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120 lines (82 loc) · 2.73 KB


Hex version badge License badge Elixir CI

Simple boilerplate killer using Plug and Bandit inspired by Sinatra for Ruby


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding francis to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:francis, "~> 0.1.0"}


To start the server up you can run mix francis.server or if you need a iex console you can run with iex -S mix francis.server


If you want to have a watcher that will reload the server when you change your code:

import Config

config :francis, watcher: true

It defaults to false

Example of a router

defmodule Example do
  use Francis

  get("/", fn _ -> "<html>world</html>" end)
  get("/:name", fn %{params: %{"name" => name}} -> "hello #{name}" end)

  ws("ws", fn "ping" -> "pong" end)

  unmatched(fn _ -> "not found" end)

And in your mix.exs file add that this module should be the one used for startup:

def application do
     extra_applications: [:logger],
     mod: {Example, []}

This will ensure that Mix knows what module should be the entrypoint.

Example of a router with Plugs

With the plugs option you are able to apply a list of plugs that happen between before dispatching the request.

In the following example we're adding the Plug.BasicAuth plug to setup basic authentication on all routes

defmodule Example do
  import Plug.BasicAuth

  use Francis, plugs: [{:basic_auth, username: "test", password: "test"}]

  get("/", fn _ -> "<html>world</html>" end)
  get("/:name", fn %{params: %{"name" => name}} -> "hello #{name}" end)

  ws("ws", fn "ping" -> "pong" end)

  unmatched(fn _ -> "not found" end)

Example using it with Mix.install

In your iex instance run:

Mix.install([{:francis, "~> 0.1"}])

defmodule Example do
  use Francis

  get("/", fn _ -> "<html>world</html>" end)
  get("/:name", fn %{params: %{"name" => name}} -> "hello #{name}" end)

  ws("ws", fn "ping" -> "pong" end)

  unmatched(fn _ -> "not found" end)

  def start(_, _) do
    children = [{Bandit, [plug: __MODULE__]}]
    Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)


Check the folder example to check the code.