diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md
index 3a058c8b6c..a6c06597fa 100644
--- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name: Bug report
-about: Create a report to help us improve
+about: Something looks wierd or doesn't work as expected? Let us know the details so we can fix it!
title: "[BUG]: "
labels: bug
assignees: ''
@@ -8,25 +8,28 @@ assignees: ''
**Describe the bug**
-A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
+Please give us a clear and concise description of what the bug is, including screenshots or video if applicable.
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Go to '...'
-2. Click on '....'
-3. Scroll down to '....'
+2. Scroll down to '....'
+3. Click on '....'
4. See error
**Expected behavior**
-A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
+Please describe what you expected to happen.
-If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
+**Operating Environment(s):**
+ - OS: [e.g. Windows/OSX/Linux. If Linux, include distro. ]
+ - OS version: [e.g. 7/10/11, 10.13/10.15, 18.04/20.04 ]
+ - AtomicDEX Version: [e.g. 0.5.7]
+ - Build branch: [e.g. master/dev]
-**Desktop (please complete the following information):**
- - OS: [e.g. iOS]
- - Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
- - Version [e.g. 22]
**Additional context**
-Add any other context about the problem here.
+ - Add any related context about the problem here (e.g. screen resolution, mining activity on address)
+ - Attach [log files](https://forum.komodoplatform.com/t/accessing-atomicdex-desktop-log-files/540)
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md
index 89af96c70e..11f973fa6c 100644
--- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md
@@ -1,20 +1,24 @@
name: Feature request
-about: Suggest an idea for this project
-title: "[FEATURE REQUEST]: "
+about: Something missing? Got a cool idea? Let us know!
+title: "[FR]: "
labels: ''
assignees: ''
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
-A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]
+What problem does your suggestion solve? E.g. It would be more convenient if [...]
+**Describe your solution**
+A clear and concise description of how your solution could be implemented.
-**Describe the solution you'd like**
-A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.
**Describe alternatives you've considered**
-A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.
+Have you considered any alternative approaches to solving to the problem?
**Additional context**
-Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.
+For visual features, screenshots are great to include.
+If your request is similar to a feature frm a different app, please include a link.
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/support.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/support.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3b49f6c2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/support.md
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+name: Support query
+about: Did something go wrong? Need some help? Please follow the links below for assistance
+title: "[SQ]: "
+labels: 'support'
+assignees: ''
+[Komodo Platform Discord Support Channel](https://discord.gg/RRZ8hzc)
+[Komodo Platform Forum](https://forum.komodoplatform.com/t/atomicdex-desktop-collection/541)
+[Develper Documentation](https://developers.komodoplatform.com/)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.github/workflows/firodex-desktop-ci.yml b/.github/workflows/firodex-desktop-ci.yml
index 71908c8064..93238ce19e 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/firodex-desktop-ci.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/firodex-desktop-ci.yml
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ on:
- cron: '0 0 * * 1'
+ DEX_API: "mm2"
+ DEX_RPC: ""
@@ -26,112 +29,133 @@ jobs:
fail-fast: false
name: [
- ubuntu-qt-5-15-2,
- osx-qt-5-15-2,
- windows-10-qt-5-15-2
+ ubuntu-release,
+ ubuntu-debug,
+ osx-release,
+ osx-debug,
+ windows-release,
+ windows-debug
- - name: ubuntu-qt-5-15-2
- os: ubuntu-18.04
+ - name: ubuntu-release
+ os: ubuntu-20.04
qt: '5.15.2'
- type: 'release'
+ type: 'Release'
+ host: 'linux'
- - name: osx-qt-5-15-2
- os: macos-latest
+ - name: ubuntu-debug
+ os: ubuntu-20.04
qt: '5.15.2'
- type: 'release'
+ type: 'Debug'
+ host: 'linux'
- - name: windows-10-qt-5-15-2
+ - name: osx-release
+ os: macos-11
+ qt: '5.15.2'
+ type: 'Release'
+ host: 'mac'
+ - name: osx-debug
+ os: macos-11
+ qt: '5.15.2'
+ type: 'Debug'
+ host: 'mac'
+ - name: windows-release
os: windows-latest
qt: '5.15.2'
- type: 'release'
+ type: 'Release'
+ host: 'windows'
- #- name: osx-qt-5-15-2-dbg
- # os: macos-latest
- # qt: '5.15.2'
- # type: 'debug'
+ - name: windows-debug
+ os: windows-latest
+ qt: '5.15.2'
+ type: 'Debug'
+ host: 'windows'
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v3
ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
submodules: 'true'
- name: Setup Python
- uses: actions/setup-python@v3
+ uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: '3.9'
- - name: Install QT (Linux)
- if: runner.os == 'Linux'
- uses: KomodoPlatform/install-qt-action@v2.14.0
+ - name: Install MSVC
+ if: runner.os == 'Windows'
+ uses: ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd@v1.12.0
+ - name: Build libwally (Windows)
+ if: runner.os == 'Windows'
+ run: |
+ cd '${{ github.workspace }}'
+ git clone -b v0.8.5 --recurse-submodules https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/libwally-core.git
+ cd '${{ github.workspace }}\libwally-core'
+ git submodule init
+ git submodule sync --recursive
+ git submodule update --init --recursive
+ $env:LIBWALLY_DIR='${{ github.workspace }}\libwally-core'
+ "$env:LIBWALLY_DIR\tools\msvc\gen_ecmult_static_context.bat"
+ copy src\ccan\ccan\str\hex\hex.c src\ccan\ccan\str\hex\hex_.c
+ copy src\ccan\ccan\base64\base64.c src\ccan\ccan\base64\base64_.c
+ cl /utf-8 /DUSE_ECMULT_STATIC_PRECOMPUTATION /DECMULT_WINDOW_SIZE=15 /DWALLY_CORE_BUILD /DHAVE_CONFIG_H /DSECP256K1_BUILD /I$env:LIBWALLY_DIR\src\wrap_js\windows_config /I$env:LIBWALLY_DIR /I$env:LIBWALLY_DIR\src /I$env:LIBWALLY_DIR\include /I$env:LIBWALLY_DIR\src\ccan /I$env:LIBWALLY_DIR\src\ccan\base64 /I$env:LIBWALLY_DIR\src\secp256k1 /Zi /LD src/aes.c src/anti_exfil.c src/base58.c src/base64.c src/bech32.c src/bip32.c src/bip38.c src/bip39.c src/blech32.c src/ecdh.c src/elements.c src/hex.c src/hmac.c src/internal.c src/mnemonic.c src/pbkdf2.c src/pullpush.c src/psbt.c src/script.c src/scrypt.c src/sign.c src/symmetric.c src/transaction.c src/wif.c src/wordlist.c src/ccan/ccan/crypto/ripemd160/ripemd160.c src/ccan/ccan/crypto/sha256/sha256.c src/ccan/ccan/crypto/sha512/sha512.c src/ccan/ccan/base64/base64_.c src\ccan\ccan\str\hex\hex_.c src/secp256k1/src/secp256k1.c src/secp256k1/src/precomputed_ecmult_gen.c src/secp256k1/src/precomputed_ecmult.c /Fewally.dll
+ Copy-Item "${{ github.workspace }}\libwally-core\wally.dll" -Destination "${{ github.workspace }}\wally\wally.dll" -force
+ - name: Install QT (macOS)
+ if: runner.os == 'macOS'
+ uses: jurplel/install-qt-action@v3.0.0
version: ${{ matrix.qt }}
- setup-python: 'false'
- host: 'linux'
- target: 'desktop'
+ host: ${{ matrix.host }}
dir: '${{ github.workspace }}'
- modules: 'qtcharts qtwidgets debug_info qtwebengine qtwebview'
- aqtversion: '==0.8'
- py7zrversion: '==0.6'
+ target: 'desktop'
+ modules: 'qtcharts debug_info qtwebengine'
+ tools: 'tools_ifw'
+ setup-python: 'false'
+ cache: true
- - name: Install QT (MacOS)
- if: runner.os == 'macOS'
- uses: KomodoPlatform/install-qt-action@v2.14.0
+ - name: Install QT (Linux)
+ if: runner.os == 'Linux'
+ uses: jurplel/install-qt-action@v3.0.0
version: ${{ matrix.qt }}
- setup-python: 'false'
- host: 'mac'
- target: 'desktop'
+ host: ${{ matrix.host }}
dir: '${{ github.workspace }}'
- modules: 'qtcharts qtwidgets debug_info qtwebview qtwebengine'
- - name: Install QT IFW (MacOS)
- if: runner.os == 'macOS'
- run: |
- python3 -m aqt tool mac tools_ifw 4.3.0 qt.tools.ifw.43 --outputdir ${{ github.workspace }}/Qt
- echo "${{ github.workspace }}/Qt/Tools/QtInstallerFramework/4.0/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
- echo "${{ github.workspace }}/Qt/Tools/QtInstallerFramework/4.1/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
- echo "${{ github.workspace }}/Qt/Tools/QtInstallerFramework/4.2/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
- echo "${{ github.workspace }}/Qt/Tools/QtInstallerFramework/4.3/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
+ target: 'desktop'
+ modules: 'qtcharts debug_info qtwebengine'
+ setup-python: 'false'
+ cache: true
- name: Install QT (Windows)
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
- uses: KomodoPlatform/install-qt-action@v2.14.0
+ uses: jurplel/install-qt-action@v3.0.0
version: ${{ matrix.qt }}
- host: 'windows'
+ host: ${{ matrix.host }}
+ dir: 'C:\'
target: 'desktop'
+ modules: 'qtcharts debug_info qtwebengine'
+ tools: 'tools_ifw'
arch: 'win64_msvc2019_64'
- dir: 'C:\'
- modules: 'qtcharts qtwidgets debug_info qtwebview qtwebengine'
- - name: Install QT IFW (Windows)
- if: runner.os == 'Windows'
- run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip
- python -m aqt tool windows tools_ifw 4.3.0 qt.tools.ifw.43 --outputdir C:/Qt
- echo "C:/Qt/Tools/QtInstallerFramework/4.0/bin" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_PATH -Encoding utf8 -Append
- echo "C:/Qt/Tools/QtInstallerFramework/4.1/bin" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_PATH -Encoding utf8 -Append
- echo "C:/Qt/Tools/QtInstallerFramework/4.2/bin" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_PATH -Encoding utf8 -Append
- echo "C:/Qt/Tools/QtInstallerFramework/4.3/bin" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_PATH -Encoding utf8 -Append
- echo $env:GITHUB_PATH
- echo $env:PATH
+ cache: true
- name: Install nim (Linux)
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
run: |
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
export SHELL=/bin/bash
curl https://nim-lang.org/choosenim/init.sh > choosenim.sh
chmod +x choosenim.sh
./choosenim.sh -y
export PATH=/home/runner/.nimble/bin:$PATH
- ls /home/runner/.choosenim/toolchains
- chmod +x /home/runner/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-1.4.8/bin/*
+ chmod +x /home/runner/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-1.6.10/bin/*
- name: Install deps (Linux)
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
@@ -140,21 +164,6 @@ jobs:
echo ${{ github.sha }}
sudo ./ci_tools_atomic_dex/ci_scripts/linux_script.sh
- - name: Upload env variable for vpkg (Linux)
- if: runner.os == 'Linux'
- run: |
- #echo "CXXFLAGS=-stdlib=libc++" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- #echo "LDFLAGS=-stdlib=libc++" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- echo "CXX=clang++-12" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- echo "CC=clang-12" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- - name: vcpkg deps (All)
- uses: KomodoPlatform/run-vcpkg@v7
- with:
- vcpkgDirectory: '${{ github.workspace }}/ci_tools_atomic_dex/vcpkg-repo'
- setupOnly: true
- appendedCacheKey: ${{ hashFiles('vcpkg.json') }}
- name: Install deps (MacOS)
if: runner.os == 'macOS'
run: |
@@ -166,25 +175,22 @@ jobs:
echo "CXX=/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/clang++" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "CC=/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/clang" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- - name: Build FiroDEX (Linux)
+ - name: Upload env variable for vpkg (Linux)
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
run: |
- export QT_INSTALL_CMAKE_PATH=${{ github.workspace }}/Qt/${{ matrix.qt }}/gcc_64/lib/cmake
- export QT_ROOT=${{ github.workspace }}/Qt/${{ matrix.qt }}
- export PATH=${{ github.workspace }}/Qt/${{ matrix.qt }}/gcc_64/bin:$PATH
- export PATH=$HOME/.nimble/bin:$PATH
- #export CXXFLAGS=-stdlib=libc++
- #export LDFLAGS=-stdlib=libc++
- export CXX=clang++-12
- export CC=clang-12
- cd ci_tools_atomic_dex
- nimble build -y
+ echo "CXX=clang++-12" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ echo "CC=clang-12" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ - name: vcpkg deps (All)
+ uses: lukka/run-vcpkg@v10
+ with:
+ vcpkgDirectory: '${{ github.workspace }}/ci_tools_atomic_dex/vcpkg-repo'
+ appendedCacheKey: ${{ hashFiles('vcpkg.json') }}
+ vcpkgJsonGlob: 'vcpkg.json'
- ./ci_tools_atomic_dex build release
- ./ci_tools_atomic_dex bundle release
# - name: import code signing certificates (macos)
- # if: runner.os == 'macOS'
+ # if: runner.os == 'macOS' && 'firoorg/FiroDEX-Desktop' == github.repository
# uses: Apple-Actions/import-codesign-certs@v1
# with:
# keychain: ${{ github.run_id }}
@@ -193,7 +199,7 @@ jobs:
# p12-password: ${{ secrets.CERTIFICATES_P12_PASSWORD }}
# - name: import installer code signing certificates (macos)
- # if: runner.os == 'macOS'
+ # if: runner.os == 'macOS' && 'firoorg/FiroDEX-Desktop' == github.repository
# uses: apple-actions/import-codesign-certs@v1
# with:
# keychain: ${{ github.run_id }}
@@ -202,91 +208,80 @@ jobs:
# p12-file-base64: ${{ secrets.CERTIFICATES_INSTALLER_P12 }}
# p12-password: ${{ secrets.CERTIFICATES_P12_PASSWORD }}
- - name: Build FiroDEX (MacOS)
+ - name: Build AtomicDEX (MacOS)
if: runner.os == 'macOS'
run: |
+ xcrun --sdk macosx --show-sdk-path
+ export SDK_PATH=$(xcrun --sdk macosx --show-sdk-path)
+ ls /Applications/Xcode_13.2.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs
+ echo $HOME/sdk
+ ls $HOME/sdk
export APPLE_ID="${{ secrets.APPLE_ID }}"
+ export ASC_PUBLIC_ID="${{ secrets.ASC_PUBLIC_ID }}"
export QT_INSTALL_CMAKE_PATH=${{ github.workspace }}/Qt/${{ matrix.qt }}/clang_64/lib/cmake
export QT_ROOT=${{ github.workspace }}/Qt/${{ matrix.qt }}
export CC=clang
export CXX=clang++
cd ci_tools_atomic_dex
nimble build -y
- ./ci_tools_atomic_dex bundle ${{ matrix.type }} --osx_sdk=$HOME/sdk/MacOSX10.14.sdk --compiler=clang++
+ ./ci_tools_atomic_dex bundle ${{ matrix.type }} --osx_sdk=$HOME/sdk/MacOSX10.15.sdk --compiler=clang++
- - name: Build FiroDEX (Windows)
- if: runner.os == 'Windows'
- shell: powershell
- run: |
- $Env:QT_VERSION = "${{ matrix.qt }}"
- .\ci_tools_atomic_dex\ci_scripts\windows_script.ps1
- # - name: Running Tests (Linux)
- # working-directory: ci_tools_atomic_dex
- # if: runner.os == 'Linux' && 'firoorg/FiroDEX-Desktop' == github.repository
- # run: |
- # export QT_INSTALL_CMAKE_PATH=${{ github.workspace }}/Qt/${{ matrix.qt }}/gcc_64/lib/cmake
- # export QT_ROOT=${{ github.workspace }}/Qt/${{ matrix.qt }}
- # export PATH=${{ github.workspace }}/Qt/${{ matrix.qt }}/gcc_64/bin:$PATH
- # export PATH=$HOME/.nimble/bin:$PATH
- # #export CXXFLAGS=-stdlib=libc++
- # #export LDFLAGS=-stdlib=libc++
- # export CXX=clang++-12
- # export CC=clang-12
- # echo "Running tests"
- # ./ci_tools_atomic_dex tests release
- # cd build-Release/bin/AntaraAtomicDexTestsAppDir/usr/bin
- # cat ${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}-tests-result.xml
- # #curl https://report.ci/upload.py --output upload.py
- # ls
- # #python upload.py --sha `git rev-parse HEAD` -n "[Doctest Linux]" --include='${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}-tests-result.xml' --framework=doctest --merge ".*"
- # #echo "Uploading tests on Linux finished"
- - name: Running Tests (MacOS)
- working-directory: ci_tools_atomic_dex
- if: runner.os == 'macOS' && 'firoorg/FiroDEX-Desktop' == github.repository
+ - name: Build AtomicDEX (Linux)
+ if: runner.os == 'Linux'
run: |
- export QT_INSTALL_CMAKE_PATH=${{ github.workspace }}/Qt/${{ matrix.qt }}/clang_64/lib/cmake
+ export QT_INSTALL_CMAKE_PATH=${{ github.workspace }}/Qt/${{ matrix.qt }}/gcc_64/lib/cmake
export QT_ROOT=${{ github.workspace }}/Qt/${{ matrix.qt }}
- export CC=clang
- export CXX=clang++
- echo "Running tests"
- #./ci_tools_atomic_dex tests ${{ matrix.type }}
- #cd build-${{ matrix.type }}/bin/${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}_tests.app/Contents/MacOS
- #cat ${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}-tests-result.xml
- #curl https://report.ci/upload.py --output upload.py
- ls
- #python upload.py --sha `git rev-parse HEAD` -n "[Doctest MacOS ${{ matrix.type }}]" --include='${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}-tests-result.xml' --framework=doctest --merge ".*"
- #echo "Uploading tests on OSX finished"
+ export PATH=${{ github.workspace }}/Qt/${{ matrix.qt }}/gcc_64/bin:$PATH
+ export PATH=$HOME/.nimble/bin:$PATH
+ #export CXXFLAGS=-stdlib=libc++
+ #export LDFLAGS=-stdlib=libc++
+ export CXX=clang++-12
+ export CC=clang-12
+ cd ci_tools_atomic_dex
+ nimble build -y
- - name: Running Tests (Windows)
+ ./ci_tools_atomic_dex build ${{ matrix.type }}
+ ./ci_tools_atomic_dex bundle ${{ matrix.type }}
+ - name: Build FiroDEX (Windows)
+ if: runner.os == 'Windows'
shell: powershell
- if: runner.os == 'Windows' && 'firoorg/FiroDEX-Desktop' == github.repository
run: |
- echo "Running tests"
- $Env:QT_INSTALL_CMAKE_PATH = "C:\Qt\${{ matrix.qt }}\msvc2019_64"
- cd build\bin
- ./${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}_tests.exe --reporters=xml --out=${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}-tests-result.xml -s
- #Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://report.ci/upload.py -OutFile upload.py
- #python upload.py --sha $(git rev-parse HEAD) -n "[Doctest Windows]" --include='${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}-tests-result.xml' --framework=doctest --merge ".*"
+ $Env:QT_VERSION = "${{ matrix.qt }}"
+ $Env:CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = "${{ matrix.type }}"
+ .\ci_tools_atomic_dex\ci_scripts\windows_script.ps1
- name: Upload env variable for artifacts (Linux)
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
run: |
- ls ./bundled/linux/
+ echo "artifact_name_zstd=${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}-${{ matrix.name }}-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD).tar.zst" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "artifact_name_zip=${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}-${{ matrix.name }}-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD).zip" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "artifact_name_appimage=${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}-${{ matrix.name }}-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)-x86_64.AppImage" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "target_name_zip=${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}-linux-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD).zip" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- echo "target_name_appimage=${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)-x86_64.AppImage" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ echo "target_name_appimage=${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}-linux-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)-x86_64.AppImage" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ - name: Upload bundle artifact (Linux ZSTD)
+ if: runner.os == 'Linux'
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
+ with:
+ name: ${{ env.artifact_name_zstd }}
+ path: ./bundled/linux/${{ env.target_name_zstd }}
+ retention-days: 7
- name: Upload bundle artifact (Linux ZIP)
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: ${{ env.artifact_name_zip }}
path: ./bundled/linux/${{ env.target_name_zip }}
@@ -294,7 +289,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Upload bundle artifact (Linux AppImage)
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: ${{ env.artifact_name_appimage }}
path: ./bundled/linux/${{ env.target_name_appimage }}
@@ -303,13 +298,12 @@ jobs:
- name: Upload env variable for artifacts (macOS)
if: runner.os == 'macOS'
run: |
- ls ./bundled/osx/
echo "artifact_name_dmg=${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}-${{ matrix.name }}-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD).dmg" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "artifact_name_installer=${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}-installer-${{ matrix.name }}-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD).7z" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Upload artifacts (MacOS dmg)
if: runner.os == 'macOS'
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: ${{ env.artifact_name_dmg }}
path: ./bundled/osx/${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}.dmg
@@ -317,7 +311,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Upload artifacts (MacOS installer)
if: runner.os == 'macOS'
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: ${{ env.artifact_name_installer }}
path: ./bundled/osx/${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}_installer.7z
@@ -328,22 +322,78 @@ jobs:
run: |
echo "on_windows"
echo "artifact_name_zip=${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}-${{ matrix.name }}-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD).zip" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf8 -Append
- echo "artifact_name_installer=${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}-installer-${{ matrix.name }}-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD).exe" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf8 -Append
+ echo "artifact_name_installer=${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}-${{ matrix.name }}-installer-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD).exe" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf8 -Append
- name: Upload artifacts (Windows zip)
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: ${{ env.artifact_name_zip }}
- path: ./bundled/windows/bin.zip
+ path: ./bundled/windows/${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}.zip
retention-days: 7
- name: Upload artifacts (Windows installer)
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: ${{ env.artifact_name_installer }}
path: ./bundled/windows/${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}_installer.exe
retention-days: 7
\ No newline at end of file
+ - name: Running Tests (Linux)
+ working-directory: ci_tools_atomic_dex
+ continue-on-error: true
+ if: runner.os == 'Linux' && 'firoorg/FiroDEX-Desktop' == github.repository
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+ export PATH=$HOME/.nimble/bin:$PATH
+ export CXX=clang++-12
+ export CC=clang-12
+ #echo "Running tests"
+ #./ci_tools_atomic_dex tests ${{ matrix.type }}
+ #cd build-${{ matrix.type }}/bin/AntaraAtomicDexTestsAppDir/usr/bin
+ #cat ${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}-tests-result.xml
+ - name: Running Tests (MacOS)
+ working-directory: ci_tools_atomic_dex
+ continue-on-error: true
+ if: runner.os == 'macOS' && 'firoorg/FiroDEX-Desktop' == github.repository
+ run: |
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+ export APPLE_ID="${{ secrets.APPLE_ID }}"
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+ export CXX=clang++
+ #echo "Running tests"
+ #nimble build -y
+ #./ci_tools_atomic_dex tests ${{ matrix.type }}
+ #cd build-${{ matrix.type }}/bin/${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}_tests.app/Contents/MacOS
+ #cat ${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}-tests-result.xml
+ - name: Running Tests (Windows)
+ shell: powershell
+ continue-on-error: true
+ if: runner.os == 'Windows' && 'firoorg/FiroDEX-Desktop' == github.repository
+ run: |
+ #echo "Running tests"
+ $Env:QT_INSTALL_CMAKE_PATH = "C:\Qt\${{ matrix.qt }}\msvc2019_64"
+ #cd b\bin
+ #./${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}_tests.exe --reporters=xml --out=${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}-tests-result.xml -s
+ #Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://report.ci/upload.py -OutFile upload.py
+ #python upload.py --sha $(git rev-parse HEAD) -n "[Doctest Windows]" --include='${{ env.DEX_PROJECT_NAME }}-tests-result.xml' --framework=doctest --merge ".*"
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--- a/.github/workflows/firodex-desktop-release-vt.yml
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@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ jobs:
name: VirusTotal Scan
- uses: crazy-max/ghaction-virustotal@v2.4.1
+ uses: crazy-max/ghaction-virustotal@v3.1.0
vt_api_key: ${{ secrets.VT_API_KEY }}
github_token: ${{ github.token }}
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index eac6256686..4dbf66bc0d 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
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@@ -11,14 +11,13 @@ include(vcpkg_prerequisites)
message(STATUS "${PROJECT_NAME} is version ${PROJECT_VERSION}")
##! Options
-option(PREFER_BOOST_FILESYSTEM "Enable to use boost filesystem instead of std::filesystem" OFF)
option(WITH_HOTRELOAD "Enable to use qml Hot reload" OFF)
@@ -61,13 +60,13 @@ endif ()
##! We fetch our dependencies
if (APPLE)
- URL https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/atomicDEX-API/releases/download/beta-2.1.5182/mm2-0fea16d6b-Darwin-Release.zip)
+ URL https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/atomicDEX-API/releases/download/beta-2.1.8741/mm2-6e4de5d21-Darwin-Release.zip)
- URL https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/atomicDEX-API/releases/download/beta-2.1.5182/mm2-0fea16d6b-Linux-Release.zip)
+ URL https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/atomicDEX-API/releases/download/beta-2.1.8741/mm2-6e4de5d21-Linux-Release.zip)
else ()
- URL https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/atomicDEX-API/releases/download/beta-2.1.5182/mm2-0fea16d6b-Windows_NT-Release.zip)
+ URL https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/atomicDEX-API/releases/download/beta-2.1.8741/mm2-6e4de5d21-Windows_NT-Release.zip)
endif ()
#FetchContent_Declare(qmaterial URL https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/Qaterial/archive/last-clang-working-2.zip)
@@ -88,15 +87,15 @@ FetchContent_MakeAvailable(mm2 jl777-coins qmaterial)
##! Configure our needs.
if (UNIX)
- configure_file(assets/config/${PROJECT_VERSION}-coins.json ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/assets/config/${PROJECT_VERSION}-coins.json COPYONLY)
+ configure_file(${jl777-coins_SOURCE_DIR}/utils/coins_config.json ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/assets/config/${PROJECT_VERSION}-coins.json COPYONLY)
configure_file(${jl777-coins_SOURCE_DIR}/coins ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/assets/tools/mm2/coins COPYONLY)
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+ configure_file(${mm2_SOURCE_DIR}/mm2 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/assets/tools/mm2/${DEX_API} COPYONLY)
+ file(COPY ${jl777-coins_SOURCE_DIR}/icons/ DESTINATION ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/coins/)
else ()
- configure_file(assets/config/${PROJECT_VERSION}-coins.json ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin/assets/config/${PROJECT_VERSION}-coins.json COPYONLY)
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configure_file(${jl777-coins_SOURCE_DIR}/coins ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin/assets/tools/mm2/coins COPYONLY)
- configure_file(${mm2_SOURCE_DIR}/mm2.exe ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin/assets/tools/mm2/mm2.exe COPYONLY)
+ configure_file(${mm2_SOURCE_DIR}/mm2.exe ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin/assets/tools/mm2/${DEX_API}.exe COPYONLY)
configure_file(${mm2_SOURCE_DIR}/msvcp140.dll ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin/assets/tools/mm2/msvcp140.dll COPYONLY)
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configure_file(${mm2_SOURCE_DIR}/vcruntime140.dll ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin/assets/tools/mm2/vcruntime140.dll COPYONLY)
endif ()
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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--- a/assets/config/0.5.5-coins.json
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- "https://softbalanced.com:3001/insight/"
- ],
- "explorer_tx_url": "tx/",
- "type": "UTXO",
- "active": false,
- "currently_enabled": false
- },
- "UTK": {
- "coin": "UTK",
- "name": "UTRUST",
- "coinpaprika_id": "utk-utrust",
- "coingecko_id": "utrust",
- "nodes": [
- "http://eth1.cipig.net:8555",
- "http://eth2.cipig.net:8555",
- "http://eth3.cipig.net:8555"
- ],
- "explorer_url": [
- "https://etherscan.io/"
- ],
- "type": "ERC-20",
- "active": false,
- "currently_enabled": false
- },
- "VGX-ERC20": {
- "coin": "VGX-ERC20",
- "name": "Voyager",
- "coinpaprika_id": "ethos-ethos",
- "coingecko_id": "ethos",
- "nomics_id": "VGX",
- "nodes": [
- "http://eth1.cipig.net:8555",
- "http://eth2.cipig.net:8555",
- "http://eth3.cipig.net:8555"
- ],
- "explorer_url": [
- "https://etherscan.io/"
- ],
- "type": "ERC-20",
- "active": false,
- "currently_enabled": false
- },
- "VGX-PLG20": {
- "coin": "VGX-PLG20",
- "name": "Voyager",
- "coinpaprika_id": "ethos-ethos",
- "coingecko_id": "ethos",
- "nomics_id": "VGX",
- "nodes": [
- "https://polygon-rpc.com"
- ],
- "explorer_url": [
- "https://polygonscan.com/"
- ],
- "type": "Matic",
- "active": false,
- "currently_enabled": false
- },
- "WHIVE": {
- "coin": "WHIVE",
- "name": "Whive",
- "coingecko_id": "whive",
- "coinpaprika_id": "whive-the-whive-protocol",
- "nomics_id": "WHIVE",
- "electrum": [
- {
- "url": "electrumx1.cointest.com:50002",
- "protocol": "SSL",
- "disable_cert_verification": true
- },
- {
- "url": "electrumx2.cointest.com:50002",
- "protocol": "SSL",
- "disable_cert_verification": true
- },
- {
- "url": "electrumx1.cointest.com:50001",
- "protocol": "TCP"
- },
- {
- "url": "electrumx2.cointest.com:50001",
- "protocol": "TCP"
- }
- ],
- "explorer_url": [
- "https://whiveexplorer.cointest.com/"
- ],
- "type": "UTXO",
- "active": false,
- "is_segwit_on": false,
- "currently_enabled": false
- },
- "XOR": {
- "coin": "XOR",
- "name": "Sora Token",
- "coinpaprika_id": "xor-sora",
- "coingecko_id": "sora",
- "nodes": [
- "http://eth1.cipig.net:8555",
- "http://eth2.cipig.net:8555",
- "http://eth3.cipig.net:8555"
- ],
- "explorer_url": [
- "https://etherscan.io/"
- ],
- "type": "ERC-20",
- "active": false,
- "currently_enabled": false
- },
- "CIPHS": {
- "coin": "CIPHS",
- "name": "Ciphscoin",
- "coingecko_id": "test-coin",
- "coinpaprika_id": "test-coin",
- "electrum": [
- {
- "url": ""
- },
- {
- "url": ""
- }
- ],
- "explorer_url": [
- ""
- ],
- "type": "Smart Chain",
- "active": false,
- "currently_enabled": false
- },
- "ZINU-BEP20": {
- "coin": "ZINU-BEP20",
- "name": "Zombie Inu",
- "nomics_id": "ZINUBEP20",
- "coinpaprika_id": "zombie-inu",
- "coingecko_id": "zinu-zombie-inu",
- "nodes": [
- "http://bsc1.cipig.net:8655",
- "http://bsc2.cipig.net:8655",
- "http://bsc3.cipig.net:8655"
- ],
- "explorer_url": [
- "https://bscscan.com/"
- ],
- "type": "BEP-20",
- "active": false,
- "currently_enabled": false
- },
- "IC": {
- "coin": "IC",
- "name": "Ignition",
- "coingecko_id": "ignition",
- "coinpaprika_id": "ic-ignition",
- "nomics_id": "IC",
- "electrum": [
- {
- "url": "electrum1.ignitioncoin.org:10001",
- "protocol": "TCP"
- },
- {
- "url": "electrum2.ignitioncoin.org:10001",
- "protocol": "TCP"
- }
- ],
- "explorer_url": [
- "https://chainz.cryptoid.info/ic/"
- ],
- "explorer_tx_url": "tx.dws?",
- "explorer_address_url": "address.dws?",
- "type": "UTXO",
- "active": false,
- "currently_enabled": false
- }
diff --git a/assets/themes/Binance - Dark/colors.json b/assets/themes/Binance - Dark/colors.json
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\ No newline at end of file
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index 4e78b10e1d..ccd4c5acab 100644
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@@ -78,8 +78,9 @@
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- "loginWalletIconColorEnd": "#EE5C78",
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"tradeMarketModeSelectorNotSelectedBackgroundColor": "#89B6FF21",
- "okColor": "#00C058",
- "noColor": "#E52167",
+ "addressBookTagColors": ["#627EEAFF", "#FFD87AFF", "#F7931AFF"],
+ "okColor": "#00C058FF",
+ "noColor": "#E52167FF",
+ "senderColorStart": "#F85757FF",
+ "receiverColorStart": "#845FEFFF",
- "arrowUpColor": "#F85757",
- "arrowDownColor": "#845FEF",
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"lineSeparatorColor": "#65656542"
diff --git a/assets/themes/Default - Light/colors.json b/assets/themes/Default - Light/colors.json
index 1a584de697..8b22d12e81 100644
--- a/assets/themes/Default - Light/colors.json
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"accentColor": "#F0F0F0FF",
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- "foregroundColor3": "#8FA0B1B2",
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- "secondBackgroundColor": "#F9F5F5FF",
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"buttonColorHovered": "#F0F6F9AA",
"buttonColorPressed": "#F0F6F97A",
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@@ -29,8 +28,9 @@
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@@ -78,8 +78,9 @@
"rangeSliderIndicatorBackgroundStartColor": "#EE5C78FF",
"rangeSliderIndicatorBackgroundEndColor": "#EE5C78FF",
- "loginWalletIconColorStart": "#9B1C2E",
- "loginWalletIconColorEnd": "#EE5C78",
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+ "loginWalletIconColorEnd": "#4986EAAD",
"sidebarBgColor": "#FCFCFCFF",
"sidebarVersionTextColor": "#110202FF",
"sidebarCursorStartColor": "#F6D7DBFF",
@@ -93,11 +94,16 @@
"tradeSellModeSelectorBackgroundColorEnd": "#F48EA1FF",
"tradeMarketModeSelectorNotSelectedBackgroundColor": "#89B6FF21",
- "okColor": "#00C058",
- "noColor": "#E52167",
+ "addressBookTagColors": ["#627EEAFF", "#FFD87AFF", "#F7931AFF"],
+ "okColor": "#00C058FF",
+ "noColor": "#E52167FF",
+ "senderColorStart": "#F85757",
+ "receiverColorStart": "#845FEF",
- "arrowUpColor": "#F85757",
- "arrowDownColor": "#845FEF",
+ "arrowUpColor": "#F85757FF",
+ "arrowDownColor": "#845FEFFF",
"lineSeparatorColor": "#65656542"
diff --git a/assets/tools/.gitignore b/assets/tools/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b7e0b1c746
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/tools/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/.gitignore b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..90d1f28b17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/AddAddressForm.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/AddAddressForm.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7fdf8b444d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/AddAddressForm.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+import QtQuick 2.12
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
+import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+import Dex.Components 1.0 as Dex
+import "../Components" as Dex
+import "../Constants" as Dex
+ id: root
+ property var contactModel
+ // Edition mode variables
+ property bool editionMode: false
+ property string addressType
+ property string addressKey
+ property string addressValue
+ property var availableNetworkStandards: ["QRC-20", "ERC-20", "BEP-20", "Smart Chain", "SLP"]
+ // Return the asset type that will be used in the backend to validate the address
+ function getTypeForAddressChecker(addressType)
+ {
+ switch (addressType)
+ {
+ case "QRC-20": return "QTUM"
+ case "BEP-20": return "BNB"
+ case "ERC-20": return "ETH"
+ case "Smart Chain": return "KMD"
+ case "SLP": return "USDT-SLP"
+ }
+ let coinInfo = Dex.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_coin_info(addressType);
+ if (coinInfo.has_parent_fees_ticker && coinInfo.type !== "SLP")
+ return coinInfo.fees_ticker;
+ return addressType
+ }
+ // Tells if the given address type represents a network standard address (e.g. BEP-20)
+ function isNetworkStandard(addressType)
+ {
+ switch (addressType)
+ {
+ case "QRC-20": return true
+ case "BEP-20": return true
+ case "ERC-20": return true
+ case "Smart Chain": return true
+ case "SLP": return true
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+ signal cancel()
+ signal addressCreated()
+ width: 500
+ height: column.height + 26
+ radius: 10
+ onVisibleChanged:
+ {
+ if (!visible)
+ {
+ // Resets data when address is added/edited.
+ addressKeyField.text = ""
+ addressValueField.text = ""
+ invalidAddressValueLabel.text = ""
+ editionMode = false
+ addressType = ""
+ addressKey = ""
+ addressValue = ""
+ }
+ else if (editionMode)
+ {
+ // Feeds form with the data we are currently editing.
+ if (!isNetworkStandard(addressType))
+ {
+ useStandardsCheckBox.checked = false
+ let addressTypeIndex =
+ Dex.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.all_proxy.match(
+ Dex.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.all_proxy.index(0, 0),
+ Qt.UserRole + 1, addressType, 1, Qt.MatchExactly)[0]
+ addressTypeComboBox.currentIndex = addressTypeIndex.row
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ useStandardsCheckBox.checked = true
+ let addressTypeIndex = availableNetworkStandards.indexOf(addressType)
+ addressTypeComboBox.currentIndex = addressTypeIndex
+ }
+ addressKeyField.text = addressKey
+ addressValueField.text = addressValue
+ }
+ }
+ ColumnLayout
+ {
+ id: column
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ spacing: 17
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 458
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 38
+ AddressTypeSelector
+ {
+ id: addressTypeComboBox
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ showAssetStandards: useStandardsCheckBox.checked
+ }
+ RowLayout {
+ id: rowLayout
+ spacing: 4
+ Dex.DefaultCheckBox
+ {
+ id: useStandardsCheckBox
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 30
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ Layout.leftMargin: 4
+ }
+ Dex.DefaultText {
+ Layout.minimumWidth: 120
+ Layout.maximumWidth: 120
+ text: qsTr("Use standard network address")
+ font: Dex.DexTypo.caption
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Dex.TextField
+ {
+ id: addressKeyField
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 458
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 38
+ placeholderText: qsTr("Label")
+ Dex.ToolTip
+ {
+ id: addressKeyAlreadyExistsToolTip
+ contentItem: Dex.Text { text_value: qsTr("This key already exists.") }
+ }
+ }
+ Dex.TextField
+ {
+ id: addressValueField
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 458
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 38
+ placeholderText: qsTr("Address")
+ }
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ id: invalidAddressValueLabel
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 458
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 60
+ visible: text !== ""
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
+ wrapMode: Dex.Text.WordWrap
+ elide: Dex.Text.ElideRight
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ }
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ Layout.topMargin: 10
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Dex.Button
+ {
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 116
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 38
+ radius: 18
+ text: qsTr("Cancel")
+ onClicked: cancel()
+ }
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
+ Dex.GradientButton
+ {
+ property bool isConvertMode: Dex.API.app.wallet_pg.validate_address_data.convertible ?? false
+ enabled: addressKeyField.length > 0 && addressValueField.length > 0 && !Dex.API.app.wallet_pg.validate_address_busy
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 116
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 38
+ radius: 18
+ text: isConvertMode ? qsTr("Convert") : editionMode ? qsTr("Edit") : qsTr("Add")
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ let addressType = getTypeForAddressChecker(addressTypeComboBox.currentText)
+ if (!Dex.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_coin_info(addressType).is_enabled)
+ {
+ enableAssetModal.assetTicker = addressType
+ enableAssetModal.open()
+ }
+ else if (isConvertMode)
+ Dex.API.app.wallet_pg.convert_address(addressValueField.text, addressType, Dex.API.app.wallet_pg.validate_address_data.to_address_format);
+ else
+ Dex.API.app.wallet_pg.validate_address(addressValueField.text, addressType)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Connections
+ {
+ target: Dex.API.app.wallet_pg
+ function onConvertAddressBusyChanged()
+ {
+ if (Dex.API.app.wallet_pg.convert_address_busy) // Currently converting entered address
+ {
+ return
+ }
+ addressValueField.text = Dex.API.app.wallet_pg.converted_address
+ Dex.API.app.wallet_pg.validate_address_data = {}
+ invalidAddressValueLabel.text = ""
+ }
+ function onValidateAddressBusyChanged()
+ {
+ if (Dex.API.app.wallet_pg.validate_address_busy) // Currently checking entered address
+ {
+ return
+ }
+ let validation_data = Dex.API.app.wallet_pg.validate_address_data
+ if (!validation_data.is_valid) // Entered address is invalid.
+ {
+ invalidAddressValueLabel.text = validation_data.reason
+ return
+ }
+ if (editionMode) // Removes old address entry before if we are in edition mode.
+ {
+ contactModel.removeAddressEntry(addressType, addressKey);
+ }
+ var createAddressResult = contactModel.addAddressEntry(addressTypeComboBox.currentText, addressKeyField.text, addressValueField.text);
+ if (createAddressResult === true)
+ {
+ addressCreated()
+ Dex.API.app.addressbookPg.model.proxy.searchExp = "x"
+ Dex.API.app.addressbookPg.model.proxy.searchExp = ""
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ addressKeyAlreadyExistsToolTip.visible = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Dex.ModalLoader
+ {
+ id: enableAssetModal
+ property string assetTicker
+ onLoaded: item.assetTicker = assetTicker
+ sourceComponent: Dex.MultipageModal
+ {
+ property string assetTicker
+ Dex.MultipageModalContent
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ titleText: qsTr("Enable " + assetTicker)
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ text: qsTr("You need to enable %1 before adding this kind of address.").arg(assetTicker)
+ }
+ footer:
+ [
+ // Enable button
+ Dex.Button
+ {
+ text: qsTr("Enable")
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ Dex.API.app.enable_coin(assetTicker)
+ close()
+ }
+ },
+ // Cancel button
+ Dex.Button
+ {
+ Layout.rightMargin: 5
+ text: qsTr("Cancel")
+ onClicked: close()
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/AddTagPopup.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/AddTagPopup.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e53be333c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/AddTagPopup.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+// Qt Imports
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+// Project Imports
+import "../Constants"
+import Dex.Components 1.0 as Dex
+ id: root
+ width: 250
+ height: 55
+ onClosed: tagNameField.text = ""
+ contentItem: Row
+ {
+ spacing: 4
+ Dex.TextField
+ {
+ id: tagNameField
+ width: parent.width * 0.6
+ height: parent.height
+ placeholderText: qsTr("Tag name")
+ Dex.ToolTip
+ {
+ id: tagAlreadyTakenToolTip
+ visible: false
+ timeout: 3000
+ contentItem: Dex.Text
+ {
+ text_value: qsTr("Contact already has this tag.")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Dex.Button
+ {
+ width: parent.width * 0.36
+ height: parent.height
+ text: qsTr("+ ADD")
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ if (tagNameField.text.length === 0)
+ {
+ return
+ }
+ var addTagResult = contactModel.addCategory(tagNameField.text)
+ if (addTagResult === false) tagAlreadyTakenToolTip.visible = true
+ else root.close()
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/AddressTypeSelector.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/AddressTypeSelector.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b8ad13881b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/AddressTypeSelector.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+import QtQuick 2.12
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
+import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+import Dex.Components 1.0 as Dex
+import "../Components" as Dex
+import "../Constants" as Dex
+ id: control
+ property bool showAssetStandards: false
+ property var assetStandards: availableNetworkStandards
+ function resetList()
+ {
+ if (showAssetStandards) currentIndex = 0; else { resetSearch(); currentIndex = 1 }
+ setContentItem(currentIndex)
+ }
+ function resetSearch()
+ {
+ Dex.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.all_proxy.setFilterFixedString("");
+ searchBar.textField.text = "";
+ }
+ function setContentItem(index)
+ {
+ if (showAssetStandards)
+ {
+ _contentRow.ticker = assetStandards[index]
+ _contentRow.name = assetStandards[index]
+ _contentRow.type = assetStandards[index]
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _contentRow.ticker = model.data(model.index(index, 0), Qt.UserRole + 1)
+ _contentRow.name = model.data(model.index(index, 0), Qt.UserRole + 3)
+ _contentRow.type = model.data(model.index(index, 0), Qt.UserRole + 9)
+ }
+ }
+ popupForceMaxHeight: true
+ popupMaxHeight: 220
+ model: showAssetStandards ? assetStandards : Dex.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.all_proxy
+ textRole: showAssetStandards ? "" : "ticker"
+ searchBar.visible: !showAssetStandards
+ searchBar.searchModel: model
+ delegate: ItemDelegate
+ {
+ id: _delegate
+ visible: model.ticker !== "All"
+ width: control.width
+ height: visible ? 40 : 0
+ highlighted: control.highlightedIndex === index
+ contentItem: AssetRow
+ {
+ ticker: showAssetStandards ? modelData : model.ticker
+ name: showAssetStandards ? modelData : model.name
+ type: showAssetStandards ? modelData : model.type
+ }
+ background: Dex.Rectangle
+ {
+ anchors.fill: _delegate
+ color: _delegate.highlighted ? Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxDropdownItemHighlightedColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxBackgroundColor
+ }
+ }
+ contentItem: Item
+ {
+ AssetRow
+ {
+ id: _contentRow
+ anchors.left: parent.left
+ anchors.leftMargin: 13
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ }
+ }
+ onCurrentIndexChanged:
+ {
+ if (!showAssetStandards && currentIndex === 0 && searchBar.textField.text == "") currentIndex = 1
+ setContentItem(currentIndex)
+ }
+ onActivated: setContentItem(index)
+ onShowAssetStandardsChanged: resetList()
+ onVisibleChanged: if (!visible) resetList()
+ Component.onDestruction: resetList()
+ Component.onCompleted: resetList()
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/AssetFromStandardSelector.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/AssetFromStandardSelector.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c7416f1727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/AssetFromStandardSelector.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+import QtQuick 2.12
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
+import Dex.Components 1.0 as Dex
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+import "../Constants" as Dex
+ id: root
+ property string standard
+ signal selected(var assetTicker)
+ width: 560
+ Component.onDestruction:
+ {
+ Dex.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.all_qrc20_proxy.setFilterFixedString("")
+ Dex.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.all_erc20_proxy.setFilterFixedString("")
+ Dex.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.all_bep20_proxy.setFilterFixedString("")
+ Dex.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.all_smartchains_proxy.setFilterFixedString("")
+ }
+ Dex.MultipageModalContent
+ {
+ titleText: qsTr("Choose a valid ") + standard + qsTr(" asset")
+ contentSpacing: 8
+ Dex.SearchField
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 30
+ textField.placeholderText: qsTr("Search an asset")
+ textField.onTextChanged:
+ {
+ switch (standard)
+ {
+ case "QRC-20": Dex.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.all_qrc20_proxy.setFilterFixedString(textField.text)
+ break;
+ case "ERC-20": Dex.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.all_erc20_proxy.setFilterFixedString(textField.text)
+ break;
+ case "BEP-20": Dex.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.all_bep20_proxy.setFilterFixedString(textField.text)
+ break;
+ default: Dex.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.all_smartchains_proxy.setFilterFixedString(textField.text)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Dex.ListView
+ {
+ id: list
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.maximumHeight: 500
+ model: standard == "QRC-20" ? Dex.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.all_qrc20_proxy :
+ standard == "ERC-20" ? Dex.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.all_erc20_proxy :
+ standard == "BEP-20" ? Dex.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.all_bep20_proxy :
+ Dex.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.all_smartchains_proxy
+ spacing: 8
+ delegate: Item
+ {
+ width: list.width
+ height: 40
+ Dex.Rectangle
+ {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ color: mouseArea.containsMouse ? Dex.CurrentTheme.buttonColorHovered : "transparent"
+ }
+ AssetRow
+ {
+ id: assetRow
+ height: parent.height
+ ticker: model.ticker
+ type: model.type
+ name: model.name
+ }
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ visible: !model.enabled
+ anchors.left: assetRow.right
+ anchors.leftMargin: 6
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ text: qsTr("Disabled")
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
+ font: Dex.DexTypo.caption
+ }
+ Dex.MouseArea
+ {
+ id: mouseArea
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ onClicked: root.selected(model.ticker)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/AssetRow.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/AssetRow.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12a4ee31d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/AssetRow.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+import QtQuick 2.12
+import Dex.Components 1.0 as Dex
+import "../Constants" as Dex
+ property string ticker
+ property string name
+ property string type
+ spacing: 10
+ Dex.Image
+ {
+ width: 25
+ height: 25
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ source: Dex.General.coinIcon(ticker)
+ }
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ text: name
+ }
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ text: type
+ color: Dex.Style.getCoinTypeColor(type)
+ font: Dex.DexTypo.overLine
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/EditContactModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/EditContactModal.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..673c52936a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/EditContactModal.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+import QtQuick 2.12
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+import Dex.Components 1.0 as Dex
+import "../Constants" as Dex
+ id: root
+ property var contactModel: { "name": "", "categories": [] }
+ Dex.MultipageModalContent
+ {
+ titleText: qsTr("Edit contact")
+ titleTopMargin: 0
+ titleAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ contentSpacing: 24
+ Dex.TextFieldWithTitle
+ {
+ id: contactNameInput
+ title: qsTr("Contact name")
+ field.placeholderText: qsTr("Enter a contact name")
+ field.text: contactModel.name
+ field.onTextChanged: if (field.text.length > 30) field.text = field.text.substring(0, 30)
+ }
+ Column
+ {
+ id: addressList
+ property bool contactAddAddressMode: false
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ spacing: 18
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ text: qsTr("Address list")
+ }
+ Dex.ListView
+ {
+ visible: !addressList.contactAddAddressMode
+ model: contactModel.proxyFilter
+ spacing: 10
+ height: contentHeight > 190 ? 190 : contentHeight
+ width: parent.width
+ delegate: Dex.MouseArea
+ {
+ id: addressRowMouseArea
+ height: 82
+ width: addressList.width - 10
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ Dex.Rectangle
+ {
+ visible: parent.containsMouse
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ radius: 17
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.accentColor
+ }
+ Item
+ {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ anchors.margins: 10
+ ColumnLayout
+ {
+ property var coinInfo: Dex.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_coin_info(address_type)
+ Row
+ {
+ spacing: 10
+ Dex.Image
+ {
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ width: 25
+ height: 25
+ source: Dex.General.coinIcon(address_type.toLowerCase())
+ }
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ text: address_type
+ }
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ text: parent.parent.coinInfo.type
+ color: Dex.Style.getCoinTypeColor(parent.parent.coinInfo.type)
+ font: Dex.DexTypo.overLine
+ }
+ Dex.Button
+ {
+ visible: addressRowMouseArea.containsMouse
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ width: 9
+ height: 9
+ color: "transparent"
+ iconSource: Qaterial.Icons.close
+ onClicked: contactModel.removeAddressEntry(address_type, address_key)
+ }
+ }
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ Layout.leftMargin: 36
+ Layout.maximumWidth: 330
+ text: address_key
+ font: Dex.DexTypo.caption
+ elide: Text.ElideRight
+ }
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ Layout.leftMargin: 36
+ Layout.maximumWidth: 330
+ text: address_value
+ font: Dex.DexTypo.caption
+ elide: Text.ElideRight
+ Dex.Button
+ {
+ width: 18
+ height: 20
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ anchors.left: parent.right
+ anchors.leftMargin: 3
+ color: "transparent"
+ iconSource: Qaterial.Icons.contentCopy
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ Dex.API.qt_utilities.copy_text_to_clipboard(address_value)
+ app.notifyCopy(qsTr("Address Book"), qsTr("address copied to clipboard"))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Row
+ {
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ spacing: 20
+ Dex.ClickableText
+ {
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ visible: addressRowMouseArea.containsMouse
+ text: qsTr("Edit")
+ font.underline: true
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ addAddressForm.editionMode = true
+ addAddressForm.addressType = address_type
+ addAddressForm.addressKey = address_key
+ addAddressForm.addressValue = address_value
+ addressList.contactAddAddressMode = true
+ }
+ }
+ Dex.Button
+ {
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ width: 37
+ height: 37
+ radius: 18.5
+ visible: addressRowMouseArea.containsMouse
+ iconSource: Qaterial.Icons.sendOutline
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ trySend(address_value, address_type)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Dex.Button
+ {
+ visible: !addressList.contactAddAddressMode
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+ text: qsTr("+ Add")
+ width: 211
+ height: 38
+ radius: 18
+ onClicked: addressList.contactAddAddressMode = true
+ }
+ AddAddressForm
+ {
+ id: addAddressForm
+ visible: addressList.contactAddAddressMode
+ contactModel: root.contactModel
+ onCancel: addressList.contactAddAddressMode = false
+ onAddressCreated: addressList.contactAddAddressMode = false
+ }
+ }
+ Column
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ spacing: 12
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ text: qsTr("Tags")
+ }
+ Dex.ListView
+ {
+ width: parent.width
+ model: contactModel.categories
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal
+ spacing: 6
+ delegate: Dex.MouseArea
+ {
+ width: tagBg.width + tagRemoveBut.width + 2
+ height: tagBg.height
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ Dex.Rectangle
+ {
+ id: tagBg
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ width: tagLabel.width + 12
+ height: 21
+ radius: 20
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.accentColor
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ id: tagLabel
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ text: modelData
+ }
+ }
+ Dex.Button
+ {
+ id: tagRemoveBut
+ visible: parent.containsMouse
+ anchors.left: tagBg.right
+ anchors.leftMargin: 2
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ width: 18
+ height: 18
+ color: "transparent"
+ iconSource: Qaterial.Icons.close
+ onClicked: contactModel.removeCategory(modelData)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Dex.Button
+ {
+ iconSource: Qaterial.Icons.plus
+ text: qsTr("Add tag")
+ font: Dex.DexTypo.body2
+ color: "transparent"
+ onClicked: addTagPopup.open()
+ AddTagPopup
+ {
+ y: -10
+ x: parent.width + 10
+ id: addTagPopup
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ footer:
+ [
+ Dex.Button
+ {
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 199
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 48
+ radius: 18
+ text: qsTr("Cancel")
+ onClicked: root.close()
+ },
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true },
+ Dex.GradientButton
+ {
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 199
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 48
+ radius: 18
+ text: qsTr("Confirm")
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ contactModel.name = contactNameInput.field.text
+ contactModel.save()
+ root.close()
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/EnableAssetModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/EnableAssetModal.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..63317676f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/EnableAssetModal.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+import "../Constants" as Dex
+import Dex.Components 1.0 as Dex
+ property string assetTicker
+ Dex.MultipageModalContent
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ titleText: qsTr("Enable " + assetTicker)
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ text: qsTr("The selected address belongs to a disabled asset, you need to enabled it before sending.")
+ }
+ footer:
+ [
+ // Enable button
+ Dex.Button
+ {
+ text: qsTr("Enable")
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ Dex.API.app.enable_coin(assetTicker)
+ close()
+ }
+ },
+ // Cancel button
+ Dex.Button
+ {
+ Layout.rightMargin: 5
+ text: qsTr("Cancel")
+ onClicked: close()
+ }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/Main.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/Main.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df7b1e4a2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/Main.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+// Qt Imports
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
+// Project Imports
+import Dex.Components 1.0 as Dex
+import "../Components" as Dex
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+import "../Constants" as Dex
+import "../Wallet" as Wallet
+ function trySend(address, type)
+ {
+ // Checks if the selected address type represents an asset standard instead of an asset.
+ if (Dex.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.is_coin_type(type))
+ {
+ assetFromStandardSelectorLoader.address = address
+ assetFromStandardSelectorLoader.standard = type
+ assetFromStandardSelectorLoader.open()
+ }
+ // Checks if the asset is currently enabled.
+ else if (!Dex.API.app.portfolio_pg.is_coin_enabled(type))
+ {
+ enabledAssetModalLoader.assetTicker = type;
+ enabledAssetModalLoader.open()
+ }
+ // If the coin is enabled, opens the send modal.
+ else
+ {
+ if (assetFromStandardSelectorLoader.visible)
+ assetFromStandardSelectorLoader.close()
+ Dex.API.app.wallet_pg.ticker = type
+ sendModalLoader.address = address
+ sendModalLoader.open()
+ }
+ }
+ ColumnLayout
+ {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.margins: 30
+ spacing: 32
+ Row
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Column
+ {
+ width: parent.width * 0.5
+ spacing: 34
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ text: qsTr("Address Book")
+ font: Dex.DexTypo.head5
+ }
+ Dex.SearchField
+ {
+ id: searchbar
+ width: 206
+ height: 42
+ textField.forceFocus: true
+ textField.placeholderText: qsTr("Search contact")
+ textField.onTextChanged: Dex.API.app.addressbookPg.model.proxy.searchExp = textField.text
+ Component.onDestruction: Dex.API.app.addressbookPg.model.proxy.searchExp = ""
+ }
+ }
+ Row
+ {
+ width: parent.width * 0.5
+ layoutDirection: Qt.RightToLeft
+ Dex.GradientButton
+ {
+ height: 40
+ radius: 15
+ text: qsTr("+ NEW CONTACT")
+ onClicked: newContactPopup.open()
+ NewContactPopup
+ {
+ id: newContactPopup
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Contact table header
+ Row
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.topMargin: 30
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ width: parent.width * 0.3
+ text: qsTr("Name")
+ font: Dex.DexTypo.head8
+ leftPadding: 18
+ }
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ text: qsTr("Tags")
+ font: Dex.DexTypo.head8
+ leftPadding: 18
+ }
+ }
+ // Contact table content
+ Dex.DefaultListView
+ {
+ id: contactTable
+ function _getCurrentTagColorId()
+ {
+ if (typeof _getCurrentTagColorId.counter == 'undefined')
+ _getCurrentTagColorId.counter = 0
+ if (_getCurrentTagColorId.counter >= Dex.CurrentTheme.addressBookTagColors.length)
+ _getCurrentTagColorId.counter = 0
+ return _getCurrentTagColorId.counter++
+ }
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ model: Dex.API.app.addressbookPg.model.proxy
+ delegate: Dex.Expandable
+ {
+ id: expandable
+ padding: 10
+ color: index % 2 === 0 ? Dex.CurrentTheme.innerBackgroundColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.backgroundColor
+ width: contactTable.width
+ header: Item
+ {
+ height: 56
+ width: expandable.width
+ Dex.DefaultMouseArea
+ {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ onClicked: expandable.isExpanded = !expandable.isExpanded
+ }
+ Row
+ {
+ width: parent.width * 0.3
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ spacing: 12
+ Dex.UserIcon
+ {
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ }
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ text: modelData.name
+ }
+ Dex.Arrow
+ {
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ up: expandable.isExpanded
+ }
+ }
+ Flow
+ {
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ x: parent.width * 0.3
+ width: parent.width * 0.57
+ spacing: 17
+ Repeater
+ {
+ model: modelData.categories.slice(0, 6)
+ delegate: Dex.Rectangle
+ {
+ property int _currentColorIndex: contactTable._getCurrentTagColorId()
+ width: tagLabel.width > 73 ? 83 : tagLabel.width + 10
+ height: 21
+ radius: 20
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.addressBookTagColors[_currentColorIndex]
+ Dex.MouseArea
+ {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ onClicked: searchbar.textField.text = modelData
+ }
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ id: tagLabel
+ width: 70
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ text: modelData
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ elide: Text.ElideRight
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Row
+ {
+ spacing: 45
+ width: edit_contact.implicitWidth + delete_contact.implicitWidth + 65
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ anchors.rightMargin: 20
+ Dex.ClickableText
+ {
+ id: edit_contact
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ font: Dex.DexTypo.underline14
+ text: qsTr("Edit")
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ editContactLoader.contactModel = modelData
+ editContactLoader.open()
+ }
+ }
+ Dex.ClickableText
+ {
+ id: delete_contact
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ font: Dex.DexTypo.underline14
+ text: qsTr("Delete")
+ onClicked: removeContactPopup.open()
+ RemoveContactPopup
+ {
+ id: removeContactPopup
+ contactName: modelData.name
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ content: Item
+ {
+ height: noAddressLabel.visible ? 50 : addressList.height
+ width: contactTable.width
+ Dex.ListView
+ {
+ id: addressList
+ visible: addressList.model.rowCount() > 0
+ x: 30
+ model: modelData.proxyFilter
+ width: parent.width - 40
+ implicitHeight: contentHeight > 240 ? 240 : contentHeight
+ spacing: 18
+ delegate: Item
+ {
+ property var coinInfo: Dex.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_coin_info(address_type)
+ width: addressList.width
+ height: 30
+ Row
+ {
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ spacing: 10
+ Dex.Image
+ {
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ width: 25
+ height: 25
+ source: Dex.General.coinIcon(address_type.toLowerCase())
+ }
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ text: address_type
+ }
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ text: parent.parent.coinInfo.type
+ color: Dex.Style.getCoinTypeColor(parent.parent.coinInfo.type)
+ font: Dex.DexTypo.overLine
+ }
+ }
+ Row
+ {
+ x: parent.width * 0.25
+ spacing: 3
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ text: "%1 : %2".arg(address_key).arg(address_value)
+ }
+ Dex.Button
+ {
+ width: 25
+ height: 25
+ iconSource: Qaterial.Icons.contentCopy
+ color: "transparent"
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ Dex.API.qt_utilities.copy_text_to_clipboard(address_value)
+ app.notifyCopy(qsTr("Address Book"), qsTr("address copied to clipboard"))
+ }
+ }
+ Dex.Button
+ {
+ width: 25
+ height: 25
+ iconSource: Qaterial.Icons.sendOutline
+ color: "transparent"
+ onClicked: trySend(address_value, address_type)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ id: noAddressLabel
+ height: 20
+ x: 30
+ y: 15
+ visible: addressList.model.rowCount() === 0
+ text: qsTr("This contact does not have any registered address.")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Dex.ModalLoader
+ {
+ id: editContactLoader
+ property var contactModel
+ onLoaded: item.contactModel = contactModel
+ sourceComponent: EditContactModal { }
+ }
+ Dex.ModalLoader
+ {
+ id: sendModalLoader
+ property string address
+ onLoaded: item.address_field.text = address
+ sourceComponent: Wallet.SendModal
+ {
+ address_field.enabled: false
+ }
+ }
+ Dex.ModalLoader
+ {
+ id: assetFromStandardSelectorLoader
+ property string standard
+ property string address
+ onLoaded: item.standard = standard
+ sourceComponent: AssetFromStandardSelector
+ {
+ onSelected:
+ {
+ trySend(assetFromStandardSelectorLoader.address, assetTicker)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Dex.ModalLoader
+ {
+ id: enabledAssetModalLoader
+ property string assetTicker
+ onLoaded: item.assetTicker = assetTicker
+ sourceComponent: EnableAssetModal { }
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/NewContactPopup.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/NewContactPopup.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c61b27c64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/NewContactPopup.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// Qt Imports
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+// Project Imports
+import "../Components"
+import "../Constants"
+import Dex.Components 1.0 as Dex
+ id: root
+ width: parent.width < 180 ? 180 : parent.width
+ height: 88
+ onOpened: nameField.forceActiveFocus()
+ onClosed: nameField.text = ""
+ contentItem: Column
+ {
+ id: new_contact_input
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.margins: 8
+ spacing: 8
+ Dex.TextField
+ {
+ id: nameField
+ height: 30
+ width: parent.width - 20
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+ placeholderText: qsTr("Contact name")
+ Dex.ToolTip
+ {
+ id: nameAlreadyTakenToolTip
+ visible: false
+ timeout: 3000
+ contentItem: Dex.Text
+ {
+ text_value: qsTr("This contact name already exists.")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DefaultButton
+ {
+ id: add_contact_btn
+ font: DexTypo.body2
+ text: qsTr("+ ADD")
+ height: 30
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ if (nameField.text.length === 0)
+ {
+ return
+ }
+ var createContactResult = API.app.addressbookPg.model.addContact(nameField.text)
+ if (createContactResult === false) nameAlreadyTakenToolTip.visible = true
+ else
+ {
+ root.close()
+ let contactModelIndex = API.app.addressbookPg.model.index(API.app.addressbookPg.model.rowCount() - 1, 0)
+ editContactLoader.contactModel = API.app.addressbookPg.model.data(contactModelIndex, Qt.UserRole + 1)
+ editContactLoader.open()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/RemoveContactPopup.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/RemoveContactPopup.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..419c5c64b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Addressbook/RemoveContactPopup.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+// Qt Imports
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+// Project Imports
+import "../Constants" as Dex
+import Dex.Components 1.0 as Dex
+ id: root
+ property string contactName
+ width: 140
+ height: 120
+ contentItem: ColumnLayout
+ {
+ spacing: 8
+ width: root.width
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ text: qsTr("Do you want to remove this contact ?")
+ }
+ Row
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ spacing: 6
+ Dex.ClickableText
+ {
+ text: qsTr("Yes")
+ font.underline: true
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ Dex.API.app.addressbookPg.model.removeContact(contactName)
+ close()
+ }
+ }
+ Dex.ClickableText
+ {
+ text: qsTr("No")
+ font.underline: true
+ onClicked: close()
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/App.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/App.qml
index 44999a5cd1..b0137c1c15 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/App.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/App.qml
@@ -23,28 +23,37 @@ DexRectangle
// This enumeration represents every possible visual state (commonly named "screen") of the application
enum ScreenType
- Startup, // Wallets selection, login, create wallet, import wallet, etc.
- Dashboard // After logged to a wallet.
+ Startup, // Wallets selection, login, create wallet, import wallet, etc.
+ Dashboard // After logged to a wallet.
property string currentWalletName: API.app.wallet_mgr.wallet_default_name
property bool debug: debug_bar
- property
- var notification_modal: notifications_modal
- property
- var notifications_list: _currentPage === App.ScreenType.Dashboard ? loader.item.notifications_list : []
+ property var notification_modal: notifications_modal
+ property var logout_confirm_modal: logout_modal
+ property var notifications_list: _currentPage === App.ScreenType.Dashboard ? loader.item.notifications_list : []
property bool segwit_on: false
- property
- var _currentPage: API.app.wallet_mgr.log_status() ? App.ScreenType.Dashboard : App.ScreenType.Startup
- property
- var _availablePages: [_startup, dashboard]
+ property var _currentPage: API.app.wallet_mgr.log_status() ? App.ScreenType.Dashboard : App.ScreenType.Startup
+ property var _availablePages: [_startup, dashboard]
+ property alias pageLoader: loader
property alias globalGradient: globalGradient
// Preload Chart
signal pairChanged(string base, string rel)
+ function return_to_login() {
+ app.notifications_list = []
+ userMenu.close()
+ app.currentWalletName = ""
+ API.app.disconnect()
+ app.onDisconnect()
+ window.logged = false
+ logout_modal.close()
+ }
function onDisconnect()
@@ -137,6 +146,12 @@ DexRectangle
error_log_modal.item.field.text = content
+ ModalLoader
+ {
+ id: logout_modal
+ sourceComponent: LogoutModal {}
+ }
// Toast
@@ -146,7 +161,7 @@ DexRectangle
// Update Modal
- id: new_update_modal
+ id: newUpdateModal
visible: false
@@ -422,15 +437,10 @@ DexRectangle
return dialog
- function showText(data)
- {
- return showDialog(data);
- }
function getText(data)
data['getText'] = true;
- return showText(data);
+ return showDialog(data);
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/Arrow.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/Arrow.qml
index 7e2df67f7e..827d13e558 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/Arrow.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/Arrow.qml
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
+// Qt Imports
import QtQuick 2.15
-import "../Constants"
-import "../Components"
-import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+// Project Imports
+import "../Constants" //> General.image_path
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex //> CurrentTheme
Item {
property bool up: true
@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ Item {
anchors.fill: img
source: img
- color: up ? Dex.CurrentTheme.arrowUpColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.arrowDownColor
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/CheckEye.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/CheckEye.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e3bb0bca61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/CheckEye.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
+import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
+import App 1.0
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+ id: control
+ property alias text: _label.text
+ property alias iconSource: _icon.source
+ property var target
+ width: parent.width
+ height: row.height
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ id: row
+ width: parent.width - 20
+ spacing: 10
+ Qaterial.ColorIcon
+ {
+ id: _icon
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ source: target.visible ? Qaterial.Icons.eyeOutline : Qaterial.Icons.eyeOffOutline
+ color: target.visible ? Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.buttonTextDisabledColor
+ iconSize: 17
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ id: _label
+ font.pixelSize: 15
+ text: ""
+ color: target.visible ? Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.buttonTextDisabledColor
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ }
+ }
+ DefaultMouseArea
+ {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ if (target.visible) target.visible = false
+ else target.visible = true
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/ClickableText.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/ClickableText.qml
index 8f1af06991..7c4c6e86b6 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/ClickableText.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/ClickableText.qml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
- id: root
+ id: control
property alias hoverEnabled: _mouseArea.hoverEnabled
property alias containsMouse: _mouseArea.containsMouse
@@ -26,6 +26,6 @@ Text
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
cursorShape: containsMouse ? Qt.PointingHandCursor : Qt.ArrowCursor
- onClicked: root.clicked();
+ onClicked: control.clicked()
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/CoinMenu.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/CoinMenu.qml
index a28b0fcaf6..73227c6835 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/CoinMenu.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/CoinMenu.qml
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ Menu {
Universal.accent: Style.colorQtThemeAccent
Universal.foreground: Style.colorQtThemeForeground
Universal.background: Style.colorQtThemeBackground
+ property bool can_disable;
// Ugly but required hack for automatic menu width, otherwise long texts are being cut
width: {
@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ Menu {
id: disable_action
text: qsTr("Disable %1", "TICKER").arg(ticker)
onTriggered: API.app.disable_coins([ticker])
- enabled: General.canDisable(ticker)
+ enabled: can_disable
MenuItem {
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/ColumnHeader.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/ColumnHeader.qml
index 75330b9c3a..0fdcc5abd6 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/ColumnHeader.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/ColumnHeader.qml
@@ -1,66 +1,82 @@
import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
import "../Constants"
import App 1.0
-Item {
property int sort_type
+ property alias header_font: title.font
property alias text: title.text_value
- property bool icon_at_left
- width: text.length * title.font.pixelSize
- height: title.height
+ property alias h_align: title.horizontalAlignment
// Click area
- DefaultText {
- id: title
- anchors.left: icon_at_left ? parent.left : undefined
- anchors.right: icon_at_left ? undefined : parent.right
- //color: Qt.lighter(DexTheme.accentColor, click_area.containsMouse ? Style.hoverLightMultiplier : 1.0)
- }
- // Arrow icon
- DefaultImage {
- id: arrow_icon
- source: General.image_path + "arrow-" + (ascending ? "down" : "up") + ".svg"
- width: title.font.pixelSize * 0.5
- anchors.left: icon_at_left ? title.right : undefined
- anchors.leftMargin: icon_at_left ? 10 : undefined
- anchors.right: icon_at_left ? undefined : title.left
- anchors.rightMargin: icon_at_left ? undefined : 10
- anchors.verticalCenter: title.verticalCenter
- visible: false
- }
- DefaultColorOverlay {
- visible: current_sort === sort_type
- anchors.fill: arrow_icon
- source: arrow_icon
- color: title.color
- }
- DefaultMouseArea {
+ DexMouseArea
+ {
id: click_area
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
- onClicked: {
- if(current_sort === sort_type) {
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ if(current_sort === sort_type)
+ {
ascending = !ascending
- else {
+ else
+ {
current_sort = sort_type
ascending = false
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ width: parent.width
+ height: parent.height
+ Item {
+ visible: title.horizontalAlignment != Text.AlignLeft
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ }
+ DexLabel
+ {
+ id: title
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+ //color: Qt.lighter(DexTheme.accentColor, click_area.containsMouse ? Style.hoverLightMultiplier : 1.0)
+ // Arrow icon
+ DefaultImage
+ {
+ id: arrow_icon
+ anchors.left: parent.right
+ anchors.leftMargin: 3
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ source: General.image_path + "arrow-" + (ascending ? "down" : "up") + ".svg"
+ width: title.font.pixelSize * 0.5
+ visible: current_sort === sort_type
+ DefaultColorOverlay
+ {
+ visible: current_sort === sort_type
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ source: arrow_icon
+ color: title.color
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Item {
+ visible: title.horizontalAlignment != Text.AlignRight
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/ComboBoxWithSearchBar.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/ComboBoxWithSearchBar.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..908c6a407f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/ComboBoxWithSearchBar.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+import QtQuick 2.12
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
+import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+import "../Constants"
+ id: control
+ property int radius: 20
+ property int popupWidth: width
+ property int popupMaxHeight: 450
+ property bool popupForceMaxHeight: false
+ property color backgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxBackgroundColor
+ property color popupBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxBackgroundColor
+ property color highlightedBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxDropdownItemHighlightedColor
+ property alias searchBar: _searchBar
+ property string searchBarPlaceholderText: qsTr("Search")
+ background: Rectangle
+ {
+ id: bg
+ implicitWidth: control.width
+ implicitHeight: control.height
+ color: control.backgroundColor
+ radius: control.radius
+ }
+ popup: Popup
+ {
+ id: popup
+ width: control.popupWidth
+ height: popupForceMaxHeight ? control.popupMaxHeight : Math.min(contentItem.implicitHeight, control.popupMaxHeight)
+ leftPadding: 0
+ rightPadding: 0
+ topPadding: 16
+ bottomPadding: 16
+ contentItem: ColumnLayout
+ {
+ width: popup.width
+ height: popup.height
+ SearchField
+ {
+ id: _searchBar
+ textField.placeholderText: searchBarPlaceholderText
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.leftMargin: 5
+ Layout.rightMargin: 5
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 40
+ searchModel: control.delegateModel
+ textField.forceFocus: true
+ }
+ DefaultListView
+ {
+ id: _list
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ model: control.popup.visible ? control.delegateModel : null
+ currentIndex: control.highlightedIndex
+ ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar
+ {
+ visible: _list.contentHeight > control.dropDownMaxHeight
+ anchors.right: _list.right
+ anchors.rightMargin: 2
+ width: 7
+ background: DefaultRectangle
+ {
+ radius: 12
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.scrollBarBackgroundColor
+ }
+ contentItem: DefaultRectangle
+ {
+ radius: 12
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.scrollBarIndicatorColor
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ background: Rectangle
+ {
+ radius: control.radius
+ color: control.popupBackgroundColor
+ }
+ }
+ delegate: ItemDelegate
+ {
+ id: delegate
+ width: control.width
+ highlighted: control.highlightedIndex === index
+ contentItem: DefaultText
+ {
+ width: control.width
+ font: DexTypo.subtitle2
+ text_value: control.textRole === "" ? model.modelData : !model.modelData ? model[textRole] : model.modelData[textRole]
+ elide: Text.ElideRight
+ }
+ background: Rectangle
+ {
+ anchors.fill: delegate
+ color: delegate.highlighted ? Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxDropdownItemHighlightedColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxBackgroundColor
+ }
+ }
+ indicator: Column
+ {
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ anchors.rightMargin: 8
+ spacing: -12
+ Qaterial.Icon
+ {
+ width: 20
+ height: 20
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxArrowsColor
+ icon: Qaterial.Icons.chevronUp
+ }
+ Qaterial.Icon
+ {
+ width: 20
+ height: 20
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxArrowsColor
+ icon: Qaterial.Icons.chevronDown
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/ComboBoxWithTitle.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/ComboBoxWithTitle.qml
index f40920dbbe..5623f39e52 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/ComboBoxWithTitle.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/ComboBoxWithTitle.qml
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ ColumnLayout
TitleText { id: title_text }
- DefaultComboBox
+ DexComboBox
id: input_field
Layout.preferredWidth: 300
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/ComponentWithTitle.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/ComponentWithTitle.qml
index 8465e89673..c36298acd9 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/ComponentWithTitle.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/ComponentWithTitle.qml
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
property alias title: title.text
+ property alias title_font: title.font
property bool expandable: false
property bool expanded: false
readonly property bool show_content: !expandable || expanded
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DatePicker.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DatePicker.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0ce19742e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DatePicker.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+import QtQuick 2.12
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
+import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+import "../Constants"
+ id: control
+ property alias titleText: title.text
+ property alias minimumDate: calendar.minimumDate
+ property alias maximumDate: calendar.maximumDate
+ property alias selectedDate: calendar.selectedDate
+ signal accepted()
+ width: 100
+ height: column.height
+ onClicked: modal.open()
+ Column
+ {
+ id: column
+ width: parent.width
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ id: title
+ text: qsTr("Date")
+ font: DexTypo.overLine
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
+ }
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ width: parent.width
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ id: label
+ text: selectedDate.toLocaleDateString(Locale.ShortFormat, "yyyy-MM-dd")
+ font: DexTypo.caption
+ }
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
+ DefaultImage
+ {
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 25
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 25
+ source: Qaterial.Icons.calendarBlank
+ DefaultColorOverlay
+ {
+ source: parent
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DefaultModal
+ {
+ id: modal
+ width: 300
+ height: 450
+ verticalPadding: 0
+ horizontalPadding: 0
+ DefaultCalendar
+ {
+ id: calendar
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ onSelectedDateChanged: {modal.close(); control.accepted()}
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultBusyIndicator.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultBusyIndicator.qml
index 4aa72cb414..73992fc6dc 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultBusyIndicator.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultBusyIndicator.qml
@@ -4,14 +4,4 @@ import QtQuick.Controls.Universal 2.15
import "../Constants"
import App 1.0
-BusyIndicator {
- id: control
- Universal.theme: Style.dark_theme ? Universal.Dark : Universal.Light
- Universal.accent: DexTheme.colorBusyIndicator
- Universal.foreground: Style.colorQtThemeForeground
- Universal.background: Style.colorQtThemeBackground
- implicitWidth: 48
- implicitHeight: 48
+DexBusyIndicator {}
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultCalendar.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultCalendar.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c366cf1c8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultCalendar.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+import QtQuick 2.0
+import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
+import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
+import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+ width: 300
+ height: 450
+ style: CalendarStyle
+ {
+ gridColor: "transparent"
+ gridVisible: false
+ background: DefaultRectangle
+ {
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor
+ radius: 18
+ }
+ navigationBar: DefaultRectangle
+ {
+ height: 50
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor
+ radius: 18
+ DefaultButton
+ {
+ id: previousYear
+ width: previousMonth.width
+ height: width
+ anchors.left: parent.left
+ anchors.leftMargin: 5
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ iconSource: Qaterial.Icons.arrowLeft
+ onClicked: control.showPreviousYear()
+ }
+ DefaultButton
+ {
+ id: previousMonth
+ width: parent.height - 14
+ height: width
+ anchors.left: previousYear.right
+ anchors.leftMargin: 2
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ iconSource: Qaterial.Icons.arrowLeft
+ onClicked: control.showPreviousMonth()
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ id: dateText
+ text: styleData.title
+ elide: Text.ElideRight
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ anchors.left: previousMonth.right
+ anchors.leftMargin: 2
+ anchors.right: nextMonth.left
+ anchors.rightMargin: 2
+ }
+ DefaultButton
+ {
+ id: nextYear
+ width: nextMonth.width
+ height: width
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ anchors.rightMargin: 5
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ iconSource: Qaterial.Icons.arrowRight
+ onClicked: control.showNextYear()
+ }
+ DefaultButton
+ {
+ id: nextMonth
+ width: parent.height - 14
+ height: width
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ anchors.right: nextYear.left
+ anchors.rightMargin: 2
+ iconSource: Qaterial.Icons.arrowRight
+ onClicked: control.showNextMonth()
+ }
+ }
+ dayOfWeekDelegate: DefaultRectangle
+ {
+ color: "transparent"
+ implicitHeight: 20
+ Label
+ {
+ text: control.locale.dayName(styleData.dayOfWeek, control.dayOfWeekFormat)
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ }
+ }
+ dayDelegate: DefaultRectangle
+ {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ color: styleData.date !== undefined && styleData.selected ? selectedDateColor : styleData.hovered ? hoveredDateColor : "transparent"
+ readonly property bool addExtraMargin: control.frameVisible && styleData.selected
+ readonly property color sameMonthDateTextColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ readonly property color hoveredDateColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.buttonColorHovered
+ readonly property color selectedDateColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.buttonColorPressed
+ readonly property color selectedDateTextColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ readonly property color differentMonthDateTextColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor3
+ readonly property color invalidDateColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.textDisabledColor
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ id: dayDelegateText
+ text: styleData.date.getDate()
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ font.pixelSize: Math.min(parent.height/3, parent.width/3)
+ color: {
+ var theColor = invalidDateColor;
+ if (styleData.valid) {
+ // Date is within the valid range.
+ theColor = styleData.visibleMonth ? sameMonthDateTextColor : differentMonthDateTextColor;
+ if (styleData.selected)
+ theColor = selectedDateTextColor;
+ }
+ theColor;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultCopyIcon.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultCopyIcon.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c52187303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultCopyIcon.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
+import App 1.0
+ property int iconSize: 14
+ property string copyText: ""
+ property string notifyTitle: ""
+ property string notifyMsg: qsTr("copied to clipboard")
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ size: iconSize
+ icon: Qaterial.Icons.contentCopy
+ color: copyArea.containsMouse ? Style.colorText2 : DexTheme.foregroundColor
+ DexMouseArea
+ {
+ id: copyArea
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ Qaterial.Clipboard.text = copyText
+ app.notifyCopy(notifyTitle, notifyMsg)
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultFlickable.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultFlickable.qml
index 4fb99fe9fc..c4b68109aa 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultFlickable.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultFlickable.qml
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-Flickable {
id: root
property bool scrollbar_visible: contentHeight > height
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultImage.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultImage.qml
index cd38dadb58..09d4a0cb39 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultImage.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultImage.qml
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
import QtQuick 2.15
-Image {
- mipmap: true
- fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
+DexImage {}
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/CexInfoTrigger.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultInfoTrigger.qml
similarity index 57%
rename from atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/CexInfoTrigger.qml
rename to atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultInfoTrigger.qml
index 90e2feb801..0fd98f8e73 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/CexInfoTrigger.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultInfoTrigger.qml
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import QtQuick 2.15
DefaultMouseArea {
id: mouse_area
property bool no_default: true
+ property var triggerModal
anchors.fill: parent
- onClicked: no_default ? cex_rates_modal.open() : () => {}
+ onClicked: no_default ? triggerModal.open() : () => {}
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultLinkIcon.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultLinkIcon.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..845777d965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultLinkIcon.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
+import App 1.0
+ property int iconSize: 14
+ property string linkURL: ""
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ size: iconSize
+ icon: Qaterial.Icons.linkVariant
+ color: linkArea.containsMouse ? Style.colorText2 : DexTheme.foregroundColor
+ DexMouseArea
+ {
+ id: linkArea
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ onClicked: Qt.openUrlExternally(linkURL)
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultListView.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultListView.qml
index d723a2b199..107ae3076a 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultListView.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultListView.qml
@@ -4,32 +4,5 @@ import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import "../Constants"
import App 1.0
- id: root
- property bool scrollbar_visible: contentItem.childrenRect.height > height
- readonly property double scrollbar_margin: scrollbar_visible ? 8 : 0
- property bool visibleBackground: true
- boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
- ScrollBar.vertical: DefaultScrollBar
- {
- visibleBackground: root.visibleBackground
- }
- implicitWidth: contentItem.childrenRect.width
- implicitHeight: contentItem.childrenRect.height
- clip: true
- // Opacity animation
- opacity: root.count === 0 ? 0 : enabled ? 1 : 0.2
- Behavior on opacity
- {
- SmoothedAnimation
- {
- duration: Style.animationDuration * 0.5;velocity: -1
- }
- }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultModal.qml
index 1302c9e155..8aa3f955bc 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultModal.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultModal.qml
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Popup
background: DefaultRectangle { radius: root.radius; color: Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor }
- Overlay.modal: Rectangle { color: "#AA000000" }
+ Overlay.modal: DefaultRectangle { color: "#AA000000" }
// Fade in animation
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultMouseArea.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultMouseArea.qml
index 62648b6f0f..cac534d7ca 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultMouseArea.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultMouseArea.qml
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
import QtQuick 2.15
- cursorShape: containsMouse ? Qt.PointingHandCursor : Qt.ArrowCursor
+DexMouseArea {}
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultPopup.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultPopup.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e893062d08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultPopup.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+// Qt Imports
+import QtQuick 2.12
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 //> Popup
+ id: popup
+ y: parent.height
+ x: (parent.width / 2) - (width / 2)
+ closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnPressOutsideParent | Popup.CloseOnEscape
+ background: FloatingBackground { }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultProgressBar.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultProgressBar.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed56dd814b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultProgressBar.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+// Qt Imports
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
+// Project Imports
+import "../Constants" as Dex
+import "../Components" as Dex
+import App 1.0
+ id: root
+ property double label_width: 175
+ property double bar_width_pct: 0
+ property color bar_color: Dex.DexTheme.greenColor
+ property alias label: _label
+ property alias pct_bar: _pct_bar
+ property alias pct_value: _pct_value
+ anchors.leftMargin: 10
+ anchors.rightMargin: 10
+ width: parent.width
+ height: 42
+ spacing: 10
+ Dex.DexLabel
+ {
+ id: _label
+ font.bold: true
+ Layout.preferredWidth: label_width
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ Component.onCompleted: font.weight = Font.Bold
+ }
+ // Progress bar
+ Item
+ {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ height: 5
+ Rectangle
+ {
+ id: bg_bar
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ radius: 5
+ opacity: 0.1
+ color: DexTheme.foregroundColorLightColor5
+ }
+ Rectangle
+ {
+ id: _pct_bar
+ height: parent.height
+ radius: 5
+ width: bar_width_pct / 100 * parent.width
+ color: root.bar_color
+ }
+ }
+ Dex.DexLabel
+ {
+ id: _pct_value
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 60
+ text: "0.00 %"
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ Component.onCompleted: font.family = 'lato'
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultRangeSlider.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultRangeSlider.qml
index 8cda0a3363..390e62c0fd 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultRangeSlider.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultRangeSlider.qml
@@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ RangeSlider
width: control.availableWidth
height: implicitHeight
radius: 2
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.rangeSliderDistanceColor
+ color: control.rangeDistanceColor
x: control.first.visualPosition * parent.width
width: control.second.visualPosition * parent.width - x
height: parent.height
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.rangeSliderBackgroundColor
+ color: control.rangeBackgroundColor
radius: 2
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultRectangle.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultRectangle.qml
index 07fee4bb2a..7b2a0740b2 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultRectangle.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultRectangle.qml
@@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
import QtQuick 2.15
-import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
- id: rect
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.backgroundColor
+DexRectangle {}
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultSlider.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultSlider.qml
index e043ba8dda..be74bd2ce4 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultSlider.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultSlider.qml
@@ -1,8 +1,48 @@
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import "../Constants"
import App 1.0
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+ id: control
+ value: 0.5
+ opacity: enabled ? 1 : .5
+ background: Rectangle
+ {
+ x: control.leftPadding
+ y: control.topPadding + control.availableHeight / 2 - height / 2
+ implicitWidth: 200
+ implicitHeight: 4
+ width: control.availableWidth
+ height: implicitHeight
+ radius: 2
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.rangeSliderDistanceColor
-DexSlider {
+ Rectangle
+ {
+ width: control.visualPosition * parent.width
+ height: parent.height
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.rangeSliderBackgroundColor
+ radius: 2
+ }
+ }
+ handle: Rectangle
+ {
+ x: control.leftPadding + control.visualPosition * (control.availableWidth - width)
+ y: control.topPadding + control.availableHeight / 2 - height / 2
+ implicitWidth: 18
+ implicitHeight: 18
+ radius: 13
+ gradient: Gradient
+ {
+ orientation: Gradient.Horizontal
+ GradientStop { position: 0.125; color: Dex.CurrentTheme.rangeSliderIndicatorBackgroundStartColor }
+ GradientStop { position: 0.925; color: Dex.CurrentTheme.rangeSliderIndicatorBackgroundEndColor }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultSweetComboBox.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultSweetComboBox.qml
index b09ae04093..b125969769 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultSweetComboBox.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultSweetComboBox.qml
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import QtQuick 2.15
-DexSweetComboBox { }
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultTextEdit.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultTextEdit.qml
index 18b948d573..adfa328500 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultTextEdit.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DefaultTextEdit.qml
@@ -2,9 +2,14 @@ import QtQuick 2.15
import "../Constants"
import App 1.0
-TextEdit {
+ id: control
property string text_value
property bool privacy: false
+ property string linkURL: ""
+ property string onCopyNotificationTitle: ""
+ property string onCopyNotificationMsg: qsTr("copied to clipboard")
font.family: Style.font_family
font.pixelSize: Style.textSize
@@ -21,9 +26,29 @@ TextEdit {
onLinkActivated: Qt.openUrlExternally(link)
- DefaultMouseArea {
+ DefaultMouseArea
+ {
anchors.fill: parent
cursorShape: parent.hoveredLink ? Qt.PointingHandCursor : Qt.ArrowCursor
acceptedButtons: Qt.NoButton
+ DefaultCopyIcon
+ {
+ id: copy_icon
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ copyText: control.text_value
+ notifyTitle: control.onCopyNotificationTitle
+ notifyMsg: control.onCopyNotificationMsg
+ x: control.implicitWidth + 6
+ iconSize: 14
+ }
+ DefaultLinkIcon
+ {
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ linkURL: control.linkURL
+ x: control.onCopyNotificationTitle == '' ? control.implicitWidth + 6 : control.implicitWidth + copy_icon.implicitWidth + 8
+ iconSize: 14
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexAppButton.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexAppButton.qml
index 962bab8002..4414add9d2 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexAppButton.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexAppButton.qml
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ DexRectangle
opacity: _controlMouseArea.containsMouse ? 1 : .8
id: _contentRow
@@ -74,7 +73,7 @@ DexRectangle
id: _label
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- font: DexTypo.button
+ font: DexTypo.body2
text: control.text
color: enabled ? _controlMouseArea.containsMouse ? _controlMouseArea.containsPress ?
Dex.CurrentTheme.buttonTextPressedColor :
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexAppOutlineButton.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexAppOutlineButton.qml
index b754fb2e19..41c9bfdff5 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexAppOutlineButton.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexAppOutlineButton.qml
@@ -61,8 +61,10 @@ DexRectangle {
color: DexTheme.buttonGradientEnabled2
color: outlinedColor
gradient: outlinedColor !== "" ? undefined : btnGradient
DexRectangle {
visible: !parent.containsMouse
radius: parent.radius - 2
@@ -75,16 +77,20 @@ DexRectangle {
height: _label.implicitHeight + (padding * verticalPadding)
width: _contentRow.implicitWidth + (padding * horizontalPadding)
- Row {
+ Row
+ {
id: _contentRow
- anchors {
+ anchors
+ {
horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalAlignment == Qt.AlignHCenter ? parent.horizontalCenter : undefined
verticalCenter: parent.verticalAlignment == Qt.AlignVCenter ? parent.verticalCenter : undefined
spacing: _icon.visible ? parent.spacing : 0
- Qaterial.ColorIcon {
+ Qaterial.ColorIcon
+ {
id: _icon
iconSize: _label.font.pixelSize + 2
visible: control.iconSource === "" ? false : true
@@ -93,14 +99,16 @@ DexRectangle {
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- DexLabel {
+ DexLabel
+ {
id: _label
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- font: DexTypo.body1
+ font: DexTypo.body2
text: control.text
color: control.foregroundColor
DexMouseArea {
id: _controlMouseArea
anchors.fill: parent
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexAppPasswordField.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexAppPasswordField.qml
index 65d6a4e7fd..a071c90e17 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexAppPasswordField.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexAppPasswordField.qml
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
import App 1.0
import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+import "../Constants"
@@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ DexAppTextField
height: 50
width: 300
background.radius: 25
- max_length: 1000
+ max_length: General.max_std_pw_length
field.echoMode: TextField.Password
field.font: Qt.font(
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexAppTextField.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexAppTextField.qml
index 156e1136f7..9fd086e981 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexAppTextField.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexAppTextField.qml
@@ -15,9 +15,8 @@ Item
property int leftWidth: -1
property int max_length: 180
- property alias value: input_field.text
property alias field: input_field
+ property alias value: input_field.text
property alias background: _background
property string leftText: ""
@@ -25,6 +24,7 @@ Item
property string placeholderText: ""
property bool error: false
if (error)
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ Item
id: _animationTimer
@@ -43,11 +44,13 @@ Item
_background.x = 0
id: _animate
interval: 30
repeat: true
if (_background.x == -3)
@@ -65,6 +68,7 @@ Item
input_field.text = ""
id: _background
@@ -74,6 +78,7 @@ Item
color: Dex.CurrentTheme.backgroundColor
border.color: control.error ? Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor : input_field.focus ? Dex.CurrentTheme.accentColor : color
border.width: input_field.focus ? 1 : 0
Behavior on x
@@ -89,11 +94,13 @@ Item
anchors.leftMargin: 5
anchors.rightMargin: 5
spacing: 2
visible: leftText !== ""
Layout.preferredWidth: leftWidth !== -1 ? leftWidth : _title_label.implicitWidth + 2
Layout.fillHeight: true
id: _title_label
@@ -107,10 +114,12 @@ Item
font.weight: Font.Medium
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
anchors.fill: parent
@@ -118,9 +127,20 @@ Item
anchors.bottomMargin: 1
radius: _background.radius
color: background.color
id: input_field
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft
+ font.weight: Font.Medium
+ font.family: 'Lato'
+ font.pixelSize: 13
+ echoMode: TextInput.Normal
+ background: Item
+ {}
if (text.length > control.max_length)
@@ -129,15 +149,9 @@ Item
control.error = false
- horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft
- echoMode: TextInput.Normal
- background: Item
- {}
- font.weight: Font.Medium
- font.family: 'Lato'
- font.pixelSize: 13
- anchors.fill: parent
text: control.placeholderText
@@ -153,11 +167,13 @@ Item
visible: rightText !== ""
Layout.preferredWidth: _suffix_label.implicitWidth + 2
Layout.fillHeight: true
id: _suffix_label
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexBusyIndicator.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexBusyIndicator.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0390ddea6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexBusyIndicator.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
+import QtQuick.Controls.Universal 2.15
+import "../Constants"
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+import App 1.0
+ id: control
+ property int indicatorSize: 64
+ property int indicatorDotSize: 10
+ contentItem: Item
+ {
+ implicitWidth: indicatorSize
+ implicitHeight: indicatorSize
+ Item
+ {
+ id: item
+ x: (parent.width - indicatorSize) / 2
+ y: (parent.height - indicatorSize) / 2
+ width: indicatorSize
+ height: indicatorSize
+ opacity: control.running ? 1 : 0
+ Behavior on opacity
+ {
+ OpacityAnimator
+ {
+ duration: 250
+ }
+ }
+ RotationAnimator
+ {
+ target: item
+ running: control.visible && control.running
+ from: 0
+ to: 360
+ loops: Animation.Infinite
+ duration: 1250
+ }
+ Repeater
+ {
+ id: repeater
+ model: 6
+ Rectangle
+ {
+ x: (item.width - width) / 2
+ y: (item.height - height) / 2
+ implicitWidth: indicatorDotSize
+ implicitHeight: indicatorDotSize
+ radius: indicatorDotSize / 2
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.busyIndicatorColor
+ transform: [
+ Translate
+ {
+ y: -Math.min(item.width, item.height) * 0.5 + indicatorDotSize / 2
+ },
+ Rotation
+ {
+ angle: index / repeater.count * 360
+ origin.x: indicatorDotSize / 2
+ origin.y: indicatorDotSize / 2
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexCheckBox.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexCheckBox.qml
index e8332163bb..b471d0d922 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexCheckBox.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexCheckBox.qml
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
//! Qt Imports.
import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls.Universal 2.15
@@ -12,38 +13,22 @@ CheckBox
id: control
property alias label: _label
- property color textColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
property alias boxWidth: _indicator.implicitWidth
property alias boxHeight: _indicator.implicitHeight
- Universal.accent: Dex.CurrentTheme.accentColor
- Universal.foreground: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
- Universal.background: Dex.CurrentTheme.backgroundColor
+ property alias mouseArea: mouseArea
+ property color textColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ property int labelWidth: 0
font.family: Style.font_family
- contentItem: DefaultText
- {
- id: _label
- text: control.text
- font: control.font
- color: control.textColor
- horizontalAlignment: DexLabel.AlignLeft
- verticalAlignment: DexLabel.AlignVCenter
- leftPadding: control.indicator.width + control.spacing
- wrapMode: Label.Wrap
- }
- indicator: DexRectangle
+ indicator: DefaultRectangle
id: _indicator
- implicitWidth: 26
- implicitHeight: 26
- x: control.leftPadding - control.spacing
anchors.verticalCenter: control.verticalCenter
- radius: 20
+ implicitWidth: 20
+ implicitHeight: 20
+ radius: 4
gradient: Gradient
@@ -52,20 +37,57 @@ CheckBox
GradientStop { position: 0.6; color: Dex.CurrentTheme.checkBoxGradientEndColor }
- DexRectangle
+ DefaultImage {
+ id: check_icon
+ x: (parent.width - width) / 2
+ y: (parent.height - height) / 2
+ width: parent.width - 6
+ height: parent.height - 6
+ source: General.image_path + "white_check.svg"
+ visible: control.checkState === Qt.Checked
+ }
+ DefaultColorOverlay
+ {
+ anchors.fill: check_icon
+ source: check_icon
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.checkBoxTickColor
+ }
+ DefaultRectangle
visible: !control.checked
anchors.centerIn: parent
- implicitWidth: parent.width - 6
- implicitHeight: parent.height - 6
+ width: parent.width - 6
+ height: parent.height - 6
radius: parent.radius
opacity: enabled ? 1 : 0.5
+ contentItem: RowLayout
+ {
+ id: _content
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ height: _label.height
+ spacing: 0
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ id: _label
+ text: control.text
+ font: control.font
+ color: control.textColor
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+ leftPadding: control.indicator.width + control.spacing
+ wrapMode: Label.Wrap
+ }
+ }
+ id: mouseArea
anchors.fill: parent
acceptedButtons: Qt.NoButton
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexCheckEye.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexCheckEye.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index bf9439911c..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexCheckEye.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
-import App 1.0
-import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
- id: control
- property bool checked: eval("target." + control.targetProperty)
- property alias text: _label.text
- property alias iconSource: _icon.source
- property string targetProperty: ""
- property var target
- width: parent.width
- height: row.height
- RowLayout
- {
- id: row
- width: parent.width - 20
- spacing: 10
- Qaterial.ColorIcon
- {
- id: _icon
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- source: control.checked ? Qaterial.Icons.eyeOutline : Qaterial.Icons.eyeOffOutline
- color: control.checked ? Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.buttonTextDisabledColor
- iconSize: 17
- DexMouseArea
- {
- anchors.fill: parent
- onClicked:
- {
- if (control.checked) eval("target." + control.targetProperty + " = false")
- else eval("target." + control.targetProperty + " = true")
- }
- }
- }
- DefaultText
- {
- id: _label
- font.pixelSize: 15
- text: ""
- color: control.checked ? Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.buttonTextDisabledColor
- opacity: .5
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- }
- }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexComboBox.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexComboBox.qml
index fcc8879263..38245425d2 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexComboBox.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexComboBox.qml
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls.impl 2.15
-import QtQuick.Controls.Universal 2.15
import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
@@ -14,51 +13,40 @@ ComboBox
id: control
- property alias radius: bg_rect.radius
- property color lineHoverColor: DexTheme.hoverColor
- property color mainBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor
- property int dropDownMaxHeight: 300
- property color dropdownBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor
- property
- var dropdownLineText: m => textRole === "" ?
- m.modelData :
- !m.modelData ? m[textRole] : m.modelData[textRole]
+ property alias radius: bg_rect.radius
+ property int dropDownMaxHeight: 450
+ property color comboBoxBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxBackgroundColor
+ property color mainBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxBackgroundColor
+ property color popupBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxBackgroundColor
+ property color highlightedBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxDropdownItemHighlightedColor
property string mainLineText: control.displayText
- readonly property bool disabled: !enabled
+ property var dropdownLineText: m => textRole === "" ?
+ m.modelData :
+ !m.modelData ? m[textRole] : m.modelData[textRole]
font.family: Style.font_family
- Behavior on lineHoverColor
- {
- ColorAnimation
- {
- duration: Style.animationDuration
- }
- }
hoverEnabled: true
// Main, selected text
contentItem: Item
- anchors.fill: parent
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 13
+ width: parent.width - anchors.leftMargin
font: DexTypo.subtitle2
text_value: control.mainLineText
+ elide: Text.ElideRight
// Main background
background: FloatingBackground
id: bg_rect
- implicitWidth: 120
+ implicitWidth: 150
implicitHeight: 45
color: control.mainBackgroundColor
radius: 20
@@ -68,7 +56,6 @@ ComboBox
popup: Popup
width: control.width
- height: _list.contentHeight > control.dropDownMaxHeight ? control.dropDownMaxHeight : _list.contentHeight
leftPadding: 0
rightPadding: 0
topPadding: 16
@@ -78,14 +65,15 @@ ComboBox
id: _list
model: control.popup.visible ? control.delegateModel : null
+ implicitHeight: contentHeight > control.dropDownMaxHeight ? control.dropDownMaxHeight : contentHeight
currentIndex: control.highlightedIndex
ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar
+ visible: _list.contentHeight > control.dropDownMaxHeight
anchors.right: _list.right
anchors.rightMargin: 2
width: 7
- visible: true
background: DefaultRectangle
radius: 12
@@ -108,21 +96,30 @@ ComboBox
background: Rectangle
radius: control.radius
- color: control.dropdownBackgroundColor
+ color: control.popupBackgroundColor
// Each dropdown item
delegate: ItemDelegate
- Universal.accent: Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxDropdownItemHighlightedColor
+ id: combo_item
width: control.width
highlighted: control.highlightedIndex === index
- contentItem: DexLabel
+ contentItem: DefaultText
+ width: control.width
font: DexTypo.subtitle2
text_value: control.dropdownLineText(model)
+ elide: Text.ElideRight
+ }
+ background: Rectangle
+ {
+ anchors.fill: combo_item
+ color: combo_item.highlighted ? Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxDropdownItemHighlightedColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxBackgroundColor
@@ -156,4 +153,4 @@ ComboBox
anchors.fill: parent
acceptedButtons: Qt.NoButton
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexDialogTextField.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexDialogTextField.qml
index e696f2fb99..cee884a867 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexDialogTextField.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexDialogTextField.qml
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Item {
property string rightText: ""
property string placeholderText: ""
property int leftWidth: -1
- readonly property int max_length: 40
+ property int max_length: 40
property bool error: false
onErrorChanged: {
if (error) {
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexGradientAppButton.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexGradientAppButton.qml
index f74b4ab822..5624512c13 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexGradientAppButton.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexGradientAppButton.qml
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ DexRectangle
id: _label
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- font: DexTypo.button
+ font: DexTypo.body2
text: control.text
color: enabled ? _controlMouseArea.containsMouse ? _controlMouseArea.containsPress ?
Dex.CurrentTheme.gradientButtonTextPressedColor :
@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ DexRectangle
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
id: _controlMouseArea
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexImage.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexImage.qml
index c0cbe489f5..603f734457 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexImage.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexImage.qml
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import QtQuick 2.15
-Image {
mipmap: true
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexKeyChecker.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexKeyChecker.qml
index 437caadbc9..fe8634f5e2 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexKeyChecker.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexKeyChecker.qml
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ ColumnLayout {
property bool new_password: true
property bool double_validation: false
property string match_password
+ property int max_pw_len: General.max_std_pw_length
property bool high_security: true
function isValid() {
@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ ColumnLayout {
font: DexTypo.body2
Layout.fillWidth: true
wrapMode: DexLabel.Wrap
- text_value: hintPrefix(hasEnoughCharacters()) + qsTr("At least %n character(s)", "", high_security ? 16 : 1)
+ text_value: hintPrefix(hasEnoughCharacters()) + qsTr("Between %1 and %2 character(s)").arg(high_security ? 16 : 1).arg(max_pw_len)
color: hintColor(hasEnoughCharacters())
DexLabel {
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexLabel.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexLabel.qml
index 1047c3fbae..ef6694978d 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexLabel.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexLabel.qml
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Text
property string text_value
property bool privacy: false
+ property bool monospace: false
Behavior on color
@@ -19,12 +20,7 @@ Text
- font: Qt.font
- ({
- pixelSize: 14,
- letterSpacing: 0.25,
- weight: Font.Normal
- })
+ font: monospace ? Dex.DexTypo.monoSmall : Dex.DexTypo.body2
color: enabled ? Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.textDisabledColor
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexLanguage.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexLanguage.qml
index 1d587cc673..1029bc7abb 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexLanguage.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexLanguage.qml
@@ -8,34 +8,50 @@ import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
import "../Constants"
import App 1.0
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
id: control
model: API.app.settings_pg.get_available_langs()
+ height: 50
displayText: API.app.settings_pg.lang
leftPadding: 5
+ // Each dropdown item
delegate: ItemDelegate
+ id: combo_item
width: control.width
- height: 30
+ height: 35
highlighted: control.highlightedIndex === index
- RowLayout
+ contentItem: RowLayout
anchors.fill: parent
- spacing: -13
- DefaultImage
+ spacing: -25
+ DexImage
id: image
- Layout.preferredHeight: 14
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 25
source: General.image_path + "lang/" + modelData + ".png"
text: modelData
+ background: Rectangle
+ {
+ anchors.fill: combo_item
+ radius: 6
+ color: combo_item.highlighted ? Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxDropdownItemHighlightedColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxBackgroundColor
+ }
if (modelData !== API.app.settings_pg.lang)
@@ -44,26 +60,31 @@ RoundComboBox
+ // Main, selected item
contentItem: Text
+ anchors.fill: parent
leftPadding: 0
rightPadding: control.indicator.width + control.spacing
- //text: control.displayText
- font: control.font
- color: control.pressed ? "#17a81a" : "#21be2b"
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
- elide: Text.ElideRight
- DefaultImage
+ DexImage
id: image
- height: 12
- x: 8
+ height: 25
+ x: 12
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
source: General.image_path + "lang/" + control.displayText + ".png"
+ background: FloatingBackground
+ {
+ radius: 20
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxBackgroundColor
+ }
anchors.fill: parent
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexListView.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexListView.qml
index 388156262c..a65904698f 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexListView.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexListView.qml
@@ -2,34 +2,37 @@ import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import "../Constants"
-as Constants
import App 1.0
-ListView {
id: root
- property bool scrollbar_visible: contentItem.childrenRect.height > height
property alias position: scrollVert.position
property alias scrollVert: scrollVert
- readonly property double scrollbar_margin: scrollbar_visible ? 8 : 0
+ property bool scrollbar_visible: contentItem.childrenRect.height > height
property bool visibleBackground: false
+ readonly property double scrollbar_margin: scrollbar_visible ? 8 : 0
boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
- ScrollBar.vertical: DexScrollBar {
- id: scrollVert
- visibleBackground: root.visibleBackground
- }
- implicitWidth: contentItem.childrenRect.width
implicitHeight: contentItem.childrenRect.height
+ implicitWidth: contentItem.childrenRect.width
clip: true
- // Opacity animation
opacity: root.count === 0 ? 0 : enabled ? 1 : 0.2
- Behavior on opacity {
- SmoothedAnimation {
- duration: Constants.Style.animationDuration * 0.5;velocity: -1
+ Behavior on opacity
+ {
+ SmoothedAnimation
+ {
+ duration: Style.animationDuration * 0.5
+ velocity: -1
\ No newline at end of file
+ ScrollBar.vertical: DefaultScrollBar
+ {
+ id: scrollVert
+ visibleBackground: root.visibleBackground
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexMacosHeaderControl.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexMacosHeaderControl.qml
index 8886236630..190d60301c 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexMacosHeaderControl.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexMacosHeaderControl.qml
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ import QtQuick.Controls.Universal 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
+import ModelHelper 0.1
+import "../Constants"
@@ -11,6 +14,7 @@ Row
property real size: 13
property bool hovered: minimizeButton.containsMouse || closeButton.containsMouse || extendButton.containsMouse
+ property var orders: API.app.orders_mdl.orders_proxy_mdl.ModelHelper
anchors.top: parent.top
width: 195
@@ -40,10 +44,9 @@ Row
id: closeButton
hoverEnabled: true
anchors.fill: parent
- onClicked:
- {
- Qt.quit()
- console.log("Window.visibility: " + window.visibility)
+ onClicked: {
+ if (orders.count === 0 || !API.app.wallet_mgr.log_status()) Qt.quit()
+ else app.logout_confirm_modal.open()
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexModal.qml
index d5d1781717..7b476bca3a 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexModal.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexModal.qml
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
Popup {
id: control
parent: Overlay.overlay
@@ -13,18 +15,19 @@ Popup {
property alias footer: _footer.contentItem
modal: true
padding: 0
- Overlay.modeless: DexRectangle {
- color: DexTheme.dexBoxBackgroundColor
+ Overlay.modeless: DefaultRectangle {
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.dexBoxBackgroundColor
opacity: .3
background: ClipRRect {
radius: 8
- DexRectangle {
+ DefaultRectangle {
id: _backgroundColor
anchors.fill: parent
border.width: 2
radius: parent.radius
- color: DexTheme.dexBoxBackgroundColor
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.dexBoxBackgroundColor
Container {
id: _header
width: parent.width
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexMouseArea.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexMouseArea.qml
index fa58b5512f..3f237b7d42 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexMouseArea.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexMouseArea.qml
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import QtQuick 2.15
-MouseArea {
cursorShape: enabled ? Qt.PointingHandCursor : Qt.ArrowCursor
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexPaginator.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexPaginator.qml
index 35fc8bc653..cbe088fb83 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexPaginator.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexPaginator.qml
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ RowLayout
property var pageSize: Constants.API.app.orders_mdl.nb_pages
property var currentValue: Constants.API.app.orders_mdl.current_page
+ property alias itemsPerPageComboBox: itemsPerPageComboBox
function refreshBtn()
currentValue = Constants.API.app.orders_mdl.current_page
@@ -68,13 +70,17 @@ RowLayout
- DefaultComboBox
+ DexComboBox
+ id: itemsPerPageComboBox
readonly property int item_count: Constants.API.app.orders_mdl.limit_nb_elements
readonly property
var options: [5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200]
Layout.preferredWidth: (root.width / 100) * 14
+ Layout.maximumWidth: 62
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 35
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
model: options
@@ -82,12 +88,14 @@ RowLayout
onCurrentValueChanged: Constants.API.app.orders_mdl.limit_nb_elements = currentValue
- DefaultText
+ DexText
- Layout.preferredWidth: (root.width / 100) * 10
+ Layout.preferredWidth: (root.width / 100) * 16
+ Layout.leftMargin: 20
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
- font.pixelSize: 11
- text_value: qsTr("items per page")
+ font.pixelSize: 12
+ text: qsTr("items per page")
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexRectangle.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexRectangle.qml
index e204762aba..38fe98b08b 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexRectangle.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexRectangle.qml
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
import QtQuick 2.15
import App 1.0
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
AnimatedRectangle {
id: rect
property bool sizeAnimation: false
property int sizeAnimationDuration: 150
radius: DexTheme.rectangleRadius
- color: DexTheme.contentColorTopBold
- border.color: DexTheme.contentColorTopBold
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.backgroundColor
+ border.color: color
border.width: 1
Behavior on width {
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexScrollBar.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexScrollBar.qml
index 14f5c65766..c17969e286 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexScrollBar.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexScrollBar.qml
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ ScrollBar
policy: scrollbar_visible ? ScrollBar.AlwaysOn : ScrollBar.AlwaysOff
property bool visibleBackground: true
width: 6
contentItem: Item
@@ -29,7 +30,6 @@ ScrollBar
background: Item
width: 6
- x: 0
visible: control.visibleBackground
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexSlider.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexSlider.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index be3dfc714d..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexSlider.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-import "../Constants"
-import App 1.0
-Slider {
- id: control
- value: 0.5
- opacity: enabled ? 1 : .5
- background: Rectangle {
- x: control.leftPadding
- y: control.topPadding + control.availableHeight / 2 - height / 2
- implicitWidth: 200
- implicitHeight: 4
- width: control.availableWidth
- height: implicitHeight
- radius: 2
- color: "#bdbebf"
- Rectangle {
- width: control.visualPosition * parent.width
- height: parent.height
- color: DexTheme.accentColor
- radius: 2
- }
- }
- handle: FloatingBackground {
- x: control.leftPadding + control.visualPosition * (control.availableWidth - width)
- y: control.topPadding + control.availableHeight / 2 - height / 2
- implicitWidth: 26
- implicitHeight: 26
- radius: 13
- Rectangle {
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- width: 10
- height: 10
- radius: 10
- color: DexTheme.accentColor
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexSweetComboBox.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexSweetComboBox.qml
index a54f7f8131..e8a7086ab6 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexSweetComboBox.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexSweetComboBox.qml
@@ -13,22 +13,53 @@ ComboBox
id: control
+ property alias radius: bg_rect.radius
+ property color comboBoxBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxBackgroundColor
+ property color popupBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor
+ property color highlightedBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxDropdownItemHighlightedColor
+ property color mainBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor
+ property string currentTicker: "All"
property var dropdownLineText: m => textRole === "" ?
m.modelData : !m.modelData ?
m[textRole] : m.modelData[textRole]
- property string currentTicker: "All"
- property color backgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor
- property color popupBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor
+ // Combobox Dropdown Button Background
+ background: DexRectangle
+ {
+ id: bg_rect
+ implicitHeight: 40
+ color: comboBoxBackgroundColor
+ radius: 20
+ }
+ contentItem: DexLabel
+ {
+ leftPadding: 10
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+ width: bg_rect.width - leftPadding
+ height: bg_rect.height
+ text: control.currentTicker
+ elide: Text.ElideRight
+ wrapMode: Text.NoWrap
+ }
+ // Each dropdown item
delegate: ItemDelegate
+ id: combo_item
width: control.width + 50
highlighted: control.highlightedIndex === index
- contentItem: DefaultText
+ contentItem: DexLabel
text_value: control.currentTicker
color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ background: DexRectangle {
+ anchors.fill: combo_item
+ color: combo_item.highlighted ? highlightedBackgroundColor : mainBackgroundColor
+ }
indicator: Qaterial.Icon
@@ -39,35 +70,15 @@ ComboBox
icon: Qaterial.Icons.chevronDown
- contentItem: DefaultText
- {
- leftPadding: 10
- verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
- width: _background.width - leftPadding
- height: _background.height
- text: control.currentTicker
- elide: Text.ElideRight
- wrapMode: Text.NoWrap
- }
- background: DefaultRectangle
- {
- id: _background
- implicitHeight: 40
- colorAnimation: false
- color: control.backgroundColor
- radius: 20
- }
+ // Dropdown itself
popup: Popup
- id: comboPopup
- readonly property double max_height: 350
+ id: combo_popup
+ readonly property double max_height: 450
width: control.width
- height: Math.min(contentItem.implicitHeight, popup.max_height) + 20
+ height: Math.min(contentItem.implicitHeight, max_height) + 20
padding: 1
contentItem: ColumnLayout
@@ -79,13 +90,20 @@ ComboBox
id: input_coin_filter
placeholderText: qsTr("Search")
- background: DefaultRectangle
+ font.pixelSize: 16
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.leftMargin: 0
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 40
+ Layout.rightMargin: 2
+ Layout.topMargin: Layout.leftMargin
+ background: DexRectangle
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.topMargin: -5
anchors.rightMargin: -1
- radius: 20
- color: control.popupBackgroundColor
+ radius: control.radius
+ color: control.mainBackgroundColor
onTextChanged: control.model.setFilterFixedString(text)
@@ -110,17 +128,8 @@ ComboBox
- font.pixelSize: 16
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.leftMargin: 0
- Layout.preferredHeight: 40
- Layout.rightMargin: 2
- Layout.topMargin: Layout.leftMargin
Keys.onDownPressed: control.incrementCurrentIndex()
Keys.onUpPressed: control.decrementCurrentIndex()
if (event.key === Qt.Key_Return)
@@ -135,11 +144,13 @@ ComboBox
Layout.maximumHeight: popup.max_height - 100
Layout.fillWidth: true
implicitHeight: popup_list_view.contentHeight + 5
id: popup_list_view
@@ -148,11 +159,15 @@ ComboBox
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.bottomMargin: 10
anchors.rightMargin: 2
+ clip: true
+ visibleBackground: true
highlight: DefaultRectangle
radius: 0
- clip: true
delegate: ItemDelegate
width: control.width + 50
@@ -165,7 +180,7 @@ ComboBox
background: DefaultRectangle
colorAnimation: false
- color: popup_list_view.currentIndex === index ? Dex.CurrentTheme.buttonColorHovered : control.popupBackgroundColor
+ color: popup_list_view.currentIndex === index ? Dex.CurrentTheme.buttonColorHovered : control.mainBackgroundColor
@@ -175,23 +190,6 @@ ComboBox
- ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar
- {
- anchors.right: popup_list_view.right
- anchors.rightMargin: 2
- width: 7
- background: DefaultRectangle
- {
- radius: 12
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.scrollBarBackgroundColor
- }
- contentItem: DefaultRectangle
- {
- radius: 12
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.scrollBarIndicatorColor
- }
- }
anchors.fill: parent
@@ -204,12 +202,12 @@ ComboBox
background: DefaultRectangle
- y: -5
- radius: 20
- colorAnimation: false
width: parent.width
height: parent.height
+ radius: control.radius
color: control.popupBackgroundColor
+ colorAnimation: false
+ border.width: 1
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexSwitch.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexSwitch.qml
index d3c0779f82..10fd5a6090 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexSwitch.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexSwitch.qml
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
//! Qt Imports.
import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls.Universal 2.15
@@ -12,54 +13,63 @@ Switch
id: control
- property alias switchButtonWidth: indicator.width
- property alias switchButtonHeight: indicator.height
- property alias switchButtonRadius: indicator.radius
+ property alias label: _label
+ property alias label2: _label2
+ property alias switchButtonWidth: _indicator.width
+ property alias switchButtonHeight: _indicator.height
+ property alias switchButtonRadius: _indicator.radius
property alias mouseArea: _mouseArea
+ property color textColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ property int labelWidth: label.text == '' ? 0 : 120
- Universal.foreground: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
- Universal.background: Dex.CurrentTheme.backgroundColor
+ width: labelWidth + 60
+ height: 50
font.family: DexTypo.fontFamily
- indicator: DexRectangle
+ indicator: DefaultRectangle
- id: indicator
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ id: _indicator
width: 52
height: 28
radius: 13
+ anchors.verticalCenter: control.verticalCenter
gradient: Gradient
orientation: Gradient.Horizontal
- position: 0;color: Dex.CurrentTheme.switchGradientStartColor
+ position: 0
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.switchGradientStartColor
- position: 0.9311;color: Dex.CurrentTheme.switchGradientEndColor
+ position: 0.9311
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.switchGradientEndColor
visible: !control.checked
- anchors.centerIn: parent
width: parent.width - 4
height: parent.height - 4
radius: parent.radius
+ x: 2
+ y: 2
gradient: Gradient
orientation: Gradient.Horizontal
- position: 0;color: control.checked ? Dex.CurrentTheme.switchGradientStartColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.switchGradientStartColor2
+ position: 0;
+ color: control.checked ? Dex.CurrentTheme.switchGradientStartColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.switchGradientStartColor2
- position: 0.9311;color: control.checked ? Dex.CurrentTheme.switchGradientEndColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.switchGradientEndColor2
+ position: 0.9311;
+ color: control.checked ? Dex.CurrentTheme.switchGradientEndColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.switchGradientEndColor2
@@ -67,7 +77,7 @@ Switch
x: control.checked ? parent.width - width - 4 : 4
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ y: 3
width: parent.width / 2 - 2
height: parent.height - 6
radius: parent.radius + 2
@@ -77,21 +87,59 @@ Switch
orientation: Gradient.Horizontal
- position: 0;color: control.checked ? Dex.CurrentTheme.switchGradientStartColor2 : Dex.CurrentTheme.switchGradientStartColor
+ position: 0;
+ color: control.checked ? Dex.CurrentTheme.switchGradientStartColor2 : Dex.CurrentTheme.switchGradientStartColor
- position: 0.9311;color: control.checked ? Dex.CurrentTheme.switchGradientEndColor2 : Dex.CurrentTheme.switchGradientEndColor
+ position: 0.9311;
+ color: control.checked ? Dex.CurrentTheme.switchGradientEndColor2 : Dex.CurrentTheme.switchGradientEndColor
+ ColumnLayout
+ {
+ Layout.preferredWidth: labelWidth
+ Layout.preferredHeight: control.height
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ anchors.verticalCenter: control.verticalCenter
+ visible: _label.text != ''
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ id: _label
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ visible: _label.text != ''
+ font: control.font
+ color: control.textColor
+ leftPadding: _indicator.width + control.spacing
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+ wrapMode: Label.Wrap
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ id: _label2
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ visible: _label2.text != ''
+ font: DexTypo.caption
+ color: control.textColor
+ leftPadding: _indicator.width + control.spacing
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+ wrapMode: Label.Wrap
+ }
+ }
id: _mouseArea
- anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.fill: control
acceptedButtons: Qt.NoButton
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexTextField.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexTextField.qml
index 7025abc0e4..485f4b449a 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexTextField.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexTextField.qml
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ TextField
leftPadding: Math.max(0, left_text.width + 20)
rightPadding: Math.max(0, right_text.width + 20)
- topPadding: 7
background: DefaultRectangle
@@ -54,7 +53,7 @@ TextField
RightClickMenu {}
- DefaultText
+ DexLabel
id: left_text
visible: text_value !== ""
@@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ TextField
font.pixelSize: text_field.font.pixelSize
- DefaultText
+ DexLabel
id: right_text
visible: text_value !== ""
@@ -80,4 +79,8 @@ TextField
if (forceFocus) text_field.forceActiveFocus()
+ onVisibleChanged: {
+ if (forceFocus && visible) text_field.forceActiveFocus()
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexTooltip.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexTooltip.qml
index 78a3782e8b..070374053a 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexTooltip.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexTooltip.qml
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
id: control
+ property bool background_visible: true
contentItem: DexLabel
@@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ ToolTip
background: FloatingBackground
+ visible: background_visible
color: Dex.CurrentTheme.accentColor
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexWindowHeaderControl.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexWindowHeaderControl.qml
index dca30634f5..f84d8c9013 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexWindowHeaderControl.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/DexWindowHeaderControl.qml
@@ -2,13 +2,17 @@ import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls.Universal 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
+import ModelHelper 0.1
import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
+import "../Constants"
import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+ property var orders: API.app.orders_mdl.orders_proxy_mdl.ModelHelper
width: 120
anchors.right: parent.right
height: 30
@@ -68,6 +72,10 @@ RowLayout
foregroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
icon.source: Qaterial.Icons.windowClose
- onClicked: Qt.quit()
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ if (orders.count === 0 || !API.app.wallet_mgr.log_status()) Qt.quit()
+ else app.logout_confirm_modal.open()
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/ElidableText.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/ElidableText.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a3e3682c2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/ElidableText.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+import QtQuick 2.12
+ elide: Text.ElideRight
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/EulaModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/EulaModal.qml
index a5b5e5fec0..4191801010 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/EulaModal.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/EulaModal.qml
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ MultipageModal
contentWidth: eula_text.width - 10
contentHeight: eula_text.height
- DexLabel
+ DefaultText
id: eula_text
font: DexTypo.body1
@@ -53,17 +53,21 @@ MultipageModal
// Checkboxes
- DexCheckBox
+ DefaultCheckBox
id: accept_eula
+ Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
visible: !close_only
+ labelWidth: eula_rect.width - 80
text: qsTr("Accept EULA")
- DexCheckBox
+ DefaultCheckBox
id: accept_tac
+ Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
visible: !close_only
+ labelWidth: eula_rect.width - 80
text: qsTr("Accept Terms and Conditions")
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/Expandable.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/Expandable.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4858cf8b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/Expandable.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+import QtQuick 2.12
+ id: root
+ property bool isExpanded: false
+ property real padding: 10
+ property alias header: headerLoader.sourceComponent
+ property alias content: contentLoader.sourceComponent
+ implicitHeight: (padding * 2 + headerLoader.implicitHeight) + (isExpanded ? contentLoader.implicitHeight + padding * 2 : 0)
+ clip: true
+ Loader
+ {
+ id: headerLoader
+ anchors.top: parent.top
+ anchors.left: parent.left
+ anchors.margins: root.padding
+ }
+ Loader
+ {
+ id: contentLoader
+ visible: root.isExpanded
+ anchors.top: headerLoader.bottom
+ anchors.left: parent.left
+ anchors.margins: root.padding
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/GasInfoModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/GasInfoModal.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..be86f0dd52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/GasInfoModal.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// Qt Imports
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+// Project Imports
+import "../Constants"
+import App 1.0
+MultipageModal {
+ id: root
+ // Inside modal
+ MultipageModalContent {
+ titleText: General.cex_icon + " " + qsTr("How do I calculate gas?")
+ DefaultText {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ text: qsTr('Gas is measured in gwei. Gwei is just a unit of Ether, and is equal to 0.000000001 ETH (or the equivalent platform coin such as AVAX or BNB). The gas price varies over time depending on network congestion.')
+ }
+ DefaultText {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ text: qsTr('The gas limit is how many units of gas (maximum) you allocate to pay for a transaction. The gas required depending on the size of the transaction & data being transmitted.')
+ }
+ DefaultText {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ text: qsTr('A standard transaction not involving contracts uses 21,000 gas units, with any of the limit remaining returned to the source address.')
+ }
+ DefaultText {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ text: qsTr('Transactions involving contracts may result in the whole limit being consumed, so be careful not to set it too high.')
+ }
+ DefaultText {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ text: qsTr('For more information, read the article at https://support.mycrypto.com/how-to/sending/how-to-know-what-gas-limit-to-use')
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/HideFieldButton.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/HideFieldButton.qml
index 7ebf622afb..d2657d7873 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/HideFieldButton.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/HideFieldButton.qml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import "../Constants"
import App 1.0
DefaultImage {
- property alias mouse_area: mouse_area
+ property alias mouseArea: mouseArea
property bool use_default_behaviour: true
source: General.image_path + "dashboard-eye" + (hiding ? "" : "-hide") + ".svg"
visible: hidable
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ DefaultImage {
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
antialiasing: true
- opacity: mouse_area.containsMouse ? Style.hoverOpacity : 1
+ opacity: mouseArea.containsMouse ? Style.hoverOpacity : 1
DefaultMouseArea {
- id: mouse_area
+ id: mouseArea
anchors { horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter }
height: input_field.height; width: input_field.height
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/LinkIcon.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/LinkIcon.qml
index 2aaca2c1c8..6b3829f168 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/LinkIcon.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/LinkIcon.qml
@@ -11,32 +11,37 @@ Circle
Layout.preferredWidth: 50
Layout.preferredHeight: Layout.preferredWidth
+ Layout.topMargin: 10
+ Layout.bottomMargin: 10
+ Layout.leftMargin: 5
+ Layout.rightMargin: 5
color: Style.colorOnlyIf(mouse_area.containsMouse, Style.colorTheme4)
radius: 100
- DefaultImage
+ DexImage
id: icon
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
width: parent.width * 0.9
height: parent.height * 0.9
+ }
- anchors.centerIn: parent
+ DexMouseArea
+ {
+ id: mouse_area
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ onClicked: Qt.openUrlExternally(link)
+ }
- DefaultMouseArea
- {
- id: mouse_area
- anchors.fill: parent
- hoverEnabled: true
- onClicked: Qt.openUrlExternally(link)
- }
- DefaultTooltip
- {
- visible: mouse_area.containsMouse
- id: tooltip_text
- }
+ DexTooltip
+ {
+ id: tooltip_text
+ visible: mouse_area.containsMouse
+ background_visible: false
+ font.pixelSize: 12
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/LinksRow.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/LinksRow.qml
index 159a8a8664..3dc6e45dcd 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/LinksRow.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/LinksRow.qml
@@ -7,11 +7,12 @@ import "../Constants"
import App 1.0 //> API
RowLayout {
- spacing: 10
+ spacing: 0
LinkIcon {
enabled: API.app_discord_url !== ""
visible: enabled
+ Layout.leftMargin: 0
id: discord_icon
link: API.app_discord_url
@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ RowLayout {
LinkIcon {
enabled: API.app_support_url !== ""
visible: enabled
+ Layout.rightMargin: 0
link: API.app_support_url
source: General.image_path + "icon-support.png"
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/LoaderBusyIndicator.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/LoaderBusyIndicator.qml
index 629cbfbb98..2b08124f40 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/LoaderBusyIndicator.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/LoaderBusyIndicator.qml
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Item {
anchors.fill: parent
- DefaultBusyIndicator {
+ DexBusyIndicator {
anchors.centerIn: parent
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/LogoutModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/LogoutModal.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f205e15293
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/LogoutModal.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+import ModelHelper 0.1
+import App 1.0
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+import "../Constants"
+import "../Components"
+MultipageModal {
+ id: root
+ property var orders: API.app.orders_mdl.orders_proxy_mdl.ModelHelper
+ MultipageModalContent {
+ id: modal_content
+ topMarginAfterTitle: 15
+ titleText: qsTr("Exit %1 or go to login menu?").arg(API.app_name)
+ // Swap in progress warning
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ visible: orders
+ font.pixelSize: 14
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
+ text_value:
+ {
+ for (let i = 0; i < orders.count; i++)
+ {
+ let status = orders.data(i).order_status
+ switch (status) {
+ case "matched":
+ case "ongoing":
+ return qsTr("Warning: You currently have a swap in progress.\nLogging out may result in a failed swap.")
+ case "successful":
+ case "refunding":
+ case "failed":
+ break
+ default:
+ return qsTr("Warning: You currently have open maker orders.\nThey will be removed from the orderbook until you log in again.")
+ }
+ }
+ return ""
+ }
+ }
+ // Buttons
+ footer: [
+ DefaultButton {
+ text: qsTr("Login menu")
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ return_to_login()
+ }
+ },
+ DefaultButton {
+ text: qsTr("Exit")
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ onClicked: Qt.quit()
+ },
+ DefaultButton {
+ text: qsTr("Cancel")
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ onClicked: root.close()
+ }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/MultipageModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/MultipageModal.qml
index 8fcfff3e3e..39a0f51d26 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/MultipageModal.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/MultipageModal.qml
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import "../Constants"
import App 1.0
import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
@@ -8,13 +9,13 @@ DefaultModal
id: root
- property alias currentIndex: stack_layout.currentIndex
+ property alias currentIndex: stackLayout.currentIndex
property int targetPageIndex: currentIndex
- property alias count: stack_layout.count
- default property alias pages: stack_layout.data
+ property alias count: stackLayout.count
+ default property alias pages: stackLayout.data
- readonly property int _modalWidth: width
- readonly property int _modalPadding: padding
+ readonly property int _modalWidth: width
+ readonly property int _modalPadding: padding
function nextPage()
@@ -38,11 +39,10 @@ DefaultModal
- //! Appearance
width: 676
height: columnLayout.height + verticalPadding * 2
- onOpened: stack_layout.opacity = 1
+ onOpened: stackLayout.opacity = 1
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ DefaultModal
NumberAnimation { target: root; property: "opacity"; to: 1; duration: fadeOut.duration }
- Column
+ ColumnLayout
id: columnLayout
spacing: Style.rowSpacing
@@ -62,8 +62,7 @@ DefaultModal
visible: root.count > 1
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
layoutDirection: Qt.RightToLeft
@@ -113,9 +112,9 @@ DefaultModal
// Inside modal
- id: stack_layout
- width: parent.width
- height: stack_layout.children[stack_layout.currentIndex].height
+ id: stackLayout
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.preferredHeight: children[currentIndex].height
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/MultipageModalContent.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/MultipageModalContent.qml
index 83de4fbc1d..fa900230ff 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/MultipageModalContent.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/MultipageModalContent.qml
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
-//! Qt Imports
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-//! Project Imports
import "../Constants"
import App 1.0
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
@@ -12,14 +11,24 @@ ColumnLayout
property alias title: _title
property alias titleText: _title.text
+ property alias subtitle: _subtitle
+ property alias subtitleText: _subtitle.text
property var titleAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft
+ property var subtitleAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft
property int titleTopMargin: 20
property int topMarginAfterTitle: 30
- default property alias content: _innerLayout.data
- property alias footer: _footer.data
+ property alias flickable: modal_flickable
+ property int flickMax: 500
+ property alias header: _header.data
+ default property alias content: _innerLayout.data
+ property alias contentSpacing: _innerLayout.spacing
+ property alias footer: _footer.data
Layout.fillWidth: true
+ visible: true
+ Layout.fillHeight: false
+ Layout.maximumHeight: window.height - 50
@@ -27,23 +36,45 @@ ColumnLayout
Layout.topMargin: root.titleTopMargin
Layout.alignment: root.titleAlignment
font: DexTypo.head6
+ visible: text != ''
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ id: _subtitle
+ Layout.topMargin: 5
+ Layout.alignment: root.subtitleAlignment
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
+ font.pixelSize: 13
+ visible: text != ''
+ }
+ // Header
+ ColumnLayout
+ {
+ id: _header
+ spacing: 10
+ Layout.topMargin: root.topMarginAfterTitle
+ Layout.preferredHeight: childrenRect.height
+ visible: childrenRect.height > 0
+ id: modal_flickable
flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick
Layout.topMargin: root.topMarginAfterTitle
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: contentHeight
- Layout.maximumHeight: window.height - 200
+ Layout.maximumHeight: flickMax
contentHeight: _innerLayout.height
id: _innerLayout
- anchors.centerIn: parent
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter
width: parent.width
@@ -54,5 +85,7 @@ ColumnLayout
id: _footer
Layout.topMargin: Style.rowSpacing
spacing: Style.buttonSpacing
+ height: childrenRect.height
+ visible: childrenRect.height > 0
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/Pagination.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/Pagination.qml
index cacaf7d4c6..7017d7ce82 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/Pagination.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/Pagination.qml
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import "../Constants"
import App 1.0
import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+// TODO: confirm this component no longer in use; delete.
id: control
@@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ RowLayout
currentIndex: options.indexOf(item_count)
onCurrentValueChanged: API.app.orders_mdl.limit_nb_elements = currentValue
mainBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.backgroundColor
- dropdownBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.backgroundColor
+ popupBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.backgroundColor
DefaultText {
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/PairItemBadge.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/PairItemBadge.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a256f6a174
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/PairItemBadge.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+import bignumberjs 1.0
+import "../Constants"
+ id: root
+ property alias ticker: ticker.text
+ property alias fullname: fullname.text
+ property string amount
+ width: 260
+ height: 66
+ radius: 10
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.margins: 15
+ spacing: 8
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
+ DefaultImage
+ {
+ id: icon
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 35
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 35
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ source: General.coinIcon(root.ticker)
+ }
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
+ ColumnLayout
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ spacing: 5
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ id: ticker
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ font.pixelSize: 11
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
+ wrapMode: Text.NoWrap
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ font.pixelSize: 11
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
+ wrapMode: Text.NoWrap
+ text:
+ {
+ BigNumber.config({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 6 })
+ return new BigNumber(root.amount).toString(10)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
+ ColumnLayout
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ spacing: 5
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ id: fullname
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
+ font.pixelSize: 11
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ id: amount_fiat
+ visible: text != ''
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ font.pixelSize: 11
+ wrapMode: Text.NoWrap
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
+ elide: Text.ElideRight
+ }
+ }
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/PasswordField.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/PasswordField.qml
index a1cc503c18..163d44ac01 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/PasswordField.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/PasswordField.qml
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import App 1.0
ColumnLayout {
property alias title: pw.title
property alias field: pw.field
+ property int max_pw_len: General.max_std_pw_length
property bool hide_hint: false
property bool new_password: true
property string match_password
@@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ ColumnLayout {
title: qsTr("Password")
field.placeholderText: qsTr("Enter your wallet password")
field.validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: General.reg_pass_input }
+ max_length: max_pw_len
ColumnLayout {
@@ -92,7 +94,7 @@ ColumnLayout {
DefaultText {
font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall3
- text_value: hintPrefix(hasEnoughCharacters()) + qsTr("At least %n character(s)", "", high_security ? 16 : 1)
+ text_value: hintPrefix(hasEnoughCharacters()) + qsTr("Between %1 and %2 character(s)").arg(high_security ? 16 : 1).arg(max_pw_len)
color: hintColor(hasEnoughCharacters())
DefaultText {
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/PopupManager.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/PopupManager.qml
index 07325403e2..8d2a3d7f66 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/PopupManager.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/PopupManager.qml
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
import App 1.0
import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+import "../Constants"
@@ -11,7 +12,7 @@ Popup
id: dialog
width: 420
- height: _insideColumn.height > dialog.height ? _insideColumn.height + 82 : dialog.height
+ height: _insideColumn.height > dialog.height ? _insideColumn.height + 82 : dialog.height
dim: true
modal: true
anchors.centerIn: Overlay.overlay
@@ -54,11 +55,13 @@ Popup
property int standardButtons: Dialog.NoButton
property string yesButtonText: ""
property string cancelButtonText: ""
+ property bool showCancelBtn: true
property bool getText: false
property bool isPassword: false
property bool centerAlign: false
property color backgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.backgroundColor
property bool titleBold: false
+ property bool forceFocus: false
property bool enableAcceptButton: validator === undefined ? true : validator(_insideField.field.text)
background: Qaterial.ClipRRect
@@ -158,18 +161,23 @@ Popup
field.font: DexTypo.body2
placeholderText: dialog.placeholderText
field.placeholderText: ""
+ field.forceFocus: forceFocus
+ max_length: dialog.isPassword ? General.max_std_pw_length : 40
field.rightPadding: dialog.isPassword ? 55 : 20
field.leftPadding: dialog.isPassword ? 70 : 20
field.echoMode: dialog.isPassword ? TextField.Password : TextField.Normal
- if (validator(field.text))
+ if (validator)
- dialog.enableAcceptButton = true
- }
- else {
- dialog.enableAcceptButton = false
+ if (validator(field.text))
+ {
+ dialog.enableAcceptButton = true
+ }
+ else {
+ dialog.enableAcceptButton = false
+ }
@@ -249,6 +257,7 @@ Popup
id: cancelBtn
+ visible: showCancelBtn
text: dialog.cancelButtonText !== "" ? dialog.cancelButtonText : "Cancel"
height: 40
leftPadding: 20
@@ -268,7 +277,7 @@ Popup
text: dialog.yesButtonText !== "" ? dialog.yesButtonText : "Yes"
height: 40
- width: cancelBtn.width
+ width: showCancelBtn ? cancelBtn.width : 90
leftPadding: 20
rightPadding: 20
radius: 18
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/RestartModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/RestartModal.qml
index c2cef491be..b5907d7a55 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/RestartModal.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/RestartModal.qml
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ MultipageModal
console.log("Restarting the application...")
- API.app.restart()
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/RoundComboBox.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/RoundComboBox.qml
index a02dff4561..247073ec5b 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/RoundComboBox.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/RoundComboBox.qml
@@ -10,33 +10,25 @@ import "../Constants"
import App 1.0
import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+// TODO: Confirm not in use; delete
id: control
property alias radius: bg_rect.radius
- property color lineHoverColor: DexTheme.hoverColor
+ readonly property bool disabled: !enabled
+ property int dropDownMaxHeight: 450
property color mainBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor
- property int dropDownMaxHeight: 300
- property color dropdownBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor
+ property color popupBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor
+ property color highlightedBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxDropdownItemHighlightedColor
+ property string mainLineText: control.displayText
var dropdownLineText: m => textRole === "" ?
m.modelData :
!m.modelData ? m[textRole] : m.modelData[textRole]
- property string mainLineText: control.displayText
- readonly property bool disabled: !enabled
font.family: Style.font_family
- Behavior on lineHoverColor
- {
- ColorAnimation
- {
- duration: Style.animationDuration
- }
- }
hoverEnabled: true
// Main, selected text
@@ -53,7 +45,6 @@ ComboBox
// Main background
background: FloatingBackground
@@ -108,7 +99,7 @@ ComboBox
background: Rectangle
radius: control.radius
- color: control.dropdownBackgroundColor
+ color: control.popupBackgroundColor
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/ScrollBarHorizontal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/ScrollBarHorizontal.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b4644cd62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/ScrollBarHorizontal.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
+import App 1.0
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+ id: control
+ anchors.bottom: root.bottom
+ anchors.bottomMargin: 0
+ policy: scrollbar_visible ? ScrollBar.AlwaysOn : ScrollBar.AlwaysOff
+ property bool visibleBackground: true
+ width: 6
+ contentItem: Item
+ {
+ DefaultRectangle
+ {
+ width: parent.width
+ height: parent.height
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.scrollBarIndicatorColor
+ }
+ }
+ background: Item
+ {
+ width: 6
+ x: 0
+ DefaultRectangle
+ {
+ visible: control.visibleBackground
+ width: parent.width
+ height: parent.height
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.scrollBarBackgroundColor
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/SearchField.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/SearchField.qml
index f4ede557a0..1c18a39086 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/SearchField.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/SearchField.qml
@@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
+import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
import "../Constants"
import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
property int searchIconLeftMargin: 13
- property bool forceFocus: false
+ property var searchModel: API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.all_proxy
property alias searchIcon: _searchIcon
property alias textField: _textField
+ property alias forceFocus: _textField.forceFocus
color: Dex.CurrentTheme.accentColor
radius: 18
@@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ Rectangle
source: General.image_path + "exchange-search.svg"
- DefaultColorOverlay
+ DexColorOverlay
anchors.fill: parent
source: parent
@@ -35,24 +37,50 @@ Rectangle
- TextField
+ DefaultTextField
id: _textField
anchors.left: _searchIcon.right
- anchors.verticalCenter: _searchIcon.verticalCenter
- anchors.verticalCenterOffset: 1
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
width: parent.width - x - 5
height: parent.height
background: null
+ font.pixelSize: 14
placeholderText: qsTr("Search")
placeholderTextColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.textPlaceholderColor
- font.pixelSize: 14
- Component.onCompleted:
+ onTextChanged: searchModel.setFilterFixedString(_textField.text)
+ Component.onDestruction: searchModel.setFilterFixedString("")
+ }
+ DefaultRectangle
+ {
+ id: _clearIcon
+ visible: _textField.text != ""
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ anchors.rightMargin: searchIconLeftMargin
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ color: mouseArea.containsMouse ? Dex.CurrentTheme.buttonColorHovered : "transparent"
+ width: 20
+ height: 20
+ Qaterial.ColorIcon
- if (forceFocus) _textField.forceActiveFocus()
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ iconSize: 12
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.textPlaceholderColor
+ source: Qaterial.Icons.close
+ }
+ DefaultMouseArea
+ {
+ id: mouseArea
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ onClicked: _textField.text = ""
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/SwapIcon.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/SwapIcon.qml
index d193b13f66..9fcfdfba11 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/SwapIcon.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/SwapIcon.qml
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ Item
property string top_arrow_ticker
property string bottom_arrow_ticker
property bool hovered: false
+ property color color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
implicitWidth: 20
implicitHeight: 50
@@ -19,6 +20,6 @@ Item
anchors.centerIn: parent
source: Qaterial.Icons.swapHorizontal
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ color: root.color
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/TextAreaWithTitle.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/TextAreaWithTitle.qml
index 9757c9ce6f..38d85520e8 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/TextAreaWithTitle.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/TextAreaWithTitle.qml
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ ColumnLayout
property alias field: input_field
property alias save_button: save_button
property alias hide_button: hide_button
- property alias hide_button_area: hide_button.mouse_area
+ property alias hide_button_area: hide_button.mouseArea
property bool copyable: false
property bool hidable: false
property var onReturn // function
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ ColumnLayout
icon: Qaterial.Icons.contentCopy
color: copyArea.containsMouse ? Dex.CurrentTheme.accentColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
- DefaultMouseArea
+ DexMouseArea
id: copyArea
anchors.fill: parent
@@ -76,13 +76,14 @@ ColumnLayout
color: Dex.CurrentTheme.accentColor
opacity: .7
radius: 8
- border.color: input_field.focus ? Dex.CurrentTheme.accentColor : DexTheme.rectangleBorderColor
+ border.color: input_field.focus ? Dex.CurrentTheme.accentColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.backgroundColor
border.width: input_field.focus ? 2 : 0
HideFieldButton {
id: hide_button
DexAppButton {
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
id: save_button
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/TextEditWithCopy.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/TextEditWithCopy.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..859be3bc4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/TextEditWithCopy.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+import "../Constants"
+import "../Components"
+import App 1.0
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+import Dex.Components 1.0 as Dex
+ id: control
+ property string text_value: ""
+ property int font_size: Style.textSize
+ property int text_box_width: 500
+ property bool privacy: false
+ property bool align_left: false
+ property string linkURL: ""
+ property string onCopyNotificationTitle: ""
+ property string onCopyNotificationMsg: qsTr("copied to clipboard")
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: !align_left }
+ Dex.Rectangle
+ {
+ width: text_box_width
+ height: 30
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.buttonColorEnabled
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ spacing: 4
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: !align_left ? parent.horizontalCenter : undefined
+ Item { width: 6 }
+ TextEdit
+ {
+ font.family: Style.font_family
+ font.pixelSize: font_size
+ text: privacy && General.privacy_mode ? General.privacy_text : text_value
+ wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
+ selectByMouse: true
+ readOnly: true
+ selectedTextColor: DexTheme.textSelectedColor
+ selectionColor: DexTheme.textSelectionColor
+ color: DexTheme.foregroundColor
+ }
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
+ DefaultCopyIcon
+ {
+ id: copy_icon
+ visible: control.onCopyNotificationTitle !== ""
+ copyText: control.text_value
+ notifyTitle: control.onCopyNotificationTitle
+ notifyMsg: control.onCopyNotificationMsg
+ iconSize: font_size
+ }
+ DefaultLinkIcon
+ {
+ visible: control.linkURL !== ""
+ linkURL: control.linkURL
+ iconSize: font_size
+ }
+ Item { width: 6 }
+ }
+ DefaultMouseArea
+ {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ cursorShape: parent.hoveredLink ? Qt.PointingHandCursor : Qt.ArrowCursor
+ acceptedButtons: Qt.NoButton
+ }
+ }
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/TextEditWithTitle.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/TextEditWithTitle.qml
index 521bba7526..93a0eba3c6 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/TextEditWithTitle.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/TextEditWithTitle.qml
@@ -11,12 +11,14 @@ ComponentWithTitle
id: control
- property alias label: text
- property alias text: text.text_value
- property alias value_color: text.color
- property alias privacy: text.privacy
+ property alias label: _text
+ property alias text: _text.text_value
+ property alias value_color: _text.color
+ property alias privacy: _text.privacy
property bool copy: false
- property string onCopyNotificationTitle: qsTr("Swap ID")
+ property bool monospace: false
+ property string linkURL: ""
+ property string onCopyNotificationTitle: ""
property string onCopyNotificationMsg: qsTr("copied to clipboard")
@@ -25,39 +27,38 @@ ComponentWithTitle
- id: text
+ id: _text
width: implicitWidth > parent.width * 0.9 ? parent.width * 0.9 : implicitWidth
clip: true
textFormat: TextEdit.AutoText
opacity: show_content ? 1 : 0
- wrapMode: Text.WrapAnywhere
+ wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
+ monospace: control.monospace
+ rightPadding: 5
Behavior on opacity { SmoothedAnimation { duration: expand_animation.duration; velocity: -1 } }
Behavior on Layout.preferredHeight { SmoothedAnimation { id: expand_animation; duration: Constants.Style.animationDuration * 2; velocity: -1 } }
- Qaterial.Icon
+ DefaultCopyIcon
- visible: control.copy
- width: parent.width * 0.1
- size: 16
- icon: Qaterial.Icons.contentCopy
- color: copyArea.containsMouse ? Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2 : Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
- DefaultMouseArea
- {
- id: copyArea
- anchors.fill: parent
- hoverEnabled: true
- onClicked:
- {
- Qaterial.Clipboard.text = control.text
- app.notifyCopy(onCopyNotificationTitle, onCopyNotificationMsg)
- }
- }
+ id: copyIcon
+ visible: control.onCopyNotificationTitle !== ""
+ copyText: control.text
+ notifyTitle: control.onCopyNotificationTitle
+ notifyMsg: control.onCopyNotificationMsg
+ iconSize: 14
+ DefaultLinkIcon
+ {
+ visible: control.linkURL !== ""
+ linkURL: control.linkURL
+ x: copyIcon.visible ? _text.width + 18 : _text.width + 28
+ iconSize: 14
+ }
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/TextFieldWithTitle.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/TextFieldWithTitle.qml
index ebaf73ff59..e0bd8aae3f 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/TextFieldWithTitle.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/TextFieldWithTitle.qml
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
id: control
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
property bool copyable: false
property bool hidable: false
@@ -17,8 +19,10 @@ ColumnLayout
property alias title: title_text.text
property alias field: input_field
+ property alias max_length: input_field.maximumLength
property alias hide_button: hide_button
- property alias hide_button_area: hide_button.mouse_area
+ property alias hide_button_area: hide_button.mouseArea
// Local
function reset()
@@ -38,7 +42,7 @@ ColumnLayout
visible: text !== ''
- DexLabel
+ DefaultText
visible: required && input_field.text === ''
font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall2
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/TextWithTitle.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/TextWithTitle.qml
index 36ceaa778a..48b5ddc8cc 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/TextWithTitle.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/TextWithTitle.qml
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import App 1.0
ComponentWithTitle {
property alias text: text.text_value
+ property alias text_font: text.font
property alias value_color: text.color
property alias privacy: text.privacy
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/TransactionArrow.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/TransactionArrow.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..edf58a44ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/TransactionArrow.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+// Project Imports
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex //> CurrentTheme
+ id: root
+ property alias amISender: root.up
+ color: !amISender ? Dex.CurrentTheme.senderColorStart : Dex.CurrentTheme.receiverColorStart
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/UserIcon.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/UserIcon.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d557228cc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/UserIcon.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// 3rdParty Imports
+import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial //> ColorIcon
+// Project Imports
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex //> CurrentTheme
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.userIconColorStart
+ source: Qaterial.Icons.account
+ iconSize: 28
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/WalletNameField.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/WalletNameField.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 58c6095598..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/WalletNameField.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-TextFieldWithTitle {
- id: input_wallet_name
- title: qsTr("Wallet Name")
- field.placeholderText: qsTr("Enter the name of your wallet here")
- field.validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[a-zA-Z0-9]+/ }
- required: true
- function reset() { field.text = '' }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/Widget.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/Widget.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b6c01c908
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/Widget.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
+import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+import "../Constants"
+ id: root
+ property string title: "Widget"
+ property bool collapsable: true
+ property bool collapsed: false
+ property bool resizable: true
+ property alias header: headerLoader.sourceComponent
+ property alias background: backgroundLoader.sourceComponent
+ property int margins: 10
+ property int spacing: 10
+ property int contentSpacing: 10
+ property int collapsedHeight: 70
+ property int minHeight: collapsedHeight
+ property int maxHeight: -1
+ property int _previousHeight
+ default property alias contentData: content.data
+ function isCollapsed() { return collapsed }
+ clip: true
+ // Background
+ Loader
+ {
+ id: backgroundLoader
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ sourceComponent: defaultBackground
+ }
+ // Header + Content
+ Column
+ {
+ id: column
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.margins: root.margins
+ spacing: root.spacing
+ // Header
+ Loader
+ {
+ id: headerLoader
+ sourceComponent: defaultHeader
+ width: parent.width
+ }
+ // Content
+ ColumnLayout
+ {
+ id: content
+ visible: !root.collapsed
+ width: parent.width
+ height: parent.height - y
+ spacing: root.contentSpacing
+ }
+ }
+ // Resize area
+ MouseArea
+ {
+ enabled: resizable && !collapsed
+ visible: enabled
+ anchors.bottom: root.bottom
+ width: root.width
+ height: 5
+ cursorShape: Qt.SizeVerCursor
+ onMouseYChanged:
+ {
+ if (root.parent.objectName === "widgetContainer")
+ {
+ if (root.parent.availableHeight === 0 && mouseY > 0)
+ return
+ if (root.parent.availableHeight && root.parent.availableHeight < mouseY)
+ root.height += root.parent.availableHeight
+ else
+ root.height += mouseY
+ }
+ if (root.maxHeight >= 0 && root.height > root.maxHeight)
+ root.height = root.maxHeight
+ else if (root.minHeight >= 0 && root.height < root.minHeight)
+ root.height = root.minHeight
+ }
+ }
+ // Header Component
+ Component
+ {
+ id: defaultHeader
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ DefaultText { text: root.title; font: DexTypo.subtitle1 }
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
+ Qaterial.Icon
+ {
+ visible: root.collapsable
+ width: 20
+ height: 20
+ color: collapseButMouseArea.containsMouse ? Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2 : Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ icon: root.collapsed ? Qaterial.Icons.chevronUp : Qaterial.Icons.chevronDown
+ DefaultMouseArea
+ {
+ id: collapseButMouseArea
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ let oldHeight = root.height
+ root.collapsed = !root.collapsed
+ if (root.collapsed)
+ {
+ root._previousHeight = root.height
+ root.height = root.collapsedHeight
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (root.parent.objectName === "widgetContainer" && root.parent.availableHeight < root._previousHeight)
+ {
+ if (root.height + root.parent.availableHeight < minHeight)
+ {
+ root.parent.resetSizes()
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ root.height += root.parent.availableHeight
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ root.height = root._previousHeight
+ }
+ root._previousHeight = root.collapsedHeight
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Background Component
+ Component
+ {
+ id: defaultBackground
+ Rectangle
+ {
+ radius: 10
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/WidgetContainer.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/WidgetContainer.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98326b427f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/WidgetContainer.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import QtQuick 2.12
+ readonly property string componentName: "widgetContainer"
+ readonly property int availableHeight: height - (childrenRect.height + (children.length - 1) * spacing)
+ function getHeight(ratio)
+ {
+ return (height - (children.length - 1) * spacing) * ratio
+ }
+ function resetSizes()
+ {
+ for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
+ {
+ let child = children[i]
+ child.height = child.minHeight
+ }
+ }
+ spacing: 4
+ objectName: componentName
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/ZcashParamsModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/ZcashParamsModal.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c32d414c4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/ZcashParamsModal.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+// Qt Imports
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
+// Project Imports
+import "../Constants" as Dex
+import "../Components" as Dex
+import App 1.0
+ id: root
+ readonly property var coins: API.app.zcash_params.get_enable_after_download()
+ width: 750
+ closePolicy: Popup.NoAutoClose
+ // Inside modal
+ Dex.MultipageModalContent
+ {
+ titleText: qsTr("%1 Activation Failed!").arg(coins.join(' / '))
+ Dex.DefaultText
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ text: qsTr("To activate ZHTLC coins, you need to download the Zcash Params.\nThis might take a few minutes...")
