#DataTable Library for Codeigniter
This library requires DataTables 1.10 >
Generates Necessary JSON For Sever Side Tables
Handles Sorting & Column Based Searching
Builds the select automatically from the DataTable column names
Append custom SQL expressions to the generated Select statement
Append a static where clause
Formatters For Date, Percent, Currency, and Boolean
Utilizes CI Active Record
Drastically Reduces PHP Code Necessary To Generate a Server Side Table
- v1.1
- New Method
- New Method
setColumnSearchType(colName, type)
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="//cdn.datatables.net/1.10.4/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//cdn.datatables.net/1.10.4/css/jquery.dataTables.css">
DataTable Library
Copy Datatable.php to the libraries folder of your CI install
Name | Description | Required |
model | Model classname implmenting the DatatableModel interface | YES |
rowIdCol | Column name used to assign the row id values in the table | NO |
Name | Description | Return |
appendToSelectStr |
Adds additional columns or SQL Expressions to the generated SELECT | Assoc. Array Key = Column Alias, Value = Column Name or Expression OR NULL |
fromTableStr |
Specify the table name to select from. Tip: You can also include an alias here return 'mytable a'; |
**String ** |
joinArray |
Join additional tables for DataTable columns to reference. Tip: Join Types CAN be specifed by using a pipe in the key value 'table_to_join b|left outer' |
Assoc. Array Key=Table To Join Value=SQL Join Expression. |
whereClauseArray |
Append Static SQL to the generated Where Clause | Assoc. Array Key= Column Name Value=Value To Filter OR NULL |
This will get called after the library constructs the associative array that will get converted into JSON. This allows for the manipulation of the data
in the JSON or to add custom properties to the JSON before it is pushed to the browser. Make sure that you use the & when getting the data rows, otherwise,
you will end up with a copy of the array and it will not affect the json. Below is an example of how it is used.
$this -> datatable -> setPreResultCallback(
function(&$json) {
$rows =& $json['data'];
foreach($rows as &$r) {
// example of nested object in row when the
// data propterty in the javascript looks like "$.url"
if(empty($r['$']['url']) === FALSE) {
$newUrl = 'http://www.changeurl.com';
$r['$']['url'] = $newUrl;
// change the value of the gender in the Json. data property in the javascript looks like "gender"
$r['gender'] = $r['gender'] == 'M' ? 'Male' : 'Female';
$json['a_custom_property'] = 'Check me out with firebug!';
setColumnSearchType(columnName, type)
Set the matching type to be done for a given column. This will default to "after" if not specified
columnName(string) - Name of the column matching what was passed in from the JavaScript in the data property
type(string) - Type of search to perform. This will control the % wildcard on the like. valid values are: before, after, both, none
$this -> datatable -> setColumnSearchType('$.url', 'both');
Returns the current matching for a given column
columnName(string) - Name of the column matching what was passed in from the JavaScript in the data property
class store_dt extends MY_Model implements DatatableModel{
public function appendToSelectStr() {
return NULL;
public function fromTableStr() {
return 'store s';
public function joinArray(){
return NULL;
public function whereClauseArray(){
return NULL;
class state_dt extends MY_Model implements DatatableModel{
public function appendToSelectStr() {
return array(
'city_state_zip' => 'concat(s.s_name, \' \', c.c_name, \' \', c.c_zip)'
public function fromTableStr() {
return 'state s';
public function joinArray(){
return array(
'city c|left outer' => 'c.state_id = s.id',
'user u' => 'u.state_id = s.id'
public function whereClauseArray(){
return array(
'u.id' => $this -> ion_auth -> get_user_id()
class DataTableExample extends CI_Controller {
public function dataTable() {
//Important to NOT load the model and let the library load it instead.
$this -> load -> library('Datatable', array('model' => 'state_dt', 'rowIdCol' => 'c.id'));
//format array is optional, but shown here for the sake of example
$json = $this -> datatable -> datatableJson(
'a_date_col' => 'date',
'a_boolean_col' => 'boolean',
'a_percent_col' => 'percent',
'a_currency_col' => 'currency'
$this -> output -> set_header("Pragma: no-cache");
$this -> output -> set_header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache");
$this -> output -> set_content_type('application/json') -> set_output(json_encode($json));
<table id="myDataTable">
<th>Combined Exp</th>
**Custom Expressions: ** SQL Expressions setup in the model in the appendToSelectStr()
must be reference by the $
in the data
property of the columns
$('#myDataTable').dataTable( {
processing: true,
serverSide: true,
ajax: {
"url": "/index.php/DataTableExample/dataTable",
"type": "POST"
columns: [
{ data: "s.s_name" },
{data : "c.c_name"},
{data : "c.c_zip"},
{ data: "$.city_state_zip" } //refers to the expression in the "More Advanced DatatableModel Implementation"
License: The MIT License (MIT), http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT