub commit: Increased GBM worker thread priority to avoid deadlock with high parallel GBM job counts
- GitHub commit: Added input parameter
- GitHub commit:
is now returned as a list of columns - GitHub commit:
no longer returns an ID; updated ExprNode_to_string
to accomodate - GitHub commit: Changed default setting for
to false - GitHub commit: Fixed var to return scalar/frame based on
- GitHub commit: Python now checks
, notnrow
- PUBDEV-1060: Python's
now matches R'simportFile()
parameters where applicable - PUBDEV-1960: Python now uses the streaming endpoint
- PUBDEV-2223: Added normalization and standardization coefficients to the model output in Python
- GitHub commit: Renamed
to avoid conflict with original logging package - GitHub commit: H2O now recognizes additional parameters (such as column names) for Python objects
- GitHub commit:
no longer download the entire dataset - GitHub commit: Truncated DF in
before calling/DownloadDataset
- GitHub commit:
now default to pretty printing in Python - GitHub commit: Moved setup functionality from parse to parse setup;
can now be dictionaries - GitHub commit: Updated
to supply extra argument - GitHub commit: PUBDEV-2174: Relative tolerance is now used for floating point comparison
- GitHub commit: Added more cloud health output to
- GitHub commit: When Pandas frames are returned, they are now wrapped to display nicely in iPython
- GitHub commit: Added null check
- PUBDEV-2185: When appending a vec to an existing data frame, H2O now creates a new data frame while still keeping the original frame in memory
- PUBDEV-1959: R now uses the streaming endpoint
- PUBDEV-2020:
in R/Python now uses therunif
technique instead of the horizontal slice technique - GitHub commit: Changed
- GitHub commit:
package is now required forrversions
package - GitHub commit: Package dependencies are taken into account when installing R packages
- GitHub commit: Metrics are now always computer if a dataset is provided (R
call) - GitHub commit: Column names are now fetched from H2O
- GitHub commit: PUBDEV-2150: Time columns in H2O are now imported as Date columns in R
- GitHub commit:
now returnsdata.frame
- GitHub commit:
now returns the whole frame - GitHub commit: Removed unnamed additional parameters (ellipses) in R algos
- GitHub commit: Added
to Rapids implementation - GitHub commit: Updated
in R - GitHub commit: Updated scoring history plot in R for
only - GitHub commit: Instead of
is now used - GitHub commit: Raw strings are now used as accessors
- GitHub commit:
are now visible
- GitHub commit: Added vertical prefetch of all chunks' worth of data for dense rows
- PUBDEV-1426: Scoring is now a non-blocking job with a progress bar
- GitHub commit: EasyPojo API is now serializable
- GitHub commit: Changed parse setup guess when encountering large NA counts to not favor numeric over dates or UUIDs
- GitHub commit: Refactored vector type conversion methods into a class called VecUtils
- GitHub commit: Cleaned up ASTStrList to handle frames with more than one vector during column conversion; checks types before converting; added several new column type conversions
- GitHub commit: If the job is cancelled, scoring is now canceled
- GitHub commit: Refactored
doAll_numericResult() -> doAll(nout, type, frame)
where all output vecs are of the given type - GitHub commit: Improved hash function
- GitHub commit: The output of
is now passed to a Frame - GitHub commit: Refactored binary/col ops for aesthetics and maintainability
- GitHub commit: Added correct types for new Vecs;
now exports a utility for enum conversions instead of a constructor - GitHub commit: Mean/sigma values are now printed to the logs after parsing
- GitHub commit: PUBDEV-2174: Added some optimizations for some chunks (mostly integers) in RollupStats
- GitHub commit: PUBDEV-2174: Added instantiations of Rollups for dense numeric chunks
- GitHub commit: PUBDEV-2174: Implemented single-pass variance/stddev calculation for rollups
- GitHub commit: PUBDEV-2174: Added
for chunks - GitHub commit: Reordered args in sub/gsub (
,add string
- GitHub commit: Ensured all chunks get closed
- GitHub commit:
now accepts a Java string or BufferedString, eliminating needless conversion to a BufferedString before inserting into the NewChunk buffer. Improves efficiency of several ASTStrOps as well as converting Categorical columns to String columns. - GitHub commit: Renamed enums to categoricals system-wide
- GitHub commit: Renamed
- GitHub commit: Removed redundant frame creation; added Java comments to each string utility; changed RAPIDS name of
; added nchar utility to the R client; updated comments in Python and R client - GitHub commit: All NA chunks are now handled in string ops
- GitHub commit: Added ability for string utils to handle NA chunks
- GitHub commit: Added the ability to handle duplicate rows to merge
- GitHub commit:
utilities now only work on string columns - GitHub commit: Changed names of
; both methods now only accept string columns as input - GitHub commit: Changed
to only work on string columns; includes an optimzied version of each method as well as a UTF-safe version - GitHub commit: CStrChunks now track whether they are pure ASCII to allow StringUtilities to use optimized versions of the utilities that operate directly on the string buffer
- GitHub commit: Moved frame function to ArrayUtils
- GitHub commit: Removed categorical versions of
- GitHub commit: Changed the merge defaults to match the implementation
- GitHub commit: Merge no longer uses a
argument - GitHub commit: Added
functionality for string columns - GitHub commit: HEXDEV-442: Improved POJO handling
- GitHub commit: Config files are now transferred using a hexstring to avoid issues with Hadoop XML parsing
- GitHub commit: HEXDEV-445: Added
check - GitHub commit: Means, mults, modes, and size now do bulk rollups
- GitHub commit: Increased priority of model builder Driver classes to prevent deadlock when bulk-launching parallel unrelated model builds
- GitHub commit: Renamed Currents to Rapids
- GitHub commit: CRAN-based R clients are now set to opt-out by default
- GitHub commit: Assembly states are now saved in the DKV
#####Web UI
- PUBDEV-1961: Flow now uses the streaming endpoit
####Bug Fixes
- GitHub commit: Fixed bug with
- PUBDEV-1664: Corrected math for GBM Tweedie with offsets/weights
- PUBDEV-1665: Corrected math for GBM Poisson with offsets/weights
- PUBDEV-2130: Deleting Deep Learning n-fold models resulted in a
- GitHub commit: Fixed GLM with nfolds
- GitHub commit: Updated GLM InitTsk to run at +1 priority level to avoid deadlock when launching hundreds of GLMs in parallel
- GitHub commit: Column names (feature names) are now named correctly for the exported weight matrix connecting the input to the first hidden layer
- GitHub commit: Changed
- GitHub commit: Cleaned up DRF and GBM; fixed checkpoint restart logic for trees and changed which parameters are configurable
- GitHub commit: Fixed incorrect logistic and hinge loss functions and apply to binary numeric columns in {0,1} only
- GitHub commit: Fixed a bug where Poisson loss function was calculated incorrectly for values of 0
- GitHub commit: Fixed DL POJO for large input columns
- GitHub commit:
was not filling cache correctly - GitHub commit: Fixed typo in Python object upload (
) - GitHub commit: Append now does so in place
- GitHub commit: Seed was not being set
- GitHub commit: Fixed
- GitHub commit: Corrected
- GitHub commit: Corrected Python dict col names
- GitHub commit: Fixed null/npe in H2O's fit for sklearn (Windows only)
- GitHub commit:
now keeps "algo" out of params - GitHub commit: Improved compatibility with sklearn by using "train" as a model build verb and reserving "fit" for sklearn; if "fit" method is attempted, a warning displays
- GitHub commit: Fixed accessor in Python model predict
- GitHub commit: Fixed
- GitHub commit: Fixed
- GitHub commit: Fixed levels
- PUBDEV-1808:
was not splitting randomly in R - GitHub commit: Fixed range in R
- GitHub commit: PUBDEV-2020: Fixed variable name for case where
is provided. - PUBDEV-2198:
ran slower thanh2o.groupby
by magnitudes - GitHub commit: Fixed location of datafile for for R example code
- GitHub commit: Fixed
check - GitHub commit: Parse types can be specified by column index or column name, but not both
- GitHub commit: Added connection (close HTTP header) to improve jetty connection pool behavior
- GitHub commit: Added a sensible min on N
- GitHub commit: Added Windows binaries to R package repo
- GitHub commit: Fixed
to show frame as output - GitHub commit: Fixed type conversion for time columns when ingested by
- GitHub commit: Fixed
R interface - GitHub commit:
now always returndata.frame
- GitHub commit: Fixed a bug in GLRM init in R
- GitHub commit: Fixed bug in
(constant categorical columns) - GitHub commit: Fixed bug in
- PUBDEV-1974: When imputing columns from R, many temp files were created, which did not occur in Flow
- PUBDEV-2250: During parsing, SVMLight-formatted files failed with an NPE GitHub commit
- PUBDEV-2213: During parsing, alphanumeric data in a column was converted to missing values and the column was assigned a type of
- PUBDEV-1990: Spaces are now permitted in the Flow directory name
- PUBDEV-1037: Space in the user name was preventing H2O from starting
- GitHub commit: Fixed
to accept a column type for the resulting copy - GitHub commit: Fixed
so that it does not use an anonymous inner task which causes the entire Vec header to be passed - GitHub commit: Fixed parse to mark categorical references in ParseWriter as transient (enums must be node-shared during the entire multiple parse task)
- GitHub commit: PUBDEV-2182: Fixed DL checkpoint restart with given validation set after R (currents) behavior changed; now the validation set key no longer necessarily matches the file name
- GitHub commit: Fixed makeCon memory leak when
- GitHub commit: PUBDEV-2174: Fixed sigma calculation for sparse chunks
- GitHub commit: Restored pre-existing string manipulation utilities for categorical columns
- GitHub commit: Fixed syncRPackages task so it doesn't run during the normal build process
- GitHub commit: Fixed intermittent failures caused by different default timezone settings on different machines; sets needed timezone before starting test
- GitHub commit: Fixed error message for
- GitHub commit: PUBDEV-1443: Fixed size computation in merge
- GitHub commit: Fixed
to work in multi-node mode - GitHub commit: Fixed integer overflow in printout of CM to TwoDimTable
###Slater ( - 10/09/15
####Bug Fixes
GitHub commit: Fix Java 6 compatibility
The Java 7 API call
_rawChannel.setOption(StandardSocketOptions.TCP_NODELAY, true);
has been replaced by the Java 6 API call_rawChannel.socket().setTcpNoDelay(true);
The Java 7 API call
has been replaced bysock.socket().getRemoteSocketAddress()
###Slater ( - 09/24/15
- PUBDEV-2133: Enum test/train mapping is faster (GitHub commit)
- PUBDEV-2030: Improved POJO support to DRF
###Slater ( - 09/21/15
####New Features
- PUBDEV-2078: H2O now returns per-feature reconstruction error for
(GitHub commit)
- GitHub commit: Added back support for sparse activations in DL; currently changes results as numerical values are de-scaled only, no standardized
- GitHub commit: Adjusted
in Python to accept the same parameters asimport_file
in R
- GitHub commit: H2O now sets CRAN-based R clients to permanent opt-out.
- GitHub commit: Modified output of h2o.tabulate in R
- GitHub commit: Added default plotting for models in R
- GitHub commit: Pre-pended graphics pkg to
####Bug Fixes
- PUBDEV-2091: All algos: when offset is the same as the response, all train errors should be zero (GitHub commit)
- GitHub commit: Fixed DL POJO for large input columns
- GitHub commit: Fixed bugs in model plotting in R
- GitHub commit: Fixed bugs in R plot.H2OModel for DL
- GitHub commit: Fixed bug in plot.H2OModel
- PUBDEV-1850: Parse not setting NA strings properly (GitHub commit)
- GitHub commit: H2O now escapes XML entities
- GitHub commit: Fixed Java 6 build -replaced AutoCloseable with Closeable
- GitHub commit: Restored code that was needed for detecting NA strings
###Slater ( - 09/12/15
####New Features
- GitHub: PUBDEV-1888: Added loss function calculation for DL.
- GitHub: Set more parameters for GLM to be gridable.
- GitHub: [KMeans] Enable grid search with max_iterations parameter.
- GitHub: Add kfold column builders
- GitHub: Add stratified kfold method
- PUBDEV-684: Add nfolds to R/Python
- GitHub: Improved group-by functionality
- GitHub: Added python example for downloading glm pojo.
- GitHub: Added countmatches to Python along with a test.
- GitHub: Added support for getting false positive rates and true positive rates for all thresholds from binomial models; makes it easier to calculate custom metrics from ROC data (like weighted ROC)
- PUBDEV-1788: Added a factor function that will allow the user to set the levels for a enum column GitHub
- PUBDEV-1881: Fixed bug in h2o.group_by for enumerator columns
- GitHub: Refactor SVD method name and add
option to R package to set preferred calculation method - PUBDEV-2071: Accept columns of type integer64 from R through as.h2o()
#####Sparkling Water
- PUBDEV-282: Support Windows OS in Sparkling Water
- HEXDEV-120: Switch from NanoHTTPD to Jetty
- GitHub: Allow for "most" and "mode" in groupby
- GitHub: Added NA check to checking for matches in categorical columns
- PUBDEV-1470: Dropped UDP mode in favor of TCP
- PUBDEV-1431: /3/DownloadDataset.bin is now a registered handler in JettyHTTPD.java. Allows streaming of large downloads from H2O.GitHub
- PUBDEV-1865: Implemented per-row 1D, 2D and 3D DCT transformations for signal/image/volume processing
- PUBDEV-1686: LDAP Integration
- HEXDEV-381: LDAP Integration
- HEXDEV-224: Added https support
- GitHub: Added mapr5.0 version to builds
- GitHub: Add Vec.Reader which replaces lost caching
#####Web UI
- GitHub: Disallow N-fold CV for GLM when lambda-search is on.
- GitHub: Added typeahead for http and https.
- PUBDEV-1821: Added Save Model and Load Model
- GitHub: Don't allocate input dropout helper if
input_dropout_ratio = 0
. - PUBDEV-1920: Datasets : Unbalanced sparse for binomial and multinomial
- GitHub: Major code cleanup for DL: Remove dead code, deprecate
. - PUBDEV-1942: Use prior class probabilities to break ties when making labels GitHub
- GitHub: Update DL perf Rmd file to get the overall CM error.
- GitHub: Enable training data shuffling if
- GitHub: Checkpointing for DL now follows the same convention as for DRF/GBM.
- GitHub: No longer do sampling with replacement during training with
- GitHub: Add printout of sparsity ratio for double chunks.
- GitHub: Check memory footprint for Gram matrix in PCA and SVD initialization
- GitHub: Print more fill ratio debugging.
- GitHub: Fix the RNG for createFrame to be more random (since we are setting the seed for each row).
- PUBDEV-2010: Improve reporting of unstable DL models GitHub
- PUBDEV-2018: Improve auto-tuning for DL on large clusters / large datasets GitHub
- GitHub: Add input parameter to h2o.glrm indicating whether to ignore constant columns
- GitHub: Missing enums are imputed using the majority class of the column. For other types of missing categorical, just round the mean to the nearest integer.
- GitHub: Skip rows in training frame with missing value(s) if requested
- GitHub: Speed up direct SVD by working with transpose directly
- GitHub: Fix a bug in initialization of SVD and change l2 norm to sum of squared error in convergence test.
- GitHub: Use absolute value for mean weight and bias checks.
- GitHub: No longer leak constant chunks during AE scoring/reconstruction.
- GitHub: No longer differentiate between DL model instabilitites (weights vs biases).
- GitHub: Make method static, where possible.
- GitHub: Make GLRM seeding independent of number of chunks.
- GitHub: Added REST end-points for glrm,svd,pca,naive bayes algorithms.
- GitHub: Added unicode to frame getter possibilities
- GitHub: Added proper lookup of offset/weights/fold_column
- GitHub: Data should be eagered before download_csv.
- GitHub: Simplified model builder
- GitHub: Added None as default for "on" field
- GitHub: Removed all of the unnecessary calls to h2o.init and removed the unnecessary environment variable for version checking during testing
- PUBDEV-2064: rename the coordinate decent solvers in the REST API / Flow to (experimental)
#####Grid Search
- GitHub: Added check that x is not null before verifying data in unsupervised grid search algorithm
- GitHub: Made naivebayes parameters gridable.
- PUBDEV-1933: Called drf as randomForest in algorithm option GitHub
- GitHub: Validation of grid parameters against algo
rest endpoint. - PUBDEV-1979: Train N-fold CV models in parallel GitHub
- PUBDEV-1978: grid: would be good to add to h2o.grid R help example, how to access the individual grid models
- GitHub: Refactored into h2o.system_file so it's parallel to R client.
- GitHub: Added
decorator - GitHub: Use
- GitHub: Handle a list of columns in python group-by api
- GitHub: Use pandas if available for twodimtables and h2oframes
- GitHub: Transform the parameters list into a dict with keys being the parameter label
- GitHub: Added pop option which does inplace update on a frame (Frame.remove)
- GitHub: ncol,dim,shape, and friends are now all properties
- PUBDEV-193: Write python version of h2o.init() which knows how to start h2o
- PUBDEV-1903: Method to get parameters of model in Python API
- GitHub: Allow for single alpha specified not be in a list
- GitHub: Updated endpoint for python client
- GitHub: Allow for enum in scale/mean/sd (ignore or give NA)
- GitHub: Allow for
andn_jobs > 1
for Parallel jobs - GitHub: Added
property to frame - GitHub: Removed remaining splats on dicts
- GitHub: Removed need to splat pass thru args
- GitHub: Added
flag todownload_pojo
- PUBDEV-1866: Rewrote h2o.ensemble to utilize nfolds/fold_column in h2o base learners
- GitHub: Added
. - GitHub: Updated REST call from R for model export
- PUBDEV-1853: Removed addToNavbar from RequestServer GitHub
- GitHub: Add "Open H2O Flow" message.
- GitHub: Replaced additive float op by multiplication
- GitHub: Reimplement checksum for Model.Parameters
- GitHub: Remove debug prints.
- PUBDEV-1857: Removed the need for String[] path_params in RequestServer.register() GitHub
- PUBDEV-1856: Removed the writeHTML_impl methods from all the schemas
- PUBDEV-1854: Made _doc_method optional in the in Route constructors GitHub
- PUBDEV-1858: Changed RequestServer so that only one handler instance is created for each Route
- GitHub: Swapped out rjson for jsonlite for better handling of odd characters from dataset.
- GitHub: Prettify R's grid output.
- PUBDEV-1841: R now respects the TwoDimTable's column types
- GitHub: Fixes show method for grid object when
is empty. - GitHub: h2o.levels returns R vector for single column
- GitHub: Uses PredictCsv from genmodel now.
- GitHub: Exposed stacktraces in R's summary() call.
- GitHub: print type of failed value in $<-
- GitHub: allow value to be integer in $<-
- GitHub: Check for
being NULL since older H2O clusters may not haveis_client
#####Sparkling Water
- GitHub: Copy content of h2o-dist into target directory.
- GitHub: Rename label fields in prediction object.
- GitHub: Uses the original Vec's domain in alignment
- GitHub: Added columnName and unknownLevel to PredictUnknownCategoricalLevelException.
- PUBDEV-1559: Added compression of 64-bit Reals GitHub
- GitHub: Added time information to buildinfo.json.
- GitHub: Put build metadata into a json file.
- -GitHub: Add time information to buildinfo.json.
- GitHub: Delete any prior main CV models of the same key if CV model building is cancelled before the main model started to build.
- GitHub: Change loading name parameter to a String to address a Flow issue.
- GitHub: Remove extra assertion to avoid NPEs after client call of bulk remove after done() is called but before the finally is done with updateModelOutput.
- GitHub: Ensures that date time methods return year/month/day values in the currently set timezone.
