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217 lines (184 loc) · 12 KB

File metadata and controls

217 lines (184 loc) · 12 KB

v2.6.0 - 27th July 2013

* Fixed context of `call`, thanks to [m-hume](, changed README to reflect the change. May break code, althought not sure of the extension of it
* Fixed composer package, thanks to [logical-and][
* Re-added session_write_close to respond

v2.5.6 - 28th June 2013

* Added "one" to el.phery('one'), so you can test the returned promised

v2.5.5 - 3rd June 2013

* Added server side config per response
* Added the option to not try to convert integers (if they are strings, leave as string)
* Added the option to not try to convert classes and objects to string (that has __toString)

v2.5.4 - 17th May 2013

* Added ajax config for timeout
* Added shorthand for reusable AJAX element created on-the-fly for phery.remote('remote', null, null, false)

v2.5.3 - 15th May 2013

* Added retry event, thanks to [m-hume](
* Added minified version of the script

v2.5.2 - 14th May 2013

* Depending on latency, session_write_close() would fire too late and block parallel AJAX calls, this was fixed

v2.5.1 - 14th May 2013

* Fixed urls with hash fragments, thanks to [m-hume](

v2.5.0 - 30th April 2013

* Added remote publish/subscribe/broadcast. Ideal to respond to commands without needing to use call(), apply(), or DOM manipulation.
* The behavior of phery.remote changed, the same element, when passing direct_call to false, can be reused many times using phery('remote'), so to free the memory, it needs to call phery('remove')
* Added the phery.timer function to execute polling in a set interval
* Made a exclusive shortcut for, kinda hard to keep writing that huge line before loops

v2.4.7 - 24th April 2013

* IE9 is another ugly monster and randomly fails on UTF-8 AJAX responses without explicitly setting it from PHP
* Added global static Phery::$encoding, defaults to UTF-8

v2.4.6 - 21st April 2013

* Removed dependency on document ready (wasn't working on AngularJS)
* Added the phery.json() shorthand for phery.remote(..., false).on('phery:json', cb).phery('remote')

v2.4.5 - 1st April 2013

* Fix bug navigate_to wasn't working with enable.only option set to true

v2.4.4 - 26th March 2013

* Implemented the enable.only option, so the AJAX calls (per element) can be called once a time
* Minor doc adjustments

v2.4.3 - 19th March 2013

* Removed file_upload js config
* Fixed the
* Cleaned up the php file
* Fixed include_stylesheet and phery view event assignment (messed up hasOwnProperty there)

v2.4.2 - 18th March 2013

* Applied flyweight pattern on the process request to reuse most of the data that was being passed around in many functions
* Fixed Webkit random maximum stack size RangeError when using nested responses
* Preparing code for NodeJS version (2.5ish)
* Upcoming support for the <template> element
* Fixed remove data for temporary elements
* Added call_cache functionality to purge old unused functions (clear it every minute). It would hold too many items for similar functions that changed only 1-3 bytes for example
* Fixed event bubbling regression that the last version introduced
* Removed 'compress' parameter, it was doing more harm than good
* Fixed beforeSend that wasn't cancelling on return false
* dump_vars now will process PheryResponse, if any gets passed to it
* Fixed DOM elements that were being parsed as a plainobject, using unecessary CPU cycles
* Normalized event target and added $target, that is a $(target) version of the DOM node
* Implemented 'only' option, so just one task may run at a time
* Implemented the status 'inprogress' (that can be accessed through $(el).phery('inprogress') when there's an AJAX call going on

v2.4.0 - 17th February 2013

* Refactored code for unit testing
* Had to change all the data attributes, because 1.9 removed the support for namespaced data. If you were manually writing data-remote without using the Phery::link_to, it's time to start using it
* Remade logic inside the process() method
* Fixed problem when exit_allowed is set to false
* Fixed CSRF renewing every call (when dynamically created in the server side)
* Rewrite of respond() and shutdown_handler() method
* Phery::set now overwrite previous functions, to allow polymorphism
* Added unset_function() to remove functions added by set()
* Added the "return" config option for frameworks that have problems with premature exit, and you can put the response where you may please, instead of echoing it
* Updated Javascript code to handle attribute for many input types, including formaction, formmethod, etc
* Added file upload through AJAX, only on good browsers, using XHR2
* this() was deprecated in favor of this (as a property), so PheryResponse::factory()->this instead of PheryResponse::factory()->this()
* jquery() have been exchanged for jquery (as a property) when using to access root jQuery functions, like `$.getJSON` or `$.when`
* Added phery.remotes, to execute many ajax calls in order, acts like an ajax queue
* Added proxy to attr in phery.remote, the context of all events will be the element passed in proxy
* Added data-phery-cache, if the attribute exists, the JSON request will be cached
* Added the progress event for any AJAX call (on good browsers and IE10)
* Improved merge data, you may specify jQuery objects now, and the library will try it's best to see if any value can be added
* Making use of the prop method instead of attr (since jQuery 1.8)
* Introducing the new method lock_config() that won't allow any configurations to be changed after it's been changed (security measure), and it can't be unlocked
* Introducing the new option autolock that locks the config after the page has been loaded
* Introducing the new option inline.enable so you can load direct PheryResponse's inside `<script>phery.load('<?=PheryResponse::factory()->render();?>')</script>` on page load, so you may reuse the same code you'd return from an AJAX response to a page load
* Applied Object.freeze (in browsers that support it) on phery, so no tampering on the library!
* Fixed when retrying, not calling the always callback again
* Added two helper jQuery selectors, :phery-remote and :phery-confirm
* Added unless operator in PheryResponse
* Added a helper function for file uploads, PheryResponse::files
* Removed no_stripslashes, since PHP 5.3 made magic_quotes_gpc deprecated (and removed in 5.4).
* Updated phpdoc magic methods from new jQuery versions (removed, deprecated, etc)
* Removed deprecated stuff from the js library
* Fixed excluded url that matches exactly # always
* Fixed event bubbling for custom events
* Element events now bubble to the document, making it possible to use event delegation with phery events
* Renamed the library to phery.js to follow the 'trend' plus the word I picked seems to be a person name somewhere in the world (and an item from a game)
* Exceptions now, since it passes sensitive information to the client (like the current full path of the file), it now returns only the filename.

