Create a simple CRUD application in Django that allows managing a hydroponic system.
Endpoint to manage the hydroponic system:
Enable the user to create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) information about their hydroponic systems.
Each hydroponic system should be assigned to a user (owner).
Data validation should be added in accordance with Django REST Framework guidelines.
Endpoint to manage measurements:
Allow sending sensor data (pH, water temperature, TDS) to the existing hydroponic system.
Measurements should be saved in the database.
Retrieving information about systems and measurements:
Users should be able to get a list of their hydroponic systems.
All data retrieval methods should allow data filtering (time range, value range).
These methods should also provide options for sorting results by selected parameters.
Where needed, data pagination should be implemented.
Ability to fetch details of a specific system, including the last 10 measurements.
User login endpoint:
- System for user authorization and authentication.
The application should be written in Django using Django REST Framework.
Use a PostgreSQL database. Database queries should be optimized.
The code should comply with PEP8 standards. API documentation.
Source code documentation.
file with installation, configuration, and application launch instructions.
The project should be available in a public repository on GitHub or GitLab.
Use of good programming practices, unit tests, and Docker/Kubernetes configuration is welcomed.
Evaluation will focus on code cleanliness, project structure, adherence to SOLID principles, and efficiency of solutions.
A good addition would be using version control (Git) properly, with consideration for commit names and frequency.
Adding development tools, e.g., via Django Admin, would be a strong bonus.
The project structure should be clear and easily extendable.