- GitHub: Frees memory from streamed zip reads after the chunk has been parsed.
- GitHub: Unifies categorical strings to UTF-8 and warns the user about all conversion.
- GitHub: add isNA checks to scale
- GitHub: Do not start UDPRecevier thread (unless running with useUDP option)
#####Web UI
- PUBDEV-1961: Flow: use streamining endpoint /3/DownloadDataset.bin
####Bug Fixes
- PUBDEV-1785: Deadlock while running GBM
- GitHub: Fix name for
. - PUBDEV-1774: Setting gbm's balance_classes to True produces suspect models
- PUBDEV-1849: K-Means: negative sum-of-squares after mean imputation
- GitHub: Set the iters counter during kmeans center initialization correctly
- GitHub: fixed parenthesis in GLM POJO generation
- GitHub: Should be updating model each iteration with the newly fitted kmeans clusters, not the old ones!
- PUBDEV-1867: GLRM with Simplex Fails with Infinite Objective
- PUBDEV-1666: GBM:Math correctness for Gamma with offsets/weights
- PUBDEV-451: Trees in GBM change for identical models GitHub
- PUBDEV-1924: R^2 stopping criterion isn't working GitHub
- PUBDEV-1776: GLM: cross-validation bug GitHub
- PUBDEV-1682: GLM : Lending club dataset => build GLM model => 100% complete => click on model => null pointer exception GitHub
- PUBDEV-1987: error returned on prediction for xval model
- PUBDEV-1928: Properly implement Maxout/MaxoutWithDropout GitHub
- GitHub: print actual number of columns (was just #cols) in DRF init
- PUBDEV-2026: Fix setting the proper job state in DL models GitHub
- PUBDEV-1950: Splitframe with rapids is not blocking
- PUBDEV-1995: nfold: when user cancels an nfold job, fold data still remains in the cluster memory
- PUBDEV-1994: nfold: cancel results in a java.lang.AssertionError
- PUBDEV-1910: Canceled GBM with CV keeps lock
- GitHub: Fix DL checkpoint restart with new data.
- PUBDEV-1955: Change Schema behavior to accept a single number in place of array GitHub
- PUBDEV-1914: Iced deserialization fails for Enum Arrays
- PUBDEV-1876: Grid: progress bar not working for grid jobs
- PUBDEV-1875: Grid: the meta info should not be dumped on the R screen, once the grid job is over
- GitHub: [PUBDEV-1876] Fix grid update.
- PUBDEV-1874: Grid search: observe issues with model naming/overwriting and error msg propagation GitHub
- HEXDEV-402: R: kmeans grid search doesn't work
- PUBDEV-1901: Grid appends new models even though models already exist.
- PUBDEV-1874: Grid search: observe issues with model naming/overwriting and error msg propagation
- PUBDEV-1940: Grid: glm grid on alpha fails with error "Expected '[' while reading a double[], but found 1.0"
- PUBDEV-1877: Grid: if user specify the parameter value he is running the grid on, would be good to warn him/her
- PUBDEV-1938: Grid: randomForest: unsupported grid params and wrong error msg
- PUBDEV-2036: importModel from hdfs doesn't work
- PUBDEV-2027: Clicking shutdown in the Flow UI dropdown does not exit the Hadoop cluster
- PUBDEV-1789: Python client h2o.remove_vecs (ExprNode) makes bad ast
- PUBDEV-1795: Unable to read H2OFrame from Python
- PUBDEV-1764: Python importFile does not import all files in directory, only one file GitHub
- GitHub: parameter name is "dir" not "path"
- PUBDEV-1693: Python: Options for handling NAs in group_by is broken
- PUBDEV-1415: Intermittent Unimplemented rapids exception: pyunit_var.py . Also prior test got unimplemented too, but test didn't fail (client wasn't notified)
- PUBDEV-1119: Python: Need to be able to access resource genmodel.jar
- GitHub: Fix download of pojo in Python.
- GitHub: Fixed bug in
h2o.ensemble .make_Z
function - PUBDEV-1796: R: h2o.importFile doesn't allow user to choose column type during parse
- PUBDEV-1768: R: Fails to return summary on subsetted frame GitHub
- PUBDEV-1909: R: Adding column to frame changes string enums in column to numerics
- PUBDEV-1936: R: h2o.levels return only the first factor of factor levels
- PUBDEV-1869: R: sd function should convert enum column into numeric and calculate standard deviation GitHub
- PUBDEV-1246: R: h2o.hist needs to run pretty function for pretty breakpoints to get same results as R's hist GitHub
- PUBDEV-1868: R: h2o.performance returns error (not warning) when model is reloaded into H2O
- PUBDEV-1723: h2o R : subsetting data :h2o removing wrong columns, when asked to delete more than 1 columns
- GitHub: fix h2o.levels issue
- PUBDEV-1972: R: setting weights_column = NULL causes unwanted variables to be used as predictors
#####Sparkling Water
- PUBDEV-1173: create conversion tasks from primitive RDD
- GitHub: Fix return value issue in distribution script.
- HEXDEV-360: getFrame fails on Parsed Data
- PUBDEV-366: Fix parsing for high-cardinality categorical features GitHub
- PUBDEV-1143: Parse: Cancel parse unreliable; does not work at all times
- PUBDEV-1872: Ability to ignore files during parse GitHub
- PUBDEV-777: Parse : Parsing compressed files takes too long
- PUBDEV-1916: Parse: 2 node cluster takes 49min vs 40sec on a 1 node cluster GitHub
- PUBDEV-1431: Convert /3/DownloadDataset to streaming
- PUBDEV-1995: nfold: when user cancels an nfold job, fold data still remains in the cluster memory
- PUBDEV-1994: nfold: cancel results in a java.lang.AssertionError
- PUBDEV-1910: Canceled GBM with CV keeps lock GitHub
- PUBDEV-1992: CreateFrame isn't totally random
- GitHub: Fixes a bug that allowed big buffers to be constantly reallocated when it wasn't needed. This saves memory and time.
- GitHub: Fix print statement.
- GitHub: Fixed orderly shutdown to work with flatfile.
- PUBDEV-1998: Parse : Lending club dataset parse => cancelled by user
- PUBDEV-2028: Shutdown => unimplemented error on curl -X POST
- PUBDEV-2070: Download frame brings down cluster
- PUBDEV-2067: Cannot mix negative and positive array selection
- PUBDEV-2024: Save model to HDFS fails
#####Web UI
- PUBDEV-2012: Histograms in Flow are slightly off
- PUBDEV-2029: exportModel from Flow to HDFS doesn't work
###Simons ( - 8/11/15
####New Features The following changes represent features that have been added since the previous release:
- PUBDEV-684: Add nfolds to R/Python
#####Web UI
- HEXDEV-390: Print Flow to PDF / Printer
####Enhancements The following changes are improvements to existing features (which includes changed default values):
- GitHub: add seed to the model building that uses balance_classes, for determinism/repeatability
- GitHub: Reduce the frequency at which tiny tree models are printed to stdout: Only print during the first 4 seconds if
is enabled. - GitHub: Only call the limited printout for TwoDimTables during Model.toString () that prints all TwoDimTables of the model._output.
- GitHub: Only print up to 10 rows of TwoDimTables in ASCII logs (first/last 5).
- GitHub: Remove some overflow/underflow checks: Let exp(x) be small and log(x) be large.
- GitHub: Add
parameter to DRF/GBM. Not yet in R. - GitHub: Disallow N-fold CV for GLM when lambda-search is on.
- GitHub: Cleanup of public API of Schema.java. Improve its JavaDoc a lot.
- PUBDEV-1765: Improve python online documentation
- PUBDEV-1497: Python : Weights R tests to be ported from R for GLM/GBM/RF/DL
- GitHub: adjust to split frame jobs result
- GitHub: allow for update thingy to be a tuple (so rows and columns)
- GitHub: when starting h2o jvm with h2o.init(), give h2o child process different id than parent, so it doesn't get killed on Ctrl-C
- GitHub: add option to turn off progress bar print out
- GitHub: add unicode to frame getter possibilities
- GitHub: remove remaining splats on dicts
- GitHub: no need to splat pass thru args
- GitHub: proper lookup of offset/weights/fold_column
- GitHub: data should be eagered before download_csv.
- GitHub: simplify model builder
- GitHub: use None as default for "on" field
- GitHub: add
flag todownload_pojo
- GitHub:remove all of the unnecessary calls to h2o.init and remove the unnecessary environment variable for version checking during testing
- PUBDEV-1744: Improve help message of h2o.init function
- GitHub: add valid expression to list of accepted R CMD check outputs.
- GitHub: added h2o.anomaly demo to r package
- GitHub: Add -JJ command line argument to allow extra JVM arguments to be passed.
- GitHub: Refactored CSVStream to be more understandable. Fix empty chunk bug.
- GitHub: Add hintFlushRemoteChunk to CSVStream.
- GitHub: Add parameterized route for frame export
- GitHub: allow string vecs to be toEnum'd (with a sensible cap)
- GitHub: allow lists of numbers in reducer ops
- GitHub: Add warning message during POJO export if
is specified (is not supported) - PUBDEV-1853: cleanup: remove addToNavbar from RequestServer GitHub
- GitHub: Add "Open H2O Flow" message.
- GitHub: Code refactoring to allow GBM JUnits to work with H2OApp in multi-node mode.
- GitHub: Replace additive float op by multiplication
- GitHub: Reimplement checksum for Model.Parameters
- GitHub: Remove debug prints.
- PUBDEV-1857: cleanup: remove the need for String[] path_params in RequestServer.register() GitHub
- PUBDEV-1856: cleanup: remove the writeHTML_impl methods from all the schemas
- PUBDEV-1854: cleanup: make _doc_method optional in the in Route constructors GitHub
- PUBDEV-1858: cleanup: change RequestServer so that only one handler instance is created for each Route
####Bug Fixes
The following changes are to resolve incorrect software behavior:
- PUBDEV-1674: gbm w gamma: does not seems to split at all; all trees node pred=0 for attached data GitHub
- PUBDEV-1760: GBM : Deviance testing for exp family
- PUBDEV-1714: gbm gamma: R vs h2o same split variable, slightly different leaf predictions
- PUBDEV-1755: DL : Math correctness for Tweedie with Offsets/Weights
- PUBDEV-1758: DL : Deviance testing for exp family
- PUBDEV-1756: DL : Math correctness for Poisson with Offsets/Weights
- PUBDEV-1651: null/residual deviances don't match for various weights cases
- PUBDEV-1757: DL : Math correctness for Gamma with Offsets/Weights
- PUBDEV-1680: gbm gamma: seeing train set mse incs after sometime
- PUBDEV-1724: gbm w tweedie: weird validation error behavior
- PUBDEV-1774: setting gbm's balance_classes to True produces suspect models
- PUBDEV-1849: K-Means: negative sum-of-squares after mean imputation
- GitHub: Set the iters counter during kmeans center initialization correctly
- GitHub: fixed parenthesis in GLM POJO generation
- GitHub: Should be updating model each iteration with the newly fitted kmeans clusters, not the old ones!
- PUBDEV-1867: GLRM with Simplex Fails with Infinite Objective
- PUBDEV-1666: GBM:Math correctness for Gamma with offsets/weights
- PUBDEV-1779: Fixes intermittent failure seen when Model Metrics were looked at too quickly after a cross validation run.
- PUBDEV-1409: h2o python h2o.locate() should stop and return "Not found" rather than passing path=None to h2o? causes confusion h2o message GitHub
- PUBDEV-1630: GBM getting intermittent assertion error on iris scoring in
- PUBDEV-1770: sigterm caught by python is killing h2o GitHub
- PUBDEV-1409: h2o python h2o.locate() should stop and return "Not found" rather than passing path=None to h2o? causes confusion h2o message
- HEXDEV-397: Python fold_column option requires fold column to be in the training data
- HEXDEV-394: Python client occasionally throws attached error
- GitHub: add missing args to kmeans
- GitHub: add missing kmeans params in
- GitHub: add missing checkpoint param
- PUBDEV-1785: Deadlock while running GBM
- PUBDEV-1830: h2o.glm throws an error when
are both specified - PUBDEV-1660: h2oR: when try to get a slice from pca eigenvectors get some formatting error GitHub
- GitHub: fix broken %in% in R
- PUBDEV-1831: Cross-validation metrics are not displayed in R (and Python?)
- PUBDEV-1840: Autoencoder model doesn't display properly in R (training metrics) GitHub
- PUBDEV-1790: can't convert iris species column to a character column.
- PUBDEV-1520: Kmeans pojo naming inconsistency
- GitHub: fix parse of range ast
- GitHub: Sets POJO file name to match the class name. Prior behavior would allow them to be different and give a compile error.
#####Web UI
- PUBDEV-1754: Export frame not working in flow : H2OKeyNotFoundArgumentException
###Simons ( - 7/29/15
####New Features
- HEXDEV-220: Tweedie distribution for DL
- HEXDEV-219: Poisson distribution for DL
- HEXDEV-221: Gamma distribution for DL
- PUBDEV-683: Enable nfolds for all algos (where reasonable) GitHub
- PUBDEV-1791: Add toString() for all models (especially model metrics) GitHub
- GitHub: Enabling model checkpointing for DRF
- GitHub: Enable checkpointing for GBM.
- PUBDEV-1698: fold assignment in N-fold cross-validation
- PUBDEV-386: Expose ParseSetup to user in Python
- PUBDEV-1239: Python: getFrame and getModel missing
- HEXDEV-334: support rbind in python
- PUBDEV-1215: python to have exportFile calll
- GitHub: add cross-validation parameter to metric accessors and respective pyunit
- PUBDEV-1729: Cross-validation metrics should be shown in R and Python for all models
- PUBDEV-385: Expose ParseSetup to user in R
- GitHub: add mean residual deviance accessor to R interface
- GitHub: incorporate cross-validation metric access into the R client metric accessors
- GitHub: R interface for checkpointing in RF enabled
- PUBDEV-1735: Add 24-MAR-14 PM style date to autodetected
- PUBDEV-1451: design for cross-validation APIs GitHub
- GitHub: Add proper deviance computation for DL regression.
- GitHub: Print GLM model details to the logs.
- GitHub: Disallow categorical response for GLM with non-binomial family.
- GitHub: Disallow models with more than 1000 classes, can lead to too large values in DKV due to memory usage of 8*N^2 bytes (the Metrics objects which are in the model output)
- GitHub: DL: Don't train too long in single node mode with auto-tuning.
- GitHub: Use mean residual deviance to do early stopping in DL.
- GitHub: Add a "AUTO" setting for fold_assignment (which is Random). This allows the code to reject non-default user-given values if n-fold CV is not enabled.
- HEXDEV-317: Python has to play nicely in a polyglot, long-running environment
- GitHub: simplify ast in python frame slicer
- GitHub: add cross validation metrics and mean residual deviance to model show()
- GitHub: any to take a frame, simplify python's
- GitHub: On detaching h2o R package, only shut down H2O instance if it was started by the R client
- GitHub: update h2o load
- GitHub: Print a handy message (Open H2O Flow in your web browser) when the cluster comes up like Sparkling Water does.
- GitHub: Replace memory leaky RCurl getURL with curlPerform.
- GitHub: Add -disable_web parameter.
- GitHub: allow numerics in match
- GitHub: More refactoring of h2o start. Includes:
- H2OStarter - a generic class to start H2O. It does all dynamic registration
- H2OTestStarter - a generic class to start h2o-core tests
- GitHub: Use typed key when it is necessary. Key.make() now returns typed Key. The trick is that type T can be derived by left side of assignment. If it is not possible to derive type of the Key, then developer has to use typed syntax:
The change simplifies Scala code which will be able to derive type key. - PUBDEV-1793: Add Job state and start/end time to the model's output GitHub
- GitHub: add more places to look when trying to start jar from python's h2o.init
- GitHub: Cosmetic name changes
- GitHub: Fetch local node differently from remote node.
- GitHub: Don't clamp node_idx at 0 anymore.
- GitHub: Added -log_dir option.
####Bug Fixes
- PUBDEV-776: Schema.parse() needs to be better behaved (like, not crash)
- PUBDEV-1725: pca:glrm - give bad results for attached data (bec of plus plus initialization)
- GitHub: Fix deviance calculation, use the sanitized parameters from the model info, where Auto parameter values have been replaced with actual values
- GitHub: Fix offset in DL for exponential family (that doesn't do standardization)
- GitHub: Fix a bug where initial Y was set to all zeroes by kmeans++ when scaling was disabled
- PUBDEV-1668: GBM: Math correctness for weights
- PUBDEV-1783: dl: deviance off for large dataset GitHub
- PUBDEV-1667: GBM: Math correctness for Offsets
- PUBDEV-1778: drf: reporting incorrect mse on validation set GitHub
- GitHub: Fix DRF scoring with 0 trees.
- PUBDEV-1260: Python: Requires asnumeric() function
- GitHub: python interface: add folds_column to x, if it doesn't already exist in x
- PUBDEV-1763: Python : Math correctness tests for Tweedie/Gamma/Possion with offsets/weights
- PUBDEV-1762: Python : Deviance tests for all algos in python GitHub
- PUBDEV-1671: intermittent: pyunit_weights_api.py, hex.tree.SharedTree$[email protected] at hex.tree.DRealHistogram.scoreMSE(DRealHistogram.java:118), iris dataset GitHub
- PUBDEV-1257: R: no is.numeric method for H2O objects
- PUBDEV-1622: NPE in water.api.RequestServer, water.util.RString.replace(RString.java:132)...got flagged as WARN in log...I would think we should have all NPE's be ERROR / fatal? or ?? GitHub
- PUBDEV-1655: h2o.strsplit needs isNA check
- PUBDEV-1084: h2o.setTimezone NPE
- PUBDEV-1738: R: cloud name creation can't handle user names with spaces
- PUBDEV-1410: apply causes assert errors mentioning deadlock in runit_small_client_mode ...build never completes after hours ..deadlock?
- PUBDEV-1195: docker build fails
- HEXDEV-362: Bug in /parsesetup data preview GitHub
- PUBDEV-1766: H2O xval: when delete all models: get Error evaluating future[6] :Error calling DELETE /3/Models/gbm_cv_13
- PUBDEV-1767: H2O: when list frames after removing most frames, get: roll ups not possible vec deleted error GitHub
#####Web UI
- PUBDEV-1782: Flow: View Data fails when there is a UUID column (and maybe also a String column)
- PUBDEV-1769: xval: cancel job does not work GitHub
###Simons ( - 7/24/15
####New Features
- PUBDEV-1734: Add save and load model to python api
- PUBDEV-1314: Python needs "str" operator, like R's
- GitHub: turn on
H2OFrame __repr__
- GitHub: Increase sleep from 2 to 3 because h2o itself does a sleep 2 on the REST API before triggering the shutdown.
- PUBDEV-1730: Make export file a job GitHub
####Bug Fixes
The following changes are to resolve incorrect software behavior:
- PUBDEV-1743: gbm poisson w weights: deviance off
- PUBDEV-1736: gbm poisson with offset: seems to be giving wrong leaf predictions
- PUBDEV-1731: Python
results in deleting a frame created by Flow - HEXDEV-389: Split frame from python
- HEXDEV-388: python client H2OFrame constructor puts the header into the data (as the first row)
- PUBDEV-1504: Runit intermittent fails : runit_pub_180_ddply.R
- PUBDEV-1678: Client mode jobs fail on runit_hex_1750_strongRules_mem.R
- GitHub: Model parameters should be always public.