+ }
+ HorizontalLine
+ {
+ Layout.topMargin: 8
+ Layout.bottomMargin: 8
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ }
+ ColumnLayout
+ {
+ Dex.DefaultProgressBar
+ {
+ id: sapling_output_params
+ label.text: "sapling-output.params"
+ bar_width_pct: 0
+ pct_value.text: "0.00 %"
+ }
+ Dex.DefaultProgressBar
+ {
+ id: sapling_spend_params
+ label.text: "sapling-spend.params"
+ bar_width_pct: 0
+ pct_value.text: "0.00 %"
+ }
+ }
+ HorizontalLine
+ {
+ Layout.topMargin: 8
+ Layout.bottomMargin: 8
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ }
+ footer:
+ [
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true },
+ Dex.DefaultButton
+ {
+ id: download_button
+ text: qsTr("Download params & enable coins")
+ enabled: !sapling_output_params.bar_width_pct > 0 || !sapling_spend_params.bar_width_pct > 0
+ onClicked: {
+ download_button.enabled = false
+ Dex.API.app.zcash_params.download_zcash_params()
+ }
+ },
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true },
+ Dex.DefaultButton
+ {
+ text: qsTr("More Info")
+ onClicked: Qt.openUrlExternally("https://www.coinbureau.com/education/zcash-ceremony/")
+ },
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true },
+ Dex.DefaultButton
+ {
+ text: qsTr("Close")
+ onClicked: close()
+ },
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
+ ]
+ Connections
+ {
+ target: Dex.API.app.zcash_params
+ // todo: can be improved.
+ // put it maybe in the backend ?
+ function onCombinedDownloadStatusChanged()
+ {
+ let combined_progress = 0
+ let data = JSON.parse(Dex.API.app.zcash_params.get_combined_download_progress())
+ for (let k in data)
+ {
+ let v = data[k];
+ let pct = Dex.General.formatDouble(v * 100, 2)
+ combined_progress += parseFloat(v)/Object.keys(data).length
+ switch(k)
+ {
+ case "sapling-output.params":
+ sapling_output_params.bar_width_pct = pct
+ sapling_output_params.pct_value.text = pct + "%"
+ break
+ case "sapling-spend.params":
+ sapling_spend_params.bar_width_pct = pct
+ sapling_spend_params.pct_value.text = pct + "%"
+ break
+ }
+ console.log(combined_progress)
+ if (combined_progress == 1)
+ {
+ console.log("closing")
+ root.close()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/qmldir b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/qmldir
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc894bd813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Components/qmldir
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+module Dex.Components
+Button 1.0 DefaultButton.qml
+ComboBox 1.0 DefaultComboBox.qml
+ComboBoxWithSearchBar 1.0 ComboBoxWithSearchBar.qml
+ClickableText 1.0 ClickableText.qml
+ElidableText 1.0 ElidableText.qml
+GradientButton 1.0 GradientButton.qml
+Image 1.0 DefaultImage.qml
+ListView 1.0 DefaultListView.qml
+MouseArea 1.0 DefaultMouseArea.qml
+MultipageModal 1.0 MultipageModal.qml
+MultipageModalContent 1.0 MultipageModalContent.qml
+Popup 1.0 DefaultPopup.qml
+Rectangle 1.0 DefaultRectangle.qml
+ScrollView 1.0 DefaultScrollView.qml
+SearchField 1.0 SearchField.qml
+Text 1.0 DefaultText.qml
+TextField 1.0 DefaultTextField.qml
+TextFieldWithTitle 1.0 TextFieldWithTitle.qml
+ToolTip 1.0 DefaultTooltip.qml
+UserIcon 1.0 UserIcon.qml
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Constants/DexTheme.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Constants/DexTheme.qml
index 60676c431c..4104684b0b 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Constants/DexTheme.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Constants/DexTheme.qml
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ QtObject {
property bool portfolioPieGradient: false
- property color arrowUpColor: redColor
- property color arrowDownColor: greenColor
+ property color senderColorStart: redColor
+ property color receiverColorStart: greenColor
@@ -143,6 +143,8 @@ QtObject {
property color lineChartColor: accentColor
property color chartGridLineColor: Qt.rgba(255,255,255,0.4)
+ property color busyIndicatorColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.busyIndicatorColor
// Button
property color buttonColorDisabled: Dex.CurrentTheme.buttonColorDisabled
property color buttonColorHovered: Dex.CurrentTheme.buttonColorHovered
@@ -216,15 +218,6 @@ QtObject {
readonly property int animationDuration: 125
- readonly property int textSizeVerySmall1: 1
- readonly property int textSizeVerySmall2: 2
- readonly property int textSizeVerySmall3: 3
- readonly property int textSizeVerySmall4: 4
- readonly property int textSizeVerySmall5: 5
- readonly property int textSizeVerySmall6: 6
- readonly property int textSizeVerySmall7: 7
- readonly property int textSizeVerySmall8: 8
- readonly property int textSizeVerySmall9: 9
readonly property int textSizeSmall: 10
readonly property int textSizeSmall1: 11
readonly property int textSizeSmall2: 12
@@ -322,10 +315,6 @@ QtObject {
readonly property string colorRectangle: dark_theme ? colorTheme7 : colorTheme7
readonly property string colorInnerBackground: dark_theme ? colorTheme7 : colorTheme7
- readonly property string colorGradient1: dark_theme ? colorTheme9 : colorTheme9
- readonly property string colorGradient2: dark_theme ? colorTheme5 : colorTheme5
- readonly property string colorGradient3: dark_theme ? "#24283D" : "#24283D"
- readonly property string colorGradient4: dark_theme ? "#0D0F21" : "#0D0F21"
readonly property string colorDropShadowLight: dark_theme ? "#216975a4" : "#21FFFFFF"
readonly property string colorDropShadowLight2: dark_theme ? "#606975a4" : "#60FFFFFF"
readonly property string colorDropShadowDark: dark_theme ? "#FF050615" : "#BECDE2"
@@ -354,59 +343,18 @@ QtObject {
readonly property string colorRectangleBorderGradient1: dark_theme ? "#2A2F48" : "#DDDDDD"
readonly property string colorRectangleBorderGradient2: dark_theme ? "#0D1021" : "#EFEFEF"
- readonly property string colorChartText: dark_theme ? "#405366" : "#B5B9C1"
- readonly property string colorChartLegendLine: dark_theme ? "#3F5265" : "#BDC0C8"
- readonly property string colorChartGrid: dark_theme ? "#202333" : "#E6E8ED"
- readonly property string colorChartLineText: dark_theme ? "#405366" : "#FFFFFF"
- readonly property string colorChartMA1: dark_theme ? "#5BC6FA" : "#5BC6FA"
- readonly property string colorChartMA2: dark_theme ? "#F1D17F" : "#F1D17F"
readonly property string colorLineBasic: dark_theme ? "#303344" : "#303344"
- readonly property string colorBusyIndicator: dark_theme ? "#405ff9" : "#405ff9"
readonly property string colorText: dark_theme ? Style.colorWhite1 : "#405366"
readonly property string colorText2: dark_theme ? "#79808C" : "#3C5368"
readonly property string colorTextDisabled: dark_theme ? Style.colorWhite8 : "#B5B9C1"
- readonly property var colorButtonDisabled: ({
- "default": Style.colorTheme9,
- "primary": Style.colorGreen3,
- "danger": Style.colorRed3
- })
- readonly property var colorButtonHovered: ({
- "default": Style.colorTheme6,
- "primary": Style.colorGreen,
- "danger": Style.colorRed
- })
- readonly property var colorButtonEnabled: ({
- "default": Style.colorRectangle,
- "primary": Style.colorGreen2,
- "danger": Style.colorRed2
- })
- readonly property var colorButtonTextDisabled: ({
- "default": Style.colorWhite8,
- "primary": Style.colorWhite13,
- "danger": Style.colorWhite13
- })
- readonly property var colorButtonTextHovered: ({
- "default": Style.colorText,
- "primary": Style.colorWhite11,
- "danger": Style.colorWhite11
- })
- readonly property var colorButtonTextEnabled: ({
- "default": Style.colorText,
- "primary": Style.colorWhite11,
- "danger": Style.colorWhite11
- })
readonly property string colorPlaceholderText: Style.colorWhite9
readonly property string colorSelectedText: Style.colorTheme9
readonly property string colorSelection: Style.colorGreen2
readonly property string colorTrendingLine: dark_theme ? Style.colorGreen : "#37a6ef"
- readonly property string colorTrendingUnderLine: dark_theme ? Style.colorGradient3 : "#e3f2fd"
- readonly property string modalValueColor: colorWhite4
function getValueColor(v) {
v = parseFloat(v)
@@ -530,6 +478,7 @@ QtObject {
"YFI": "#006BE6",
"ZRX": "#302C2C",
- "UNI": "#FF007A"
+ "UNI": "#FF007A",
+ "RUNES": "#336699"
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Constants/DexTypo.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Constants/DexTypo.qml
index 8a05b475d7..55f4e4c55e 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Constants/DexTypo.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Constants/DexTypo.qml
@@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ import App 1.0 as App
QtObject {
id: _font
property real fontDensity: 1.0
property real languageDensity: {
switch (App.API.app.settings_pg.lang) {
case "en":
@@ -24,6 +26,7 @@ QtObject {
property string fontFamily: "Ubuntu"
property font head1: Qt.font({
pixelSize: 96 * fontDensity,
letterSpacing: -1.5,
@@ -66,6 +69,12 @@ QtObject {
family: fontFamily,
weight: Font.Medium
+ property font head8: Qt.font({
+ pixelSize: 16 * fontDensity,
+ letterSpacing: 0.15,
+ family: fontFamily,
+ weight: Font.Medium
+ })
property font subtitle1: Qt.font({
pixelSize: 16 * fontDensity,
letterSpacing: 0.15,
@@ -90,6 +99,25 @@ QtObject {
family: fontFamily,
weight: Font.Normal
+ property font body3: Qt.font({
+ pixelSize: 12 * fontDensity,
+ letterSpacing: 0.25,
+ family: fontFamily,
+ weight: Font.Normal
+ })
+ property font body4: Qt.font({
+ pixelSize: 11 * fontDensity,
+ letterSpacing: 0.2,
+ family: fontFamily,
+ weight: Font.Normal
+ })
+ property font underline14: Qt.font({
+ pixelSize: 14 * fontDensity,
+ letterSpacing: 0.25,
+ family: fontFamily,
+ weight: Font.Normal,
+ underline: true
+ })
property font button: Qt.font({
pixelSize: 16 * fontDensity,
letterSpacing: 1.25,
@@ -109,10 +137,22 @@ QtObject {
family: fontFamily,
weight: Font.Normal
+ property font subtitle3: Qt.font({
+ pixelSize: 16 * fontDensity,
+ letterSpacing: 0.1,
+ family: fontFamily,
+ weight: 500
+ })
property font monoSpace: Qt.font({
pixelSize: 14 * fontDensity,
letterSpacing: 0,
family: "Courier",
weight: Font.Normal
+ property font monoSmall: Qt.font({
+ pixelSize: 14 * fontDensity,
+ letterSpacing: 0.4,
+ family: "Courier",
+ weight: Font.Normal
+ })
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Constants/General.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Constants/General.qml
index 81f13ef72d..f0d737d380 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Constants/General.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Constants/General.qml
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ QtObject {
readonly property int height: 800
readonly property int minimumWidth: 1280
readonly property int minimumHeight: 800
+ readonly property int max_camo_pw_length: 256
+ readonly property int max_std_pw_length: 256
+ readonly property int max_pw_length: max_std_pw_length + max_camo_pw_length
readonly property double delta_time: 1000/60
readonly property string os_file_prefix: Qt.platform.os == "windows" ? "file:///" : "file://"
@@ -17,11 +20,16 @@ QtObject {
readonly property string custom_coin_icons_path: os_file_prefix + API.app.settings_pg.get_custom_coins_icons_path() + "/"
readonly property string providerIconsPath: image_path + "providers/"
- function coinIcon(ticker) {
- if(ticker === "" || ticker === "All" || ticker===undefined) {
+ function coinIcon(ticker)
+ {
+ if (ticker === "" || ticker === "All" || ticker===undefined)
+ {
return ""
- } else {
- if (['THC-BEP20'].indexOf(ticker) >= 0) {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (['THC-BEP20'].indexOf(ticker) >= 0)
+ {
return coin_icons_path + ticker.toString().toLowerCase().replace('-', '_') + ".png"
const coin_info = API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_coin_info(ticker)
@@ -38,6 +46,80 @@ QtObject {
+ function canSend(ticker, progress=100)
+ {
+ if (!API.app.wallet_pg.send_available) return false
+ if (isZhtlc(ticker) && progress < 100) return false
+ return true
+ }
+ function isWalletOnly(ticker)
+ {
+ return API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_coin_info(ticker).is_wallet_only
+ }
+ function isZhtlc(ticker)
+ {
+ const coin_info = API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_coin_info(ticker)
+ return coin_info.is_zhtlc_family
+ }
+ function isZhtlcReady(ticker)
+ {
+ if (!isZhtlc(ticker)) return true
+ let activation_status = API.app.get_zhtlc_status(ticker)
+ let progress = zhtlcActivationProgress(activation_status, ticker)
+ if (progress == 100) return true
+ return false
+ }
+ function zhtlcActivationProgress(activation_status, coin='ARRR')
+ {
+ let progress = 100
+ if (!activation_status.hasOwnProperty("result")) return progress
+ let status = activation_status.result.status
+ let details = activation_status.result.details
+ let block_offset = 0
+ if (coin == 'ARRR') block_offset = 1900000
+ // use range from checkpoint block to present
+ if (status == "Ready")
+ {
+ if (details.hasOwnProperty("error"))
+ console.log("[zhtlcActivationProgress] Error enabling: " + JSON.stringify(details.error))
+ }
+ else if (status == "InProgress")
+ {
+ if (details.hasOwnProperty("UpdatingBlocksCache"))
+ {
+ let n = details.UpdatingBlocksCache.current_scanned_block - block_offset
+ let d = details.UpdatingBlocksCache.latest_block - block_offset
+ progress = 5 + parseInt(n/d*15)
+ }
+ else if (details.hasOwnProperty("BuildingWalletDb"))
+ {
+ let n = details.BuildingWalletDb.current_scanned_block - block_offset
+ let d = details.BuildingWalletDb.latest_block - block_offset
+ progress = 20 + parseInt(n/d*80)
+ }
+ else if (details.hasOwnProperty("RequestingBalance")) progress = 98
+ else progress = 5
+ }
+ else console.log("[zhtlcActivationProgress] Unexpected status: " + status)
+ return progress
+ }
+ function getNomicsId(ticker) {
+ if(ticker === "" || ticker === "All" || ticker===undefined) {
+ return ""
+ } else {
+ const nomics_id = API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_coin_info(ticker).nomics_id
+ if (nomics_id == 'test-coin') return ""
+ return nomics_id
+ }
+ }
function coinContractAddress(ticker) {
var cfg = API.app.trading_pg.get_raw_mm2_coin_cfg(ticker)
if (cfg.hasOwnProperty('protocol')) {
@@ -102,6 +184,39 @@ QtObject {
+ function getProtocolText(ticker) {
+ if(ticker === "" || ticker === "All" || ticker===undefined) {
+ return ""
+ } else {
+ let token_platform = coinPlatform(ticker)
+ switch(token_platform) {
+ case "BNB":
+ return "Binance Smart Chain (BEP20 token)"
+ case "FTM":
+ return "Fantom (FTM20 token)"
+ case "ONE":
+ return "Harmony (HRC20 token)"
+ case "ETH":
+ return "Ethereum (ERC20 token)"
+ case "KCS":
+ return "KuCoin (KRC20 token)"
+ case "MATIC":
+ return "Polygon (PLG20 token)"
+ case "AVAX":
+ return "Avalanche (AVX20 token)"
+ case "HT":
+ return "Heco Chain (HCO20 token)"
+ case "MOVR":
+ return "Moonriver (MVR20 token)"
+ case "QTUM":
+ return "QTUM (QRC20 token)"
+ default:
+ return ticker + " (" + token_platform + ")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
function isIDO(ticker) {
let IDO_chains = []
return IDO_chains.includes(ticker)
@@ -236,6 +351,19 @@ QtObject {
return obj
+ function getCustomFeeType(ticker_infos)
+ {
+ if (["SLP", "ZHTLC", "Moonbeam", "QRC-20"].includes(ticker_infos.type)) return ""
+ if (!General.isSpecialToken(ticker_infos) && !General.isParentCoin(ticker_infos.ticker) || ["KMD"].includes(ticker_infos.ticker))
+ {
+ return "UTXO"
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return "Gas"
+ }
+ }
function getFeesDetail(fees) {
return [
{"label": qsTr("Taker tx fee: "), "fee": fees.base_transaction_fees, "ticker": fees.base_transaction_fees_ticker},
@@ -246,16 +374,30 @@ QtObject {
function getFeesDetailText(feetype, amount, ticker) {
- return qsTr("%1 %2 %3 (%4)"
- ).arg(
- feetype
- ).arg(
- formatDouble(amount, 8, false)
- ).arg(
- ticker
- ).arg(
- General.getFiatText(amount, ticker, false)
- )
+ if ([feetype, amount, ticker].includes(undefined)) return ""
+ let fiat_text = General.getFiatText(amount, ticker, false)
+ amount = formatDouble(amount, 8, false).toString()
+ return feetype + " " + amount + " " + ticker + " (" + fiat_text + ")"
+ }
+ function getSimpleFromPlaceholder(selectedTicker, selectedOrder, sell_ticker_balance) {
+ if (sell_ticker_balance == 0)
+ {
+ return qsTr("%1 balance is zero").arg(selectedTicker)
+ }
+ if (!isZhtlcReady(selectedTicker))
+ {
+ return qsTr("Activating %1 (%2%)").arg(atomic_qt_utilities.retrieve_main_ticker(selectedTicker)).arg(progress)
+ }
+ if (API.app.trading_pg.max_volume == 0)
+ {
+ return qsTr("Loading wallet...")
+ }
+ if (typeof selectedOrder !== 'undefined')
+ {
+ return qsTr("Min: %1").arg(API.app.trading_pg.min_trade_vol)
+ }
+ return qsTr("Enter an amount")
function arrayExclude(arr, excl) {
@@ -277,18 +419,41 @@ QtObject {
return JSON.stringify(j_obj, null, 4)
- function viewTxAtExplorer(ticker, id, add_0x=true) {
- if(id !== '') {
+ function addressTxUri(coin_info) {
+ if (coin_info.tx_uri == "") return "address/"
+ return coin_info.address_uri
+ }
+ function getTxUri(coin_info) {
+ if (coin_info.tx_uri == "") return "tx/"
+ return coin_info.tx_uri
+ }
+ function getTxExplorerURL(ticker, txid, add_0x=true) {
+ if(txid !== '') {
const coin_info = API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_coin_info(ticker)
- const id_prefix = (add_0x && coin_info.is_erc_family) ? '0x' : ''
- Qt.openUrlExternally(coin_info.explorer_url + coin_info.tx_uri + id_prefix + id)
+ const txid_prefix = (add_0x && coin_info.is_erc_family) ? '0x' : ''
+ return coin_info.explorer_url + getTxUri(coin_info) + txid_prefix + txid
- function viewAddressAtExplorer(ticker, address) {
+ function getAddressExplorerURL(ticker, address) {
if(address !== '') {
const coin_info = API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_coin_info(ticker)
- Qt.openUrlExternally(coin_info.explorer_url + coin_info.address_uri + address)
+ return coin_info.explorer_url + addressTxUri(coin_info) + address
+ }
+ return ""
+ }
+ function viewTxAtExplorer(ticker, txid, add_0x=true) {
+ if(txid !== '') {
+ Qt.openUrlExternally(getTxExplorerURL(ticker, txid, add_0x))
+ }
+ }
+ function viewAddressAtExplorer(ticker, address) {
+ if(address !== '') {
+ Qt.openUrlExternally(getAddressExplorerURL(ticker, address))
@@ -330,10 +495,10 @@ QtObject {
return (num / si[i].value).toFixed(digits).replace(rx, "$1") + si[i].symbol
- function formatFiat(received, amount, fiat) {
+ function formatFiat(received, amount, fiat, precision=2) {
return diffPrefix(received) +
(fiat === API.app.settings_pg.current_fiat ? API.app.settings_pg.current_fiat_sign : API.app.settings_pg.current_currency_sign)
- + " " + nFormatter(parseFloat(amount), 2)
+ + " " + (amount < 1E5 ? formatDouble(parseFloat(amount), precision, true) : nFormatter(parseFloat(amount), 2))
function formatPercent(value, show_prefix=true) {
@@ -344,7 +509,7 @@ QtObject {
value *= -1
- return (show_prefix ? prefix : '') + value + ' %'
+ return (show_prefix ? prefix : '') + parseFloat(value).toFixed(3) + ' %'
readonly property int amountPrecision: 8
@@ -372,8 +537,16 @@ QtObject {
return trail_zeros ? full_double : full_double.replace(/\.?0+$/,"")
- function formatCrypto(received, amount, ticker, fiat_amount, fiat) {
- return diffPrefix(received) + ticker + " " + formatDouble(amount) + (fiat_amount ? " (" + formatFiat("", fiat_amount, fiat) + ")" : "")
+ function getComparisonScale(value) {
+ return Math.min(Math.pow(10, getDigitCount(parseFloat(value))), 1000000000)
+ }
+ function limitDigits(value) {
+ return parseFloat(formatDouble(value, 2))
+ }
+ function formatCrypto(received, amount, ticker, fiat_amount, fiat, precision, trail_zeros) {
+ return diffPrefix(received) + ticker + " " + formatDouble(amount, precision, trail_zeros) + (fiat_amount ? " (" + formatFiat("", fiat_amount, fiat) + ")" : "")
function formatFullCrypto(received, amount, ticker, fiat_amount, fiat, use_full_ticker) {
@@ -398,18 +571,15 @@ QtObject {
function getMinTradeAmount() {
- /*if (API.app.trading_pg.market_mode == MarketMode.Buy) {
- return API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.rel_min_taker_vol
- }*/
- return API.app.trading_pg.min_trade_vol
+ return formatDouble(API.app.trading_pg.min_trade_vol, 8, false).toString()
function getReversedMinTradeAmount() {
- if (API.app.trading_pg.market_mode == MarketMode.Buy) {
- return API.app.trading_pg.min_trade_vol
- }
- return API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.rel_min_taker_vol
+ if (API.app.trading_pg.market_mode == MarketMode.Buy) {
+ return getMinTradeAmount()
+ return formatDouble(API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.rel_min_taker_vol, 8, false).toString()
+ }
function hasEnoughFunds(sell, base, rel, price, volume) {
if(sell) {
@@ -436,40 +606,78 @@ QtObject {
return exists(v) && v !== ""
- function isParentCoinNeeded(ticker, type) {
- for(const c of API.app.portfolio_pg.get_all_enabled_coins())
- if(c.type === type && c.ticker !== ticker) return true
+ function isParentCoinNeeded(ticker, coin_type)
+ {
+ let enabled_coins = API.app.portfolio_pg.get_all_enabled_coins()
+ for (const coin of enabled_coins)
+ {
+ let c_info = API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_coin_info(coin)
+ if(c_info.type === coin_type && c_info.ticker !== ticker) return true
+ }
return false
property Timer prevent_coin_disabling: Timer { interval: 5000 }
function canDisable(ticker) {
- if(prevent_coin_disabling.running)
- return false
- if(ticker === atomic_app_primary_coin || ticker === atomic_app_secondary_coin) return false
- else if(ticker === "ETH") return !General.isParentCoinNeeded("ETH", "ERC-20")
- else if(ticker === "QTUM") return !General.isParentCoinNeeded("QTUM", "QRC-20")
+ if (prevent_coin_disabling.running) return false
+ if (ticker === atomic_app_primary_coin || ticker === atomic_app_secondary_coin) return false
+ if (ticker === "ETH") return !General.isParentCoinNeeded("ETH", "ERC-20")
+ if (ticker === "MATIC") return !General.isParentCoinNeeded("MATIC", "Matic")
+ if (ticker === "FTM") return !General.isParentCoinNeeded("FTM", "FTM-20")
+ if (ticker === "AVAX") return !General.isParentCoinNeeded("AVAX", "AVX-20")
+ if (ticker === "BNB") return !General.isParentCoinNeeded("BNB", "BEP-20")
+ if (ticker === "ONE") return !General.isParentCoinNeeded("ONE", "HRC-20")
+ if (ticker === "QTUM") return !General.isParentCoinNeeded("QTUM", "QRC-20")
+ if (ticker === "KCS") return !General.isParentCoinNeeded("KCS", "KRC-20")
+ if (ticker === "HT") return !General.isParentCoinNeeded("HT", "HecoChain")
+ if (ticker === "BCH") return !General.isParentCoinNeeded("BCH", "SLP")
+ if (ticker === "UBQ") return !General.isParentCoinNeeded("UBQ", "Ubiq")
+ if (ticker === "MOVR") return !General.isParentCoinNeeded("MOVR", "Moonriver")
+ if (ticker === "GLMR") return !General.isParentCoinNeeded("GLMR", "Moonbeam")
+ if (General.isZhtlc(ticker))
+ {
+ let progress = General.zhtlcActivationProgress(API.app.wallet_pg.ticker_infos.activation_status, ticker)
+ if (progress != 100) return false
+ }
return true
- function tokenUnitName(type) {
- return type === "ERC-20" ? "Gwei" : "Satoshi"
+ function tokenUnitName(type)
+ {
+ return type === "QRC-20" ? "Satoshi" : "Gwei"
+ }
+ function isSpecialToken(current_ticker_infos)
+ {
+ if (current_ticker_infos.hasOwnProperty("has_parent_fees_ticker"))
+ return current_ticker_infos.has_parent_fees_ticker
+ return false
+ }
+ function isERC20(current_ticker_infos) {
+ return current_ticker_infos.type === "ERC-20" || current_ticker_infos.type === "BEP-20" || current_ticker_infos.type == "Matic"
function isParentCoin(ticker) {
- return ticker === "KMD" || ticker === "ETH" || ticker === "QTUM"
+ return ["KMD", "ETH", "MATIC", "AVAX", "FTM", "QTUM", "BNB", "ONE", "KCS"].includes(ticker)
function isTokenType(type) {
- return type === "ERC-20" || type === "QRC-20"
+ return ["ERC-20", "QRC-20", "PLG-20", "AVX-20", "FTM-20"].includes(type)
+ }
+ function getFeesTicker(coin_info) {
+ if (coin_info.has_parent_fees_ticker)
+ return coin_info.fees_ticker
function getParentCoin(type) {
if(type === "ERC-20") return "ETH"
+ else if(type === "PLG-20") return "MATIC"
+ else if(type === "AVX-20") return "AVAX"
+ else if(type === "FTM-20") return "FTM"
else if(type === "QRC-20") return "QTUM"
else if(type === "Smart Chain") return "KMD"
return "?"
@@ -503,6 +711,15 @@ QtObject {
return tx_fee + "\n" + trading_fee +"
+ function is_swap_safe(checkbox)
+ {
+ if (checkbox.checked == true || checkbox.visible == false)
+ {
+ return (!API.app.trading_pg.buy_sell_rpc_busy && API.app.trading_pg.last_trading_error == TradingError.None)
+ }
+ return false
+ }
function validateWallet(wallet_name) {
if (wallet_name.length >= 25) return "Wallet name must 25 chars or less"
return checkIfWalletExists(wallet_name)
@@ -569,7 +786,8 @@ QtObject {
- function checkIfWalletExists(name) {
+ function checkIfWalletExists(name)
+ {
if(API.app.wallet_mgr.get_wallets().indexOf(name) !== -1)
return qsTr("Wallet %1 already exists", "WALLETNAME").arg(name)
return ""
@@ -579,6 +797,10 @@ QtObject {
switch(error) {
case TradingError.None:
return ""
+ case TradingError.LeftZhtlcChainNotEnabled:
+ return qsTr("Please wait for %1 to fully activate").arg(left_ticker)
+ case TradingError.RightZhtlcChainNotEnabled:
+ return qsTr("Please wait for %1 to fully activate").arg(right_ticker)
case TradingError.TotalFeesNotEnoughFunds:
return qsTr("%1 balance is lower than the fees amount: %2 %3").arg(fee_info.error_fees.coin).arg(fee_info.error_fees.required_balance).arg(fee_info.error_fees.coin)
case TradingError.BalanceIsLessThanTheMinimalTradingAmount:
@@ -604,6 +826,11 @@ QtObject {
+ readonly property var zcash_params_filesize: ({
+ "sapling-output.params": 3592860,
+ "sapling-spend.params": 47958396
+ })
readonly property var supported_pairs: ({
@@ -633,7 +860,8 @@ QtObject {
@@ -657,6 +885,7 @@ QtObject {
@@ -694,6 +923,22 @@ QtObject {
@@ -729,7 +974,10 @@ QtObject {
@@ -757,6 +1005,7 @@ QtObject {
@@ -772,6 +1021,7 @@ QtObject {
@@ -799,7 +1049,6 @@ QtObject {
@@ -810,6 +1059,8 @@ QtObject {
@@ -839,6 +1090,7 @@ QtObject {
@@ -873,6 +1125,7 @@ QtObject {
@@ -1032,6 +1285,7 @@ QtObject {
@@ -1108,11 +1362,8 @@ QtObject {
@@ -1129,6 +1380,8 @@ QtObject {
@@ -1139,7 +1392,6 @@ QtObject {
@@ -1182,8 +1434,17 @@ QtObject {
@@ -1207,6 +1468,7 @@ QtObject {
@@ -1229,6 +1491,7 @@ QtObject {
@@ -1249,6 +1512,7 @@ QtObject {
@@ -1278,7 +1542,7 @@ QtObject {
@@ -1345,16 +1609,17 @@ QtObject {
@@ -1392,13 +1657,17 @@ QtObject {
@@ -1409,6 +1678,7 @@ QtObject {
@@ -1433,6 +1703,34 @@ QtObject {
@@ -1469,8 +1767,28 @@ QtObject {
@@ -1484,6 +1802,7 @@ QtObject {
@@ -1504,6 +1823,9 @@ QtObject {
@@ -1567,6 +1889,16 @@ QtObject {
@@ -1576,8 +1908,6 @@ QtObject {
@@ -1651,6 +1981,7 @@ QtObject {
@@ -1661,6 +1992,7 @@ QtObject {
@@ -1675,13 +2007,12 @@ QtObject {
@@ -1694,8 +2025,11 @@ QtObject {
@@ -1708,6 +2042,9 @@ QtObject {
@@ -1739,6 +2076,7 @@ QtObject {
@@ -1764,6 +2102,18 @@ QtObject {
@@ -1783,6 +2133,7 @@ QtObject {
@@ -1794,6 +2145,15 @@ QtObject {
@@ -1857,6 +2217,7 @@ QtObject {
@@ -2019,7 +2380,17 @@ QtObject {
@@ -2029,7 +2400,6 @@ QtObject {
@@ -2049,6 +2419,20 @@ QtObject {
@@ -2111,6 +2495,7 @@ QtObject {
@@ -2187,8 +2572,14 @@ QtObject {
@@ -2216,6 +2607,7 @@ QtObject {
@@ -2259,6 +2651,7 @@ QtObject {
@@ -2274,6 +2667,7 @@ QtObject {
@@ -2312,6 +2706,23 @@ QtObject {
@@ -2330,6 +2741,20 @@ QtObject {
@@ -2348,6 +2773,7 @@ QtObject {
@@ -2373,15 +2799,15 @@ QtObject {
@@ -2402,9 +2828,10 @@ QtObject {
@@ -2433,7 +2860,9 @@ QtObject {
@@ -2481,8 +2910,9 @@ QtObject {
@@ -2494,6 +2924,7 @@ QtObject {
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Constants/Style.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Constants/Style.qml
index 7b0dee74b3..ff2dbd105c 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Constants/Style.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Constants/Style.qml
@@ -32,15 +32,6 @@ QtObject {
readonly property int animationDuration: 125
- readonly property int textSizeVerySmall1: 1
- readonly property int textSizeVerySmall2: 2
- readonly property int textSizeVerySmall3: 3
- readonly property int textSizeVerySmall4: 4
- readonly property int textSizeVerySmall5: 5
- readonly property int textSizeVerySmall6: 6
- readonly property int textSizeVerySmall7: 7
- readonly property int textSizeVerySmall8: 8
- readonly property int textSizeVerySmall9: 9
readonly property int textSizeSmall: 10
readonly property int textSizeSmall1: 11
readonly property int textSizeSmall2: 12
@@ -138,10 +129,6 @@ QtObject {
property string colorRectangle: dark_theme ? colorTheme7 : colorTheme7
readonly property string colorInnerBackground: dark_theme ? colorTheme7 : colorTheme7
- readonly property string colorGradient1: dark_theme ? colorTheme9 : colorTheme9
- readonly property string colorGradient2: dark_theme ? colorTheme5 : colorTheme5
- readonly property string colorGradient3: dark_theme ? "#24283D" : "#24283D"
- readonly property string colorGradient4: dark_theme ? "#0D0F21" : "#0D0F21"
readonly property string colorDropShadowLight: dark_theme ? "#216975a4" : "#21FFFFFF"
readonly property string colorDropShadowLight2: dark_theme ? "#606975a4" : "#60FFFFFF"
readonly property string colorDropShadowDark: dark_theme ? "#FF050615" : "#BECDE2"
@@ -172,58 +159,18 @@ QtObject {
readonly property string colorRectangleBorderGradient1: dark_theme ? "#2A2F48" : "#DDDDDD"
readonly property string colorRectangleBorderGradient2: dark_theme ? "#0D1021" : "#EFEFEF"
- readonly property string colorChartText: dark_theme ? "#405366" : "#B5B9C1"
- readonly property string colorChartLegendLine: dark_theme ? "#3F5265" : "#BDC0C8"
- readonly property string colorChartGrid: dark_theme ? "#202333" : "#E6E8ED"
- readonly property string colorChartLineText: dark_theme ? "#405366" : "#FFFFFF"
- readonly property string colorChartMA1: dark_theme ? "#5BC6FA" : "#5BC6FA"
- readonly property string colorChartMA2: dark_theme ? "#F1D17F" : "#F1D17F"
readonly property string colorLineBasic: dark_theme ? "#303344" : "#303344"
readonly property string colorText: dark_theme ? Style.colorWhite1 : "#405366"
readonly property string colorText2: dark_theme ? "#79808C" : "#3C5368"
readonly property string colorTextDisabled: dark_theme ? Style.colorWhite8 : "#B5B9C1"
- readonly property var colorButtonDisabled: ({
- "default": Style.colorTheme9,
- "primary": Style.colorGreen3,
- "danger": Style.colorRed3
- })
- readonly property var colorButtonHovered: ({
- "default": Style.colorTheme6,
- "primary": Style.colorGreen,
- "danger": Style.colorRed
- })
- readonly property var colorButtonEnabled: ({
- "default": Style.colorRectangle,
- "primary": Style.colorGreen2,
- "danger": Style.colorRed2
- })
- readonly property var colorButtonTextDisabled: ({
- "default": Style.colorWhite8,
- "primary": Style.colorWhite13,
- "danger": Style.colorWhite13
- })
- readonly property var colorButtonTextHovered: ({
- "default": Style.colorText,
- "primary": Style.colorWhite11,
- "danger": Style.colorWhite11
- })
- readonly property var colorButtonTextEnabled: ({
- "default": Style.colorText,
- "primary": Style.colorWhite11,
- "danger": Style.colorWhite11
- })
readonly property string colorPlaceholderText: Style.colorWhite9
readonly property string colorSelectedText: Style.colorTheme9
readonly property string colorSelection: Style.colorGreen2
readonly property string colorTrendingLine: dark_theme ? Style.colorGreen : "#37a6ef"
- readonly property string colorTrendingUnderLine: dark_theme ? Style.colorGradient3 : "#e3f2fd"
- readonly property string modalValueColor: colorWhite4
function getValueColor(v) {
v = parseFloat(v)
@@ -238,6 +185,7 @@ QtObject {
switch (type)
case 'ERC-20': return getCoinColor("ETH")
+ case 'ZHTLC': return getCoinColor("ARRR")
case 'QRC-20': return getCoinColor("QTUM")
case 'Smart Chain': return getCoinColor("KMD")
case 'WALLET ONLY': return "#4D4D4D"
@@ -279,15 +227,18 @@ QtObject {
readonly property var colorCoin: ({
"ABY": "#8B0D10",
+ "ACTN": "#E84142",
"ADA": "#214D78",
"ADX": "#1B75BC",
"ANKR": "#2075E8",
+ "APE": "#0052F2",
"ARPA": "#CCD9E2",
"ARRR": "#C7A34C",
"ATOM": "#474B6C",
"AUR": "#0A6C5E",
"AVA": "#5B567F",
"AVAX": "#E84142",
+ "AVN": "#33E0CE",
"AXS": "#0055D5",
"BAL": "#4D4D4D",
"BNB": "#F9D987",
@@ -318,11 +269,17 @@ QtObject {
"GALA": "#011B36",
"GLEEC": "#8C41FF",
"GRMS": "#12B690",
+ "GLM": "#0050E6",
"GMS": "#0BFBE2",
+ "GMT": "#E9CB7B",
+ "GMX": "#07A9E6",
"GRS": "#377E96",
"GRT": "#6E54DB",
+ "GST": "#D7D7D7",
"IOTA": "#404040",
+ "ILNF": "#28873b",
"IC": "#72009D",
+ "JST": "#B41514",
"JSTR": "#627EEA",
"DOGE": "#C3A634",
"ETC": "#328432",
@@ -346,6 +303,8 @@ QtObject {
"FLUX": "#2B61D1",
"FIRO": "#BB2100",
"LBC": "#00775C",
+ "LDO": "#F69988",
+ "LOOM": "#48BEFF",
"LUNA": "#FFD83D",
"LYNX": "#0071BA",
@@ -369,6 +328,7 @@ QtObject {
"CRYPTO": "#F58736",
"LABS": "#C1F6E1",
"LCC": "#068210",
+ "LNC": "#C3A635",
"MESH": "#0098DA",
"MGW": "#854F2F",
"MONA": "#DEC799",
@@ -378,17 +338,21 @@ QtObject {
"NZDS": "#1B3044",
"RFOX": "#D83331",
"BOTS": "#F69B57",
+ "MC": "#E16428",
"MCL": "#EA0000",
+ "ILNSW": "#28873B",
"MM": "#F5B700",
"CCL": "#FFE400",
"BET": "#F69B57",
"JCHF": "#D80027",
"JEUR": "#003399",
"JGBP": "#C8102E",
+ "JJPY": "#BC002D",
"JRT": "#5EFC84",
"SUPERNET": "#F69B57",
"REVS": "#F69B57",
- "ILN": "#523170",
+ "EILN": "#1ADEC9",
+ "ILN": "#814EB1",
"VRSC": "#3164D3",
"WCN": "#E49F00",
"WWCN": "#E49F00",
@@ -426,6 +390,7 @@ QtObject {
"CEL": "#4055A6",
"CELR": "#595959",
"CENNZ": "#2E87F1",
+ "CHTA": "#C3A634",
"COMP": "#00DBA3",
"CRO": "#243565",
"CVC": "#3AB03E",
@@ -455,6 +420,7 @@ QtObject {
"MKR": "#1BAF9F",
"MINDS": "#687DE3",
"NEAR": "#595959",
+ "NENG": "#BFBBBB",
"NEXO": "#A3B3D6",
"NVC": "#FCF96D",
"NYAN": "#008CE7",
@@ -462,6 +428,7 @@ QtObject {
"OMG": "#595959",
"ONE": "#00BEEE",
"ONT": "#2692AF",
+ "PND": "#EBD430",
"POWR": "#05BCAA",
"PPC": "#46BC60",
"PRUX": "#FF8000",
@@ -487,6 +454,7 @@ QtObject {
"SYS": "#0084C7",
"TEL": "#1BD8FF",
"TKL": "#536E93",
+ "TON": "#0088CC",
"TRC": "#096432",
"TRX": "#F30031",
"TSL": "#64B082",
@@ -494,11 +462,15 @@ QtObject {
"UNO": "#2F87BB",
"UST": "#5493F7",
"VAL": "#1EEC84",
+ "VET": "#18C6FF",
"VITE": "#007AFF",
"VRM": "#586A7A",
+ "VTC": "#049161",
"WSB": "#FEBB84",
+ "WAVES": "#016BFF",
"WHIVE": "#FFCC00",
+ "WOO": "#595959",
"XEC": "#273498",
"XEP": "#0277E5",
"XLM": "#737373",
@@ -512,8 +484,13 @@ QtObject {
"YFII": "#FF2A79",
"ZET": "#155169",
"ZIL": "#42BBB9",
+ "ZOMBIE": "#72B001",
"ZRX": "#302C2C",
"UNI": "#FF007A",
- "USBL": "#279553"
+ "VOTE2022": "#7490AA",
+ "USBL": "#279553",
+ "RUNES": "#336699",
+ "SIX": "#ed0909",
+ "NATURE": "#04cf13"
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Dashboard/NewUpdateModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Dashboard/NewUpdateModal.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index a79589df4d..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Dashboard/NewUpdateModal.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-// Qt imports
-import QtQml 2.15 //> Component
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 //> Layout.fillWidth
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 //> ProgressBar
-// Project imports
-import "../Components" //> MultipageModal
-import "../Constants"
-import App 1.0 //> API.app.self_update_service
- id: root
- readonly property var self_update_service: API.app.self_update_service
- readonly property string last_release_tag_name: self_update_service.last_release_tag_name
- readonly property bool update_needed: self_update_service.update_needed
- readonly property bool update_downloading: self_update_service.update_downloading
- readonly property real update_download_progress: self_update_service.update_download_progress
- readonly property bool update_ready: self_update_service.update_ready
- property bool invalid_update_files: self_update_service.invalid_update_files
- // Display the good modal section according to current self update service state
- function select_index()
- {
- if (invalid_update_files)
- {
- invalid_update_files = false
- currentIndex = 0
- close()
- update_invalid_checksum.open()
- }
- else if (update_ready)
- {
- currentIndex = 4
- visible = true
- }
- else if (update_downloading)
- {
- currentIndex = 3
- visible = true
- }
- else if (update_needed)
- {
- currentIndex = 2
- visible = true
- }
- else if (currentIndex === 1)
- {
- currentIndex = 0
- }
- else
- {
- currentIndex = 1
- }
- }
- // Fetches latest update info when opening this modal.
- onOpened:
- {
- select_index()
- self_update_service.fetch_last_release_info()
- }
- onUpdate_neededChanged: select_index()
- onUpdate_downloadingChanged: select_index()
- onUpdate_readyChanged: select_index()
- onInvalid_update_filesChanged: select_index()
- // Section when fetching update
- MultipageModalContent
- {
- titleText: qsTr("Searching new updates...")
- titleAlignment: Label.AlignHCenter
- DefaultText
- {
- horizontalAlignment: Label.AlignHCenter
- text: qsTr("Please wait while the application is finding a new update... You can close this modal if you want.")
- }
- }
- // Section when no new update is found.
- MultipageModalContent
- {
- titleText: qsTr("Already updated")
- titleAlignment: Label.AlignHCenter
- DefaultText
- {
- horizontalAlignment: Label.AlignHCenter
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- text: qsTr("%1 is already up-to-date !").arg(API.app_name)
- }
- footer:
- [
- DexAppButton
- {
- text: qsTr("Close")
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- onClicked: root.visible = false
- }
- ]
- }
- // Second section. Asks user to update its client.
- MultipageModalContent
- {
- titleText: qsTr("New update detected !")
- DefaultText
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- text: qsTr("Do you want to update %1 from %2 to %3 ?")
- .arg(API.app_name).arg(API.current_version).arg(last_release_tag_name)
- }
- footer:
- [
- PrimaryButton
- {
- text: qsTr("Download")
- onClicked: self_update_service.download_update()
- },
- DefaultButton
- {
- text: qsTr("Remind me later")
- onClicked: root.visible = false
- }
- ]
- }
- // Download progress bar
- MultipageModalContent
- {
- titleText: qsTr("Download in progress...")
- RowLayout
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- ProgressBar
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- value: update_download_progress
- }
- DefaultText
- {
- Layout.preferredWidth: 40
- text: "%1 %".arg(Math.round(update_download_progress * 100))
- }
- }
- }
- // Update download finished... Asks for restart
- MultipageModalContent
- {
- titleText: qsTr("Update downloaded")
- DefaultText
- {
- text: qsTr("Update has been successfully downloaded. Do you want to restart the application now ?")
- }
- footer:
- [
- PrimaryButton
- {
- text: qsTr("Restart now")
- onClicked:
- {
- self_update_service.perform_update()
- root.visible = false
- }
- },
- DefaultButton
- {
- text: qsTr("Restart later")
- onClicked: close()
- }
- ]
- }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Dashboard/NotificationsModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Dashboard/NotificationsModal.qml
index b2fc7f3a94..c6d8fa9e79 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Dashboard/NotificationsModal.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Dashboard/NotificationsModal.qml
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import Qt.labs.platform 1.0
import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
+import ModelHelper 0.1
import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
@@ -17,60 +18,26 @@ DexPopup
width: 406
height: 526
- property
- var default_gradient: Gradient
- {
- orientation: Qt.Horizontal
- GradientStop
- {
- position: 0.1255
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.gradientButtonPressedStartColor
- }
- GradientStop
- {
- position: 0.933
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.gradientButtonPressedEndColor
- }
- }
- property
- var default_red_gradient: Gradient
- {
- orientation: Qt.Horizontal
- GradientStop
- {
- position: 0.1255
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.tradeSellModeSelectorBackgroundColorStart
- }
- GradientStop
- {
- position: 0.933
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.tradeSellModeSelectorBackgroundColorEnd
- }
- }
- property
- var notification_map: [
- {
- icon: Qaterial.Icons.arrowTopRight,
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor,
- gradient: default_red_gradient
- },
- {
- icon: Qaterial.Icons.arrowBottomRight,
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor,
- gradient: default_gradient
- },
- {
- icon: Qaterial.Icons.messageOutline,
- color: DexTheme.foregroundColor,
- gradient: default_gradient
- }]
backgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor
+ property var orders: API.app.orders_mdl.orders_proxy_mdl.ModelHelper
+ // Notification types.
+ readonly property string updateSwapStatusNotification: "onUpdateSwapStatus"
+ readonly property string balanceUpdateStatusNotification: "onBalanceUpdateStatus"
+ readonly property string enablingZCoinStatusNotification: "onEnablingZCoinStatus"
+ readonly property string enablingCoinFailedStatusNotification: "onEnablingCoinFailedStatus"
+ readonly property string disablingCoinFailedStatus: "onDisablingCoinFailedStatus"
+ readonly property string endpointNonReacheableStatus: "onEndpointNonReacheableStatus"
+ readonly property string check_internet_connection_text: qsTr("Please check your internet connection (e.g. VPN service or firewall might block it).")
function reset()
notifications_list = []
enum NotificationKind
@@ -106,70 +73,45 @@ DexPopup
case "open_wallet_page":
- api_wallet_page.ticker = notification.params.ticker
- dashboard.switchPage(Dashboard.PageType.Wallet)
+ API.app.wallet_pg.ticker = notification.params.ticker
+ app.pageLoader.item.switchPage(Dashboard.PageType.Wallet)
case "open_swaps_page":
- dashboard.switchPage(Dashboard.PageType.DEX)
- dashboard.loader.onLoadComplete = () =>
- {
- dashboard.current_component.current_page = dashboard.isSwapDone(notification.params.new_swap_status) ? idx_exchange_history : idx_exchange_orders
- }
+ app.pageLoader.item.switchPage(Dashboard.PageType.DEX)
case "open_log_modal":
- showError(notification.title, notification.long_message)
+ showError(notification.getTitle(), notification.long_message)
- console.log("Unknown notification click action", notification.click_action)
+ console.warn("Unknown notification click action", notification.click_action)
- function newNotification(event_name, params, id, title, message, human_date, click_action = "open_notifications", long_message = "")
+ function newNotification(event_name, params, id, human_date, click_action = "open_notifications", long_message = "")
- let obj;
- if (title.indexOf("You received") !== -1)
+ let obj =
- obj = {
- event_name,
- params,
- id,
- title,
- message,
- human_date,
- click_action,
- long_message,
- kind: NotificationsModal.NotificationKind.Receive
- }
+ event_name,
+ params,
+ id,
+ human_date,
+ click_action,
+ long_message,
- else if (title.indexOf("You sent") !== -1)
- obj = {
- event_name,
- params,
- id,
- title,
- message,
- human_date,
- click_action,
- long_message,
- kind: NotificationsModal.NotificationKind.Send
+ let notifTitle = getNotificationTitle(obj)
+ if (notifTitle.indexOf("You received") !== -1)
+ {
+ obj.kind = NotificationsModal.NotificationKind.Receive
- }
- else
- {
- obj = {
- event_name,
- params,
- id,
- title,
- message,
- human_date,
- click_action,
- long_message,
- kind: NotificationsModal.NotificationKind.Others
+ else if (notifTitle.indexOf("You sent") !== -1)
+ {
+ obj.kind = NotificationsModal.NotificationKind.Send
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ obj.kind = NotificationsModal.NotificationKind.Others
@@ -192,14 +134,14 @@ DexPopup
// Display OS notification
- displayMessage(obj.title, obj.message)
+ if (API.app.settings_pg.notification_enabled)
+ tray.showMessage(getNotificationTitle(obj), getNotificationMsg(obj))
// Refresh the list if updated an existing one
if (updated_existing_one)
notifications_list = notifications_list
function getOrderStatusText(status, short_text = false)
switch (status)
@@ -221,10 +163,62 @@ DexPopup
- // Events
+ function getNotificationTitle(notification)
+ {
+ switch (notification.event_name)
+ {
+ case updateSwapStatusNotification:
+ return notification.params.base_coin + "/" + notification.params.rel_coin + " - " + qsTr("Swap status updated")
+ case balanceUpdateStatusNotification:
+ const change = General.formatFullCrypto("", notification.params.amount, notification.params.ticker, "", "", true)
+ return notification.params.am_i_sender ? qsTr("You sent %1").arg(change) : qsTr("You received %1").arg(change)
+ case enablingZCoinStatusNotification:
+ return qsTr(" %1 Enable status", "TICKER").arg(notification.params.coin)
+ case enablingCoinFailedStatusNotification:
+ return qsTr("Failed to enable %1", "TICKER").arg(notification.params.coin)
+ case disablingCoinFailedStatus:
+ return qsTr("Failed to disable %1", "TICKER").arg(notification.params.coin)
+ case endpointNonReacheableStatus:
+ return qsTr("Endpoint not reachable")
+ }
+ }
+ function getNotificationMsg(notification)
+ {
+ switch (notification.event_name)
+ {
+ case updateSwapStatusNotification:
+ return getOrderStatusText(notification.params.old_swap_status) + " " + General.right_arrow_icon + " " + getOrderStatusText(notification.params.new_swap_status)
+ case balanceUpdateStatusNotification:
+ return qsTr("Your wallet balance changed")
+ case enablingZCoinStatusNotification:
+ return notification.params.msg
+ case enablingCoinFailedStatusNotification:
+ return check_internet_connection_text
+ case disablingCoinFailedStatus:
+ return ""
+ case endpointNonReacheableStatus:
+ return notification.params.base_uri
+ }
+ }
+ function getNotificationIcon(notification)
+ {
+ switch (notification.kind)
+ {
+ case NotificationsModal.NotificationKind.Send:
+ return Qaterial.Icons.arrowTopRight
+ case NotificationsModal.NotificationKind.Receive:
+ return Qaterial.Icons.arrowBottomRight
+ case NotificationsModal.NotificationKind.Others:
+ return Qaterial.Icons.messageOutline
+ }
+ }
function onUpdateSwapStatus(old_swap_status, new_swap_status, swap_uuid, base_coin, rel_coin, human_date)
- newNotification("onUpdateSwapStatus",
+ newNotification(
+ updateSwapStatusNotification,
@@ -234,30 +228,30 @@ DexPopup
- base_coin + "/" + rel_coin + " - " + qsTr("Swap status updated"),
- getOrderStatusText(old_swap_status) + " " + General.right_arrow_icon + " " + getOrderStatusText(new_swap_status),
function onBalanceUpdateStatus(am_i_sender, amount, ticker, human_date, timestamp)
- const change = General.formatFullCrypto("", amount, ticker, "", "", true)
if (!app.segwit_on)
- newNotification("onBalanceUpdateStatus",
- {
- am_i_sender,
- amount,
- ticker,
+ if (amount != 0)
+ {
+ newNotification(
+ balanceUpdateStatusNotification,
+ {
+ am_i_sender,
+ amount,
+ ticker,
+ human_date,
+ timestamp
+ },
+ timestamp,
- timestamp
- },
- timestamp,
- am_i_sender ? qsTr("You sent %1").arg(change) : qsTr("You received %1").arg(change),
- qsTr("Your wallet balance changed"),
- human_date,
- "open_wallet_page")
+ "open_wallet_page")
+ }
@@ -265,130 +259,108 @@ DexPopup
- readonly property string check_internet_connection_text: qsTr("Please check your internet connection (e.g. VPN service or firewall might block it).")
- function onEnablingCoinFailedStatus(coin, error, human_date, timestamp)
+ function onEnablingZCoinStatus(coin, msg, human_date, timestamp)
// Ignore if coin already enabled (e.g. parent chain in batch)
- if (error.search("already initialized") > -1)
+ if (msg.search("already initialized") > -1)
- // Check if there is mismatch error, ignore this one
- for (let n of notifications_list)
- {
- if (n.event_name === "onMismatchCustomCoinConfiguration" && n.params.asset === coin)
- {
- console.trace()
- return
- }
- }
- // Display the notification
- const title = qsTr("Failed to enable %1", "TICKER").arg(coin)
- error = check_internet_connection_text + "\n\n" + error
- newNotification("onEnablingCoinFailedStatus",
+ newNotification(
+ enablingZCoinStatusNotification,
- error,
+ msg,
- title,
- check_internet_connection_text,
- error)
- toast.show(title, General.time_toast_important_error, error)
+ msg)
- function onEndpointNonReacheableStatus(base_uri, human_date, timestamp)
+ function onEnablingCoinFailedStatus(coin, error, human_date, timestamp)
- const title = qsTr("Endpoint not reachable")
+ // Ignore if coin already enabled (e.g. parent chain in batch)
+ if (error.search("already initialized") > -1)
+ {
+ console.trace()
+ return
+ }
- const error = qsTr("Could not reach to endpoint") + ". " + check_internet_connection_text + "\n\n" + base_uri
+ error = check_internet_connection_text + "\n\n" + error
- newNotification("onEndpointNonReacheableStatus",
+ newNotification(
+ enablingCoinFailedStatusNotification,
- base_uri,
+ coin,
+ error,
- title,
- base_uri,
- toast.show(title, General.time_toast_important_error, error)
- function onMismatchCustomCoinConfiguration(asset, human_date, timestamp)
+ function onDisablingCoinFailedStatus(coin, error, human_date, timestamp)
- const title = qsTr("Mismatch at %1 custom asset configuration", "TICKER").arg(asset)
- newNotification("onMismatchCustomCoinConfiguration",
+ newNotification(
+ disablingCoinFailedStatus,
- asset,
+ coin,
+ error,
- title,
- qsTr("Application needs to be restarted for %1 custom asset.", "TICKER").arg(asset),
- human_date)
- toast.show(title, General.time_toast_important_error, "", true, true)
+ human_date,
+ "open_log_modal",
+ error)
+ toast.show(qsTr("Failed to disable %1", "TICKER").arg(coin), General.time_toast_important_error, error)
- function onBatchFailed(reason, from, human_date, timestamp)
+ function onEndpointNonReacheableStatus(base_uri, human_date, timestamp)
- const title = qsTr("Batch %1 failed. Reason: %2").arg(from).arg(reason)
- newNotification("onBatchFailed",
+ newNotification(
+ endpointNonReacheableStatus,
+ base_uri,
- title,
- reason,
- human_date)
+ human_date,
+ "open_log_modal",
+ qsTr("Could not reach to endpoint") + ". " + check_internet_connection_text + "\n\n" + base_uri)
- toast.show(title, General.time_toast_important_error, reason)
+ toast.show(qsTr("Endpoint not reachable"), General.time_toast_important_error, error)
- // System
+ API.app.notification_mgr.enablingZCoinStatus.connect(onEnablingZCoinStatus)
+ API.app.notification_mgr.disablingCoinFailedStatus.connect(onDisablingCoinFailedStatus)
- API.app.notification_mgr.mismatchCustomCoinConfiguration.connect(onMismatchCustomCoinConfiguration)
- API.app.notification_mgr.batchFailed.connect(onBatchFailed)
+ API.app.notification_mgr.enablingZCoinStatus.disconnect(onEnablingZCoinStatus)
+ API.app.notification_mgr.disablingCoinFailedStatus.disconnect(onDisablingCoinFailedStatus)
- API.app.notification_mgr.mismatchCustomCoinConfiguration.disconnect(onMismatchCustomCoinConfiguration)
- API.app.notification_mgr.batchFailed.disconnect(onBatchFailed)
- function displayMessage(title, message)
- {
- if (API.app.settings_pg.notification_enabled)
- tray.showMessage(title, message)
- }
id: tray
@@ -396,12 +368,14 @@ DexPopup
iconSource: General.image_path + "dex-tray-icon.png"
tooltip: API.app_name
if (notifications_list.length > 0)
menu: Menu
@@ -419,7 +393,11 @@ DexPopup
text: qsTr("Quit")
- onTriggered: Qt.quit()
+ onTriggered:
+ {
+ if (orders.count != 0) logout_modal.open()
+ else return_to_login()
+ }
@@ -430,7 +408,8 @@ DexPopup
anchors.margins: 30
anchors.topMargin: 20
spacing: 24
- DexLabel
+ DefaultText
Layout.fillWidth: true
@@ -438,7 +417,7 @@ DexPopup
pixelSize: 20
weight: Font.Normal
- text: "Notifications"
+ text: qsTr("Notifications")
@@ -460,7 +439,7 @@ DexPopup
anchors.centerIn: parent
visible: !list.visible
- text_value: qsTr("There isn't any notification")
+ text_value: qsTr("There aren't any notifications")
font.pixelSize: 14
@@ -472,13 +451,17 @@ DexPopup
height: parent.height
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
model: notifications_list
delegate: Item
+ height: _column.height + 10
+ width: list.width
anchors.fill: parent
opacity: 0.7
gradient: Gradient
orientation: Qt.Horizontal
@@ -500,8 +483,6 @@ DexPopup
notifications_list.splice(index, 1)
notifications_list = notifications_list
- height: _column.height + 10
- width: list.width
@@ -510,29 +491,30 @@ DexPopup
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.preferredWidth: 60
width: 23
height: 23
radius: 12
- gradient: notification_map[modelData.kind].gradient
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: -5
y: 13
anchors.centerIn: parent
size: 16
- icon: notification_map[modelData.kind].icon
+ icon: getNotificationIcon(modelData)
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
id: _column
@@ -541,28 +523,31 @@ DexPopup
topPadding: 10
bottomPadding: 5
spacing: 5
- DexLabel
+ DefaultText
- text: modelData.title
+ text: getNotificationTitle(modelData)
font: DexTypo.subtitle1
width: parent.width
wrapMode: Label.Wrap
- DexLabel
+ DefaultText
- text: modelData.message
+ text: getNotificationMsg(modelData)
font: DexTypo.subtitle2
width: parent.width - 20
wrapMode: Label.Wrap
- DexLabel
+ DefaultText
text: modelData.human_date
font: DexTypo.caption
opacity: 0.7
id: action_button
@@ -571,19 +556,17 @@ DexPopup
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: 5
anchors.bottomMargin: -4
- foregroundColor: DexTheme.foregroundColor
+ foregroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
visible: modelData.event_name !== "check"
let name
switch (modelData.event_name)
- case "onEnablingCoinFailedStatus":
+ case enablingCoinFailedStatusNotification:
name = "repeat"
- case "onMismatchCustomCoinConfiguration":
- name = "restart-alert"
- break
name = "check"
@@ -606,16 +589,12 @@ DexPopup
// Action
switch (event_before_removal.event_name)
- case "onEnablingCoinFailedStatus":
+ case enablingCoinFailedStatusNotification:
console.log("Retrying to enable", event_before_removal.params.coin, "asset...")
- case "onMismatchCustomCoinConfiguration":
- console.log("Restarting for", event_before_removal.params.asset, "custom asset configuration mismatch...")
- root.close()
- restart_modal.open()
- break
@@ -625,12 +604,13 @@ DexPopup
- DexMouseArea
+ DefaultMouseArea
id: mouseArea
hoverEnabled: true
cursorShape: "PointingHandCursor"
anchors.fill: parent
@@ -639,15 +619,15 @@ DexPopup
text: qsTr('Mark all as read')
height: 40
+ width: 260
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
onClicked: root.reset()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Exchange.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Exchange.qml
index 34d40accf6..fb405c887f 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Exchange.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Exchange.qml
@@ -28,24 +28,9 @@ Item
Component.onDestruction: API.app.trading_pg.on_gui_leave_dex()
- ColumnLayout
+ Trade
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ id: trade
anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.topMargin: 20
- spacing: layout_margin
- Trade
- {
- id: trade
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- Layout.bottomMargin: layout_margin
- Layout.rightMargin: Layout.bottomMargin
- }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/History/History.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/History/History.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b8cca162c..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/History/History.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-import "../../Components"
-import "../../Constants"
-import ".."
-OrdersPage {
- page_index: idx_exchange_history
- title: qsTr("Recent Swaps")
- //empty_text: qsTr("You don't have recent orders.")
- is_history: true
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Orders/Orders.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Orders/Orders.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index abee954e1b..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Orders/Orders.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-import "../../Components"
-import "../../Constants"
-import ".."
-OrdersPage {
- page_index: idx_exchange_orders
- title: qsTr("Orders")
- //empty_text: qsTr("You don't have any orders.")
- is_history: false
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/Chart.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/Chart.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4dbc9dc49d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/Chart.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
+import QtWebEngine 1.8
+import "../../Components"
+import "../../Constants"
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+import AtomicDEX.MarketMode 1.0
+ id: root
+ readonly property string theme: Dex.CurrentTheme.getColorMode() === Dex.CurrentTheme.ColorMode.Dark ? "dark" : "light"
+ property string loaded_symbol
+ property bool pair_supported: false
+ onPair_supportedChanged: if (!pair_supported) webEngineViewPlaceHolder.visible = false
+ function loadChart(right_ticker, left_ticker, force = false, source="nomics")
+ {
+ let chart_html = ""
+ let symbol = ""
+ if (source == "nomics")
+ {
+ let right_ticker_full = General.coinName(right_ticker)
+ let right_ticker_id = General.getNomicsId(right_ticker)
+ let left_ticker_id = General.getNomicsId(left_ticker)
+ if (right_ticker_id != "" && left_ticker_id != "")
+ {
+ symbol = right_ticker_id+"-"+left_ticker_id
+ pair_supported = true
+ if (symbol === loaded_symbol && !force)
+ {
+ webEngineViewPlaceHolder.visible = true
+ return
+ }
+ loaded_symbol = symbol
+ chart_html = `
+ `
+ }
+ }
+ if (chart_html == "")
+ {
+ const pair = atomic_qt_utilities.retrieve_main_ticker(left_ticker) + "/" + atomic_qt_utilities.retrieve_main_ticker(right_ticker)
+ const pair_reversed = atomic_qt_utilities.retrieve_main_ticker(right_ticker) + "/" + atomic_qt_utilities.retrieve_main_ticker(left_ticker)
+ // Try checking if pair/reversed-pair exists
+ symbol = General.supported_pairs[pair]
+ if (!symbol) symbol = General.supported_pairs[pair_reversed]
+ if (!symbol)
+ {
+ pair_supported = false
+ return
+ }
+ pair_supported = true
+ if (symbol === loaded_symbol && !force)
+ {
+ webEngineViewPlaceHolder.visible = true
+ return
+ }
+ loaded_symbol = symbol
+ let chart_html = `
+ `
+ }
+ dashboard.webEngineView.loadHtml(chart_html)
+ }
+ Component.onCompleted:
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ loadChart(left_ticker?? atomic_app_primary_coin,
+ right_ticker?? atomic_app_secondary_coin)
+ }
+ catch (e) { console.error(e) }
+ }
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ visible: !webEngineViewPlaceHolder.visible
+ DefaultBusyIndicator
+ {
+ visible: pair_supported
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ Layout.leftMargin: -15
+ Layout.rightMargin: Layout.leftMargin*0.75
+ scale: 0.5
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ visible: pair_supported
+ text_value: qsTr("Loading market data") + "..."
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ visible: !pair_supported
+ text_value: qsTr("There is no chart data for this pair yet")
+ Layout.topMargin: 30
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
+ }
+ }
+ Item
+ {
+ id: webEngineViewPlaceHolder
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ visible: false
+ Component.onCompleted:
+ {
+ dashboard.webEngineView.parent = webEngineViewPlaceHolder
+ dashboard.webEngineView.anchors.fill = webEngineViewPlaceHolder
+ }
+ Component.onDestruction:
+ {
+ dashboard.webEngineView.visible = false
+ dashboard.webEngineView.stop()
+ }
+ onVisibleChanged: dashboard.webEngineView.visible = visible
+ Connections
+ {
+ target: dashboard.webEngineView
+ function onLoadingChanged(webEngineLoadReq)
+ {
+ if (webEngineLoadReq.status === WebEngineView.LoadSucceededStatus)
+ {
+ webEngineViewPlaceHolder.visible = true
+ }
+ else webEngineViewPlaceHolder.visible = false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Connections
+ {
+ target: app
+ function onPairChanged(left, right)
+ {
+ if (API.app.trading_pg.market_mode == MarketMode.Sell)
+ {
+ root.loadChart(left, right)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ root.loadChart(right, left)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Connections
+ {
+ target: Dex.CurrentTheme
+ function onThemeChanged()
+ {
+ loadChart(left_ticker?? atomic_app_primary_coin,
+ right_ticker?? atomic_app_secondary_coin,
+ true)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/DexComboBoxLine.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/DexComboBoxLine.qml
similarity index 64%
rename from atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/DexComboBoxLine.qml
rename to atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/DexComboBoxLine.qml
index 707ac50c63..368bce3c3c 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/DexComboBoxLine.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/DexComboBoxLine.qml
@@ -4,9 +4,11 @@ import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
import QtQuick.Controls.Universal 2.15
+import "../../Constants" as Dex
import "../../Components"
import App 1.0
import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+import Dex.Components 1.0 as Dex
@@ -16,13 +18,14 @@ RowLayout
property var details
property color color: !details ? "white" : Style.getCoinColor(details.ticker)
property alias bottom_text: bottom_line.text_value
+ property int activation_progress: Dex.General.zhtlcActivationProgress(details.activation_status, details.ticker)
Behavior on color { ColorAnimation { duration: Style.animationDuration } }
- DefaultImage
+ Dex.Image
id: icon
- source: General.coinIcon(ticker)
+ source: General.coinIcon(details.ticker)
Layout.preferredWidth: 32
Layout.preferredHeight: 45
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignLeft
@@ -30,6 +33,30 @@ RowLayout
Layout.topMargin: Layout.leftMargin
Layout.bottomMargin: Layout.leftMargin
+ DexRectangle
+ {
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ radius: 15
+ enabled: Dex.General.isZhtlc(details.ticker) ? activation_progress != 100 : false
+ visible: enabled
+ opacity: .9
+ color: Dex.DexTheme.backgroundColor
+ }
+ DexLabel
+ {
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ enabled: Dex.General.isZhtlc(details.ticker) ? activation_progress != 100 : false
+ visible: enabled
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+ text: activation_progress + "%"
+ font: Dex.DexTypo.body2
+ color: Dex.DexTheme.greenColor
+ }
anchors.left: parent.right
@@ -37,19 +64,18 @@ RowLayout
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
width: root.width - 40
- DefaultText
+ Dex.Text
Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width - 15
text_value: !details ? "" :
`${details.ticker} ${details.name}`
- color: Style.colorText
font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall3
elide: Text.ElideRight
wrapMode: Text.NoWrap
- DefaultText
+ Dex.Text
id: bottom_line
@@ -59,7 +85,7 @@ RowLayout
text: real_value
Layout.fillWidth: true
elide: Text.ElideRight
- color: DexTheme.foregroundColor
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
font: DexTypo.body2
wrapMode: Label.NoWrap
ToolTip.text: real_value
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/PlaceOrderForm/Main.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/PlaceOrderForm/Main.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62e2c1675d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/PlaceOrderForm/Main.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
+import "../../../Components"
+import "../../../Constants"
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+import Dex.Components 1.0 as Dex
+import AtomicDEX.MarketMode 1.0
+import AtomicDEX.TradingError 1.0
+ title: qsTr("Place Order")
+ property int loop_count: 0
+ property bool show_waiting_for_trade_preimage: false;
+ property var fees: API.app.trading_pg.fees
+ property var preimage_rpc_busy: API.app.trading_pg.preimage_rpc_busy
+ property string protocolIcon: General.platformIcon(General.coinPlatform(left_ticker))
+ property var trade_preimage_error: fees.hasOwnProperty('error') ? fees["error"].split("] ").slice(-1) : ""
+ readonly property bool trade_preimage_ready: fees.hasOwnProperty('base_transaction_fees_ticker')
+ readonly property bool can_submit_trade: last_trading_error === TradingError.None
+ margins: 15
+ collapsable: false
+ Connections {
+ target: API.app.trading_pg
+ function onFeesChanged() {
+ // console.log("onFeesChanged::fees: " + JSON.stringify(fees))
+ }
+ function onPreImageRpcStatusChanged(){
+ // console.log("onPreImageRpcStatusChanged::preimage_rpc_busy: " + API.app.trading_pg.preimage_rpc_busy)
+ }
+ function onPrefferedOrderChanged(){
+ reset_fees_state()
+ }
+ }
+ Connections
+ {
+ target: app
+ function onPairChanged(left, right)
+ {
+ reset_fees_state()
+ }
+ }
+ Connections
+ {
+ target: exchange_trade
+ function onOrderSelected()
+ {
+ reset_fees_state()
+ }
+ }
+ function reset_fees_state()
+ {
+ show_waiting_for_trade_preimage = false;
+ check_trade_preimage.stop()
+ loop_count = 0
+ API.app.trading_pg.reset_fees()
+ errors.text_value = ""
+ }
+ // Market mode selector
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ Layout.topMargin: 5
+ Layout.bottomMargin: 2
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
+ height: 40
+ MarketModeSelector
+ {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
+ Layout.preferredWidth: (parent.width / 100) * 46
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 40
+ marketMode: MarketMode.Buy
+ ticker: atomic_qt_utilities.retrieve_main_ticker(left_ticker)
+ }
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
+ MarketModeSelector
+ {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
+ Layout.preferredWidth: (parent.width / 100) * 46
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 40
+ ticker: atomic_qt_utilities.retrieve_main_ticker(left_ticker)
+ }
+ }
+ // Protocol text for platform tokens
+ Item
+ {
+ height: 40
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
+ visible: protocolIcon != ""
+ ColumnLayout
+ {
+ spacing: 2
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ id: protocolTitle
+ Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
+ text_value: "Protocol:"
+ font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall1
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ color: Style.colorText2
+ }
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ id: protocol
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ DefaultImage
+ {
+ id: protocolImg
+ source: protocolIcon
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 16
+ Layout.preferredWidth: Layout.preferredHeight
+ }
+ DexLabel
+ {
+ id: protocolText
+ text_value: General.getProtocolText(left_ticker)
+ wrapMode: DexLabel.NoWrap
+ font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall1
+ color: Style.colorText2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Order selected indicator
+ Item
+ {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
+ height: 40
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ id: orderSelection
+ visible: API.app.trading_pg.preffered_order.price !== undefined
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ Layout.leftMargin: 15
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
+ text: qsTr("Order Selected")
+ }
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
+ Qaterial.FlatButton
+ {
+ Layout.preferredHeight: parent.height
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 30
+ Layout.rightMargin: 5
+ foregroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
+ onClicked: {
+ API.app.trading_pg.reset_order()
+ reset_fees_state()
+ }
+ Qaterial.ColorIcon
+ {
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ iconSize: 16
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
+ source: Qaterial.Icons.close
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Rectangle
+ {
+ visible: API.app.trading_pg.preffered_order.price !== undefined
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ radius: 8
+ color: 'transparent'
+ border.color: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
+ }
+ }
+ OrderForm
+ {
+ id: formBase
+ width: parent.width
+ height: 340
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ }
+ Item { Layout.fillHeight: true }
+ // Error messages
+ Item
+ {
+ height: 60
+ Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
+ // Show errors
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ id: errors
+ visible: errors.text_value !== ""
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall4
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
+ text_value: General.getTradingError(
+ last_trading_error,
+ curr_fee_info,
+ base_ticker,
+ rel_ticker, left_ticker, right_ticker)
+ elide: Text.ElideRight
+ }
+ }
+ TotalView
+ {
+ height: 80
+ Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ }
+ DexGradientAppButton
+ {
+ id: swap_btn
+ height: 40
+ Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width - 20
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ radius: 18
+ text: qsTr("START SWAP")
+ font.weight: Font.Medium
+ enabled: can_submit_trade && !show_waiting_for_trade_preimage && errors.text_value == ""
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ console.log("Getting fees info...")
+ API.app.trading_pg.determine_fees()
+ show_waiting_for_trade_preimage = true;
+ }
+ Item
+ {
+ visible: show_waiting_for_trade_preimage
+ height: parent.height - 10
+ width: parent.width - 10
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ DefaultBusyIndicator
+ {
+ id: preimage_BusyIndicator
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ indicatorSize: 32
+ indicatorDotSize: 5
+ }
+ }
+ DexMouseArea
+ {
+ id: areaAlert
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ console.log("Getting fees info...")
+ API.app.trading_pg.determine_fees()
+ show_waiting_for_trade_preimage = true;
+ check_trade_preimage.start()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Timer {
+ id: check_trade_preimage
+ interval: 500;
+ running: false;
+ repeat: true;
+ triggeredOnStart: true;
+ onTriggered: {
+ loop_count++;
+ console.log("Getting fees info... " + loop_count + "/50")
+ if (trade_preimage_ready)
+ {
+ show_waiting_for_trade_preimage = false
+ loop_count = 0
+ stop()
+ confirm_trade_modal.open()
+ }
+ else if (trade_preimage_error != "")
+ {
+ loop_count = 0
+ errors.text_value = trade_preimage_error.toString()
+ show_waiting_for_trade_preimage = false
+ stop()
+ }
+ else if (loop_count > 50)
+ {
+ loop_count = 0
+ show_waiting_for_trade_preimage = false
+ trade_preimage_error = "Trade preimage timed out, try again."
