The required dependencies work with python3.6 or python3.7. In addition to this it depends upon R packages which are only available for recent versions of R. Some algorithms require tensorflow, ideally with GPU acceleration.
Depends upon the Anaconda Distribution (
# if you do not have python3.6 or python 3.7 create an environment with the required version of python
conda create -n python36env python=3.6 # install and create an python3.6 environment
conda activate python36env # use source for linux like environments, for example 'source ~/anaconda3/bin/activate python36env'
# install packages:
conda install r-essentials r-base
conda install pandas scipy pivottablejs rpy2 matplotlib tqdm requests jupyter seaborn
pip install sklearn gpyopt xgboost sets
- install tensorflow (optional)
conda install tensorflowXXX keras
It is known to work and tested with Ubuntu vs 18.04, R vs 3.5.1, python3.6 and tensorflow (1.4.1 and higher)
- install the R packages with the following steps:
R # opens R
source("cfg/install_packages.r") # run script and answer the questions, this will install the R packages.
- install the python dependencies with the following steps:
pip3 install -r cfg/requirements.txt
- install tensorflow
choose your version of tensorflow (CPU/GPU) and install with:
pip3 install tensorflowXXX keras