###Simons ( - 7/20/15
####New Features
- HEXDEV-213: Tweedie distributions for GBM GitHub
- HEXDEV-212: Poisson distributions for GBM GitHub
- PUBDEV-1115: properly test PCA and mark it non-experimental
- PUBDEV-1437: Python needs "nlevels" operator like R
- PUBDEV-1434: Python needs "levels" operator, like R
- PUBDEV-1355: Python needs h2o.trim, like in R
- PUBDEV-1354: Python needs h2o.toupper, like in R
- PUBDEV-1352: Python needs h2o.tolower, like in R
- PUBDEV-1350: Python needs h2o.strsplit, like in R
- PUBDEV-1347: Python needs h2o.shutdown, like in R
- PUBDEV-1343: Python needs h2o.rep_len, like in R
- PUBDEV-1340: Python needs h2o.nlevels, like in R
- PUBDEV-1338: Python needs h2o.ls, like in R
- PUBDEV-1344: Python needs h2o.saveModel, like in R
- PUBDEV-1337: Python needs h2o.loadModel, like in R
- PUBDEV-1335: Python needs h2o.interaction, like in R
- PUBDEV-1334: Python needs h2o.hist, like in R
- PUBDEV-1351: Python needs h2o.sub, like in R
- PUBDEV-1333: Python needs h2o.gsub, like in R
- PUBDEV-1336: Python needs h2o.listTimezones, like in R
- PUBDEV-1346: Python needs h2o.setTimezone, like in R
- PUBDEV-1332: Python needs h2o.getTimezone, like in R
- PUBDEV-1329: Python needs h2o.downloadCSV, like in R
- PUBDEV-1328: Python needs h2o.downloadAllLogs, like in R
- PUBDEV-1327: Python needs h2o.createFrame, like in R
- PUBDEV-1326: Python needs h2o.clusterStatus, like in R
- PUBDEV-1323: Python needs svd algo
- PUBDEV-1322: Python needs prcomp algo
- PUBDEV-1321: Python needs naiveBayes algo
- PUBDEV-1320: Python needs model num_iterations accessor for clustering models, like R's
- PUBDEV-1318: Python needs screeplot and plot methods, like R's. (should probably check for matplotlib)
- PUBDEV-1317: Python needs multinomial model hit_ratio_table accessor, like R's
- PUBDEV-1316: Python needs model scoreHistory accessor, like R's
- PUBDEV-1315: R needs weights and biases accessors for deeplearning models
- PUBDEV-1313: Python needs "as.Date" operator, like R's
- PUBDEV-1312: Python needs "rbind" operator, like R's
- PUBDEV-1345: Python needs h2o.setLevel and h2o.setLevels, like in R
- PUBDEV-1311: Python needs "setLevel" operator, like R's
- PUBDEV-1306: Python needs "anyFactor" operator, like R's
- PUBDEV-1305: Python needs "table" operator, like R's
- PUBDEV-1301: Python needs "as.numeric" operator, like R's
- PUBDEV-1300: Python needs "as.character" operator, like R's
- PUBDEV-1293: Python needs "signif" operator, like R's
- PUBDEV-1292: Python needs "round" operator, like R's
- PUBDEV-1291: Python need transpose operator, like R's t operator
- PUBDEV-1289: Python needs element-wise division and multiplication operators, like %/% and %-%in R
- PUBDEV-1330: Python needs h2o.exportHDFS, like in R
- PUBDEV-1357: Python and R need which operator GitHub
- PUBDEV-1356: Python and R needs isnumeric and ischaracter operators
- PUBDEV-1342: Python needs h2o.removeVecs, like in R
- PUBDEV-1324: Python needs h2o.assign, like in R GitHub
- PUBDEV-1296: Python and R h2o clients need "any" operator, like R's
- PUBDEV-1295: Python and R h2o clients need "prod" operator, like R's
- PUBDEV-1294: Python and R h2o clients need "range" operator, like R's
- PUBDEV-1290: Python and R h2o clients need "cummax", "cummin", "cumprod", and "cumsum" operators, like R's
- PUBDEV-1325: Python needs h2o.clearLog, like in R
- PUBDEV-1349: Python needs h2o.startLogging and h2o.stopLogging, like in R
- PUBDEV-1341: Python needs h2o.openLog, like in R
- PUBDEV-1348: Python needs h2o.startGLMJob, like in R
- PUBDEV-1331: Python needs h2o.getFutureModel, like in R
- PUBDEV-1302: Python needs "match" operator, like R's
- PUBDEV-1298: Python needs "%in%" operator, like R's
- PUBDEV-1310: Python needs "scale" operator, like R's
- PUBDEV-1297: Python needs "all" operator, like R's
- GitHub: add start_glm_job() and get_future_model() to python client. add H2OModelFuture class. add respective pyunit
- PUBDEV-1273: Add h2oEnsemble R package to h2o-3
- PUBDEV-1319: R needs centroid_stats accessor like Python, for clustering models
- PUBDEV-1635: the equivalent of R's "any" should probably implemented in rapids
- PUBDEV-1634: the equivalent of R's cummin, cummax, cumprod, cumsum should probably implemented in rapids
- PUBDEV-1633: the equivalent of R's "range" should probably implemented in rapids
- PUBDEV-1632: the equivalent of R's "prod" should probably implemented in rapids
- PUBDEV-1699: the equivalent of R's "unique" should probably implemented in rapids GitHub
- GitHub: changed to new AMI
- PUBDEV-679: Create cross-validation holdout sets using the per-row weights
- GitHub: Add user_name. Add ExtensionHandler1.
- GitHub: Added auth options to h2o.init().
- GitHub: Added H2O.calcNextUniqueModelId().
- GitHub: Add ldap arg.
- HEXDEV-231: Flow: Ability to change column type post-Parse
- GitHub: use fixed seed to avoid bad splits with some seeds
- GitHub: Change seed to avoid type flip from integer to double after row slicing, which leads to different split decisions
- GitHub: Add option during kmeans scoring to return matrix of indicator columns for cluster assignment, which is necessary for initializing GLRM
- GitHub: Output number of processed observations in PCA
- GitHub: Add validation into PCA with GramSVD
- GitHub: Code cleanup of distributions. Also rename _n_folds -> _nfolds for consistency
- GitHub: Remove restriction to data frames with more than 1 column
- GitHub: Add debugging output for DL auto-tuning.
- PUBDEV-556: implement algo-agnostic cross-validation mechanism via a column of weights
- GitHub: When initializing with kmeans++ set X to matrix of indicator columns corresponding to cluster assignments, unless closed form solution exists
- GitHub: Always print DL auto-tuning info for now.
- PUBDEV-1657: pca: would be good to remove the redundant std dev from flow pca model object
- GitHub: Set Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded for regular POST requests.
- HEXDEV-272: Move
parameter aboveignored_columns
parameter GitHub- All of the fields of a schema are now stored in the leaf child of the class hierarchy. Changed the implementation of fields() to simply return the fields variable of a schema. The function calls
if it attempts to access a field from a non-leaf child.response_column
is now moved aboveignored_columns
for every applicable schema. 'own_fields' is also now renamed to 'fields'
- All of the fields of a schema are now stored in the leaf child of the class hierarchy. Changed the implementation of fields() to simply return the fields variable of a schema. The function calls
- GitHub: Don't use features from servlet api 3.0 or later anymore. Instead save the response status in a thread local variable and fish it out when needed.
- GitHub: don't use the header of the timezone table for a choice
- GitHub: never delete models. ever.
- GitHub: add na_rm argument
- GitHub: add prod to python interface
- GitHub: use Key instead of Vec in refcnter
- GitHub: protect vecs in apply
- GitHub: Allows for more than one column to remain unnamed. The new naming will fill in the blanks.
- GitHub: Refactoring of hadoop mapper and driver.
- GitHub: Remove -hdfs option.
- GitHub: Adds more checks for a parse cancel at more stages during the post ingestion file parse.
- GitHub: Refactor method name for clarification.
- GitHub: Cleans up and comments the freeing of chunks from a parsed file.
- GitHub: Since more startup logic is getting added, simplify H2OClientApp as much as possible. Remove H2OClient entirely.
- GitHub: Add dedicated AddCommonResponseHeadersHandler handler to set common response headers up-front.
- GitHub: More refactoring of startup. Pushed a bunch of code from H2OApp into H2O. Added H2O.configureLogging().
- GitHub: Make Progress extend Keyed.
- GitHub: Make createServer() protected.
- GitHub: model_id should probably be a Key, not Key.
- GitHub: Change Jetty version from 9 to 8 to get Java 6 compatibility back.
#####Web UI
- PUBDEV-1521: show REST API and overall UI response times for each cell in Flow
- HEXDEV-304: Flow: Emphasize run time in job-progress output
- PUBDEV-1522: show wall-clock start and run times in the Flow outline
- PUBDEV-1707: Hook up "Export" button for datasets (frames) in Flow.
####Bug Fixes
- PUBDEV-1641: gbm w poisson: get java.lang.AssertionError' at hex.tree.gbm.GBM$GBMDriver.buildNextKTrees on attached data
- PUBDEV-1672: kmeans: get AIOOB with user specified centroids GitHub
- Throw an error if the number of rows in the user-specified initial centers is not equal to k.
- PUBDEV-1654: pca: gram-svd std dev differs for v2 vs v3 for attached data
- GitHub: Fix DL
- GitHub: Fix a bug in PCA utilities for k = 1
- PUBDEV-1700: nfolds: flow-when set nfold =1 job hangs for ever; in terminal get java.lang.AssertionError
- PUBDEV-1706: GBM/DRF: is balance_classes=TRUE and nfolds>1 valid? GitHub
- PUBDEV-806: GLM =>
: water.exceptions.H2OIllegalArgumentException - PUBDEV-1696: Client (model-build) is blocked when passing illegal nfolds value. GitHub
- PUBDEV-1690: Cross Validation: if nfolds > number of observations, should it default to leave-one-out cross-validation?
- PUBDEV-1537: pca: on airlines get java.lang.AssertionError at hex.svd.SVD$SVDDriver.compute2(SVD.java:219) GitHub
- PUBDEV-1603: pca: glrm giving very different std dev than R and h2o's other methods for attached data
- GitHub: Fix a potential race condition in tree validation scoring.
- GitHub: Fix GLM parameter schema. Clean up hasOffset() and hasWeights()
- PUBDEV-1627: column name missing (python client)
- PUBDEV-1629: python client's tail() header incorrect GitHub
- PUBDEV-1413: intermittent assertion errors in
. Client apparently not notified - PUBDEV-1590: "Trying to unlock null" assertion during
- PUBDEV-1400: match operator should take numerics
- PUBDEV-1663: R CMD Check failures GitHub
- PUBDEV-1695: R CMD Check failing on running examples GitHub
- PUBDEV-1721: R: group_by causes h2o to hang on multinode cluster
- PUBDEV-1501: Python and R h2o clients need "unique" operator, like R's GitHub - R GitHub - Python
- PUBDEV-1711: is.numeric in R interface faulty GitHub
- PUBDEV-1719: Intermittent:
: gets wrong answer? - PUBDEV-1688: 2 nfolds tests fail intermittently:
GitHub - PUBDEV-1718: Intermittent:
: training slows down to 0 samples/ sec GitHub
- PUBDEV-1713: Rapids ASTAll faulty GitHub
- PUBDEV-1562: Migration to Spark 1.4
- PUBDEV-1551: Parser: Multifile Parse fails with 0-byte files in directory GitHub
- HEXDEV-325: Empty reply when parsing dataset with mismatching header and data column length
- PUBDEV-1509: Split frame : Big datasets : On 186K rows 3200 Cols split frame took 40 mins => which is too long
- PUBDEV-1438: Column naming can create duplicate column names
- PUBDEV-1105: NPE in Rollupstats after failed parse
- PUBDEV-1142: H2O parse: When cancel a parse job, key remains locked and hence unable to delete the file GitHub
- GitHub: client mode deadlock issue resolution
- PUBDEV-1670: Client mode fails consistently sometimes :
: - GitHub: nbhm bug: K == TOMBSTONE not key == TOMBSTONE
- GitHub: Pulls out a GAID from resource in jar if the GAID doesn't equal the default. Presumably the GAID has been changed by the jar baking program.
- PUBDEV-872: Flows : Not able to load saved flows from hdfs/local GitHub
- PUBDEV-554: Flow:Parse two different files simultaneously, flow should either complain or fill the additional (incompatible) rows with nas
- PUBDEV-1527: missing .java extension when downloading pojo GitHub
- PUBDEV-1642: Changing columns type takes column list back to first page of columns
- PUBDEV-1508: Flow : Import file => Parse => Error compiling coffee-script Maximum call stack size exceeded
- PUBDEV-1606: Flow :=> Cannot save flow on hdfs
- PUBDEV-1527: missing .java extension when downloading pojo
- PUBDEV-1653: Flow: the column names do not modify when user changes the dataset in model builder
###Shannon ( - 7/4/15
####New Features
- PUBDEV-1592: Expose standardization shift/mult values in the Model output in R/Python. GitHub
- GitHub: add h2o.shutdown to python client
- GitHub: add h2o.hist and respective pyunit
- GitHub: gbm weight pyunit (variable importances)
- HEXDEV-375: Github home for R demos
#####Web UI
- PUBDEV-203: Change data type in flow
- PUBDEV-1277: Flow needs as.factor and as.numeric after parse
- PUBDEV-1494: GBM : Weights math correctness tests in R
- PUBDEV-1523: GLM w tweedie: for attached data, R giving much better res dev than h2o
- PUBDEV-1396: Offsets/Weights: Math correctness for GLM
- PUBDEV-1496: RF : Weights Math correctness tests in R
- HEXDEV-366: remove weights option from DRF and GBM in REST API, Python, R
- PUBDEV-1553: Threshold in GLM is hardcoded to 0
- GitHub: Make min_rows a double instead of int: Is now weighted number of observations (min_obs in R).
- GitHub: Don't use sample weighted variance, but full weighted variance.
- GitHub: Fix R^2 computation.
- GitHub: Skip rows with missing response in weighted mean computation.
disabled by default for DRF (was enabled).- GitHub: Relax tolerance.
- HEXDEV-329 : Offset for GBM
- HEXDEV-211 : Tweedie distributions for GLM
- PUBDEV-1491: generated REST API POJOS should be compiled and jar'd up as part of the build
- GitHub: Change schema for PCA, SVD, and GLRM to version 99
- GitHub: is factor returns TRUE/FALSE cast to scalar 1/0
- GitHub: take a slightly different syntactic approach to dropping column
- GitHub: better list comp in interaction call
- GitHub: if
argument is specified, attach the column to the training and/or validation frame (if not already specified as part of x/validation_x). if weights_column is not already part of x/validation_x, then a training_frame/validation_frame needs to be provided and the weights column is taken from here. respective pyunit added
- GitHub: better ref handling in the [<- for python and R
- GitHub: Pass binomial_double_trees in the R wrapper for DRF.
- GitHub: carefully format NAs and non NAs
- GitHub: for loop over the x[[j]] to format NAs properly
- GitHub: Added example to h2o-r/ensemble/create_h2o_wrappers.R
- GitHub: allow for no y in model_builder
- GitHub: Enable auto-flag for Java6 generation.
- GitHub: better compression in split frame
- PUBDEV-1594: All basic file accessors in PersistHDFS should check file permissions
- PUBDEV-1518: getFrames should show a Parse button for raw frames
#####Web UI
- PUBDEV-1545: Flow => Build model => ignored columns table => should have column width resizing based on column names width => looks odd if column names are short
- PUBDEV-1546: Flow: Build model => Search for 1 column => select it => build model shows list of columns instead of 1 column
- PUBDEV-1254: Flow: Add Impute
####Bug Fixes
- PUBDEV-1554: dl with offset: when offset same as response, do not get 0 mse
- PUBDEV-1555: h2oR: dl with offset giving : Error in args$x_ignore : object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
- PUBDEV-1487: gbm weights: give different terminal node predictions than R for attached data
- PUBDEV-1569: Investigate effectiveness of _binomial_double_trees (DRF) GitHub
- PUBDEV-1574: Actually pass 'binomial_double_trees' argument given to R wrapper to DRF.
- PUBDEV-1444: DL: h2o.saveModel cannot save metrics when a deeplearning model has a validation_frame
- PUBDEV-1579: GBM test time predictions without weights seem off when training with weights GitHub
- PUBDEV-1533: GLM: doubled weights should produce the same result as doubling the observations GitHub
- PUBDEV-1531: GLM: it appears that observations with 0 weights are not ignored, as they should be.
- GitHub: Fix a bug in PCA scoring that was handling categorical NAs inconsistently
- PUBDEV-1581: Regression 3060 fails on GLRM in R tests
- PUBDEV-1586: change Grid endpoints and schemas to v99 since they are still in flux
- PUBDEV-1589: GLM : build model => airlinesbillion dataset => IRLSM/LBFGS => fails with array index out of bound exception
- PUBDEV-1607: gbm w offset: predict seems to be wrong
- PUBDEV-1600: Frame name creation fails when file name contains csv or zip (not as extension)
- PUBDEV-1577: DL predictions on test set require weights if trained with weights
- PUBDEV-1598: Flow: After running pca when call get Model/ jobs get: Failed to find schema for version: 3 and type: PCA
- PUBDEV-1576: Test variable importances for weights for GBM/DRF/DL
- PUBDEV-1517: With R, deep learning autoencoder using all columns in frame, not just those specified in x parameter
- PUBDEV-1593: dl var importance:there is a .missing(NA) variable in Dl variable importnce even when data has no nas
- PUBDEV-1538: h2o.save_model fails on windoz due to path nonsense
- GitHub: python leaked key check for Vecs, Chunks, and Frames
- PUBDEV-1609: frame dimension mismatch between upload/import method
- PUBDEV-1601: h2o.loadModel() from hdfs
- PUBDEV-1611: R CMD Check failing on : The Date field is over a month old.
- PUBDEV-1514: Large number of columns (~30000) on importFile (flow) is slow / unresponsive for long time
- PUBDEV-841: Split frame : Flow should not show raw frames for SplitFrame dialog (water.exceptions.H2OIllegalArgumentException)
- PUBDEV-1459: bug in GLM POJO: seems threshold for binary predictions is always 0
- PUBDEV-1566: Cannot save model on windows since Key contains '@' (illegal character to path)
- GitHub: Fixes the timezone lists.
- GitHub: R CMD check fix for date
- GitHub: add ec2 back into project
#####Web UI
- HEXDEV-54: Flow : Import file 100k.svm => Something went wrong while displaying page
###Shannon ( - 6/25/15
- PUBDEV-1452: branch to REGRESSION_REST_API_3 and cherry-pick the /99/Rapids changes to it
#####Web UI
- PUBDEV-1545: Flow => Build model => ignored columns table => should have column width resizing based on column names width => looks odd if column names are short
- PUBDEV-1546: Flow : Build model => Search for 1 column => select it => build model shows list of columns instead of 1 column
####Bug Fixes
The following changes are to resolve incorrect software behavior:
- PUBDEV-1487: gbm weights: give different terminal node predictions than R for attached data
- GitHub: Fix offset for DL.
- GitHub: Gracefully handle 0 weight for GBM.
- PUBDEV-1547: Weights API: weights column not found in python client
- GitHub: Fix R wrapper for DL for weights/offset.
#####Web UI
- PUBDEV-1528: Flow model builder: the na filter does not select all ignored columns; just the first 100.
###Shannon ( - 6/25/15
####New Features
- GitHub: Allow validation for unsupervised models.
- GitHub: add h2o.set_timezone h2o.get_timezone and h2o.list_timezones to python client and respective pyunit.
- GitHub: add h2o.save_model and h2o.load_model to python client and respective pyunit
- GitHub: Fix Java bindings generator to generate code under project's location.
- GitHub: Adds input parameter check to ParseSetup.
####Bug Fixes
- PUBDEV-1529: dl with ae: get ava.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Trying to predict with an unstable model.
- GitHub: Bring back accidentally removed hiding of classification-related fields for unsupervised models.
- PUBDEV-1456: fix REST API POJO generation for enums, + java.util.map import
###Shannon ( - 6/19/15
####New Features
- HEXDEV-21: Offset for GLM
- HEXDEV-208: Add observation weights to GLM (was HEXDEV-4)
- PUBDEV-677: Add observation weights to all metrics
- PUBDEV-675: Pass a weight Vec as input to all algos
- HEXDEV-6: Add observation weights to GBM
- HEXDEV-7: Add observation weights to DL
- HEXDEV-10: Add observation weights to DRF
- PUBDEV-291: Add observation weights to GLM, GBM, DRF, DL (classification)
- HEXDEV-332: Support Offsets for DL GitHub
- GitHub: Use weights/offsets in GBM.
- PUBDEV-61: do back-end work to allow document navigation from one Schema to another
- PUBDEV-133: doing summary means calling it with each columns name, index not supported?
- GitHub: add num_iterations accessor to python client and respective pyunit
- GitHub: add score_history accessor to python client and respective pyunit
- GitHub: add hit ratio table accessor to python interface and respective pyunit
- GitHub: add h2o.naivebayes and respective pyunits
- GitHub: add h2o.prcomp and respective pyunits.
- PUBDEV-681: Add user-given input weight parameters to Python
- GitHub: add h2o.create_frame to python client and respective pyunit
- GitHub: add h2o.interaction and respective pyunit
- GitHub: add h2o.strplit to python client and respective pyunit
- GitHub: add h2o.toupper and h2o.tolower to python client and respective pyunit
- GitHub: add h2o.sub and h2o.gsub to python interface and respective pyunit
- GitHub: add h2o.trim() to python client and respective pyunit
- GitHub: add h2o.rep_len to python client and respective pyunit
- GitHub: add h2o.svd to python client and respective golden pyunit
- GitHub: add scree plot functionality to python client and respective pyunit
- GitHub: add plotting functionality to python client and respective pyunit
- GitHub: added h2o.weights and h2o.biases accessors to R client and update respective runit
- GitHub: add h2o.centroid_stats to R client and respective runit
- PUBDEV-680: Add user-given input weight parameters to R
- GitHub: Add offset/weights to DRF/GBM R wrappers.
#####Web UI
- PUBDEV-1513: Add cancelJob() routine to Flow
- PUBDEV-676: Use the user-given weight Vec as observation weights for all algos
- GitHub: Refactor the code to let the caller compute the weighted sigma.
- GitHub: Modify prior class distribution to be computed from weighted response.
- GitHub: Put back the defaultThreshold that's based on training/validation metrics. Was accidentally removed together with SupervisedModel.
- GitHub: Always sample to at least #class labels when doing stratified sampling.
- GitHub: Cutout for NAs in GLM score0(data[],...), same as for score0(Chunk[],…)
- PUBDEV-856: All h2o things in R should have an
version so it's unambiguous GitHub - GitHub: export clusterIsUp and clusterInfo commands
- GitHub: update accessors in the shim
- GitHub: gbm with async exec
- HEXDEV-361: Wide frame handling for model builders
- GitHub: Remove application plugin from assembly to speedup build process.
- GitHub: add byteSize to ls
- GitHub: option to launch randomForest async
- GitHub: Return HDFS persist manager for URIs starting with s3n and s3a
- GitHub: quote strings when writing to disk
####Bug Fixes
- PUBDEV-1217: pca: when cancel the job the key remains locked
- PUBDEV-1468: Error in GBM if response column is constant GitHub
- PUBDEV-1476: dl with obs weights: nas in weights cause 'java.lang.AssertionError GitHub
- PUBDEV-1458: pca: data with nas, v2 vs v3 slightly different results GitHub
- PUBDEV-1477: dl w/obs wts: when all wts are zero, get java.lang.AssertionError GitHub
- GitHub: Fix check for offset (allow offset for logistic regression).
- GitHub: Gracefully handle exception when launching single-node DRF/GBM in client mode.
- GitHub: Hack around the fact that hasWeights()/hasOffset() isn't available on remote nodes and that SharedTree is sent to remote nodes and its private internal classes need access to the above methods...
- GitHub: Fix scoring when NAs are predicted.
- PUBDEV-1469: pyunit_citi_bike_large.py : test failing consistently on regression jobs
- PUBDEV-1472: Regression job : Pyunit small tests groupie and pub_444_spaces failing consistently
- PUBDEV-1372: Regression of pyunit_small, Groupby.py
- PUBDEV-1386: intermittent fail in pyunit_citi_bike_small.py: -Unimplemented- failed lookup on token
- PUBDEV-1471: pyunit_citi_bike_small.py : failing consistently on regression jobs
- PUBDEV-1466: matplotlib.pyplot import failure on MASTER jenkins pyunit small jobs GitHub
- GitHub: minor fix to python's h2o.create_frame
- GitHub: update the path to jar in connection.py
- PUBDEV-1475: Client mode failed tests : runit_GBM_one_node.R, runit_RF_one_node.R, runit_v_3_apply.R, runit_v_4_createfunctions.R GitHub
- PUBDEV-1235: Split Frame causes AIOOBE on Chicago crimes data GitHub
- PUBDEV-746: runit_demo_NOPASS_h2o_impute_R : h2o.impute() is missing. seems like we want that?
- PUBDEV-582: H2O-R- does not give the full column summary
- PUBDEV-1473: Regression : Runit small jobs failing on tests :
- PUBDEV-741: runit_NOPASS_pub-668 R tests uses all() ...h2o says all is unimplemented
- PUBDEV-1506: R: h2o.ls() needs to return data sizes
- PUBDEV-1436: Intermitent runit fail : runit_GBM_ecology.R GitHub
- PUBDEV-1464: R: toupper/tolower don't work GitHub GitHub
- PUBDEV-1194: R: dataset is imported but can't return head of frame
#####Sparkling Water
- PUBDEV-975: Download page for Sparkling Water should point to the right R-client and Python client
- PUBDEV-1428: Sparkling water => Flow => Million song/KDD Cup path issues GitHub
- PUBDEV-1433: Flow UI: Change Help > FAQ link to h2o-docs/index.html#FAQ
###Shannon ( - 6/13/15
####New Features
- PUBDEV-633: Generate Java bindings for REST API: POJOs for the entities (schemas)
- GitHub: added h2o.anyfactor() and respective pyunit
- GitHub: add h2o.scale and respective pyunit
- GitHub: added levels, nlevels, setLevel and setLevels and respective pyunit...PUBDEV-1434 PUBDEV-1437 PUBDEV-1434 PUBDEV-1345 PUBDEV-1311
- GitHub: add H2OFrame.as_date and pyunit addition. H2OFrame.setLevel should return a H2OFrame not a H2OVec.
- GitHub: Add
option to GBM
- HEXDEV-352: Additional attributes on /Frames and /Frames/foo/summary
- PUBDEV-706: Release h2o-dev to CRAN
- Adding parameter
to upload/import file (GitHub)
- PUBDEV-717: refector the duplicated code in FramesV2
- PUBDEV-1281: Add horizontal pagination of frames to Flow GitHub
- PUBDEV-607: Add Xmx reporting to GA
- GitHub:Added support for Freezable[][][] in serialization (added addAAA to auto buffer and DocGen, DocGen will just throw H2O.fail())
- GitHub: No longer set yyyy-MM-dd and dd-MMM-yy dates that precede the epoch to be NA. Negative time values are fine. This unifies these two time formats with the behavior of as.Date.
- GitHub: Reduces the verbosity of parse tracing messages.
- GitHub: Rename AUTO->GUESS for figuring out file type.
- HEXDEV-276: Add frame pagination
- PUBDEV-1405: Flow : Decision to be made on display of number of columns for wider datasets for Parse and Frame summary
- PUBDEV-1404: Usability improvements
- PUBDEV-244: "View Data" display may need to be modified/shortened.
####Bug Fixes
- PUBDEV-1365: GLM: Buggy when likelihood equals infinity
- PUBDEV-1394: GLM: Some offsets hang
- PUBDEV-1268: GLM: get java.lang.AssertionError at hex.glm.GLM$GLMSingleLambdaTsk.compute2 for attached data
- PUBDEV-1403: pca: h2o-3 reporting incorrect proportion of variance and cum prop GitHub
- HEXDEV-281: GLM - beta constraints with categorical variables fails with AIOOB
- HEXDEV-280: GLM - gradient not within tolerance when specifying beta_constraints w/ and w/o prior values
- PUBDEV-1425: Class Cast Exception ValStr to ValNum GitHub
- PUBDEV-1421: python client parse fail on hdfs /datasets/airlines/airlines.test.csv
- PUBDEV-1153: Demo: Airlines Demo in Python GitHub
- PUBDEV-1286: Python ifelse on H2OFrame never finishes
- PUBDEV-1435: Run.py modify to accept phantomjs timeout command line option GitHub
- PUBDEV-1154: Demo: Chicago Crime Demo in R
- PUBDEV-1240: Merge causes IllegalArgumentException
- PUBDEV-1447: R: no argument parser_type in h2o.uploadFile/h2o.importFile (GitHub)
- PUBDEV-1423: Phantomjs : Add timeout command line option
- PUBDEV-1401: Flow : Import file 15 M Rows 2.2K cols=> Parse these files => Change first column type => Unknown => Try to change other columns => Kind of hangs
- PUBDEV-1406: make the ParseSetup / Parse API more efficient for high column counts GitHub
###Shannon ( - 6/12/15
####New Features
- HEXDEV-29: The ability to define features as categorical or continuous in the web UI and in the python API
- GitHub Made intercept option public and added it to field list in parameter schema
- GitHub GLM: Updated null model intercept fit.
- GitHub GLM: Updated null-model constant term fitting when running with offset
- GitHub glm update
- GitHub DL code refactoring to reduce file sizes
- GitHub add h2o.round() and h2o.signif() and additional pyunit checks
- GitHub add h2o.all() and respective pyunit checks
- GitHub added intercept option top R
- PUBDEV-607: Add Xmx reporting to GA GitHub
- GitHub Add horizontal pagination of /Frames to handle UI navigation of wide datasets more efficiently.
- GitHub Only show the top 7 metrics for the max metrics table
- GitHub Make the max metrics table entries be called
max f1
####Bug Fixes
The following changes are to resolve incorrect software behavior:
- PUBDEV-1365: GLM: Buggy when likelihood equals infinity GitHub
- PUBDEV-1394: GLM: Some offsets hang
- PUBDEV-1268: GLM: get java.lang.AssertionError at hex.glm.GLM$GLMSingleLambdaTsk.compute2 for attached data
- PUBDEV-1382: pca: giving wrong std- dev for mentioned data
- PUBDEV-1383: pca: std dev numbers differ for v2 and v3 for attached data GitHub
- PUBDEV-1381: GBM, RF: get an NPE when run with a validation set with no response GitHub
- GitHub GLM fix - fixed fitting of null model constant term
- GitHub Fix remote bug
- GitHub Remove elastic averaging parameters from Flow.
- PUBDEV-1398: pca: predictions on the attached data from v2 and v3 differ
- PUBDEV-1286: Python ifelse on H2OFrame never finishes GitHub
- PUBDEV-761: Save model and restore model (from R)
- PUBDEV-1236: h2o-r/tests/testdir_misc/runit_mergecat.R failure (client mode only)
- PUBDEV-1402: move Rapids to /99 since it's going to be in flux for a while GitHub
- GitHub Fixes an operator precedence issue, and replaces debug GA target with actual one.
- GitHub Fix log download bug where all nodes were getting the same zip file.
###Shannon ( - 6/9/15
####New Features
- PUBDEV-1163: implement h2o1-style model save/restore in h2o-3 GitHub
- GitHub: Added --h2ojar option
- PUBDEV-277: Make python equivalent of as.h2o() work for numpy array and pandas arrays
####Bug Fixes
- PUBDEV-1371: pca: get java.lang.AssertionError at hex.svd.SVD$SVDDriver.compute2(SVD.java:198)
- PUBDEV-1376: pca: predictions from h2o-3 and h2o-2 differs for attached data
- PUBDEV-1380: DL: when try to access the training frame from the link in the dl model get: Object not found
- PUBDEV-761: Save model and restore model (from R) GitHub
###Shannon ( - 6/8/15
####New Features
- HEXDEV-209:Poisson distributions for GLM
- PUBDEV-1270: Python Interface needs H2O Cut Function GitHub
- PUBDEV-1242: Need equivalent of as.Date feature in Python GitHub
- PUBDEV-1165: H2O Python needs Modulus Operations
- HEXDEV-29: The ability to define features as categorical or continuous in the web UI and in the python API
- PUBDEV-1237: environment variable to disable the strict version check in the R and Python bindings
- PUBDEV-1175: Flow: Good interactive confusion matrix for binomial
- PUBDEV-1176: Flow: Good confusion matrix for multinomial
- GitHub: GLM weights fix: regularize by sum of weights rather than number of observations
- GitHub: GLM fix: added line search (and limited number of iterations) to constant term model fitting with offset (could enter infinite loop)
- GitHub: No longer warn if
option is enabled for_nclass
!=2 - GitHub: Fix CM table to have integer entries unless there are real-valued entries
- GitHub: Add extra assertion for
- GitHub: Update model during runtime of algorithm.
- GitHub: Changes to glm forloop to add offsets and add NOPASS/NOFEATURE functionality back to run.py
- GitHub: month was off by one, runit test edited
- GitHub: Comments to clarify the policy on dates in H2O.
- HEXDEV-344: Logs should include JVM launch parameters
- PUBDEV-467: Show Frames for DL weights/biases in Flow
- PUBDEV-1221: add a "I like this" style button with LinkedIn or Github (beside the Flow Assist Me button)
- PUBDEV-1245: Flow: use new
query parameter to speed up REST API usage
####Bug Fixes
- PUBDEV-1353: GLM: model with weights different in R than in H2o for attached data
- PUBDEV-1358: GLM: when run with -ive weights, would be good to tell the user that -ive weights not allowed instead of throwing exception
- PUBDEV-1264: GLM: reporting incorrect null deviance GitHub
- PUBDEV-1362: GLM: when run with weights and offset get wrong ans
- PUBDEV-1263: GLM: name ordering for the coefficients is incorrect GitHub
- PUBDEV-1261: pca: wrong std dev for data with nas rest numeric cols GitHub
- PUBDEV-1218: pca: progress bar not showing progress just the initial and final progress status GitHub
- PUBDEV-1204: pca: from flow when try to invoke build model, displays-ERROR FETCHING INITIAL MODEL BUILDER STATE
- PUBDEV-1212: pca: with enum column reporting (some junk) wrong stdev/ rotation GitHub
- PUBDEV-1228: pca: no std dev getting reported for attached data
- PUBDEV-1233: pca: std dev for attached data differ when run on h2o-3 and h2o-2
- PUBDEV-1258: h2o.glm with offset column: get Error in .h2o.startModelJob(conn, algo, params) : Offset column 'logInsured' not found in the training frame.
- PUBDEV-1234: h2o.setTimezone throwing an error GitHub
- PUBDEV-1229: R: Most GLM accessors fail GitHub
- PUBDEV-1227: R: Cannot extract an enum value using data[row,col] GitHub
- HEXDEV-339: Feature engineering: log (1+x) fails GitHub
- PUBDEV-1249: h2o.glm: no way to specify offset or weights from h2o R GitHub
- PUBDEV-1255: create_frame: hangs with following msg in the terminal, java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: n must be positive
- PUBDEV-1361: runit_hex_1841_asdate_datemanipulation.R fails intermittently GitHub
- PUBDEV-1361: runit_hex_1841_asdate_datemanipulation.R fails intermittently
- PUBDEV-692: Upgrade SparklingWater to Spark 1.3
- PUBDEV-1288: Confusion Matrix: class java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException', with msg '2' java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2 at hex.ConfusionMatrix.createConfusionMatrixHeader Github
- HEXDEV-323: SVMLight Parse Bug GitHub
- PUBDEV-1207: implement JSON field-filtering features:
- GitHub: Fix a missing field update in Job.
- PUBDEV-65: Handling of strings columns in summary is broken
- PUBDEV-1230: Parse: get AIOOB when parses the attached file with first two cols as enum while h2o-2 does fine
- PUBDEV-1377: Get AIOOBE when parsing a file with fewer column names than columns GitHub
- PUBDEV-1364: Variable importance Object
#####Web UI
- PUBDEV-1198: Flow: Selecting "Cancel" for "Load Notebook" prompt clears current notebook anyway
- PUBDEV-1172: Model builder takes forever to load the column names in Flow, hence cannot build any models
- PUBDEV-1248: Flow GLM: from Flow the drop down with column names does not show up and hence not able to select the offset column
- PUBDEV-1380: DL: when try to access the training frame from the link in the dl model get: Object not found GitHub
###Shannon ( - 5/30/15
####New Features
- HEXDEV-260: Add Random Forests for regression GitHub
- PUBDEV-1166: Converting H2OFrame into Python object
- PUBDEV-1165: H2O Python needs Modulus Operations
- PUBDEV-1188: Merge should handle non-numeric columns (github)
- PUBDEV-1096: R: add weekdays() function in addition to month() and year()
- github: Updated weights handling, test.
- HEXDEV-324poor GBM performance on KDD Cup 2009 competition dataset (github)
- HEXDEV-326: varImp() function for DRF and GBM (github)
- github: Change some of the defaults
- PUBDEV-669: have the /Frames/{key}/summary API call Vec.startRollupStats
- PUBDEV-479: Port MissingInserter to R/Python
- PUBDEV-632: Display TwoDimTable of HitRatios in R/Python
- github: minor change to h2o.demo()
- github: add h2o.demo() facility to python package, along with some built-in (small) data
- github: remove cols param
####Bug Fixes
- PUBDEV-1211: pca: descaled pca, std dev seems to be wrong for attached data github
- PUBDEV-1213: pca: would be good to have the std dev numbered bec difficult to relate to the principal components (github)
- PUBDEV-1201: pca: get ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException (github)
- PUBDEV-1203: pca: giving wrong std dev/rotation-labels for iris with species as enum (github)
- PUBDEV-1199: DL with <1 epochs has wrong initial estimated time (github)
- github: Fix missing AUC for training data in DL.
- github: Add the seed back to GBM imbalanced test (was set to 0 by default before, now explicit)
- PUBDEV-1189: R: h2o.hist broken for breaks that is a list of the break intervals (github)
- PUBDEV-1206: Frame summary from R and Python need to use the Frame summary endpoint (github)
- PUBDEV-1177: R summary() is slow when large number of columns
- PUBDEV-1097: R: R should be able to take a of paths similar to how python does
###Shannon ( - 5/22/15
- PUBDEV-1179: DRF: investigate if larger seeds giving better models
- PUBDEV-1178: Add logloss/AUC/Error to GBM/DRF Logs & ScoringHistory
- PUBDEV-1169: Use only 1 tree for DRF binomial (github)
- PUBDEV-1170: Wrong ROC is shown for DRF (Training ROC, even though Validation is given)
- PUBDEV-1162: Speed up sorting of histograms with O(N log N) instead of O(N^2)
- PUBDEV-1152: Accept s3a URLs
- HEXDEV-316: ImportFiles should not download files from HTTP
####Bug Fixes
- HEXDEV-253: model output consistency
- HEXDEV-319: DRF in h2o 3.0 is worse than in h2o 2.0 for Airline
- PUBDEV-1180: DRF has wrong training metrics when validation is given
- PUBDEV-501: H2OPredict: does not complain when you build a model with one dataset and predict on completely different dataset
- PUBDEV-1183: Python version check should fail hard by default
- PUBDEV-1185: Python binding version mismatch check should fail hard and be on by default
- HEXDEV-138: Port Python tests for Deep Learning
- PUBDEV-1160: R: h2o.hist doesn't support breaks argument
- PUBDEV-1159: R: h2o.hist takes too long to run
- PUBDEV-1150: R CMD Check: URLs not working
- PUBDEV-1149: R CMD check not happy with our use of .OnAttach
- PUBDEV-1174: R: h2o.hist FD implementation broken
- PUBDEV-1167: R: h2o.group_by broken
- HEXDEV-318: the fix to H2O startup for the host unreachable from R causes a security hole
- PUBDEV-1187: FramesHandler.summary() needs to run summary on all Vecs concurrently.