+ stop()
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/MarketModeSelector.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/PlaceOrderForm/MarketModeSelector.qml
similarity index 90%
rename from atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/MarketModeSelector.qml
rename to atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/PlaceOrderForm/MarketModeSelector.qml
index 48f7c7713e..6eb535000b 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/MarketModeSelector.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/PlaceOrderForm/MarketModeSelector.qml
@@ -3,15 +3,13 @@ import QtQuick 2.12
import App 1.0
import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
import AtomicDEX.MarketMode 1.0 as Dex
-import "../../Components"
+import "../../../Components"
property int marketMode: Dex.MarketMode.Sell
property string ticker: ""
- width: 124
- height: 48
radius: 18
gradient: Gradient
@@ -60,7 +58,11 @@ Rectangle
anchors.centerIn: parent
color: API.app.trading_pg.market_mode == marketMode ? Dex.CurrentTheme.gradientButtonTextEnabledColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
- text: (marketMode == Dex.MarketMode.Sell ? qsTr("Sell") : qsTr("Buy")) + ` ${ticker}`
+ text:
+ {
+ if (marketMode == Dex.MarketMode.Sell) qsTr("Sell %1", "TICKER").arg(ticker)
+ else qsTr("Buy %1", "TICKER").arg(ticker)
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/PlaceOrderForm/OrderForm.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/PlaceOrderForm/OrderForm.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99f66e762d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/PlaceOrderForm/OrderForm.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
+import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
+import "../../../Components"
+import App 1.0
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+ id: root
+ spacing: 8
+ function focusVolumeField()
+ {
+ input_volume.forceActiveFocus()
+ }
+ readonly property string total_amount: API.app.trading_pg.total_amount
+ readonly property int input_height: 70
+ readonly property int subfield_margin: 5
+ // Will move to backend: Minimum Fee
+ function getMaxBalance()
+ {
+ if (General.isFilled(base_ticker))
+ return API.app.get_balance(base_ticker)
+ return "0"
+ }
+ // Will move to backend: Minimum Fee
+ function getMaxVolume()
+ {
+ // base in this orderbook is always the left side, so when it's buy, we want the right side balance (rel in the backend)
+ const value = sell_mode ? API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.base_max_taker_vol.decimal :
+ API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.rel_max_taker_vol.decimal
+ if (General.isFilled(value))
+ return value
+ return getMaxBalance()
+ }
+ function setMinimumAmount(value) { API.app.trading_pg.min_trade_vol = value }
+ Connections
+ {
+ target: exchange_trade
+ function onBackend_priceChanged() { input_price.text = exchange_trade.backend_price; }
+ function onBackend_volumeChanged() { input_volume.text = exchange_trade.backend_volume; }
+ }
+ Item
+ {
+ Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
+ Layout.preferredHeight: input_height
+ AmountField
+ {
+ id: input_price
+ left_text: qsTr("Price")
+ right_text: right_ticker
+ enabled: !(API.app.trading_pg.preffered_order.price !== undefined)
+ color: enabled ? Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
+ text: backend_price ? backend_price : General.formatDouble(API.app.trading_pg.cex_price)
+ width: parent.width
+ height: 41
+ radius: 18
+ onTextChanged: setPrice(text)
+ Component.onCompleted: text = General.formatDouble(API.app.trading_pg.cex_price) ? General.formatDouble(API.app.trading_pg.cex_price) : 1
+ }
+ OrderFormSubfield
+ {
+ id: price_usd_value
+ anchors.top: input_price.bottom
+ anchors.left: input_price.left
+ anchors.topMargin: subfield_margin
+ visible: !API.app.trading_pg.invalid_cex_price
+ left_btn.onClicked:
+ {
+ let price = General.formatDouble(parseFloat(input_price.text) - (General.formatDouble(API.app.trading_pg.cex_price)*0.01))
+ if (price < 0) price = 0
+ setPrice(String(price))
+ }
+ right_btn.onClicked:
+ {
+ let price = General.formatDouble(parseFloat(input_price.text) + (General.formatDouble(API.app.trading_pg.cex_price)*0.01))
+ setPrice(String(price))
+ }
+ middle_btn.onClicked:
+ {
+ if (input_price.text == "0") setPrice("1")
+ let price = General.formatDouble(API.app.trading_pg.cex_price)
+ setPrice(String(price))
+ }
+ fiat_value: General.getFiatText(non_null_price, right_ticker)
+ left_label: "-1%"
+ middle_label: "0%"
+ right_label: "+1%"
+ left_tooltip_text: qsTr("Reduce 1% relative to CEX market price.")
+ middle_tooltip_text: qsTr("Use CEX market price.")
+ right_tooltip_text: qsTr("Increase 1% relative to CEX market price.")
+ }
+ }
+ Item
+ {
+ Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
+ Layout.preferredHeight: input_height
+ AmountField
+ {
+ id: input_volume
+ width: parent.width
+ height: 41
+ radius: 18
+ left_text: qsTr("Volume")
+ right_text: left_ticker
+ placeholderText: sell_mode ? qsTr("Amount to sell") : qsTr("Amount to receive")
+ text: API.app.trading_pg.volume
+ onTextChanged: setVolume(text)
+ }
+ OrderFormSubfield
+ {
+ id: volume_usd_value
+ anchors.top: input_volume.bottom
+ anchors.left: input_volume.left
+ anchors.topMargin: subfield_margin
+ left_btn.onClicked:
+ {
+ let volume = General.formatDouble(API.app.trading_pg.max_volume * 0.25)
+ setVolume(String(volume))
+ }
+ middle_btn.onClicked:
+ {
+ let volume = General.formatDouble(API.app.trading_pg.max_volume * 0.5)
+ setVolume(String(volume))
+ }
+ right_btn.onClicked:
+ {
+ let volume = General.formatDouble(API.app.trading_pg.max_volume)
+ setVolume(String(volume))
+ }
+ fiat_value: General.getFiatText(non_null_volume, left_ticker)
+ left_label: "25%"
+ middle_label: "50%"
+ right_label: qsTr("Max")
+ left_tooltip_text: qsTr("Swap 25% of your tradable balance.")
+ middle_tooltip_text: qsTr("Swap 50% of your tradable balance.")
+ right_tooltip_text: qsTr("Swap 100% of your tradable balance.")
+ }
+ }
+ Item
+ {
+ visible: _useCustomMinTradeAmountCheckbox.checked
+ Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
+ Layout.preferredHeight: input_height
+ AmountField
+ {
+ id: input_minvolume
+ width: parent.width
+ height: 41
+ radius: 18
+ left_text: qsTr("Min Volume")
+ right_text: left_ticker
+ placeholderText: sell_mode ? qsTr("Min amount to sell") : qsTr("Min amount to receive")
+ text: API.app.trading_pg.min_trade_vol
+ onTextChanged: if (API.app.trading_pg.min_trade_vol != text) setMinimumAmount(text)
+ }
+ OrderFormSubfield
+ {
+ id: minvolume_usd_value
+ anchors.top: input_minvolume.bottom
+ anchors.left: input_minvolume.left
+ anchors.topMargin: subfield_margin
+ left_btn.onClicked:
+ {
+ let volume = input_volume.text * 0.10
+ setMinimumAmount(General.formatDouble(volume))
+ }
+ middle_btn.onClicked:
+ {
+ let volume = input_volume.text * 0.25
+ setMinimumAmount(General.formatDouble(volume))
+ }
+ right_btn.onClicked:
+ {
+ let volume = input_volume.text * 0.50
+ setMinimumAmount(General.formatDouble(volume))
+ }
+ fiat_value: General.getFiatText(API.app.trading_pg.min_trade_vol, left_ticker)
+ left_label: "10%"
+ middle_label: "25%"
+ right_label: "50%"
+ left_tooltip_text: qsTr("Minimum accepted trade equals 10% of order volume.")
+ middle_tooltip_text: qsTr("Minimum accepted trade equals 25% of order volume.")
+ right_tooltip_text: qsTr("Minimum accepted trade equals 50% of order volume.")
+ }
+ }
+ Item
+ {
+ Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 30
+ visible: !_useCustomMinTradeAmountCheckbox.checked
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ id: minVolLabel
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+ font.pixelSize: 13
+ text: qsTr("Min volume: ") + API.app.trading_pg.min_trade_vol
+ }
+ }
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ Layout.rightMargin: 2
+ Layout.leftMargin: 2
+ Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 30
+ spacing: 5
+ DefaultCheckBox
+ {
+ id: _useCustomMinTradeAmountCheckbox
+ boxWidth: 20
+ boxHeight: 20
+ labelWidth: 0
+ onToggled: setMinimumAmount(0)
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ height: _useCustomMinTradeAmountCheckbox.height
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+ wrapMode: Label.WordWrap
+ text: qsTr("Use custom minimum trade amount")
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor3
+ font.pixelSize: 13
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/PlaceOrderForm/OrderFormSubfield.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/PlaceOrderForm/OrderFormSubfield.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1370518b6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/PlaceOrderForm/OrderFormSubfield.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
+import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
+import "../../../Constants" as Dex
+import "../../../Components"
+import App 1.0
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+// todo: coding style is wrong, use camelCase.
+ id: control
+ property alias fiat_value: _fiat_label.text_value
+ property alias left_label: _left_label.text
+ property alias middle_label: _middle_label.text
+ property alias right_label: _right_label.text
+ property string left_tooltip_text: ""
+ property string middle_tooltip_text: ""
+ property string right_tooltip_text: ""
+ property alias left_btn: _left_btn
+ property alias middle_btn: _middle_btn
+ property alias right_btn: _right_btn
+ property int pixel_size: 12
+ property int btn_width: 33
+ spacing: 2
+ height: 20
+ width: parent.width
+ Item
+ {
+ width: btn_width
+ height: parent.height
+ // Background when market mode is different
+ DefaultRectangle
+ {
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ width: parent.width
+ height: parent.height
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.tradeMarketModeSelectorNotSelectedBackgroundColor
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ id: _left_label
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ font.pixelSize: pixel_size
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
+ text: "-1%"
+ }
+ DexTooltip
+ {
+ id: _left_tooltip
+ visible: _left_btn.containsMouse && left_tooltip_text != ""
+ contentItem: FloatingBackground
+ {
+ anchors.top: parent.bottom
+ anchors.topMargin: 30
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.accentColor
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ text: left_tooltip_text
+ font: Dex.DexTypo.caption
+ leftPadding: 10
+ rightPadding: 10
+ topPadding: 6
+ bottomPadding: 6
+ }
+ }
+ background: Rectangle {
+ width: 0
+ height: 0
+ color: "transparent"
+ }
+ }
+ DefaultMouseArea
+ {
+ id: _left_btn
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ }
+ }
+ Item
+ {
+ width: btn_width
+ height: parent.height
+ // Background when market mode is different
+ DefaultRectangle
+ {
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ width: parent.width
+ height: parent.height
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.tradeMarketModeSelectorNotSelectedBackgroundColor
+ DefaultMouseArea
+ {
+ id: _middle_btn
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ id: _middle_label
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ font.pixelSize: pixel_size
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
+ text: "0%"
+ }
+ DexTooltip
+ {
+ id: _middle_tooltip
+ visible: _middle_btn.containsMouse && middle_tooltip_text != ""
+ contentItem: FloatingBackground
+ {
+ anchors.top: parent.bottom
+ anchors.topMargin: 30
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.accentColor
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ text: middle_tooltip_text
+ font: Dex.DexTypo.caption
+ leftPadding: 10
+ rightPadding: 10
+ topPadding: 6
+ bottomPadding: 6
+ }
+ }
+ background: Rectangle {
+ width: 0
+ height: 0
+ color: "transparent"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Item
+ {
+ width: btn_width
+ height: parent.height
+ // Background when market mode is different
+ DefaultRectangle
+ {
+ id: right_rect
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ width: parent.width
+ height: parent.height
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.tradeMarketModeSelectorNotSelectedBackgroundColor
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ id: _right_label
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ font.pixelSize: pixel_size
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
+ text: "+1%"
+ }
+ DexTooltip
+ {
+ id: _right_tooltip
+ visible: _right_btn.containsMouse && right_tooltip_text != ""
+ contentItem: FloatingBackground
+ {
+ anchors.top: parent.bottom
+ anchors.topMargin: 30
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.accentColor
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ text: right_tooltip_text
+ font: Dex.DexTypo.caption
+ leftPadding: 10
+ rightPadding: 10
+ topPadding: 6
+ bottomPadding: 6
+ }
+ }
+ background: Rectangle {
+ width: 0
+ height: 0
+ color: "transparent"
+ }
+ }
+ DefaultMouseArea
+ {
+ id: _right_btn
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ }
+ }
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ id: _fiat_label
+ font.pixelSize: pixel_size
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
+ DefaultInfoTrigger { triggerModal: cex_info_modal }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/PlaceOrderForm/TotalView.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/PlaceOrderForm/TotalView.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..588c1a054b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/PlaceOrderForm/TotalView.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
+import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.15
+import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
+import Qt.labs.settings 1.0
+import "../../../Components"
+import "../../../Constants"
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+ spacing: 3
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 30
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor3
+ text: "Total " + API.app.settings_pg.current_fiat + " " + General.cex_icon
+ font.pixelSize: 14
+ font.weight: Font.Normal
+ opacity: .6
+ DefaultInfoTrigger { triggerModal: cex_info_modal }
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ font.weight: Font.DemiBold
+ font.pixelSize: 16
+ font.family: 'lato'
+ text_value: General.getFiatText(total_amount, right_ticker).replace(General.cex_icon, "")
+ }
+ }
+ HorizontalLine
+ {
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.lineSeparatorColor
+ Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 1
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ }
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 30
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor3
+ Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width * 0.3
+ text: "Total " + right_ticker
+ font.pixelSize: 14
+ opacity: .6
+ font.weight: Font.Normal
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ font.weight: Font.DemiBold
+ font.pixelSize: 16
+ font.family: 'lato'
+ text_value: General.formatCrypto("", total_amount, right_ticker).replace(right_ticker, "")
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/SearchableTickerSelector.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/SearchableTickerSelector.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de90ed3f2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/SearchableTickerSelector.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+import QtQuick 2.12
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
+import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+import Dex.Components 1.0 as Dex
+import "../../Components" as Dex
+import "../../Constants" as Dex
+ id: control
+ property var currentItem: model.index(currentIndex, 0)
+ property bool left_side: false
+ property string ticker
+ property bool index_changed: false
+ height: 60
+ enabled: !block_everything
+ textRole: "ticker"
+ valueRole: "ticker"
+ popupMaxHeight: Math.min(model.rowCount() * 70 + 70, 600)
+ popupForceMaxHeight: true
+ searchBar.visible: true
+ searchBar.searchModel: model
+ delegate: ItemDelegate
+ {
+ id: _delegate
+ width: control.width
+ height: visible ? 60 : 0
+ highlighted: control.highlightedIndex === index
+ contentItem: DexComboBoxLine { details: model }
+ background: Dex.DexRectangle
+ {
+ anchors.fill: _delegate
+ color: _delegate.highlighted ? Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxDropdownItemHighlightedColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxBackgroundColor
+ }
+ }
+ contentItem: DexComboBoxLine
+ {
+ id: _contentRow
+ property int update_count: 0
+ property var prev_details
+ padding: 10
+ function forceUpdateDetails()
+ {
+ console.log("Portfolio item data changed, force-updating the selected ticker details!")
+ ++update_count
+ }
+ details:
+ {
+ const idx = currentIndex
+ if (idx === -1) return prev_details
+ const new_details = {
+ update_count: _contentRow.update_count,
+ ticker: model.data(model.index(idx, 0), 257),
+ name: model.data(model.index(idx, 0), 259),
+ balance: model.data(model.index(idx, 0), 260),
+ main_currency_balance: model.data(model.index(idx, 0), 261),
+ activation_status: model.data(model.index(idx, 0), 266)
+ }
+ prev_details = new_details
+ return new_details
+ }
+ Component.onCompleted: portfolio_mdl.portfolioItemDataChanged.connect(forceUpdateDetails)
+ Component.onDestruction: portfolio_mdl.portfolioItemDataChanged.disconnect(forceUpdateDetails)
+ }
+ onCurrentIndexChanged: control.index_changed = true
+ onCurrentValueChanged:
+ {
+ if (control.index_changed)
+ {
+ control.index_changed = false
+ if (currentValue !== undefined)
+ setPair(left_side, currentValue)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (currentText.indexOf(ticker) === -1)
+ {
+ const target_index = indexOfValue(ticker)
+ if (currentIndex !== target_index)
+ currentIndex = target_index
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ searchBar.onVisibleChanged: if (!visible) { searchBar.textField.text = "" }
+ searchBar.textField.onTextChanged: control.model.setFilterFixedString(searchBar.textField.text)
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/TickerSelectors.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/TickerSelectors.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86df283110
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/TickerSelectors.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
+import "../../Components"
+import "../../Constants"
+// Ticker selectors.
+ id: selectors
+ function renewIndex()
+ {
+ selectorLeft.currentIndex = selectorLeft.indexOfValue(selectorLeft.ticker)
+ selectorRight.currentIndex = selectorRight.indexOfValue(selectorRight.ticker)
+ selectorLeft.searchBar.textField.text = ""
+ selectorRight.searchBar.textField.text = ""
+ }
+ SearchableTickerSelector
+ {
+ id: selectorLeft
+ width: parent.width * 0.45
+ height: parent.height
+ left_side: true
+ model: API.app.trading_pg.market_pairs_mdl.left_selection_box
+ ticker: left_ticker
+ onTickerChanged: renewIndex()
+ Component.onCompleted: renewIndex()
+ Component.onDestruction: searchBar.textField.text = ""
+ onVisibleChanged:
+ {
+ renewIndex()
+ model.with_balance = false
+ }
+ }
+ SwapIcon
+ {
+ width: parent.width * 0.1
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ top_arrow_ticker: selectorLeft.ticker
+ bottom_arrow_ticker: selectorRight.ticker
+ hovered: swap_button.containsMouse
+ DefaultMouseArea
+ {
+ id: swap_button
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ if (!block_everything)
+ setPair(true, right_ticker)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SearchableTickerSelector
+ {
+ id: selectorRight
+ width: parent.width * 0.45
+ height: parent.height
+ left_side: false
+ model: API.app.trading_pg.market_pairs_mdl.right_selection_box
+ ticker: right_ticker
+ onTickerChanged: renewIndex()
+ Component.onCompleted: renewIndex()
+ Component.onDestruction: searchBar.textField.text = ""
+ onVisibleChanged:
+ {
+ renewIndex()
+ model.with_balance = false
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/Main.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/Main.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b08a691dcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/Main.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
+import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+import "../../../Constants"
+import "../../../Components"
+import "../../Trade"
+import "../../ProView"
+ property alias currentIndex: tabView.currentIndex
+ title: qsTr("Trading Information")
+ background: null
+ margins: 0
+ Connections
+ {
+ target: exchange_trade
+ function onOrderSelected() { tabView.currentIndex = 0; }
+ }
+ Qaterial.LatoTabBar
+ {
+ id: tabView
+ property int pair_chart_idx: 0
+ property int order_idx: 1
+ property int history_idx: 2
+ background: null
+ Layout.leftMargin: 6
+ Qaterial.LatoTabButton
+ {
+ text: qsTr("Chart")
+ font.pixelSize: 14
+ textColor: checked ? Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
+ textSecondaryColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
+ indicatorColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ }
+ Qaterial.LatoTabButton
+ {
+ text: qsTr("Orders")
+ font.pixelSize: 14
+ textColor: checked ? Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
+ textSecondaryColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
+ indicatorColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ }
+ Qaterial.LatoTabButton
+ {
+ text: qsTr("History")
+ font.pixelSize: 14
+ textColor: checked ? Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
+ textSecondaryColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
+ indicatorColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ }
+ }
+ Rectangle
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor
+ radius: 10
+ Qaterial.SwipeView
+ {
+ id: swipeView
+ clip: true
+ interactive: false
+ currentIndex: tabView.currentIndex
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ ColumnLayout
+ {
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ spacing: 10
+ // Chart
+ Chart
+ {
+ id: chart
+ Layout.topMargin: 20
+ Layout.leftMargin: 28
+ Layout.rightMargin: 28
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 310
+ }
+ PriceLineSimplified
+ {
+ id: price_line
+ Layout.bottomMargin: 20
+ Layout.leftMargin: 28
+ Layout.rightMargin: 28
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ }
+ }
+ onCurrentIndexChanged:
+ {
+ swipeView.currentItem.update();
+ }
+ OrdersPage { clip: true }
+ OrdersPage
+ {
+ is_history: true
+ clip: true
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderLine.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderLine.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fc880aa0ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderLine.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
+import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
+import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
+import bignumberjs 1.0
+import App 1.0
+import "../../../Components"
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ property var details
+ property alias clickable: mouseArea.enabled
+ readonly property bool is_placed_order: !details ? false : details.order_id !== ''
+ height: 50
+ color: mouseArea.containsMouse ? Dex.CurrentTheme.accentColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor
+ radius: 0
+ DefaultMouseArea
+ {
+ id: mouseArea
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ hoverEnabled: enabled
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ order_modal.open()
+ order_modal.item.details = details
+ }
+ }
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ spacing: 4
+ Item
+ {
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 24
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ id: statusText
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ visible: clickable ? !details ? false : (details.is_swap || !details.is_maker) : false
+ font.pixelSize: getStatusFontSize(details.order_status)
+ color: !details ? Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor : getStatusColor(details.order_status)
+ text_value: !details ? "" : visible ? getStatusStep(details.order_status) : ''
+ }
+ Qaterial.ColorIcon
+ {
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ visible: !statusText.visible ? clickable ? true : false : false
+ iconSize: 16
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ source: Qaterial.Icons.clipboardTextSearchOutline
+ }
+ }
+ ColumnLayout
+ {
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
+ spacing: 0
+ Item
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.preferredHeight: childrenRect.height
+ clip: true
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ id: baseAmountLabel
+ anchors.left: parent.left
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ font.pixelSize: 12
+ text:
+ {
+ if (!details) return
+ BigNumber.config({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 6 })
+ return new BigNumber(details.base_amount).toString(10)
+ }
+ privacy: is_placed_order
+ elide: Text.ElideRight
+ maximumLineCount: 1
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ anchors.left: baseAmountLabel.right
+ anchors.leftMargin: 3
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ font.pixelSize: 12
+ text: !details ? "" : "(%1 %2)".arg(details.base_amount_current_currency).arg(API.app.settings_pg.current_fiat_sign)
+ privacy: is_placed_order
+ elide: Text.ElideRight
+ maximumLineCount: 1
+ }
+ Qaterial.ColorIcon
+ {
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+ source: Qaterial.Icons.swapHorizontal
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ iconSize: 18
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ anchors.right: relAmountInCurrCurrency.left
+ anchors.rightMargin: 3
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ font.pixelSize: 12
+ text:
+ {
+ if (!details) return
+ BigNumber.config({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 6 })
+ return new BigNumber(details.rel_amount).toString(10)
+ }
+ privacy: is_placed_order
+ elide: Text.ElideRight
+ maximumLineCount: 1
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ id: relAmountInCurrCurrency
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ font.pixelSize: 12
+ text: !details ? "" : "(%1 %2)".arg(details.rel_amount_current_currency).arg(API.app.settings_pg.current_fiat_sign)
+ privacy: is_placed_order
+ elide: Text.ElideRight
+ maximumLineCount: 1
+ }
+ }
+ Item
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.preferredHeight: childrenRect.height
+ DefaultImage
+ {
+ id: baseIcon
+ anchors.left: parent.left
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ width: 15
+ height: 15
+ source: General.coinIcon(!details ? atomic_app_primary_coin : details.base_coin ?? atomic_app_primary_coin)
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ anchors.left: baseIcon.right
+ anchors.leftMargin: 2
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ font.weight: Font.Bold
+ font.pixelSize: 12
+ text: !details ? "" : details.base_coin
+ privacy: is_placed_order
+ elide: Text.ElideRight
+ maximumLineCount: 1
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ visible: clickable
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ font.pixelSize: 11
+ text_value: !details ? "" : details.date ?? ""
+ elide: Text.ElideRight
+ maximumLineCount: 1
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ anchors.right: relCoin.left
+ anchors.rightMargin: 2
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ font.weight: Font.Bold
+ font.pixelSize: 12
+ text: !details ? "" : details.rel_coin
+ privacy: is_placed_order
+ elide: Text.ElideRight
+ maximumLineCount: 1
+ }
+ DefaultImage
+ {
+ id: relCoin
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ width: 15
+ height: 15
+ source: General.coinIcon(!details ? atomic_app_primary_coin : details.rel_coin ?? atomic_app_secondary_coin)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Item
+ {
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 24
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ visible: !details || details.recoverable === undefined ? false : details.recoverable && details.order_status !== "refunding"
+ font.pixelSize: baseAmountLabel.font.pixelSize
+ text_value: Style.warningCharacter
+ color: Style.colorYellow
+ DefaultTooltip
+ {
+ contentItem: DefaultText
+ {
+ text_value: qsTr("Funds are recoverable")
+ font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall4
+ }
+ visible: (parent.visible && mouseArea.containsMouse) ?? false
+ }
+ }
+ Qaterial.FlatButton
+ {
+ id: cancel_button_text
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ visible: (!is_history ? details.cancellable ?? false : false) === true ? (mouseArea.containsMouse || hovered) ? true : false : false
+ outlinedColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ onClicked: if (details) cancelOrder(details.order_id)
+ Behavior on scale
+ {
+ NumberAnimation
+ {
+ duration: 200
+ }
+ }
+ Qaterial.ColorIcon
+ {
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ iconSize: 16
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
+ source: Qaterial.Icons.close
+ scale: parent.visible ? 1 : 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Separator
+ HorizontalLine
+ {
+ width: parent.width
+ height: 2
+ anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Orders/OrderList.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderList.qml
similarity index 88%
rename from atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Orders/OrderList.qml
rename to atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderList.qml
index 3c26cc341d..7a5a4aa007 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Orders/OrderList.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderList.qml
@@ -3,25 +3,28 @@ import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import App 1.0
import "../../../Components"
import "../../../"
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+ id: root
property string title
property var items
property bool is_history: false
- width: parent.width - 10
+ width: parent.width
height: parent.height
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.maximumWidth: 511
@@ -47,6 +50,7 @@ Item
details: model
opacity: anim_time
+ width: root.width * 0.985
populate: Transition
@@ -93,6 +97,8 @@ Item
Layout.maximumHeight: 70
Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
Layout.bottomMargin: 10
+ itemsPerPageComboBox.mainBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxBackgroundColor
+ itemsPerPageComboBox.popupBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxBackgroundColor
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderModal.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..381a7d7bc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderModal.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
+import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+import "../../../Components"
+import "../../../Constants"
+import App 1.0
+ id: root
+ property var details
+ horizontalPadding: 60
+ verticalPadding: 40
+ onDetailsChanged: { if (!details) root.close() }
+ onOpened:
+ {
+ swapProgress.updateSimulatedTime()
+ swapProgress.updateCountdownTime()
+ }
+ onClosed: details = undefined
+ MultipageModalContent
+ {
+ titleText: !details ? "" : details.is_swap ? qsTr("Swap Details") : qsTr("Order Details")
+ title.font.pixelSize: Style.textSize2
+ titleAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ titleTopMargin: 10
+ topMarginAfterTitle: 10
+ flickMax: window.height - 450
+ header: [
+ // Complete image
+ DefaultImage
+ {
+ visible: !details ? false : details.is_swap && details.order_status === "successful"
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ source: General.image_path + "exchange-trade-complete.png"
+ height: 100
+ },
+ // Loading symbol
+ DefaultBusyIndicator
+ {
+ visible: !details ? false :
+ details.is_swap && !["successful", "failed"].includes(details.order_status)
+ running: visible && Qt.platform.os != "osx"
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ height: 100
+ },
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ Layout.topMargin: 10
+ height: 70
+ PairItemBadge
+ {
+ ticker: details ? details.base_coin : ""
+ fullname: details ? General.coinName(details.base_coin) : ""
+ amount: details ? details.base_amount : ""
+ }
+ Qaterial.Icon
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ icon: Qaterial.Icons.swapHorizontal
+ }
+ PairItemBadge
+ {
+ ticker: details ? details.rel_coin : ""
+ fullname: details ? General.coinName(details.rel_coin) : ""
+ amount: details ? details.rel_amount : ""
+ }
+ },
+ // Status Text
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ id: statusText
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ Layout.topMargin: 5
+ font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeMid1
+ font.bold: true
+ visible: !details ? false : details.is_swap || !details.is_maker
+ text_value: !details ? "" : visible ? getStatusText(details.order_status) : ''
+ height: 25
+ },
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ visible: text_value != ""
+ font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall2
+ text_value: !details ? "" : details.order_status === "refunding" ? swapProgress.getRefundText() : ""
+ height: 25
+ }
+ ]
+ ColumnLayout
+ {
+ id: details_column
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ spacing: 12
+ // Maker/Taker
+ TextEditWithTitle
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ title: qsTr("Order Type")
+ text: !details ? "" : details.is_maker ? qsTr("Maker Order") : qsTr("Taker Order")
+ label.font.pixelSize: 13
+ }
+ // Refund state
+ TextEditWithTitle
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ title: qsTr("Refund State")
+ text: !details ? "" : details.order_status === "refunding" ? qsTr("Your swap failed but the auto-refund process for your payment started already. Please wait and keep application opened until you receive your payment back") : ""
+ label.font.pixelSize: 13
+ visible: text !== ''
+ }
+ // Date
+ TextEditWithTitle
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ title: qsTr("Date")
+ text: !details ? "" : details.date.replace(" ", " ")
+ label.font.pixelSize: 13
+ visible: text !== ''
+ }
+ // ID
+ TextEditWithTitle
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ title: qsTr("Swap ID")
+ text: !details ? "" : details.order_id
+ label.font.pixelSize: 13
+ visible: text !== ''
+ copy: true
+ privacy: true
+ onCopyNotificationTitle: qsTr("Swap ID")
+ }
+ // Payment ID
+ TextEditWithTitle
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ title: !details ? "" : details.is_maker ? qsTr("Maker Payment Sent Transaction ID") : qsTr("Maker Payment Spent Transaction ID")
+ text: !details ? "" : details.maker_payment_id
+ label.font.pixelSize: 12
+ visible: text !== ''
+ copy: true
+ linkURL: text !== '' ? General.getTxExplorerURL(details.is_maker ? details.base_coin : details.rel_coin, details.maker_payment_id) : ''
+ privacy: true
+ onCopyNotificationTitle: qsTr("Maker Payment TXID")
+ }
+ // Payment ID
+ TextEditWithTitle
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ title: !details ? "" : details.is_maker ? qsTr("Taker Payment Spent Transaction ID") : qsTr("Taker Payment Sent Transaction ID")
+ text: !details ? "" : details.taker_payment_id
+ label.font.pixelSize: 12
+ visible: text !== ''
+ copy: true
+ privacy: true
+ onCopyNotificationTitle: qsTr("Taker Payment TXID")
+ linkURL: text !== '' ? General.getTxExplorerURL(details.is_maker ? details.rel_coin : details.base_coin, details.taker_payment_id) : ''
+ }
+ // Error ID
+ TextEditWithTitle
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ title: qsTr("Error ID")
+ text: !details ? "" : details.order_error_state
+ label.font.pixelSize: 13
+ visible: text !== ''
+ }
+ // Error Details
+ TextEditWithTitle
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ title: qsTr("Error Log")
+ text: !details ? "" : details.order_error_message
+ label.font.pixelSize: 13
+ visible: text !== ''
+ copy: true
+ onCopyNotificationTitle: qsTr("Error Log")
+ }
+ HorizontalLine
+ {
+ visible: swapProgress.visible
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.topMargin: 10
+ }
+ SwapProgress
+ {
+ id: swapProgress
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ visible: General.exists(details) && details.order_status !== "matching"
+ details: root.details
+ }
+ }
+ // Buttons
+ footer:
+ [
+ Item
+ {
+ visible: refund_button.visible || cancel_order_button.visible
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ },
+ // Recover Funds button
+ DefaultButton
+ {
+ id: refund_button
+ leftPadding: 15
+ rightPadding: 15
+ radius: 18
+ enabled: !API.app.orders_mdl.recover_fund_busy
+ visible: !details ? false :
+ details.recoverable && details.order_status !== "refunding"
+ text: enabled ? qsTr("Recover Funds") : qsTr("Refunding...")
+ font: DexTypo.body2
+ onClicked: API.app.orders_mdl.recover_fund(details.order_id)
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 50
+ },
+ // Cancel button
+ DexAppOutlineButton
+ {
+ id: cancel_order_button
+ visible: !details ? false : details.cancellable
+ leftPadding: 15
+ rightPadding: 15
+ radius: 18
+ text: qsTr("Cancel Order")
+ font: DexTypo.body2
+ onClicked: cancelOrder(details.order_id)
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 50
+ },
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true },
+ DexAppOutlineButton
+ {
+ id: explorer_button
+ text: qsTr("View on Explorer")
+ font: DexTypo.body2
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 50
+ leftPadding: 15
+ rightPadding: 15
+ radius: 18
+ visible: !details ? false : details.maker_payment_id !== '' || details.taker_payment_id !== ''
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ if (!details) return
+ const maker_id = details.maker_payment_id
+ const taker_id = details.taker_payment_id
+ if (maker_id !== '') General.viewTxAtExplorer(details.is_maker ? details.base_coin : details.rel_coin, maker_id)
+ if (taker_id !== '') General.viewTxAtExplorer(details.is_maker ? details.rel_coin : details.base_coin, taker_id)
+ }
+ },
+ Item
+ {
+ visible: close_order_button.visible && explorer_button.visible
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ },
+ DefaultButton
+ {
+ id: close_order_button
+ text: qsTr("Close")
+ font: DexTypo.body2
+ leftPadding: 15
+ rightPadding: 15
+ radius: 18
+ onClicked: root.close()
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 50
+ },
+ Item
+ {
+ visible: close_order_button.visible || explorer_button.visible
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrdersPage.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrdersPage.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5ff799eda8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrdersPage.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
+import Qt.labs.platform 1.1
+import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
+import App 1.0
+import "../../../Components"
+import "../../../Constants"
+import "../../.."
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+Item {
+ id: root
+ readonly property date default_min_date: new Date("2019-01-01")
+ readonly property date default_max_date: new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + 30))
+ property var list_model: API.app.orders_mdl
+ property var list_model_proxy: API.app.orders_mdl.orders_proxy_mdl
+ property int page_index
+ property alias title: order_list.title
+ property alias items: order_list.items
+ property bool is_history: false
+ function update()
+ {
+ reset()
+ if (combo_base.currentTicker !== "All" | combo_rel.currentTicker !== "All") {
+ buttonDelay.start()
+ }
+ }
+ function reset() {
+ list_model_proxy.is_history = !is_history
+ applyFilter()
+ list_model_proxy.apply_all_filtering()
+ list_model_proxy.is_history = is_history
+ }
+ Component.onDestruction: reset()
+ Timer {
+ id: buttonDelay
+ interval: 200
+ onTriggered: {
+ applyFilter()
+ list_model_proxy.apply_all_filtering()
+ }
+ }
+ function applyDateFilter() {
+ list_model_proxy.filter_minimum_date = min_date.selectedDate
+ if (max_date.selectedDate < min_date.selectedDate)
+ max_date.selectedDate = min_date.selectedDate
+ list_model_proxy.filter_maximum_date = max_date.selectedDate
+ }
+ function applyTickerFilter() {
+ list_model_proxy.set_coin_filter(combo_base.currentValue + "/" + combo_rel.currentValue)
+ }
+ function applyTickerFilter2(ticker1, ticker2) {
+ list_model_proxy.set_coin_filter(ticker1 + "/" + ticker2)
+ }
+ function applyFilter() {
+ applyDateFilter()
+ applyTickerFilter2(combo_base.currentTicker, combo_rel.currentTicker)
+ }
+ Component.onCompleted: {
+ list_model_proxy.is_history = root.is_history
+ applyFilter()
+ list_model_proxy.apply_all_filtering()
+ }
+ ColumnLayout
+ {
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.margins: 28
+ anchors.bottomMargin: is_history ? 0 : 10
+ spacing: 15
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ spacing: 10
+ DefaultButton
+ {
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 29
+ radius: 7
+ label.font: DexTypo.body2
+ text: qsTr("Filter")
+ iconSource: Qaterial.Icons.filter
+ onClicked: settings.visible = !settings.visible
+ }
+ DefaultButton
+ {
+ visible: root.is_history
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 29
+ radius: 7
+ label.font: DexTypo.body2
+ text: qsTr("Export CSV")
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ export_csv_dialog.folder = General.os_file_prefix + API.app.settings_pg.get_export_folder()
+ export_csv_dialog.open()
+ }
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
+ font: DexTypo.caption
+ visible: !settings.visible
+ text: qsTr("Filter") + ": %1 / %2
%3: %4 - %5".arg(combo_base.currentTicker).arg(combo_rel.currentTicker).arg(qsTr("Date")).arg(min_date.selectedDate.toLocaleDateString(Locale.ShortFormat, "yyyy-MM-dd")).arg(max_date.selectedDate.toLocaleDateString(Locale.ShortFormat, "yyyy-MM-dd"))
+ }
+ }
+ ColumnLayout
+ {
+ id: settings
+ visible: false
+ spacing: 8
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ spacing: 10
+ DefaultButton
+ {
+ visible: root.is_history
+ enabled: list_model_proxy.can_i_apply_filtering
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 29
+ radius: 7
+ label.font: DexTypo.body2
+ text: qsTr("Apply Filter")
+ onClicked: list_model_proxy.apply_all_filtering()
+ }
+ DefaultButton
+ {
+ visible: !root.is_history
+ enabled: API.app.orders_mdl.length > 0
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 29
+ radius: 7
+ label.font: DexTypo.body2
+ text: qsTr("Cancel All")
+ iconSource: Qaterial.Icons.close
+ onClicked: API.app.trading_pg.orders.cancel_order(list_model_proxy.get_filtered_ids())
+ }
+ }
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ DefaultSweetComboBox
+ {
+ id: combo_base
+ Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width / 2 - swapCoinFilterIcon.width
+ model: API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.all_proxy
+ valueRole: "ticker"
+ textRole: 'ticker'
+ mainBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.backgroundColor
+ popupBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.backgroundColor
+ onCurrentTickerChanged: applyFilter()
+ }
+ Qaterial.ColorIcon
+ {
+ id: swapCoinFilterIcon
+ source: Qaterial.Icons.swapHorizontal
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ DefaultMouseArea
+ {
+ id: swap_button
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ const base_idx = combo_base.currentTicker
+ combo_base.currentTicker = combo_rel.currentTicker
+ combo_rel.currentTicker = base_idx
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DefaultSweetComboBox
+ {
+ id: combo_rel
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ model: API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.all_proxy
+ valueRole: "ticker"
+ textRole: 'ticker'
+ mainBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.backgroundColor
+ popupBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.backgroundColor
+ onCurrentTickerChanged: applyFilter()
+ }
+ }
+ Row
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ DatePicker
+ {
+ id: min_date
+ width: parent.width * 0.45
+ titleText: qsTr("From")
+ minimumDate: default_min_date
+ maximumDate: default_max_date
+ selectedDate: default_min_date
+ onAccepted: applyDateFilter()
+ }
+ Item { width: parent.width * 0.1; height: 1 }
+ DatePicker
+ {
+ id: max_date
+ width: parent.width * 0.45
+ titleText: qsTr("To")
+ minimumDate: default_min_date
+ maximumDate: default_max_date
+ selectedDate: default_max_date
+ onAccepted: applyDateFilter()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ OrderList
+ {
+ id: order_list
+ items: list_model
+ is_history: root.is_history
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ }
+ }
+ ModalLoader
+ {
+ id: order_modal
+ sourceComponent: OrderModal {}
+ }
+ FileDialog
+ {
+ id: export_csv_dialog
+ title: qsTr("Please choose the CSV export name and location")
+ fileMode: FileDialog.SaveFile
+ defaultSuffix: "csv"
+ nameFilters: ["CSV files (*.csv)", "All files (*)"]
+ onAccepted: {
+ const path = currentFile.toString()
+ // Export
+ console.log("Exporting to CSV: " + path)
+ API.app.exporter_service.export_swaps_history_to_csv(path.replace(General.os_file_prefix, ""))
+ // Open the save folder
+ const folder_path = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf("/"))
+ Qt.openUrlExternally(folder_path)
+ }
+ onRejected: {
+ console.log("CSV export cancelled")
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/PriceLine.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/PriceLine.qml
similarity index 79%
rename from atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/PriceLine.qml
rename to atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/PriceLine.qml
index ee566c2381..63cbdaf723 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/PriceLine.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/PriceLine.qml
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-import "../../Components"
-import "../../Constants"
+import "../../../Components"
+import "../../../Constants"
import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
@@ -12,21 +12,13 @@ ColumnLayout
readonly property string price_reversed: API.app.trading_pg.price_reversed
readonly property string cex_price: API.app.trading_pg.cex_price
readonly property string cex_price_reversed: API.app.trading_pg.cex_price_reversed
- readonly property string cex_price_diff: API.app.trading_pg.cex_price_diff
+ readonly property string cexPriceDiff: API.app.trading_pg.cex_price_diff
readonly property bool invalid_cex_price: API.app.trading_pg.invalid_cex_price
readonly property bool price_entered: !General.isZero(non_null_price)
readonly property int fontSize: Style.textSizeSmall1
readonly property int fontSizeBigger: Style.textSizeSmall2
- readonly property int line_scale: getComparisonScale(cex_price_diff)
- function getComparisonScale(value) {
- return Math.min(Math.pow(10, General.getDigitCount(parseFloat(value))), 1000000000)
- }
- function limitDigits(value) {
- return parseFloat(General.formatDouble(value, 2))
- }
+ readonly property int lineScale: General.getComparisonScale(cexPriceDiff)
spacing: 20
@@ -80,8 +72,8 @@ ColumnLayout
Layout.topMargin: 10
Layout.bottomMargin: Layout.topMargin
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- color: parseFloat(cex_price_diff) <= 0 ? Dex.CurrentTheme.okColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
- text_value: (parseFloat(cex_price_diff) > 0 ? qsTr("Expensive") : qsTr("Expedient")) + ": " + qsTr("%1 compared to CEX", "PRICE_DIFF%").arg("" + General.formatPercent(limitDigits(cex_price_diff)) + "")
+ color: parseFloat(cexPriceDiff) <= 0 ? Dex.CurrentTheme.okColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
+ text_value: (parseFloat(cexPriceDiff) > 0 ? qsTr("Expensive") : qsTr("Expedient")) + ": " + qsTr("%1 compared to CEX", "PRICE_DIFF%").arg("" + General.formatPercent(General.limitDigits(cexPriceDiff)) + "")
font.pixelSize: fontSize
@@ -90,7 +82,7 @@ ColumnLayout
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- text_value: General.formatPercent(line_scale)
+ text_value: General.formatPercent(lineScale)
font.pixelSize: fontSize
@@ -107,13 +99,13 @@ ColumnLayout
height: parent.height * 2
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: 0.5 * parent.width * Math.min(Math.max(parseFloat(cex_price_diff) / line_scale, -1), 1)
+ anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: 0.5 * parent.width * Math.min(Math.max(parseFloat(cexPriceDiff) / lineScale, -1), 1)
- text_value: General.formatPercent(-line_scale)
+ text_value: General.formatPercent(-lineScale)
font.pixelSize: fontSize
@@ -129,8 +121,7 @@ ColumnLayout
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
text_value: General.cex_icon + " " + qsTr("CEXchange rate")
font.pixelSize: fontSize
- CexInfoTrigger {}
+ DefaultInfoTrigger { triggerModal: cex_info_modal }
// Price reversed
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/SwapProgress.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/SwapProgress.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad019be3da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/SwapProgress.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+import App 1.0
+import "../../../Components"
+import "../../../Constants"
+// Content
+ id: root
+ property var details
+ property var lastEvent
+ readonly property var all_events: !details
+ ? [] : has_error_event
+ ? details.events.map(e => e.state) : details.success_events
+ // Is there error in swap json?
+ readonly property bool has_error_event:
+ {
+ if (!details) return false
+ const events = details.events
+ for (let i = events.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
+ if (details.error_events.indexOf(events[i].state) !== -1)
+ return true
+ return false
+ }
+ // Total swaptime from sum of events duration
+ readonly property double totalTimePassed:
+ {
+ if (!details) return 0
+ const events = details.events
+ let sum = 0
+ for (let i = 0; i < events.length; ++i)
+ sum += events[i].time_diff
+ return sum
+ }
+ // Total swap duration estimate
+ readonly property double totalTimePassedEstimated:
+ {
+ const events = all_events
+ let sum = 0
+ for (let i = 0; i < events.length; ++i)
+ sum += API.app.orders_mdl.average_events_time_registry[events[i]]
+ return sum
+ }
+ // Current Event index
+ readonly property int current_event_idx:
+ {
+ if (!details) return -1
+ const events = details.events
+ if (events.length === 0) return -1
+ if (all_events.length === 0) return -1
+ const last_state = events[events.length - 1].state
+ if (last_state === "Finished") return -1
+ const idx = all_events.indexOf(last_state)
+ if (idx === -1) return -1
+ return idx + 1
+ }
+ // Simulated time of the running event
+ property double simulatedTime: 0
+ function updateSimulatedTime()
+ {
+ if (!details)
+ {
+ simulatedTime = 0
+ return
+ }
+ const events = details.events
+ if (!events || events.length === 0)
+ {
+ simulatedTime = 0
+ return
+ }
+ lastEvent = events[events.length - 1]
+ if (!lastEvent.timestamp)
+ {
+ simulatedTime = 0
+ return
+ }
+ if (current_event_idx !== -1)
+ {
+ const diff = Date.now() - lastEvent.timestamp
+ simulatedTime = diff - (diff % 1000)
+ } else simulatedTime = 0
+ }
+ Timer
+ {
+ running: current_event_idx !== -1
+ interval: 1000
+ repeat: true
+ onTriggered: updateSimulatedTime()
+ }
+ // Simulated countdown time until refund unlocked
+ property double paymentLockCountdownTime: -1 // First we wait for locktime expiry
+ property double waitUntilCountdownTime: -1 // Then we count down to 'wait_until' time
+ function updateCountdownTime()
+ {
+ if (current_event_idx == -1 || !details)
+ {
+ paymentLockCountdownTime = -1
+ return
+ }
+ const events = details.events
+ if (events[current_event_idx - 1].hasOwnProperty('data'))
+ {
+ if (events[current_event_idx - 1]['data'].hasOwnProperty('wait_until'))
+ {
+ const diff = events[current_event_idx - 1]['data']['wait_until'] * 1000 - Date.now()
+ waitUntilCountdownTime = diff - (diff % 1000)
+ if (waitUntilCountdownTime <= 0)
+ {
+ waitUntilCountdownTime = 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ waitUntilCountdownTime = -1
+ }
+ if (details.hasOwnProperty('paymentLock'))
+ {
+ const lock_diff = details.paymentLock - Date.now()
+ paymentLockCountdownTime = lock_diff - (lock_diff % 1000)
+ if (paymentLockCountdownTime <= 0)
+ {
+ paymentLockCountdownTime = 0
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ paymentLockCountdownTime = -1
+ }
+ }
+ Timer
+ {
+ running: !has_error_event ? false : details.events[details.events.length - 1].state == "Finished" ? false : true
+ interval: 1000
+ repeat: true
+ onTriggered: updateCountdownTime()
+ }
+ function getTimeText(duration, estimated)
+ {
+ return `` + qsTr("act", "SHORT FOR ACTUAL TIME") + ": " + `` +
+ `` + General.durationTextShort(duration) + `` +
+ ` | ` + qsTr("est", "SHORT FOR ESTIMATED") + ": " +
+ General.durationTextShort(estimated) + ``
+ }
+ function getRefundText()
+ {
+ if ((paymentLockCountdownTime > 0) && (waitUntilCountdownTime == -1))
+ {
+ return `` + qsTr(General.durationTextShort(paymentLockCountdownTime) + " until refund lock is released.") + ``
+ }
+ else if (waitUntilCountdownTime > 0) {
+ if (lastEvent.state !== "Finished") {
+ return `` + qsTr(General.durationTextShort(waitUntilCountdownTime) + " until refund completed.") + ``
+ }
+ }
+ return ""
+ }
+ // Title
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ text_value: `` + qsTr("Progress details") + `` +
+ ` | ` +
+ getTimeText(totalTimePassed + simulatedTime, totalTimePassedEstimated)
+ font.pixelSize: Style.textSize1
+ Layout.bottomMargin: 10
+ }
+ Repeater
+ {
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ model: all_events
+ delegate: Item
+ {
+ readonly property
+ var event:
+ {
+ if (!details) return undefined
+ const idx = details.events.map(e => e.state).indexOf(modelData)
+ if (idx === -1) return undefined
+ return details.events[idx]
+ }
+ readonly property bool is_current_event: index === current_event_idx
+ readonly property bool is_active: General.exists(event) || is_current_event
+ readonly property double time_passed: event ? event.time_diff : is_current_event ? simulatedTime : 0
+ width: root.width
+ height: 50
+ DefaultText {
+ id: icon
+ text_value: is_active ? "●" : "○"
+ anchors.left: parent.left
+ anchors.leftMargin: 10
+ anchors.verticalCenter: col_layout.verticalCenter
+ color:
+ {
+ // Already exists, completed event
+ if (event)
+ {
+ // Red for the Finished if swap failed
+ if (event.state === "Finished" && details.order_status === "failed") return Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
+ // Red for error event, green for the others
+ return details.error_events.indexOf(event.state) === -1 ? Dex.CurrentTheme.okColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
+ }
+ // In progress one is orange
+ if (is_current_event)
+ return Style.colorOrange
+ // Passive color for the rest
+ return Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor3
+ }
+ }
+ ColumnLayout
+ {
+ id: col_layout
+ anchors.left: icon.right
+ anchors.leftMargin: icon.anchors.leftMargin
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ id: name
+ font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall4
+ text_value: getEventText(modelData)
+ color: event ? Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor : is_current_event ? Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor3
+ }
+ AnimatedRectangle
+ {
+ id: bar
+ visible: is_active
+ width: parent.width
+ height: 2
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
+ AnimatedRectangle
+ {
+ width: parent.width * (totalTimePassed > 0 ? (time_passed / (totalTimePassed + simulatedTime)) : 0)
+ height: parent.height
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.okColor
+ }
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ visible: bar.visible
+ font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall2
+ text_value: !is_active ? '' : getTimeText(time_passed, API.app.orders_mdl.average_events_time_registry[modelData])
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/BestOrder/Header.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/BestOrder/Header.qml
index e3d4890f47..6582c909a7 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/BestOrder/Header.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/BestOrder/Header.qml
@@ -3,55 +3,53 @@ import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
import App 1.0
import "../../../Components"
+import Dex.Components 1.0 as Dex
-Item {
- property bool is_horizontal: false
- height: 40
+ height: 24
width: parent.width
- z: 2
+ spacing: 0
- RowLayout
+ Dex.Text
- width: parent.width - 30
- height: parent.height
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- DefaultText
- {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- Layout.preferredWidth: 130
- text: sell_mode? qsTr("You get") : qsTr("You send")
- font.family: Style.font_family
- font.pixelSize: 12
- font.bold: true
- font.weight: Font.Black
- }
- DefaultText
- {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- Layout.preferredWidth: 70
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 140
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ text_value: sell_mode ? qsTr("You get") : qsTr("You send")
+ font.family: Style.font_family
+ font.bold: true
+ font.pixelSize: 12
+ font.weight: Font.Black
+ }
- text: qsTr("Fiat Price")
- font.family: Style.font_family
- font.pixelSize: 12
- font.bold: true
- font.weight: Font.Black
- horizontalAlignment: Label.AlignRight
+ Item { Layout.preferredWidth: (parent.width - 300) / 2 }
- }
- DefaultText
- {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- text: qsTr("CEX rate")
- horizontalAlignment: Label.AlignRight
- font.family: Style.font_family
- font.pixelSize: 12
- font.bold: true
- font.weight: Font.Black
- }
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 80
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ text_value: qsTr("Fiat Price")
+ font.family: Style.font_family
+ font.bold: true
+ font.pixelSize: 12
+ font.weight: Font.Black
+ Item { Layout.preferredWidth: (parent.width - 300) / 2 }
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 80
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ text_value: qsTr("CEX rate")
+ font.family: Style.font_family
+ font.bold: true
+ font.pixelSize: 12
+ font.weight: Font.Black
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/BestOrder/List.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/BestOrder/List.qml
index db66934273..695385521e 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/BestOrder/List.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/BestOrder/List.qml
@@ -4,20 +4,62 @@ import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
-import App 1.0
+import "../../../Constants"
+import "../../../Components"
+import App 1.0 as App
+import AtomicDEX.MarketMode 1.0
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+import Dex.Components 1.0 as Dex
-Item {
id: _control
- Header {}
+ title: qsTr("Best Orders")
+ margins: 20
+ spacing: 20
+ Header
+ {
+ visible: !warning_text.visible
+ }
+ Item
+ {
+ id: warning_text
+ visible: API.app.trading_pg.volume == 0
+ Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
+ Layout.preferredHeight: parent.height
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ text_value: qsTr("Enter volume to see best orders.")
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+ font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall4
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
+ }
+ }
+ Dex.ListView
+ {
+ id: _listView
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ visible: !warning_text.visible
+ spacing: 6
- ListView {
- id: list
- anchors.topMargin: 40
- anchors.fill: parent
model: API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.best_orders.proxy_mdl
clip: true
reuseItems: true
- delegate: ListDelegate {}
+ scrollbar_visible: false
+ delegate: ListDelegate
+ {
+ width: _listView.width
+ height: 30
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/BestOrder/ListDelegate.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/BestOrder/ListDelegate.qml
index 073030ba62..a1189a5540 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/BestOrder/ListDelegate.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/BestOrder/ListDelegate.qml
@@ -2,161 +2,184 @@ import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
import "../../../Components"
-import "../../../Constants" as Constants
+import "../../../Constants"
import App 1.0 as App
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+import Dex.Components 1.0 as Dex
+import AtomicDEX.MarketMode 1.0
-Item {
id: _control
- property bool coinEnable: Constants.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_coin_info(coin).is_enabled
- property var isAsk: {
- if(parseInt(cex_rates)>0){
- false
- }else if(parseInt(cex_rates)<0) {
- true
- }else {
- undefined
- }
- }
- width: visible? list.width : 0
- height: 36
+ property bool coinEnable: API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_coin_info(coin).is_enabled
+ property bool isAsk
- AnimatedRectangle {
+ AnimatedRectangle
+ {
visible: mouse_are.containsMouse
width: parent.width
height: parent.height
- color: App.DexTheme.foregroundColor
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
opacity: 0.1
- RowLayout {
+ RowLayout
+ {
id: row
- width: parent.width - 30
+ width: parent.width
height: parent.height
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- spacing: 10
- Row {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- Layout.preferredWidth: 130
- leftPadding: -10
- spacing: 5
- DefaultImage {
- source: Constants.General.coinIcon(coin)
- width: 20
- height: 20
- smooth: true
- antialiasing: true
- opacity: !_control.coinEnable? .1 : 1
+ spacing: 0
+ Item
+ {
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 140
+ DexImage
+ {
+ id: asset_image
+ width: 24
+ height: 24
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ source: General.coinIcon(coin)
+ opacity: !_control.coinEnable? .1 : 1
- DefaultText {
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- leftPadding: 2
- text: send + " " + atomic_qt_utilities.retrieve_main_ticker(coin)
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ anchors.top: parent.top
+ anchors.left: asset_image.right
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
+ anchors.leftMargin: 5
+ text: send
font.family: App.DexTypo.fontFamily
font.pixelSize: 12
- }
- DefaultTooltip {
- id: _tooltip
- dim: true
- modal: true
- closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape | Popup.CloseOnPressOutside
- width: 250
- contentItem: DexLabelUnlinked {
- text_value: qsTr(" %1 is not enabled - Do you want to enable it to be able to select %2 best orders ?
Yes - No").arg(coin).arg(coin)
- wrapMode: DefaultText.Wrap
- width: 250
- onLinkActivated: {
- if(link==="#no") {
- _tooltip.close()
- }else {
- if (Constants.API.app.enable_coins([coin]) === true) {
- _control.coinEnable = true
- _tooltip.close()
- }
- else {
- cannot_enable_coin_modal.open()
- }
- }
- }
- ModalLoader {
- property string coin_to_enable_ticker: coin
- id: cannot_enable_coin_modal
- sourceComponent: CannotEnableCoinModal { coin_to_enable_ticker: cannot_enable_coin_modal.coin_to_enable_ticker }
- }
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+ anchors.left: asset_image.right
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
+ anchors.leftMargin: 5
+ text: coin
+ font.family: App.DexTypo.fontFamily
+ font.pixelSize: 12
- delay: 200
- DexLabel {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- Layout.preferredWidth: 70
- text: price_fiat + Constants.API.app.settings_pg.current_fiat_sign
+ Item { Layout.preferredWidth: (parent.width - 300) / 2 }
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 80
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+ text: price_fiat + API.app.settings_pg.current_fiat_sign
font.family: App.DexTypo.fontFamily
font.pixelSize: 12
- horizontalAlignment: Label.AlignRight
- opacity: 1
- DexLabel {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- text: cex_rates==="0"? "N/A" : parseFloat(cex_rates)>0? "+"+parseFloat(cex_rates).toFixed(2)+"%" : parseFloat(cex_rates).toFixed(2)+"%"
+ Item { Layout.preferredWidth: (parent.width - 300) / 2 }
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 80
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+ wrapMode: Text.NoWrap
font.family: App.DexTypo.fontFamily
font.pixelSize: 12
- Behavior on rightPadding {
- NumberAnimation {
+ text: cex_rates === "0" ? "N/A" :
+ parseFloat(cex_rates) > 0 ? "+" + parseFloat(cex_rates).toFixed(2) + "%" :
+ parseFloat(cex_rates).toFixed(2) + "%"
+ color: cex_rates === "0" ? Qt.darker(Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor) :
+ parseFloat(cex_rates) < 0 ? Dex.CurrentTheme.okColor :
+ Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
+ Behavior on rightPadding
+ {
+ NumberAnimation
+ {
duration: 150
+ }
+ }
- color:cex_rates==="0"? Qt.darker(App.DexTheme.foregroundColor) : parseFloat(cex_rates)<0? App.DexTheme.greenColor : App.DexTheme.redColor
- horizontalAlignment: Label.AlignRight
- opacity: 1
+ DefaultTooltip
+ {
+ id: _tooltip
+ dim: true
+ modal: true
+ closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape | Popup.CloseOnPressOutside
+ width: 250
+ contentItem: DexLabelUnlinked
+ {
+ text_value: !General.isZhtlc(coin) ?
+ qsTr(" %1 is not enabled - Do you want to enable it to be able to select %2 best orders ?
Yes - No").arg(coin).arg(coin) :
+ qsTr(" %1 is not enabled - Please enable it through the coin activation menu").arg(coin)
+ wrapMode: DefaultText.Wrap
+ width: 250
+ onLinkActivated:
+ {
+ if (link === "#no")
+ {
+ _tooltip.close();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (API.app.enable_coins([coin]) === true)
+ {
+ _control.coinEnable = true;
+ _tooltip.close();
+ }
+ else {
+ cannot_enable_coin_modal.open();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ModalLoader {
+ property string coin_to_enable_ticker: coin
+ id: cannot_enable_coin_modal
+ sourceComponent: CannotEnableCoinModal { coin_to_enable_ticker: cannot_enable_coin_modal.coin_to_enable_ticker }
+ }
+ delay: 200
- DefaultMouseArea {
+ DefaultMouseArea
+ {
id: mouse_are
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
- onClicked: {
- console.log(order_form.visible)
- if(!Constants.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_coin_info(coin).is_enabled){
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ if (!API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_coin_info(coin).is_enabled)
+ {
- }else {
- app.pairChanged(base_ticker, coin)
- Constants.API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.select_best_order(uuid)
- if(order_form.visible === false) {
- order_form.visible = true
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ placeOrderForm.visible = General.flipFalse(placeOrderForm.visible)
+ if (API.app.trading_pg.market_mode == MarketMode.Buy)
+ {
+ app.pairChanged(coin, rel_ticker)
- if(order_form.hidden === true) {
- order_form.hidden = false
- if(order_form.contentVisible === false) {
- order_form.contentVisible = true
- }
+ else
+ {
+ app.pairChanged(base_ticker, coin)
+ API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.select_best_order(uuid)
- //if(is_mine) return
- //isAsk? selectOrder(true, coin, price, quantity, price_denom, price_numer, quantity_denom, quantity_numer, min_volume) : selectOrder(false, coin, price, quantity, price_denom, price_numer, quantity_denom, quantity_numer, min_volume)
- HorizontalLine {
- width: parent.width
- opacity: .4
- }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/CandleStickChart.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/CandleStickChart.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 185906b2fa..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/CandleStickChart.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-import QtCharts 2.3
-import QtWebEngine 1.8
-import "../../Components"
-import App 1.0
-import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
-// List
-DexBox {
- id: graph_bg
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.right: parent.right
- anchors.top: parent.top
- content: Item {
- id: root
- width: graph_bg.width
- height: graph_bg.height
- property bool pair_supported: false
- readonly property bool is_fetching: dashboard.webEngineView.loadProgress < 100
- onIs_fetchingChanged: dashboard.webEngineView.visible = !is_fetching && pair_supported
- RowLayout {
- visible: pair_supported && !dashboard.webEngineView.visible
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- DefaultBusyIndicator {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- Layout.leftMargin: -15
- Layout.rightMargin: Layout.leftMargin*0.75
- scale: 0.5
- }
- DefaultText {
- text_value: qsTr("Loading market data") + "..."
- }
- }
- DefaultText {
- visible: !pair_supported
- onVisibleChanged: if(visible) {
- dex_chart.visible = false
- }
- text_value: qsTr("There is no chart data for this pair yet")
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- }
- Component.onCompleted: try{loadChart(left_ticker?? atomic_app_primary_coin, right_ticker?? atomic_app_secondary_coin)}catch(e){}
- Connections {
- target: app
- function onPairChanged(base, rel) {
- root.loadChart(base, rel)
- }
- }
- readonly property string theme: Dex.CurrentTheme.getColorMode() === Dex.CurrentTheme.ColorMode.Dark ? "dark" : "light"
- Connections
- {
- target: Dex.CurrentTheme
- function onThemeChanged()
- {
- loadChart(left_ticker?? atomic_app_primary_coin, right_ticker?? atomic_app_secondary_coin, true)
- }
- }
- property string chart_base
- property string chart_rel
- property string loaded_symbol
- function loadChart(base, rel, force=false) {
- const pair = atomic_qt_utilities.retrieve_main_ticker(base) + "/" + atomic_qt_utilities.retrieve_main_ticker(rel)
- const pair_reversed = atomic_qt_utilities.retrieve_main_ticker(rel) + "/" + atomic_qt_utilities.retrieve_main_ticker(base)
- console.log("Will try to load TradingView chart", pair)
- // Normal pair
- let symbol = General.supported_pairs[pair]
- if(!symbol) {
- console.log("Symbol not found for", pair)
- symbol = General.supported_pairs[pair_reversed]
- }
- // Reversed pair
- if(!symbol) {
- console.log("Symbol not found for", pair_reversed)
- pair_supported = false
- return
- }
- pair_supported = true
- // Load HTML
- if(!force && symbol === loaded_symbol) {
- console.log("Chart is already loaded,", symbol)
- return
- }
- loaded_symbol = symbol
- console.log("Loading TradingView chart", symbol, " theme: ", theme)
- chart_base = atomic_qt_utilities.retrieve_main_ticker(base)
- chart_rel = atomic_qt_utilities.retrieve_main_ticker(rel)
- dashboard.webEngineView.loadHtml(`
- `);
- }
- }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/ConfirmTradeModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/ConfirmTradeModal.qml
index f315edd17f..8a4f6bf1ea 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/ConfirmTradeModal.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/ConfirmTradeModal.qml
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
+import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
import AtomicDEX.TradingError 1.0
import "../../Components"
@@ -10,276 +11,406 @@ import "Orders/"
import App 1.0
import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
id: root
- width: 650
readonly property var fees: API.app.trading_pg.fees
+ width: 720
+ horizontalPadding: 30
+ verticalPadding: 30
+ closePolicy: Popup.NoAutoClose
titleText: qsTr("Confirm Exchange Details")
- OrderContent
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- details:
- ({
- base_coin: base_ticker,
- rel_coin: rel_ticker,
- base_amount: base_amount,
- rel_amount: rel_amount,
- order_id: '',
- date: '',
- })
- }
- PriceLineSimplified { Layout.fillWidth: true }
- HorizontalLine
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- }
- ColumnLayout
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- DefaultText
+ title.font.pixelSize: Style.textSize2
+ titleAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ titleTopMargin: 0
+ topMarginAfterTitle: 10
+ flickMax: window.height - 480
+ header: [
+ RowLayout
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
- text_value: qsTr("This swap request can not be undone and is a final event!")
- }
+ id: dex_pair_badges
- DefaultText
- {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
- text_value: qsTr("This transaction can take up to 60 mins - DO NOT close this application!")
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall4
- }
- }
- Item
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- Layout.preferredHeight: fees_detail.height + 10
- opacity: .7
- Column
- {
- id: fees_detail
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- visible: fees.base_transaction_fees_ticker && !API.app.trading_pg.preimage_rpc_busy
- Repeater
- {
- model: fees.base_transaction_fees_ticker && !API.app.trading_pg.preimage_rpc_busy ? General.getFeesDetail(fees) : []
- delegate: DefaultText
- {
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall1
- text: General.getFeesDetailText(modelData.label, modelData.fee, modelData.ticker)
- }
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- }
- Item {width: 1; height: 10}
- Repeater
+ PairItemBadge
- model: fees.base_transaction_fees_ticker ? fees.total_fees : []
- delegate: DefaultText
- {
- text: General.getFeesDetailText(
- qsTr("Total %1 fees:").arg(modelData.coin),
- modelData.required_balance,
- modelData.coin)
- }
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+ ticker: base_ticker
+ fullname: General.coinName(base_ticker)
+ amount: base_amount
- Item {width: 1; height: 10}
- }
- DefaultText
- {
- id: errors
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- width: parent.width
- horizontalAlignment: DefaultText.AlignHCenter
- font: DexTypo.caption
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
- text_value: General.getTradingError(
- last_trading_error,
- curr_fee_info,
- base_ticker,
- rel_ticker, left_ticker, right_ticker)
- }
- }
- ColumnLayout
- {
- id: config_section
+ Qaterial.Icon
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- readonly property var default_config: API.app.trading_pg.get_raw_mm2_coin_cfg(rel_ticker)
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ icon: Qaterial.Icons.swapHorizontal
+ }
- readonly property bool is_dpow_configurable: config_section.default_config.requires_notarization || false
+ PairItemBadge
+ {
+ ticker: rel_ticker
+ fullname: General.coinName(rel_ticker)
+ amount: rel_amount
+ }
+ },
- Layout.bottomMargin: 10
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ PriceLineSimplified
+ {
+ id: price_line
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ },
+ id: warnings_text
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- visible: !enable_custom_config.checked
- DefaultText
+ // Large margin warning
+ FloatingBackground
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- text_value: qsTr("Security configuration")
- font.weight: Font.Medium
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
+ width: childrenRect.width
+ height: childrenRect.height
+ color: Style.colorRed2
+ visible: Math.abs(parseFloat(API.app.trading_pg.cex_price_diff)) >= 50
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Item { width: 3 }
+ DefaultCheckBox
+ {
+ id: allow_bad_trade
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
+ textColor: Style.colorWhite0
+ visible: Math.abs(parseFloat(API.app.trading_pg.cex_price_diff)) >= 50
+ spacing: 2
+ boxWidth: 16
+ boxHeight: 16
+ label.wrapMode: Label.NoWrap
+ text: qsTr("Trade price is more than 50% different to CEX! Confirm?")
+ font: DexTypo.caption
+ }
+ }
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- text_value: "✅ " + (config_section.is_dpow_configurable ? qsTr("dPoW protected") :
- qsTr("%1 confirmations for incoming %2 transactions").arg(config_section.default_config.required_confirmations || 1).arg(rel_ticker))
+ text_value: qsTr("This swap request can not be undone and is a final event!")
- visible: config_section.is_dpow_configurable
+ id: warnings_tx_time_text
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- text_value: General.cex_icon + ' ' + qsTr('Read more about dPoW') + ''
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall2
+ text_value: qsTr("This transaction can take up to 60 mins - DO NOT close this application!")
+ font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall4
+ ]
- // Enable custom config
- DexCheckBox
- {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.maximumWidth: config_section.width
+ ColumnLayout
+ {
+ id: config_section
- id: enable_custom_config
+ readonly property var default_config: API.app.trading_pg.get_raw_mm2_coin_cfg(rel_ticker)
+ readonly property bool is_dpow_configurable: config_section.default_config.requires_notarization || false
- spacing: 2
- text: qsTr("Use custom protection settings for incoming %1 transactions", "TICKER").arg(rel_ticker)
- boxWidth: 24
- boxHeight: 24
- label.horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
- }
+ width: dex_pair_badges.width - 20
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
+ Layout.topMargin: 8
- // Configuration settings
- ColumnLayout
- {
- id: custom_config
- visible: enable_custom_config.checked
+ spacing: 5
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ // Fees Area
+ DefaultRectangle {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 150
+ Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width - 40
+ color: DexTheme.contentColorTop
+ visible: !buy_sell_rpc_busy
- // dPoW configuration switch
- DefaultSwitch
+ ColumnLayout
- id: enable_dpow_confs
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ visible: !fees_detail.visible
- visible: config_section.is_dpow_configurable
- checked: true
- text: qsTr("Enable Komodo dPoW security")
+ DefaultBusyIndicator
+ {
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 100
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 100
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ Layout.leftMargin: -15
+ Layout.rightMargin: Layout.leftMargin * 0.75
+ scale: 0.8
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ text_value: qsTr("Loading fees...")
+ Layout.bottomMargin: 8
+ }
- DefaultText
+ ColumnLayout
- visible: enable_dpow_confs.visible && enable_dpow_confs.enabled
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- text_value: General.cex_icon + ' ' + qsTr('Read more about dPoW') + ''
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall2
+ id: fees_error
+ width: parent.width - 20
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ visible: root.fees.hasOwnProperty('error') // Should be handled before this modal, but leaving here as a fallback
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ width: parent.width
+ text_value: root.fees.hasOwnProperty('error') ? root.fees["error"].split("] ").slice(-1) : ""
+ Layout.bottomMargin: 8
+ }
- // Normal configuration settings
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- visible: !config_section.is_dpow_configurable || !enable_dpow_confs.checked
- enabled: !config_section.is_dpow_configurable || !enable_dpow_confs.checked
+ id: fees_detail
+ width: parent.width - 20
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ spacing: 6
+ visible: root.fees.hasOwnProperty('base_transaction_fees_ticker') && !API.app.trading_pg.preimage_rpc_busy
- HorizontalLine
+ Repeater
- Layout.topMargin: 10
- Layout.bottomMargin: 10
- Layout.fillWidth: true
+ model: root.fees.hasOwnProperty('base_transaction_fees_ticker') && !API.app.trading_pg.preimage_rpc_busy ? General.getFeesDetail(root.fees) : []
+ delegate: DefaultText
+ {
+ font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall1
+ text: General.getFeesDetailText(modelData.label, modelData.fee, modelData.ticker)
+ }
- DefaultText
+ Repeater
- Layout.preferredHeight: 10
+ model: root.fees.hasOwnProperty('base_transaction_fees_ticker') && !API.app.trading_pg.preimage_rpc_busy ? root.fees.total_fees : []
+ delegate: DefaultText
+ {
+ text: General.getFeesDetailText(
+ qsTr("Total %1 fees:").arg(modelData.coin),
+ modelData.required_balance,
+ modelData.coin)
+ }
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- text_value: qsTr("Required Confirmations") + ": " + required_confirmation_count.value
- color: DexTheme.foregroundColor
- opacity: parent.enabled ? 1 : .6
- DexSlider
+ DefaultText
- id: required_confirmation_count
- readonly property int default_confirmation_count: 3
+ id: errors
+ visible: text_value != ''
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- stepSize: 1
- from: 1
- to: 5
- live: true
- snapMode: Slider.SnapAlways
- value: default_confirmation_count
+ width: parent.width
+ horizontalAlignment: DefaultText.AlignHCenter
+ font: DexTypo.caption
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
+ text_value: General.getTradingError(
+ last_trading_error,
+ curr_fee_info,
+ base_ticker,
+ rel_ticker, left_ticker, right_ticker)
- FloatingBackground
+ // Custom config checkbox
+ Item
- visible: enable_custom_config.visible && enable_custom_config.enabled && enable_custom_config.checked &&
- (config_section.is_dpow_configurable && !enable_dpow_confs.checked)
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- Layout.bottomMargin: 10
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
+ Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width - 10
+ height: childrenRect.height
+ visible: !buy_sell_rpc_busy
- color: Style.colorRed2
+ ColumnLayout
+ {
+ id: use_custom
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+ spacing: 5
- width: dpow_off_warning.width + 20
- height: dpow_off_warning.height + 20
+ DefaultCheckBox
+ {
+ id: enable_custom_config
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
+ spacing: 2
+ boxWidth: 20
+ boxHeight: 20
+ height: 50
+ label.wrapMode: Label.NoWrap
+ text: qsTr("Use custom protection settings for incoming %1 transactions", "TICKER").arg(rel_ticker)
+ }
+ DefaultSwitch
+ {
+ id: enable_dpow_confs
+ visible: enable_custom_config.checked && config_section.is_dpow_configurable
+ checked: true
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 260
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
+ mouseArea.hoverEnabled: true
+ labelWidth: 200
+ label.wrapMode: Label.NoWrap
+ label.text: qsTr("Enable Komodo dPoW security")
+ label2.text: General.cex_icon + ' ' + qsTr('Read more about dPoW') + ''
+ }
+ ColumnLayout
+ {
+ height: 50
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
+ spacing: 5
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ height: 16
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
+ visible: !enable_custom_config.checked
+ text_value: qsTr("Security configuration")
+ font.weight: Font.Medium
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ height: 12
+ font: DexTypo.caption
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ visible: !enable_custom_config.checked
+ text_value: "✅ " + (
+ config_section.is_dpow_configurable
+ ? ''
+ + qsTr("dPoW protected ") + General.cex_icon + ''
+ : qsTr("%1 confirmations for incoming %2 transactions")
+ .arg(config_section.default_config.required_confirmations || 1).arg(rel_ticker)
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Configuration settings
+ Item
+ {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
+ Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width - 10
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 90
+ height: childrenRect.height
+ visible: !buy_sell_rpc_busy
- id: dpow_off_warning
- anchors.centerIn: parent
+ id: security_config
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+ height: 60
+ spacing: 3
- DefaultText
+ ColumnLayout
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- text_value: Style.warningCharacter + " " + qsTr("Warning, this atomic swap is not dPoW protected!")
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
+ spacing: 3
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ height: 30
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ visible: required_confirmation_count.visible
+ text_value: qsTr("Required Confirmations") + ": " + required_confirmation_count.value
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ opacity: parent.enabled ? 1 : .6
+ }
+ DefaultSlider
+ {
+ id: required_confirmation_count
+ height: 24
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
+ visible: enable_custom_config.checked && (!config_section.is_dpow_configurable || !enable_dpow_confs.checked)
+ readonly property int default_confirmation_count: 3
+ stepSize: 1
+ from: 1
+ to: 5
+ live: true
+ snapMode: Slider.SnapAlways
+ value: default_confirmation_count
+ }
+ }
+ // No dPoW Warning
+ FloatingBackground
+ {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
+ width: dpow_off_warning.implicitWidth + 30
+ height: dpow_off_warning.implicitHeight + 10
+ color: Style.colorRed2
+ visible: {
+ enable_custom_config.checked && (config_section.is_dpow_configurable && !enable_dpow_confs.checked)
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ id: dpow_off_warning
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ font: DexTypo.body2
+ color: Style.colorWhite0
+ horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ text_value: Style.warningCharacter + " " + qsTr("Warning, this atomic swap is not dPoW protected!")
+ }
- DefaultBusyIndicator
+ Item
visible: buy_sell_rpc_busy
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
+ height: config_section.height
+ width: config_section.width
+ DefaultBusyIndicator
+ {
+ id: rpcBusyIndicator
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ }
- HorizontalLine { Layout.fillWidth: true }
Item { Layout.fillWidth: true },
- DexAppButton
+ DefaultButton
text: qsTr("Cancel")
padding: 10
leftPadding: 45
rightPadding: 45
radius: 10
- onClicked: root.close()
+ onClicked: {
+ root.close()
+ API.app.trading_pg.reset_fees()
+ }
Item { Layout.fillWidth: true },
text: qsTr("Confirm")
@@ -287,16 +418,18 @@ MultipageModal
leftPadding: 45
rightPadding: 45
radius: 10
- enabled: !buy_sell_rpc_busy && last_trading_error === TradingError.None
+ enabled: General.is_swap_safe(allow_bad_trade)
trade({ enable_custom_config: enable_custom_config.checked,
is_dpow_configurable: config_section.is_dpow_configurable,
enable_dpow_confs: enable_dpow_confs.checked,
required_confirmation_count: required_confirmation_count.value, },
- config_section.default_config)
+ config_section.default_config)
+ API.app.trading_pg.reset_fees()
Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/DefaultSweetModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/DefaultSweetModal.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index e0af2164c5..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/DefaultSweetModal.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-import "../../Components"
-import "../../Constants"
-import ".."
-import "Orders/"
-DefaultModal {
- id: root
- width: API.app.trading_pg.preimage_rpc_busy? 300 : 1100
- onOpened: reset()
- function reset() {
- API.app.trading_pg.determine_fees()
- }
- Connections {
- target: API.app.trading_pg
- function onFeesChanged() {
- console.log(JSON.stringify(API.app.trading_pg.fees))
- }
- }
- Connections {
- target: API.app.trading_pg
- function onPreImageRpcStatusChanged(){
- console.log(API.app.trading_pg.preimage_rpc_busy)
- }
- }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/OrderBook/Header.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/OrderBook/Header.qml
index 9839e5f7cc..05fb44c836 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/OrderBook/Header.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/OrderBook/Header.qml
@@ -4,46 +4,52 @@ import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
-import App 1.0
+import "../../../Constants"
+import Dex.Components 1.0 as Dex
-import "../../../Components"
- property bool is_ask: false
- RowLayout
+ width: parent.width
+ height: 24
+ spacing: 0
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ width: parent.width * 0.31
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ text: qsTr("Price") + " (" + atomic_qt_utilities.retrieve_main_ticker(right_ticker) + ")"
+ font.family: DexTypo.fontFamily
+ font.pixelSize: 12
+ font.bold: true
+ font.weight: Font.Black
+ }
+ Item { width: parent.width * 0.01 }
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ width: parent.width * 0.37
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ text: qsTr("Quantity") + " (" + atomic_qt_utilities.retrieve_main_ticker(left_ticker) + ")"
+ font.family: DexTypo.fontFamily
+ font.pixelSize: 12
+ font.bold: true
+ font.weight: Font.Black
+ }
+ Item { width: parent.width * 0.01 }
+ Dex.Text
- anchors.fill: parent
- DefaultText
- {
- Layout.preferredWidth: (parent.width / 100) * 33
- text: is_ask ? qsTr("Price") + " (" + atomic_qt_utilities.retrieve_main_ticker(right_ticker) + ")" :
- qsTr("Price") + " (" + atomic_qt_utilities.retrieve_main_ticker(right_ticker) + ")"
- font.family: DexTypo.fontFamily
- font.pixelSize: 12
- font.bold: true
- font.weight: Font.Black
- horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
- }
- DefaultText
- {
- Layout.preferredWidth: (parent.width / 100) * 30
- text: qsTr("Quantity") + " (" + atomic_qt_utilities.retrieve_main_ticker(left_ticker) + ")"
- font.family: DexTypo.fontFamily
- font.pixelSize: 12
- font.bold: true
- font.weight: Font.Black
- horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
- }
- DefaultText
- {
- Layout.preferredWidth: (parent.width / 100) * 30
- text: qsTr("Total") + " (" + atomic_qt_utilities.retrieve_main_ticker(right_ticker) + ")"
- font.family: DexTypo.fontFamily
- font.pixelSize: 12
- font.bold: true
- font.weight: Font.Black
- horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
- }
+ width: parent.width * 0.30
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ text: qsTr("Total") + " (" + atomic_qt_utilities.retrieve_main_ticker(right_ticker) + ")"
+ font.family: DexTypo.fontFamily
+ font.pixelSize: 12
+ font.bold: true
+ font.weight: Font.Black
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/OrderBook/Horizontal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/OrderBook/Horizontal.qml
index 4d0417fe49..e451935079 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/OrderBook/Horizontal.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/OrderBook/Horizontal.qml
@@ -20,14 +20,17 @@ Item {
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
radius: 6
color: "transparent"
RowLayout {
anchors.fill: parent
spacing: 0
List {
isAsk: false
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
List {
isAsk: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/OrderBook/List.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/OrderBook/List.qml
index e5a4d45b2f..23e54d6606 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/OrderBook/List.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/OrderBook/List.qml
@@ -13,28 +13,31 @@ Item
property bool isAsk
property bool isVertical: false
+ width: parent.width
+ height: parent.height
- id: orderList
- anchors.fill: parent
+ id: orderbook_list
+ width: parent.width
+ height: parent.height
model: isAsk ? API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.asks.proxy_mdl : API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.bids.proxy_mdl
clip: true
reuseItems: true
spacing: 8
- onContentHeightChanged :
+ onContentHeightChanged:
if (isVertical) _tm.start();
delegate: Item
- width: orderList.width
+ width: orderbook_list.width
height: 24
- anchors.centerIn: parent
width: parent.width
height: parent.height
isAsk: _control.isAsk ? true : false
@@ -47,8 +50,8 @@ Item
interval: 2000
- orderList.positionViewAtEnd()
+ orderbook_list.positionViewAtEnd()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/OrderBook/ListDelegate.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/OrderBook/ListDelegate.qml
index bdf48a04ab..20239d25d2 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/OrderBook/ListDelegate.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/OrderBook/ListDelegate.qml
@@ -7,36 +7,115 @@ import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
import "../../../Components"
import "../../../Constants"
import App 1.0
-import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
import bignumberjs 1.0
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+import Dex.Components 1.0 as Dex
+import AtomicDEX.MarketMode 1.0
+import AtomicDEX.TradingError 1.0
property bool isAsk
+ DefaultTooltip
+ {
+ visible: mouse_area.containsMouse && (tooltip_text.text_value != "")
+ width: 300
+ contentItem: RowLayout
+ {
+ width: 290
+ Qaterial.ColorIcon
+ {
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ source: Qaterial.Icons.alert
+ color: Qaterial.Colors.amber
+ }
+ DexLabel
+ {
+ id: tooltip_text
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ text_value:
+ {
+ if (mouse_area.containsMouse)
+ {
+ let relMaxTakerVol = parseFloat(API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.rel_max_taker_vol.decimal);
+ let baseMaxTakerVol = parseFloat(API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.base_max_taker_vol.decimal);
+ if (!enough_funds_to_pay_min_volume)
+ {
+ return qsTr("This order requires a minimum amount of %1 %2
You don't have enough funds.
+ .arg(parseFloat(min_volume).toFixed(8))
+ .arg(isAsk ? right_ticker : left_ticker)
+ .arg(relMaxTakerVol > 0 || baseMaxTakerVol > 0 ?
+ "Your max balance after fees is: %1".arg(isAsk ?
+ relMaxTakerVol.toFixed(8) : baseMaxTakerVol.toFixed(8)) : "")
+ }
+ if ([TradingError.LeftParentChainNotEnoughBalance, TradingError.RightParentChainNotEnoughBalance,
+ TradingError.LeftParentChainNotEnabled, TradingError.RightParentChainNotEnabled].includes(last_trading_error))
+ {
+ return General.getTradingError(
+ last_trading_error, curr_fee_info,
+ base_ticker, rel_ticker, left_ticker,
+ right_ticker)
+ }
+ if (!([TradingError.None, TradingError.PriceFieldNotFilled, TradingError.VolumeFieldNotFilled].includes(last_trading_error)))
+ {
+ if (isAsk && API.app.trading_pg.market_mode == MarketMode.Buy)
+ {
+ return General.getTradingError(
+ last_trading_error, curr_fee_info,
+ base_ticker, rel_ticker, left_ticker,
+ right_ticker)
+ }
+ if (!isAsk && API.app.trading_pg.market_mode == MarketMode.Sell)
+ {
+ return General.getTradingError(
+ last_trading_error, curr_fee_info,
+ base_ticker, rel_ticker, left_ticker,
+ right_ticker)
+ }
+ return ""
+ }
+ return ""
+ }
+ return ""
+ }
+ wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
+ }
+ }
+ delay: 200
+ }
id: mouse_area
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
- if(is_mine) return
+ if (is_mine) return
- if(enough_funds_to_pay_min_volume)
+ if (enough_funds_to_pay_min_volume )
- exchange_trade.orderSelected = true
- orderList.currentIndex = index
+ orderbook_list.currentIndex = index
- selectOrder(isAsk, coin, price, quantity, price_denom,
- price_numer, quantity_denom, quantity_numer,
- min_volume, base_min_volume, base_max_volume,
+ selectOrder(isAsk, coin, price, price_denom,
+ price_numer, min_volume, base_min_volume, base_max_volume,
rel_min_volume, rel_max_volume, base_max_volume_denom,
base_max_volume_numer, uuid)
- order_form.visible = General.flipFalse(order_form.visible)
- order_form.hidden = General.flipTrue(order_form.hidden)
- if (!order_form.hidden) order_form.contentVisible = General.flipFalse(order_form.contentVisible)
+ placeOrderForm.visible = General.flipFalse(placeOrderForm.visible)
+ orderSelected()
@@ -82,65 +161,54 @@ Item
- RowLayout
+ Row
id: row
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
onWidthChanged: progress.width = ((depth * 100) * (width + 40)) / 100
+ spacing: 0
- // error icon
- DefaultAlertIcon
+ Dex.ElidableText
- visible: !enough_funds_to_pay_min_volume
- iconSize: 12
- tooltipText:
- {
- let relMaxTakerVol = parseFloat(API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.rel_max_taker_vol.decimal);
- let baseMaxTakerVol = parseFloat(API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.base_max_taker_vol.decimal);
- qsTr("This order requires a minimum amount of %1 %2. %3")
- .arg(parseFloat(min_volume).toFixed(8))
- .arg(isAsk ? API.app.trading_pg.market_pairs_mdl.right_selected_coin : API.app.trading_pg.market_pairs_mdl.left_selected_coin)
- .arg(relMaxTakerVol > 0 || baseMaxTakerVol > 0 ? "Your max balance after fees is: %1".arg(isAsk ? relMaxTakerVol.toFixed(8) : baseMaxTakerVol.toFixed(8)) : "")
- }
- }
- // Price
- DefaultText
- {
- Layout.preferredWidth: (parent.width / 100) * 33
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ width: parent.width * 0.31
text: { new BigNumber(price).toFixed(8) }
font.family: DexTypo.fontFamily
font.pixelSize: 12
color: isAsk ? Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.okColor
- elide: Text.ElideRight
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ wrapMode: Text.NoWrap
+ Item { width: parent.width * 0.01 }
// Quantity
- DefaultText
+ Dex.ElidableText
- Layout.preferredWidth: (parent.width / 100) * 30
- text: { new BigNumber(quantity).toFixed(6) }
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ width: parent.width * 0.37
+ text: { new BigNumber(base_max_volume).toFixed(6) }
font.family: DexTypo.fontFamily
font.pixelSize: 12
- elide: Text.ElideRight
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
onTextChanged: depth_bar.width = ((depth * 100) * (mouse_area.width + 40)) / 100
+ wrapMode: Text.NoWrap
+ Item { width: parent.width * 0.01 }
// Total
- DefaultText
+ Dex.ElidableText
- Layout.preferredWidth: (parent.width / 100) * 30
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ width: parent.width * 0.30
rightPadding: (is_mine) && (mouse_area.containsMouse || cancel_button.containsMouse) ? 30 : 0
font.family: DexTypo.fontFamily
font.pixelSize: 12
text: { new BigNumber(total).toFixed(6) }
- elide: Text.ElideRight
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ wrapMode: Text.NoWrap
Behavior on rightPadding { NumberAnimation { duration: 150 } }
@@ -151,13 +219,14 @@ Item
id: cancel_button_text
property bool requested_cancel: false
visible: is_mine && !requested_cancel
- source: Qaterial.Icons.close
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.verticalCenterOffset: 1
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: mouse_area.containsMouse || cancel_button.containsMouse ? 12 : 6
Behavior on iconSize
@@ -178,10 +247,9 @@ Item
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
- if(!is_mine) return
+ if (!is_mine) return
cancel_button_text.requested_cancel = true
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/OrderBook/Vertical.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/OrderBook/Vertical.qml
index 8c9790f61e..9c5e4c9d74 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/OrderBook/Vertical.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/OrderBook/Vertical.qml
@@ -5,46 +5,48 @@ import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
import "../../../Components"
+import "../../../Constants"
import App 1.0
import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
- visible: isUltraLarge
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- radius: 10
+ title: qsTr("Order Book")
- ColumnLayout
+ margins: 20
+ spacing: 20
+ Header
- anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.margins: 20
- spacing: 12
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 30
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ }
- Header
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.preferredHeight: 30
- }
+ List
+ {
+ isAsk: true
+ isVertical: true
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ }
- List
- {
- isAsk: true
- isVertical: true
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- }
- Item
+ Item
+ {
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 4
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Rectangle
- Layout.preferredHeight: 8
- Layout.fillWidth: true
+ width: parent.width
+ height: parent.height
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor
+ }
- List
- {
- isAsk: false
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- }
+ List
+ {
+ isAsk: false
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Orders/OrderLine.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Orders/OrderLine.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 80b7af29bc..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Orders/OrderLine.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
-import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
-import App 1.0
-import "../../../Components"
-import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
- property var details
- property alias clickable: mouse_area.enabled
- readonly property bool is_placed_order: !details ? false : details.order_id !== ''
- width: list.model.count > 6 ? list.width - 15 : list.width - 8
- height: 40
- color: mouse_area.containsMouse? DexTheme.hightlightColor : "transparent"
- DefaultMouseArea
- {
- id: mouse_area
- anchors.fill: parent
- hoverEnabled: enabled
- onClicked:
- {
- order_modal.open()
- order_modal.item.details = details
- }
- }
- RowLayout
- {
- anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.leftMargin: 10
- anchors.rightMargin: 10
- DefaultText
- {
- id: status_text
- Layout.preferredWidth: (parent.width / 100) * 4
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- visible: clickable ? !details ? false :
- (details.is_swap || !details.is_maker) : false
- font.pixelSize: getStatusFontSize(details.order_status)
- color: !details ? Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor : getStatusColor(details.order_status)
- text_value: !details ? "" : visible ? getStatusStep(details.order_status) : ''
- }
- Item
- {
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- Layout.preferredWidth: (parent.width / 100) * 4
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- visible: !status_text.visible ? clickable ? true : false : false
- Qaterial.ColorIcon
- {
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- iconSize: 17
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
- source: Qaterial.Icons.clipboardTextSearchOutline
- }
- }
- DefaultText
- {
- visible: clickable
- font.pixelSize: base_amount.font.pixelSize
- text_value: !details ? "" : details.date ?? ""
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- Layout.preferredWidth: (parent.width / 100) * 10
- verticalAlignment: Label.AlignVCenter
- horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
- }
- DefaultImage
- {
- id: base_icon
- source: General.coinIcon(!details ? atomic_app_primary_coin :
- details.base_coin ?? atomic_app_primary_coin)
- Layout.preferredWidth: Style.textSize1
- Layout.preferredHeight: Style.textSize1
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- Layout.leftMargin: 2
- }
- DefaultText
- {
- id: base_amount
- text_value: !details ? "" : General.formatCrypto("", details.base_amount, details.base_coin, details.base_amount_current_currency, API.app.settings_pg.current_currency)
- font.pixelSize: 10
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- Layout.preferredWidth: (parent.width / 100) * 33
- verticalAlignment: Label.AlignVCenter
- privacy: is_placed_order
- }
- Item
- {
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- SwapIcon
- {
- visible: !status_text.visible
- anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- top_arrow_ticker: !details ? atomic_app_primary_coin : details.base_coin ?? ""
- bottom_arrow_ticker: !details ? atomic_app_primary_coin : details.rel_coin ?? ""
- }
- }
- DefaultText
- {
- id: rel_amount
- text_value: !details ? "" : General.formatCrypto("", details.rel_amount, details.rel_coin, details.rel_amount_current_currency, API.app.settings_pg.current_currency)
- font.pixelSize: base_amount.font.pixelSize
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- Layout.preferredWidth: (parent.width / 100) * 33
- verticalAlignment: Label.AlignVCenter
- horizontalAlignment: Label.AlignRight
- privacy: is_placed_order
- }
- DefaultImage
- {
- id: rel_icon
- source: General.coinIcon(!details ? atomic_app_primary_coin :
- details.rel_coin ?? atomic_app_secondary_coin)
- width: base_icon.width
- Layout.preferredWidth: Style.textSize1
- Layout.preferredHeight: Style.textSize1
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- }
- DefaultText
- {
- font.pixelSize: base_amount.font.pixelSize
- visible: !details || details.recoverable === undefined ? false :
- details.recoverable && details.order_status !== "refunding"
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- Layout.preferredWidth: (parent.width / 100) * 5
- verticalAlignment: Label.AlignVCenter
- horizontalAlignment: Label.AlignHCenter
- text_value: Style.warningCharacter
- color: Style.colorYellow
- DefaultTooltip
- {
- contentItem: DefaultText
- {
- text_value: qsTr("Funds are recoverable")
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall4
- }
- visible: (parent.visible && mouse_area.containsMouse) ?? false
- }
- }
- Qaterial.FlatButton
- {
- id: cancel_button_text
- visible: (!is_history ? details.cancellable ?? false : false) === true ? (mouse_area.containsMouse || hovered) ? true : false : false
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- Layout.preferredWidth: (parent.width / 100) * 3
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- outlinedColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
- hoverEnabled: true
- onClicked: if (details) cancelOrder(details.order_id)
- Behavior on scale
- {
- NumberAnimation
- {
- duration: 200
- }
- }
- Qaterial.ColorIcon
- {
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- iconSize: 13
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
- source: Qaterial.Icons.close
- scale: parent.visible ? 1 : 0
- }
- }
- }
- // Separator
- HorizontalLine
- {
- width: parent.width
- anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
- }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Orders/OrderModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Orders/OrderModal.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 256d6f89fb..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Orders/OrderModal.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
-import "../../../Components"
-import "../../../Constants"
-import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
-import App 1.0
- id: root
- property var details
- onDetailsChanged: { if (!details) root.close() }
- onOpened: swap_progress.updateSimulatedTime()
- onClosed: details = undefined
- MultipageModalContent
- {
- titleText: !details ? "" : details.is_swap ? qsTr("Swap Details") : qsTr("Order Details")
- titleAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- // Complete image
- DefaultImage
- {
- visible: !details ? false : details.is_swap && details.order_status === "successful"
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- source: General.image_path + "exchange-trade-complete.png"
- }
- // Loading symbol
- DefaultBusyIndicator
- {
- visible: !details ? false : details.is_swap && details.order_status !== "successful"
- running: (!details ? false :
- details.is_swap &&
- details.order_status !== "successful" &&
- details.order_status !== "failed") && Qt.platform.os != "osx"
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- }
- // Status Text
- DefaultText
- {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- Layout.topMargin: 5
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSize1
- font.bold: true
- visible: !details ? false : details.is_swap || !details.is_maker
- text_value: !details ? "" : visible ? getStatusText(details.order_status) : ''
- }
- RowLayout
- {
- Layout.topMargin: 22
- DefaultRectangle
- {
- Layout.preferredWidth: 226
- Layout.preferredHeight: 66
- radius: 10
- RowLayout
- {
- anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.margins: 14
- spacing: 23
- DefaultImage
- {
- Layout.preferredWidth: 35
- Layout.preferredHeight: 35
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- source: General.coinIcon(!details ? atomic_app_primary_coin : details.base_coin)
- }
- ColumnLayout
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- RowLayout
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- spacing: 5
- DefaultText
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- text: details ? details.base_coin : ""
- }
- DefaultText
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- text: details ? General.coinName(details.base_coin) : ""
- wrapMode: Text.NoWrap
- elide: Text.ElideRight
- font.pixelSize: 11
- }
- }
- DefaultText
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- text: details ? details.base_amount : ""
- font.pixelSize: 11
- wrapMode: Text.NoWrap
- elide: Text.ElideRight
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Qaterial.Icon
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
- icon: Qaterial.Icons.swapHorizontal
- }
- DefaultRectangle
- {
- Layout.preferredWidth: 226
- Layout.preferredHeight: 66
- radius: 10
- RowLayout
- {
- anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.margins: 14
- spacing: 23
- DefaultImage
- {
- Layout.preferredWidth: 35
- Layout.preferredHeight: 35
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- source: General.coinIcon(!details ? atomic_app_primary_coin : details.rel_coin)
- }
- ColumnLayout
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- RowLayout
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- spacing: 5
- DefaultText
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- text: details ? details.rel_coin : ""
- }
- DefaultText
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- text: details ? General.coinName(details.rel_coin) : ""
- wrapMode: Text.NoWrap
- elide: Text.ElideRight
- font.pixelSize: 11
- }
- }
- DefaultText
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- text: details ? details.rel_amount : ""
- font.pixelSize: 11
- wrapMode: Text.NoWrap
- elide: Text.ElideRight
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- DefaultScrollView
- {
- Layout.topMargin: 20
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.preferredHeight: 300
- ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOff
- ColumnLayout
- {
- width: 400
- height: parent.height - 30
- spacing: 12
- // Maker/Taker
- TextEditWithTitle
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- title: qsTr("Order Type")
- text: !details ? "" : details.is_maker ? qsTr("Maker Order") : qsTr("Taker Order")
- label.font.pixelSize: 13
- }
- // Refund state
- TextFieldWithTitle
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- title: qsTr("Refund State")
- field.text: !details ? "" : details.order_status === "refunding" ? qsTr("Your swap failed but the auto-refund process for your payment started already. Please wait and keep application opened until you receive your payment back") : ""
- field.readOnly: true
- field.font.pixelSize: 13
- visible: field.text !== ''
- }
- // Date
- TextEditWithTitle
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- title: qsTr("Date")
- text: !details ? "" : details.date
- label.font.pixelSize: 13
- visible: text !== ''
- }
- // ID
- TextEditWithTitle
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- title: qsTr("ID")
- text: !details ? "" : details.order_id
- label.font.pixelSize: 13
- visible: text !== ''
- copy: true
- privacy: true
- }
- // Payment ID
- TextEditWithTitle
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- title: !details ? "" : details.is_maker ? qsTr("Maker Payment Sent ID") : qsTr("Maker Payment Spent ID")
- text: !details ? "" : details.maker_payment_id
- label.font.pixelSize: 13
- visible: text !== ''
- privacy: true
- }
- // Payment ID
- TextEditWithTitle
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- title: !details ? "" : details.is_maker ? qsTr("Taker Payment Spent ID") : qsTr("Taker Payment Sent ID")
- text: !details ? "" : details.taker_payment_id
- label.font.pixelSize: 13
- visible: text !== ''
- privacy: true
- }
- // Error ID
- TextEditWithTitle
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- title: qsTr("Error ID")
- text: !details ? "" : details.order_error_state
- label.font.pixelSize: 13
- visible: text !== ''
- }
- // Error Details
- TextEditWithTitle
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- title: qsTr("Error Log")
- text: !details ? "" : details.order_error_message
- label.font.pixelSize: 13
- visible: text !== ''
- copy: true
- onCopyNotificationTitle: qsTr("Error Log")
- }
- HorizontalLine
- {
- visible: swap_progress.visible
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.topMargin: 10
- }
- SwapProgress
- {
- id: swap_progress
- visible: General.exists(details) && details.order_status !== "matching"
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- details: root.details
- }
- }
- }
- // Buttons
- footer:
- [
- DexAppButton
- {
- text: qsTr("Close")
- leftPadding: 20
- rightPadding: 20
- radius: 18
- onClicked: root.close()
- },
- // Cancel button
- DexAppOutlineButton
- {
- id: cancelOrderButton
- visible: !details ? false : details.cancellable
- leftPadding: 20
- rightPadding: 20
- radius: 18
- text: qsTr("Cancel Order")
- onClicked: cancelOrder(details.order_id)
- },
- Item
- {
- visible: !cancelOrderButton.visible
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- },
- // Recover Funds button
- DexAppButton
- {
- id: refundButton
- leftPadding: 20
- rightPadding: 20
- radius: 18
- enabled: !API.app.orders_mdl.recover_fund_busy
- visible: !details ? false :
- details.recoverable && details.order_status !== "refunding"
- text: enabled ? qsTr("Recover Funds") : qsTr("Refunding...")
- onClicked: API.app.orders_mdl.recover_fund(details.order_id)
- },
- Item
- {
- visible: !refundButton.visible & !cancelOrderButton.visible
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- },
- DexAppOutlineButton
- {
- text: qsTr("View on Explorer")
- leftPadding: 20
- rightPadding: 20
- radius: 18
- visible: !details ? false : details.maker_payment_id !== '' || details.taker_payment_id !== ''
- onClicked:
- {
- if (!details) return
- const maker_id = details.maker_payment_id
- const taker_id = details.taker_payment_id
- if (maker_id !== '') General.viewTxAtExplorer(details.is_maker ? details.base_coin : details.rel_coin, maker_id)
- if (taker_id !== '') General.viewTxAtExplorer(details.is_maker ? details.rel_coin : details.base_coin, taker_id)
- }
- }
- ]
- }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Orders/OrdersPage.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Orders/OrdersPage.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 198dfa9c52..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Orders/OrdersPage.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-import Qt.labs.platform 1.1
-import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
-import App 1.0
-import "../../../Components"
-import "../../.."
-import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
-Item {
- id: root
- readonly property date default_min_date: new Date("2019-01-01")
- readonly property date default_max_date: new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + 30))
- property var list_model: API.app.orders_mdl
- property var list_model_proxy: API.app.orders_mdl.orders_proxy_mdl
- property int page_index
- property alias title: order_list.title
- property alias items: order_list.items
- property bool is_history: false
- function update()
- {
- reset()
- if (combo_base.currentTicker !== "All" | combo_rel.currentTicker !== "All") {
- buttonDelay.start()
- }
- }
- function reset() {
- list_model_proxy.is_history = !is_history
- applyFilter()
- list_model_proxy.apply_all_filtering()
- list_model_proxy.is_history = is_history
- }
- Component.onDestruction: reset()
- Timer {
- id: buttonDelay
- interval: 200
- onTriggered: {
- applyFilter()
- list_model_proxy.apply_all_filtering()
- }
- }
- function applyDateFilter() {
- list_model_proxy.filter_minimum_date = min_date.date
- if (max_date.date < min_date.date)
- max_date.date = min_date.date
- list_model_proxy.filter_maximum_date = max_date.date
- }
- function applyTickerFilter() {
- list_model_proxy.set_coin_filter(combo_base.currentValue + "/" + combo_rel.currentValue)
- }
- function applyTickerFilter2(ticker1, ticker2) {
- list_model_proxy.set_coin_filter(ticker1 + "/" + ticker2)
- }
- function applyFilter() {
- applyDateFilter()
- applyTickerFilter2(combo_base.currentTicker, combo_rel.currentTicker)
- }
- Component.onCompleted: {
- list_model_proxy.is_history = root.is_history
- applyFilter()
- list_model_proxy.apply_all_filtering()
- }
- ColumnLayout
- {
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.bottomMargin: is_history ? 0 : 10
- spacing: 15
- // Bottom part
- Item
- {
- id: orders_settings
- property bool displaySetting: false
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.preferredHeight: displaySetting ? 150 : 30
- Behavior on Layout.preferredHeight
- {
- NumberAnimation
- {
- duration: 150
- }
- }
- Rectangle
- {
- width: parent.width
- height: orders_settings.displaySetting ? 50 : 10
- anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
- anchors.bottomMargin: -15
- visible: false
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
- Behavior on height
- {
- NumberAnimation
- {
- duration: 150
- }
- }
- }
- Row
- {
- x: 5
- y: 0
- spacing: 5
- Qaterial.OutlineButton
- {
- icon.source: Qaterial.Icons.filter
- text: qsTr("Filter")
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- outlinedColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
- foregroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
- onClicked: orders_settings.displaySetting = !orders_settings.displaySetting
- }
- DefaultText
- {
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
- visible: !orders_settings.displaySetting
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- text: qsTr("Filter") + ": %1 / %2
%3: %4 - %5"
- .arg(combo_base.currentTicker)
- .arg(combo_rel.currentTicker)
- .arg(qsTr("Date"))
- .arg(min_date.date.toLocaleDateString(Locale.ShortFormat, "yyyy-MM-dd"))
- .arg(max_date.date.toLocaleDateString(Locale.ShortFormat, "yyyy-MM-dd"))
- }
- Qaterial.OutlineButton
- {
- visible: root.is_history && orders_settings.displaySetting
- foregroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
- outlinedColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- text: qsTr("Export CSV")
- enabled: list_model.length > 0
- onClicked:
- {
- export_csv_dialog.folder = General.os_file_prefix + API.app.settings_pg.get_export_folder()
- export_csv_dialog.open()
- }
- }
- }
- Row
- {
- anchors.right: parent.right
- y: 0
- rightPadding: 5
- Qaterial.OutlineButton
- {
- visible: root.is_history & orders_settings.displaySetting
- Layout.leftMargin: 30
- text: qsTr("Apply Filter")
- foregroundColor: enabled ? Dex.CurrentTheme.okColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.buttonColorDisabled
- outlinedColor: enabled ? Dex.CurrentTheme.okColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.buttonColorDisabled
- enabled: list_model_proxy.can_i_apply_filtering
- onClicked: list_model_proxy.apply_all_filtering()
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- }
- Qaterial.OutlineButton
- {
- icon.source: Qaterial.Icons.close
- text: "Cancel All"
- visible: !is_history && API.app.orders_mdl.length > 0
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- outlinedColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
- foregroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
- onClicked: API.app.trading_pg.orders.cancel_order(list_model_proxy.get_filtered_ids())
- }
- }
- ColumnLayout
- {
- visible: orders_settings.height > 75
- width: parent.width - 20
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
- anchors.bottomMargin: -15
- spacing: 10
- RowLayout
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.preferredHeight: 50
- Item
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- DefaultSweetComboBox
- {
- id: combo_base
- anchors.fill: parent
- model: API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.all_proxy
- onCurrentTickerChanged: applyFilter()
- valueRole: "ticker"
- textRole: 'ticker'
- backgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.backgroundColor
- popupBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.backgroundColor
- }
- }
- Qaterial.ColorIcon
- {
- source: Qaterial.Icons.swapHorizontal
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
- DefaultMouseArea
- {
- id: swap_button
- anchors.fill: parent
- hoverEnabled: true
- onClicked:
- {
- const base_idx = combo_base.currentTicker
- combo_base.currentTicker = combo_rel.currentTicker
- combo_rel.currentTicker = base_idx
- }
- }
- }
- Item
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- DefaultSweetComboBox
- {
- id: combo_rel
- anchors.fill: parent
- model: API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.all_proxy
- onCurrentTickerChanged: applyFilter()
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- valueRole: "ticker"
- textRole: 'ticker'
- backgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.backgroundColor
- popupBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.backgroundColor
- }
- }
- }
- RowLayout
- {
- Qaterial.TextFieldDatePicker
- {
- id: min_date
- title: qsTr("From")
- from: default_min_date
- to: default_max_date
- date: default_min_date
- font.pixelSize: 13
- opacity: .8
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
- backgroundColor: DexTheme.portfolioPieGradient ? '#FFFFFF' : 'transparent'
- onAccepted: applyDateFilter()
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- }
- Qaterial.TextFieldDatePicker
- {
- id: max_date
- enabled: min_date.enabled
- title: qsTr("To")
- from: min_date.date
- to: default_max_date
- date: default_max_date
- font.pixelSize: 13
- opacity: .8
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
- backgroundColor: DexTheme.portfolioPieGradient ? '#FFFFFF' : 'transparent'
- onAccepted: applyDateFilter()
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- }
- }
- }
- }
- RowLayout
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- spacing: parent.spacing
- OrderList
- {
- id: order_list
- items: list_model
- is_history: root.is_history
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- }
- }
- }
- ModalLoader
- {
- id: order_modal
- sourceComponent: OrderModal {}
- }
- FileDialog
- {
- id: export_csv_dialog
- title: qsTr("Please choose the CSV export name and location")
- fileMode: FileDialog.SaveFile
- defaultSuffix: "csv"
- nameFilters: ["CSV files (*.csv)", "All files (*)"]
- onAccepted: {
- const path = currentFile.toString()
- // Export
- console.log("Exporting to CSV: " + path)
- API.app.exporter_service.export_swaps_history_to_csv(path.replace(General.os_file_prefix, ""))
- // Open the save folder
- const folder_path = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf("/"))
- Qt.openUrlExternally(folder_path)
- }
- onRejected: {
- console.log("CSV export cancelled")
- }
- }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Orders/SwapProgress.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Orders/SwapProgress.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5861f09635..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Orders/SwapProgress.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-import App 1.0
-import "../../../Components"
-// Content
-ColumnLayout {
- id: root
- property
- var details
- readonly property
- var all_events: !details ? [] : has_error_event ? details.events.map(e => e.state) : details.success_events
- readonly property bool has_error_event: {
- if (!details) return false
- const events = details.events
- for (let i = events.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
- if (details.error_events.indexOf(events[i].state) !== -1)
- return true
- return false
- }
- readonly property double total_time_passed: {
- if (!details) return 0
- const events = details.events
- let sum = 0
- for (let i = 0; i < events.length; ++i)
- sum += events[i].time_diff
- return sum
- }
- readonly property double total_time_passed_estimated: {
- const events = all_events
- let sum = 0
- for (let i = 0; i < events.length; ++i)
- sum += API.app.orders_mdl.average_events_time_registry[events[i]]
- return sum
- }
- readonly property int current_event_idx: {
- if (!details) return -1
- const events = details.events
- if (events.length === 0) return -1
- if (all_events.length === 0) return -1
- const last_state = events[events.length - 1].state
- if (last_state === "Finished") return -1
- const idx = all_events.indexOf(last_state)
- if (idx === -1) return -1
- return idx + 1
- }
- // Simulated time of the running event
- property double simulated_time: 0
- function updateSimulatedTime() {
- if (!details) {
- simulated_time = 0
- return
- }
- const events = details.events
- if (!events || events.length === 0) {
- simulated_time = 0
- return
- }
- const last_event = events[events.length - 1]
- if (!last_event.timestamp) {
- simulated_time = 0
- return
- }
- if (current_event_idx !== -1) {
- const diff = Date.now() - last_event.timestamp
- simulated_time = diff - (diff % 1000)
- } else simulated_time = 0
- }
- Timer {
- running: current_event_idx !== -1
- interval: 1000
- repeat: true
- onTriggered: updateSimulatedTime()
- }
- function getTimeText(duration, estimated) {
- return `` + qsTr("act", "SHORT FOR ACTUAL TIME") + ": " + `` +
- `` + General.durationTextShort(duration) + `` +
- ` | ` + qsTr("est", "SHORT FOR ESTIMATED") + ": " +
- General.durationTextShort(estimated) + ``
- }
- onTotal_time_passedChanged: updateSimulatedTime()
- // Title
- DefaultText {
- text_value: `` + qsTr("Progress details") + `` +
- ` | ` +
- getTimeText(total_time_passed + simulated_time, total_time_passed_estimated)
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSize1
- Layout.bottomMargin: 10
- }
- Repeater {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- model: all_events
- delegate: Item {
- readonly property
- var event: {
- if (!details) return undefined
- const idx = details.events.map(e => e.state).indexOf(modelData)
- if (idx === -1) return undefined
- return details.events[idx]
- }
- readonly property bool is_current_event: index === current_event_idx
- readonly property bool is_active: General.exists(event) || is_current_event
- readonly property double time_passed: event ? event.time_diff : is_current_event ? simulated_time : 0
- width: root.width
- height: 50
- DefaultText {
- id: icon
- text_value: is_active ? "●" : "○"
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: 10
- anchors.verticalCenter: col_layout.verticalCenter
- color: {
- // Already exists, completed event
- if (event) {
- // Red for the Finished if swap failed
- if (event.state === "Finished" && details.order_status === "failed") return DexTheme.redColor
- // Red for error event, green for the others
- return details.error_events.indexOf(event.state) === -1 ? DexTheme.greenColor : DexTheme.redColor
- }
- // In progress one is orange
- if (is_current_event)
- return Style.colorOrange
- // Passive color for the rest
- return DexTheme.foregroundColorLightColor2
- }
- }
- ColumnLayout {
- id: col_layout
- anchors.left: icon.right
- anchors.leftMargin: icon.anchors.leftMargin
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- anchors.right: parent.right
- DefaultText {
- id: name
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall4
- text_value: getEventText(modelData)
- color: event ? DexTheme.foregroundColor : is_current_event ? DexTheme.foregroundColorLightColor0 : DexTheme.foregroundColorLightColor2
- }
- AnimatedRectangle {
- id: bar
- visible: is_active
- width: 300
- height: 2
- color: DexTheme.foregroundColorDarkColor3
- AnimatedRectangle {
- width: parent.width * (total_time_passed > 0 ? (time_passed / (total_time_passed + simulated_time)) : 0)
- height: parent.height
- color: DexTheme.greenColor
- }
- }
- DefaultText {
- visible: bar.visible
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall2
- text_value: !is_active ? '' : getTimeText(time_passed, API.app.orders_mdl.average_events_time_registry[modelData])
- }
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/PriceLineSimplified.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/PriceLineSimplified.qml
index 3dbe24e2d0..a9c257204d 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/PriceLineSimplified.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/PriceLineSimplified.qml
@@ -9,47 +9,34 @@ import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
readonly property string price: non_null_price
readonly property string price_reversed: API.app.trading_pg.price_reversed
readonly property string cex_price: API.app.trading_pg.cex_price
readonly property string cex_price_reversed: API.app.trading_pg.cex_price_reversed
- readonly property string cex_price_diff: API.app.trading_pg.cex_price_diff
+ readonly property string cexPriceDiff: API.app.trading_pg.cex_price_diff
readonly property bool invalid_cex_price: API.app.trading_pg.invalid_cex_price
readonly property bool price_entered: !General.isZero(non_null_price)
readonly property int fontSize: Style.textSizeSmall1
readonly property int fontSizeBigger: Style.textSizeSmall2
- readonly property int line_scale: getComparisonScale(cex_price_diff)
- function getComparisonScale(value)
- {
- return Math.min(Math.pow(10, General.getDigitCount(parseFloat(value))), 1000000000)
- }
- function limitDigits(value)
- {
- return parseFloat(General.formatDouble(value, 2))
- }
+ readonly property int lineScale: General.getComparisonScale(cexPriceDiff)
spacing: 35
- DefaultText
- {
- visible: !price_entered && invalid_cex_price
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- text_value: qsTr("Set swap price for evaluation")
- font.pixelSize: fontSizeBigger
- }
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
visible: price_entered
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ horizontalAlignment: invalid_cex_price ? Text.AlignHCenter : Text.AlignLeft
text_value: qsTr("Exchange rate") + (preffered_order.price !== undefined ? (" (" + qsTr("Selected") + ")") : "")
font.pixelSize: fontSize
@@ -57,53 +44,56 @@ ColumnLayout
// Price reversed
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ horizontalAlignment: invalid_cex_price ? Text.AlignHCenter : Text.AlignLeft
text_value: General.formatCrypto("", "1", right_ticker) + " = " + General.formatCrypto("", price_reversed, left_ticker)
- font.pixelSize: fontSizeBigger
- font.weight: Font.Medium
+ font.pixelSize: fontSize
// Price
+ visible: price != 1
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ horizontalAlignment: invalid_cex_price ? Text.AlignHCenter : Text.AlignLeft
text_value: General.formatCrypto("", price, right_ticker) + " = " + General.formatCrypto("", "1", left_ticker)
font.pixelSize: fontSize
- Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
visible: !invalid_cex_price
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
text_value: General.cex_icon + " " + qsTr("CEXchange rate")
font.pixelSize: fontSize
- CexInfoTrigger {}
+ DefaultInfoTrigger { triggerModal: cex_info_modal }
// Price reversed
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
text_value: General.formatCrypto("", "1", right_ticker) + " = " + General.formatCrypto("", cex_price_reversed, left_ticker)
- font.pixelSize: fontSizeBigger
- font.weight: Font.Medium
+ font.pixelSize: fontSize
// Price
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
text_value: General.formatCrypto("", cex_price, right_ticker) + " = " + General.formatCrypto("", "1", left_ticker)
font.pixelSize: fontSize
// Price Comparison
@@ -129,12 +119,12 @@ ColumnLayout
height: parent.height * 2
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: 0.5 * parent.width * Math.min(Math.max(parseFloat(cex_price_diff) / line_scale, -1), 1)
+ anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: 0.5 * parent.width * Math.min(Math.max(parseFloat(cexPriceDiff) / lineScale, -1), 1)
- text_value: General.formatPercent(line_scale)
+ text_value: General.formatPercent(lineScale)
font.pixelSize: fontSize
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.topMargin: -15
@@ -142,7 +132,7 @@ ColumnLayout
- text_value: General.formatPercent(-line_scale)
+ text_value: General.formatPercent(-lineScale)
font.pixelSize: fontSize
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.topMargin: -15
@@ -156,8 +146,8 @@ ColumnLayout
id: price_diff_text
Layout.topMargin: 10
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- color: parseFloat(cex_price_diff) <= 0 ? Dex.CurrentTheme.okColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
- text_value: (parseFloat(cex_price_diff) > 0 ? qsTr("Expensive") : qsTr("Expedient")) + ": " + qsTr("%1 compared to CEX", "PRICE_DIFF%").arg("" + General.formatPercent(limitDigits(cex_price_diff)) + "")
+ color: parseFloat(cexPriceDiff) <= 0 ? Dex.CurrentTheme.okColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
+ text_value: (parseFloat(cexPriceDiff) > 0 ? qsTr("Expensive") : qsTr("Expedient")) + ": " + qsTr("%1 compared to CEX", "PRICE_DIFF%").arg("" + General.formatPercent(General.limitDigits(cexPriceDiff)) + "")
font.pixelSize: fontSize
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/ProView.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/ProView.qml
index f5a9b3f377..f5b7252082 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/ProView.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/ProView.qml
@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ import AtomicDEX.MarketMode 1.0
import AtomicDEX.TradingError 1.0
import "../../Components"
+import "../../Constants"
import "../../Wallet"
import App 1.0
// Trade Form / Component import
-import "TradeBox/"
import "Trading/"
import "Trading/Items/"
@@ -33,27 +33,32 @@ import "../../Screens"
import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
import "../ProView"
+import "../ProView/PlaceOrderForm" as PlaceOrderForm
+import "../ProView/TradingInfo" as TradingInfo
id: form
- property alias dexConfig: dex_config_popup
- function selectOrder(is_asks, coin, price, quantity, price_denom,
- price_numer, quantity_denom, quantity_numer,
- min_volume, base_min_volume, base_max_volume,
- rel_min_volume, rel_max_volume, base_max_volume_denom,
- base_max_volume_numer, uuid)
+ property alias tickerSelectors: selectors
+ property alias trInfo: tradingInfo
+ property alias orderBook: orderBook
+ property alias bestOrders: bestOrders
+ property alias placeOrderForm: placeOrderForm
+ function selectOrder(
+ is_asks, coin, price, price_denom,
+ price_numer, min_volume, base_min_volume, base_max_volume,
+ rel_min_volume, rel_max_volume, base_max_volume_denom,
+ base_max_volume_numer, uuid)
setMarketMode(!is_asks ? MarketMode.Sell : MarketMode.Buy)
API.app.trading_pg.preffered_order = {
"coin": coin,
"price": price,
- "quantity": quantity,
"price_denom": price_denom,
"price_numer": price_numer,
- "quantity_denom": quantity_denom,
- "quantity_numer": quantity_numer,
"min_volume": min_volume,
"base_min_volume": base_min_volume,
"base_max_volume": base_max_volume,
@@ -64,19 +69,20 @@ ColumnLayout
"uuid": uuid
- form_base.focusVolumeField()
+ // Shows place order form in case it has been hidden in the settings.
+ placeOrderForm.visible = true
target: exchange_trade
+ enabled: form.enabled
function onBuy_sell_rpc_busyChanged()
if (buy_sell_rpc_busy)
const response = General.clone(buy_sell_last_rpc_data)
if (response.error_code)
@@ -96,671 +102,95 @@ ColumnLayout
General.prettifyJSON(response.result), false)
- tabView.currentIndex = 1
+ tradingInfo.currentIndex = 1
- Connections
+ ColumnLayout
- target: app
- function onPairChanged(base, rel)
- {
- dex_chart.visible = true
- }
- }
- spacing: 10
- anchors.topMargin: 20
- anchors.leftMargin: 10
- anchors.fill: parent
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop
- DexBoxManager
- {
- id: splitView
+ Layout.minimumWidth: selectors.visible || tradingInfo.visible ? 480 : -1
+ Layout.maximumWidth: (!orderBook.visible && !bestOrders.visible) || (!placeOrderForm.visible) ? -1 : 735
Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- itemLists: [left_section, order_form]
- spacing: 15
- handle: Item {
- implicitWidth: 2
- implicitHeight: 4
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
- Rectangle
- {
- implicitWidth: 2
- implicitHeight: 4
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- opacity: 0
- color: 'transparent'
- }
- }
+ spacing: 10
- DexTradeBox
+ // Ticker selectors.
+ TickerSelectors
- id: left_section
- minimumWidth: 500
- defaultWidth: 520
- expandedHort: true
- hideHeader: true
- SplitView.fillHeight: true
- color: 'transparent'
- DexBoxManager
- {
- anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.margins: 0
- anchors.rightMargin: 0
- orientation: Qt.Vertical
- handle: Item {
- implicitWidth: 40
- implicitHeight: 6
- InnerBackground {
- implicitWidth: 40
- implicitHeight: 6
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- opacity: 0.4
- }
- }
- itemLists: [dex_chart, optionBox]
- DexTradeBox
- {
- id: dex_chart
- title: qsTr("Chart")
- expandedVert: dex_chart.visible? true : false
- onVisibleChanged:
- {
- if(visible)
- {
- expandedVert = true
- }
- }
- canBeFull: true
- onFullScreenChanged:
- {
- if(fullScreen)
- {
- _best_order_box.visible = false
- _orderbook_box.visible = false
- optionBox.visible = false
- order_form.visible = false
- }
- else
- {
- _best_order_box.visible = true
- _orderbook_box.visible = true
- optionBox.visible = true
- order_form.visible = true
- }
- }
- Item
- {
- id: chart_view
- anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.topMargin: 40
- CandleStickChart
- {
- id: candleChart
- color: 'transparent'
- anchors.fill: parent
- }
- Component.onCompleted:
- {
- dashboard.webEngineView.parent = chart_view;
- dashboard.webEngineView.anchors.fill = chart_view;
- }
- Component.onDestruction:
- {
- dashboard.webEngineView.visible = false;
- dashboard.webEngineView.stop();
- }
- }
- }
- DexTradeBox
- {
- canBeFull: true
- hideHeader: true
- maximumHeight: 80
- minimumHeight: 75
- color: 'transparent'
- RowLayout
- {
- id: selectors
- spacing: 20
- anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.rightMargin: 10
- anchors.leftMargin: 10
- TickerSelector
- {
- id: selector_left
- left_side: true
- ticker_list: API.app.trading_pg.market_pairs_mdl.left_selection_box
- ticker: left_ticker
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- }
- SwapIcon
- {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter
- Layout.preferredHeight: selector_left.height * 0.65
- top_arrow_ticker: selector_left.ticker
- bottom_arrow_ticker: selector_right.ticker
- hovered: swap_button.containsMouse
- DefaultMouseArea
- {
- id: swap_button
- anchors.fill: parent
- hoverEnabled: true
- onClicked:
- {
- if (!block_everything)
- setPair(true, right_ticker)
- }
- }
- }
- TickerSelector
- {
- id: selector_right
- left_side: false
- ticker_list: API.app.trading_pg.market_pairs_mdl.right_selection_box
- ticker: right_ticker
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- }
- }
- }
- DexTradeBox
- {
- id: optionBox
- expandedVert: dex_chart.visible? false : true
- expandable: true
- defaultHeight: tabView.currentIndex === 0 ? 200 : isUltraLarge? 400 : 270
- closable: true
- title: qsTr("Trading Information")
- Connections
- {
- target: tabView
- function onCurrentIndexChanged() {
- if (tabView.currentIndex !== 0) {
- optionBox.setHeight(isUltraLarge? 400 : 270)
- } else {
- optionBox.setHeight(200)
- }
- }
- }
- Column
- {
- topPadding: 40
- width: parent.width
- height: parent.height
- clip: !parent.contentVisible
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- Qaterial.LatoTabBar
- {
- property int taux_exchange: 0
- property int order_idx: 1
- property int history_idx: 2
- z: 4
- id: tabView
- width: parent.width
- currentIndex: tabView.currentIndex
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- Material.foreground: DexTheme.foregroundColor
- background: null
- y: 5
- leftPadding: 15
- Qaterial.LatoTabButton
- {
- width: 150
- text: qsTr("Exchange Rates")
- font.pixelSize: 14
- textColor: checked ? Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2 : Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
- textSecondaryColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
- indicatorColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.tabSelectedColor
- opacity: checked ? 1 : .6
- }
- Qaterial.LatoTabButton
- {
- width: 120
- text: qsTr("Orders")
- font.pixelSize: 14
- textColor: checked ? Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2 : Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
- textSecondaryColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
- indicatorColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.tabSelectedColor
- opacity: checked ? 1 : .6
- }
- Qaterial.LatoTabButton
- {
- width: 120
- text: qsTr("History")
- font.pixelSize: 14
- textColor: checked ? Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2 : Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
- textSecondaryColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
- indicatorColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.tabSelectedColor
- opacity: checked ? 1 : .6
- }
- }
- Item
- {
- id: swipeContainer
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- width: parent.width
- height: optionBox.height - (tabView.height + 40)
- SwipeView
- {
- id: swipeView
- clip: true
- interactive: false
- currentIndex: tabView.currentIndex
- anchors.fill: parent
- onCurrentIndexChanged:
- {
- swipeView.currentItem.update();
- if (currentIndex === 2) history_component.list_model_proxy.is_history = true;
- else history_component.list_model_proxy.is_history = false;
- }
- Qaterial.ScrollView
- {
- clip: true
- PriceLine { width: swipeContainer.width; height: swipeContainer.height; id: price_line_obj; }
- }
- OrdersView.OrdersPage { id: order_component; clip: true }
- OrdersView.OrdersPage
- {
- id: history_component
- is_history: true
- clip: true
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Item { SplitView.maximumHeight: 1 }
- }
- }
+ id: selectors
- Item
- {
- id: _book_and_best
- property bool showing: (_best_order_box.visible || _orderbook_box.visible)
- SplitView.minimumWidth: showing ? 390 : 0
- SplitView.maximumWidth: showing ? 430 : 0
- SplitView.preferredWidth: showing ? 390 : 0
- clip: true
- DexBoxManager
- {
- anchors.fill: parent
- orientation: Qt.Vertical
- handle: Item
- {
- implicitWidth: 40
- implicitHeight: 6
- InnerBackground {
- implicitWidth: 40
- implicitHeight: 6
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- opacity: 0.4
- }
- }
- itemLists: [_orderbook_box, _best_order_box]
- DexTradeBox
- {
- id: _orderbook_box
- SplitView.fillWidth: true
- closable: true
- title: qsTr("Order Book")
- expandedVert: true
- Behavior on SplitView.preferredWidth
- {
- NumberAnimation
- {
- duration: 100
- }
- }
- OrderBook.Vertical
- {
- clip: !parent.contentVisible
- visible: parent.contentVisible
- anchors.topMargin: 40
- anchors.fill: parent
- }
- }
- DexTradeBox
- {
- id: _best_order_box
- defaultHeight: 250
- minimumHeight: 130
- closable: true
- title: qsTr("Best Orders")
- reloadable: true
- onReload: API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.refresh_best_orders()
- Behavior on SplitView.preferredWidth
- {
- NumberAnimation
- {
- duration: 100
- }
- }
- BestOrder.List
- {
- clip: !parent.contentVisible
- id: best_order_list
- visible: parent.contentVisible
- y: 40
- width: parent.width
- height: parent.height-40
- }
- }
- }
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 70
- DexTradeBox
+ // Trading Informations
+ TradingInfo.Main
- id: order_form
- closable: true
- title: qsTr("Place Order")
- defaultWidth: isBigScreen ? 300 : 280
- maximumWidth: isBigScreen ? 310 : 280
- minimumWidth: isBigScreen ? 290 : 280
- expandable: false
- SplitView.fillHeight: true
- ColumnLayout
- {
- visible: parent.contentVisible
- anchors.topMargin: 60
- anchors.fill: parent
- Row
- {
- width: parent.width
- spacing: 10
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- MarketModeSelector
- {
- marketMode: MarketMode.Buy
- ticker: atomic_qt_utilities.retrieve_main_ticker(left_ticker)
- }
- MarketModeSelector
- {
- ticker: atomic_qt_utilities.retrieve_main_ticker(left_ticker)
- }
- }
- Item
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- ColumnLayout
- {
- property int space: 10
- anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.topMargin: 5
- spacing: 10
- Item
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.preferredHeight: 40
- visible: API.app.trading_pg.preffered_order.price !== undefined
- Rectangle
- {
- width: parent.width - 20
- height: 40
- radius: 8
- color: 'transparent'
- border.color: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- y: 5
- DefaultText
- {
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- leftPadding: 15
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
- text: qsTr("Order Selected")
- }
- Qaterial.FlatButton
- {
- foregroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
- icon.source: Qaterial.Icons.close
- anchors.right: parent.right
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- height: 40
- width: 40
- anchors.rightMargin: 15
- onClicked: API.app.trading_pg.reset_order()
- }
- }
- }
- OrderForm
- {
- id: form_base
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.leftMargin: 10
- Layout.rightMargin: 10
- Layout.preferredHeight: 270
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- }
- Item
- {
- Layout.preferredHeight: 90
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- TotalView {}
- }
- Item
- {
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.leftMargin: 10
- Layout.rightMargin: 10
- Column
- {
- anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.leftMargin: 5
- anchors.rightMargin: 5
- FeeInfo
- {
- id: bg
- visible: false
- }
- spacing: 15
- // Trade button
- DexGradientAppButton
- {
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- width: 262
- height: 44
- radius: 18
- text: qsTr("START SWAP")
- font.weight: Font.Medium
- enabled: form_base.can_submit_trade
- onClicked: confirm_trade_modal.open()
- }
- Column
- {
- spacing: parent.spacing
- visible: errors.text_value !== ""
- width: parent.width
- bottomPadding: 10
- HorizontalLine
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.bottomMargin: layout_margin
- }
- // Show errors
- DefaultText
- {
- id: errors
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- width: parent.width
- horizontalAlignment: DefaultText.AlignHCenter
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall4
- color: DexTheme.redColor
- text_value: General.getTradingError(
- last_trading_error,
- curr_fee_info,
- base_ticker,
- rel_ticker, left_ticker, right_ticker)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Item {}
- }
- }
- }
+ id: tradingInfo
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ resizable: false
- ModalLoader
+ WidgetContainer
- id: confirm_trade_modal
- sourceComponent: ConfirmTradeModal {}
- }
+ property real _orderBookHeightRatio: 0.65
+ property real _bestOrdersHeightRatio: 0.35
- DexPopup
- {
- id: dex_config_popup
- spacing: 8
- padding: 4
- arrowXDecalage: 75
- backgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor
+ Layout.minimumWidth: orderBook.visible || bestOrders.visible ? 353 : -1
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop
+ spacing: 4
- Settings
+ onHeightChanged:
- id: proview_settings
- property bool chart_visibility: true
- property bool option_visibility: true
- property bool orderbook_visibility: true
- property bool best_order_visibility: false
- property bool form_visibility: true
+ orderBook.height = getHeight(_orderBookHeightRatio);
+ bestOrders.height = getHeight(_bestOrdersHeightRatio);
- contentItem: Item
+ OrderBook.Vertical
- implicitWidth: 320
- implicitHeight: 190
+ id: orderBook
- Column
- {
- anchors.fill: parent
- rightPadding: 20
- padding: 10
- spacing: 8
- DefaultText
- {
- text: "Display Settings"
- font: DexTypo.body2
- }
- HorizontalLine { width: parent.width-20;anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter;opacity: .4 }
- DexCheckEye
- {
- text: "Trading Information"
- targetProperty: "visible"
- target: optionBox
- }
- HorizontalLine { width: parent.width-20;anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter;opacity: .4 }
- DexCheckEye
- {
- text: "Order Book"
- targetProperty: "visible"
- target: _orderbook_box
- }
- HorizontalLine { width: parent.width-20;anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter;opacity: .4 }
- DexCheckEye
- {
- text: "Best Order"
- targetProperty: "visible"
- target: _best_order_box
- }
- HorizontalLine { width: parent.width-20;anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter;opacity: .4 }
- DexCheckEye
- {
- id: place_visibility
- text: "Place Order"
- targetProperty: "visible"
- target: order_form
- }
- }
+ width: parent.width
+ minHeight: 320
+ }
- Component.onCompleted:
- {
- dex_chart.visible = proview_settings.chart_visibility
- optionBox.visible = proview_settings.option_visibility
- _orderbook_box.visible = proview_settings.orderbook_visibility
- _best_order_box.visible = proview_settings.best_order_visibility
- order_form.visible = proview_settings.form_visibility
- }
+ // Best Orders
+ BestOrder.List
+ {
+ id: bestOrders
- Component.onDestruction:
- {
- proview_settings.form_visibility = order_form.visible
- proview_settings.chart_visibility = dex_chart.visible
- proview_settings.option_visibility = optionBox.visible
- proview_settings.orderbook_visibility = _orderbook_box.visible
- proview_settings.best_order_visibility = _best_order_box.visible
- }
+ width: parent.width
+ minHeight: 140
+ // Place order form.
+ PlaceOrderForm.Main
+ {
+ id: placeOrderForm
+ Layout.minimumWidth: visible ? 302 : -1
+ Layout.maximumWidth: 350
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ resizable: false
+ }
+ ModalLoader
+ {
+ id: confirm_trade_modal
+ sourceComponent: ConfirmTradeModal {}
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/Main.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/Main.qml
index 4880ce3c64..ee73c2f269 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/Main.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/Main.qml
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
//! Project Imports
import "../../../Components"
import "../../../Constants" as Constants
-import "../Orders" as Orders
+import "../../ProView/TradingInfo" as Orders
import "Main.js" as Main
import App 1.0
import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/SubBestOrder.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/SubBestOrder.qml
index d785923592..7cd7d5552c 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/SubBestOrder.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/SubBestOrder.qml
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ import QtQuick 2.15 //> Item
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 //> RowLayout
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 //> ItemDelegate
+// 3rdParty
+import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
import App 1.0
//! Project Imports
@@ -10,165 +13,204 @@ import "../../../Components" //> MultipageModal
import "../../../Constants" as Constants //> API
import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
id: _listBestOrdersView
+ model: Constants.API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.best_orders.proxy_mdl
+ enabled: !Constants.API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.best_orders_busy
+ onVisibleChanged: currentLeftToken = _tradeCard.selectedTicker
property var tradeCard
property var selectedOrder
property bool best: true
property string currentLeftToken // The token we wanna sell
- property int _rowWidth: width - 20
- property int _rowHeight: 50
- property int _tokenColumnSize: 60
- property int _quantityColumnSize: 100
- property int _quantityInBaseColumnSize: 100
- property int _fiatVolumeColumnSize: 50
- property int _cexRateColumnSize: 50
+ property int _rowWidth: width
+ property int _rowHeight: 40
+ property int _tokenColumnSize: 90
+ property int _quantityColumnSize: 90
+ property int _quantityInBaseColumnSize: 120
+ property int _fiatVolumeColumnSize: 80
+ property int _cexRateColumnSize: 60
- enabled: !Constants.API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.best_orders_busy
- model: Constants.API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.best_orders.proxy_mdl
headerPositioning: ListView.OverlayHeader
reuseItems: true
cacheBuffer: 40
clip: true
- Connections
- {
- target: _tradeCard
- function onBestChanged()
- {
- Constants.API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.best_orders.proxy_mdl.setFilterFixedString("")
- positionViewAtBeginning()
- }
- }
- onVisibleChanged: currentLeftToken = _tradeCard.selectedTicker
- header: DefaultRectangle // Best orders list header
+ header: DexRectangle // Best orders list header
+ id: header_row
width: _rowWidth
height: _rowHeight
z: 2
+ radius: 0
+ border.width: 0
color: Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor
- MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent }
RowLayout // Order Columns Name
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.fill: parent
- spacing: 2
- DefaultText // "Token" Header
+ anchors.margins: 5
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ DexLabel // "Token" Header
Layout.preferredWidth: _tokenColumnSize
- text: qsTr("Token")
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
+ text_value: qsTr("Token")
font.family: Constants.Style.font_family
font.bold: true
font.pixelSize: 12
font.weight: Font.Bold
- DefaultText // "Available Quantity" Header
+ DexLabel // "Available Quantity" Header
+ id: qty_header
Layout.preferredWidth: _quantityColumnSize
- text: qsTr("Available Quantity")
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ text_value: qsTr("Available Quantity")
font.family: Constants.Style.font_family
font.bold: true
font.pixelSize: 12
font.weight: Font.Bold
- DefaultText // "Available Quantity (in BASE)" header
+ DexLabel // "Available Quantity (in BASE)" header
+ id: base_qty_header
Layout.preferredWidth: _quantityInBaseColumnSize
- text: qsTr("Available Quantity (in %1)").arg(currentLeftToken)
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ text_value: qsTr("Available Quantity (in %1)").arg(currentLeftToken)
font.family: Constants.Style.font_family
font.bold: true
font.pixelSize: 12
font.weight: Font.Bold
- DefaultText // "Fiat Volume" column header
+ DexLabel // "Fiat Volume" column header
Layout.preferredWidth: _fiatVolumeColumnSize
- text: qsTr("Fiat Volume")
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ text_value: qsTr("Fiat Volume")
font.family: Constants.Style.font_family
font.bold: true
font.pixelSize: 12
font.weight: Font.Bold
- DefaultText // "CEX Rate" column header
+ DexLabel // "CEX Rate" column header
Layout.preferredWidth: _cexRateColumnSize
- text: qsTr("CEX Rate")
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ text_value: qsTr("CEX Rate")
font.family: Constants.Style.font_family
font.bold: true
font.pixelSize: 12
font.weight: Font.Bold
+ MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent }
- delegate: ItemDelegate // Order Line
+ delegate: DexRectangle // Order Line
property bool _isCoinEnabled: Constants.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_coin_info(coin).is_enabled
width: _rowWidth
height: _rowHeight
+ radius: 0
+ border.width: 0
+ colorAnimation: false
+ color: mouse_area.containsMouse ? Dex.CurrentTheme.buttonColorHovered : 'transparent'
+ DexMouseArea
+ {
+ id: mouse_area
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ if (!Constants.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_coin_info(coin).is_enabled)
+ {
+ _tooltip.open()
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _listBestOrdersView.tradeCard.best = false
+ _listBestOrdersView.selectedOrder = { "coin": coin, "uuid": uuid, "price": price, "base_min_volume": base_min_volume, "base_max_volume": base_max_volume, "from_best_order": true }
+ }
+ }
+ }
HorizontalLine { width: parent.width; opacity: .5 }
RowLayout // Order Info
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.fill: parent
RowLayout // Order Token
property int _iconWidth: 24
Layout.preferredWidth: _tokenColumnSize
- DefaultImage // Order Token Icon
+ DexImage // Order Token Icon
Layout.preferredWidth: parent._iconWidth
Layout.preferredHeight: 24
source: General.coinIcon(coin)
- opacity: !_isCoinEnabled? .1 : 1
+ opacity: !_isCoinEnabled? .3 : 1
- DefaultText // Order Token Name
+ DexLabel // Order Token Name
- id: _tokenName
Layout.preferredWidth: _tokenColumnSize - parent._iconWidth
- text: coin
+ text_value: coin
font.pixelSize: 14
- DefaultText // Order Available Quantity
+ DexLabel // Order Available Quantity
Layout.preferredWidth: _quantityColumnSize
- text: parseFloat(General.formatDouble(quantity, General.amountPrecision, true)).toFixed(8)
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ text_value: parseFloat(General.formatDouble(rel_max_volume, General.amountPrecision, true)).toFixed(8)
font.pixelSize: 14
- DefaultText // Order Available Quantity In BASE
+ DexLabel // Order Available Quantity In BASE
Layout.preferredWidth: _quantityInBaseColumnSize
- text: parseFloat(General.formatDouble(base_max_volume, General.amountPrecision, true)).toFixed(8)
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ text_value: parseFloat(General.formatDouble(base_max_volume, General.amountPrecision, true)).toFixed(8)
font.pixelSize: 14
- DefaultText // Order Fiat Volume
+ DexLabel // Order Fiat Volume
Layout.preferredWidth: _fiatVolumeColumnSize
- text: price_fiat+Constants.API.app.settings_pg.current_fiat_sign
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ text_value: parseFloat(price_fiat).toFixed(2)+Constants.API.app.settings_pg.current_fiat_sign
- DefaultText
+ DexLabel
Layout.preferredWidth: _cexRateColumnSize
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
color: cex_rates=== "0" ? Qt.darker(DexTheme.foregroundColor) : parseFloat(cex_rates)>0? DexTheme.redColor : DexTheme.greenColor
- text: cex_rates=== "0" ? "N/A" : parseFloat(cex_rates)>0? "+"+parseFloat(cex_rates).toFixed(2)+"%" : parseFloat(cex_rates).toFixed(2)+"%"
+ text_value: cex_rates=== "0" ? "N/A" : parseFloat(cex_rates)>0? "+"+parseFloat(cex_rates).toFixed(2)+"%" : parseFloat(cex_rates).toFixed(2)+"%"
- DefaultTooltip
+ DexTooltip
id: _tooltip
@@ -180,8 +222,10 @@ DefaultListView
contentItem: DexLabelUnlinked
- text_value: qsTr(" %1 is not enabled - Do you want to enable it to be able to select %2 best orders ?
Yes - No").arg(coin).arg(coin)
- wrapMode: DefaultText.Wrap
+ text_value: !General.isZhtlc(coin) ?
+ qsTr(" %1 is not enabled - Do you want to enable it to be able to select %2 best orders ?
Yes - No").arg(coin).arg(coin) :
+ qsTr(" %1 is not enabled - Please enable it through the coin activation menu").arg(coin)
+ wrapMode: DexLabel.Wrap
width: 250
@@ -230,17 +274,15 @@ DefaultListView
delay: 200
- onClicked:
+ }
+ Connections
+ {
+ target: _tradeCard
+ function onBestChanged()
- if (!Constants.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_coin_info(coin).is_enabled)
- {
- _tooltip.open()
- }
- else
- {
- _listBestOrdersView.tradeCard.best = false
- _listBestOrdersView.selectedOrder = { "coin": coin, "uuid": uuid, "price": price, "base_min_volume": base_min_volume, "base_max_volume": base_max_volume, "from_best_order": true }
- }
+ Constants.API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.best_orders.proxy_mdl.setFilterFixedString("")
+ positionViewAtBeginning()
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/SubCoinSelector.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/SubCoinSelector.qml
index da89721846..5a89dd366d 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/SubCoinSelector.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/SubCoinSelector.qml
@@ -13,61 +13,72 @@ import "../../../Components" //> MultipageModal
import "../../../Constants" as Constants //> API
import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
id: _listCoinView
+ model: Constants.API.app.trading_pg.market_pairs_mdl.left_selection_box
+ signal tickerSelected(var ticker)
- property int _rowWidth: width - 20
- property int _rowHeight: 50
- property int _tokenColumnSize: 160
- signal tickerSelected(var ticker)
+ property real _rowWidth: width
+ property real _rowHeight: 40
+ property real _tokenColumnWidth: 150
+ property real _balanceColumnWidth: 120
+ property real _fiatColumnWidth: 120
- model: Constants.API.app.trading_pg.market_pairs_mdl.left_selection_box
headerPositioning: ListView.OverlayHeader
reuseItems: true
cacheBuffer: 40
clip: true
- header: DefaultRectangle
+ header: DexRectangle
+ id: header_row
width: _rowWidth
height: _rowHeight
z: 2
+ radius: 0
+ border.width: 0
color: Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor
- RowLayout // Coins Columns Name
+ RowLayout
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ anchors.margins: 5
anchors.fill: parent
- spacing: 2
- DefaultText // "Token" Header
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ DexLabel // "Token" Header
- property bool asc: true
+ property bool asc: true
+ Layout.preferredWidth: _tokenColumnWidth
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
- Layout.preferredWidth: _tokenColumnSize
- text: qsTr("Token")
+ text_value: qsTr("Token")
font.family: Constants.Style.font_family
font.bold: true
font.pixelSize: 12
font.weight: Font.Bold
- anchors.fill: parent
- hoverEnabled: true
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ hoverEnabled: true
- parent.asc = !parent.asc
- _listCoinView.model.sort_by_name(parent.asc)
- }
+ parent.asc = !parent.asc
+ _listCoinView.model.sort_by_name(parent.asc)
+ }
- DefaultText // "Balance" Header
+ DexLabel // "Balance" Header
- property bool asc: true
+ property bool asc: true
+ Layout.preferredWidth: _balanceColumnWidth
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- text: qsTr("Balance")
+ text_value: qsTr("Balance")
font.family: Constants.Style.font_family
font.bold: true
font.pixelSize: 12
@@ -75,20 +86,24 @@ DefaultListView
- anchors.fill: parent
- hoverEnabled: true
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ hoverEnabled: true
- parent.asc = !parent.asc
- _listCoinView.model.sort_by_currency_balance(parent.asc)
- }
+ parent.asc = !parent.asc
+ _listCoinView.model.sort_by_currency_balance(parent.asc)
+ }
- DefaultText // Fiat Balance Header
+ DexLabel // Fiat Balance Header
- property bool asc: true
+ property bool asc: true
+ Layout.preferredWidth: _fiatColumnWidth
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
- text: qsTr("Balance Fiat")
+ text_value: qsTr("Balance Fiat")
font.family: Constants.Style.font_family
font.bold: true
font.pixelSize: 12
@@ -96,88 +111,80 @@ DefaultListView
- anchors.fill: parent
- hoverEnabled: true
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ hoverEnabled: true
- parent.asc = !parent.asc
- _listCoinView.model.sort_by_currency_balance(parent.asc)
- }
+ parent.asc = !parent.asc
+ _listCoinView.model.sort_by_currency_balance(parent.asc)
+ }
- delegate: ItemDelegate
+ delegate: DexRectangle
- width: _listCoinView._rowWidth
- height: 40
+ width: _rowWidth
+ height: _rowHeight
+ radius: 0
+ border.width: 0
+ colorAnimation: false
+ color: mouse_area.containsMouse ? Dex.CurrentTheme.buttonColorHovered : 'transparent'
+ DexMouseArea
+ {
+ id: mouse_area
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ onClicked: tickerSelected(model.ticker)
+ }
+ HorizontalLine { width: parent.width; opacity: .5 }
- anchors.fill: parent
- spacing: 2
- Item
- {
- Layout.preferredWidth: _tokenColumnSize
- height: 40
- Row
- {
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- spacing: 10
- DefaultImage
- {
- id: _coinIcon
- width: 20
- height: 20
- source: General.coinIcon(model.ticker)
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenterv
- }
- DefaultText
- {
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- text: model.ticker
- }
- }
- Qaterial.DebugRectangle
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ RowLayout {
+ property int _iconWidth: 24
+ Layout.preferredWidth: _tokenColumnWidth
+ DexImage
- anchors.fill: parent
- visible: false
+ id: _coinIcon
+ Layout.preferredWidth: parent._iconWidth
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 24
+ source: General.coinIcon(model.ticker)
- }
- Item
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- height: 40
- DexLabel
- {
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- text: model.balance.replace(" ","")
- horizontalAlignment: Label.AlignLeft
- }
- Qaterial.DebugRectangle
+ DexLabel
- anchors.fill: parent
- visible: false
+ Layout.preferredWidth: _tokenColumnWidth - parent._iconWidth
+ text_value: model.ticker
+ font.pixelSize: 14
+ wrapMode: Text.NoWrap
- }
+ }
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- text: "%1".arg(General.getFiatText(model.balance, model.ticker, false))
- Qaterial.DebugRectangle
- {
- anchors.fill: parent
- visible: false
- }
+ Layout.preferredWidth: _balanceColumnWidth
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ text_value: model.balance.replace(" ","")
+ font.pixelSize: 14
+ wrapMode: Text.NoWrap
+ }
+ DexLabel
+ {
+ Layout.preferredWidth: _fiatColumnWidth
+ Layout.rightMargin: 8
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ text_value: "%1".arg(General.getFiatText(model.balance, model.ticker, false))
+ font.pixelSize: 14
+ wrapMode: Text.NoWrap
- }
- MouseArea
- {
- anchors.fill: parent
- onClicked: tickerSelected(model.ticker)
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/SubHistory.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/SubHistory.qml
index 93481e3786..b6171ada9c 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/SubHistory.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/SubHistory.qml
@@ -48,12 +48,12 @@ Item
function applyDateFilter() {
- list_model_proxy.filter_minimum_date = min_date.date
+ list_model_proxy.filter_minimum_date = min_date.selectedDate
- if(max_date.date < min_date.date)
- max_date.date = min_date.date
+ if(max_date.selectedDate < min_date.selectedDate)
+ max_date.selectedDate = min_date.selectedDate
- list_model_proxy.filter_maximum_date = max_date.date
+ list_model_proxy.filter_maximum_date = max_date.selectedDate
function applyFilter() {
@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ Item
- .arg(min_date.date.toLocaleDateString(Locale.ShortFormat, "yyyy.MM.dd"))
- .arg(max_date.date.toLocaleDateString(Locale.ShortFormat, "yyyy.MM.dd"))
+ .arg(min_date.selectedDate.toLocaleDateString(Locale.ShortFormat, "yyyy.MM.dd"))
+ .arg(max_date.selectedDate.toLocaleDateString(Locale.ShortFormat, "yyyy.MM.dd"))
@@ -209,42 +209,33 @@ Item
spacing: 10
- RowLayout
+ Row
width: main_order.width - 40
height: 50
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- spacing: 5
- Qaterial.TextFieldDatePicker
+ DatePicker
id: min_date
- title: qsTr("From")
- from: default_min_date
- to: default_max_date
- date: default_min_date
+ width: parent.width * 0.45
+ titleText: qsTr("From")
+ minimumDate: default_min_date
+ maximumDate: default_max_date
+ selectedDate: default_min_date
onAccepted: applyDateFilter()
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- opacity: .8
- color: DexTheme.foregroundColor
- backgroundColor: DexTheme.portfolioPieGradient ? '#FFFFFF' : 'transparent'
- Qaterial.TextFieldDatePicker
+ Item { width: parent.width * 0.1; height: 1 }
+ DatePicker
id: max_date
- enabled: min_date.enabled
- title: qsTr("To")
- from: min_date.date
- to: default_max_date
- date: default_max_date
+ width: parent.width * 0.45
+ titleText: qsTr("To")
+ minimumDate: default_min_date
+ maximumDate: default_max_date
+ selectedDate: default_max_date
onAccepted: applyDateFilter()
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- rightInset: 0
- opacity: .8
- color: DexTheme.foregroundColor
- backgroundColor: DexTheme.portfolioPieGradient ? '#FFFFFF' : 'transparent'
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/SubOrders.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/SubOrders.qml
index 4f9520eed2..680331ad66 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/SubOrders.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/SubOrders.qml
@@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ Item
function applyDateFilter() {
- list_model_proxy.filter_minimum_date = min_date.date
+ list_model_proxy.filter_minimum_date = min_date.selectedDate
- if(max_date.date < min_date.date)
- max_date.date = min_date.date
+ if(max_date.selectedDate < min_date.selectedDate)
+ max_date.selectedDate = min_date.selectedDate
- list_model_proxy.filter_maximum_date = max_date.date
+ list_model_proxy.filter_maximum_date = max_date.selectedDate
function applyFilter() {
@@ -91,15 +91,14 @@ Item
width: _subOrdersRoot.width - 40
anchors.topMargin: 12
font.pixelSize: Constants.Style.textSizeSmall4
- //text: _filterApplied? "" : qsTr("Finished orders")
DexLabel {
opacity: .4
text: qsTr("Filter") + " %1 / %2
%3 %4 - %5"
- .arg(min_date.date.toLocaleDateString(Locale.ShortFormat, "yyyy.MM.dd"))
- .arg(max_date.date.toLocaleDateString(Locale.ShortFormat, "yyyy.MM.dd"))
+ .arg(min_date.selectedDate.toLocaleDateString(Locale.ShortFormat, "yyyy.MM.dd"))
+ .arg(max_date.selectedDate.toLocaleDateString(Locale.ShortFormat, "yyyy.MM.dd"))
@@ -204,44 +203,34 @@ Item
- RowLayout
+ Row
width: main_order.width - 40
height: 50
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- spacing: 5
- Qaterial.TextFieldDatePicker
+ DatePicker
id: min_date
- title: qsTr("From")
- from: default_min_date
- to: default_max_date
- date: default_min_date
+ width: parent.width * 0.45
+ titleText: qsTr("From")
+ minimumDate: default_min_date
+ maximumDate: default_max_date
+ selectedDate: default_min_date
onAccepted: applyDateFilter()
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- opacity: .8
- color: DexTheme.foregroundColor
- backgroundColor: DexTheme.portfolioPieGradient ? '#FFFFFF' : 'transparent'
- Qaterial.TextFieldDatePicker
+ Item { width: parent.width * 0.1; height: 1 }
+ DatePicker
id: max_date
- enabled: min_date.enabled
- title: qsTr("To")
- from: min_date.date
- to: default_max_date
- date: default_max_date
+ width: parent.width * 0.45
+ titleText: qsTr("To")
+ minimumDate: default_min_date
+ maximumDate: default_max_date
+ selectedDate: default_max_date
onAccepted: applyDateFilter()
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- rightInset: 0
- opacity: .8
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
- backgroundColor: DexTheme.portfolioPieGradient ? '#FFFFFF' : 'transparent'
spacing: 10
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/Trade.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/Trade.qml
index a4a8d89cec..480c041971 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/Trade.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/Trade.qml
@@ -19,7 +19,14 @@ ClipRRect // Trade Card
id: _tradeCard
- property string selectedTicker: API.app.get_balance(left_ticker) > 0 ? left_ticker : ""
+ readonly property var fees: Constants.API.app.trading_pg.fees
+ readonly property var max_trade_volume: Constants.API.app.trading_pg.max_volume
+ readonly property var min_trade_volume: Constants.API.app.trading_pg.min_trade_vol
+ readonly property var sell_ticker_balance: parseFloat(API.app.get_balance(left_ticker))
+ readonly property bool coin_tradable: selectedTicker !== "" && sell_ticker_balance > 0
+ readonly property bool waiting_for_sell_coin_info: (max_trade_volume == 0 || !Constants.General.isZhtlcReady(left_ticker)) && sell_ticker_balance != 0
+ property string selectedTicker: sell_ticker_balance > 0 ? left_ticker : ""
property var selectedOrder: undefined
property bool best: false
property bool coinSelection: false
@@ -32,7 +39,6 @@ ClipRRect // Trade Card
if (typeof selectedOrder !== 'undefined' && selectedOrder.from_best_order) Constants.API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.select_best_order(selectedOrder.uuid)
else if (typeof selectedOrder !== 'undefined') Constants.API.app.trading_pg.preffered_order = selectedOrder
else Constants.API.app.trading_pg.reset_order()
@@ -42,7 +48,7 @@ ClipRRect // Trade Card
onBestChanged: if (best) Constants.API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.refresh_best_orders()
width: bestOrderSimplified.visible ? 600 : coinSelection ? 450 : 380
- height: col.height + 15
+ height: swap_card_content.height + 15
radius: 20
Connections // Catches C++ `trading_page` class signals.
