A project by Fiza Saleem and Caroline Englund
This is the weekly project in the course JavaScript and React by Techingo(https://www.technigo.io/). The main goal with this project was learn how to work with form and the useState() hook in React.
Project link: Holiday Planner - A React Project
The user can use this little website to plan their dream holiday. Based on the user's input and answers to the question the dream holiday is planned.
Once cloned, navigate to the project's root directory and this project uses npm (Node Package Manager) to manage its dependencies.
The command below is a combination of installing dependencies, opening up the project on VS Code and it will run a development server on your terminal.
npm i && code . && npm run dev
The team worked on this project remotely using vscode, git, github, slack and figma as collaboration tools.
- Planning and task dividing
- Project setup UX flow
- Creating a basic styleguide
- Creating UI Components in React
- Developing the basic flow and interaction with React
- Styling the survey with CSS
- Working on form validation
In the future, the app can be improved to enhance user experience by allowing users to press the Enter key to move to the next question instead of relying solely on the continue button. Additionally, there's a bug when navigating backward in the form that needs fixing.
See instructions of this project