- PUBDEV-862: Building a model without training file -> NPE
- HEXDEV-315: importFile fails: Error in fromJSON(txt, ...) : unexpected character: A
- PUBDEV-1137: Parse: upload and import gives different chunk compression on the same file
- PUBDEV-1054: Parse: h2o parses arff file incorrectly
- PUBDEV-1181: Rapids should queue and block on the back-end to prevent overlapping calls
- PUBDEV-1184: importFile fails for paths containing spaces
#####Web UI
- PUBDEV-1182: Flow: when upload file fails, the control does not come back to the flow screen, and have to refresh the whole page to get it back
- PUBDEV-1131: GBM crashes after calling getJobs in Flow
###Shannon ( - 5/18/15
- PUBDEV-711: take a final look at all REST API parameter names and help strings
- PUBDEV-757: Rename DocsV1 + DocsHandler to MetadataV1 + MetadataHandler
- PUBDEV-1138: Performance improvements for big data sets => getModels
- PUBDEV-1126: Performance improvements for big data sets => Get frame summary
- HEXDEV-316: ImportFiles should not download files from HTTP
#####Web UI
- PUBDEV-1144: Update/Fix Flow API for CreateFrame
####Bug Fixes
The following changes are to resolve incorrect software behavior:
- PUBDEV-501: H2OPredict: does not complain when you build a model with one dataset and predict on completely different dataset
- PUBDEV-1047: API : Get frames and Build model => takes long time to get frames
- HEXDEV-149: Allow JobsV3 to return properly typed jobs, not always instances of JobV3
- PUBDEV-1036: rename straggler V2 schemas to V3
- PUBDEV-1159: R: h2o.hist takes too long to run
- PUBDEV-1034: Windows 7/8/2012 Multicast Error UDP
- PUBDEV-862: Building a model without training file -> NPE
- HEXDEV-253: model output consistency
- PUBDEV-1135: While predicting get:class water.fvec.RollupStats$ComputeRollupsTask; class java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 5
- PUBDEV-1090: POJO: Models with "." in key name (ex. pros.glm) can't access pojo endpoint
- PUBDEV-1077: Getting an IcedHashMap warning from H2O startup
#####Web UI
- PUBDEV-1133: getModels in Flow returns error
- PUBDEV-926: Flow: When user hits build model without specifying the training frame, it would be good if Flow guides the user. It presently shows an NPE msg
- PUBDEV-1131: GBM crashes after calling getJobs in Flow
###Shannon ( - 5/15/15
####New Features
- PUBDEV-411: ModelMetrics by model category
- PUBDEV-942: ModelMetrics by model category - Autoencoder
- github: GLM update: skip lambda max during lambda search
- github: removed higher accuracy option
- github: Rename constant col parameter
- github: GLM update: added stopping criteria to lbfgs, tweaked some internal constants in ADMM
- github: Add support for
in DL
- PUBDEV-852: Binomial: show per-metric-optimal CM and per-threshold CM in Python
- github: add filterNACols to python
- github: h2o.delete replaced with h2o.removeFrameShallow
- github: Add distribution summary to Python
- github: add filterNACols to R
- github: explicitly set cols=TRUE for R style str on frames
- github: enable faster str, bulk nlevels, bulk levels, bulk is.factor
- github: Add optional blocking parameter to h2o.uploadFile
- PUBDEV-672 HTML version of the REST API docs should be available on the website
- PUBDEV-827: class GenModel duplicates part of code of Model
#####Web UI
- HEXDEV-181 Flow: Handle deep features prediction input and output
- github: removed
from glm flows
####Bug Fixes
- HEXDEV-302: AIOOBE during Prediction with DL github
- github: glm fix: don't force in null model for lambda search with user given list of lambdas
- github: Fix domain in glm scoring output for binomial
- github: GLM Fix - fix degrees of freedom when running without intercept (+/-1)
- github: GLM fix: make valid data info be clone of train data info (needs exactly the same categorical offsets, ignore unseen levels)
- github: Fix glm scoring, fill in default domain {0,1} for binary columns when scoring
- PUBDEV-1116: R: Parse that works from flow doesn't work from R using as.h2o
- PUBDEV-798: R: String Munging Functions Missing
- PUBDEV-584: R: hist() doesn't currently work for H2O objects
- PUBDEV-820: H2oR: model objects should return the CM when run classification like h2o1
- PUBDEV-1113: Remove Keys : Parse => Remove => doesn't complete
- PUBDEV-1102: R: h2o.rbind fails to join two dataset together
- PUBDEV-899: R: all doesn't work
- PUBDEV-555: H2O-R: str does not work
- PUBDEV-1110: H2OR: while printing a gbm model object, get invalid format '%d'; use format %f, %e, %g or %a for numeric objects
- PUBDEV-903: R: Errors from some rapids calls seem to fail to return an error
- HEXDEV-311: Performance bug from R with Expect: 100-continue
- PUBDEV-1030: h2o.performance: ignores the user specified threshold
- PUBDEV-1071: R: regression models don't show in print statement r2 but it exists in the model object
- PUBDEV-1072: R: missing accessors for glm specific fields
- PUBDEV-1032: After running some R and py demos when invoke a build model from flow get- rollup stats problem vec deleted error
- PUBDEV-1069: R: missing implementation for h2o.r2
- PUBDEV-1064: Passing sep="," to h2o.importFile() fails with '400 Bad Request'
- PUBDEV-1092: Get NPE while predicting
- PUBDEV-1091: S3 gzip parse failure
- PUBDEV-1081: Probably want to cleanly disable multicast (not retry) and print suggestion message, if multicast not supported on picked multicast network interface
- PUBDEV-1112: User has no way to specify whether to drop constant columns
- PUBDEV-1109: Change all extdata imports to uploadFile
- PUBDEV-1104: .gz file parse exception from local filesystem
- PUBDEV-1134: getPredictions in Flow returns error
- PUBDEV-1020: Flow : Drop NA Cols enable => Should automatically populate the ignored columns
- PUBDEV-1041: Flow GLM: formatting needed for the model parameter listing in the model object github
- PUBDEV-1108: Flow: When predict on data with no response get :Error processing POST /3/Predictions/models/gbm-a179db76-ba96-420f-a643-0e166aea3af3/frames/subset_1 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'prediction.model')
###Shackleford ( - 5/8/15
####New Features
- Set up POJO download for Python client (PUBDEV-908) (github)
#####Sparkling Water
- Publish h2o-scala and h2o-app latest version to maven central (PUBDEV-443)
- Use AUC's default threshold for label-making for binomial classifiers predict() (PUBDEV-1063) (github)
- GLM update (github)
- Cleanup AUC2, make incremental version (github)
- Name change:
(github) - Couple of GLM updates (github)
- Disable
for data that's larger than 10GB (github) - Added
param for DL (github) - Change a few kmeans output parameters so no longer dividing by
(github) - GLMValidation Updated auc computation (github)
- Do not delete model metrics at end of GBM/DRF (github)
- Clean REST api for Parse (PUBDEV-993)
- Removes
, and domains from REST api (github) - Annotate domains output field as expert level (github)
- Implement h2o.interaction() (PUBDEV-854) (github)
- nice tables in ipython! (github)
- added deeplearning weights and biases accessors and respective pyunit. (github)
- Cleaner client POJO download for R (PUBDEV-907)
- Implement h2o.interaction() (PUBDEV-854) (github)
- R: h2o.impute missing (PUBDEV-796)
is passed through to h2o (github)- Adding GBM accessor function runits (github)
- Adding changes to
to be like other accessors (i.e., no train) (github) - add h2o.getPOJO to R, fix impute ast build in python (github)
- Change NA strings to an array in ParseSetup (PUBDEV-995)
- Document way of passing S3 credentials for S3N (PUBDEV-947)
- Add H2O-dev doc on docs.h2o.ai via a new structure (proposed below) (PUBDEV-355)
- Rapids Ref Doc (PUBDEV-667)
- Show Timestamp and Duration for all model scoring histories (PUBDEV-1018) (github)
- Logs slow reads, mainly meant for noting slow S3 reads (github)
- Make prediction frame column names non-integer (github)
- Add String[] factor_columns instead of int[] factors (github)
- change the runtime exception to a Log.info() if interface doesn't support multicast (github)
- More robust way to copy Flow files to web root per Prithvi (github)
- Switches
from a single value per column to an array per column (github)
#####Web UI
- Model output improvements (HEXDEV-150)
####Bug Fixes
- H2O cloud shuts down with some H2O.fail error, while building some kmeans clusters (PUBDEV-1051) (github)
- GLM:beta constraint does not seem to be working (PUBDEV-1083)
- GBM - random attack bug (probably because
is really small) (PUBDEV-1061) (github) - GLM: LBFGS objval java lang assertion error (PUBDEV-1042) (github)
- PCA Cholesky NPE (PUBDEV-921)
- GBM: H2o returns just 5525 trees, when ask for a much larger number of trees (PUBDEV-860)
- CM returned by AUC2 doesn't agree with manual-made labels from F1-optimal threshold (HEXDEV-263)
- AUC: h2o reporting wrong auc on a modified covtype data (PUBDEV-891)
- GLM: Build model => Predict => Residual deviance/Null deviance different from training/validation metrics (PUBDEV-991)
- KMeans metrics incomplete (PUBDEV-1029)
- GLM: Java Assertion Error (PUBDEV-1025)
- Random forest bug (PUBDEV-1015)
- A particular random forest model has an empty (training) metric json
(PUBDEV-1001) - PCA results exhibit numerical inaccuracies compared to R (PUBDEV-550)
- DRF: reporting wrong depth for attached dataset (PUBDEV-1006)
- added missing "names" column name to beta constraints processing (github)
- Fix
probability correction consistency between H2O and POJO (github) - Fix in GLM scoring - check actual for NaNs as well (github)
- Cannot import_file path=url python interface (PUBDEV-1059)
- head()/tail() should show labels, rather than number encoding, for enum columns (PUBDEV-1017)
- h2o.py: for binary response printing transpose and hence wrong cm (PUBDEV-1013)
- Broken Summary in R (PUBDEV-1073
- h2oR summary: displaying no labels in summary (PUBDEV-1008)
- R/Python impute bugs (PUBDEV-1055)
- R: h2o.varimp doubles the print statement (PUBDEV-1068)
- R: h2o.varimp returns NULL when model has no variable importance (PUBDEV-1078)
- h2oR: h2o.confusionMatrix(my_gbm, validation=F) should not show a null (PUBDEV-849)
- h2o.impute doesn't impute (PUBDEV-1024)
- R: as.h2o cutting entries when trying to import data.frame into H2O (HEXDEV-293)
- The default names are too long, for an R-datafile parsed to H2O, and needs to be changed (PUBDEV-976)
- H2o.confusionMatrix: when invoked with threshold gives error (PUBDEV-1010)
- removing train and adding error messages for valid = TRUE when there's not validation metrics (github)
- Download logs is returning the same log file bundle for every node (PUBDEV-1056)
- ParseSetup is useless and misleading for SVMLight (PUBDEV-994)
- Fixes bug that was short circuiting the setting of column names (github)
#####Web UI
- Flow: Predict should not show mse confusion matrix etc (PUBDEV-987) (github)
- Flow: Raw frames left out after importing files from directory (PUBDEV-1046)
###Shackleford ( - 5/1/15
####New Features
- Need a /Log REST API to log client-side errors to H2O's log (HEXDEV-291)
- add impute to python interface (github)
- Job admission control (PUBDEV-536) (github)
- Get Flow Exceptions/Stack Traces in H2O Logs (PUBDEV-920)
- GLM: Name to be changed from normalized to standardized in output to be consistent between input/output (PUBDEV-954)
- GLM: It would be really useful if the coefficient magnitudes are reported in descending order (PUBDEV-923)
- PUBDEV-536: Limit DL models to 100M parameters (github)
- PUBDEV-536: Add accurate memory-based admission control for GBM/DRF (github)
- relax the tolerance a little more...(github)
- Tree depth correction (github)
- Comment out
for now, as it's always left at 0 (github) - Updated min mem computation for glm (github)
- GLM update: added lambda search info to scoring history (github)
- python .show() on model and metric objects should match R/Flow as much as possible (HEXDEV-289)
- GLM model output, details from Python (HEXDEV-95)
- GBM model output, details from Python (HEXDEV-102)
- Run GBM from Python (HEXDEV-99)
- map domain to result from /Frames if needed (github)
- added confusion matrix to metric output (github)
- update
(github) - fetch out
if type is string (github)
- GBM model output, details from R (HEXDEV-101)
- Run GBM from R (HEXDEV-98)
- check if it's a frame then check NA (github)
- Report MTU to logs (PUBDEV-614) (github)
- Make parameter changes Log.info() instead of Log.warn() (github)
#####Web UI
- Flow: Confusion matrix: good to have consistency in the column and row name (letter) case (PUBDEV-971)
- Run GBM Multinomial from Flow (HEXDEV-111)
- Run GBM Regression from Flow (HEXDEV-112)
- Sort model types in alphabetical order in Flow (PUBDEV-1011)
####Bug Fixes
The following changes are to resolve incorrect software behavior:
- GLM: Model output display issues (PUBDEV-956)
- h2o.glm: ignores validation set (PUBDEV-958)
- DRF: reports wrong number of leaves in a summary (PUBDEV-930)
- h2o.glm: summary of a prediction frame gives na's as labels (PUBDEV-959)
- GBM: reports wrong max depth for a binary model on german data (PUBDEV-839)
- GLM: Confusion matrix missing in R for binomial models (PUBDEV-950) (github)
- GLM: On airlines(40g) get ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException (PUBDEV-967)
- GLM: Build model => Predict => Residual deviance/Null deviance different from training/validation metrics (PUBDEV-991)
- Domains returned by GLM for binomial classification problem are integers, but should be mapped to their label (PUBDEV-999)
- GLM: Validation on non training data gives NaN Res Deviance and AIC (PUBDEV-1005)
- Confusion matrix has nan's in it (PUBDEV-1000)
- glm fix: pass
from R (was being dropped) (github)
- H2OPy: warns about version mismatch even when installed the latest from master (PUBDEV-980)
- Columns of type enum lose string label in Python H2OFrame.show() (PUBDEV-965)
- Bug in H2OFrame.show() (HEXDEV-295) (github)
- h2o.confusionMatrix for binary response gives not-found thresholds (PUBDEV-957)
- GLM: model_id param is ignored in R (PUBDEV-1007)
- h2o.confusionmatrix: mixing cases(letter) for categorical labels while printing multinomial cm (PUBDEV-996)
- fix the dupe thresholds error (github)
- extra arg in impute example (github)
- fix missing param data (github)
- Builds : Failing intermittently due to java.lang.StackOverflowError (PUBDEV-972)
- Get H2O cloud hang with NPE and roll up stats problem, when click on build model glm from flow, on laptop after running a few python demos and R scripts (PUBDEV-963)
#####Web UI
- Flow :=> Airlines dataset => Build models glm/gbm/dl => water.DException$DistributedException: from /; by class water.fvec.RollupStats$ComputeRollupsTask; class java.lang.NullPointerException: null (PUBDEV-603)
- Flow => Preview Pojo => collapse not working (PUBDEV-977)
- Flow => Any algorithm => Select response => Select Add all for ignored columns => Try to unselect some from ignored columns => Build => Response column IsDepDelayed not found in frame: allyears_1987_2013.hex. (PUBDEV-978)
- Flow => ROC curve select something on graph => Table is displayed for selection => Collapse ROC curve => Doesn't collapse table, collapses only graph (PUBDEV-1003)
###Severi ( - 4/29/15
####New Features
- Release h2o-dev to PyPi (PUBDEV-762)
- Python Documentation (PUBDEV-901)
- Python docs Wrap Up (PUBDEV-966)
- add getters for res/null dev, fix kmeans,dl getters (github)
- Use partial-sum version of mat-vec for DL POJO (PUBDEV-936)
- Always store weights and biases for DLTest Junit (github)
- Show the DL model size in the model summary (github)
- Remove assertion in hot loop (github)
- Rename ADMM to IRLSM (github)
- Added no intercept option to glm (github)
- Code cleanup. Moved ModelMetricsPCAV3 out of H2O-algos (github)
- Improve DL model checkpoint logic (github)
- Updated glm output (github)
- Renamed normalized coefficients to standardized coefficients in glm output (github)
- Use proper tie breaking for NB (github)
- Add check that DL parameters aren't modified by model training (github)
- Reduce tolerances (github)
- If no observations of a response leveland prediction is numeric, assume it is drawn from standard normal distribution (mean 0, standard deviation 1). Add validation test with split frame for naive Bayes (github)
- replaced H2OFrame.send_frame() calls with cbind Exprs so that lazy evaluation is enforced (github)
- change default xmx/s behavior of h2o.init() (github)
- better handling of single row return and print (github)
- Added interpolation to quantile to match R type 7 (github)
- Removed and tidied if's in quantile.H2OFrame since it now uses match.arg (github)
- Connected validation dataset to glm in R (github)
- Removing h2o.aic from seealso link (doesn't exist) and updating documentation (github)
- Add number of rows (per node) to ChunkSummary (PUBDEV-938) (github)
- allow nrow as alias for count in groupby (github)
- Only launches task to fill in SVM zeros if the file is SVM (github)
- Adds more log traces to track progress of post-ingest actions (github)
- Adds svm as a file extension to the hex name cleanup (github)
#####Web UI
- Flow: Inspect data => Round decimal points to 1 to be consistent with h2o1 (PUBDEV-453)
- Setup POJO download method for Flow (PUBDEV-909)
- Pretty-print POJO preview in flow (PUBDEV-940)
- Flow: It would be good if 'get predictions' also shows the data (PUBDEV-883)
- GBM model output, details in Flow (HEXDEV-103)
- Display a linked data table for each visualization in Flow (PUBDEV-318)
- Run GBM binomial from Flow (needs proper CM) (PUBDEV-943)
####Bug Fixes
- GLM: results from model and prediction on the same dataset do not match (PUBDEV-922)
- GLM: when select AUTO as solver, for prostate, glm gives all zero coefficients (PUBDEV-916)
- Large (DL) models cause oversize issues during serialization (PUBDEV-941)
- Fixed name change for ADMM (github)
- Fix schema warning on startup (PUBDEV-946) (github)
- H2OVec.row_select(H2OVec) fails on case where only 1 row is selected (PUBDEV-948)
- fix pyunit (github)
- R: Parse of zip file fails, Summary fails on citibike data (PUBDEV-835)
- h2o. performance reports a different Null Deviance than the model object for the same dataset (PUBDEV-816)
- h2o.glm: no example on h2o.glm help page (PUBDEV-962)
- H2O R: Confusion matrices from R still confused (PUBDEV-904) (github)
- R: h2o.confusionMatrix("H2OModel", ...) extra parameters not working (PUBDEV-953) (github)
- h2o.confusionMatrix for binomial gives not-found thresholds on S3 -airlines 43g (PUBDEV-957)
- H2O summary quartiles outside tolerance of (max-min)/1000 (PUBDEV-671)
- fix space headers issue from R (was not url-encoding the column strings) (github)
- R CMD fixes (github)
- Fixed broken R interface - make
non-mandatory (github)
#####Sparkling Water
- Sparkling water : #UDP-Recv ERRR: UDP Receiver error on port 54322java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:(PUBDEV-311)
- Mapr 3.1.1 : Memory is not being allocated for what is asked for instead the default is what cluster gets (PUBDEV-937)
- GLM: AIOOBwith msg '-14' at water.RPC$2.compute2(RPC.java:593) (PUBDEV-917)
- h2o.glm: model summary listing same info twice (PUBDEV-915)
- Parse: Detect and reject UTF-16 encoded files (HEXDEV-285)
- DataInfo Row categorical encoding AIOOBE (HEXDEV-283)
- Fix POJO Preview exception (github)
- Fix NPE in ChunkSummary (github)
- fix global name collision (github)
###Severi ( - 4/25/15
####New Features
- added min, max, sum, median for H2OVecs and respective pyunit (github)
- added min(), max(), and sum() functionality on H2OFrames and respective pyunits (github)
#####Web UI
- View POJO in Flow (PUBDEV-781)
- help > about page or add version on main page for easy bug reporting. (PUBDEV-804)
- POJO generation: GLM (PUBDEV-712) (github)
- GLM model output, details in Flow (HEXDEV-96)
- K means output clean up (HEXDEV-187)
- Add FNR/TNR/FPR/TPR to threshold tables, remove recall, specificity (github)
- Add accessor for variable importances for DL (github)
- Relax CM error tolerance for F1-optimal threshold now that AUC2 doesn't necessarily create consistent thresholds with its own CMs. (github)
- Added scoring history to glm (github)
- Added model summary to glm (github)
- Add flag to support reading data from S3N (github)
- Added degrees of freedom to GLM metrics schemas (github)
- Allow DL scoring_history to be unlimited in length (github)
- add plotting for binomial models (github)
- Ignore certain parameters that are not applicable (class balancing, max CM size, etc.) (github)
- Updated glm scoring, fill training/validation metrics in model output (github)
- Rename gbm loss parameter to distribution (github)
- Fix GBM naming: loss -> distribution (github)
- GLM LBFGS update (github)
- na.rm for quantile is default behavior (github)
- GLM update: enabled
in REST, updated lbfgs (github) - Remove
for now from DL (github) - Get rid of sigma in the model metrics, instead show r2 (github)
- Don't show
for DL (github) - Don't print too large confusion matrices in Tree models (github)
- publish h2o-model.jar via REST API (PUBDEV-779)
- move all schemas and endpoints to v3 (PUBDEV-471)
- clean up routes (remove AddToNavbar, fix /Quantiles, etc) (PUBDEV-618) (github)
- More data in chunk_homes call. Add num_chunks_per_vec. Add num_vec. (github)
- Added chunk_homes route for frames (github)
- Update to use /3 routes (github)
- Python client should check that version number == server version number (PUBDEV-799)
- Add asfactor for month (github)
- in Expr.show() only show 10 or less rows. remove locate from runit test because full path used (github)
- change nulls to () (github)
- sigma is no longer part of ModelMetricsRegressionV3 (github)
- Fix integer -> int in R (github)
- add autoencoder show method (github)
- accessor is $ not @ (github)
- add
calls to R (github) - add h2o.predict as alternative (github)
- update model output in R (github)
- Port MissingValueInserter EndPoint to h2o-dev. (PUBDEV-465)
- Rapids: require a (put "key" %frame) (PUBDEV-868)
- Need pojo base model jar file embedded in h2o-dev via build process (PUBDEV-780) (github)
- Make .json the default (PUBDEV-619) (github)
- Rename class for clarification (github)
- Classifies all NA columns as numeric. Also improves preview sampling accuracy by trimming partial lines at end of chunk. (github)
- Implements sampling of files within the ParseSetup preview. This prevents poor column type guesses from only sampling the beginning of a file. (github).