@@ -63,8 +69,9 @@ ClipRRect // Trade Card
if (typeof selectedOrder === 'undefined')
- if (parseFloat(_fromValue.text) > Constants.API.app.trading_pg.max_volume)
- _fromValue.text = Constants.API.app.trading_pg.max_volume
+ if (parseFloat(_fromValue.text) > max_trade_volume)
+ _fromValue.text = max_trade_volume
+ Constants.API.app.trading_pg.determine_fees()
function onVolumeChanged()
@@ -75,10 +82,12 @@ ClipRRect // Trade Card
+ enabled: parent.enabled
target: Constants.API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.bids
function onBetterOrderDetected(newOrder)
+ if (!selectedOrder) return
// We shoould rename SelectedOrderStatus enum to OrderbookNotification.
if (Constants.API.app.trading_pg.selected_order_status == SelectedOrderStatus.BetterPriceAvailable)
@@ -131,10 +140,9 @@ ClipRRect // Trade Card
Column // Swap Card Content
- id: col
+ id: swap_card_content
width: parent.width
- spacing: 20
Column // Header
id: _swapCardHeader
@@ -142,6 +150,7 @@ ClipRRect // Trade Card
width: parent.width - 20
leftPadding: 20
topPadding: 20
+ bottomPadding: 20
spacing: 15
DexLabel // Title
@@ -153,7 +162,7 @@ ClipRRect // Trade Card
DefaultText // Description
- anchors.topMargin: 12
+ anchors.topMargin: 10
font.pixelSize: Constants.Style.textSizeSmall4
text: qsTr("Instant trading with best orders")
@@ -163,7 +172,7 @@ ClipRRect // Trade Card
visible: enabled
anchors.left: parent.right
- anchors.leftMargin: 100
+ anchors.leftMargin: 80
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: -8
@@ -187,14 +196,14 @@ ClipRRect // Trade Card
delay: 500
timeout: 5000
visible: parent.hovered
- text: qsTr("Reset form.")
+ text: qsTr("Reset form")
DexLabel // Title
- text: qsTr("You have no tradable assets.")
+ text: qsTr("You have no tradable assets")
font: DexTypo.head6
opacity: .85
visible: !has_coins_with_balance
@@ -243,7 +252,7 @@ ClipRRect // Trade Card
anchors.verticalCenter: _fromTitle.verticalCenter
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: 17
- text: qsTr("%1").arg(Constants.API.app.trading_pg.max_volume)
+ text: qsTr("%1").arg(max_trade_volume) // This is slow to appear
font.pixelSize: Constants.Style.textSizeSmall2
elide: Text.ElideRight
color: DexTheme.foregroundColorLightColor1
@@ -286,16 +295,13 @@ ClipRRect // Trade Card
AmountField // Amount
id: _fromValue
- enabled: selectedTicker !== ""
- visible: enabled
+ enabled: sell_ticker_balance == 0 ? false : waiting_for_sell_coin_info ? false : true
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: 19
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 2
- placeholderText: Constants.API.app.trading_pg.max_volume == 0 ?
- "Loading wallet..." : typeof selectedOrder !== 'undefined' ?
- qsTr("Min: %1").arg(Constants.API.app.trading_pg.min_trade_vol) : qsTr("Enter an amount")
- font.pixelSize: Constants.Style.textSizeSmall5
+ placeholderText: Constants.General.getSimpleFromPlaceholder(selectedTicker, selectedOrder, sell_ticker_balance)
+ font.pixelSize: Constants.Style.textSizeSmall3
background: Rectangle { color: swap_from_card.color}
@@ -310,9 +316,9 @@ ClipRRect // Trade Card
- if (!focus && parseFloat(text) < parseFloat(Constants.API.app.trading_pg.min_trade_vol))
+ if (!focus && parseFloat(text) < parseFloat(min_trade_volume))
- text = Constants.API.app.trading_pg.min_trade_vol
+ text = min_trade_volume
Component.onCompleted: text = ""
@@ -413,7 +419,6 @@ ClipRRect // Trade Card
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: 5
- color: DexTheme.foregroundColor
up: false
@@ -432,13 +437,13 @@ ClipRRect // Trade Card
text: qsTr("MAX")
color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
- onClicked: _fromValue.text = Constants.API.app.trading_pg.max_volume
+ onClicked: _fromValue.text = max_trade_volume
anchors.centerIn: parent
- visible: selectedTicker !== "" && Constants.API.app.trading_pg.max_volume == 0
+ visible: waiting_for_sell_coin_info
@@ -447,7 +452,7 @@ ClipRRect // Trade Card
Layout.preferredWidth: _tradeCard.width - 20
Layout.preferredHeight: 90
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- Layout.topMargin: 15
+ Layout.topMargin: 10
radius: 20
color: DexTheme.tradeFieldBoxBackgroundColor
visible: !bestOrderSimplified.visible
@@ -479,7 +484,7 @@ ClipRRect // Trade Card
DefaultText // Amount In Fiat
- enabled: parseFloat(_toValue.text) > 0
+ enabled: parseFloat(_toValue.text) > 0 && _toValue.text != ""
anchors.top: _toValue.bottom
anchors.topMargin: -3
anchors.left: _toValue.left
@@ -593,8 +598,6 @@ ClipRRect // Trade Card
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: 5
- color: DexTheme.foregroundColor
up: false
@@ -634,9 +637,10 @@ ClipRRect // Trade Card
- Item
+ Item // Swap Button
Layout.topMargin: 10
+ Layout.bottomMargin: 10
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
Layout.preferredWidth: _tradeCard.width - 30
Layout.preferredHeight: 50
@@ -646,7 +650,7 @@ ClipRRect // Trade Card
- enabled: !Constants.API.app.trading_pg.preimage_rpc_busy && !_swapAlert.visible
+ enabled: parent.enabled && !Constants.API.app.trading_pg.preimage_rpc_busy && !_swapAlert.visible
opacity: enabled ? 1 : .6
radius: 10
anchors.fill: parent
@@ -661,6 +665,7 @@ ClipRRect // Trade Card
+ enabled: parent.enabled
target: exchange_trade
function onBuy_sell_rpc_busyChanged()
@@ -704,35 +709,16 @@ ClipRRect // Trade Card
function getAlert()
- var left_ticker = Constants.API.app.trading_pg.market_pairs_mdl.left_selected_coin
+ console.log("_fromValue.text: " + _fromValue.text)
var right_ticker = Constants.API.app.trading_pg.market_pairs_mdl.right_selected_coin
- var right_parent = Constants.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_parent_coin(right_ticker)
- var left_parent = Constants.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_parent_coin(left_ticker)
- var last_trading_error = Constants.API.app.trading_pg.last_trading_error
- var fees_error = Constants.API.app.trading_pg.fees.error
+ var base_ticker = Constants.API.app.trading_pg.market_pairs_mdl.base_selected_coin
+ var rel_ticker = Constants.API.app.trading_pg.market_pairs_mdl.rel_selected_coin
if (_fromValue.text === "" || parseFloat(_fromValue.text) === 0)
- return qsTr("Entered amount must be superior than 0.")
+ return qsTr("Entered amount must be higher than 0.")
if (typeof selectedOrder === 'undefined')
- return qsTr("You must select an order.")
- if (last_trading_error == TradingError.VolumeIsLowerThanTheMinimum)
- return qsTr("Entered amount is below the minimum required by this order: %1").arg(selectedOrder.base_min_volume)
- if (last_trading_error == TradingError.LeftParentChainNotEnabled)
- return qsTr("%1 needs to be enabled in order to use %2").arg(Constants.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_parent_coin(left_ticker)).arg(left_ticker)
- if (last_trading_error == TradingError.LeftParentChainNotEnoughBalance)
- return qsTr("%1 balance needs to be funded, a non-zero balance is required to pay the gas of %2 transactions").arg(left_parent).arg(left_ticker)
- if (last_trading_error == TradingError.RightParentChainNotEnabled)
- return qsTr("%1 needs to be enabled in order to use %2").arg(Constants.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_parent_coin(right_ticker)).arg(right_ticker)
- if (last_trading_error == TradingError.RightParentChainNotEnoughBalance)
- return qsTr("%1 balance needs to be funded, a non-zero balance is required to pay the gas of %2 transactions").arg(right_parent).arg(right_ticker)
- if (fees_error) {
- let coin = right_ticker
- if (fees_error.search(Constants.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_parent_coin(left_ticker)) > -1) {
- coin = left_ticker
- }
- return qsTr("%1 balance does not have enough funds to pay the gas of %2 transactions").arg(Constants.API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_parent_coin(coin)).arg(coin)
- }
- return ""
+ return qsTr("Select an order.")
+ return Constants.General.getTradingError(last_trading_error, fees, base_ticker, rel_ticker, left_ticker, right_ticker)
tooltipText: _swapAlert.getAlert()
@@ -741,134 +727,92 @@ ClipRRect // Trade Card
+ Item
+ {
+ height: 35
+ width: 150
+ visible: coinSelectorSimplified.visible
+ SearchField
+ {
+ id: _coinSearchField
+ height: 35
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.leftMargin: 20
+ forceFocus: true
+ textField.onTextChanged: _coinList.model.setFilterFixedString(textField.text)
+ Component.onDestruction: _coinList.model.setFilterFixedString("")
+ }
+ }
id: coinSelectorSimplified
- width: parent.width
+ width: parent.width - 40
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
height: 300
visible: _tradeCard.coinSelection && has_coins_with_balance
- Item
+ SubCoinSelector
- width: parent.width
- height: 50
- Qaterial.ColorIcon
- {
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- source: Qaterial.Icons.magnify
- color: DexTheme.foregroundColor
- x: 25
- opacity: .7
- }
- DexTextField
+ id: _coinList
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.topMargin: 10
+ onTickerSelected:
- id: _coinSearchField
- width: parent.width-70
- height: parent.height
- font.pixelSize: 16
- x: 45
- placeholderText: qsTr("Search")
- background: DexRectangle
- {
- border.width: 0
- color: 'transparent'
- }
- onTextChanged:
- {
- _coinList.model.setFilterFixedString(text)
- }
+ _tradeCard.selectedTicker = ticker
+ _tradeCard.coinSelection = false
+ _fromValue.forceActiveFocus()
Connections {
target: _tradeCard
function onCoinSelectionChanged() {
- _coinSearchField.text = ""
+ _coinSearchField.textField.text = ""
+ }
- SubCoinSelector
- {
- id: _coinList
- onTickerSelected:
- {
- _tradeCard.selectedTicker = ticker
- _tradeCard.coinSelection = false
- _fromValue.forceActiveFocus()
- }
+ Item
+ {
+ height: 45
+ width: 150
+ visible: bestOrderSimplified.visible && (_bestOrderList.count > 0 || _bestOrderSearchField.textField.text != "")
+ SearchField
+ {
+ id: _bestOrderSearchField
+ anchors.topMargin: 10
+ height: 35
anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.rightMargin: 10
anchors.leftMargin: 20
- anchors.bottomMargin: 10
- anchors.topMargin: 50
+ forceFocus: true
+ textField.onTextChanged: Constants.API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.best_orders.proxy_mdl.setFilterFixedString(textField.text)
+ Component.onDestruction: Constants.API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.best_orders.proxy_mdl.setFilterFixedString("")
id: bestOrderSimplified
- width: parent.width
+ width: parent.width - 40
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
height: 300
visible: _tradeCard.best && has_coins_with_balance
- Item
- {
- width: parent.width
- height: 50
- Qaterial.ColorIcon
- {
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- source: Qaterial.Icons.magnify
- x: 25
- opacity: .7
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.textPlaceholderColor
- }
- DexTextField
- {
- id: _bestOrderSearchField
- width: parent.width-70
- height: parent.height
- font.pixelSize: 16
- x: 45
- placeholderText: qsTr("Search")
- background: DexRectangle
- {
- border.width: 0
- color: 'transparent'
- }
- onTextChanged:
- {
- Constants.API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.best_orders.proxy_mdl.setFilterFixedString(text)
- }
- }
- }
- Connections {
- target: _tradeCard
- function onBestChanged() {
- _bestOrderSearchField.text = ""
- }
- }
id: _bestOrderList
tradeCard: _tradeCard
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.topMargin: 10
+ visible: _tradeCard.width == 600
_tradeCard.selectedOrder = selectedOrder
- _bestOrderSearchField.text = ""
+ _bestOrderSearchField.textField.text = ""
@@ -879,13 +823,13 @@ ClipRRect // Trade Card
_tradeCard.best = false
+ }
- anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.rightMargin: 10
- anchors.leftMargin: 20
- anchors.bottomMargin: 10
- anchors.topMargin: 50
- visible: _tradeCard.width == 600
+ Connections {
+ target: _tradeCard
+ function onBestChanged() {
+ _bestOrderSearchField.textField.text = ""
+ }
@@ -915,9 +859,10 @@ ClipRRect // Trade Card
- Item // Swap Info - Details
+ Item // Fees Info - Details
id: _feesCard
+ anchors.topMargin: 10
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
width: 350
height: 50
@@ -954,7 +899,7 @@ ClipRRect // Trade Card
enabled: parent.enabled
- model: Constants.API.app.trading_pg.fees.total_fees
+ model: _tradeCard.fees.hasOwnProperty('base_transaction_fees_ticker') ? _tradeCard.fees.total_fees : []
delegate: RowLayout
@@ -986,9 +931,10 @@ ClipRRect // Trade Card
id: fees_busy
- width: 30
- height: 30
+ anchors.fill: parent
anchors.centerIn: parent
+ indicatorSize: 32
+ indicatorDotSize: 5
visible: Constants.API.app.trading_pg.preimage_rpc_busy || _feesList.count == 0
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/SweetDexComboBox.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/SweetDexComboBox.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 28b9319ec2..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/SweetDexComboBox.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
-import QtQuick.Window 2.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-import QtQuick.Controls.impl 2.15
-import QtQuick.Controls.Universal 2.15
-import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
-import "../../Components"
-import App 1.0
-import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
- id: control
- contentItem: DexComboBoxLine
- {
- id: line
- property int update_count: 0
- property var prev_details
- function forceUpdateDetails()
- {
- console.log("Portfolio item data changed, force-updating the selected ticker details!")
- ++update_count
- }
- padding: 10
- details:
- {
- const idx = combo.currentIndex
- if(idx === -1) return prev_details
- // Update count triggers the change for auto-update
- const new_details =
- {
- update_count: line.update_count,
- ticker: model.data(model.index(idx, 0), 257),
- name: model.data(model.index(idx, 0), 259),
- balance: model.data(model.index(idx, 0), 260),
- main_currency_balance: model.data(model.index(idx, 0), 261)
- }
- prev_details = new_details
- return new_details
- }
- Component.onCompleted: portfolio_mdl.portfolioItemDataChanged.connect(forceUpdateDetails)
- Component.onDestruction: portfolio_mdl.portfolioItemDataChanged.disconnect(forceUpdateDetails)
- }
- height: 80
- background: DefaultRectangle
- {
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor
- radius: 10
- }
- // Each dropdown item
- delegate: ItemDelegate
- {
- Universal.accent: control.lineHoverColor
- width: control.width
- highlighted: control.highlightedIndex === index
- contentItem: DexComboBoxLine { details: model }
- z: 5
- }
- // Dropdown itself
- popup: Popup
- {
- id: popup
- readonly property double max_height: 450//control.Window.height - bottomMargin - mapToItem(control.Window.contentItem, x, y).y
- width: control.width
- height: Math.min(contentItem.implicitHeight, popup.max_height)
- z: 4
- y: control.height - 1
- bottomMargin: 20
- padding: 1
- rightMargin: 5
- contentItem: ColumnLayout
- {
- anchors.rightMargin: 5
- // Search input
- DefaultTextField
- {
- id: input_coin_filter
- background: Item
- {
- DefaultRectangle
- {
- anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.rightMargin: 2
- }
- }
- function reset()
- {
- text = ""
- renewIndex()
- }
- placeholderText: qsTr("Search")
- font.pixelSize: 16
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.leftMargin: 0
- Layout.preferredHeight: 60
- Layout.rightMargin: 2
- Layout.topMargin: Layout.leftMargin
- onTextChanged:
- {
- ticker_list.setFilterFixedString(text)
- renewIndex()
- }
- Keys.onDownPressed: control.incrementCurrentIndex()
- Keys.onUpPressed: control.decrementCurrentIndex()
- Keys.onPressed:
- {
- if (event.key === Qt.Key_Return)
- {
- if (control.count > 0) control.currentIndex = 0;
- popup.close();
- event.accepted = true;
- }
- }
- Connections
- {
- target: popup
- function onOpened()
- {
- input_coin_filter.reset();
- input_coin_filter.forceActiveFocus();
- }
- function onClosed() { input_coin_filter.reset() }
- }
- }
- Item
- {
- Layout.maximumHeight: popup.max_height - 100
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- implicitHeight: popup_list_view.contentHeight + 5
- DefaultListView
- {
- id: popup_list_view
- // Scrollbar appears if this extra space is not added
- model: control.popup.visible ? control.delegateModel : null
- currentIndex: control.highlightedIndex
- anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.rightMargin: 2
- DefaultMouseArea
- {
- anchors.fill: parent
- acceptedButtons: Qt.NoButton
- }
- }
- }
- }
- background: DefaultRectangle
- {
- width: parent.width
- y: -5
- height: parent.height + 10
- border.width: 1
- }
- }
- indicator: Column
- {
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- anchors.right: parent.right
- anchors.rightMargin: 8
- spacing: -12
- Qaterial.Icon
- {
- width: 30
- height: 30
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxArrowsColor
- icon: Qaterial.Icons.chevronDown
- }
- }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/TickerSelector.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/TickerSelector.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 797137caf8..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/TickerSelector.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
-import "../../Components"
-import "../../Constants"
- id: combo
- function renewIndex()
- {
- combo.currentIndex = combo.indexOfValue(ticker)
- }
- property bool left_side: false
- property var ticker_list
- property string ticker
- // Indicates user input, when list changes, index stays the same so we know it's not user input
- property bool index_changed: false
- enabled: !block_everything
- model: ticker_list
- valueRole: "ticker"
- onTickerChanged: renewIndex()
- Component.onCompleted: renewIndex()
- onCurrentIndexChanged: combo.index_changed = true
- onCurrentValueChanged:
- {
- // User input
- if(combo.index_changed)
- {
- combo.index_changed = false
- // Set the ticker
- if (currentValue !== undefined)
- setPair(left_side, currentValue)
- }
- // List change
- else
- {
- // Correct the index
- if (currentText.indexOf(ticker) === -1)
- {
- const target_index = indexOfValue(ticker)
- if(currentIndex !== target_index)
- currentIndex = target_index
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Trade.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Trade.qml
index 9c8c345c8d..9b334ac34f 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Trade.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Trade.qml
@@ -21,13 +21,9 @@ Item
id: exchange_trade
readonly property string total_amount: API.app.trading_pg.total_amount
- property bool orderSelected: false
- property bool isUltraLarge: true // width > 1400
- property bool isBigScreen: width > 1400
- API.app.trading_pg.on_gui_enter_dex()
if (dashboard.current_ticker!==undefined)
@@ -39,19 +35,6 @@ Item
dashboard.current_ticker = undefined
- Component.onDestruction: API.app.trading_pg.on_gui_leave_dex()
- onIsUltraLargeChanged:
- {
- if (isUltraLarge) {
- API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.asks.proxy_mdl.qml_sort(
- 0, Qt.DescendingOrder)
- } else {
- API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.asks.proxy_mdl.qml_sort(
- 0, Qt.AscendingOrder)
- }
- }
readonly property bool block_everything: swap_cooldown.running
|| fetching_multi_ticker_fees_busy
@@ -110,19 +93,28 @@ Item
if (!General.initialized_orderbook_pair)
- General.initialized_orderbook_pair = true
- API.app.trading_pg.set_current_orderbook(General.default_base,
+ if (API.app.trading_pg.current_trading_mode == TradingMode.Pro)
+ {
+ API.app.trading_pg.set_current_orderbook(General.default_base,
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ API.app.trading_pg.set_current_orderbook(General.default_rel,
+ General.default_base)
+ }
+ General.initialized_orderbook_pair = true
setPair(true, ticker)
- app.pairChanged(base_ticker, rel_ticker)
+ // triggers chart reload (why the duplication?)
+ // app.pairChanged(base_ticker, rel_ticker)
- function setPair(is_left_side, changed_ticker) {
+ function setPair(is_left_side, changed_ticker, is_swap=false) {
- if (API.app.trading_pg.set_pair(is_left_side, changed_ticker))
- pairChanged(base_ticker, rel_ticker)
+ if (API.app.trading_pg.set_pair(is_left_side, changed_ticker, is_swap))
+ // triggers chart reload
+ app.pairChanged(base_ticker, rel_ticker)
function trade(options, default_config) {
@@ -157,17 +149,46 @@ Item
+ signal orderSelected()
signal orderPlaced()
readonly property bool buy_sell_rpc_busy: API.app.trading_pg.buy_sell_rpc_busy
readonly property var buy_sell_last_rpc_data: API.app.trading_pg.buy_sell_last_rpc_data
- Loader
+ Column
- id: _viewLoader
anchors.fill: parent
- source: API.app.trading_pg.current_trading_mode == TradingMode.Pro ? "ProView.qml" : "SimpleView/Main.qml"
- }
+ spacing: 15
+ anchors.leftMargin: 20
+ anchors.rightMargin: 20
+ TradeViewHeader
+ {
+ id: header
+ width: parent.width
+ height: parent.height * 0.06
+ proViewTickerSelectors: proView.tickerSelectors
+ proViewTrInfo: proView.trInfo
+ proViewOrderBook: proView.orderBook
+ proViewBestOrders: proView.bestOrders
+ proViewPlaceOrderForm: proView.placeOrderForm
+ }
+ ProView
+ {
+ id: proView
+ width: parent.width
+ height: parent.height * 0.90
+ visible: API.app.trading_pg.current_trading_mode == TradingMode.Pro
+ enabled: visible
+ }
- TradeViewHeader { }
+ SimpleView.Main
+ {
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+ visible: API.app.trading_pg.current_trading_mode == TradingMode.Simple
+ enabled: visible
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/TradeBox/BuyBox.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/TradeBox/BuyBox.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index d0049c04d9..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/TradeBox/BuyBox.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-import Qt.labs.settings 1.0
-import AtomicDEX.MarketMode 1.0
-import "../../../Components"
-import "../../../Wallet"
-import App 1.0
-FloatingBackground {
- property alias can_submit_trade: form_base.can_submit_trade
- property alias formBase: form_base
- Layout.preferredHeight: !sell_mode ? 350 : 45
- Behavior on Layout.preferredHeight {
- NumberAnimation {
- duration: 200
- }
- }
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- radius: sell_mode ? 3 : 4
- border.color: Style.colorGreen
- color: Style.colorTheme9
- opacity: mouse_area2.containsMouse ? 1 : !sell_mode ? 1 : .2
- Rectangle {
- width: parent.width
- height: 45
- color: Style.colorGreen
- radius: 2
- DefaultText {
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- text: qsTr("Buy") + " " + atomic_qt_utilities.retrieve_main_ticker(left_ticker)
- color: Style.colorTheme9
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSize2
- }
- }
- OrderForm {
- id: form_base
- y: 45
- width: parent.width - 25
- height: parent.height - 45
- clip: true
- visible: !sell_mode
- border.color: 'transparent'
- color: 'transparent'
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- }
- DefaultMouseArea {
- anchors.fill: parent
- id: mouse_area2
- visible: sell_mode
- hoverEnabled: true
- onClicked: setMarketMode(MarketMode.Buy)
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/TradeBox/OrderForm.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/TradeBox/OrderForm.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index e293049b11..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/TradeBox/OrderForm.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
-import AtomicDEX.MarketMode 1.0
-import AtomicDEX.TradingError 1.0
-import "../../../Components"
-import App 1.0
-import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
- id: root
- radius: 10
- function focusVolumeField()
- {
- input_volume.forceActiveFocus()
- }
- readonly property string total_amount: API.app.trading_pg.total_amount
- readonly property bool can_submit_trade: last_trading_error === TradingError.None
- // Will move to backend: Minimum Fee
- function getMaxBalance()
- {
- if (General.isFilled(base_ticker))
- return API.app.get_balance(base_ticker)
- return "0"
- }
- // Will move to backend: Minimum Fee
- function getMaxVolume()
- {
- // base in this orderbook is always the left side, so when it's buy, we want the right side balance (rel in the backend)
- const value = sell_mode ? API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.base_max_taker_vol.decimal :
- API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.rel_max_taker_vol.decimal
- if (General.isFilled(value))
- return value
- return getMaxBalance()
- }
- function setMinimumAmount(value) { API.app.trading_pg.min_trade_vol = value }
- Connections
- {
- target: exchange_trade
- function onBackend_priceChanged() { input_price.text = exchange_trade.backend_price; }
- function onBackend_volumeChanged() { input_volume.text = exchange_trade.backend_volume; }
- }
- ColumnLayout
- {
- id: form_layout
- width: parent.width
- ColumnLayout
- {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.topMargin: 12
- Item
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- height: input_price.height + price_usd_value.height + price_usd_value.anchors.topMargin
- AmountField
- {
- id: input_price
- left_text: qsTr("Price")
- right_text: atomic_qt_utilities.retrieve_main_ticker(right_ticker)
- enabled: !(API.app.trading_pg.preffered_order.price !== undefined)
- text: backend_price
- width: 261
- height: 41
- radius: 18
- onTextChanged: setPrice(text)
- }
- DefaultText
- {
- id: price_usd_value
- anchors.right: input_price.right
- anchors.top: input_price.bottom
- anchors.topMargin: 7
- text_value: General.getFiatText(non_null_price, right_ticker)
- font.pixelSize: input_price.font.pixelSize
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
- CexInfoTrigger {}
- }
- }
- Item
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.topMargin: 10
- height: input_volume.height + inputVolumePrice.height + inputVolumePrice.anchors.topMargin
- AmountField
- {
- id: input_volume
- width: 261
- height: 41
- radius: 18
- left_text: qsTr("Volume")
- right_text: atomic_qt_utilities.retrieve_main_ticker(left_ticker)
- placeholderText: sell_mode ? qsTr("Amount to sell") : qsTr("Amount to receive")
- text: API.app.trading_pg.volume
- onTextChanged: setVolume(text)
- }
- DefaultText
- {
- id: inputVolumePrice
- anchors.right: input_volume.right
- anchors.top: input_volume.bottom
- anchors.topMargin: price_usd_value.anchors.topMargin
- text_value: General.getFiatText(non_null_volume, left_ticker)
- font.pixelSize: input_volume.font.pixelSize
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
- CexInfoTrigger {}
- }
- }
- DefaultText
- {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- Layout.topMargin: 6
- font.pixelSize: 13
- text: qsTr("Min volume: ") + API.app.trading_pg.min_trade_vol
- DefaultText
- {
- anchors.left: parent.right
- anchors.leftMargin: 8
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- text: General.cex_icon
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor3
- DefaultMouseArea
- {
- anchors.fill: parent
- onClicked: _sliderHelpModal.open()
- }
- ModalLoader
- {
- id: _sliderHelpModal
- sourceComponent: HelpModal
- {
- title: qsTr("How to use the pro-view slider ?")
- helpSentence: qsTr("This slider is used to setup the order requirements you need.\nLeft slider: Sets the minimum amount required to process a trade.\nRight slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.")
- }
- }
- }
- }
- DefaultRangeSlider
- {
- id: _volumeRange
- function getRealValue() { return first.position * (first.to - first.from); }
- function getRealValue2() { return second.position * (second.to - second.from); }
- enabled: input_volume.enabled && !(!sell_mode && General.isZero(non_null_price)) && to > 0
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width - 20
- from: API.app.trading_pg.orderbook.current_min_taker_vol
- to: Math.max(0, parseFloat(max_volume))
- first.value: parseFloat(API.app.trading_pg.min_trade_vol)
- firstDisabled: !_useCustomMinTradeAmountCheckbox.checked
- second.value: parseFloat(non_null_volume)
- first.onValueChanged: if (first.pressed) setMinimumAmount(General.formatDouble(first.value))
- second.onValueChanged: if (second.pressed) setVolume(General.formatDouble(second.value))
- }
- DexCheckBox
- {
- id: _useCustomMinTradeAmountCheckbox
- Layout.topMargin: 15
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- boxWidth: 20.76
- boxHeight: 20.76
- text: qsTr("Use custom minimum trade amount")
- textColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor3
- font.pixelSize: 13
- spacing: 3
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/TradeBox/SellBox.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/TradeBox/SellBox.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 665bc6c070..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/TradeBox/SellBox.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
-import Qt.labs.settings 1.0
-import AtomicDEX.MarketMode 1.0
-import "../../../Components"
-import "../../../Wallet"
-import App 1.0
-Item {
- property alias can_submit_trade: form_base.can_submit_trade
- property alias formBase: form_base
- Layout.preferredHeight: sell_mode ? 350 : 45
- Behavior on Layout.preferredHeight {
- NumberAnimation {
- duration: 200
- }
- }
- //color: Style.colorTheme
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- //radius: sell_mode? 4 : 3
- //border.color: Style.colorRed
- //color: Style.colorTheme6
- opacity: mouse_area.containsMouse ? 1 : sell_mode ? 1 : .35
- Rectangle {
- visible: false
- width: parent.width
- height: 45
- color: Style.colorRed
- radius: 6
- Rectangle {
- anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
- width: parent.width
- height: parent.radius
- color: Style.colorTheme6
- }
- DefaultText {
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- anchors.verticalCenterOffset: -2
- text: qsTr("Sell") + " " + atomic_qt_utilities.retrieve_main_ticker(left_ticker)
- color: Qaterial.Colors.gray200
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSize1
- }
- }
- OrderForm {
- id: form_base
- y: 45
- width: parent.width - 25
- height: parent.height - 45
- //clip: true
- visible: sell_mode
- border.color: 'transparent'
- color: 'transparent'
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- }
- DefaultMouseArea {
- anchors.fill: parent
- id: mouse_area
- visible: !sell_mode
- hoverEnabled: true
- onClicked: setMarketMode(MarketMode.Sell)
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Trading/Items/FeeInfo.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Trading/Items/FeeInfo.qml
index 4b80814b12..f8ce4d8bc7 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Trading/Items/FeeInfo.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Trading/Items/FeeInfo.qml
@@ -15,16 +15,17 @@ import "../../../../Constants"
import "../../../../Wallet"
-Column {
id: bg
- width: parent.width
- Row {
+ Row
+ {
width: bg.width
height: tx_fee_text.implicitHeight+25
visible: false
- ColumnLayout {
+ ColumnLayout
+ {
id: fees
visible: valid_fee_info && !General.isZero(non_null_volume)
@@ -32,18 +33,20 @@ Column {
Layout.rightMargin: Layout.leftMargin
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
- DefaultText {
+ DefaultText
+ {
id: tx_fee_text
text_value: General.feeText(curr_fee_info, base_ticker, true, true)
font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall1
width: parent.width
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
- CexInfoTrigger {}
+ DefaultInfoTrigger { triggerModal: cex_info_modal }
- DefaultText {
+ DefaultText
+ {
//visible: !fees.visible
visible: false
text_value: !visible ? "" :
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Trading/Items/TotalView.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Trading/Items/TotalView.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index df3539bd8d..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Trading/Items/TotalView.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.15
-import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
-import Qt.labs.settings 1.0
-import "../../../../Components"
-import "../../../../Constants"
-import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
- anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.topMargin: 0
- Item
- {
- width: parent.width
- height: 140
- Column
- {
- width: parent.width-15
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- spacing: 5
- leftPadding: 10
- rightPadding: 10
- RowLayout
- {
- width: parent.width
- height: 30
- DefaultText
- {
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor3
- text: "Total " + API.app.settings_pg.current_fiat + " " + General.cex_icon
- font.pixelSize: 14
- font.weight: Font.Normal
- opacity: .6
- CexInfoTrigger {}
- }
- Item
- {
- height: 30
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- DefaultText
- {
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- anchors.rightMargin: 20
- anchors.right: parent.right
- font.weight: Font.DemiBold
- font.pixelSize: 16
- font.family: 'lato'
- text_value: General.getFiatText(total_amount, right_ticker).replace(General.cex_icon, "")
- }
- }
- }
- HorizontalLine
- {
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.lineSeparatorColor
- width: parent.width - 20
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- }
- RowLayout
- {
- width: parent.width
- height: 30
- DexLabel
- {
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor3
- text: "Total " + atomic_qt_utilities.retrieve_main_ticker(right_ticker)
- font.pixelSize: 14
- opacity: .6
- font.weight: Font.Normal
- }
- Item
- {
- height: 30
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- DefaultText
- {
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- anchors.rightMargin: 20
- anchors.right: parent.right
- font.weight: Font.DemiBold
- font.pixelSize: 16
- font.family: 'lato'
- text_value: General.formatCrypto("", total_amount, right_ticker).replace(right_ticker, "")
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Trading/TradeViewHeader.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Trading/TradeViewHeader.qml
index 80ebe2e2c9..15755c1920 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Trading/TradeViewHeader.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Exchange/Trade/Trading/TradeViewHeader.qml
@@ -3,124 +3,142 @@ import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.15
-import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
import Qt.labs.settings 1.0
+import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
import AtomicDEX.MarketMode 1.0
import AtomicDEX.TradingError 1.0
import AtomicDEX.TradingMode 1.0
-import "../../../Components"
import App 1.0
import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+import "../../../Components"
+import "../../../Constants"
+// Simple/Pro toggle group
- width: parent.width - 5
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+ // property var proViewChart
+ property var proViewTickerSelectors
+ property var proViewTrInfo
+ property var proViewOrderBook
+ property var proViewBestOrders
+ property var proViewPlaceOrderForm
- ColumnLayout
+ Item
- anchors.fill: parent
- spacing: 50
+ width: 350
+ height: parent.height
- // Simple/Pro toggle group
- Item
+ // Simple/Pro select cursor
+ Rectangle
- Layout.leftMargin: 30
- Layout.preferredWidth: 120
+ id: cursorRect
+ width: _simpleLabel.width + 28
+ height: _simpleLabel.height + 14
+ radius: 16
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: API.app.trading_pg.current_trading_mode == TradingMode.Simple ? _simpleLabel.horizontalCenter : _proLabel.horizontalCenter
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.tabSelectedColor
+ }
- // Simple/Pro select cursor
- Rectangle
- {
- width: 84
- height: 32
- radius: 18
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- anchors.horizontalCenter: API.app.trading_pg.current_trading_mode == TradingMode.Simple ? _simpleLabel.horizontalCenter : _proLabel.horizontalCenter
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.tabSelectedColor
- }
+ DexLabel
+ {
+ id: _simpleLabel
+ text: "Simple"
+ color: API.app.trading_pg.current_trading_mode == TradingMode.Simple ? Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
+ anchors.left: parent.left
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ font.pixelSize: 14
+ font.weight: Font.Bold
- DexLabel
+ DexMouseArea
- id: _simpleLabel
- text: "Simple"
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- font.bold: true
- DexMouseArea
- {
- id: simple_area
- hoverEnabled: true
- anchors.fill: parent
- onClicked: API.app.trading_pg.current_trading_mode = TradingMode.Simple
- }
+ id: simple_area
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ onClicked: API.app.trading_pg.current_trading_mode = TradingMode.Simple
+ }
- DexLabel
+ DexLabel
+ {
+ id: _proLabel
+ text: "Pro"
+ color: API.app.trading_pg.current_trading_mode == TradingMode.Pro ? Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
+ anchors.left: _simpleLabel.right
+ anchors.leftMargin: 10 + cursorRect.width / 2
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ font.pixelSize: 14
+ font.weight: Font.Bold
+ DexMouseArea
- id: _proLabel
- text: "Pro"
- anchors.right: parent.right
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- font.bold: true
- DexMouseArea
- {
- id: pro_area
- hoverEnabled: true
- anchors.fill: parent
- onClicked: API.app.trading_pg.current_trading_mode = TradingMode.Pro
- }
+ id: pro_area
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ onClicked: API.app.trading_pg.current_trading_mode = TradingMode.Pro
- Item
- {
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- }
- // Options menu present in pro mode.
- Rectangle
+ Qaterial.OutlineButton
+ visible: API.app.trading_pg.current_trading_mode == TradingMode.Pro
anchors.right: parent.right
- y: -10
- width: 40
- height: 25
- enabled: API.app.trading_pg.current_trading_mode == TradingMode.Pro
- visible: enabled
- radius: height / 2
- color: !enabled ? 'transparent' : cog_area.containsMouse || _viewLoader.item.dexConfig.visible ?
- Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.accentColor
- Behavior on color { ColorAnimation { duration: 150 } }
- Qaterial.ColorIcon
+ outlined: false
+ highlighted: false
+ foregroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ icon.source: Qaterial.Icons.cog
+ text: qsTr("Pro View Settings")
+ font: DexTypo.subtitle1
+ onClicked:
- source: Qaterial.Icons.cog
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- iconSize: 15
- color: !parent.enabled ? 'transparent' : cog_area.containsMouse || _viewLoader.item.dexConfig.visible ?
- Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2 : Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ proViewCfgMenu.openAt(mapToItem(Overlay.overlay, width / 2, height), Item.Top)
- DexMouseArea
+ DexPopup
- id: cog_area
- hoverEnabled: true
- anchors.fill: parent
- onClicked: {
- if (API.app.trading_pg.current_trading_mode == TradingMode.Pro)
+ id: proViewCfgMenu
+ backgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor
+ contentItem: Item
+ {
+ implicitWidth: 200
+ implicitHeight: 240
+ Column
- if (_viewLoader.item.dexConfig.visible)
- {
- _viewLoader.item.dexConfig.close()
- }
- else
- {
- _viewLoader.item.dexConfig.openAt(mapToItem(Overlay.overlay, width / 2, height), Item.Top)
- }
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ padding: 10
+ spacing: 8
+ DefaultText { text: qsTr("Display Settings"); font: DexTypo.body2 }
+ HorizontalLine { width: parent.width - 20; anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; opacity: .4 }
+ CheckEye { text: qsTr("Ticker Selectors"); target: proViewTickerSelectors }
+ HorizontalLine { width: parent.width - 20; anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; opacity: .4 }
+ CheckEye { text: qsTr("Trading Information"); target: proViewTrInfo }
+ HorizontalLine { width: parent.width - 20; anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; opacity: .4 }
+ CheckEye { text: qsTr("Order Book"); target: proViewOrderBook }
+ HorizontalLine { width: parent.width - 20; anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; opacity: .4 }
+ CheckEye { text: qsTr("Best Orders"); target: proViewBestOrders }
+ HorizontalLine { width: parent.width - 20; anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; opacity: .4 }
+ CheckEye { text: qsTr("Place Order"); target: proViewPlaceOrderForm }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Graphics/Color.js b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Graphics/Color.js
index 2926e4933e..ea42e4522d 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Graphics/Color.js
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Graphics/Color.js
@@ -13,13 +13,14 @@
// Returned ARGB string: "#AARRGGBB"
function argbStrFromRgbaStr(rgbaString)
- if (rgbaString.length === 7)
+ let tempRgbaString = rgbaString
+ if (tempRgbaString.length === 7)
console.warn("Dex.Graphics.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr: %1 is not an RGBA color"
- .arg(rgbaString));
- return rgbaString;
+ .arg(tempRgbaString));
+ return tempRgbaString;
// # A RGB
- return "#" + rgbaString.substr(7, 2) + rgbaString.substr(1, 6);
+ return "#" + tempRgbaString.substr(7, 2) + tempRgbaString.substr(1, 6);
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/NewUpdateModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/NewUpdateModal.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f9d7e3907
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/NewUpdateModal.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+import QtQuick 2.12
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
+import QtQml 2.15 //> Qt.exit
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 //> Popup.NoAutoClose
+import "Components" as Dex
+import "Constants" as Dex
+ id: root
+ currentIndex:
+ {
+ if (Dex.API.app.updateCheckerService.isFetching)
+ return 0
+ else if (Dex.API.app.updateCheckerService.updateInfo.rpcCode !== 200)
+ return 1
+ else if (Dex.API.app.updateCheckerService.updateInfo.updateNeeded)
+ return 2
+ return 3
+ }
+ Component.onCompleted:
+ {
+ if (Dex.API.app.updateCheckerService.updateInfo.status === "recommended" ||
+ Dex.API.app.updateCheckerService.updateInfo.status === "required" )
+ {
+ root.open()
+ }
+ }
+ closePolicy: Popup.NoAutoClose
+ Dex.MultipageModalContent
+ {
+ titleText: qsTr("Searching new updates")
+ titleAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ spacing: 16
+ Dex.DefaultText
+ {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ text: qsTr("Fetching...")
+ }
+ Dex.DefaultBusyIndicator
+ {
+ Layout.topMargin: 12
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ }
+ footer:
+ [
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true },
+ Dex.DefaultButton
+ {
+ text: qsTr("Close")
+ onClicked: close()
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ Dex.MultipageModalContent
+ {
+ titleText: qsTr("Searching new updates")
+ titleAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ spacing: 16
+ Dex.DefaultText
+ {
+ text: qsTr("Could not check new updates for the following reason: \n%1").arg(Dex.API.app.updateCheckerService.updateInfo.status)
+ }
+ footer:
+ [
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true },
+ Dex.DefaultButton
+ {
+ text: qsTr("Close")
+ onClicked: close()
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ Dex.MultipageModalContent
+ {
+ titleText: Dex.API.app.updateCheckerService.updateInfo.status === "required" ? qsTr("Mandatory version found") : qsTr("New version found")
+ titleAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ spacing: 16
+ Dex.DefaultText
+ {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ text: qsTr("%1 %2 is available !").arg(Dex.API.app_name).arg(Dex.API.app.updateCheckerService.updateInfo.newVersion)
+ }
+ Dex.DefaultText
+ {
+ visible: Dex.API.app.updateCheckerService.updateInfo.status === "required"
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ text: qsTr("This update is mandatory to continue using the application")
+ }
+ footer:
+ [
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true },
+ Dex.DefaultButton
+ {
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 120
+ text: qsTr("Download")
+ onClicked: { Qt.openUrlExternally(Dex.API.app.updateCheckerService.updateInfo.downloadUrl); if (Dex.API.app.updateCheckerService.updateInfo.status !== "required") close() }
+ },
+ Dex.DefaultButton
+ {
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 120
+ text: Dex.API.app.updateCheckerService.updateInfo.status === "required" ? qsTr("Close Dex") : qsTr("Close")
+ onClicked: Dex.API.app.updateCheckerService.updateInfo.status === "required" ? Qt.exit(0) : close()
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ Dex.MultipageModalContent
+ {
+ titleText: qsTr("Searching new updates")
+ titleAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ spacing: 16
+ Dex.DefaultText
+ {
+ text: qsTr("Your application is updated.")
+ }
+ footer:
+ [
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true },
+ Dex.DefaultButton
+ {
+ text: qsTr("Close")
+ onClicked: close()
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ Connections
+ {
+ target: Dex.API.app.updateCheckerService
+ function onUpdateInfoChanged()
+ {
+ if (Dex.API.app.updateCheckerService.updateInfo)
+ {
+ if (Dex.API.app.updateCheckerService.updateInfo.status === "recommended" ||
+ Dex.API.app.updateCheckerService.updateInfo.status === "required" )
+ {
+ root.open()
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ console.error(Dex.API.app.updateCheckerService.updateInfo.status)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Portfolio/AssetsList.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Portfolio/AssetsList.qml
index 3cd23b0f11..ded8fd3eda 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Portfolio/AssetsList.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Portfolio/AssetsList.qml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import QtQuick 2.12
+import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
import "../Constants" as Dex
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import "../Screens"
import App 1.0 as Dex
import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
id: list
interactive: false
@@ -16,100 +16,93 @@ Dex.DefaultListView
model: Dex.API.app.portfolio_pg.portfolio_mdl.portfolio_proxy_mdl
property real _assetRowHeight: 46
- property real _assetNameColumnWidth: 160
- property real _assetNameColumnLeftMargin: 15
- property real _assetBalanceColumnWidth: 380
- property real _assetChange24hColumnWidth: 120
- property real _assetPriceColumWidth: 140
- property real _assetProviderColumnWidth: 42
- width: _assetNameColumnWidth + _assetNameColumnLeftMargin + _assetBalanceColumnWidth + _assetChange24hColumnWidth + _assetPriceColumWidth + _assetProviderColumnWidth
+ property real _assetNameColumnWidth: 180
+ property real _assetBalanceColumnWidth: 190
+ property real _fiatBalanceColumnWidth: 180
+ property real _assetChange24hColumnWidth: 160
+ property real _assetPriceColumWidth: 180
+ property real _assetProviderColumnWidth: 90
+ width: _assetNameColumnWidth + _assetBalanceColumnWidth + _fiatBalanceColumnWidth + _assetChange24hColumnWidth + _assetPriceColumWidth + _assetProviderColumnWidth
height: (count * _assetRowHeight) + 46
// Header
- header: RowLayout
+ header: Item
- id: columnsHeader
width: list.width
height: 40
- Dex.ColumnHeader
+ RowLayout
- Layout.preferredWidth: _assetNameColumnWidth - _assetNameColumnLeftMargin
- Layout.leftMargin: _assetNameColumnLeftMargin
- icon_at_left: true
- sort_type: sort_by_name
- text: qsTr("Asset")
- }
+ id: columnsHeader
+ anchors.fill: parent
- Dex.ColumnHeader
- {
- Layout.preferredWidth: _assetBalanceColumnWidth
- icon_at_left: true
- sort_type: sort_by_value
- text: qsTr("Balance")
- }
+ Dex.ColumnHeader
+ {
+ Layout.preferredWidth: _assetNameColumnWidth
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ Layout.leftMargin: 15
+ h_align: Text.AlignLeft
+ sort_type: sort_by_name
+ text: qsTr("Asset")
+ }
- Dex.ColumnHeader
- {
- Layout.preferredWidth: _assetChange24hColumnWidth
- icon_at_left: true
- sort_type: sort_by_change
- text: qsTr("Change 24h")
- }
+ Dex.ColumnHeader
+ {
+ Layout.preferredWidth: _assetBalanceColumnWidth
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ h_align: Text.AlignRight
+ sort_type: sort_by_value
+ text: qsTr("Balance")
+ }
- Dex.ColumnHeader
- {
- Layout.preferredWidth: _assetPriceColumWidth
- icon_at_left: true
- sort_type: sort_by_price
- text: qsTr("Price")
- }
+ Dex.ColumnHeader
+ {
+ Layout.preferredWidth: _fiatBalanceColumnWidth
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ h_align: Text.AlignRight
+ sort_type: sort_by_value
+ text: qsTr("Fiat Balance")
+ }
- Dex.DexLabel
- {
- Layout.preferredWidth: _assetProviderColumnWidth
- text: qsTr("Source")
+ Dex.ColumnHeader
+ {
+ Layout.preferredWidth: _assetChange24hColumnWidth
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ h_align: Text.AlignRight
+ sort_type: sort_by_change
+ text: qsTr("Change 24h")
+ }
+ Dex.ColumnHeader
+ {
+ Layout.preferredWidth: _assetPriceColumWidth
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ h_align: Text.AlignRight
+ sort_type: sort_by_price
+ text: qsTr("Price")
+ }
+ Dex.ColumnHeader
+ {
+ Layout.preferredWidth: _assetProviderColumnWidth
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ h_align: Text.AlignHCenter
+ text: qsTr("Source")
+ }
delegate: Rectangle
property color _idleColor: index % 2 === 1 ? Dex.CurrentTheme.backgroundColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.innerBackgroundColor
+ property int activation_progress: Dex.General.zhtlcActivationProgress(activation_status, ticker)
width: list.width
height: _assetRowHeight
- color: mouseArea.containsMouse ? Dex.CurrentTheme.buttonColorHovered : _idleColor
- Dex.DefaultMouseArea
- {
- id: mouseArea
- anchors.fill: parent
- hoverEnabled: true
- acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton
- onClicked:
- {
- if (!can_change_ticker)
- return
- if (mouse.button === Qt.RightButton)
- contextMenu.popup()
- else
- {
- api_wallet_page.ticker = ticker
- dashboard.switchPage(Dashboard.PageType.Wallet)
- }
- }
- onPressAndHold:
- {
- if (!can_change_ticker)
- return
- if (mouse.source === Qt.MouseEventNotSynthesized)
- contextMenu.popup()
- }
- }
+ color: mouseArea.containsMouse ? Dex.CurrentTheme.buttonColorHovered : _idleColor
@@ -117,16 +110,40 @@ Dex.DefaultListView
Item // Asset Column.
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.preferredWidth: _assetNameColumnWidth
+ Layout.leftMargin: 15
- Dex.DefaultImage {
+ Dex.DexImage {
id: assetImage
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: 15
source: Dex.General.coinIcon(ticker)
width: 30
height: 30
+ Dex.DexRectangle
+ {
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ radius: 15
+ enabled: Dex.General.isZhtlc(ticker) ? activation_progress != 100 : false
+ visible: enabled
+ opacity: .9
+ color: Dex.DexTheme.backgroundColor
+ }
+ Dex.DexLabel
+ {
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ enabled: Dex.General.isZhtlc(ticker) ? activation_progress != 100 : false
+ visible: enabled
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+ text: activation_progress + "%"
+ font: Dex.DexTypo.head8
+ color: Dex.DexTheme.greenColor
+ }
@@ -134,7 +151,7 @@ Dex.DefaultListView
id: assetNameLabel
anchors.top: assetImage.top
anchors.left: assetImage.right
- anchors.leftMargin: _assetNameColumnLeftMargin
+ anchors.leftMargin: 15
text: model.ticker
@@ -163,24 +180,58 @@ Dex.DefaultListView
color: Dex.DexTheme.redColor
Dex.DexLabel // Balance Column.
id: assetBalanceLabel
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.preferredWidth: _assetBalanceColumnWidth
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
font: Dex.DexTypo.body2
- text_value: Dex.General.formatCrypto("", balance, ticker, main_currency_balance,
- Dex.API.app.settings_pg.current_currency)
+ text_value:
+ {
+ if (Dex.General.isZhtlc(ticker))
+ {
+ if (activation_progress != 100)
+ {
+ return qsTr("Activating: ") + activation_progress + "%"
+ }
+ }
+ return parseFloat(balance).toFixed(8)
+ }
+ color: text_value == parseFloat(balance).toFixed(8) ? Qt.darker(Dex.DexTheme.foregroundColor, 0.8) : Dex.DexTheme.redColor
+ privacy: true
+ }
+ Dex.DexLabel // Fiat Balance
+ {
+ id: fiatBalanceLabel
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ Layout.preferredWidth: _fiatBalanceColumnWidth
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+ font: Dex.DexTypo.body2
+ text_value: Dex.General.formatFiat("", main_currency_balance, Dex.API.app.settings_pg.current_currency)
color: Qt.darker(Dex.DexTheme.foregroundColor, 0.8)
privacy: true
Dex.DexLabel // Change 24h.
+ id: assetChange24hLabel
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.preferredWidth: _assetChange24hColumnWidth
font: Dex.DexTypo.body2
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
const v = parseFloat(change_24h)
@@ -191,18 +242,25 @@ Dex.DefaultListView
Dex.DexLabel // Price Column.
+ id: price24hLabe
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.preferredWidth: _assetPriceColumWidth
font: Dex.DexTypo.body2
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
text_value: Dex.General.formatFiat('', main_currency_price_for_one_unit,
- Dex.API.app.settings_pg.current_currency)
+ Dex.API.app.settings_pg.current_currency, 6)
color: Dex.DexTheme.colorThemeDarkLight
Item // Price Provider
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.preferredWidth: _assetProviderColumnWidth
- Dex.DefaultImage {
+ Dex.DexImage {
id: priceProviderIcon
enabled: priceProvider !== "unknown"
visible: enabled
@@ -233,5 +291,38 @@ Dex.DefaultListView
Dex.CoinMenu { id: contextMenu }
+ Dex.DefaultMouseArea
+ {
+ id: mouseArea
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ if (!can_change_ticker)
+ return
+ if (mouse.button === Qt.RightButton)
+ {
+ contextMenu.can_disable = Dex.General.canDisable(ticker)
+ contextMenu.popup()
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ api_wallet_page.ticker = ticker
+ dashboard.switchPage(Dashboard.PageType.Wallet)
+ }
+ }
+ onPressAndHold:
+ {
+ if (!can_change_ticker) return
+ if (mouse.source === Qt.MouseEventNotSynthesized)
+ contextMenu.can_disable = Dex.General.canDisable(ticker)
+ contextMenu.popup()
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Portfolio/Portfolio.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Portfolio/Portfolio.qml
index 38b6f6a9b2..cac69abde3 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Portfolio/Portfolio.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Portfolio/Portfolio.qml
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ Item {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
- DexLabel
+ DefaultText
font: DexTypo.head6
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
@@ -143,11 +143,11 @@ Item {
- width: 150
height: 40
iconSource: Qaterial.Icons.plus
radius: 15
- padding: 5
+ padding: 25
+ font: DexTypo.body2
text: qsTr("ADD ASSET")
onClicked: enable_coin_modal.open()
@@ -211,14 +211,13 @@ Item {
// Filters (search and balance)
Item {
- width: parent.width
+ width: parent.parent.width - 80
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
height: 30
visible: true
Item {
anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.leftMargin: 40
- anchors.rightMargin: 40
anchors.topMargin: 5
RowLayout {
@@ -226,6 +225,7 @@ Item {
+ id: coinSearchField
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
Layout.preferredWidth: 206
Layout.preferredHeight: 42
@@ -240,12 +240,17 @@ Item {
Layout.fillWidth: true
- DexCheckBox
+ DefaultCheckBox
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ id: hide_zero_balance_checkbox
+ spacing: 2
+ label.wrapMode: Label.NoWrap
+ label.font.pixelSize: 14
text: qsTr("Show only coins with balance") + " %1".arg(qsTr("(%1/%2)").arg(coinsList.count).arg(portfolio_mdl.length))
textColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
- label.font.pixelSize: 14
checked: portfolio_coins.with_balance
onCheckedChanged: portfolio_coins.with_balance = checked
Component.onDestruction: portfolio_coins.with_balance = false
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml
index a42197895a..95595a6206 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml
@@ -16,12 +16,13 @@ import "../Support"
import "../Sidebar" as Sidebar
import "../Fiat"
import "../Settings" as SettingsPage
+import "../Support" as SupportPage
import "../Screens"
+import "../Addressbook" as Addressbook
import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
-//import Dex.Sidebar 1.0 as Dex
-Item {
id: dashboard
enum PageType
@@ -29,12 +30,11 @@ Item {
DEX, // DEX == Trading page
- Addressbook,
- Support
+ Addressbook
property var currentPage: Dashboard.PageType.Portfolio
- property var availablePages: [portfolio, wallet, exchange, addressbook, support]
+ property var availablePages: [portfolio, wallet, exchange, addressbook]
property alias webEngineView: webEngineView
@@ -73,8 +73,6 @@ Item {
console.warn("Tried to switch to page %1 when loader is not ready yet.".arg(page))
- function resetCoinFilter() { portfolio_coins.setFilterFixedString("") }
function openTradeViewWithTicker()
dashboard.loader.onLoadComplete = () => {
@@ -84,7 +82,22 @@ Item {
Layout.fillWidth: true
- onCurrentPageChanged: sidebar.currentLineType = currentPage
+ onCurrentPageChanged: {
+ sidebar.currentLineType = currentPage
+ if (currentPage == Dashboard.PageType.DEX)
+ {
+ if (API.app.trading_pg.current_trading_mode == TradingMode.Pro)
+ {
+ API.app.trading_pg.set_pair(false, api_wallet_page.ticker)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ API.app.trading_pg.set_pair(true, api_wallet_page.ticker)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SupportPage.SupportModal { id: support_modal }
// Al settings depends this modal
SettingsPage.SettingModal { id: setting_modal }
@@ -96,7 +109,7 @@ Item {
if (API.app.portfolio_pg.portfolio_mdl.length > atomic_settings2.value("MaximumNbCoinsEnabled")) {
onTimerEnded = () => {
- API.app.settings_pg.reset_coin_cfg()
+ API.app.reset_coin_cfg()
@@ -145,27 +158,7 @@ Item {
id: addressbook
- AddressBook {}
- }
- Component
- {
- id: settings
- Settings
- {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
- }
- }
- Component
- {
- id: support
- Support
- {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
- }
+ Addressbook.Main { }
@@ -197,6 +190,78 @@ Item {
running: !loader.visible
+ // Status bar
+ DefaultRectangle
+ {
+ id: status_bar
+ visible: API.app.zcash_params.is_downloading()
+ width: parent.width
+ height: 24
+ anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+ color: 'transparent'
+ DefaultRectangle
+ {
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.accentColor
+ width: 380
+ height: parent.height
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ radius: 0
+ DefaultProgressBar
+ {
+ id: download_progress
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ width: parent.width - 10
+ height: parent.height
+ bar_width_pct: 0
+ label.text: "Zcash params downloading:"
+ label.font.family: 'Montserrat'
+ label.font.pixelSize: 11
+ label_width: 180
+ pct_value.text: "0.00 %"
+ pct_value.font.family: 'lato'
+ pct_value.font.pixelSize: 11
+ }
+ DexMouseArea
+ {
+ id: download_mouse_area
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ onClicked: zcash_params_modal.open()
+ }
+ }
+ Connections
+ {
+ target: API.app.zcash_params
+ function onCombinedDownloadStatusChanged()
+ {
+ const filesizes = General.zcash_params_filesize
+ let combined_sum = Object.values(filesizes).reduce((total, v) => total + v, 0);
+ let donwloaded_sum = 0
+ let data = JSON.parse(API.app.zcash_params.get_combined_download_progress())
+ for (let k in data) {
+ let v = data[k];
+ donwloaded_sum += v * filesizes[k]
+ }
+ let pct = General.formatDouble(donwloaded_sum / combined_sum * 100, 2)
+ if (pct == 100)
+ {
+ API.app.enable_coins(API.app.zcash_params.get_enable_after_download())
+ status_bar.visible = false
+ API.app.zcash_params.clear_enable_after_download()
+ }
+ else status_bar.visible = true
+ download_progress.bar_width_pct = pct
+ download_progress.pct_value.text = pct + "%"
+ }
+ }
+ }
// Sidebar, left side
@@ -208,6 +273,7 @@ Item {
onLineSelected: currentPage = lineType;
onSettingsClicked: setting_modal.open()
+ onSupportClicked: support_modal.open()
@@ -219,9 +285,16 @@ Item {
// CEX Rates info
- id: cex_rates_modal
+ id: cex_info_modal
sourceComponent: CexInfoModal {}
+ ModalLoader
+ {
+ id: gas_info_modal
+ sourceComponent: GasInfoModal {}
+ }
id: min_trade_modal
@@ -234,35 +307,66 @@ Item {
sourceComponent: RestartModal {}
- function getStatusColor(status)
+ // Download Zcash Params
+ property alias zcash_params: zcash_params_modal.item
+ ModalLoader
+ {
+ id: zcash_params_modal
+ sourceComponent: ZcashParamsModal
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ function onEnablingZCoinStatus(coin, msg, human_date, timestamp)
+ {
+ // Ignore if coin already enabled (e.g. parent chain in batch)
+ console.log(msg)
+ if (msg.search("ZCashParamsNotFound") > -1)
+ {
+ console.log(coin)
+ API.app.zcash_params.enable_after_download(coin)
+ zcash_params_modal.open()
+ }
+ }
+ Component.onCompleted:
+ {
+ API.app.notification_mgr.enablingZCoinStatus.connect(onEnablingZCoinStatus)
+ }
+ Component.onDestruction:
+ {
+ API.app.notification_mgr.enablingZCoinStatus.disconnect(onEnablingZCoinStatus)
+ }
+ function isSwapDone(status)
switch (status) {
case "matching":
- return Style.colorYellow
case "matched":
case "ongoing":
- case "refunding":
- return Style.colorOrange
+ return false
case "successful":
- return Dex.CurrentTheme.sidebarLineTextHovered
+ case "refunding":
case "failed":
- return DexTheme.redColor
+ return true
- function isSwapDone(status)
+ function getStatusColor(status)
switch (status) {
case "matching":
+ return Style.colorYellow
case "matched":
case "ongoing":
- return false
- case "successful":
case "refunding":
+ return Style.colorOrange
+ case "successful":
+ return Dex.CurrentTheme.sidebarLineTextHovered
case "failed":
- return true
+ return DexTheme.redColor
@@ -289,18 +393,15 @@ Item {
function getStatusFontSize(status)
switch (status) {
- case "matching":
- return 9
- case "matched":
- return 9
- case "ongoing":
- return 9
case "successful":
return 16
case "refunding":
return 16
case "failed":
return 12
+ case "matching":
+ case "matched":
+ case "ongoing":
return 9
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Screens/Startup/ImportWallet.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Screens/Startup/ImportWallet.qml
index 1177f81d5d..acb83d2be4 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Screens/Startup/ImportWallet.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Screens/Startup/ImportWallet.qml
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ SetupPage
signal backClicked()
signal postConfirmSuccess(string walletName)
+ image_scale: 0.7
function reset()
text_error = "";
@@ -38,14 +40,13 @@ SetupPage
- image_scale: 0.7
- content: DexRectangle
+ content: DefaultRectangle
color: Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor
width: column_layout.width + 50
height: column_layout.height + 60
radius: 18
function reset()
@@ -85,14 +86,14 @@ SetupPage
id: column_layout
anchors.centerIn: parent
spacing: Style.rowSpacing
Layout.fillWidth: true
spacing: 10
icon.source: Qaterial.Icons.chevronLeft
@@ -125,8 +126,6 @@ SetupPage
id: eula_modal
@@ -139,6 +138,7 @@ SetupPage
visible: currentStep === 0
@@ -158,6 +158,8 @@ SetupPage
field.placeholderText: qsTr("Wallet Name")
field.onAccepted: tryPassLevel1()
field.onTextChanged: text_error = General.validateWallet(input_wallet_name.field.text)
+ field.forceFocus: true
x: 5
@@ -180,6 +182,7 @@ SetupPage
id: _seedField
Layout.fillWidth: true
+ max_length: General.max_pw_length
Layout.preferredHeight: 50
leftIcon: Qaterial.Icons.fileKey
field.font: DexTypo.body2
@@ -197,7 +200,7 @@ SetupPage
- DexLabel
+ DefaultText
id: _seedError
visible: _seedField.error
@@ -210,8 +213,16 @@ SetupPage
id: allow_custom_seed
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ boxWidth: 20
+ boxHeight: 20
+ leftPadding: 6
+ labelWidth: 120
+ label.wrapMode: Label.NoWrap
text: qsTr("Allow custom seed")
- leftPadding: 15
if (allow_custom_seed.checked)
@@ -222,10 +233,11 @@ SetupPage
closePolicy: Popup.NoAutoClose,
text: qsTr("Custom seed phrases might be less secure and easier to crack than a generated BIP39 compliant seed phrase or private key (WIF).
To confirm you understand the risk and know what you are doing, type 'I understand' in the box below."),
placeholderText: qsTr("I understand"),
+ forceFocus: true,
standardButtons: Dialog.Yes | Dialog.Cancel,
validator: (text) =>
- if (text.toLowerCase() === qsTr("i understand"))
+ if ([qsTr("i understand"), qsTr("я согласен"), qsTr("je comprends"), qsTr("entiendo"), qsTr("anladım"), qsTr("ich verstehe"), ].includes(text.toLowerCase()))
allow_custom_seed.checked = true;
@@ -233,7 +245,7 @@ SetupPage
allow_custom_seed.checked = false;
- return text.toLowerCase() === qsTr("i understand")
+ return [qsTr("i understand"), qsTr("я согласен"), qsTr("je comprends"), qsTr("entiendo"), qsTr("anladım"), qsTr("ich verstehe"), ].includes(text.toLowerCase())
yesButtonText: qsTr("Ok")
@@ -290,6 +302,7 @@ SetupPage
Layout.preferredWidth: 460
Layout.rightMargin: 5
spacing: Style.rowSpacing
id: _inputPassword
@@ -332,7 +345,6 @@ SetupPage
Layout.preferredHeight: 10
id: submit_button
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Screens/Startup/Login.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Screens/Startup/Login.qml
index 98870b9473..299c505ea2 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Screens/Startup/Login.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Screens/Startup/Login.qml
@@ -15,17 +15,15 @@ SetupPage
property string text_error
property string walletName
property bool _isPasswordWrong: false
+ image_scale: 1
+ image_path: Dex.CurrentTheme.bigLogoPath
+ backgroundColor: 'transparent'
signal backClicked()
signal loginSucceeded()
- function reset()
- {
- text_error = ""
- }
function onClickedLogin(password)
if (API.app.wallet_mgr.login(password, walletName))
@@ -38,20 +36,13 @@ SetupPage
console.info("Failed: Login");
- _isPasswordWrong = true;
return false;
- image_scale: 1
- backgroundColor: 'transparent'
- image_path: Dex.CurrentTheme.bigLogoPath
content: ColumnLayout
id: content
spacing: 10
@@ -73,20 +64,28 @@ SetupPage
id: _inputPassword
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ max_length: General.max_pw_length
height: 50
width: 300
background.color: Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor
forceFocus: true
+ field.onTextChanged: { _isPasswordWrong = false }
if (_keyChecker.isValid())
- onClickedLogin(field.text)
+ if (!onClickedLogin(field.text))
+ {
+ _inputPassword.error = true;
+ _isPasswordWrong = true;
+ }
+ return true
- _inputPassword.error = true
- _keyChecker.visible = true
+ _inputPassword.error = true;
+ _isPasswordWrong = true;
+ return false;
@@ -94,34 +93,20 @@ SetupPage
hideFieldButton.icon.color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
- DexKeyChecker
- {
- id: _passwordChecker
- visible: false
- field: _inputPassword.field
- }
- DefaultText
+ DexLabel
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- visible: _isPasswordWrong
- text: qsTr("Incorrect Password")
+ height: 14
+ text: _isPasswordWrong ? qsTr("Incorrect Password") : ""
color: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
- Item
- {
- height: 1
- width: 1
- }
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
radius: width
width: 200
text: qsTr("Log In")
- enabled: _passwordChecker.isValid()
onClicked: _inputPassword.field.accepted()
@@ -129,6 +114,7 @@ SetupPage
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
id: _keyChecker
+ max_pw_len: General.max_pw_length
field: _inputPassword.field
visible: false
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Screens/Startup/NewWallet.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Screens/Startup/NewWallet.qml
index 53ec7078ca..2a2f30e59a 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Screens/Startup/NewWallet.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Screens/Startup/NewWallet.qml
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import "../../Components"
import "../../Constants"
import App 1.0
import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+import Dex.Components 1.0 as Dex
@@ -158,7 +159,7 @@ SetupPage
image_scale: 0.7
- content: DexRectangle
+ content: Dex.Rectangle
color: Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor
width: column_layout.width + 50
@@ -210,6 +211,7 @@ SetupPage
mmo.model = getRandomWords(4)
id: column_layout
@@ -249,7 +251,7 @@ SetupPage
- DexLabel
+ Dex.Text
font: DexTypo.head6
text_value: if (currentStep === 0)
@@ -274,8 +276,6 @@ SetupPage
Layout.fillWidth: true
id: eula_modal
@@ -293,6 +293,7 @@ SetupPage
visible: currentStep === 0
+ enabled: visible
Layout.preferredWidth: 450
spacing: Style.rowSpacing
@@ -309,8 +310,9 @@ SetupPage
field.leftPadding: 75
field.placeholderText: "Wallet Name"
field.onTextChanged: text_error = General.validateWallet(input_wallet_name.field.text)
+ field.forceFocus: true
- DexRectangle
+ Dex.Rectangle
x: 5
height: 40
@@ -366,6 +368,7 @@ SetupPage
id: input_generated_seed
@@ -496,11 +499,11 @@ SetupPage
// Second page, write the seed word
visible: currentStep === 1
+ enabled: visible
@@ -672,6 +675,8 @@ SetupPage
visible: currentStep === 2
+ enabled: visible
Layout.preferredWidth: 450
spacing: Style.rowSpacing
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Screens/Startup/WalletsView.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Screens/Startup/WalletsView.qml
index 36de794adc..6d21be4af2 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Screens/Startup/WalletsView.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Screens/Startup/WalletsView.qml
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ SetupPage
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: 40
placeholderText: qsTr("Search your wallets...")
+ forceFocus: true
wallets = API.app.wallet_mgr.get_wallets(text)
@@ -186,12 +187,12 @@ SetupPage
width: 30
height: width
radius: 18
- color: mouse_area.containsMouse ? Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor : 'transparent'
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor
anchors.fill: parent
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.loginWalletIconColorStart
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.userIconColorStart
source: Qaterial.Icons.account
iconSize: 28
@@ -251,23 +252,25 @@ SetupPage
if (API.app.wallet_mgr.confirm_password(wallet_name, text))
- app.showText(
+ app.showDialog(
title: qsTr("Wallet status"),
text: "%1 ".arg(wallet_name) + qsTr("wallet deleted successfully"),
yesButtonText: qsTr("Ok"), titleBold: true,
+ showCancelBtn: false,
standardButtons: Dialog.Ok
wallets = API.app.wallet_mgr.get_wallets()
- app.showText(
+ app.showDialog(
title: qsTr("Wallet status"),
text: "%1 ".arg(wallet_name) + qsTr("wallet password is incorrect"),
warning: true,
standardButtons: Dialog.Ok, titleBold: true,
+ showCancelBtn: false,
yesButtonText: qsTr("Ok"),
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/AddCustomCoinModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/AddCustomCoinModal.qml
index 53016cd6d3..da91a1695a 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/AddCustomCoinModal.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/AddCustomCoinModal.qml
@@ -4,25 +4,28 @@ import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3
import AtomicDEX.CoinType 1.0
import "../Components"
import "../Constants"
import App 1.0
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
-MultipageModal {
id: root
width: 700
- onClosed: {
- // reset all
+ onClosed:
+ {
currentIndex = 0
property var config_fields: ({})
- readonly property bool fetching_custom_token_data_busy: API.app.settings_pg.fetching_custom_token_data_busy
+ property var typeList: ["ERC-20", "QRC-20","BEP-20"]
readonly property var custom_token_data: API.app.settings_pg.custom_token_data
+ readonly property string general_message: qsTr('Get the contract address from')
+ readonly property bool fetching_custom_token_data_busy: API.app.settings_pg.fetching_custom_token_data_busy
function fetchAssetData() {
const fields = General.clone(config_fields)
@@ -62,7 +65,7 @@ MultipageModal {
addToConfig(input_ticker, "ticker", input_ticker.field.text.toUpperCase())
addToConfig(input_logo, "image_path", input_logo.path.replace(General.os_file_prefix, ""))
addToConfig(input_name, "name", input_name.field.text)
- addToConfig(input_contract_address, "contract_address", input_contract_address.field.text)
+ addToConfig(input_contract_address, "contract_address", input_contract_address.text)
addToConfig(input_active, "active", input_active.checked)
addToConfig(input_coingecko_id, "coingecko_id", input_coingecko_id.field.text)
fields['coinType'] = currentType.coinType
@@ -74,17 +77,17 @@ MultipageModal {
input_ticker.field.text = ""
input_logo.path = ""
input_name.field.text = ""
- input_contract_address.field.text = ""
+ input_contract_address.text = ""
input_active.checked = false
input_coingecko_id.field.text = "test-coin"
- property var typeList: ["ERC-20", "QRC-20","BEP-20"]
- readonly property string general_message: qsTr('Get the contract address from')
- ListModel {
+ ListModel
+ {
id: type_model
- dynamicRoles: true
- ListElement {
+ ListElement
+ {
text: "ERC-20"
prefix: ""
image: "erc"
@@ -92,7 +95,9 @@ MultipageModal {
name: 'Etherscan'
coinType: CoinType.ERC20
- ListElement {
+ ListElement
+ {
text: "QRC-20"
prefix: "0x"
image: "qrc"
@@ -100,7 +105,9 @@ MultipageModal {
name: 'QTUM Insight'
coinType: CoinType.QRC20
- ListElement {
+ ListElement
+ {
text: "BEP-20"
prefix: ""
url: "https://bscscan.com/tokens"
@@ -114,30 +121,50 @@ MultipageModal {
property var currentType: type_model.get(input_type.currentIndex)
// Type page
- MultipageModalContent {
+ MultipageModalContent
+ {
titleText: qsTr("Choose the asset type")
+ height: 450
- ComboBoxWithTitle {
+ DefaultComboBox
+ {
id: input_type
Layout.fillWidth: true
- title: qsTr("Type")
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 50
textRole: "text"
- model: type_model//, "UTXO", "Smart Chain"]
+ valueRole: "text"
+ model: type_model
currentIndex: 0
+ comboBoxBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxBackgroundColor
+ mainBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.innerBackgroundColor
+ popupBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.innerBackgroundColor
+ highlightedBackgroundColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.comboBoxDropdownItemHighlightedColor
+ Item { Layout.preferredHeight: 50 }
// Buttons
- footer: [
- DefaultButton {
+ footer:
+ [
+ DefaultButton
+ {
text: qsTr("Cancel")
- Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 220
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 50
+ radius: 18
onClicked: root.previousPage()
- PrimaryButton {
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true },
+ DefaultButton
+ {
text: qsTr("Next")
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- onClicked: {
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 220
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 50
+ radius: 18
+ onClicked:
+ {
@@ -146,10 +173,12 @@ MultipageModal {
// Ticker page
- MultipageModalContent {
- titleText: has_contract_address ? qsTr("Enter the contract address") : qsTr("Choose the asset ticker")
+ MultipageModalContent
+ {
+ titleText: has_contract_address ? qsTr("Contract address") : qsTr("Choose the asset ticker")
- TextFieldWithTitle {
+ TextFieldWithTitle
+ {
id: input_ticker
enabled: !has_contract_address
visible: enabled
@@ -158,26 +187,31 @@ MultipageModal {
field.placeholderText: qsTr("Enter the ticker")
- AddressFieldWithTitle {
+ AddressField
+ {
id: input_contract_address
enabled: has_contract_address
visible: enabled
Layout.fillWidth: true
- title: qsTr("Contract Address")
- field.placeholderText: qsTr("Enter the contract address")
- field.left_text: currentType.prefix
+ placeholderText: qsTr("Enter the contract address")
+ left_text: currentType.prefix
- DefaultText {
+ DefaultText
+ {
visible: input_contract_address.visible
Layout.fillWidth: true
text_value: General.cex_icon + (' ' + qsTr('Get the contract address from ') +currentType.name+ '')
- InnerBackground {
+ InnerBackground
+ {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- content: DefaultAnimatedImage {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ color: 'transparent'
+ content: DefaultAnimatedImage
+ {
visible: input_contract_address.visible
playing: root.visible && visible
source: General.image_path + "guide_contract_address_" + currentType.image + ".gif"
@@ -185,58 +219,65 @@ MultipageModal {
// Buttons
- footer: [
- DefaultButton {
+ footer:
+ [
+ DefaultButton
+ {
text: qsTr("Previous")
- Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 220
+ radius: 18
onClicked: root.previousPage()
- PrimaryButton {
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true },
+ DefaultButton
+ {
text: qsTr("Next")
- Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 220
+ radius: 18
enabled: (!input_ticker.enabled || input_ticker.field.text !== "") &&
- (!input_contract_address.enabled || input_contract_address.field.text !== "")
+ (!input_contract_address.enabled || input_contract_address.text !== "")
onClicked: root.nextPage()
// Logo page
- MultipageModalContent {
+ MultipageModalContent
+ {
titleText: qsTr("Choose the asset logo")
- DefaultButton {
+ DefaultButton
+ {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: qsTr("Browse") + "..."
onClicked: input_logo.open()
- FileDialog {
+ FileDialog
+ {
id: input_logo
property string path
- onFileUrlChanged: path = input_logo.fileUrl.toString()
readonly property bool enabled: true // Config preparation function searches for this
title: qsTr("Please choose the asset logo")
folder: shortcuts.pictures
selectMultiple: false
- onAccepted: {
- console.log("Image chosen: " + input_logo.path)
- }
- onRejected: {
- console.log("Image choice canceled")
- }
- nameFilters: ["Image files (*.png)"]//["Image files (*.jpg *.png)"]
+ nameFilters: ["Image files (*.png)"]
+ onFileUrlChanged: path = input_logo.fileUrl.toString()
- InnerBackground {
+ InnerBackground
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- content: DefaultImage {
+ color: 'transparent'
+ content: DefaultImage
+ {
width: 300
height: width
source: input_logo.path
@@ -244,16 +285,21 @@ MultipageModal {
// Buttons
- footer: [
- DefaultButton {
+ footer:
+ [
+ DefaultButton
+ {
text: qsTr("Previous")
- Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 220
onClicked: root.previousPage()
- PrimaryButton {
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true },
+ PrimaryButton
+ {
text: qsTr("Next")
- Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 220
enabled: input_logo.path !== ""
onClicked: root.nextPage()
@@ -261,16 +307,19 @@ MultipageModal {
// Configuration
- MultipageModalContent {
+ MultipageModalContent
+ {
titleText: qsTr("Configuration")
- DefaultText {
+ DefaultText
+ {
visible: has_contract_address
Layout.fillWidth: true
text_value: qsTr("All configuration fields will be fetched using the contract address you provided.")
