Run container with PostgreSQL 11
docker-compose up -d
Default connection details
cat .env
Connect to PostgreSQL
source .env
Load initial dataset
curl | gunzip | psql
- JsonB type
- Access operators
- ->
- ->>
- #>
- ->>
Load commits of PostgreSQL from github
Create table
-- Create table for Github Commits
create table commits (id text primary key, doc jsonb);
Load commits from GitHub
$ ./
file source code
for ((i=0; i<=10; i++)) do
echo "$i"
echo "
\set record \`curl \"$i\"\`
with _commits as (
select d->>'sha' as id, d - 'sha' as doc
from jsonb_array_elements( ( :'record')::jsonb ) d
insert into commits (id, doc)
select *
from _commits
" | psql
- Get user with the most commits
- Get user with the most commits in one day
- Analyze keys ussage