- Rename fields
(github) - allow for many deletes as final statements in a block (github)
- rename initF -> init_f, dropNA20Cols -> drop_na20_cols (github)
- Removed tweedie param (github)
- thresholds -> threshold (github)
- JSON of TwoDimTable with all null values in the first column (no row headers) now doesn't have an empty column for of "" or nulls. (github)
- move H2O_Load, fix all the timezone functions (github)
- Add extra verbose printout in case Frames don't match identically (github)
- allow delayed column lookup (github)
- add mixed type list (github)
- Added WaterMeterIo to count persist info (github)
- Remove special setChunkSize code in HDFS and NFS file vec (github)
- add check for Frame on string parse (github)
- Disable Memory Cleaner (github)
- Handle '<' chars in Keys when swapping (github)
- allow for colnames in slicing (github)
- Adjusts parse type detection. If column is all one string value, declare it an enum (github)
#####Web UI
- nice algo names in the Flow dropdown (full word names) (PUBDEV-707)
- Compute and Display Hit Ratios (PUBDEV-630)
- Limit POJO preview to 1000 lines (github)
####Bug Fixes
- GLM: lasso i.e alpha =1 seems to be giving wrong answers (PUBDEV-769)
- AUC: h2o reports .5 auc when actual auc is 1 (PUBDEV-879)
- h2o.glm: No output displayed for the model (PUBDEV-858)
- h2o.glm model object output needs a fix (PUBDEV-815)
- h2o.glm model object says : fill me in GLMModelOutputV2; I think I'm redundant [1] FALSE (PUBDEV-765)
- GLM : Build GLM Model => Java Assertion error (PUBDEV-686)
- GLM :=> Progress shows -100% (PUBDEV-861)
- GBM: Negative sign missing in initF value for ad dataset (PUBDEV-880)
- K-Means takes a validation set but doesn't use it (PUBDEV-826)
- Absolute_MCC is NaN (sometimes) (PUBDEV-848) (github)
- GBM: A proper error msg should be thrown when the user sets the max depth =0 (PUBDEV-838) (github)
- DRF Regression Assertion Error (PUBDEV-824)
- h2o.randomForest: if h2o is not returning the mse for the 0th tree then it should not be reported in the model object (PUBDEV-811)
- GBM: Got exception
class java.lang.AssertionError
with msgnull
java.lang.AssertionError at hex.tree.gbm.GBM$GBMDriver$GammaPass.map (PUBDEV-693) - GBM: Got exception
class java.lang.AssertionError
with msgnull
java.lang.AssertionError at hex.ModelMetricsMultinomial$MetricBuildMultinomial.perRow (HEXDEV-248) - GBM get java.lang.AssertionError: Coldata 2199.0 out of range C17:5086.0-19733.0 step=57.214844 nbins=256 isInt=1 (HEXDEV-241)
- GLM: glmnet objective function better than h2o.glm (PUBDEV-749)
- GLM: get AIOOB:-36 at hex.glm.GLMTask$GLMIterationTask.postGlobal(GLMTask.java:733) (PUBDEV-894) (github)
- Fixed glm behavior in case no rows are left after filtering out NAs (github)
- Fix memory leak in validation scoring in K-Means (github)
- API unification: DataFrame should be able to accept URI referencing file on local filesystem (PUBDEV-709) (github)
- Python: describe returning all zeros (PUBDEV-875)
- python/R & merge() (PUBDEV-834)
- python Expr min, max, median, sum bug (PUBDEV-845) (github)
- (R and Python) clients must not pass response to DL AutoEncoder model builder (PUBDEV-897) (github)
- h2o.varimp, h2o.hit_ratio_table missing in R (PUBDEV-842)
- GLM: No help for h2o.glm from R (PUBDEV-732)
- h2o.confusionMatrix not working for binary response (PUBDEV-782) (github)
- h2o.splitframe complains about destination keys (PUBDEV-783)
- h2o.assign does not work (PUBDEV-784) (github)
- H2oR: should display only first few entries of the variable importance in model object (PUBDEV-850)
- R: h2o.confusion matrix needs formatting (PUBDEV-764)
- R: h2o.confusionMatrix => No Confusion Matrices for H2ORegressionMetrics (PUBDEV-710)
- h2o.deeplearning: model object output needs a fix (PUBDEV-821)
- h2o.varimp, h2o.hit_ratio_table missing in R (PUBDEV-842)
- force gc more frequently (github)
- MapR FS loads are too slow (PUBDEV-927)
- ensure that HDFS works from Windows (PUBDEV-812)
- Summary: on a time column throws,'null' is not an object (evaluating 'column.domain[level.index]') in Flow (PUBDEV-867)
- Parse: An enum column gets parsed as int for the attached file (PUBDEV-606)
- Parse => 40Mx1_uniques => class java.lang.RuntimeException (PUBDEV-729)
- if there are fewer than 5 unique values in a dataset column, mins/maxs reports e+308 values (PUBDEV-150) (github)
- Sparkling water -
(PUDEV-771) - Sparkling water -
(PUBDEV-767) - Sparkling water -
(PUBDEV-766) - Inconsistency in row and col slicing (HEXDEV-265) (github)
- rep_len expects literal length only (HEXDEV-268) (github)
- cbind and = don't work within a single rapids block (HEXDEV-237)
- Rapids response for c(value) does not have frame key (HEXDEV-252)
- S3 parse takes forever (PUBDEV-876)
- Parse => Enum unification fails in multi-node parse (PUBDEV-718) (github)
- All nodes are not getting updated with latest status of each other nodes info (PUBDEV-768)
- Cluster creation is sometimes rejecting new nodes (post jenkins-master-1128+) (PUBDEV-807)
- Parse => Multiple files 1 zip/ 1 csv gives Array index out of bounds (PUBDEV-840)
- Parse => failed for X5MRows6KCols ==> OOM => Cluster dies (PUBDEV-836)
- /frame/foo pagination weirded out (HEXDEV-277) (github)
- Removed code that flipped enums to strings (github)
#####Web UI
- Flow: It would be really useful to have the mse plots back in GBM (PUBDEV-889)
- State change in Flow is not fully validated (PUBDEV-919)
- Flows : Not able to load saved flows from hdfs (PUBDEV-872)
- Save Function in Flow crashes (PUBDEV-791) (github)
- Flow: should throw a proper error msg when user supplied response have more categories than algo can handle (PUBDEV-866)
- Flow display of a summary of a column with all missing values fails. (HEXDEV-230)
- Split frame UI improvements (HEXDEV-275)
- Flow : Decimal point precisions to be consistent to 4 as in h2o1 (PUBDEV-844)
- Flow: Prediction frame is outputing junk info (PUBDEV-825)
- EC2 => Cluster of 16 nodes => Water Meter => shows blank page (PUBDEV-831)
- Flow: Predict - "undefined is not an object (evaluating
) (PUBDEV-559) - Flow: inspect getModel for PCA returns error (PUBDEV-610)
- Flow, RF: Can't get Predict results; "undefined is not an object (evaluating
)" (PUBDEV-695) - Flow, GBM: getModel is broken -Error processing GET /3/Models.json/gbm-b1641e2dc3-4bad-9f69-a5f4b67051ba null is not an object (evaluating
) (PUBDEV-800)
###Severi ( - 4/10/15
####New Features
- Implement /3/Frames/<my_frame>/summary (PUBDEV-6) (github)
- add allparameters slot to allow default values to be shown (github)
- add log loss accessor (github)
- POJO generation: GBM (PUBDEV-713)
- POJO generation: DRF (PUBDEV-714)
- Compute and Display Hit Ratios (PUBDEV-630) (github)
- Add DL POJO scoring (PUBDEV-585)
- Allow validation dataset for AutoEncoder (PUDEV-581)
- PUBDEV-580: Add log loss to binomial and multinomial model metric (github)
- Port MissingValueInserter EndPoint to h2o-dev (PUBDEV-465)
- increase tolerance to 2e-3 (was 1e-3 ..failed with 0.001647 relative difference (github)
- change tolerance to 1e-3 (github)
- Add option to export weights and biases to REST API / Flow. (github)
- Add scree plot for H2O PCA models and fix Runit test. (github)
- Remove quantiles from the model builders list. (github)
- GLM update: added row filtering argument to line search task, fixed issues with dfork/asyncExec (github)
- Updated rho-setting in GLM. (github)
- No threshold 0.5; use the default (max F1) instead (github)
- GLM update: updated initilization, NA row filtering, default lambda is now empty, will be picked based on the fraction of lambda_max. (github)
- Updated ADMM solver. (github)
- Added makeGLMModel call. (github)
- Start with classification error NaN at t=0 for DL, not with 1. (github)
- Relax DL POJO relative tolerance to 1e-2. (github)
- Override nfeatures() method in DLModelOutput. (github)
- Renaming of fields in GLM (github)
- GLM: Take out Balance Classes (PUBDEV-795)
- schema metadata for Map fields should include the key and value types (PUBDEV-753) (github)
- schema metadata should include the superclass (PUBDEV-754)
- rest api naming convention: n_folds vs ntrees (PUBDEV-737)
- schema metadata for Map fields should include the key and value types (PUBDEV-753)
- Create REST Endpoint for exposing .java pojo models (PUBDEV-778)
- Run GLM from Python (including LBFGS) (HEXDEV-92)
- added H2OFrame show(), as_list(), and slicing pyunits (github)
- changed solver parameter to "L_BFGS" (github)
- added multidimensional slicing of H2OFrames and Exprs. (github)
- add h2o.groupby to python interface (github)
- added H2OModel.confusionMatrix() to return confusion matrix of a prediction (github)
- PUBDEV-578, PUBDEV-541, PUBDEV-566. -R client now sends the data frame column names and data types to ParseSetup. -R client can get column names from a parsed frame or a list. -Respects client request for column data types (github)
- R: Cannot create new columns through R (PUBDEV-571)
- H2O-R: it would be more useful if h2o.confusion matrix reports the actual class labels instead of [,1] and [,2] (PUBDEV-553)
- Support both multinomial and binomial CM (github)
- Flow: Standardize
parameters (PUBDEV-447) (github) - Add ERROR logging level for too-many-retries case (PUBDEV-146) (github)
- Simplify checking of cluster health. Just report the status immediately. (github)
- reduce timeout (github)
- strings can have ' or " beginning (github)
- Throw a validation error in flow if any training data cols are non-numeric (github)
- Add getHdfsHomeDirectory(). (github)
- Added --verbose. (github)
#####Web UI
- PUBDEV-707: nice algo names in the Flow dropdown (full word names) (github)
- Unbreak Flow's ConfusionMatrix display. (github)
- POJO generation: DL (PUBDEV-715)
####Bug Fixes
- GLM : Build GLM model with nfolds brings down the cloud => FATAL: unimplemented (PUBDEV-731) (github)
- DL : Build DL Model => FATAL: unimplemented: n_folds >= 2 is not (yet) implemented => SHUTSDOWN CLOUD (PUBDEV-727) (github)
- GBM => Build GBM model => No enum constant hex.tree.gbm.GBMModel.GBMParameters.Family.AUTO (PUBDEV-723)
- GBM: When run with loss = auto with a numeric column get- error :No enum constant hex.tree.gbm.GBMModel.GBMParameters.Family.AUTO (PUBDEV-708) (github)
- gbm: does not complain when min_row >dataset size (PUBDEV-694) (github)
- GLM: reports wrong residual degrees of freedom (PUBDEV-668)
- H2O dev reports less accurate aucs than H2O (PUBDEV-602)
- GLM : Build GLM model fails => ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException (PUBDEV-601)
- divide by zero in modelmetrics for deep learning (PUBDEV-568)
- GBM: reports 0th tree mse value for the validation set, different than the train set ,When only train sets is provided (PUDEV-561)
- GBM: Initial mse in bernoulli seems to be off (PUBDEV-515)
- GLM : Build Model fails with Array Index Out of Bound exception (PUBDEV-454) (github)
- Custom Functions don't work in apply() in R (PUBDEV-436)
- GLM failure: got NaNs and/or Infs in beta on airlines (PUBDEV-362)
- MetricBuilderMultinomial.perRow AssertionError while running GBM (HEXDEV-240)
- Problems during Train/Test adaptation between Enum/Numeric (HEXDEV-229)
- DRF/GBM balance_classes=True throws unimplemented exception (HEXDEV-226) (github)
- AUC reported on training data is 0, but should be 1 (HEXDEV-223) (github)
- glm pyunit intermittent failure (HEXDEV-199)
- Inconsistency in GBM results:Gives different results even when run with the same set of params (HEXDEV-194)
- get rid of nfolds= param since it's not supported in GLM yet (github)
- Fixed degrees of freedom (off by 1) in glm, added test. (github)
- GLM fix: fix filtering of rows with NAs and fix in sparse handling. (github)
- Fix GLM job fail path to call Job.fail(). (github)
- Full AUC computation, bug fixes (github)
- Fix ADMM for upper/lower bounds. (updated rho settings + update u-vector in ADMM for intercept) (github)
- Few glm fixes (github)
- DL : KDD Algebra data set => Build DL model => ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException (PUBDEV-696)
- GBm: Dev vs H2O for depth 5, minrow=10, on prostate, give different trees (PUBDEV-759)
- GBM param min_rows doesn't throw exception for negative values (PUBDEV-697)
- GBM : Build GBM Model => Too many levels in response column! (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException) => Should display proper error message (PUBDEV-698)
- GBM:Got exception 'class java.lang.AssertionError', with msg 'Something is wrong with GBM trees since returned prediction is Infinity (PUBDEV-722)
- Cannot adapt numeric response to factors made from numbers (PUBDEV-620)
- not specifying response_column gets NPE (deep learning build_model()) I think other algos might have same thing (PUBDEV-131)
- NPE response has null msg, exception_msg and dev_msg (HEXDEV-225)
- Flow :=> Save Flow => On Mac and Windows 8.1 => NodePersistentStorage failure while attempting to overwrite (?) a flow (HEXDEV-202) (github)
- the can_build field in ModelBuilderSchema needs values[] to be set (PUBDEV-755)
- value field in the field metadata isn't getting serialized as its native type (PUBDEV-756)
- python api asfactor() on -1/1 column issue (HEXDEV-203)
- Rapids: Operations %/% and %% returns Illegal Argument Exception in R (PUBDEV-736)
- quantile: H2oR displays wrong quantile values when call the default quantile without specifying the probs (PUBDEV-689)(github)
- as.factor: If a user reruns as.factor on an already factor column, h2o should not show an exception (PUBDEV-622)
- as.factor works only on positive integers (PUBDEV-617) (github)
- H2O-R: model detail lists three mses, the first MSE slot does not contain any info about the model and hence, should be removed from the model details (PUBDEV-605) (github)
- H2O-R: Strings: While slicing get Error From H2O: water.DException$DistributedException (PUBDEV-592)
- R: h2o.confusionMatrix should handle both models and model metric objects (PUBDEV-590)
- R: as.Date not functional with H2O objects (PUBDEV-583) (github)
- R: some apply functions don't work on H2OFrame objects (PUBDEV-579) (github)
- h2o.confusionMatrices for multinomial does not work (PUBDEV-577)
- R: slicing issues (PUBDEV-573)
- R: length and is.factor don't work in h2o.ddply (PUBDEV-572) (github)
- R: apply(hex, c(1,2), ...) doesn't properly raise an error (PUBDEV-570) (github)
- R: Slicing negative indices to negative indices fails (PUBDEV-569) (github)
- h2o.ddply: doesn't accept anonymous functions (PUBDEV-567) (github)
- ifelse() cannot return H2OFrames in R (PUBDEV-543)
- as.h2o loses track of headers (PUBDEV-541)
- H2O-R not showing meaningful error msg (PUBDEV-502)
- H2O.fail() had better fail (PUBDEV-470) (github)
- fix issue in toEnum (github)
- fix colnames and new col creation (github)
- R: h2o.init() is posting warning messages of an unhealthy cluster when the cluster is fine. (PUBDEV-734)
- h2o.split frame is failing (PUBDEV-560)
- key type failure should fail the request, not the cloud (PUBDEV-739) (github)
- Parse => Import Medicare supplier file => Parse = > Illegal argument for field: column_names of schema: ParseV2: string and key arrays' values must be quoted, but the client sent: " (PUBDEV-719)
- Overwriting a constant vector with strings fails (PUBDEV-702)
- H2O - gets stuck while calculating quantile,no error msg, just keeps running a job that normally takes less than a sec (PUBDEV-685)
- Summary and quantile on a column with all missing values should not throw an exception (PUBDEV-673) (github)
- View Logs => class java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: File /home2/hdp/yarn/usercache/neeraja/appcache/application_1427144101512_0039/h2ologs/h2o_172.16.2.185_54321-3-info.log does not exist (PUBDEV-600)
- Parse: After parsing Chicago crime dataset => Not able to build models or Get frames (PUBDEV-576)
- Parse: Numbers completely parsed wrong (PUBDEV-574)
- Flow: converting a column to enum while parsing does not work (PUBDEV-566)
- Parse: Fail gracefully when asked to parse a zip file with different files in it (PUBDEV-540)(github)
- toDataFrame doesn't support sequence format schema (array, vectorUDT) (PUBDEV-457)
- Parse : Parsing random crap gives java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 13 (PUBDEV-428)
- The quote stripper for column names should report when the stripped chars are not the expected quotes (PUBDEV-424)
- import directory with large files,then Frames..really slow and disk grinds. Files are unparsed. Shouldn't be grinding (PUBDEV-98)
- NodePersistentStorage gets wiped out when hadoop cluster is restarted (HEXDEV-185)
- h2o.exec won't be supported (github)
- fixed import issue (github)
- fixed init param (github)
- fix repeat as.factor NPE (github)
- startH2O set to False in init (github)
- hang on glm job removal (PUBDEV-726)
- Flow - changed column types need to be reflected in parsed data (HEXDEV-189)
- water.DException$DistributedException while running kmeans in multinode cluster (PUBDEV-691)
- Frame inspection prior to file parsing, corrupts parsing (PUBDEV-425)
#####Web UI
- Flow, DL: Need better fail message if "Autoencoder" and "use_all_factor_levels" are both selected (PUBDEV-724)
- When select AUTO while building a gbm model get ERROR FETCHING INITIAL MODEL BUILDER STATE (PUBDEV-595)
- Flow : Build h2o-dev- : Building GLM model gives java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: (PUBDEV-205 (github)
- Flow:Summary on flow broken for a long time (PUBDEV-785)
####New Features
- Naive Bayes in H2O-dev (PUBDEV-158)
- GLM model output, details from R (HEXDEV-94)
- Run GLM Regression from Flow (including LBFGS) (HEXDEV-110)
- PCA (PUBDEV-157)
- Port Random Forest to h2o-dev (PUBDEV-455)
- Enable DRF model output (github)
- Add DRF to Flow (Model Output) (PUBDEV-533)
- Grid for GBM (github)
- Run Deep Learning Regression from Flow (HEXDEV-109)
- Add Python wrapper for DRF (PUBDEV-534)
- Add R wrapper for DRF (PUBDEV-530)
- Include uploadFile (PUBDEV-299) (github)
- Added -flow_dir to hadoop driver (github)
#####Web UI
- Add Flow packs (HEXDEV-190) (PUBDEV-247)
- Integrate H2O Help inside Help panel (PUBDEV-108) (github)
- Add quick toggle button to show/hide the sidebar (github)
- Add New, Open toolbar buttons (github)
- Auto-refresh data preview when parse setup input parameters are changed (PUBDEV-532)
- Flow: Add playbar with Run, Continue, Pause, Progress controls (HEXDEV-192)
- You can now stop/cancel a running flow
- Display GLM coefficients only if available (PUBDEV-466)
- Add random chance line to RoC chart (HEXDEV-168)
- Speed up DLSpiral test. Ignore Neurons test (MatVec) (github)
- Use getRNG for Dropout (github)
- PUBDEV-598: Add tests for determinism of RNGs (github)
- PUBDEV-598: Implement Chi-Square test for RNGs (github)