v2.3.1 - 2nd December 2012

* Fixed a serious ordering JSON problem in Chrome and IE (broken by design)
* Fixed left overs from respond_to_post support
* Fixed redirect function in PheryResponse
* Fixed merged responses
* Fixed AJAX retry on error
* Changed print_vars on PheryResponse to use var_export and return usable PHP code, instead of print_r

v2.3.0 - 30th November 2012

* Renamed path() to access() in PheryResponse, makes more sense
* Consecutive calls to jquery(), access(), phery_remote(), this() now don't stack under a single common command
* phery.view now accepts any type of selector, not only ids
* Removed respond_to_post, there's no use for it since it's an AJAX library
* Added $no_close option for the link_to function, you may create ajax containers and close it yourself
* Made the library AMD compatible
* Fixed PheryFunction function declarations starting with white space

v2.2.3 - 27th November 2012

* Small fix in the Javascript code, that won't try to process non-PheryResponse returns

v2.2.2 - 25th November 2012

* Fixed data-related for forms
* Added include_stylesheet and include_script shortcuts in PheryResponse to automatically add scripts and stylesheets to the page head
* Changed DOCS from phpDocumentor to ApiGen
* Fixed phpDoc inside Phery.php to proper format

v2.2.1 - 22nd November 2012

* Changed the phery() call to be a magic method instead of implemented in PheryResponse, so it can be accessed using this() and selectors
* Created instead of putting the history inside
* $('element').phery('remote') now execute for all of the selected elements and return jQuery

v2.2.0 - 21st November 2012

* Added a new option that makes structural elements like DIV, HEADER, unclickable, but still can send data AJAX calls

v2.1.0 - 18th November 2012

* Nesting fix, added access method to PheryResponse
* Removed unecessary eval()s
* Rewrite of a couple of internal functions
* Added CSRF protection

v2.0.1 - 9th November 2012

* Small fix on compressed answers

v2.0 - 4th November 2012

* Added data-related, to get the value from somewhere else
* The behavior of data-args for single value has changed
* data-method will emulate RESTful response
* Fixed error_handler and added a meaningful exception when the callback returns void instead of PheryResponse.
* Removed string callbacks
* Added PheryFunction for javascript callbacks from PHP
* Added the ability to do nested PheryResponse calls
* Improved phery.view in all browsers
* Fixed phery.view in IE8
* Added a bunch of utility functions in PheryResponse
* Implementation of this() in PheryResponse, accesses the calling element directly, simply the best function added so far

v1.0 - 4th September. 2012

* Complete revamp of Javascript code to use 'delegate' instead of 'live'
* Using jQuery namespace'd events and data
* Support for self closing HTML tags, like IMG
* Exposed mouse events for each element (form, select / multiple, tags)

v0.6b - 8th July. 2011

* Javascript code additions
* Support for "change" event on SELECT elements
* PHP helper for creating a SELECT
* Added encoding support defaults to UTF-8
* Fix when argument passing when not an array or JSON object
* Added more jQuery functions to the IDE autocomplete phpDoc

v0.5.2b - 06th May. 2011

* Improved code for cursor
* Added $.phery.options.ajax.retry_limit and automatic retry abilities
* Updated examples in index.php and adjusted documentation
* Minor change in PHP side

v0.5.1b - 27th Apr. 2011

* Fixed events, events will be executed as GLOBAL then PER ELEMENT. Returning false cancels propagation.
* Fixed console.log
* Updated index.php with examples and removed dependency for livequery plugin, jquery 1.5.2 got it fixed

v0.5b - 11st Mar. 2011

* Added $.phery.options.default_href
* Added ability to call anonymous functions callbacks directly from PHP
* Removed closure from script() call
* Added exception event

v0.4b - 4th Mar. 2011

* Added more error checking
* Fixed some bugs
* Improved both PHP and js code
* Included jQuery 1.5.1
* Changed the way the callbacks are executed and handled
* Removed external JSON parser

v0.3b2 - 15th Nov. 2010

* Removed some mal functioning code from js
* Corrected minor things in PHP and example

v0.3b1 - 23rd Oct. 2010

* Test changes to function parsing client-side
* Added $.callRemote(), and changes to PHP code

v0.2b - 11st Oct. 2010

* Renamed project to phery
* Improved js code

v0.1b - 30th Sep. 2010

* First public release as Pjax