- TextFieldWithTitle {
+ TextFieldWithTitle
+ {
id: input_name
enabled: !has_contract_address
visible: enabled
@@ -279,22 +328,29 @@ MultipageModal {
field.placeholderText: qsTr("Enter the name")
- TextFieldWithTitle {
+ TextFieldWithTitle
+ {
id: input_coingecko_id
Layout.fillWidth: true
title: qsTr("Coingecko ID")
field.placeholderText: qsTr("Enter the Coingecko ID")
- DefaultText {
+ DefaultText
+ {
visible: input_coingecko_id.visible
Layout.fillWidth: true
text_value: General.cex_icon + ' ' + qsTr('Get the Coingecko ID') + ''
- InnerBackground {
+ InnerBackground
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- content: DefaultAnimatedImage {
+ color: 'transparent'
+ content: DefaultAnimatedImage
+ {
id: guide_coingecko_id
visible: input_coingecko_id.visible
playing: root.visible && visible
@@ -302,27 +358,33 @@ MultipageModal {
- DefaultCheckBox {
+ DefaultCheckBox
+ {
id: input_active
enabled: !has_contract_address
visible: enabled
text: qsTr("Active")
- DefaultBusyIndicator {
+ DefaultBusyIndicator
+ {
visible: root.fetching_custom_token_data_busy
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
- // Buttons
- footer: [
- DefaultButton {
+ footer:
+ [
+ DefaultButton
+ {
text: qsTr("Previous")
- Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 220
onClicked: root.previousPage()
- PrimaryButton {
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true },
+ DefaultButton
+ {
text: qsTr("Preview")
Layout.fillWidth: true
enabled: !root.fetching_custom_token_data_busy &&
@@ -413,13 +475,15 @@ MultipageModal {
footer: [
DefaultButton {
text: qsTr("Previous")
- Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 220
onClicked: root.previousPage()
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true },
PrimaryButton {
text: qsTr("Submit & Restart")
- Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 220
enabled: !error_text.visible
onClicked: {
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/CamouflagePasswordModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/CamouflagePasswordModal.qml
index 52900bb6fe..e0f83cd7a3 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/CamouflagePasswordModal.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/CamouflagePasswordModal.qml
@@ -6,19 +6,20 @@ import "../Components"
import "../Constants"
import App 1.0
-MultipageModal {
id: root
width: 800
- onClosed: {
- input_password_suffix.reset()
- }
+ onClosed: input_password_suffix.reset()
- MultipageModalContent {
+ MultipageModalContent
+ {
titleText: qsTr("Setup Camouflage Password")
- FloatingBackground {
+ FloatingBackground
+ {
id: warning_bg
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
Layout.bottomMargin: 10
@@ -26,22 +27,25 @@ MultipageModal {
width: parent.width - 5
height: warning_texts.height + 20
- Column {
+ Column
+ {
id: warning_texts
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: parent.width
spacing: 10
- DefaultText {
+ DefaultText
+ {
width: parent.width - 40
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
text_value: qsTr("Camouflage Password is a secret password for emergency situations.")
- font: DexTypo.head6
+ font: DexTypo.subtitle2
- DefaultText {
+ DefaultText
+ {
width: parent.width - 40
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
@@ -49,7 +53,8 @@ MultipageModal {
text_value: qsTr("Using it to login will display your balance lower than it actually is.")
- DefaultText {
+ DefaultText
+ {
width: parent.width - 40
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
@@ -59,7 +64,8 @@ MultipageModal {
- PasswordForm {
+ PasswordForm
+ {
id: input_password_suffix
Layout.fillWidth: true
field_title: qsTr("Password suffix")
@@ -70,24 +76,26 @@ MultipageModal {
// Buttons
- footer: [
- DexAppButton {
+ footer:
+ [
+ DexAppButton
+ {
text: qsTr("Cancel")
leftPadding: 40
rightPadding: 40
radius: 20
onClicked: root.close()
- Item {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- },
- DexAppOutlineButton {
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true },
+ DexAppOutlineButton
+ {
text: qsTr("Save")
leftPadding: 40
rightPadding: 40
radius: 20
enabled: input_password_suffix.isValid()
- onClicked: {
+ onClicked:
+ {
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/Combo_fiat.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/Combo_fiat.qml
index 8154bfc7c8..0842bb41ef 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/Combo_fiat.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/Combo_fiat.qml
@@ -13,67 +13,130 @@ import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
import "../Components"
import "../Constants"
import App 1.0
+ anchors.margins: 10
+ Column
+ {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ topPadding: 10
+ spacing: 15
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ width: parent.width - 30
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+ height: 50
+ spacing: 10
+ DexLabel
+ {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ font: DexTypo.subtitle1
+ text: qsTr("Language") + ":"
+ }
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
+ Languages
+ {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ }
+ }
-ComboBoxWithTitle {
- id: combo_fiat
- title: qsTr("Fiat")
- width: parent.width-30
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ Layout.topMargin: 10
+ width: parent.width - 30
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+ height: 50
+ DexLabel
+ {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ font: DexTypo.subtitle1
+ text: qsTr("Fiat")
+ }
- model: fiats
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
+ DexComboBox
+ {
+ id: combo_fiat
+ width: 100
+ height: 30
+ model: fiats
+ property bool initialized: false
+ onCurrentIndexChanged:
+ {
+ if(initialized)
+ {
+ const new_fiat = fiats[currentIndex]
+ API.app.settings_pg.current_fiat = new_fiat
+ API.app.settings_pg.current_currency = new_fiat
+ }
+ }
- property bool initialized: false
- onCurrentIndexChanged: {
- if(initialized) {
- const new_fiat = fiats[currentIndex]
- API.app.settings_pg.current_fiat = new_fiat
- API.app.settings_pg.current_currency = new_fiat
+ Component.onCompleted:
+ {
+ currentIndex = model.indexOf(API.app.settings_pg.current_fiat)
+ initialized = true
+ }
+ }
- }
- Component.onCompleted: {
- currentIndex = model.indexOf(API.app.settings_pg.current_fiat)
- initialized = true
- }
- RowLayout {
- Layout.topMargin: 5
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.leftMargin: 2
- Layout.rightMargin: Layout.leftMargin
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ Layout.topMargin: 10
+ width: parent.width - 30
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+ height: 50
+ DexText
+ {
+ text: qsTr("Recommended: ")
+ font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall4
+ }
- DefaultText {
- text: qsTr("Recommended: ")
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall4
- }
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
+ Grid
+ {
+ Layout.leftMargin: 30
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- Grid {
- Layout.leftMargin: 30
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ clip: true
- clip: true
+ columns: 6
+ spacing: 25
- columns: 6
- spacing: 25
+ layoutDirection: Qt.LeftToRight
- layoutDirection: Qt.LeftToRight
+ Repeater
+ {
+ model: recommended_fiats
- Repeater {
- model: recommended_fiats
+ delegate: DexText
+ {
+ text: modelData
+ color: DexTheme.foregroundColor
+ opacity: fiats_mouse_area.containsMouse ? .7 : 1
- delegate: DefaultText {
- text: modelData
- color: DexTheme.foregroundColor
- opacity: fiats_mouse_area.containsMouse ? .7 : 1
+ DexMouseArea
+ {
+ id: fiats_mouse_area
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ hoverEnabled: true
- DefaultMouseArea {
- id: fiats_mouse_area
- anchors.fill: parent
- hoverEnabled: true
- onClicked: {
- API.app.settings_pg.current_fiat = modelData
- API.app.settings_pg.current_currency = modelData
- combo_fiat.currentIndex = combo_fiat.model.indexOf(API.app.settings_pg.current_fiat)
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ API.app.settings_pg.current_fiat = modelData
+ API.app.settings_pg.current_currency = modelData
+ combo_fiat.currentIndex = combo_fiat.model.indexOf(API.app.settings_pg.current_fiat)
+ }
@@ -81,3 +144,4 @@ ComboBoxWithTitle {
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/Languages.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/Languages.qml
index eba03ea097..d90a521f49 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/Languages.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/Languages.qml
@@ -5,57 +5,54 @@ import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
import "../Components"
import "../Constants"
+import "../Screens"
import App 1.0
-ColumnLayout {
- property alias show_label: label.visible
- RowLayout {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- spacing: 5
- DexLabel {
- id: label
- visible: false
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- font: DexTypo.subtitle1
- text_value: qsTr("Language") + ":"
- }
- Grid {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- clip: true
- columns: 8
- spacing: 10
- Repeater {
- model: API.app.settings_pg.get_available_langs()
- delegate: ClipRRect {
- width: 30 // Current icons have too much space around them
- height: 30
- radius: 15
- //color: API.app.settings_pg.lang === model.modelData ? Style.colorTheme11 : mouse_area.containsMouse ? Style.colorTheme4 : Style.applyOpacity(Style.colorTheme4)
- DefaultImage {
- id: image
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- source: General.image_path + "lang/" + model.modelData + ".png"
- width: 40
- height: 40
- opacity: model.modelData === API.app.settings_pg.lang ? 1 : mouse_area.containsMouse ? 0.85 : 0.7
- // Click area
- DefaultMouseArea {
- id: mouse_area
- anchors.fill: parent
- acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton
- hoverEnabled: true
- onClicked: {
- API.app.settings_pg.lang = model.modelData;
- console.info("Switched language to %1".arg(API.app.settings_pg.lang));
- }
- }
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ clip: true
+ columns: 8
+ spacing: 10
+ Repeater
+ {
+ model: API.app.settings_pg.get_available_langs()
+ delegate: ClipRRect
+ {
+ width: 30 // Current icons have too much space around them
+ height: 30
+ radius: 15
+ //color: API.app.settings_pg.lang === model.modelData ? Style.colorTheme11 : mouse_area.containsMouse ? Style.colorTheme4 : Style.applyOpacity(Style.colorTheme4)
+ DexImage
+ {
+ id: image
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ source: General.image_path + "lang/" + model.modelData + ".png"
+ width: 40
+ height: 40
+ opacity: model.modelData === API.app.settings_pg.lang ? 1 : mouse_area.containsMouse ? 0.85 : 0.7
+ // Click area
+ DexMouseArea
+ {
+ id: mouse_area
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ API.app.settings_pg.lang = model.modelData;
+ console.info("Switched language to %1".arg(API.app.settings_pg.lang));
+ menu_list.update()
+ app.update()
+ app.pageLoader.item.switchPage(Dashboard.PageType.Portfolio)
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/RecoverSeedModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/RecoverSeedModal.qml
index 288de4af12..09ec5b13a6 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/RecoverSeedModal.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/RecoverSeedModal.qml
@@ -16,34 +16,36 @@ MultipageModal
property var portfolio_model: API.app.portfolio_pg.portfolio_mdl
property var settings_page: API.app.settings_pg
- property bool wrongPassword: false
+ property bool _isPasswordWrong: false
function tryViewKeysAndSeed()
if (!submitButton.enabled) return
- const result = API.app.settings_pg.retrieve_seed(API.app.wallet_mgr.wallet_default_name, inputPassword.field.text)
+ const result = API.app.settings_pg.retrieve_seed(API.app.wallet_mgr.wallet_default_name, _inputPassword.field.text)
if (result.length === 2)
seedLabel.text = result[0]
rpcPwLabel.text = result[1]
- wrongPassword = false
+ _isPasswordWrong = false
loading.running = true
- wrongPassword = true
+ _inputPassword.error = true;
+ _isPasswordWrong = true;
+ return false;
- width: 820
+ width: 900
- wrongPassword = false
- inputPassword.reset()
+ _isPasswordWrong = false
+ _inputPassword.reset()
seedLabel.text = ""
rpcPwLabel.text = ""
@@ -61,15 +63,26 @@ MultipageModal
- id: inputPassword
- Layout.fillWidth: true
+ id: _inputPassword
forceFocus: true
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.margins: 20
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
field.onAccepted: tryViewKeysAndSeed()
- background.color: Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor
leftIconColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ field.onTextChanged: { _isPasswordWrong = false }
+ background.color: Dex.CurrentTheme.accentColor
hideFieldButton.icon.color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ DexLabel
+ {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ height: 14
+ text: _isPasswordWrong ? qsTr("Incorrect Password") : ""
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
+ }
// Footer
@@ -86,7 +99,7 @@ MultipageModal
id: submitButton
Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width / 100 * 48
- enabled: inputPassword.field.length > 0
+ enabled: _inputPassword.field.length > 0
text: qsTr("View")
onClicked: tryViewKeysAndSeed()
@@ -96,6 +109,8 @@ MultipageModal
titleText: qsTr("View seed and private keys")
+ titleTopMargin: 15
+ topMarginAfterTitle: 15
@@ -124,23 +139,22 @@ MultipageModal
id: seedContainer
visible: false
enabled: false
- spacing: 10
+ spacing: 5
+ width: parent.width
+ height: 150
// Logo
- ColumnLayout
+ DefaultImage
- DefaultImage
- {
- source: Dex.CurrentTheme.bigLogoPath
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- Layout.preferredWidth: 144
- Layout.preferredHeight: 144
- }
+ source: Dex.CurrentTheme.bigLogoPath
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 144
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 144
- spacing: 10
+ spacing: 5
// Seed
@@ -149,11 +163,11 @@ MultipageModal
- backgroundImplicitWidth: 40
+ backgroundImplicitWidth: 30
backgroundImplicitHeight: 30
backgroundColor: "transparent"
icon.source: Qaterial.Icons.qrcodeScan
- icon.color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ icon.color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
qrcodeModal.qrcodeSvg = API.qt_utilities.get_qrcode_svg_from_string(seedLabel.text)
@@ -163,11 +177,11 @@ MultipageModal
- backgroundImplicitWidth: 40
+ backgroundImplicitWidth: 30
backgroundImplicitHeight: 30
backgroundColor: "transparent"
icon.source: Qaterial.Icons.contentCopy
- icon.color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ icon.color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
@@ -177,8 +191,21 @@ MultipageModal
- DefaultText { text: qsTr("Backup Seed"); font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall2 }
- DefaultText { id: seedLabel; Layout.fillWidth: true; font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall1; maximumLineCount: 4; wrapMode: Text.Wrap }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ text: qsTr("Backup Seed")
+ font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall2
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ id: seedLabel
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall2
+ maximumLineCount: 4
+ wrapMode: Text.Wrap
+ }
@@ -189,11 +216,11 @@ MultipageModal
- backgroundImplicitWidth: 40
+ backgroundImplicitWidth: 30
backgroundImplicitHeight: 30
backgroundColor: "transparent"
icon.source: Qaterial.Icons.qrcodeScan
- icon.color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ icon.color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
qrcodeModal.qrcodeSvg = API.qt_utilities.get_qrcode_svg_from_string(rpcPwLabel.text)
@@ -203,11 +230,11 @@ MultipageModal
- backgroundImplicitWidth: 40
+ backgroundImplicitWidth: 30
backgroundImplicitHeight: 30
backgroundColor: "transparent"
icon.source: Qaterial.Icons.contentCopy
- icon.color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ icon.color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
@@ -217,20 +244,33 @@ MultipageModal
- DefaultText { text: qsTr("RPC Password"); font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall2 }
- DefaultText { id: rpcPwLabel; Layout.fillWidth: true; font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall1; maximumLineCount: 4; wrapMode: Text.WrapAnywhere }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ text: qsTr("RPC Password")
+ font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall2
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ id: rpcPwLabel
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall2
+ maximumLineCount: 4
+ wrapMode: Text.WrapAnywhere
+ }
- HorizontalLine { Layout.topMargin: 10; Layout.fillWidth: true }
+ HorizontalLine { Layout.fillWidth: true }
visible: coinsList.visible
enabled: coinsList.enabled
- Layout.topMargin: 10
+ Layout.topMargin: 5
+ Layout.bottomMargin: 5
Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width / 3
placeholderText: qsTr("Search a coin.")
onTextChanged: portfolio_model.portfolio_proxy_mdl.setFilterFixedString(text)
@@ -242,7 +282,6 @@ MultipageModal
id: coinsList
visible: false
enabled: false
- Layout.topMargin: 10
Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
Layout.preferredHeight: 300
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
@@ -261,32 +300,36 @@ MultipageModal
+ spacing: 5
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.leftMargin: 5
+ spacing: 5
Layout.fillWidth: true
source: General.coinIcon(model.ticker)
- Layout.preferredWidth: 30
- Layout.preferredHeight: 30
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 40
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 40
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
text: model.name
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall5
+ font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall4
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
- Layout.preferredWidth: 100
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 90
+ spacing: 5
// Public Address
@@ -296,7 +339,7 @@ MultipageModal
backgroundImplicitHeight: 30
backgroundColor: "transparent"
icon.source: Qaterial.Icons.qrcodeScan
- icon.color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ icon.color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
qrcodeModal.qrcodeSvg = API.qt_utilities.get_qrcode_svg_from_string(publicAddress.text)
@@ -310,7 +353,7 @@ MultipageModal
backgroundImplicitHeight: 30
backgroundColor: "transparent"
icon.source: Qaterial.Icons.contentCopy
- icon.color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ icon.color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
@@ -320,20 +363,20 @@ MultipageModal
+ spacing: 5
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: qsTr("Public Address")
font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall2
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
id: publicAddress
- text: model.public_address
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall1
- maximumLineCount: 4; wrapMode: Text.WrapAnywhere
+ text: model.public_address != 'Invalid Ticker' ? model.public_address : "Please wait for " + model.name + " to fully activate..."
+ font: model.public_address.length > 70 ? DexTypo.body4 : DexTypo.body3
@@ -341,13 +384,14 @@ MultipageModal
// Private Key
+ spacing: 5
backgroundImplicitWidth: 40
backgroundImplicitHeight: 30
backgroundColor: "transparent"
icon.source: Qaterial.Icons.qrcodeScan
- icon.color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ icon.color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
qrcodeModal.qrcodeSvg = API.qt_utilities.get_qrcode_svg_from_string(privateKey.text)
@@ -361,30 +405,38 @@ MultipageModal
backgroundImplicitHeight: 30
backgroundColor: "transparent"
icon.source: Qaterial.Icons.contentCopy
- icon.color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ icon.color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
- API.qt_utilities.copy_text_to_clipboard(privateKey.text)
+ API.qt_utilities.copy_text_to_clipboard(model.priv_key)
app.notifyCopy(model.name, qsTr("Private Key copied to clipboard"))
+ spacing: 5
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: qsTr("Private Key")
font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall2
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
id: privateKey
+ font: DexTypo.body3
+ text: textMetrics.elidedText
+ }
+ TextMetrics {
+ id: textMetrics
+ elide: Text.ElideMiddle
+ font.family: DexTypo.fontFamily
+ elideWidth: 560
text: model.priv_key
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall1
- maximumLineCount: 4; wrapMode: Text.WrapAnywhere
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/SettingModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/SettingModal.qml
index 13e95cd3fc..a600817bec 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/SettingModal.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/SettingModal.qml
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-//! Qt Imports
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
@@ -8,64 +7,40 @@ import QtQml 2.12
import QtQuick.Window 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls.Universal 2.12
-//! 3rdParty Imports
import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
+import ModelHelper 0.1
-//! Project Imports
import "../Components"
import "../Constants"
-as Constants
import App 1.0
import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+import Dex.Components 1.0 as Dex
+ id: setting_modal
property alias selectedMenuIndex: menu_list.currentIndex
- function disconnect()
- {
- let dialog = app.showText(
- {
- "title": qsTr("Confirm Logout"),
- text: qsTr("Are you sure you want to log out?"),
- standardButtons: Dialog.Yes | Dialog.Cancel,
- warning: true,
- yesButtonText: qsTr("Yes"),
- cancelButtonText: qsTr("Cancel"),
- onAccepted: function(text)
- {
- app.notifications_list = []
- app.currentWalletName = ""
- API.app.disconnect()
- onDisconnect()
- window.logged = false
- dialog.close()
- dialog.destroy()
- }
- })
- }
readonly property string mm2_version: API.app.settings_pg.get_mm2_version()
- property
- var recommended_fiats: API.app.settings_pg.get_recommended_fiats()
- property
- var fiats: API.app.settings_pg.get_available_fiats()
- property
- var enableable_coins_count: enableable_coins_count_combo_box.currentValue
+ property var recommended_fiats: API.app.settings_pg.get_recommended_fiats()
+ property var fiats: API.app.settings_pg.get_available_fiats()
+ property var enableable_coins_count: enableable_coins_count_combo_box.currentValue
+ property var orders: API.app.orders_mdl.orders_proxy_mdl.ModelHelper
- id: setting_modal
width: 950
height: 650
+ padding: 20
+ topPadding: 30
+ bottomPadding: 30
anchors.centerIn: parent
dim: true
modal: true
title: "Settings"
header: Item
Overlay.modal: Item
@@ -75,19 +50,19 @@ Qaterial.Dialog
opacity: .7
background: DexRectangle
color: DexTheme.backgroundColor
border.width: 0
radius: 16
- padding: 20
- topPadding: 30
- bottomPadding: 30
width: parent.width
height: 60
anchors.right: parent.right
@@ -97,15 +72,18 @@ Qaterial.Dialog
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
onClicked: setting_modal.close()
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
leftPadding: 60
id: settingLabel
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
text: qsTr("Settings")
font: Qt.font(
pixelSize: 20,
@@ -122,18 +100,22 @@ Qaterial.Dialog
visible: false
width: parent.width
height: parent.height - 110
y: 60
anchors.fill: parent
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.preferredWidth: 280
id: menu_list
@@ -144,20 +126,24 @@ Qaterial.Dialog
spacing: 5
currentIndex: 0
model: [qsTr("General"), qsTr("Language"), qsTr("User Interface"), qsTr("Security"), qsTr("About & Version")]
delegate: DexRectangle
width: parent.width
height: 60
radius: 22
border.width: 0
gradient: Gradient
orientation: Qt.Horizontal
position: 0.0
color: delegateMouseArea.containsMouse ? DexTheme.buttonColorEnabled : menu_list.currentIndex === index ? DexTheme.buttonColorHovered : 'transparent'
position: 1
@@ -190,34 +176,41 @@ Qaterial.Dialog
- Rectangle
+ DexRectangle
Layout.fillHeight: true
width: 1
color: DexTheme.foregroundColor
opacity: .10
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
anchors.fill: parent
currentIndex: menu_list.currentIndex
anchors.margins: 10
anchors.fill: parent
topPadding: 10
spacing: 15
width: parent.width - 30
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- height: 30
+ height: 50
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
@@ -225,34 +218,46 @@ Qaterial.Dialog
font: DexTypo.subtitle1
text: qsTr("Enable Desktop Notifications")
- DefaultSwitch
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
+ DexSwitch
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
Component.onCompleted: checked = API.app.settings_pg.notification_enabled
onCheckedChanged: API.app.settings_pg.notification_enabled = checked
width: parent.width - 30
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
height: 50
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- Layout.fillWidth: true
font: DexTypo.subtitle1
text: qsTr("Maximum number of enabled coins")
- DefaultComboBox
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
+ DexComboBox
id: enableable_coins_count_combo_box
- Layout.preferredWidth: 62
- Layout.preferredHeight: 35
- radius: 18
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ width: 140
+ height: 45
+ dropDownMaxHeight: 600
model: [10, 20, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200]
currentIndex: model.indexOf(parseInt(atomic_settings2.value("MaximumNbCoinsEnabled")))
onCurrentIndexChanged: atomic_settings2.setValue("MaximumNbCoinsEnabled", model[currentIndex])
+ Component.onCompleted:
+ {
+ currentIndex: model.indexOf(parseInt(atomic_settings2.value("MaximumNbCoinsEnabled")))
+ }
@@ -272,9 +277,10 @@ Qaterial.Dialog
height: 50
title: qsTr("Reset wallet configuration")
buttonText: qsTr("Reset")
- dialog = app.showText(
+ reset_dialog = app.showDialog(
title: qsTr("Reset wallet configuration"),
text: qsTr("This will restart your wallet with default settings"),
@@ -286,124 +292,106 @@ Qaterial.Dialog
restart_modal.item.onTimerEnded = () =>
- API.app.settings_pg.reset_coin_cfg()
+ API.app.reset_coin_cfg()
- dialog.close()
+ reset_dialog.close()
- Item
- {
- Column
- {
- anchors.fill: parent
- topPadding: 10
- spacing: 15
- RowLayout
- {
- width: parent.width - 30
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- height: 30
- spacing: 10
- DexLabel
- {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- font: DexTypo.subtitle1
- text: qsTr("Language") + ":"
- }
- Languages
- {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- }
- }
- Combo_fiat
- {
- id: combo_fiat
- }
- }
+ Combo_fiat
+ {
+ anchors.margins: 10
+ anchors.margins: 10
anchors.fill: parent
topPadding: 10
spacing: 15
width: parent.width - 30
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- height: 30
- DexLabel
+ height: 50
+ Dex.Text
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
Layout.fillWidth: true
font: DexTypo.subtitle1
text: qsTr("Current Font")
- }
- DexComboBox
- {
- editable: true
- width: parent.width - 200
- model: ["Ubuntu", "Montserrat", "Roboto"]
- onCurrentTextChanged:
- {
- DexTypo.fontFamily = currentText
- console.info(qsTr("Current font changed to %1.").arg(currentText))
- }
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
- Component.onCompleted:
+ Dex.ComboBox
- let current = DexTypo.fontFamily
- currentIndex = model.indexOf(current)
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ editable: true
+ model: ["Ubuntu", "Montserrat", "Roboto"]
+ onCurrentTextChanged:
+ {
+ DexTypo.fontFamily = currentText
+ console.info(qsTr("Current font changed to %1.").arg(currentText))
+ }
+ Component.onCompleted:
+ {
+ let current = DexTypo.fontFamily
+ currentIndex = model.indexOf(current)
+ }
+ Layout.topMargin: 20
width: parent.width - 30
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- height: 30
+ height: 50
- DexLabel
+ Dex.Text
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
Layout.fillWidth: true
font: DexTypo.subtitle1
text: qsTr("Theme")
- }
- DexComboBox
- {
- width: parent.width - 200
- model: API.qt_utilities.get_themes_list()
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
- currentIndex: model.indexOf(atomic_settings2.value("CurrentTheme"))
- onActivated:
+ Dex.ComboBox
- let chosenTheme = model[index];
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ model: API.qt_utilities.get_themes_list()
+ currentIndex: model.indexOf(atomic_settings2.value("CurrentTheme"))
- console.info(qsTr("Changing theme to %1").arg(chosenTheme));
- atomic_settings2.setValue("CurrentTheme", chosenTheme);
- atomic_settings2.sync();
- Dex.CurrentTheme.loadFromFilesystem(chosenTheme);
- }
+ onActivated:
+ {
+ let chosenTheme = model[index];
- Component.onCompleted:
- {
- let current = atomic_settings2.value("CurrentTheme")
- currentIndex = model.indexOf(current)
+ console.info(qsTr("Changing theme to %1").arg(chosenTheme));
+ atomic_settings2.setValue("CurrentTheme", chosenTheme);
+ atomic_settings2.sync();
+ Dex.CurrentTheme.loadFromFilesystem(chosenTheme);
+ }
+ Component.onCompleted:
+ {
+ let current = atomic_settings2.value("CurrentTheme")
+ currentIndex = model.indexOf(current)
+ }
@@ -447,6 +435,7 @@ Qaterial.Dialog
width: parent.width - 30
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
height: 60
Layout.fillWidth: true
@@ -454,16 +443,69 @@ Qaterial.Dialog
font: DexTypo.subtitle1
text: qsTr("Ask system's password before sending coins ? (2FA)")
- DexSwitch
+ DefaultSwitch
checked: parseInt(atomic_settings2.value("2FA")) === 1
- if (checked)
+ if (checked) {
atomic_settings2.setValue("2FA", 1)
- else
- atomic_settings2.setValue("2FA", 0)
- atomic_settings2.sync()
+ atomic_settings2.sync()
+ }
+ else {
+ var wallet_name = API.app.wallet_mgr.wallet_default_name
+ let dialog = app.getText(
+ {
+ "title": qsTr("Disable 2FA?"),
+ text: qsTr("Enter your wallet password to confirm"),
+ standardButtons: Dialog.Yes | Dialog.Cancel,
+ closePolicy: Popup.NoAutoClose,
+ warning: true,
+ iconColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor,
+ isPassword: true,
+ placeholderText: qsTr("Type password"),
+ yesButtonText: qsTr("Confirm"),
+ cancelButtonText: qsTr("Cancel"),
+ onRejected: function()
+ {
+ checked = true
+ },
+ onAccepted: function(text)
+ {
+ if (API.app.wallet_mgr.confirm_password(wallet_name, text))
+ {
+ app.showDialog(
+ {
+ title: qsTr("2FA status"),
+ text: qsTr("2FA disabled successfully"),
+ yesButtonText: qsTr("Ok"),
+ titleBold: true,
+ showCancelBtn: false,
+ standardButtons: Dialog.Ok
+ })
+ atomic_settings2.setValue("2FA", 0)
+ atomic_settings2.sync()
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ app.showDialog(
+ {
+ title: qsTr("Wrong password!"),
+ text: "%1 ".arg(wallet_name) + qsTr("Wallet password is incorrect"),
+ warning: true,
+ standardButtons: Dialog.Ok,
+ titleBold: true,
+ showCancelBtn: false,
+ yesButtonText: qsTr("Ok"),
+ })
+ checked = true
+ }
+ dialog.close()
+ dialog.destroy()
+ }
+ });
+ }
@@ -496,6 +538,7 @@ Qaterial.Dialog
anchors.fill: parent
topPadding: 10
spacing: 15
id: delete_wallet_modal
@@ -517,6 +560,7 @@ Qaterial.Dialog
width: parent.width - 30
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
height: 60
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
@@ -531,17 +575,20 @@ Qaterial.Dialog
onCopyNotificationMsg: qsTr("copied to clipboard")
width: parent.width - 30
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
height: 60
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: qsTr("MM2 version")
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
@@ -550,17 +597,20 @@ Qaterial.Dialog
onCopyNotificationMsg: qsTr("MM2 Version copied to clipboard.")
width: parent.width - 30
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
height: 60
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: qsTr("Qt version")
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
@@ -575,6 +625,7 @@ Qaterial.Dialog
width: parent.width
@@ -602,7 +653,7 @@ Qaterial.Dialog
family: DexTypo.fontFamily,
weight: Font.Normal
- onClicked: new_update_modal.open()
+ onClicked: newUpdateModal.open()
@@ -621,11 +672,11 @@ Qaterial.Dialog
iconSource: Qaterial.Icons.logout
- disconnect()
+ if (orders.count != 0) logout_modal.open()
+ else return_to_login()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/Settings.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/Settings.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index bfc2f2d838..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/Settings.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-// Qt Imports
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
-import Qt.labs.settings 1.0
-// Project Imports
-import "../Components"
-import "../Constants"
-import App 1.0
-Item {
- id: root
- function disconnect() {
- API.app.disconnect()
- onDisconnect()
- }
- readonly property string mm2_version: API.app.settings_pg.get_mm2_version()
- property var recommended_fiats: API.app.settings_pg.get_recommended_fiats()
- property var fiats: API.app.settings_pg.get_available_fiats()
- InnerBackground {
- id: layout_background
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- width: 650
- height: 750
- content: ColumnLayout {
- width: layout_background.width
- height: layout_background.height
- ComboBoxWithTitle
- {
- id: combo_fiat
- property bool initialized: false
- title: qsTr("Fiat")
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.leftMargin: 30
- Layout.rightMargin: Layout.leftMargin
- model: fiats
- onCurrentIndexChanged:
- {
- if (initialized)
- {
- const new_fiat = fiats[currentIndex]
- API.app.settings_pg.current_fiat = new_fiat
- API.app.settings_pg.current_currency = new_fiat
- }
- }
- Component.onCompleted:
- {
- currentIndex = model.indexOf(API.app.settings_pg.current_fiat)
- initialized = true
- }
- RowLayout {
- Layout.topMargin: 5
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.leftMargin: 2
- Layout.rightMargin: Layout.leftMargin
- DefaultText {
- text: qsTr("Recommended: ")
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall4
- }
- Grid {
- Layout.leftMargin: 30
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- clip: true
- columns: 6
- spacing: 25
- layoutDirection: Qt.LeftToRight
- Repeater {
- model: recommended_fiats
- delegate: DefaultText {
- text: modelData
- color: fiats_mouse_area.containsMouse ? Style.colorText : Style.colorText2
- DefaultMouseArea {
- id: fiats_mouse_area
- anchors.fill: parent
- hoverEnabled: true
- onClicked: {
- API.app.settings_pg.current_fiat = modelData
- API.app.settings_pg.current_currency = modelData
- combo_fiat.currentIndex = combo_fiat.model.indexOf(API.app.settings_pg.current_fiat)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- HorizontalLine {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.leftMargin: combo_fiat.Layout.leftMargin
- Layout.rightMargin: Layout.leftMargin
- Layout.topMargin: 10
- }
- Languages {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- Layout.leftMargin: combo_fiat.Layout.leftMargin
- Layout.rightMargin: Layout.leftMargin
- }
- HorizontalLine {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.leftMargin: combo_fiat.Layout.leftMargin
- Layout.rightMargin: Layout.leftMargin
- Layout.topMargin: 10
- }
- DefaultSwitch {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- Layout.leftMargin: combo_fiat.Layout.leftMargin
- Layout.rightMargin: Layout.leftMargin
- text: qsTr("Enable Desktop Notifications")
- Component.onCompleted: checked = API.app.settings_pg.notification_enabled
- onCheckedChanged: API.app.settings_pg.notification_enabled = checked
- }
- DefaultSwitch {
- property bool firstTime: true
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- Layout.leftMargin: combo_fiat.Layout.leftMargin
- Layout.rightMargin: Layout.leftMargin
- checked: parseInt(atomic_settings2.value("FontMode")) === 1
- text: qsTr("Use QtTextRendering Or NativeTextRendering")
- onCheckedChanged: {
- if(checked){
- atomic_settings2.setValue("FontMode", 1)
- }else {
- atomic_settings2.setValue("FontMode", 0)
- }
- if(firstTime) {
- firstTime = false
- }else {
- restart_modal.open()
- }
- }
- }
- DefaultButton {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.leftMargin: combo_fiat.Layout.leftMargin
- Layout.rightMargin: Layout.leftMargin
- text: qsTr("Open Logs Folder")
- onClicked: openLogsFolder()
- }
- DefaultButton {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.leftMargin: combo_fiat.Layout.leftMargin
- Layout.rightMargin: Layout.leftMargin
- text: qsTr("View seed and private keys")
- onClicked: view_seed_modal.open()
- }
- HorizontalLine {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.leftMargin: combo_fiat.Layout.leftMargin
- Layout.rightMargin: Layout.leftMargin
- }
- DefaultButton {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.leftMargin: combo_fiat.Layout.leftMargin
- Layout.rightMargin: Layout.leftMargin
- text: qsTr("Disclaimer and ToS")
- onClicked: eula_modal.open()
- }
- ModalLoader {
- id: eula_modal
- sourceComponent: EulaModal {
- close_only: true
- }
- }
- HorizontalLine {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.leftMargin: combo_fiat.Layout.leftMargin
- Layout.rightMargin: Layout.leftMargin
- }
- DefaultButton {
- visible: !API.app.is_pin_cfg_enabled()
- text: qsTr("Setup Camouflage Password")
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.leftMargin: combo_fiat.Layout.leftMargin
- Layout.rightMargin: Layout.leftMargin
- onClicked: camouflage_password_modal.open()
- }
- ModalLoader {
- id: camouflage_password_modal
- sourceComponent: CamouflagePasswordModal {}
- }
- DangerButton {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.leftMargin: combo_fiat.Layout.leftMargin
- Layout.rightMargin: Layout.leftMargin
- text: qsTr("Reset wallet configuration")
- onClicked: {
- restart_modal.open()
- restart_modal.item.onTimerEnded = () => { API.app.settings_pg.reset_coin_cfg() }
- }
- }
- DangerButton {
- text: qsTr("Delete Wallet")
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.leftMargin: combo_fiat.Layout.leftMargin
- Layout.rightMargin: Layout.leftMargin
- onClicked: delete_wallet_modal.open()
- }
- ModalLoader {
- id: delete_wallet_modal
- sourceComponent: DeleteWalletModal {}
- }
- DefaultButton {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.leftMargin: combo_fiat.Layout.leftMargin
- Layout.rightMargin: Layout.leftMargin
- text: qsTr("Log out")
- onClicked: disconnect()
- }
- }
- }
- DefaultText {
- anchors.right: parent.right
- anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
- anchors.bottomMargin: 10
- anchors.rightMargin: anchors.bottomMargin
- text_value: qsTr("mm2 version") + ": " + mm2_version
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall
- }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/SettingsButton.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/SettingsButton.qml
index 6224c6eef4..8e53b8cb1d 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/SettingsButton.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Settings/SettingsButton.qml
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
import QtQuick 2.15
import "../Components/"
import App 1.0
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
-Item {
id: control
property bool noBackground: false
@@ -14,39 +16,50 @@ Item {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- DexLabel {
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ DexLabel
+ {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
font: DexTypo.subtitle1
- text: control.title // qsTr("Logs")
+ text: control.title
- DexAppButton {
- visible: control.noBackground
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- anchors.right: parent.right
- text: control.buttonText
- color: containsMouse ? DexTheme.buttonColorHovered : 'transparent'
- height: 48
- radius: 20
- font: Qt.font({
- pixelSize: 19 ,
- letterSpacing: 0.15,
- family: DexTypo.fontFamily,
- underline: true,
- weight: Font.Normal
- })
- iconSource: Qaterial.Icons.logout
- onClicked: control.clicked()
- }
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
+ Item
+ {
+ width: 120
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 200
+ Row
+ {
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ DexAppButton
+ {
+ visible: control.noBackground
+ text: control.buttonText
+ color: containsMouse ? DexTheme.buttonColorHovered : 'transparent'
+ height: 40
+ radius: 20
+ padding: 20
+ font: DexTypo.body1
+ iconSource: Qaterial.Icons.logout
+ onClicked: control.clicked()
+ }
- DexAppOutlineButton {
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- anchors.right: parent.right
- leftPadding: 20
- rightPadding: 20
- radius: 20
- visible: !control.noBackground
- text: control.buttonText //qsTr("Open Folder")
- onClicked: control.clicked()
+ DexAppOutlineButton
+ {
+ height: 40
+ padding: 20
+ radius: 20
+ font: DexTypo.body1
+ visible: !control.noBackground
+ text: control.buttonText
+ onClicked: control.clicked()
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Sidebar/Bottom.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Sidebar/Bottom.qml
index 44411e5da6..18067aba60 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Sidebar/Bottom.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Sidebar/Bottom.qml
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
+import App 1.0
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
import "../Components"
import "../Constants"
@@ -8,7 +11,7 @@ MouseArea
id: root
- signal supportLineSelected(var lineType)
+ signal supportClicked()
signal settingsClicked()
height: lineHeight * 3
@@ -72,8 +75,7 @@ MouseArea
Layout.fillWidth: true
label.text: isExpanded ? qsTr("Support") : ""
icon.source: General.image_path + "menu-support-white.png"
- type: Main.LineType.Support
- onClicked: supportLineSelected(type)
+ onClicked: supportClicked(type)
@@ -86,8 +88,59 @@ MouseArea
- General.privacy_mode = !General.privacy_mode;
- privacySwitch.checked = General.privacy_mode;
+ if (General.privacy_mode) {
+ privacySwitch.checked = true
+ var wallet_name = API.app.wallet_mgr.wallet_default_name
+ let dialog = app.getText(
+ {
+ title: qsTr("Disable Privacy?"),
+ text: qsTr("Enter wallet password to confirm"),
+ standardButtons: Dialog.Yes | Dialog.Cancel,
+ closePolicy: Popup.NoAutoClose,
+ warning: true,
+ iconColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor,
+ isPassword: true,
+ placeholderText: qsTr("Type password"),
+ yesButtonText: qsTr("Confirm"),
+ cancelButtonText: qsTr("Cancel"),
+ onAccepted: function(text)
+ {
+ if (API.app.wallet_mgr.confirm_password(wallet_name, text))
+ {
+ General.privacy_mode = false;
+ privacySwitch.checked = false
+ app.showDialog(
+ {
+ title: qsTr("Privacy status"),
+ text: qsTr("Privacy mode disabled successfully"),
+ yesButtonText: qsTr("Ok"), titleBold: true,
+ showCancelBtn: false,
+ standardButtons: Dialog.Ok
+ })
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ app.showDialog(
+ {
+ title: qsTr("Wrong password!"),
+ text: "%1 ".arg(wallet_name) + qsTr("wallet password is incorrect"),
+ warning: true,
+ showCancelBtn: false,
+ standardButtons: Dialog.Ok, titleBold: true,
+ yesButtonText: qsTr("Ok"),
+ })
+ }
+ dialog.close()
+ dialog.destroy()
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ else {
+ General.privacy_mode = true;
+ privacySwitch.checked = true
+ }
@@ -99,7 +152,6 @@ MouseArea
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
scale: 0.75
mouseArea.hoverEnabled: true
onClicked: parent.clicked()
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Sidebar/Main.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Sidebar/Main.qml
index 0db5960726..d4a47b7d38 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Sidebar/Main.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Sidebar/Main.qml
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ Item
signal lineSelected(var lineType)
signal settingsClicked()
+ signal supportClicked()
signal privacySwitched(var checked)
signal expanded(var isExpanded)
signal expandStarted(var isExpanding)
@@ -114,14 +115,8 @@ Item
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: 62
- onSupportLineSelected:
- {
- if (currentLineType === lineType)
- return;
- currentLineType = lineType;
- root.lineSelected(lineType);
- }
onSettingsClicked: root.settingsClicked()
+ onSupportClicked: root.supportClicked()
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Support/FAQLine.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Support/FAQLine.qml
index 6ca1d25975..3c9e7a2c7c 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Support/FAQLine.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Support/FAQLine.qml
@@ -11,4 +11,6 @@ TextWithTitle {
expandable: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.rightMargin: 10
+ text_font.pixelSize: 14
+ title_font.pixelSize: 18
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Support/Support.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Support/Support.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 256d48dc81..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Support/Support.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
-import "../Components"
-import "../Constants"
-import App 1.0
-Item {
- id: root
- readonly property bool update_needed: API.app.self_update_service.update_needed
- DexFlickable {
- id: layout_background
- width: parent.width - 20
- height: parent.height - 20
- y: 10
- x: 20
- contentWidth: width - 20
- contentHeight: content_layout.height
- ColumnLayout {
- id: content_layout
- width: parent.width
- spacing: 40
- Item {
- Layout.topMargin: parent.spacing
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.preferredHeight: 80
- LinksRow {
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- }
- DefaultMouseArea {
- id: changelog_button
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- width: column_layout.width
- height: column_layout.height
- hoverEnabled: true
- onClicked: update_modal.open()
- ColumnLayout {
- id: column_layout
- RowLayout {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- Circle {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- color: Qt.lighter(update_needed ? Style.colorOrange : Style.colorGreen, changelog_button.containsMouse ? Style.hoverLightMultiplier : 1.0)
- }
- DefaultText {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- text_value: update_needed ? qsTr("Update available") : qsTr("Up to date")
- color: changelog_text.color
- }
- }
- DefaultText {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- text_value: General.version_string
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall3
- color: changelog_text.color
- }
- DefaultText {
- id: changelog_text
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- text_value: General.cex_icon + ' ' + qsTr('Changelog')
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall2
- color: Qt.lighter(Style.colorWhite4, changelog_button.containsMouse ? Style.hoverLightMultiplier : 1.0)
- }
- }
- }
- DefaultButton {
- anchors.right: parent.right
- anchors.rightMargin: 20
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- text: qsTr("Open Logs Folder")
- onClicked: openLogsFolder()
- }
- }
- HorizontalLine {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- }
- DefaultText {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- text_value: qsTr("Frequently Asked Questions")
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSize2
- }
- // FAQ Lines
- FAQLine {
- title: qsTr("Do you store my private keys?")
- text: qsTr("No! %1 is non-custodial. We never store any sensitive data, including your private keys, seed phrases, or PIN. This data is only stored on the user’s device and never leaves it. You are in full control of your assets.").arg(API.app_name)
- }
- FAQLine {
- title: qsTr("How is trading on %1 different from trading on other DEXs?").arg(API.app_name)
- text: qsTr("Other DEXs generally only allow you to trade assets that are based on a single blockchain network, use proxy tokens, and only allow placing a single order with the same funds.
-%1 enables you to natively trade across two different blockchain networks without proxy tokens. You can also place multiple orders with the same funds. For example, you can sell 0.1 BTC for KMD, QTUM, or VRSC — the first order that fills automatically cancels all other orders.").arg(API.app_name)
- }
- FAQLine {
- title: qsTr("How long does each atomic swap take?")
- text: qsTr('Several factors determine the processing time for each swap. The block time of the traded assets depends on each network (Bitcoin typically being the slowest) Additionally, the user can customize security preferences. For example, (you can ask %1 to consider a KMD transaction as final after just 3 confirmations which makes the swap time shorter compared to waiting for a notarization.').arg(API.app_name)
- }
- FAQLine {
- title: qsTr("Do I need to be online for the duration of the swap?")
- text: qsTr("Yes. You must remain connected to the internet and have your app running to successfully complete each atomic swap (very short breaks in connectivity are usually fine). Otherwise, there is risk of trade cancellation if you are a maker, and risk of loss of funds if you are a taker.
-The atomic swap protocol requires both participants to stay online and monitor the involved blockchains for the process to stay atomic.
-If you go offline, so will your orders, and any that are in progress will fail, leading to potential loss of trade / transaction fees, and a wait for the swap to timeout and issue a refund. It may also negatively affect your wallet's reputation score for future trade matching.
-When you come back online, your orders will begin to broadcast again at the price you set before you went offline. If there has been significant price movement in the meantime, you might unintentionally offer someone a bargain!
-For this reason, we recommend cancelling orders before closing %1, or reviewing and revising your prices when restarting %1.").arg(API.app_name)
- }
- FAQLine {
- title: qsTr("How are the fees on %1 calculated?").arg(API.app_name)
- text: qsTr("There are two fee categories to consider when trading on %1.
-1. %1 charges approximately 0.13% (1/777 of trading volume but not lower than 0.0001) as the trading fee for taker orders, and maker orders have zero fees.
-2. Both makers and takers will need to pay normal network fees to the involved blockchains when making atomic swap transactions.
-Network fees can vary greatly depending on your selected trading pair.").arg(API.app_name)
- }
- FAQLine {
- title: qsTr("Do you provide user support?")
- text: qsTr('Yes! %1 offers support through the %1 Discord server. The team and the community are always happy to help!').arg(API.app_name).arg(API.app_discord_url)
- }
- FAQLine {
- title: qsTr("Who is behind %1?").arg(API.app_name)
- text: qsTr("%1 is developed by the Komodo team. Komodo is one of the most established blockchain projects working on innovative solutions like atomic swaps, Delayed Proof of Work, and an interoperable multi-chain architecture.").arg(API.app_name)
- }
- FAQLine {
- title: qsTr("Is it possible to develop my own white-label exchange on %1?").arg(API.app_name)
- text: qsTr("Absolutely! You can read our developer documentation for more details or contact us with your partnership inquiries. Have a specific technical question? The %1 developer community is always ready to help!").arg(API.app_name)
- }
- FAQLine {
- title: qsTr("Which devices can I use %1 on?").arg(API.app_name)
- text: qsTr('%1 is available for mobile on both Android and iPhone, and for desktop on Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems.').arg(API.app_name).arg(API.app_website_url)
- }
- FAQLine {
- title: qsTr("Compliance Info")
- text: qsTr("Due to regulatory and legal circumstances the citizens of certain jurisdictions including, but not limited to, the United States of America, Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, Singapore, Sudan, Austria, Iran and any other state, country or other jurisdiction that is embargoed by the United States of America or the European Union are not allowed to use this application.")
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Support/SupportModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Support/SupportModal.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c197c9b4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Support/SupportModal.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+//! Qt Imports
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
+import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
+import Qt.labs.settings 1.0
+import QtQml 2.12
+import QtQuick.Window 2.12
+import QtQuick.Controls.Universal 2.12
+//! 3rdParty Imports
+import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
+//! Project Imports
+import "../Components"
+import "../Constants"
+import App 1.0
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+ id: support_modal
+ //readonly property bool update_needed: API.app.self_update_service.update_needed
+ width: 950
+ height: 650
+ padding: 20
+ topPadding: 30
+ bottomPadding: 30
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ dim: true
+ modal: true
+ title: "Support"
+ header: Item
+ {}
+ Overlay.modal: Item
+ {
+ DexRectangle
+ {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ color: 'black'
+ opacity: .7
+ }
+ }
+ background: DexRectangle
+ {
+ color: DexTheme.backgroundColor
+ border.width: 0
+ radius: 16
+ }
+ ColumnLayout
+ {
+ id: support_layout
+ width: support_modal.width - 100
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ id: faq_title
+ height: 30
+ Layout.preferredWidth: faq_column.width
+ Layout.topMargin: 20
+ Layout.bottomMargin: 20
+ Layout.leftMargin: 42
+ DexLabel
+ {
+ id: faq_label
+ Layout.preferredWidth: faq_title.width
+ text_value: qsTr("Frequently Asked Questions")
+ font.pixelSize: Style.textSize2
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ }
+ }
+ DexFlickable
+ {
+ id: faq_flickable
+ width: support_modal.width - 100
+ height: support_modal.height - 220
+ contentWidth: width - 20
+ contentHeight: faq_column.height
+ Layout.leftMargin: 32
+ ColumnLayout
+ {
+ id: faq_column
+ width: parent.width - 5
+ spacing: 12
+ // FAQ Lines
+ FAQLine
+ {
+ title: qsTr("Do you store my private keys?")
+ text: qsTr("No! %1 is non-custodial. We never store any sensitive data, including your private keys, seed phrases, or PIN. This data is only stored on the user’s device and never leaves it. You are in full control of your assets.").arg(API.app_name)
+ }
+ FAQLine
+ {
+ title: qsTr("How is trading on %1 different from trading on other DEXs?").arg(API.app_name)
+ text: qsTr("Other DEXs generally only allow you to trade assets that are based on a single blockchain network, use proxy tokens, and only allow placing a single order with the same funds.
+%1 enables you to natively trade across two different blockchain networks without proxy tokens. You can also place multiple orders with the same funds. For example, you can sell 0.1 BTC for KMD, QTUM, or VRSC — the first order that fills automatically cancels all other orders.").arg(API.app_name)
+ }
+ FAQLine
+ {
+ title: qsTr("How long does each atomic swap take?")
+ text: qsTr('Several factors determine the processing time for each swap. The block time of the traded assets depends on each network (Bitcoin typically being the slowest) Additionally, the user can customize security preferences. For example, (you can ask %1 to consider a KMD transaction as final after just 3 confirmations which makes the swap time shorter compared to waiting for a notarization.').arg(API.app_name)
+ }
+ FAQLine
+ {
+ title: qsTr("Do I need to be online for the duration of the swap?")
+ text: qsTr("Yes. You must remain connected to the internet and have your app running to successfully complete each atomic swap (very short breaks in connectivity are usually fine). Otherwise, there is risk of trade cancellation if you are a maker, and risk of loss of funds if you are a taker.
+The atomic swap protocol requires both participants to stay online and monitor the involved blockchains for the process to stay atomic.
+If you go offline, so will your orders, and any that are in progress will fail, leading to potential loss of trade / transaction fees, and a wait for the swap to timeout and issue a refund. It may also negatively affect your wallet's reputation score for future trade matching.
+When you come back online, your orders will begin to broadcast again at the price you set before you went offline. If there has been significant price movement in the meantime, you might unintentionally offer someone a bargain!
+For this reason, we recommend cancelling orders before closing %1, or reviewing and revising your prices when restarting %1.").arg(API.app_name)
+ }
+ FAQLine
+ {
+ title: qsTr("How are the fees on %1 calculated?").arg(API.app_name)
+ text: qsTr("There are two fee categories to consider when trading on %1.
+1. %1 charges approximately 0.13% (1/777 of trading volume but not lower than 0.0001) as the trading fee for taker orders, and maker orders have zero fees.
+2. Both makers and takers will need to pay normal network fees to the involved blockchains when making atomic swap transactions.
+Network fees can vary greatly depending on your selected trading pair.").arg(API.app_name)
+ }
+ FAQLine
+ {
+ title: qsTr("Do you provide user support?")
+ text: qsTr('Yes! %1 offers support through the %1 Discord server. The team and the community are always happy to help!').arg(API.app_name).arg(API.app_discord_url)
+ }
+ FAQLine
+ {
+ title: qsTr("Who is behind %1?").arg(API.app_name)
+ text: qsTr("%1 is developed by the Komodo team. Komodo is one of the most established blockchain projects working on innovative solutions like atomic swaps, Delayed Proof of Work, and an interoperable multi-chain architecture.").arg(API.app_name)
+ }
+ FAQLine
+ {
+ title: qsTr("Is it possible to develop my own white-label exchange on %1?").arg(API.app_name)
+ text: qsTr("Absolutely! You can read our developer documentation for more details or contact us with your partnership inquiries. Have a specific technical question? The %1 developer community is always ready to help!").arg(API.app_name)
+ }
+ FAQLine
+ {
+ title: qsTr("Which devices can I use %1 on?").arg(API.app_name)
+ text: qsTr('%1 is available for mobile on both Android and iPhone, and for desktop on Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems.').arg(API.app_name).arg(API.app_website_url)
+ }
+ FAQLine
+ {
+ title: qsTr("Compliance Info")
+ text: qsTr("Due to regulatory and legal circumstances the citizens of certain jurisdictions including, but not limited to, the United States of America, Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, Singapore, Sudan, Austria, Iran and any other state, country or other jurisdiction that is embargoed by the United States of America or the European Union are not allowed to use this application.")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ id: bottom_row
+ Layout.topMargin: 20
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 70
+ Layout.preferredWidth: faq_title.width
+ Layout.leftMargin: 32
+ property var filler_width: (parent.width - links_row.width - changelog_button.width - logs_btn.width) / 2 - 14
+ LinksRow { id: links_row }
+ Item { Layout.preferredWidth: bottom_row.filler_width }
+ DexMouseArea
+ {
+ id: changelog_button
+ Layout.preferredWidth: column_layout.width
+ Layout.preferredHeight: column_layout.height
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ onClicked: update_modal.open()
+ ColumnLayout
+ {
+ id: column_layout
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ Circle
+ {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ //color: Qt.lighter(update_needed ? Style.colorOrange : Style.colorGreen, changelog_button.containsMouse ? Style.hoverLightMultiplier : 1.0)
+ }
+ DexLabel
+ {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ //text_value: //update_needed ? qsTr("Update available") : qsTr("Up to date")
+ color: changelog_text.color
+ }
+ }
+ DexLabel
+ {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ text_value: General.version_string
+ font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall3
+ color: changelog_text.color
+ }
+ DexLabel
+ {
+ id: changelog_text
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ text_value: General.cex_icon + ' ' + qsTr('Changelog')
+ font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Item { Layout.preferredWidth: bottom_row.filler_width }
+ DexAppButton
+ {
+ id: logs_btn
+ width: 200
+ text: qsTr("Open Logs Folder")
+ onClicked: openLogsFolder()
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Tests/ThemeTest.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Tests/ThemeTest.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 49ce86ac4e..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Tests/ThemeTest.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
-import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
- id: root
- Column
- {
- padding: 10
- spacing: 10
- Repeater
- {
- model: 20
- Rectangle
- {
- width: 200
- height: 10
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.backgroundColor
- }
- }
- }
- function listProperty(item)
- {
- for (var p in item)
- {
- if (typeof item[p] != "function")
- if (p != "objectName")
- console.log(p + ":" + item[p]);
- }
- }
- Component.onCompleted:
- {
- listProperty(root)
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Themes/CurrentTheme.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Themes/CurrentTheme.qml
index 06fafacb7b..a39439456c 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Themes/CurrentTheme.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Themes/CurrentTheme.qml
@@ -94,6 +94,8 @@ ThemeData
backgroundColor = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(themeData.backgroundColor || defaultTheme.backgroundColor);
backgroundColorDeep = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(themeData.backgroundColorDeep || defaultTheme.backgroundColorDeep);
+ busyIndicatorColor = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(themeData.busyIndicatorColor || defaultTheme.busyIndicatorColor);
buttonColorDisabled = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(themeData.buttonColorDisabled || defaultTheme.buttonColorDisabled);
buttonColorEnabled = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(themeData.buttonColorEnabled || defaultTheme.buttonColorEnabled);
buttonColorHovered = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(themeData.buttonColorHovered || defaultTheme.buttonColorHovered);
@@ -116,6 +118,7 @@ ThemeData
gradientButtonTextHoveredColor = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(themeData.gradientButtonTextHoveredColor || defaultTheme.gradientButtonTextHoveredColor);
gradientButtonTextPressedColor = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(themeData.gradientButtonTextPressedColor || defaultTheme.gradientButtonTextPressedColor);
+ checkBoxTickColor = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(themeData.checkBoxTickColor || defaultTheme.checkBoxTickColor);
checkBoxGradientStartColor = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(themeData.checkBoxGradientStartColor || defaultTheme.checkBoxGradientStartColor);
checkBoxGradientEndColor = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(themeData.checkBoxGradientEndColor || defaultTheme.checkBoxGradientEndColor);
@@ -165,8 +168,8 @@ ThemeData
rangeSliderIndicatorBackgroundStartColor = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(themeData.rangeSliderIndicatorBackgroundStartColor || defaultTheme.rangeSliderIndicatorBackgroundStartColor);
rangeSliderIndicatorBackgroundEndColor = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(themeData.rangeSliderIndicatorBackgroundEndColor || defaultTheme.rangeSliderIndicatorBackgroundEndColor);
- loginWalletIconColorStart = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(themeData.loginWalletIconColorStart || defaultTheme.loginWalletIconColorStart)
- loginWalletIconColorEnd = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(themeData.loginWalletIconColorEnd || defaultTheme.loginWalletIconColorEnd)
+ userIconColorStart = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(themeData.userIconColorStart || defaultTheme.userIconColorStart)
+ userIconColorEnd = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(themeData.userIconColorEnd || defaultTheme.userIconColorEnd)
sidebarBgColor = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(themeData.sidebarBgColor || defaultTheme.sidebarBgColor);
sidebarVersionTextColor = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(themeData.sidebarVersionTextColor || defaultTheme.sidebarVersionTextColor);
@@ -181,11 +184,17 @@ ThemeData
tradeSellModeSelectorBackgroundColorEnd = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(themeData.tradeSellModeSelectorBackgroundColorEnd || defaultTheme.tradeSellModeSelectorBackgroundColorEnd);
tradeMarketModeSelectorNotSelectedBackgroundColor = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(themeData.tradeMarketModeSelectorNotSelectedBackgroundColor || defaultTheme.tradeMarketModeSelectorNotSelectedBackgroundColor);
+ addressBookTagColors = themeData.addressBookTagColors || defaultTheme.addressBookTagColors
+ for (var i = 0; i < addressBookTagColors.length; i++)
+ {
+ addressBookTagColors[i] = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(addressBookTagColors[i])
+ }
okColor = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(themeData.okColor || defaultTheme.okColor);
noColor = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(themeData.noColor || defaultTheme.noColor);
- arrowUpColor = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(themeData.arrowUpColor || defaultTheme.arrowUpColor);
- arrowDownColor = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(themeData.arrowDownColor || defaultTheme.arrowDownColor);
+ senderColorStart = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(themeData.senderColorStart || defaultTheme.senderColorStart);
+ receiverColorStart = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(themeData.receiverColorStart || defaultTheme.receiverColorStart);
lineSeparatorColor = Dex.Color.argbStrFromRgbaStr(themeData.lineSeparatorColor || defaultTheme.lineSeparatorColor);
@@ -208,6 +217,8 @@ ThemeData
console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.backgroundColor : %1".arg(backgroundColor));
console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.backgroundColorDeep : %1".arg(backgroundColorDeep));
+ console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.busyIndicatorColor : %1".arg(busyIndicatorColor));
console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.buttonColorDisabled : %1".arg(buttonColorDisabled));
console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.buttonColorEnabled : %1".arg(buttonColorEnabled));
console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.buttonColorHovered : %1".arg(buttonColorHovered));
@@ -230,6 +241,7 @@ ThemeData
console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.gradientButtonTextHoveredColor : %1".arg(gradientButtonTextHoveredColor));
console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.gradientButtonTextPressedColor : %1".arg(gradientButtonTextPressedColor));
+ console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.checkBoxTickColor : %1".arg(checkBoxTickColor));
console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.checkBoxGradientStartColor : %1".arg(checkBoxGradientStartColor));
console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.checkBoxGradientEndColor : %1".arg(checkBoxGradientEndColor));
@@ -278,8 +290,8 @@ ThemeData
console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.rangeSliderIndicatorBackgroundStartColor : %1".arg(rangeSliderIndicatorBackgroundStartColor));
console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.rangeSliderIndicatorBackgroundEndColor : %1".arg(rangeSliderIndicatorBackgroundEndColor));
- console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.loginWalletIconColorStart : %1".arg(loginWalletIconColorStart));
- console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.loginWalletIconColorEnd : %1".arg(loginWalletIconColorEnd));
+ console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.userIconColorStart : %1".arg(userIconColorStart));
+ console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.userIconColorEnd : %1".arg(userIconColorEnd));
console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.sidebarBgColor : %1".arg(sidebarBgColor));
console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.sidebarVersionTextColor : %1".arg(sidebarVersionTextColor));
@@ -294,11 +306,13 @@ ThemeData
console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.tradeSellModeSelectorBackgroundColorEnd : %1".arg(tradeSellModeSelectorBackgroundColorEnd));
console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.tradeMarketModeSelectorNotSelectedBackgroundColor : %1".arg(tradeMarketModeSelectorNotSelectedBackgroundColor));
+ console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.addressBookTagColors : %1".arg(addressBookTagColors));
console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.okColor : %1".arg(okColor));
console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.noColor : %1".arg(noColor));
- console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.arrowUpColor : %1".arg(arrowUpColor));
- console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.arrowDownColor : %1".arg(arrowDownColor));
+ console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.senderColorStart : %1".arg(senderColorStart));
+ console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.receiverColorStart : %1".arg(receiverColorStart));
console.info("Dex.Themes.CurrentTheme.printValues.lineSeparatorColor : %1".arg(lineSeparatorColor));
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Themes/DefaultTheme.js b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Themes/DefaultTheme.js
index 80fccc522b..bc44012fd8 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Themes/DefaultTheme.js
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Themes/DefaultTheme.js
@@ -3,49 +3,52 @@
function getHardcoded()
return {
- accentColor: "#F0F2FF",
- foregroundColor: "#456078",
- foregroundColor2: "#7A8EA1",
+ accentColor: "#F0F2FFFF",
+ foregroundColor: "#456078FF",
+ foregroundColor2: "#7A8EA1FF",
foregroundColor3: "#8FA0B1B2",
- backgroundColor: "#FCFCFC",
- backgroundColorDeep: "#FCFCFC",
- buttonColorDisabled: "#D8E3F8",
- buttonColorEnabled: "#F0F6FF",
- buttonColorHovered: "#D7E7FF",
- buttonColorPressed: "#B8D2F9",
- buttonTextDisabledColor: "#000000",
- buttonTextEnabledColor: "#000000",
- buttonTextHoveredColor: "#000000",
- buttonTextPressedColor: "#000000",
- gradientButtonStartColor: "#5A68E6",
+ backgroundColor: "#FCFCFCFF",
+ backgroundColorDeep: "#FCFCFCFF",
+ busyIndicatorColor: "#4986EAFF",
+ buttonColorDisabled: "#D8E3F8FF",
+ buttonColorEnabled: "#F0F6FFFF",
+ buttonColorHovered: "#D7E7FFFF",
+ buttonColorPressed: "#B8D2F9FF",
+ buttonTextDisabledColor: "#000000FF",
+ buttonTextEnabledColor: "#000000FF",
+ buttonTextHoveredColor: "#000000FF",
+ buttonTextPressedColor: "#000000FF",
+ gradientButtonStartColor: "#5A68E6FF",
gradientButtonEndColor: "#4986EAAB",
- gradientButtonDisabledStartColor: "#CDD0F6",
- gradientButtonDisabledEndColor: "#DAE5F9",
- gradientButtonHoveredStartColor: "#5A68E6",
- gradientButtonHoveredEndColor: "#5A68E6",
- gradientButtonPressedStartColor: "#6A4DE3",
- gradientButtonPressedEndColor: "#6A4DE3",
- gradientButtonTextEnabledColor: "#FFF",
- gradientButtonTextDisabledColor: "#FFF",
- gradientButtonTextHoveredColor: "#FFF",
- gradientButtonTextPressedColor: "#FFF",
- checkBoxGradientStartColor: "#8892EB",
- checkBoxGradientEndColor: "#9DD4F3",
- switchGradientStartColor: "#8892EB",
- switchGradientEndColor: "#9DD4F3",
- switchGradientStartColor2: "#FFF",
- switchGradientEndColor2: "#FFF",
+ gradientButtonDisabledStartColor: "#CDD0F6FF",
+ gradientButtonDisabledEndColor: "#DAE5F9FF",
+ gradientButtonHoveredStartColor: "#5A68E6FF",
+ gradientButtonHoveredEndColor: "#5A68E6FF",
+ gradientButtonPressedStartColor: "#6A4DE3FF",
+ gradientButtonPressedEndColor: "#6A4DE3FF",
+ gradientButtonTextEnabledColor: "#FFFFFFFF",
+ gradientButtonTextDisabledColor: "#FFFFFFFF",
+ gradientButtonTextHoveredColor: "#FFFFFFFF",
+ gradientButtonTextPressedColor: "#FFFFFFFF",
+ checkBoxTickColor: "#000000FF",
+ checkBoxGradientStartColor: "#8892EBFF",
+ checkBoxGradientEndColor: "#9DD4F3FF",
+ switchGradientStartColor: "#8892EBFF",
+ switchGradientEndColor: "#9DD4F3FF",
+ switchGradientStartColor2: "#FFFFFFFF",
+ switchGradientEndColor2: "#FFFFFFFF",
comboBoxBackgroundColor: "#FFFFFFFF",
comboBoxArrowsColor: "#456078FF",
comboBoxDropdownItemHighlightedColor: "#456078FF",
- modalPageCounterGradientStartColor: "#9DD4F3",
- modalPageCounterGradientEndColor: "#9DD4F3",
+ modalPageCounterGradientStartColor: "#9DD4F3FF",
+ modalPageCounterGradientEndColor: "#9DD4F3FF",
notifPopupBackgroundColor: "#EDF4FFFF",
notifPopupTextColor: "#456078FF",
@@ -57,38 +60,38 @@ function getHardcoded()
scrollBarIndicatorColor: "#DBE0E4FF",
scrollBarBackgroundColor: "#93A3B1FF",
- tabSelectedColor: "#DCE8FD",
+ tabSelectedColor: "#DCE8FDFF",
- textDisabledColor: "#C5CFD8",
- textSelectionColor: "#14BCA6FF",
- textPlaceholderColor: "#91A8E8",
- textSelectedColor: "#f9f9fb",
+ textDisabledColor: "#C5CFD8FF",
+ textSelectionColor: "#4986EAFF",
+ textPlaceholderColor: "#91A8E8FF",
+ textSelectedColor: "#f9f9fbFF",
textFieldBackgroundColor: "#F3F5F6FF",
textFieldActiveBackgroundColor: "#F3F5F6CC",
textFieldPrefixColor: "#45607894",
textFieldSuffixColor: "#456078FF",
- chartTradingLineBackgroundColor: "#C5F2EF",
- chartTradingLineColor: "#53EBD7",
+ chartTradingLineBackgroundColor: "#C5F2EFFF",
+ chartTradingLineColor: "#53EBD7FF",
- innerBackgroundColor: "#edf4ff",
+ innerBackgroundColor: "#EDF4FFFF",
- floatingBackgroundColor: "#edf4ff",
+ floatingBackgroundColor: "#EDF4FFFF",
rangeSliderBackgroundColor: "#5A68E6FF",
rangeSliderDistanceColor: "#4986EA3B",
rangeSliderIndicatorBackgroundStartColor: "#5A68E6FF",
rangeSliderIndicatorBackgroundEndColor: "#4986EAAD",
- loginWalletIconColorStart: "#5A68E6FF",
- loginWalletIconColorEnd: "#4986EAAD",
+ userIconColorStart: "#5A68E6FF",
+ userIconColorEnd: "#4986EAAD",
- sidebarBgColor: "#FCFCFC",
- sidebarVersionTextColor: "#456078",
- sidebarCursorStartColor: "#5A68E6",
- sidebarCursorEndColor: "#2CB9F000",
- sidebarLineTextHovered: "#2C87B9",
+ sidebarBgColor: "#FCFCFCFF",
+ sidebarVersionTextColor: "#456078FF",
+ sidebarCursorStartColor: "#5A68E6FF",
+ sidebarCursorEndColor: "#2CB9F000FF",
+ sidebarLineTextHovered: "#2C87B9FF",
sidebarLineTextSelected: "#FFFFFFFF",
tradeBuyModeSelectorBackgroundColorStart: "#6A4DE3FF",
@@ -97,12 +100,17 @@ function getHardcoded()
tradeSellModeSelectorBackgroundColorEnd: "#E216A9FF",
tradeMarketModeSelectorNotSelectedBackgroundColor: "#89B6FF21",
- okColor: "#00C058",
- noColor: "#E52167",
+ addressBookTagColors: ["#627EEAFF", "#FFD87AFF", "#F7931AFF"],
+ okColor: "#00C058FF",
+ noColor: "#E52167FF",
+ senderColorStart: "#F85757FF",
+ receiverColorStart: "#845FEFFF",
- arrowUpColor: "#F85757",
- arrowDownColor: "#845FEF",
+ arrowUpColor: "#F85757FF",
+ arrowDownColor: "#845FEFFF",
- lineSeparatorColor: "#CDD3DC"
+ lineSeparatorColor: "#CDD3DCFF"
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Themes/ThemeData.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Themes/ThemeData.qml
index 9bef9da0fa..43cd03337d 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Themes/ThemeData.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Themes/ThemeData.qml
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ QtObject
property color backgroundColor
property color backgroundColorDeep
+ property color busyIndicatorColor
property color buttonColorDisabled
property color buttonColorEnabled
property color buttonColorHovered
@@ -31,6 +33,7 @@ QtObject
property color gradientButtonTextHoveredColor
property color gradientButtonTextPressedColor
+ property color checkBoxTickColor
property color checkBoxGradientStartColor
property color checkBoxGradientEndColor
@@ -81,8 +84,8 @@ QtObject
property color rangeSliderIndicatorBackgroundEndColor
// Login page related
- property color loginWalletIconColorStart
- property color loginWalletIconColorEnd // Property not yet used.
+ property color userIconColorStart
+ property color userIconColorEnd // Property not yet used.
// Sidebar related
property color sidebarBgColor
@@ -99,12 +102,15 @@ QtObject
property color tradeSellModeSelectorBackgroundColorEnd
property color tradeMarketModeSelectorNotSelectedBackgroundColor
+ // Address book page related
+ property var addressBookTagColors
// Colors used to tell when something is good or wrong.
property color okColor
property color noColor
- property color arrowUpColor
- property color arrowDownColor
+ property color senderColorStart
+ property color receiverColorStart
property color lineSeparatorColor
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressBook.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressBook.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index a901b762b8..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressBook.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-// Qt Imports
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
-// Deps Imports
-import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
-// Project Imports
-import "../Components"
-import "../Constants"
-import App 1.0
-ColumnLayout {
- id: root
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- //spacing: 20
- Layout.rightMargin: 10
- Layout.leftMargin: 10
- readonly property var addressbook_pg: API.app.addressbook_pg
- // Page header
- Item {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.preferredHeight: 80
- DexLabel { // Title
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: 10
- text_value: qsTr("Address Book")
- font: DexTypo.head6
- }
- DexGradientAppButton {
- anchors.right: parent.right
- anchors.rightMargin: 10
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- iconSource: Qaterial.Icons.textBoxPlus
- radius: 40
- leftPadding: 5
- rightPadding: 5
- padding: 16
- text: qsTr("New Contact")
- onClicked: new_contact_modal.open()
- }
- }
- Item {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.preferredHeight: 60
- DexRectangle {
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- width: 300
- opacity: enabled ? 1 : .5
- height: 50
- radius: 20
- x: 10
- color: DexTheme.contentColorTop
- DefaultTextField {
- id: searchbar
- anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.margins: 2
- function reset() {
- searchbar.text = ""
- }
- Qaterial.Icon {
- icon: Qaterial.Icons.magnify
- color: searchbar.color
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- x: 5
- }
- leftPadding: 40
- placeholderText: qsTr("Search a contact by name or tags")
- font: DexTypo.body2
- onTextChanged: addressbook_pg.model.proxy.search_exp = text
- Component.onDestruction: addressbook_pg.model.proxy.search_exp = ""
- background: null
- }
- }
- }
- // Contact List Header
- Item {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.preferredHeight: 40
- Layout.rightMargin: 10
- Layout.leftMargin: 10
- DexLabel {
- id: header_name_column
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: 20
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- font.bold: true
- text: qsTr("Name")
- }
- DexLabel {
- id: header_tags_column
- anchors.left: header_name_column.right
- anchors.leftMargin: 180
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- font.bold: true
- text: qsTr("Tags (first 6)")
- }
- DexLabel {
- anchors.right: parent.right
- anchors.rightMargin: parent.width * 0.138
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- font.bold: true
- text: qsTr("Actions")
- }
- HorizontalLine {
- width: parent.width
- color: Style.colorWhite5
- anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
- }
- }
- // Contact List
- DefaultListView {
- id: contact_list
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- Layout.rightMargin: 10
- Layout.leftMargin: 10
- model: addressbook_pg.model.proxy
- // Contact Card
- delegate: AnimatedRectangle {
- id: contact_card
- property var contact: modelData
- color: Qt.lighter(index % 2 == 0 ? DexTheme.backgroundColor : DexTheme.surfaceColor, 1.0)
- width: root.width
- height: 55
- DefaultText { // Contact Name
- id: contact_name
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: 20
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- width: 160
- text: modelData.name
- elide: Text.ElideRight
- }
- VerticalLine {
- anchors.left: contact_name.right
- anchors.leftMargin: 25
- height: parent.height
- width: 1
- }
- Flow { // Contact First 6 Tags
- id: contact_tags_list
- flow: GridLayout.LeftToRight
- readonly property int length: 6 // Number of displayed tags
- readonly property int tagButtonWidth: 150 // Width of a tag button
- width: length * tagButtonWidth
- anchors.left: contact_name.right
- anchors.leftMargin: 50
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- Repeater {
- model: contact_card.contact.categories
- delegate: Qaterial.OutlineButton {
- width: contact_tags_list.tagButtonWidth
- visible: index < contact_tags_list.length && index < contact_card.contact.categories.length
- outlined: false
- text: modelData
- icon.source: Qaterial.Icons.tag
- //elide: Text.ElideRight
- onClicked: searchbar.text = modelData
- }
- }
- }
- VerticalLine {
- anchors.right: edit_contact_button.left
- anchors.rightMargin: 30
- height: parent.height
- width: 1
- }
- DefaultButton { // Edit Button
- id: edit_contact_button
- anchors.right: remove_contact_button.left
- anchors.rightMargin: 5
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- text: qsTr("Edit")
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall3
- width: 120
- onClicked: {
- edit_contact_modal.contactModel = modelData
- edit_contact_modal.open()
- }
- }
- DangerButton { // Remove Button
- id: remove_contact_button
- anchors.right: parent.right
- anchors.rightMargin: 30
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- text: qsTr("Remove")
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall3
- width: 120
- onClicked: {
- remove_contact_modal.contactName = modelData.name
- remove_contact_modal.open()
- }
- }
- }
- // Create Contact Modal
- ModalLoader {
- id: new_contact_modal
- sourceComponent: AddressBookNewContactModal {}
- }
- // Edit Contact Modal
- ModalLoader {
- id: edit_contact_modal
- property var contactModel
- onLoaded: item.contactModel = contactModel
- sourceComponent: AddressBookEditContactModal {}
- }
- // Delete Contact Modal
- ModalLoader {
- property string contactName
- id: remove_contact_modal
- sourceComponent: MultipageModal {
- width: 500
- MultipageModalContent {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- titleText: qsTr("Do you want to remove this contact ?")
- RowLayout {
- DangerButton {
- text: qsTr("Yes")
- onClicked: {
- remove_contact_modal.close()
- addressbook_pg.model.remove_contact(contactName)
- }
- }
- DefaultButton {
- text: qsTr("No")
- onClicked: remove_contact_modal.close()
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressBookAddContactAddressModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressBookAddContactAddressModal.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index adb9f3629f..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressBookAddContactAddressModal.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-// Qt Imports
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 //> ToolTip
-// Project Imports
-import "../Constants"
-import App 1.0
-import "../Components"
-import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
-// Contact address entry creation/edition modal
- id: root
- property var contactModel
- // Address Creation (false) or Edition (true) mode.
- property bool isEdition: false
- property alias walletType: wallet_type_list_modal.selected_wallet_type // The selected wallet type that will be associated this new address entry.