- Add DL model output toString() (github)
- Add LogLoss to MultiNomial ModelMetrics (PUBDEV-580)
- Print number of categorical levels once we hit >1000 input neurons. (github)
- Updated the loss behavior for GBM. When loss is set to AUTO, if the response is an integer with 2 levels, then bernoullli (rather than gaussian) behavior is chosen. As a result, the
flag is no longer necessary in Flow, since the loss completely specifies the desired behavior, and R users no longer to useas.factor()
in their response to get the desired bernoulli behavior. Thescore_each_iteration
flag has been removed as well. (github) - Fully remove
in all algos (github) - Port MissingValueInserter EndPoint to h2o-dev. (PUBDEV-465)
- Display point layer for tree vs mse plots in GBM output (PUBDEV-504)
- Rename API inputs/outputs (github)
- Rename Inf to Infinity (github)
- added H2OFrame.setNames(), H2OFrame.cbind(), H2OVec.cbind(), h2o.cbind(), and pyunit_cbind.py (github)
- Make H2OVec.levels() return the levels (github)
- H2OFrame.dim(), H2OFrame.append(), H2OVec.setName(), H2OVec.isna() additions. demo pyunit addition (github)
- Customize H2O web UI port (PUBDEV-483)
- Make parse setup interactive (PUBDEV-532)
- Added --verbose (github)
- Adds some H2OParseExceptions. Removes all H2O.fail in parse (no parse issues should cause a fail)(github)
- Allows parse to specify check_headers=HAS_HEADERS, but not provide column names (github)
- Port MissingValueInserter EndPoint to h2o-dev (PUBDEV-465)
#####Web UI
- Add 'Clear cell' and 'Run all cells' toolbar buttons (github)
- Add 'Clear cell' and 'Clear all cells' commands (PUBDEV-493) (github)
- 'Run' button selects next cell after running
- ModelMetrics by model category: Clustering (PUBDEV-416)
- ModelMetrics by model category: Regression (PUBDEV-415)
- ModelMetrics by model category: Multinomial (PUBDEV-414)
- ModelMetrics by model category: Binomial (PUBDEV-413)
- Add ability to select and delete multiple models (github)
- Add ability to select and delete multiple frames (github)
- Flows now stop running when an error occurs
- Print full number of mismatches during POJO comparison check. (github)
- Make Grid multi-node safe (github)
- Beautify the vertical axis labels for Flow charts/visualization (more) (PUBDEV-329)
####Bug Fixes
- GBM only populates either MSE_train or MSE_valid but displays both (PUBDEV-350)
- GBM: train error increases after hitting zero on prostate dataset (PUBDEV-513)
- GBM : Variable importance displays 0's for response param => should not display response in table at all (PUBDEV-430)
- GLM : R/Flow ==> Build GLM Model hangs at 4% (PUBDEV-456)
- Import file from R hangs at 75% for 15M Rows/2.2 K Columns (HEXDEV-179)
- Flow: GLM - 'model.output.coefficients_magnitude.name' not found, so can't view model (PUBDEV-466)
- GBM predict fails without response column (PUBDEV-478)
- GBM: When validation set is provided, gbm should report both mse_valid and mse_train (PUBDEV-499)
- PCA Assertion Error during Model Metrics (PUBDEV-548) (github)
- KMeans: Size of clusters in Model Output is different from the labels generated on the training set (PUBDEV-542) (github)
- Inconsistency in GBM results:Gives different results even when run with the same set of params (HEXDEV-194)
- PUBDEV-580: Fix some numerical edge cases (github)
- Fix two missing float -> double conversion changes in tree scoring. (github)
- Flow: HIDDEN_DROPOUT_RATIOS for DL does not show default value (PUBDEV-285)
- Old GLM Parameters Missing (PUBDEV-431)
- GLM: R/Flow ==> Build GLM Model hangs at 4% (PUBDEV-456)
- SplitFrame on String column produce C0LChunk instead of CStrChunk (PUBDEV-468)
- Error in node$h2o$node : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors (PUBDEV-348)
- Response from /ModelBuilders don't conform to standard error json shape when there are errors (HEXDEV-121) (github)
- fix python syntax error (github)
- Fixes handling of None in python for a returned na_string. (github)
- R : Inconsistency - Train set name with and without quotes work but Validation set name with quotes does not work (PUBDEV-491)
- h2o.confusionmatrices does not work (PUBDEV-547)
- How do i convert an enum column back to integer/double from R? (PUBDEV-546)
- Summary in R is faulty (PUBDEV-539)
- R: as.h2o should preserve R data types (PUBDEV-578)
- NPE in GBM Prediction with Sliced Test Data (HEXDEV-207) (github)
- Import file from R hangs at 75% for 15M Rows/2.2 K Columns (HEXDEV-179)
- Custom Functions don't work in apply() in R (PUBDEV-436)
- got water.DException$DistributedException and then got java.lang.RuntimeException: Categorical renumber task (HEXDEV-195)
- H2O-R: as.h2o parses column name as one of the row entries (PUBDEV-591)
- R-H2O Managing Memory in a loop (PUB-1125)
- h2o.confusionMatrices for multinomial does not work (PUBDEV-577)
- H2O-R not showing meaningful error msg
- Flow: When balance class = F then flow should not show max_after_balance_size = 5 in the parameter listing (PUBDEV-503)
- 3 jvms, doing ModelMetrics on prostate, class water.KeySnapshot$GlobalUKeySetTask; class java.lang.AssertionError: --- Attempting to block on task (class water.TaskGetKey) with equal or lower priority. Can lead to deadlock! 122 <= 122 (PUBDEV-495)
- Not able to start h2o on hadoop (PUBDEV-487)
- one row (one col) dataset seems to get assertion error in parse setup request (PUBDEV-96)
- Parse : Import file (move.com) => Parse => First row contains column names => column names not selected (HEXDEV-171) (github)
- The NY0 parse rule, in summary. Doesn't look like it's counting the 0's as NAs like h2o (PUBDEV-154)
- 0 / Y / N parsing (PUBDEV-229)
- NodePersistentStorage gets wiped out when laptop is restarted. (HEXDEV-167)
- Building a model and making a prediction accepts invalid frame types (PUBDEV-83)
- Flow : Import file 15M rows 2.2 Cols => Parse => Error fetching job on UI =>Console : ERROR: Job was not successful Exiting with nonzero exit status (HEXDEV-55)
- Flow : Build GLM Model => Family tweedy => class hex.glm.LSMSolver$ADMMSolver$NonSPDMatrixException', with msg 'Matrix is not SPD, can't solve without regularization (PUBDEV-211)
- Flow : Import File : File doesn't exist on all the hdfs nodes => Fails without valid message (PUBDEV-313)
- Check reproducibility on multi-node vs single-node (PUBDEV-557)
- Parse : After parsing Chicago crime dataset => Not able to build models or Get frames (PUBDEV-576)
#####Web UI
- Flow : Build Model => Parameters => shows meta text for some params (PUBDEV-505)
- Flow: K-Means - "None" option should not appear in "Init" parameters (PUBDEV-459)
- Flow: PCA - "None" option appears twice in "Transform" list (HEXDEV-186)
- GBM Model : Params in flow show two times (PUBDEV-440)
- Flow multinomial confusion matrix visualization (HEXDEV-204)
- Flow: It would be good if flow can report the actual distribution, instead of just reporting "Auto" in the model parameter listing (PUBDEV-509)
- Unimplemented algos should be taken out from drop down of build model (PUBDEV-511)
- [MapR] unable to give hdfs file name from Flow (PUBDEV-409)
###Selberg ( - 3/6/15 ####New Features
- Naive Bayes in H2O-dev (PUBDEV-158)
- GLM model output, details from R (HEXDEV-94)
- Run GLM Regression from Flow (including LBFGS) (HEXDEV-110)
- PCA (PUBDEV-157)
- Port Random Forest to h2o-dev (PUBDEV-455)
- Enable DRF model output (github)
- Add DRF to Flow (Model Output) (PUBDEV-533)
- Grid for GBM (github)
- Run Deep Learning Regression from Flow (HEXDEV-109)
- Add Python wrapper for DRF (PUBDEV-534)
- Add R wrapper for DRF (PUBDEV-530)
- Include uploadFile (PUBDEV-299) (github)
- Added -flow_dir to hadoop driver (github)
#####Web UI
- Add Flow packs (HEXDEV-190) (PUBDEV-247)
- Integrate H2O Help inside Help panel (PUBDEV-108) (github)
- Add quick toggle button to show/hide the sidebar (github)
- Add New, Open toolbar buttons (github)
- Auto-refresh data preview when parse setup input parameters are changed (PUBDEV-532) -Flow: Add playbar with Run, Continue, Pause, Progress controls (HEXDEV-192)
- You can now stop/cancel a running flow
The following changes are improvements to existing features (which includes changed default values):
- Display GLM coefficients only if available (PUBDEV-466)
- Add random chance line to RoC chart (HEXDEV-168)
- Allow validation dataset for AutoEncoder (PUDEV-581)
- Speed up DLSpiral test. Ignore Neurons test (MatVec) (github)
- Use getRNG for Dropout (github)
- PUBDEV-598: Add tests for determinism of RNGs (github)
- PUBDEV-598: Implement Chi-Square test for RNGs (github)
- PUBDEV-580: Add log loss to binomial and multinomial model metric (github)
- Add DL model output toString() (github)
- Add LogLoss to MultiNomial ModelMetrics (PUBDEV-580)
- Port MissingValueInserter EndPoint to h2o-dev (PUBDEV-465)
- Print number of categorical levels once we hit >1000 input neurons. (github)
- Updated the loss behavior for GBM. When loss is set to AUTO, if the response is an integer with 2 levels, then bernoullli (rather than gaussian) behavior is chosen. As a result, the
flag is no longer necessary in Flow, since the loss completely specifies the desired behavior, and R users no longer to useas.factor()
in their response to get the desired bernoulli behavior. Thescore_each_iteration
flag has been removed as well. (github) - Fully remove
in all algos (github) - Add DL POJO scoring (PUBDEV-585)
- Display point layer for tree vs mse plots in GBM output (PUBDEV-504)
- Rename API inputs/outputs (github)
- Rename Inf to Infinity (github)
- added H2OFrame.setNames(), H2OFrame.cbind(), H2OVec.cbind(), h2o.cbind(), and pyunit_cbind.py (github)
- Make H2OVec.levels() return the levels (github)
- H2OFrame.dim(), H2OFrame.append(), H2OVec.setName(), H2OVec.isna() additions. demo pyunit addition (github)
- PUBDEV-578, PUBDEV-541, PUBDEV-566. -R client now sends the data frame column names and data types to ParseSetup. -R client can get column names from a parsed frame or a list. -Respects client request for column data types (github)
- Customize H2O web UI port (PUBDEV-483)
- Make parse setup interactive (PUBDEV-532)
- Added --verbose (github)
- Adds some H2OParseExceptions. Removes all H2O.fail in parse (no parse issues should cause a fail)(github)
- Allows parse to specify check_headers=HAS_HEADERS, but not provide column names (github)
- Port MissingValueInserter EndPoint to h2o-dev (PUBDEV-465)
#####Web UI
- Add 'Clear cell' and 'Run all cells' toolbar buttons (github)
- Add 'Clear cell' and 'Clear all cells' commands (PUBDEV-493) (github)
- 'Run' button selects next cell after running
- ModelMetrics by model category: Clustering (PUBDEV-416)
- ModelMetrics by model category: Regression (PUBDEV-415)
- ModelMetrics by model category: Multinomial (PUBDEV-414)
- ModelMetrics by model category: Binomial (PUBDEV-413)
- Add ability to select and delete multiple models (github)
- Add ability to select and delete multiple frames (github)
- Flows now stop running when an error occurs
- Print full number of mismatches during POJO comparison check. (github)
- Make Grid multi-node safe (github)
- Beautify the vertical axis labels for Flow charts/visualization (more) (PUBDEV-329)
####Bug Fixes The following changes are to resolve incorrect software behavior:
- GBM only populates either MSE_train or MSE_valid but displays both (PUBDEV-350)
- GBM: train error increases after hitting zero on prostate dataset (PUBDEV-513)
- GBM : Variable importance displays 0's for response param => should not display response in table at all (PUBDEV-430)
- Inconsistency in GBM results:Gives different results even when run with the same set of params (HEXDEV-194)
- GLM : R/Flow ==> Build GLM Model hangs at 4% (PUBDEV-456)
- Import file from R hangs at 75% for 15M Rows/2.2 K Columns (HEXDEV-179)
- Flow: GLM - 'model.output.coefficients_magnitude.name' not found, so can't view model (PUBDEV-466)
- GBM predict fails without response column (PUBDEV-478)
- GBM: When validation set is provided, gbm should report both mse_valid and mse_train (PUBDEV-499)
- PCA Assertion Error during Model Metrics (PUBDEV-548) (github)
- KMeans: Size of clusters in Model Output is different from the labels generated on the training set (PUBDEV-542) (github)
- Inconsistency in GBM results:Gives different results even when run with the same set of params (HEXDEV-194)
- divide by zero in modelmetrics for deep learning (PUBDEV-568)
- AUC reported on training data is 0, but should be 1 (HEXDEV-223) (github)
- GBM: reports 0th tree mse value for the validation set, different than the train set ,When only train sets is provided (PUDEV-561)
- PUBDEV-580: Fix some numerical edge cases (github)
- Fix two missing float -> double conversion changes in tree scoring. (github)
- Problems during Train/Test adaptation between Enum/Numeric (HEXDEV-229)
- DRF/GBM balance_classes=True throws unimplemented exception (HEXDEV-226)
- Flow: HIDDEN_DROPOUT_RATIOS for DL does not show default value (PUBDEV-285)
- Old GLM Parameters Missing (PUBDEV-431)
- GLM: R/Flow ==> Build GLM Model hangs at 4% (PUBDEV-456)
- GBM: Initial mse in bernoulli seems to be off (PUBDEV-515)
- SplitFrame on String column produce C0LChunk instead of CStrChunk (PUBDEV-468)
- Error in node$h2o$node : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors (PUBDEV-348)
- Response from /ModelBuilders don't conform to standard error json shape when there are errors (HEXDEV-121)
- fix python syntax error (github)
- Fixes handling of None in python for a returned na_string. (github)
- R : Inconsistency - Train set name with and without quotes work but Validation set name with quotes does not work (PUBDEV-491)
- h2o.confusionmatrices does not work (PUBDEV-547)
- How do i convert an enum column back to integer/double from R? (PUBDEV-546)
- Summary in R is faulty (PUBDEV-539)
- Custom Functions don't work in apply() in R (PUBDEV-436)
- R: as.h2o should preserve R data types (PUBDEV-578)
- as.h2o loses track of headers (PUBDEV-541)
- NPE in GBM Prediction with Sliced Test Data (HEXDEV-207) (github)
- Import file from R hangs at 75% for 15M Rows/2.2 K Columns (HEXDEV-179)
- Custom Functions don't work in apply() in R (PUBDEV-436)
- got water.DException$DistributedException and then got java.lang.RuntimeException: Categorical renumber task (HEXDEV-195)
- h2o.confusionMatrices for multinomial does not work (PUBDEV-577)
- R: h2o.confusionMatrix should handle both models and model metric objects (PUBDEV-590)
- H2O-R: as.h2o parses column name as one of the row entries (PUBDEV-591)
- Flow: When balance class = F then flow should not show max_after_balance_size = 5 in the parameter listing (PUBDEV-503)
- 3 jvms, doing ModelMetrics on prostate, class water.KeySnapshot$GlobalUKeySetTask; class java.lang.AssertionError: --- Attempting to block on task (class water.TaskGetKey) with equal or lower priority. Can lead to deadlock! 122 <= 122 (PUBDEV-495)
- Not able to start h2o on hadoop (PUBDEV-487)
- one row (one col) dataset seems to get assertion error in parse setup request (PUBDEV-96)
- Parse : Import file (move.com) => Parse => First row contains column names => column names not selected (HEXDEV-171) (github)
- The NY0 parse rule, in summary. Doesn't look like it's counting the 0's as NAs like h2o (PUBDEV-154)
- 0 / Y / N parsing (PUBDEV-229)
- NodePersistentStorage gets wiped out when laptop is restarted. (HEXDEV-167)
- Parse : Parsing random crap gives java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 13 (PUBDEV-428)
- Flow: converting a column to enum while parsing does not work (PUBDEV-566)
- Parse: Numbers completely parsed wrong (PUBDEV-574)
- NodePersistentStorage gets wiped out when hadoop cluster is restarted (HEXDEV-185)
- Parse: Fail gracefully when asked to parse a zip file with different files in it (PUBDEV-540)(github)
- Building a model and making a prediction accepts invalid frame types (PUBDEV-83)
- Flow : Import file 15M rows 2.2 Cols => Parse => Error fetching job on UI =>Console : ERROR: Job was not successful Exiting with nonzero exit status (HEXDEV-55)
- Flow : Build GLM Model => Family tweedy => class hex.glm.LSMSolver$ADMMSolver$NonSPDMatrixException', with msg 'Matrix is not SPD, can't solve without regularization (PUBDEV-211)
- Flow : Import File : File doesn't exist on all the hdfs nodes => Fails without valid message (PUBDEV-313)
- Check reproducibility on multi-node vs single-node (PUBDEV-557)
- Parse: After parsing Chicago crime dataset => Not able to build models or Get frames (PUBDEV-576)
#####Web UI
- Flow : Build Model => Parameters => shows meta text for some params (PUBDEV-505)
- Flow: K-Means - "None" option should not appear in "Init" parameters (PUBDEV-459)
- Flow: PCA - "None" option appears twice in "Transform" list (HEXDEV-186)
- GBM Model : Params in flow show two times (PUBDEV-440)
- Flow multinomial confusion matrix visualization (HEXDEV-204)
- Flow: It would be good if flow can report the actual distribution, instead of just reporting "Auto" in the model parameter listing (PUBDEV-509)
- Unimplemented algos should be taken out from drop down of build model (PUBDEV-511)
- [MapR] unable to give hdfs file name from Flow (PUBDEV-409)
###Selberg ( - 3/6/15 ####New Features
#####Web UI
- Flow: Delete functionality to be available for import files, jobs, models, frames (PUBDEV-241)
- Implement "Download Flow" (PUBDEV-407)
- Flow: Implement "Run All Cells" (PUBDEV-110)
- Create python package (PUBDEV-181)
- as.h2o in Python (HEXDEV-72)
#####Web UI
- Flow: Job view should have info on start and end time (PUBDEV-267)
- Flow: Implement 'File > Open' (PUBDEV-408)
- Display IP address in ADMIN -> Cluster Status (HEXDEV-159)
- Flow: Display alternate UI for splitFrames() (PUBDEV-399)
- Added K-Means scoring (github)
- Flow: Implement model output for Deep Learning (PUBDEV-118)
- Flow: Implement model output for GLM (PUBDEV-120)
- Deep Learning model output (HEXDEV-89, Flow),(HEXDEV-88, Python),(HEXDEV-87, R)
- Run GLM Binomial from Flow (including LBFGS) (HEXDEV-90)
- Flow: Display confusion matrices for multinomial models (PUBDEV-397)
- During PCA, missing values in training data will be replaced with column mean (github)
- Update parameters for best model scan (github)
- Change Quantiles to match h2o-1; both Quantiles and Rollups now have the same default percentiles (github)
- Massive cleanup and removal of old PCA, replacing with quadratically regularized PCA based on alternating minimization algorithm in GLRM (github)
- Add model run time to DL Model Output (github)
- Don't gather Neurons/Weights/Biases statistics (github)
- Only store best model if
is enabled (github) beta_eps
added, passing tests changed (github)- For GLM, default values for
parameter were changed from 1000 to 50. - For quantiles, probabilities are displayed.
- Run Deep Learning Multinomial from Flow (HEXDEV-108)
- Expose DL weights/biases to clients via REST call (PUBDEV-344)
- Flow: Implement notification bar/API (PUBDEV-359)
- Variable importance data in REST output for GLM (PUBDEV-359)
- Add extra DL parameters to R API (
average_activation, sparsity_beta, max_categorical_features, reproducible
) (github) - Update GLRM API model output (github)
- h2o.anomaly missing in R (PUBDEV-434)
- No method to get enum levels (PUBDEV-432)
- Improve memory footprint with latest version of h2o-dev (github)
- For now, let model.delete() of DL delete its best models too. This allows R code to not leak when only calling h2o.rm() on the main model. (github)
- Bind both TCP and UDP ports before clustering (github)
- Round summary row#. Helps with pctiles for very small row counts. Add a test to check for getting close to the 50% percentile on small rows. (github)
- Increase Max Value size in DKV to 256MB (github)
- Flow: make parseRaw() do both import and parse in sequence (HEXDEV-184)
- Remove notion of individual job/job tracking from Flow (PUBDEV-449)
- Capability to name prediction results Frame in flow (PUBDEV-233)
####Bug Fixes
- GLM binomial prediction failing (PUBDEV-403)
- DL: Predict with auto encoder enabled gives Error processing error (PUBDEV-433)
- balance_classes in Deep Learning intermittent poor result (PUBDEV-437)
- Flow: Building GLM model fails (PUBDEV-186)
- summary returning incorrect 0.5 quantile for 5 row dataset (PUBDEV-95)
- GBM missing variable importance and balance-classes (PUBDEV-309)
- H2O Dev GBM first tree differs from H2O 1 (PUBDEV-421)
- get glm model from flow fails to find coefficient name field (PUBDEV-394)
- GBM/GLM build model fails on Hadoop after building 100% => Failed to find schema for version: 3 and type: GBMModel (PUBDEV-378)
- Parsing KDD wrong (PUBDEV-393)
- Flow : Build GLM Model with family poisson => java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1 at hex.glm.GLM$GLMLambdaTask.needLineSearch(GLM.java:359) (PUBDEV-210)
- Flow : GLM Model Error => Enum conversion only works on small integers (PUBDEV-365)
- GLM binary response, do_classfication=FALSE, family=binomial, prediction error (PUBDEV-339)
- Epsilon missing from GLM parameters (PUBDEV-354)
- Flow: GLM bug (or incorrect output) (PUBDEV-252)
- GLM binomial prediction failing (PUBDEV-403)
- GLM binomial on benign.csv gets assertion error in predict (PUBDEV-132)
- current summary default_pctiles doesn't have 0.001 and 0.999 like h2o1 (PUBDEV-94)
- Flow: Build GBM/DL Model: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Enum conversion only works on integer columns (PUBDEV-213) (github)
- ModelMetrics on cup98VAL_z dataset has response with many nulls (PUBDEV-214)
- GBM : Predict model category output/inspect parameters shows as Regression when model is built with do classification enabled (PUBDEV-441)
- Fix double-precision DRF bugs (github)
- Null columnTypes for /smalldata/arcene/arcene_train.data (PUBDEV-406) (github)
- Flow: Waiting for -1 responses after starting h2o on hadoop cluster of 5 nodes (PUBDEV-419)
- Parse: airlines_all.csv => Airtime type shows as ENUM instead of Integer (PUBDEV-426) (github)
- Flow: Typo - "Time" option displays twice in column header type menu in Parse (PUBDEV-446)
- Duplicate validation messages in k-means output (PUBDEV-305) (github)
- Fixes Parse so that it returns to supplying generic column names when no column names exist (github)
- Flow: Import File: File doesn't exist on all the hdfs nodes => Fails without valid message (PUBDEV-313)
- Flow: Parse => 1m.svm hangs at 42% (HEXDEV-174)
- Prediction NFE (PUBDEV-308)
- NPE doing Frame to key before it's fully parsed (PUBDEV-79)
#351 hangs for past 17 hrs (PUBDEV-239)- Sparkling water - container exited due to unavailable port (PUBDEV-357)
- Flow: Splitframe => java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException (PUBDEV-410) (github)
- Incorrect dest.type, description in /CreateFrame jobs (PUBDEV-404)
- space in windows filename on python (PUBDEV-444) (github)
- Python end-to-end data science example 1 runs correctly (PUBDEV-182)
- 3/NodePersistentStorage.json/foo/id should throw 404 instead of 500 for 'not-found' (HEXDEV-163)
- POST /3/NodePersistentStorage.json should handle Content-Type:multipart/form-data (HEXDEV-165)
- by class water.KeySnapshot$GlobalUKeySetTask; class java.lang.AssertionError: --- Attempting to block on task (class water.TaskGetKey) with equal or lower priority. Can lead to deadlock! 122 <= 122 (PUBDEV-92)
- Sparkling water : val train:DataFrame = prostateRDD => Fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException (PUBDEV-392)
- Flow : getModels produces error: Error calling GET /3/Models.json (PUBDEV-254)
- Flow : Splitframe => java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException (PUBDEV-410)
- ddply 'Could not find the operator' (HEXDEV-162) (github)
- h2o.table AIOOBE during NewChunk creation (HEXDEV-161) (github)
- Fix warning in h2o.ddply when supplying multiple grouping columns (github)
### - 2/13/15
####New Features
- Flow: Display alternate UI for splitFrames() (PUBDEV-399)
- Embedded H2O config can now provide flat file (needed for Hadoop) (github)
- Don't logging GET of individual jobs to avoid filling up the logs (github)
- Increase GBM/DRF factor binning back to historical levels. Had been capped accidentally at nbins (typically 20), was intended to support a much higher cap. (github)
- Tweaked rho heuristic in glm (github)
- Enable variable importances for autoencoders (github)
- Removed
option from GBM - Flow: display varimp for GBM output (PUBDEV-398)
- variable importance for GBM (github)
- GLM in H2O-Dev may provide slightly different coefficient values when applying an L1 penalty in comparison with H2O1.
####Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug in GLM exception handling causing GLM jobs to hang (github)
- Fixed a bug in kmeans input parameter schema where init was always being set to Furthest (github)
- Fixed mean computation in GLM (github)
- Fixed kmeans.R (github)
- Flow: Building GBM model fails with Error executing javascript (PUBDEV-396)
### - 2/6/15
####New Features
#####General Improvements
- better model output
- support for Python client
- support for Maven
- support for Sparkling Water
- support for REST API schema
- support for Hadoop CDH5 (github)
- Display summary visualizations by default in column summary output cells (PUBDEV-337)
- Display AUC curve by default in binomial prediction output cells (PUBDEV-338)
- Flow: Implement About H2O/Flow with version information (PUBDEV-111)
- Add UI for CreateFrame (PUBDEV-218)
- Flow: Add ability to cancel running jobs (PUBDEV-373)
- Flow: warn when user navigates away while having unsaved content (PUBDEV-322)
- Implement splitFrame() in Flow (PUBDEV-356)
- Variable importance graph in Flow for GLM (PUBDEV-360)
- Flow: Implement model building form init and validation (PUBDEV-102)
- Added a shuffle-and-split-frame function; Use it to build a saner model on time-series data (github)
- Added binomial model metrics (github)
- Run KMeans from R (HEXDEV-105)
- Be able to create a new GLM model from an existing one with updated coefficients (HEXDEV-48)
- Run KMeans from Python (HEXDEV-106)
- Run Deep Learning Binomial from Flow (HEXDEV-83)
- Run KMeans from Flow (HEXDEV-104)
- Run Deep Learning from Python (HEXDEV-85)
- Run Deep Learning from R (HEXDEV-84)
- Run Deep Learning Multinomial from Flow (HEXDEV-108)
- Run Deep Learning Regression from Flow (HEXDEV-109)
- Flow: added REST API documentation to the web ui (PUBDEV-60)
- Flow: Implement visualization API (PUBDEV-114)
- Dataset inspection from Flow (HEXDEV-66)
- Basic data munging (Rapids) from R (HEXDEV-70)
- Implement stack operator/stacking in Lightning (HEXDEV-128)
- Added better message when h2o.init() not yet called (
No active connection to an H2O cluster. Try calling "h2o.init()"
) (github)
- Updated column-based gradient task to use sparse interface (github)
- Updated LBFGS (added progress monitor interface, updated some default params), added progress and job support to GLM lbfgs (github)
- Added pretty print (github)
- Added AutoEncoder to R model categories (github)
- Added Coefficients table to GLM model (github)
- Updated glm lbfgs to allow for efficient lambda-search (l2 penalty only) (github)
- Removed splitframe shuffle parameter (github)
- Simplified model builders and added deeplearning model builder (github)
- Add DL model outputs to Flow (PUBDEV-372)
- Flow: Deep Learning: Expert Mode (PUBDEV-284)
- Flow: Display multinomial and regression DL model outputs (PUBDEV-383)
- Display varimp details for DL models (PUBDEV-381)
- Make binomial response "0" and "1" by default (github)
- Add Coefficients table to GLM model (github)
- Removed splitframe shuffle parameter (github)
- Update R GBM demos to reflect new input parameter names (github)
- Rename GLM variable importance to normalized coefficient magnitudes (github)
- Changed
(github) - Cleaned up REST API schema interface (github)
- Changed method name, cleaned setup, added a pyunit runner (github)
- Allow changing column types during parse-setup (PUBDEV-376)
- Display %NAs in model builder column lists (PUBDEV-375)
- Figure out how to add H2O to PyPl (PUBDEV-178)
####Bug Fixes
- Flow: Parse => 1m.svm hangs at 42% (PUBDEV-345)
- cup98 Dataset has columns that prevent validation/prediction (PUBDEV-349)
- Flow: predict step failed to function (PUBDEV-217)
- Flow: Arrays of numbers (ex. hidden in deeplearning)require brackets (PUBDEV-303)
- Flow v. StackTrace was broken (PUBDEV-371)
- Flow: Import files -> Search -> Parse these files -> null pointer exception (PUBDEV-170)
- Flow: "getJobs" not working (PUBDEV-320)
- Thresholds x Metrics and Max Criteria x Metrics tables were flipped in flow (HEXDEV-155)
- Flow v. StackTrace is broken (PUBDEV-348)
- flow: getJobs always shows "Your H2O cloud has no jobs" (PUBDEV-243)
- Flow: First and last characters deleted from ignored columns (PUBDEV-300)
- Sparkling water => Flow => Menu buttons for cell do not show up (PUBDEV-294)
- Flow: Build K Means model with default K value gives error "Required field k not specified" (PUBDEV-167)
- Slicing out a specific data point is broken (PUBDEV-280)
- Flow: SplitFrame and grep in algorithms for flow and loops back onto itself (PUBDEV-272)
- Fixed the predict method (github)
- Refactor ModelMetrics into a different class for Binomial (github)
- /Predictions.json did not cache predictions (HEXDEV-119)
- Flow, DL: Error after changing hidden layer size (PUBDEV-323)
- Error in node$h2o#node: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors (PUBDEV-348)
- Fixed K-means predict (PUBDEV-321)
- Flow: DL build mode fails => as it's missing adding quotes to parameter (PUBDEV-301)
- Flow: Build K means model with training/validation frames => unknown error (PUBDEV-185)
- Flow: Build quantile mode=> Click goes in loop (PUBDEV-188)
- Sparkling Water/Flow: Failed to find version for schema (PUBDEV-367)
- Cloud.json returns odd node name (PUBDEV-259)
- guesser needs to send types to parse (PUBDEV-279)
- Got h2o.clusterStatus function working in R. (github)
- Parse: Using R => java.lang.NullPointerException (PUBDEV-380)
- Flow: Jobs => click on destination key => unimplemented: Unexpected val class for Inspect: class water.fvec.DataFrame (PUBDEV-363)
- Column assignment in R exposes NullPointerException in Rollup (PUBDEV-155)
- import from hdfs doesn't add files (PUBDEV-260)
- AssertionError: ERROR: got tcp resend with existing in-progress task (PUBDEV-219)
- HDFS parse fails when H2O launched on Spark CDH5 (PUBDEV-138)
- Flow: Parse failure => java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException (PUBDEV-296)
- "predict" step is not working in flow (PUBDEV-202)
- Flow: Frame finishes parsing but comes up as null in flow (PUBDEV-270)
- scala >flightsToORD.first() fails with "not serializable result" (PUBDEV-304)
- DL throws NPE for bad column names (PUBDEV-15)
- Flow: Build model: Not able to build KMeans/Deep Learning model (PUBDEV-297)
- Flow: Col summary for NA/Y cols breaks (PUBDEV-325)
- Sparkling Water : util.SparkUncaughtExceptionHandler: Uncaught exception in thread Thread NanoHTTPD Session,9,main (PUBDEV-346)
- toDataFrame doesn't support sequence format schema (array, vectorUDT) (PUBDEV-457)
### - 1/19/15
####New Features
- Added various documentation links to the build page (github)
- Ported matrix multiply over and connected it to rapids (github)
- Allow user to specify (the log of) the number of rows per chunk for a new constant chunk; use this new function in CreateFrame (github)
- Make CreateFrame non-blocking, now displays progress bar in Flow (github)
- Add row and column count to H2OFrame show method (github)
- Admin watermeter page (PUBDEV-234)
- Admin stack trace (PUBDEV-228)
- Admin profile (PUBDEV-227)
- Flow: Add download logs in UI (PUBDEV-204)
- Need shutdown, minimally like h2o (PUBDEV-74)
- Changed 2 to 3 for JSON requests (github)
- Rename some more fields per consistency (
changed tomax_iterations
) (github) - Changed K-Means output parameters (
) (github) - Remove default field values from DeepLearning parameters schema, since they come from the backing class (github)
- Add @API help annotation strings to JSON model output (PUBDEV-216)
- Minor fix in rapids matrix multiplicaton (github)
- Updated sparse chunk to cut off binary search for prefix/suffix zeros (github)
- Updated L_BFGS for GLM - warm-start solutions during lambda search, correctly pass current lambda value, added column-based gradient task (github)
- Fix model parameters' default values in the metadata (github)
- Set default value of k = number of clusters to 1 for K-Means (PUBDEV-251)
- Reject any training data with non-numeric values from KMeans model building (github)
####Bug Fixes
- Fixed isSparse call for constant chunks (github)
- Fixed sparse interface of constant chunks (no nonzero if const 1= 0) (github)
- Typeahead for folder contents apparently requires trailing "/" (github)
- Fix build and instructions for R install.packages() style of installation; Note we only support source installs now (github)
- Fixed R test runner h2o package install issue that caused it to fail to install on dev builds (github)
### - 1/14/15
####New Features
- Admin timeline (PUBDEV-226)
- Admin cluster status (PUBDEV-225)
- Markdown cells should auto run when loading a saved Flow notebook (PUBDEV-87)
- Complete About page to include info about the H2O version (PUBDEV-223)
- Flow: Implement model output for GBM (PUBDEV-119)
### - 12/28/14
- Added ip_port field in node json output for Cloud query (github)