- property alias key: contact_new_address_key.text // The entered key that will be associated to this new address entry.
- property alias value: contact_new_address_value.text // The entered address value that will be associated to this new address entry.
- // These properties are required in edition mode since we need to wipe out old address entry.
- property string oldWalletType
- property string oldKey
- property string oldValue
- function retrieveWalletTypeTicker()
- {
- switch (walletType)
- {
- case "QRC-20": return "QTUM";
- case "BEP-20": return "BNB";
- case "ERC-20": return "ETH";
- case "Smart Chain": return "KMD";
- case "SLP": return "BCH";
- }
- let coinInfo = API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_coin_info(walletType);
- if (coinInfo.has_parent_fees_ticker)
- return coinInfo.fees_ticker;
- return walletType
- }
- width: 600
- Component.onCompleted: API.app.wallet_pg.validate_address_data = {}
- Component.onDestruction: API.app.wallet_pg.validate_address_data = {}
- MultipageModalContent
- {
- Layout.topMargin: 5
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- titleText: isEdition ? qsTr("Edit address entry") : qsTr("Create a new address")
- // Wallet Type Selector
- DefaultButton
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- text: qsTr("Selected wallet: %1").arg(walletType !== "" ? walletType : qsTr("NONE"))
- onClicked: wallet_type_list_modal.open()
- }
- // Address Key Field
- DefaultTextField
- {
- id: contact_new_address_key
- Layout.topMargin: 5
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- placeholderText: qsTr("Enter a name")
- onTextChanged:
- {
- const max_length = 30
- if (text.length > max_length)
- text = text.substring(0, max_length)
- }
- // Error tooltip when key already exists.
- DefaultTooltip
- {
- id: key_already_exists_tooltip
- visible: false
- contentItem: DefaultText { text_value: qsTr("This key already exists.") }
- }
- }
- // Address Value Field
- DefaultTextField
- {
- id: contact_new_address_value
- Layout.topMargin: 5
- implicitWidth: parent.width
- placeholderText: qsTr("Enter the address")
- onTextChanged:
- {
- const max_length = 50
- if (text.length > max_length)
- text = text.substring(0, max_length)
- }
- }
- DefaultText
- {
- id: invalidAddressMsgLabel
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
- wrapMode: DexLabel.Wrap
- }
- HorizontalLine { Layout.fillWidth: true; Layout.topMargin: 32 }
- footer:
- [
- DefaultButton
- {
- Layout.preferredWidth: 120
- visible: !API.app.wallet_pg.convert_address_busy && API.app.wallet_pg.validate_address_data.convertible ? API.app.wallet_pg.validate_address_data.convertible : false
- text: qsTr("Convert")
- onClicked: API.app.wallet_pg.convert_address(contact_new_address_value.text, retrieveWalletTypeTicker(), API.app.wallet_pg.validate_address_data.to_address_format);
- },
- DefaultButton
- {
- id: validateButton
- enabled: key.length > 0 && value.length > 0 && walletType !== "" && !API.app.wallet_pg.validate_address_busy
- text: qsTr("Validate")
- onClicked: API.app.wallet_pg.validate_address(contact_new_address_value.text, retrieveWalletTypeTicker())
- },
- DefaultButton
- {
- text: qsTr("Cancel")
- onClicked: root.close()
- }
- ]
- Connections
- {
- target: API.app.wallet_pg
- function onConvertAddressBusyChanged()
- {
- if (API.app.wallet_pg.convert_address_busy) // Currently converting entered address
- {
- return;
- }
- contact_new_address_value.text = API.app.wallet_pg.converted_address
- API.app.wallet_pg.validate_address_data = {}
- invalidAddressMsgLabel.text = ""
- }
- function onValidateAddressBusyChanged()
- {
- if (API.app.wallet_pg.validate_address_busy) // Currently checking entered address
- {
- return;
- }
- if (!API.app.wallet_pg.validate_address_data.is_valid) // Entered address is invalid.
- {
- invalidAddressMsgLabel.text = API.app.wallet_pg.validate_address_data.reason
- return;
- }
- if (isEdition) // Removes old address entry before if we are in edition mode.
- {
- console.debug("AddressBook: Replacing address %1:%2:%3 of contact %4"
- .arg(oldWalletType).arg(oldKey).arg(oldValue).arg(contactModel.name))
- contactModel.remove_address_entry(oldWalletType, oldKey);
- }
- var create_address_result = contactModel.add_address_entry(walletType, key, value);
- if (create_address_result === true)
- {
- console.debug("AddressBook: Address %1:%2:%3 created for contact %4"
- .arg(walletType).arg(key).arg(value).arg(contactModel.name))
- root.close()
- }
- else
- {
- console.debug("AddressBook: Failed to create address for contact %1: %2 key already exists"
- .arg(contactModel.name).arg(key))
- key_already_exists_tooltip.visible = true
- }
- }
- }
- ModalLoader
- {
- id: wallet_type_list_modal
- property string selected_wallet_type: ""
- sourceComponent: AddressBookWalletTypeListModal
- {
- onSelected_wallet_typeChanged: wallet_type_list_modal.selected_wallet_type = selected_wallet_type
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressBookEditContactModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressBookEditContactModal.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 20c6cbb610..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressBookEditContactModal.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,601 +0,0 @@
-// Qt Imports
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-import QtQuick.Controls.Universal 2.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
-import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
-// Deps Imports
-import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
-// Project Imports
-import "../Components"
-import "../Constants"
-import App 1.0
-import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
- id: root
- property var contactModel
- function trySend(wallet_type, address)
- {
- // Checks if the selected wallet type is a coin type instead of a coin.
- if (API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.is_coin_type(wallet_type))
- {
- send_selector.coin_type = wallet_type
- send_selector.address = address
- send_selector.open()
- }
- // Checks if the coin is currently enabled.
- else if (!API.app.portfolio_pg.is_coin_enabled(wallet_type))
- {
- enable_coin_modal.coin_name = wallet_type
- enable_coin_modal.open()
- }
- // Checks if the coin has balance.
- else if (parseFloat(API.app.get_balance(wallet_type)) === 0) cannot_send_modal.open()
- // If the coin has balance and is enabled, opens the send modal.
- else
- {
- API.app.wallet_pg.ticker = wallet_type
- send_modal.address = address
- send_modal.open()
- }
- }
- width: 760
- onClosed: contactModel.reload()
- MultipageModalContent
- {
- titleText: qsTr("Edit contact")
- // Contact name section
- TextFieldWithTitle
- {
- id: name_input
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- title: qsTr("Contact Name")
- field.placeholderText: qsTr("Enter a contact name")
- field.text: contactModel.name
- field.onTextChanged:
- {
- const max_length = 50
- if (field.text.length > max_length)
- field.text = field.text.substring(0, max_length)
- }
- }
- HorizontalLine { Layout.fillWidth: true }
- // Wallets Information
- ColumnLayout
- {
- Layout.topMargin: 10
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- // Title
- TitleText { text: qsTr("Address List") }
- DefaultTextField
- {
- Layout.topMargin: 10
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- placeholderText: qsTr("Search for an address entry.")
- onTextChanged: contactModel.proxy_filter.search_expression = text
- Component.onDestruction: contactModel.proxy_filter.search_expression = ""
- }
- // Addresses Table
- TableView
- {
- id: walletInfoTable
- property int _typeColWidth: 90
- property int _keyColWidth: 70
- property int _addressColWidth: 320
- property int _actionsColWidth: 100
- model: contactModel.proxy_filter
- Layout.topMargin: 15
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- backgroundVisible: false
- frameVisible: false
- headerDelegate: RowLayout
- {
- Layout.preferredWidth: styleData.column === 0 ? walletInfoTable._typeColWidth :
- styleData.column === 1 ? walletInfoTable._keyColWidth :
- styleData.column === 2 ? walletInfoTable._addressColWidth :
- walletInfoTable._actionsColWidth
- Item
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- height: 20
- DefaultText
- {
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- text: styleData.value
- }
- VerticalLine
- {
- visible: styleData.column !== 3
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- }
- }
- }
- rowDelegate: DefaultRectangle
- {
- height: 37; radius: 0
- color: styleData.selected ? Dex.CurrentTheme.accentColor: styleData.alternate ? Dex.CurrentTheme.backgroundColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.backgroundColorDeep
- }
- TableViewColumn // Type Column
- {
- width: walletInfoTable._typeColWidth
- role: "address_type"
- title: qsTr("Type")
- resizable: false
- movable: false
- delegate: RowLayout
- {
- width: walletInfoTable._typeColWidth
- DexLabel
- {
- Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width - 10
- Layout.leftMargin: 3
- text: styleData.row >= 0 ? styleData.value : ""
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall3
- elide: Text.ElideRight
- }
- VerticalLine
- {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- }
- }
- }
- TableViewColumn // Key Column
- {
- width: walletInfoTable._keyColWidth
- role: "address_key"
- title: qsTr("Key")
- resizable: false
- movable: false
- delegate: RowLayout
- {
- width: walletInfoTable._keyColWidth
- DefaultText
- {
- Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width - 10
- Layout.leftMargin: 3
- text: styleData.row >= 0 ? styleData.value : ""
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall3
- elide: Text.ElideRight
- }
- VerticalLine
- {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- }
- }
- }
- TableViewColumn
- {
- width: walletInfoTable._addressColWidth
- role: "address_value"
- title: qsTr("Address")
- resizable: false
- movable: false
- delegate: RowLayout
- {
- width: walletInfoTable._addressColWidth
- DexLabel
- {
- Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width - 10
- Layout.leftMargin: 3
- text: styleData.row >= 0 ? styleData.value : ""
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall3
- elide: Text.ElideRight
- }
- VerticalLine
- {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- }
- }
- }
- TableViewColumn // Actions Column
- {
- width: walletInfoTable._actionsColWidth
- title: qsTr("Actions")
- resizable: false
- movable: false
- delegate: RowLayout
- {
- spacing: 4
- width: walletInfoTable._actionsColWidth
- Qaterial.OutlineButton // Edit Address Button
- {
- Layout.leftMargin: 2
- implicitHeight: 20
- implicitWidth: 20
- outlined: false
- Qaterial.ColorIcon
- {
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- iconSize: 20
- source: Qaterial.Icons.leadPencil
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
- }
- onClicked:
- {
- address_edition_modal.walletType = model.address_type;
- address_edition_modal.key = model.address_key;
- address_edition_modal.value = model.address_value;
- address_edition_modal.open();
- }
- }
- Qaterial.OutlineButton // Delete Button
- {
- implicitHeight: 20
- implicitWidth: 20
- outlined: false
- onClicked:
- {
- removeAddressEntryModal.addressKey = model.address_key;
- removeAddressEntryModal.addressType = model.address_type;
- removeAddressEntryModal.contactModel = contactModel;
- removeAddressEntryModal.open();
- }
- Qaterial.ColorIcon
- {
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- iconSize: 20
- source: Qaterial.Icons.trashCan
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
- }
- }
- Qaterial.OutlineButton // Copy Clipboard Button
- {
- implicitHeight: 20
- implicitWidth: 20
- outlined: false
- onClicked: API.qt_utilities.copy_text_to_clipboard(model.address_value)
- Qaterial.ColorIcon
- {
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- iconSize: 20
- source: Qaterial.Icons.contentCopy
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
- }
- }
- Qaterial.OutlineButton // Send Button
- {
- implicitHeight: 20
- implicitWidth: 20
- outlined: false
- onClicked: trySend(model.address_type, model.address_value)
- Qaterial.ColorIcon
- {
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- iconSize: 20
- source: Qaterial.Icons.send
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // New Address Button
- DefaultButton
- {
- Layout.preferredWidth: 140
- text: qsTr("Add Address")
- onClicked: address_creation_modal.open();
- }
- ModalLoader {
- id: address_creation_modal
- sourceComponent: AddressBookAddContactAddressModal {
- contactModel: root.contactModel
- }
- }
- ModalLoader {
- id: address_edition_modal
- property string walletType
- property string key
- property string value
- onLoaded: {
- item.oldWalletType = walletType
- item.walletType = walletType
- item.oldKey = key
- item.key = key
- item.oldValue = value
- item.value = value
- }
- sourceComponent: AddressBookAddContactAddressModal {
- contactModel: root.contactModel
- isEdition: true
- }
- }
- }
- HorizontalLine
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- }
- // Categories Section Title
- TitleText
- {
- Layout.topMargin: 10
- text: qsTr("Tags")
- }
- // Categories (Tags) List
- Flow
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- spacing: 10
- Repeater
- {
- id: category_repeater
- model: contactModel.categories
- DexAppButton
- {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
- Layout.leftMargin: 4
- border.width: 0
- iconSource: Qaterial.Icons.closeOctagon
- text: modelData
- onClicked: contactModel.remove_category(modelData);
- }
- }
- // Category adding form opening button
- DexAppButton
- {
- Layout.leftMargin: 10
- width: height
- text: qsTr("+")
- onClicked: add_category_modal.open()
- }
- }
- HorizontalLine { Layout.fillWidth: true }
- // Actions on current contact
- RowLayout
- {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignBottom | Qt.AlignRight
- Layout.rightMargin: 15
- // Validate (Save) Changes
- DefaultButton
- {
- text: qsTr("Confirm")
- onClicked:
- {
- contactModel.name = name_input.field.text
- contactModel.save()
- root.close();
- }
- }
- // Cancel Changes
- DefaultButton
- {
- text: qsTr("Cancel")
- onClicked: root.close()
- }
- }
- // Wallet Type List Modal
- ModalLoader
- {
- id: wallet_type_list_modal
- property string selected_wallet_type: ""
- sourceComponent: AddressBookWalletTypeListModal
- {
- onSelected_wallet_typeChanged: wallet_type_list_modal.selected_wallet_type = selected_wallet_type
- }
- }
- // Enable Coin Modal
- ModalLoader
- {
- property string coin_name
- id: enable_coin_modal
- sourceComponent: MultipageModal
- {
- MultipageModalContent
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- titleText: qsTr("Enable " + coin_name)
- DefaultText
- {
- text: qsTr("The selected address belongs to a disabled coin, you need to enabled it before sending.")
- }
- Row
- {
- // Enable button
- PrimaryButton
- {
- text: qsTr("Enable")
- onClicked:
- {
- API.app.enable_coin(coin_name)
- enable_coin_modal.close()
- }
- }
- // Cancel button
- DefaultButton
- {
- Layout.rightMargin: 5
- text: qsTr("Cancel")
- onClicked: enable_coin_modal.close()
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Send Selector modal
- ModalLoader
- {
- id: send_selector
- property string coin_type
- property string address
- onLoaded:
- {
- item.coin_type = coin_type
- item.address = address
- }
- sourceComponent: AddressBookSendWalletSelector {}
- }
- // Send Modal
- ModalLoader
- {
- property string address
- id: send_modal
- onLoaded: item.address_field.text = address
- sourceComponent: SendModal
- {
- address_field.enabled: false
- }
- }
- // Cannot Send Modal
- ModalLoader
- {
- id: cannot_send_modal
- sourceComponent: MultipageModal
- {
- MultipageModalContent
- {
- titleText: qsTr("Cannot send to this address")
- DefaultText
- {
- text: qsTr("Your balance is empty")
- }
- DefaultButton
- {
- text: qsTr("Ok")
- onClicked: cannot_send_modal.close()
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Remove address entry modal
- ModalLoader
- {
- id: removeAddressEntryModal
- property var contactModel
- property string addressKey
- property string addressType
- sourceComponent: MultipageModal
- {
- width: 250
- MultipageModalContent
- {
- titleText: qsTr("Remove address ?")
- RowLayout
- {
- DexButton { text: qsTr("Yes"); onClicked: { contactModel.remove_address_entry(addressType, addressKey); close(); } }
- DexButton { text: qsTr("No"); onClicked: close() }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Category (Tag) Adding Modal
- ModalLoader
- {
- id: add_category_modal
- onLoaded: item.contactModel = root.contactModel
- sourceComponent: AddressBookNewContactCategoryModal {}
- }
- }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressBookNewContactCategoryModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressBookNewContactCategoryModal.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index ba09b631db..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressBookNewContactCategoryModal.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-import "../Components"
-import "../Constants"
-import App 1.0
-//! New category form
- id: root
- width: 500
- property var contactModel
- MultipageModalContent
- {
- titleText: qsTr("Add a new tag")
- DefaultTextField
- {
- id: name_input
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- placeholderText: qsTr("Enter the tag name")
- onTextChanged:
- {
- const max_length = 14
- if(text.length > max_length)
- text = text.substring(0, max_length)
- }
- // Error tooltip when category name already exists.
- DefaultTooltip
- {
- id: alrady_exists_tooltip
- visible: false
- contentItem: DefaultText
- {
- text_value: qsTr("This contact already has this tag")
- }
- }
- }
- footer:
- [
- DefaultButton
- {
- Layout.preferredWidth: 90
- Layout.preferredHeight: 40
- text: qsTr("Add")
- onClicked:
- {
- if (!contactModel.add_category(name_input.text)) alrady_exists_tooltip.visible = true
- else
- {
- name_input.text = ""
- add_category_modal.close()
- }
- }
- },
- DefaultButton
- {
- Layout.preferredWidth: 90
- Layout.preferredHeight: 40
- text: qsTr("Cancel")
- onClicked: {
- name_input.text = ""
- add_category_modal.close()
- }
- }
- ]
- }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressBookNewContactModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressBookNewContactModal.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ecd0096c6..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressBookNewContactModal.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-import "../Components"
-import "../Constants"
-import App 1.0
-MultipageModal {
- id: root
- width: 500
- MultipageModalContent {
- Layout.topMargin: 5
- titleText: qsTr("Create a new contact")
- // Contact name input.
- DefaultTextField {
- id: name_input
- placeholderText: qsTr("Enter the contact name")
- width: 150
- onTextChanged: {
- const max_length = 50
- if(text.length > max_length)
- text = text.substring(0, max_length)
- }
- // Error tooltip when contact name already exists.
- DefaultTooltip {
- id: contact_alrady_exists_tooltip
- visible: false
- contentItem: DefaultText {
- text_value: qsTr("This contact name already exists.")
- }
- }
- }
- HorizontalLine {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- color: Style.colorWhite8
- }
- // Footer
- RowLayout {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignBottom | Qt.AlignRight
- // Validate button.
- PrimaryButton {
- text: qsTr("Confirm")
- enabled: name_input.text.length > 0
- onClicked: {
- if (name_input.text.length == 0)
- {
- return;
- }
- var create_contact_result = API.app.addressbook_pg.model.add_contact(name_input.text.toString());
- if (create_contact_result === false)
- {
- contact_alrady_exists_tooltip.visible = true;
- }
- else
- {
- root.close();
- }
- }
- }
- // Cancel button.
- DefaultButton {
- text: qsTr("Cancel")
- onClicked: root.close()
- }
- }
- }
- onClosed: name_input.text = ""
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressBookSendWalletSelector.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressBookSendWalletSelector.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index b6135e2894..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressBookSendWalletSelector.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-import "../Components"
-import "../Constants"
-import App 1.0
-MultipageModal {
- id: root
- property string coin_type
- property string address
- width: 400
- MultipageModalContent {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- titleText: qsTr("Choose a valid ") + coin_type + qsTr(" coin")
- Repeater {
- model: coin_type == "QRC-20" ? API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.all_qrc20_proxy :
- coin_type == "ERC-20" ? API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.all_erc20_proxy :
- coin_type == "BEP-20" ? API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.all_bep20_proxy :
- API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.all_smartchains_proxy
- delegate: AddressBookWalletTypeListRow {
- Layout.preferredHeight: height
- Layout.rightMargin: 30
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- ticker: model.ticker
- name: model.name
- onClicked: {
- trySend(model.ticker, address)
- close()
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressBookWalletTypeList.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressBookWalletTypeList.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f6b749f1b..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressBookWalletTypeList.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-import QtQuick.Controls.impl 2.15
-import QtQuick.Controls.Universal 2.15
-import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
-import "../Components"
-import "../Constants"
-import App 1.0
-import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
- id: _root
- property string title
- property string type_title
- property string type: ""
- property string typeIcon: type
- property var model
- header: Qaterial.ItemDelegate
- {
- id: _header
- icon.source: General.image_path + "arrow_down.svg"
- onClicked: () => _root.expanded = !_root.expanded
- TitleText
- {
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- leftPadding: 75
- text: title
- font.bold: true
- }
- }
- delegate: Column
- {
- AddressBookWalletTypeListRow
- {
- enabled: type !== ""
- visible: type !== ""
- icon_source: General.coinTypeIcon(typeIcon)
- width: _root.width
- name: type_title
- ticker: type_title
- onClicked: onTypeSelect(type)
- }
- Repeater
- {
- model: _root.model
- delegate: AddressBookWalletTypeListRow
- {
- width: _root.width
- name: model.name
- ticker: model.ticker
- onClicked:
- {
- if (!API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_coin_info(model.ticker).is_enabled)
- _tooltip.open()
- else
- onTypeSelect(ticker)
- }
- DefaultTooltip
- {
- id: _tooltip
- width: 250
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- dim: true
- modal: true
- closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape | Popup.CloseOnPressOutside
- contentItem: DexLabelUnlinked
- {
- text_value: qsTr("%1 is not enabled - You need to enable it before adding an address. Enable it ?
Yes - No").arg(model.ticker)
- wrapMode: DefaultText.Wrap
- width: 350
- onLinkActivated:
- {
- if (link === "#no") _tooltip.close()
- else
- {
- if (API.app.enable_coins([model.ticker]) === false)
- cannot_enable_coin_modal.open()
- else
- {
- color = Dex.CurrentTheme.buttonTextDisabledColor
- opacity = 0.8
- _coinIsEnabling.visible = true
- }
- }
- }
- }
- BusyIndicator
- {
- id: _coinIsEnabling
- visible: false
- enabled: visible
- anchors.fill: parent
- Connections
- {
- target: API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.all_disabled_proxy
- function onLengthChanged()
- {
- _tooltip.close()
- }
- }
- }
- ModalLoader
- {
- property string coin_to_enable_ticker: model.ticker
- id: cannot_enable_coin_modal
- sourceComponent: CannotEnableCoinModal { coin_to_enable_ticker: cannot_enable_coin_modal.coin_to_enable_ticker }
- }
- delay: 200
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressBookWalletTypeListModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressBookWalletTypeListModal.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5590cd3689..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressBookWalletTypeListModal.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
-import "../Components"
-import "../Constants"
-import App 1.0
- readonly property var glbCoinsCfgModel: API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl
- property alias selected_wallet_type: wallet_list.selected_wallet_type
- function resetModal()
- {
- _searchbar.text = ""
- filterWallets(_searchbar.text)
- }
- function filterWallets(text)
- {
- _qrc20Expandable.model.setFilterFixedString(text)
- _erc20Expandable.model.setFilterFixedString(text)
- _bep20Expandable.model.setFilterFixedString(text)
- _scExpandable.model.setFilterFixedString(text)
- _utxoExpandable.model.setFilterFixedString(text)
- // Expands type lists if searchbar is not empty
- _qrc20Expandable.expanded = text !== ""
- _erc20Expandable.expanded = text !== ""
- _bep20Expandable.expanded = text !== ""
- _scExpandable.expanded = text !== ""
- _utxoExpandable.expanded = text !== ""
- }
- function onTypeSelect(type_or_ticker)
- {
- selected_wallet_type = type_or_ticker
- close()
- }
- width: 600
- onOpened: _searchbar.forceActiveFocus()
- onClosed: resetModal()
- MultipageModalContent
- {
- id: wallet_list
- property string selected_wallet_type: ""
- titleText: qsTr("Select wallet type")
- // Search input
- DefaultTextField
- {
- Layout.rightMargin: 10
- id: _searchbar
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- placeholderText: qsTr("Search")
- onTextChanged: filterWallets(text)
- }
- AddressBookWalletTypeList
- {
- id: _qrc20Expandable
- Layout.topMargin: 20
- Layout.rightMargin: 10
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- title: "QRC-20 coins"
- type_title: "QRC-20"
- type: "QRC-20"
- model: glbCoinsCfgModel.all_qrc20_proxy
- }
- AddressBookWalletTypeList
- {
- id: _erc20Expandable
- Layout.rightMargin: 10
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- title: "ERC-20 coins"
- type_title: "ERC-20"
- type: "ERC-20"
- model: glbCoinsCfgModel.all_erc20_proxy
- }
- AddressBookWalletTypeList
- {
- id: _bep20Expandable
- Layout.rightMargin: 10
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- title: "BEP-20 coins"
- type_title: "BEP-20"
- type: "BEP-20"
- typeIcon: "BNB"
- model: glbCoinsCfgModel.all_bep20_proxy
- }
- AddressBookWalletTypeList
- {
- id: _scExpandable
- Layout.rightMargin: 10
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- title: "Smart Chain coins"
- type_title: "Smart Chain"
- type: "Smart Chain"
- model: glbCoinsCfgModel.all_smartchains_proxy
- }
- AddressBookWalletTypeList
- {
- id: _utxoExpandable
- Layout.rightMargin: 10
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- title: "UTXO coins"
- type_title: "UTXO"
- model: glbCoinsCfgModel.all_utxo_proxy
- }
- }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressBookWalletTypeListRow.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressBookWalletTypeListRow.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b9c597a63..0000000000
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressBookWalletTypeListRow.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
-import "../Components"
-import "../Constants"
-import App 1.0
-ItemDelegate {
- property string ticker
- property string name
- property alias icon_source: icon.source
- height: 50
- RowLayout {
- DefaultImage {
- id: icon
- Layout.topMargin: 10
- Layout.leftMargin: 30
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- source: General.coinIcon(ticker)
- Layout.preferredWidth: 32
- Layout.preferredHeight: 32
- }
- DexLabel {
- Layout.topMargin: 10
- text: " " + name + " (" + ticker + ")"
- }
- }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressList.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressList.qml
index dd0067b367..d272ba604e 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressList.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/AddressList.qml
@@ -10,9 +10,11 @@ import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
id: root
+ property string linkURL: ""
+ property string onCopyNotificationTitle: ""
property alias title: title.text
property alias model: list.model
- property real addressFontSize: DefaultText.font.pixelSize
+ property real addressFontSize: 12
@@ -29,11 +31,16 @@ ColumnLayout
clip: true
- delegate: DefaultText
+ delegate: TextEditWithCopy
+ id: address_text
text_value: model.modelData
privacy: true
- font.pixelSize: root.addressFontSize
+ font_size: 13
+ align_left: true
+ text_box_width: 600
+ linkURL: root.linkURL
+ onCopyNotificationTitle: root.onCopyNotificationTitle
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/ClaimFaucetResultModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/ClaimFaucetResultModal.qml
index fd01e04aaf..7e74f78fd2 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/ClaimFaucetResultModal.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/ClaimFaucetResultModal.qml
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ MultipageModal {
DefaultText {
id: message
+ width: parent.width
text_value: claiming_faucet_rpc_result && claiming_faucet_rpc_result.message ?
claiming_faucet_rpc_result.message : ""
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/ClaimRewardsModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/ClaimRewardsModal.qml
index 9647f72f7b..4222e0189f 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/ClaimRewardsModal.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/ClaimRewardsModal.qml
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import "../Components"
import "../Constants"
import App 1.0
+import Dex.Components 1.0 as Dex
@@ -85,9 +86,12 @@ MultipageModal
if(root.visible && broadcast_result !== "") {
root.currentIndex = 1
+ root.width = 750
+ Behavior on width { NumberAnimation { duration: 300 } }
function prepareClaimRewards() {
if(!can_claim) return
@@ -107,19 +111,24 @@ MultipageModal
// Inside modal
width: 1200
- MultipageModalContent {
+ MultipageModalContent
+ {
titleText: qsTr("Claim your %1 reward?", "TICKER").arg(api_wallet_page.ticker)
- DefaultBusyIndicator {
+ DefaultBusyIndicator
+ {
visible: !can_claim || is_broadcast_busy
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
- RowLayout {
+ RowLayout
+ {
visible: can_claim
Layout.fillWidth: true
- DexLabel {
+ Dex.Text
+ {
Layout.fillWidth: true
@@ -137,62 +146,56 @@ MultipageModal
- PrimaryButton {
+ Dex.Button
+ {
text: qsTr("Refresh")
- onClicked: prepareClaimRewards()
enabled: can_claim
+ onClicked: prepareClaimRewards()
- DefaultText {
+ Dex.Text
+ {
text_value: General.cex_icon + ' ' + qsTr('Read more about KMD active users rewards') + ''
font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall2
// List header
- Item {
+ Row
+ {
visible: can_claim
Layout.topMargin: 25
Layout.fillWidth: true
- height: 40
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 40
// Price
- DefaultText {
+ Dex.Text
+ {
id: utxo_header
font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall4
text_value: qsTr("UTXO")
font.weight: Font.Medium
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: parent.width * 0.000
+ width: parent.width * 0.060
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
// Amount
- DefaultText {
+ Dex.Text
+ {
id: amount_header
text_value: qsTr("Amount")
font.pixelSize: utxo_header.font.pixelSize
font.weight: utxo_header.font.weight
horizontalAlignment: utxo_header.horizontalAlignment
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: parent.width * 0.060
+ width: parent.width * 0.165
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
// Reward
- DefaultText {
+ Dex.Text
+ {
id: reward_header
text_value: qsTr("Reward")
@@ -200,15 +203,13 @@ MultipageModal
font.pixelSize: utxo_header.font.pixelSize
font.weight: utxo_header.font.weight
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: parent.width * 0.225
+ width: parent.width * 0.235
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
// Accruing start
- DefaultText {
+ Dex.Text
+ {
id: accruing_start_header
text_value: qsTr("Accruing Start")
@@ -216,15 +217,13 @@ MultipageModal
font.pixelSize: utxo_header.font.pixelSize
font.weight: utxo_header.font.weight
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: parent.width * 0.400
+ width: parent.width * 0.150
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
// Accruing Stop
- DefaultText {
+ Dex.Text
+ {
id: accruing_stop_header
text_value: qsTr("Accruing Stop")
@@ -232,15 +231,13 @@ MultipageModal
font.pixelSize: utxo_header.font.pixelSize
font.weight: utxo_header.font.weight
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: parent.width * 0.550
+ width: parent.width * 0.150
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
// Time Left
- DefaultText {
+ Dex.Text
+ {
id: time_left_header
text_value: qsTr("Time Left")
@@ -248,15 +245,13 @@ MultipageModal
font.pixelSize: utxo_header.font.pixelSize
font.weight: utxo_header.font.weight
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: parent.width * 0.700
+ width: parent.width * 0.120
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
// Error
- DefaultText {
+ Dex.Text
+ {
id: error_header
text_value: qsTr("Error")
@@ -264,166 +259,154 @@ MultipageModal
font.pixelSize: utxo_header.font.pixelSize
font.weight: utxo_header.font.weight
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: parent.width * 0.820
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- // Line
- HorizontalLine {
- width: parent.width
- color: Style.colorWhite5
- anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
- }
- DefaultListView {
- visible: can_claim
+ // Separator
+ HorizontalLine
+ {
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ }
+ Dex.ListView
+ {
id: list
+ visible: can_claim
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.maximumHeight: 500
clip: true
- model: empty_data ? [] :
- prepare_claim_rewards_result.kmd_rewards_info.result
- delegate: Item {
- width: root.width
- height: utxo_value.font.pixelSize * 1.5
- // UTXO
- DefaultText {
- id: utxo_value
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: utxo_header.anchors.leftMargin
+ model: empty_data ? [] : prepare_claim_rewards_result.kmd_rewards_info.result
- font.pixelSize: utxo_header.font.pixelSize
- text_value: "#" + (index + 1)
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- }
- // Amount
- DefaultText {
- id: amount_value
+ delegate: Column
+ {
+ width: list.width
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: amount_header.anchors.leftMargin
+ Row
+ {
+ width: list.width
- font.pixelSize: utxo_value.font.pixelSize
+ // UTXO
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ id: utxo_value
- text_value: modelData.amount
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- }
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ width: parent.width * 0.06
- // Reward
- DefaultText {
- id: reward_value
+ text: "#" + (index + 1)
+ font.pixelSize: utxo_header.font.pixelSize
+ }
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: reward_header.anchors.leftMargin
+ // Amount
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ id: amount_value
- font.pixelSize: utxo_value.font.pixelSize
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ width: parent.width * 0.165
- text_value: modelData.accrued_rewards.Accrued || "-"
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- }
+ font.pixelSize: utxo_value.font.pixelSize
+ text: modelData.amount
+ }
- // Accruing Start
- DefaultText {
- id: accruing_start_value
+ // Reward
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ id: reward_value
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: accruing_start_header.anchors.leftMargin
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ width: parent.width * 0.235
- font.pixelSize: utxo_value.font.pixelSize
+ font.pixelSize: utxo_value.font.pixelSize
+ text: modelData.accrued_rewards.Accrued || "-"
+ }
- text_value: modelData.accrue_start_at_human_date || "-"
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- }
+ // Accruing Start
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ id: accruing_start_value
- // Accruing Stop
- DefaultText {
- id: accruing_stop_value
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ width: parent.width * 0.150
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: accruing_stop_header.anchors.leftMargin
+ font.pixelSize: utxo_value.font.pixelSize
+ text: modelData.accrue_start_at_human_date || "-"
+ }
- font.pixelSize: utxo_value.font.pixelSize
+ // Accruing Stop
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ id: accruing_stop_value
- text_value: modelData.accrue_stop_at_human_date || "-"
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- }
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ width: parent.width * 0.150
- // Time Left
- DefaultText {
- id: time_left_value
+ font.pixelSize: utxo_value.font.pixelSize
+ text: modelData.accrue_stop_at_human_date || "-"
+ }
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: time_left_header.anchors.leftMargin
+ // Time Left
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ id: time_left_value
- font.pixelSize: utxo_value.font.pixelSize
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ width: parent.width * 0.120
- text_value: modelData.accrue_stop_at ? General.secondsToTimeLeft(Date.now()/1000, modelData.accrue_stop_at) : '-'
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- }
+ font.pixelSize: utxo_value.font.pixelSize
+ text: modelData.accrue_stop_at ? General.secondsToTimeLeft(Date.now()/1000, modelData.accrue_stop_at) : '-'
+ }
- // Error
- DefaultText {
- id: error_value
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: error_header.anchors.leftMargin
- font.pixelSize: utxo_value.font.pixelSize
- text_value: {
- let val = modelData.accrued_rewards.NotAccruedReason
- if(val === null || val === undefined) return "-"
- switch(val) {
- case "LocktimeNotSet":
- val = qsTr("Locktime is not set")
- break
- case "LocktimeLessThanThreshold":
- val = qsTr("Locktime is less than the threshold")
- break
- case "UtxoHeightGreaterThanEndOfEra":
- val = qsTr("UTXO height is greater than end of the era")
- break
- case "UtxoAmountLessThanTen":
- val = qsTr("UTXO amount is less than 10")
- break
- case "OneHourNotPassedYet":
- val = qsTr("One hour did not pass yet")
- break
- case "TransactionInMempool":
- val = qsTr("Transaction is in mempool")
- break
- default:
- val = qsTr("Unknown problem")
- break
+ // Error
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ id: error_value
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ width: parent.width * 0.12
+ font.pixelSize: utxo_value.font.pixelSize
+ text:
+ {
+ let val = modelData.accrued_rewards.NotAccruedReason
+ if (val === null || val === undefined) return "-"
+ switch (val)
+ {
+ case "LocktimeNotSet":
+ val = qsTr("Locktime is not set")
+ break
+ case "LocktimeLessThanThreshold":
+ val = qsTr("Locktime is less than the threshold")
+ break
+ case "UtxoHeightGreaterThanEndOfEra":
+ val = qsTr("UTXO height is greater than end of the era")
+ break
+ case "UtxoAmountLessThanTen":
+ val = qsTr("UTXO amount is less than 10")
+ break
+ case "OneHourNotPassedYet":
+ val = qsTr("One hour did not pass yet")
+ break
+ case "TransactionInMempool":
+ val = qsTr("Transaction is in mempool")
+ break
+ default:
+ val = qsTr("Unknown problem")
+ break
+ }
+ return "❌ " + val
- return "❌ " + val
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- // Line
- HorizontalLine {
- visible: empty_data ? false :
- prepare_claim_rewards_result.kmd_rewards_info.result &&
- index !== prepare_claim_rewards_result.kmd_rewards_info.result.length - 1
+ HorizontalLine
+ {
width: parent.width
- color: Style.colorWhite9
- anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
@@ -461,9 +444,9 @@ MultipageModal
// Result Page
+ address: current_ticker_infos.address
result: prepare_claim_rewards_result
tx_hash: broadcast_result
function onClose() { root.close() }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/EnableCoinModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/EnableCoinModal.qml
index 7f4abe2327..332f7049b0 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/EnableCoinModal.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/EnableCoinModal.qml
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ MultipageModal
coin_cfg_model.checked_nb = 0;
- input_coin_filter.forceActiveFocus();
@@ -50,6 +49,8 @@ MultipageModal
titleText: qsTr("Enable assets")
titleAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ titleTopMargin: 15
+ topMarginAfterTitle: 15
// Search input
@@ -62,41 +63,33 @@ MultipageModal
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: 44
textField.placeholderText: qsTr("Search asset")
+ textField.forceFocus: true
textField.onTextChanged: filterCoins()
- Item
+ RowLayout
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- Layout.topMargin: 5
+ spacing: 0
+ Layout.topMargin: 10
Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.preferredHeight: 25
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 24
- DexCheckBox
+ DefaultCheckBox
id: _selectAllCheckBox
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
- visible: list.visible
- checked: coin_cfg_model.checked_nb === setting_modal.enableable_coins_count - API.app.portfolio_pg.portfolio_mdl.length
- anchors.left: parent.left
+ spacing: 0
boxWidth: 20
boxHeight: 20
- width: 20
+ labelWidth: parent.width - 40
+ label.wrapMode: Label.NoWrap
+ label.leftPadding: 24
- DefaultMouseArea
- {
- anchors.fill: parent
- onClicked: setCheckState(!parent.checked)
- }
+ text: qsTr("Select all assets")
+ visible: list.visible
- DefaultText
- {
- anchors.left: parent.right
- anchors.leftMargin: 5
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- text: qsTr("Select all assets")
- }
+ onToggled: root.setCheckState(checked)
@@ -113,75 +106,100 @@ MultipageModal
Layout.preferredHeight: 300
Layout.fillWidth: true
- delegate: DexCheckBox
+ delegate: Item
- readonly property bool backend_checked: model.checked
+ height: 30
+ width: list.width
- enabled: _selectAllCheckBox.checked ? checked : true
- boxWidth: 20
- boxHeight: 20
- spacing: 0
- onBackend_checkedChanged: if (checked !== backend_checked) checked = backend_checked
- onCheckStateChanged:
+ RowLayout
- if (checked !== backend_checked)
+ spacing: 0
+ Layout.topMargin: 10
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 24
+ DefaultCheckBox
- var data_index = coin_cfg_model.all_disabled_proxy.index(index, 0)
- if ((coin_cfg_model.all_disabled_proxy.setData(data_index, checked, Qt.UserRole + 11)) === false)
- {
- checked = false
- }
- }
- }
+ id: listInnerRowCheckbox
+ readonly property bool backend_checked: model.checked
- RowLayout {
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- anchors.left: parent.right
- spacing:6
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
- // Icon
- DefaultImage
- {
- id: icon
- Layout.leftMargin: 8
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- source: General.coinIcon(model.ticker)
- Layout.preferredWidth: 18
- Layout.preferredHeight: 18
- }
- DefaultText
- {
- Layout.leftMargin: 4
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- text: model.name + " (" + model.ticker + ")"
- }
- CoinTypeTag
- {
- id: typeTag
- Layout.leftMargin: 6
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- type: model.type
- }
+ spacing: 0
+ boxWidth: 20
+ boxHeight: 20
+ labelWidth: parent.width - 40
- CoinTypeTag
- {
- Layout.leftMargin: 6
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- enabled: General.isIDO(model.ticker)
- visible: enabled
- type: "IDO"
- }
+ onBackend_checkedChanged: if (checked !== backend_checked) checked = backend_checked
+ onCheckStateChanged:
+ {
+ if (checked !== backend_checked)
+ {
+ var data_index = coin_cfg_model.all_disabled_proxy.index(index, 0)
+ if ((coin_cfg_model.all_disabled_proxy.setData(data_index, checked, Qt.UserRole + 11)) === false)
+ {
+ checked = false
+ }
+ }
+ }
- CoinTypeTag
- {
- Layout.leftMargin: 6
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- enabled: API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_coin_info(model.ticker).is_wallet_only
- visible: enabled
- type: "WALLET ONLY"
+ contentItem: RowLayout
+ {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ spacing: 0
+ // Icon
+ DefaultImage
+ {
+ id: icon
+ Layout.leftMargin: 24
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ source: General.coinIcon(model.ticker)
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 18
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 18
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ Layout.leftMargin: 4
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ text: model.name + " (" + model.ticker + ")"
+ }
+ CoinTypeTag
+ {
+ id: typeTag
+ Layout.leftMargin: 6
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ type: model.type
+ }
+ CoinTypeTag
+ {
+ Layout.leftMargin: 6
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ enabled: General.isIDO(model.ticker)
+ visible: enabled
+ type: "IDO"
+ }
+ CoinTypeTag
+ {
+ Layout.leftMargin: 6
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+ enabled: API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_coin_info(model.ticker).is_wallet_only
+ visible: enabled
+ type: "WALLET ONLY"
+ }
+ }
+ DefaultMouseArea
+ {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ onClicked: listInnerRowCheckbox.checked = !listInnerRowCheckbox.checked
+ }
@@ -191,7 +209,7 @@ MultipageModal
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- DexLabel
+ DefaultText
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
@@ -211,7 +229,8 @@ MultipageModal
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.preferredHeight: 40
+ Layout.topMargin: 10
+ Layout.preferredHeight: 60
@@ -226,10 +245,11 @@ MultipageModal
anchors.right: parent.right
- text: qsTr("Add a custom asset to the list")
+ text: qsTr("Add a custom asset")
topPadding: 5
bottomPadding: 5
Layout.preferredHeight: 35
@@ -241,17 +261,17 @@ MultipageModal
- RowLayout
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
+ footer:
+ [
Layout.preferredWidth: 199
- text: qsTr("Close")
+ text: qsTr("Cancel")
radius: 20
onClicked: root.close()
- }
- Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
+ },
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true },
Layout.preferredWidth: 199
@@ -259,14 +279,15 @@ MultipageModal
enabled: coin_cfg_model.checked_nb > 0
text: qsTr("Enable")
radius: 20
- API.app.enable_coins(coin_cfg_model.get_checked_coins())
- setCheckState(false)
+ API.app.enable_coins(coin_cfg_model.get_checked_coins());
+ root.setCheckState(false);
coin_cfg_model.checked_nb = 0
- }
+ ]
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/Main.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/Main.qml
index 2609058a28..f046780849 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/Main.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/Main.qml
@@ -20,19 +20,24 @@ Item
id: root
property alias send_modal: send_modal
- readonly property int layout_margin: 20
- readonly property string headerTitleColor: Style.colorText2
- readonly property string headerTitleFont: Style.textSizeMid1
- readonly property string headerTextColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
- readonly property string headerTextFont: Style.textSize
- readonly property string headerSmallTitleFont: Style.textSizeSmall4
- readonly property string headerSmallFont: Style.textSizeSmall2
- function loadingPercentage(remaining) {
+ readonly property int layout_margin: 20
+ readonly property string headerTitleColor: Style.colorText2
+ readonly property string headerTitleFont: Style.textSizeMid1
+ readonly property string headerTextColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ readonly property string headerTextFont: Style.textSize
+ readonly property string headerSmallTitleFont: Style.textSizeSmall4
+ readonly property string headerSmallFont: Style.textSizeSmall2
+ readonly property string addressURL: General.getAddressExplorerURL(api_wallet_page.ticker, current_ticker_infos.address)
+ function loadingPercentage(remaining)
+ {
return General.formatPercent((100 * (1 - parseFloat(remaining)/parseFloat(current_ticker_infos.current_block))).toFixed(3), false)
readonly property var transactions_mdl: api_wallet_page.transactions_mdl
+ readonly property var activation_status: current_ticker_infos.activation_status
+ readonly property var activation_progress: General.isZhtlc(api_wallet_page.ticker) ? General.zhtlcActivationProgress(current_ticker_infos.activation_status, api_wallet_page.ticker) : 100
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
@@ -85,9 +90,33 @@ Item
Layout.preferredHeight: 60
Layout.preferredWidth: Layout.preferredHeight
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter
+ DexRectangle
+ {
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ radius: 30
+ enabled: activation_progress != 100
+ visible: enabled
+ opacity: .9
+ color: DexTheme.backgroundColor
+ }
+ DexLabel
+ {
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ enabled: activation_progress != 100
+ visible: enabled
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+ text: activation_progress + "%"
+ font: DexTypo.head8
+ color: DexTheme.greenColor
+ }
- DexLabel
+ DefaultText
id: ticker_name
Layout.topMargin: 0
@@ -106,7 +135,7 @@ Item
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter
spacing: 2
- DexLabel
+ DefaultText
id: balance_title
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
@@ -115,7 +144,7 @@ Item
color: headerTitleColor
- DexLabel
+ DefaultText
id: name_value
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
@@ -142,17 +171,20 @@ Item
visible: false //current_ticker_infos.segwit_supported
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter
spacing: 2
- DexLabel
+ DefaultText
text_value: qsTr("Segwit")
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
font.pixelSize: headerTitleFont
color: headerTitleColor
id: segwitSwitch
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
if(parseFloat(current_ticker_infos.balance) > 0) {
@@ -180,6 +212,7 @@ Item
onRejected: function () {
app.segwit_on = true
@@ -212,7 +245,7 @@ Item
Layout.rightMargin: 10
spacing: 5
- DexLabel
+ DefaultText
id: price
text_value: qsTr("Price")
@@ -221,7 +254,7 @@ Item
font.pixelSize: headerTitleFont
- DexLabel
+ DefaultText
@@ -242,7 +275,7 @@ Item
Layout.rightMargin: 10
spacing: 5
- DexLabel
+ DefaultText
id: change_24hr
text_value: qsTr("Change 24hr")
@@ -251,7 +284,7 @@ Item
font.pixelSize: headerTitleFont
- DexLabel
+ DefaultText
id: change_24hr_value
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
@@ -273,7 +306,7 @@ Item
Layout.rightMargin: 10
spacing: 5
- DexLabel
+ DefaultText
id: portfolio_title
text_value: qsTr("Porfolio")
@@ -282,7 +315,7 @@ Item
font.pixelSize: headerTitleFont
- DexLabel
+ DefaultText
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
@@ -316,10 +349,12 @@ Item
visible: General.coinContractAddress(api_wallet_page.ticker) !== ""
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
id: contract_title_row_layout
id: protocol_img
@@ -327,7 +362,8 @@ Item
Layout.preferredHeight: 18
Layout.preferredWidth: Layout.preferredHeight
- DexLabel
+ DefaultText
id: contract_address_title
text_value: General.coinPlatform(api_wallet_page.ticker) + qsTr(" Contract Address")
@@ -343,7 +379,8 @@ Item
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
Layout.preferredHeight: General.coinContractAddress(api_wallet_page.ticker) ? headerSmallFont : 0
visible: General.coinContractAddress(api_wallet_page.ticker) !== ""
- DexLabel
+ DefaultText
id: contract_address
text_value: General.coinContractAddress(api_wallet_page.ticker)
@@ -353,12 +390,14 @@ Item
elide: Text.ElideMiddle
wrapMode: Text.NoWrap
Qaterial.Icon {
size: headerTextFont
icon: Qaterial.Icons.linkVariant
color: contract_linkArea.containsMouse ? headerTextColor : headerTitleColor
visible: General.contractURL(api_wallet_page.ticker) != ""
- DexMouseArea {
+ DefaultMouseArea {
id: contract_linkArea
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
@@ -388,10 +427,9 @@ Item
Layout.preferredHeight: 48
// Send Button
- DexAppButton
+ DefaultButton
- enabled: API.app.wallet_pg.send_available
+ enabled: General.canSend(api_wallet_page.ticker, activation_progress)
anchors.fill: parent
radius: 18
@@ -406,10 +444,10 @@ Item
else enable_fees_coin_modal.open()
- Arrow
+ TransactionArrow
id: arrow_send
- up: true
+ amISender: true
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: 19
@@ -419,8 +457,10 @@ Item
// Send button error icon
- visible: API.app.wallet_pg.send_availability_state !== ""
- tooltipText: API.app.wallet_pg.send_availability_state
+ visible: activation_progress != 100 || api_wallet_page.send_availability_state !== ""
+ tooltipText: General.isZhtlc(api_wallet_page.ticker) && activation_progress != 100
+ ? api_wallet_page.ticker + qsTr(" Activation: " + activation_progress + "%")
+ : api_wallet_page.send_availability_state
@@ -433,10 +473,12 @@ Item
id: enable_fees_coin_comp
id: root
width: 300
titleText: qsTr("Enable %1 ?").arg(coin_to_enable_ticker)
@@ -447,6 +489,7 @@ Item
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: qsTr("Yes")
if (API.app.enable_coin(coin_to_enable_ticker) === false)
@@ -456,6 +499,7 @@ Item
Layout.fillWidth: true
@@ -480,26 +524,40 @@ Item
sourceComponent: CannotEnableCoinModal { coin_to_enable_ticker: API.app.wallet_pg.ticker_infos.fee_ticker }
- // Receive Button
- DexAppButton
+ Item
Layout.preferredWidth: 180
Layout.preferredHeight: 48
- radius: 18
- label.text: qsTr("Receive")
- label.font.pixelSize: 16
- content.anchors.left: content.parent.left
- content.anchors.leftMargin: 23
+ // Receive Button
+ DefaultButton
+ {
+ // Address wont display until activated
+ enabled: General.isZhtlcReady(api_wallet_page.ticker)
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ radius: 18
+ label.text: qsTr("Receive")
+ label.font.pixelSize: 16
+ content.anchors.left: content.parent.left
+ content.anchors.leftMargin: enabled ? 23 : 48
- onClicked: receive_modal.open()
+ onClicked: receive_modal.open()
+ TransactionArrow
+ {
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ anchors.rightMargin: 19
+ amISender: false
+ }
+ }
- Arrow
+ // Receive button error icon
+ DefaultAlertIcon
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- anchors.right: parent.right
- anchors.rightMargin: arrow_send.anchors.rightMargin
- up: false
+ visible: !General.isZhtlcReady(api_wallet_page.ticker)
+ tooltipText: api_wallet_page.ticker + qsTr(" Activation: " + activation_progress + "%")
@@ -516,9 +574,9 @@ Item
Layout.preferredWidth: 180
Layout.preferredHeight: 48
- DexAppButton
+ DefaultButton
- enabled: !API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_coin_info(api_wallet_page.ticker).is_wallet_only
+ enabled: !General.isWalletOnly(api_wallet_page.ticker) && activation_progress == 100
anchors.fill: parent
radius: 18
@@ -537,15 +595,15 @@ Item
anchors.rightMargin: arrow_send.anchors.rightMargin
spacing: 2
- Arrow
+ TransactionArrow
- up: true
+ amISender: true
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- Arrow
+ TransactionArrow
- up: false
+ amISender: false
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
@@ -554,8 +612,10 @@ Item
// Swap button error icon
- visible: API.app.portfolio_pg.global_cfg_mdl.get_coin_info(api_wallet_page.ticker).is_wallet_only
- tooltipText: api_wallet_page.ticker + qsTr(" is wallet only")
+ visible: General.isWalletOnly(api_wallet_page.ticker) || activation_progress != 100
+ tooltipText: General.isWalletOnly(api_wallet_page.ticker)
+ ? api_wallet_page.ticker + qsTr(" is wallet only")
+ : api_wallet_page.ticker + qsTr(" Activation: " + activation_progress + "%")
@@ -570,7 +630,7 @@ Item
Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
- DexAppButton
+ DefaultButton
text: qsTr("Rewards")
radius: 18
@@ -596,15 +656,51 @@ Item
Layout.preferredWidth: 180
Layout.preferredHeight: 48
- visible: enabled && current_ticker_infos.is_smartchain_test_coin
+ visible: current_ticker_infos.is_smartchain_test_coin
- DexAppButton
+ DefaultButton
- text: qsTr("Faucet")
- radius: 18
- font.pixelSize: 16
+ enabled: activation_progress == 100
anchors.fill: parent
+ radius: 18
+ label.text: qsTr("Faucet")
+ label.font.pixelSize: 16
+ content.anchors.left: content.parent.left
+ content.anchors.leftMargin: enabled ? 23 : 48
+ content.anchors.rightMargin: 23
onClicked: api_wallet_page.claim_faucet()
+ Row
+ {
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ anchors.rightMargin: arrow_send.anchors.rightMargin
+ Qaterial.Icon
+ {
+ icon: Qaterial.Icons.water
+ size: 24
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ anchors.leftMargin: iconSize / 2
+ anchors.rightMargin: iconSize / 2
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ color: "cyan"
+ DefaultTooltip
+ {
+ visible: alertArea.containsMouse && tooltipText != ""
+ text: ""
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Faucet button error icon
+ DefaultAlertIcon
+ {
+ visible: activation_progress != 100
+ tooltipText: api_wallet_page.ticker + qsTr(" Activation: " + activation_progress + "%")
@@ -626,9 +722,9 @@ Item
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: 48
- visible: current_ticker_infos.name === "Tokel"
+ visible: current_ticker_infos.name === "Tokel" || current_ticker_infos.name === "Marmara Credit Loops"
- DexAppButton
+ DefaultButton
text: qsTr("Public Key")
radius: 18
@@ -721,7 +817,8 @@ Item
radius: 18
- onTickerChanged: loadChart()
+ // Chart disabled
+ // onTickerChanged: loadChart()
function loadChart()
@@ -775,28 +872,28 @@ Item
console.debug("Wallet: Loading chart for %1".arg(symbol))
-// webEngineView.loadHtml(`
-// `.arg(Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor).arg(Dex.CurrentTheme.textSelectionColor))
+ webEngineView.loadHtml(`
+ `.arg(Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor).arg(Dex.CurrentTheme.textSelectionColor))
@@ -811,7 +908,8 @@ Item
target: Dex.CurrentTheme
function onThemeChanged()
- loadChart();
+ // Chart disabled
+ // loadChart();
@@ -828,13 +926,13 @@ Item
scale: 0.5
- DexLabel
+ DefaultText
text_value: qsTr("Loading market data") + "..."
- DexLabel
+ DefaultText
visible: !parent.ticker_supported
text_value: qsTr("There is no chart data for this ticker yet")
@@ -857,11 +955,12 @@ Item
+ id: clip_rect
radius: parent.radius
width: transactions_bg.width
height: transactions_bg.height
- DexRectangle
+ DefaultRectangle
anchors.fill: parent
gradient: Gradient
@@ -872,50 +971,73 @@ Item
- DefaultText
- {
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- visible: current_ticker_infos.tx_state !== "InProgress" && transactions_mdl.length === 0
- text_value: api_wallet_page.tx_fetching_busy ? (qsTr("Refreshing") + "...") : qsTr("No transactions")
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSize
- }
width: parent.width
height: parent.height
- model: transactions_mdl.proxy_mdl
- }
- }
- RowLayout
- {
- id: fetching_text_row
- visible: api_wallet_page.tx_fetching_busy
- Layout.preferredHeight: fetching_text.font.pixelSize * 1.5
+ ColumnLayout
+ {
+ visible: current_ticker_infos.tx_state !== "InProgress" && transactions_mdl.length === 0
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ spacing: 24
- Layout.topMargin: -layout_margin*0.5
- Layout.bottomMargin: layout_margin*0.5
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ id: fetching_text_row
+ Layout.topMargin: 24
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ font.pixelSize: Style.textSize
+ text_value:
+ {
+ if (api_wallet_page.tx_fetching_busy) return qsTr("Fetching transactions...")
+ if (General.isZhtlc(api_wallet_page.ticker))
+ {
+ if (activation_progress != 100) return qsTr("Please wait, %1 is %2").arg(api_wallet_page.ticker).arg(activation_progress) + qsTr("% activated...")
+ }
+ return qsTr('No transactions available')
+ }
+ }
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- spacing: 10
- DefaultBusyIndicator
- {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- Layout.preferredWidth: Style.textSizeSmall3
- Layout.preferredHeight: Layout.preferredWidth
- }
+ DefaultBusyIndicator
+ {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignHCenter
+ Layout.preferredWidth: Style.textSizeSmall3
+ Layout.preferredHeight: Layout.preferredWidth
+ indicatorSize: 32
+ indicatorDotSize: 5
+ visible: api_wallet_page.tx_fetching_busy
+ }
- DefaultText
- {
- id: fetching_text
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- text_value: qsTr("Fetching transactions") + "..."
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall3
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ id: explorerLink
+ Layout.topMargin: 24
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ visible:
+ {
+ if (activation_progress != 100) return false
+ return api_wallet_page.tx_fetching_busy ? false : addressURL == "" ? false : api_wallet_page.tx_fetching_failed
+ }
+ text_value: qsTr("Click to view your address on %1 (%2) block explorer").arg(current_ticker_infos.name).arg(api_wallet_page.ticker)
+ font.pixelSize: Style.textSize
+ color: explorer_mouseArea.containsMouse ? Dex.CurrentTheme.textSelectionColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ DefaultMouseArea
+ {
+ id: explorer_mouseArea
+ cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ onClicked: Qt.openUrlExternally(addressURL)
+ }
+ }
+ Item { Layout.fillHeight: true }
+ }
- implicitHeight: Math.min(contentItem.childrenRect.height, wallet.height*0.5)
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/ReceiveModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/ReceiveModal.qml
index 71a1fb38a0..cb91aded2d 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/ReceiveModal.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/ReceiveModal.qml
@@ -12,32 +12,43 @@ MultipageModal
function reset() { }
- width: 600
+ width: 800
- titleText: qsTr("Receive")
+ titleText: qsTr("Receive %1", "TICKER").arg(api_wallet_page.ticker)
+ subtitleText: qsTr("Only send %1 to this address", "TICKER").arg(api_wallet_page.ticker)
+ titleAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ subtitleAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ topMarginAfterTitle: 15
- TextEditWithTitle
+ TextEditWithCopy
- title: qsTr("Only send %1 to this address:", "TICKER").arg(api_wallet_page.ticker)
- text: current_ticker_infos.address
- label.font.pixelSize: 13
- copy: true
- privacy: true
- onCopyNotificationTitle: qsTr("%1 address".arg(api_wallet_page.ticker))
+ text_value: current_ticker_infos.address
+ font_size: 13
+ text_box_width:
+ {
+ let char_len = current_ticker_infos.address.length
+ if (char_len > 70) return 560
+ if (char_len > 50) return 450
+ if (char_len > 40) return 400
+ return 300
+ }
+ onCopyNotificationTitle: qsTr("%1 address", "TICKER").arg(api_wallet_page.ticker)
onCopyNotificationMsg: qsTr("copied to clipboard.")
+ privacy: true
- Layout.topMargin: 20
+ Layout.topMargin: 15
+ Layout.bottomMargin: 15
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
source: current_ticker_infos.qrcode_address
- sourceSize.width: 300
- sourceSize.height: 300
+ sourceSize.width: 350
+ sourceSize.height: 350
// Buttons
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/SendModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/SendModal.qml
index 225b2f5af4..e48aefb716 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/SendModal.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/SendModal.qml
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ MultipageModal
readonly property bool is_validate_address_busy: api_wallet_page.validate_address_busy
readonly property bool is_convert_address_busy: api_wallet_page.convert_address_busy
readonly property string address: api_wallet_page.converted_address
+ readonly property string withdraw_status: api_wallet_page.withdraw_status
readonly property bool auth_succeeded: api_wallet_page.auth_succeeded
@@ -68,16 +69,9 @@ MultipageModal
api_wallet_page.broadcast(send_result.withdraw_answer.tx_hex, false, send_result.withdraw_answer.max, input_amount.text)
- function isSpecialToken() {
- return General.isTokenType(current_ticker_infos.type)
- }
- function isERC20() {
- return current_ticker_infos.type === "ERC-20" || current_ticker_infos.type === "BEP-20" || current_ticker_infos.type == "Matic"
- }
function hasErc20CaseIssue(addr) {
- if(!isERC20()) return false
+ if(!General.isERC20(current_ticker_infos)) return false
if(addr.length <= 2) return false
addr = addr.substring(2) // Remove 0x
@@ -96,53 +90,49 @@ MultipageModal
function feeIsHigherThanAmount() {
- if(!custom_fees_switch.checked) return false
- const amt = parseFloat(getCryptoAmount())
- const fee_amt = parseFloat(input_custom_fees.text)
+ if (!custom_fees_switch.checked) return false
- return amt < fee_amt
- }
+ if (input_amount.text === "") return false
- function hasFunds() {
- if(!General.hasEnoughFunds(true, api_wallet_page.ticker, "", "", _preparePage.cryptoSendMode ? input_amount.text : equivalentAmount.value))
- return false
+ const amount = parseFloat(getCryptoAmount())
- if(custom_fees_switch.checked) {
- if(isSpecialToken()) {
- const gas_limit = parseFloat(input_custom_fees_gas.text)
- const gas_price = parseFloat(input_custom_fees_gas_price.text)
+ if (General.isSpecialToken(current_ticker_infos)) {
+ const parent_ticker = General.getFeesTicker(current_ticker_infos)
+ const gas_limit = parseFloat(input_custom_fees_gas.text)
+ const gas_price = parseFloat(input_custom_fees_gas_price.text)
+ if (isNaN(gas_price) || isNaN(gas_limit)) return false
- const unit = current_ticker_infos.type === "ERC-20" ? 1000000000 : 100000000
- const fee_parent_token = (gas_limit * gas_price)/unit
+ const unit = current_ticker_infos.type === "ERC-20" ? 1000000000 : 100000000
+ const fee_parent_token = (gas_limit * gas_price)/unit
- const parent_ticker = current_ticker_infos.type === "ERC-20" ? "ETH" : "QTUM"
- if(api_wallet_page.ticker === parent_ticker) {
- const amount = parseFloat(getCryptoAmount())
- const total_needed = amount + fee_parent_token
- if(!General.hasEnoughFunds(true, parent_ticker, "", "", total_needed.toString()))
- return false
- }
- else {
- if(!General.hasEnoughFunds(true, parent_ticker, "", "", fee_parent_token.toString()))
- return false
- }
+ if(api_wallet_page.ticker === parent_ticker) {
+ const total_needed = amount + fee_parent_token
+ if(General.hasEnoughFunds(true, parent_ticker, "", "", total_needed.toString()))
+ return false
else {
- if(feeIsHigherThanAmount()) return false
- if(!General.hasEnoughFunds(true, api_wallet_page.ticker, "", "", input_custom_fees.text))
+ if(General.hasEnoughFunds(true, parent_ticker, "", "", fee_parent_token.toString()))
return false
+ return true
+ }
+ else {
+ const fee_amt = parseFloat(input_custom_fees.text)
+ return amount < fee_amt
+ }
- return true
+ function hasFunds() {
+ if(!General.hasEnoughFunds(true, api_wallet_page.ticker, "", "", _preparePage.cryptoSendMode ? input_amount.text : equivalentAmount.value))
+ return false
+ return true
function feesAreFilled() {
return (!custom_fees_switch.checked || (
- (!isSpecialToken() && input_custom_fees.acceptableInput) ||
- (isSpecialToken() && input_custom_fees_gas.acceptableInput && input_custom_fees_gas_price.acceptableInput &&
+ (!General.isSpecialToken(current_ticker_infos) && input_custom_fees.acceptableInput) ||
+ (General.isSpecialToken(current_ticker_infos) && input_custom_fees_gas.acceptableInput && input_custom_fees_gas_price.acceptableInput &&
parseFloat(input_custom_fees_gas.text) > 0 && parseFloat(input_custom_fees_gas_price.text) > 0)
@@ -158,7 +148,7 @@ MultipageModal
input_amount.text = current_ticker_infos.balance
- width: 650
+ width: 750
closePolicy: Popup.NoAutoClose
@@ -172,21 +162,25 @@ MultipageModal
- onSend_rpc_resultChanged: {
- if (is_send_busy === false) {
+ onSend_rpc_resultChanged:
+ {
+ if (is_send_busy === false)
+ {
// Local var, faster
const result = General.clone(send_rpc_result)
- if(result.error_code) {
+ if (result.error_code)
+ {
- console.log("Send Error:", result.error_code, " Message:", result.error_message)
toast.show(qsTr("Failed to send"), General.time_toast_important_error, result.error_message)
- else {
- if(!result || !result.withdraw_answer) {
+ else
+ {
+ if (!result || !result.withdraw_answer)
+ {
@@ -203,15 +197,6 @@ MultipageModal
send_result = result
- onAuth_succeededChanged: {
- if (!auth_succeeded) {
- console.log("Double verification failed, cannot confirm sending.")
- }
- else {
- console.log("Double verification succeeded, validate sending.");
- }
- }
onBroadcast_resultChanged: {
if (is_broadcast_busy === false) {
@@ -220,7 +205,7 @@ MultipageModal
if(root.visible && broadcast_result !== "") {
if(broadcast_result.indexOf("error") !== -1) {
- showError(qsTr("Failed to Send"), General.prettifyJSON(broadcast_result))
+ showError(qsTr("Failed to Broadcast"), General.prettifyJSON(broadcast_result))
else {
root.currentIndex = 2
@@ -232,6 +217,7 @@ MultipageModal
if (!is_validate_address_busy)
+ needFix = false
address_data = api_wallet_page.validate_address_data
if (address_data.reason !== "")
@@ -244,7 +230,7 @@ MultipageModal
if (address_data.convertible)
- reason.text = address_data.reason;
+ reason.text = address_data.reason;
if (needFix!==true) needFix = true;
@@ -267,17 +253,16 @@ MultipageModal
id: _preparePage
+ property bool cryptoSendMode: true
titleText: qsTr("Prepare to send ") + current_ticker_infos.name
titleAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- property bool cryptoSendMode: true
enabled: !root.segwit && !root.is_send_busy
- Layout.preferredWidth: 420
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 500
Layout.preferredHeight: 44
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
@@ -288,12 +273,16 @@ MultipageModal
id: input_address
- width: 390
+ width: 470
height: 44
placeholderText: qsTr("Address of the recipient")
- onTextChanged: api_wallet_page.validate_address(text)
forceFocus: true
+ font: General.isZhtlc(api_wallet_page.ticker) ? DexTypo.body3 : DexTypo.body2
+ onTextChanged:
+ {
+ text = text.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,"").replace(" ", "")
+ api_wallet_page.validate_address(text)
+ }
@@ -340,16 +329,19 @@ MultipageModal
visible: errorView && input_address.text !== ""
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 380
+ spacing: 4
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
id: reason
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 320
- wrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
+ wrapMode: Label.Wrap
color: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
text_value: qsTr("The address has to be mixed case.")
@@ -358,16 +350,15 @@ MultipageModal
enabled: !root.is_send_busy
visible: needFix
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
Layout.leftMargin: 10
Layout.preferredWidth: 50
Layout.preferredHeight: 28
text: qsTr("Fix")
onClicked: api_wallet_page.convert_address(input_address.text, address_data.to_address_format)
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
// Amount to send
@@ -378,7 +369,7 @@ MultipageModal
enabled: !root.is_send_busy
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
- Layout.preferredWidth: 420
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 500
Layout.preferredHeight: 44
Layout.topMargin: 32
@@ -429,11 +420,11 @@ MultipageModal
if (_preparePage.cryptoSendMode)
- input_amount.text = current_ticker_infos.balance;
+ input_amount.text = API.app.get_balance(api_wallet_page.ticker);
- let cryptoBalance = new BigNumber(current_ticker_infos.balance);
+ let cryptoBalance = new BigNumber(API.app.get_balance(api_wallet_page.ticker));
input_amount.text = cryptoBalance.multipliedBy(current_ticker_infos.current_currency_ticker_price).toFixed(8);
@@ -569,23 +560,59 @@ MultipageModal
- // Custom fees switch
- DexSwitch
+ ColumnLayout
- id: custom_fees_switch
- enabled: !root.is_send_busy
+ visible: General.getCustomFeeType(current_ticker_infos)
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 380
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
Layout.topMargin: 32
- text: qsTr("Enable Custom Fees")
- onCheckedChanged: input_custom_fees.text = ""
- }
- // Custom fees warning
- DefaultText
- {
- visible: custom_fees_switch.checked
- font.pixelSize: 14
- color: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
- text_value: qsTr("Only use custom fees if you know what you are doing!")
+ // Custom fees switch
+ DefaultSwitch
+ {
+ id: custom_fees_switch
+ visible: !General.isZhtlc(api_wallet_page.ticker)
+ enabled: !root.is_send_busy
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 260
+ onCheckedChanged: input_custom_fees.text = ""
+ labelWidth: 200
+ label.text: qsTr("Enable Custom Fees")
+ label.wrapMode: Label.NoWrap
+ }
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ visible: custom_fees_switch.checked
+ // Custom fees warning
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ font.pixelSize: 14
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ horizontalAlignment: DefaultText.AlignHCenter
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ visible: input_custom_fees.visible
+ font.pixelSize: 14
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ horizontalAlignment: DefaultText.AlignHCenter
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
+ text_value: qsTr("Only use custom fees if you know what you are doing! ")
+ }
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ visible: input_custom_fees_gas.visible
+ font.pixelSize: 14
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ horizontalAlignment: DefaultText.AlignHCenter
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
+ text_value: qsTr("Only use custom fees if you know what you are doing! ") + General.cex_icon
+ DefaultInfoTrigger { triggerModal: gas_info_modal }
+ }
+ }
// Custom Fees section
@@ -594,12 +621,13 @@ MultipageModal
visible: custom_fees_switch.checked
Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
Layout.topMargin: 8
// Normal coins, Custom fees input
- visible: !isSpecialToken()
+ visible: General.getCustomFeeType(current_ticker_infos) == "UTXO"
id: input_custom_fees
@@ -615,7 +643,8 @@ MultipageModal
// Token coins
- visible: isSpecialToken()
+ visible: General.getCustomFeeType(current_ticker_infos) == "Gas"
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
// Gas input
@@ -628,7 +657,7 @@ MultipageModal
Layout.preferredWidth: 380
Layout.preferredHeight: 38
- placeholderText: qsTr("Gas Limit") + " [" + General.tokenUnitName(current_ticker_infos.type) + "]"
+ placeholderText: qsTr("Gas Limit")
// Gas price input
@@ -652,10 +681,12 @@ MultipageModal
visible: feeIsHigherThanAmount()
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ horizontalAlignment: DefaultText.AlignHCenter
- wrapMode: Text.Wrap
+ wrapMode: Label.Wrap
color: Style.colorRed
- text_value: qsTr("Custom Fee can't be higher than the amount")
+ text_value: qsTr("Custom Fee can't be higher than the amount") + "\n"
+ + qsTr("You have %1", "AMT TICKER").arg(General.formatCrypto("", API.app.get_balance(General.getFeesTicker(current_ticker_infos)), General.getFeesTicker(current_ticker_infos)))
@@ -663,15 +694,38 @@ MultipageModal
Layout.topMargin: 16
- wrapMode: Text.Wrap
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ horizontalAlignment: DefaultText.AlignHCenter
+ wrapMode: Label.Wrap
visible: !fee_error.visible && !hasFunds()
color: Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor
- text_value: qsTr("Not enough funds.") + "\n" + qsTr("You have %1", "AMT TICKER").arg(General.formatCrypto("", API.app.get_balance(api_wallet_page.ticker), api_wallet_page.ticker))
+ text_value: qsTr("Not enough funds.") + "\n"
+ + qsTr("You have %1", "AMT TICKER").arg(General.formatCrypto("", API.app.get_balance(api_wallet_page.ticker), api_wallet_page.ticker))
+ }
+ DefaultBusyIndicator {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignHCenter
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 32
+ Layout.preferredHeight: Layout.preferredWidth
+ indicatorSize: Layout.preferredWidth
+ indicatorDotSize: 5
+ visible: root.is_send_busy
+ }
+ // Withdraw status
+ DefaultText
+ {
+ Layout.topMargin: 16
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ horizontalAlignment: DefaultText.AlignHCenter
+ wrapMode: Label.Wrap
+ visible: General.isZhtlc(api_wallet_page.ticker) && withdraw_status != "Complete"
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
+ text_value: withdraw_status
- DefaultBusyIndicator { visible: root.is_send_busy }
// Footer
@@ -681,7 +735,7 @@ MultipageModal
- text: qsTr("Close")
+ text: qsTr("Cancel")
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width / 100 * 48
@@ -705,7 +759,7 @@ MultipageModal
text: qsTr("Prepare")
onClicked: prepareSendCoin(input_address.text, getCryptoAmount(), custom_fees_switch.checked, input_custom_fees.text,
- isSpecialToken(), input_custom_fees_gas.text, input_custom_fees_gas_price.text)
+ General.isSpecialToken(current_ticker_infos), input_custom_fees_gas.text, input_custom_fees_gas_price.text)
@@ -721,7 +775,6 @@ MultipageModal
input_address.text = selected_address
selected_address = ""
- console.debug("SendModal: Selected %1 address from addressbook.".arg(input_address.text))
@@ -731,12 +784,32 @@ MultipageModal
titleText: qsTr("Send")
+ titleAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
// Address
- TextEditWithTitle
+ TitleText
- title: qsTr("Recipient's address")
- text: input_address.text
+ text: qsTr("Recipient's address")
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
+ }
+ TextEditWithCopy
+ {
+ text_value: input_address.text
+ font_size: 13
+ align_left: true
+ text_box_width:
+ {
+ let char_len = current_ticker_infos.address.length
+ if (char_len > 70) return 560
+ if (char_len > 50) return 450
+ if (char_len > 40) return 400
+ return 300
+ }
+ onCopyNotificationTitle: qsTr("%1 address", "TICKER").arg(api_wallet_page.ticker)
+ onCopyNotificationMsg: qsTr("copied to clipboard.")
+ privacy: true
// Amount
@@ -784,17 +857,20 @@ MultipageModal
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignHCenter
+ Layout.preferredWidth: 32
+ Layout.preferredHeight: Layout.preferredWidth
+ indicatorSize: Layout.preferredWidth
+ indicatorDotSize: 5
visible: root.is_broadcast_busy
// Buttons
- Item
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- },
- DexAppButton
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true },
+ DefaultButton
text: qsTr("Back")
leftPadding: 40
@@ -803,10 +879,9 @@ MultipageModal
onClicked: root.currentIndex = 0
enabled: !root.is_broadcast_busy
- Item
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- },
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true },
text: qsTr("Send")
@@ -816,10 +891,8 @@ MultipageModal
radius: 18
enabled: !root.is_broadcast_busy
- Item
- {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- }
+ Item { Layout.fillWidth: true }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/SendModalContactList.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/SendModalContactList.qml
index 20984b8dd2..9e9bbd58aa 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/SendModalContactList.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/SendModalContactList.qml
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ MultipageModal
property string ticker: api_wallet_page.ticker
property var selected_address: ""
+ Component.onCompleted: API.app.addressbookPg.model.proxy.typeFilter = ticker
+ Component.onDestruction: API.app.addressbookPg.model.proxy.typeFilter = ""
titleText: qsTr("Select a contact with an %1 address").arg(ticker)
@@ -28,8 +31,8 @@ MultipageModal
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
Layout.fillWidth: true
placeholderText: qsTr("Search for contacts...")
- onTextChanged: API.app.addressbook_pg.model.proxy.search_exp = text
- Component.onDestruction: API.app.addressbook_pg.model.proxy.search_exp = ""
+ onTextChanged: API.app.addressbookPg.model.proxy.searchExp = text
+ Component.onDestruction: API.app.addressbookPg.model.proxy.searchExp = ""
// Contact List
@@ -39,7 +42,7 @@ MultipageModal
Layout.fillWidth: true
- model: API.app.addressbook_pg.model.proxy
+ model: API.app.addressbookPg.model.proxy
delegate: DefaultRectangle
property int addressesCount
@@ -51,10 +54,10 @@ MultipageModal
- modelData.proxy_filter.filter_type = ticker
- addressesCount = modelData.proxy_filter.rowCount()
+ modelData.proxyFilter.filterType = ticker
+ addressesCount = modelData.proxyFilter.rowCount()
- Component.onDestruction: contactModel.proxy_filter.filter_type = ""
+ Component.onDestruction: contactModel.proxyFilter.typeFilter = ""
@@ -95,9 +98,6 @@ MultipageModal
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
- Component.onCompleted: API.app.addressbook_pg.model.proxy.type_filter = ticker
- Component.onDestruction: API.app.addressbook_pg.model.proxy.type_filter = ""
@@ -120,9 +120,9 @@ MultipageModal
readonly property var defaultContactModel:
- "proxy_filter":
+ "proxyFilter":
- "filter_type": ""
+ "filterType": ""
"name": ""
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ MultipageModal
property int columnsMargin: 10
property int nameColumnWidth: width * 0.3
- titleText: qsTr("Choose an %1 address of %2").arg(contactModel.proxy_filter.filter_type).arg(contactModel.name)
+ titleText: qsTr("Choose an %1 address of %2").arg(contactModel.proxyFilter.filterType).arg(contactModel.name)
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ MultipageModal
Layout.fillWidth: true
- model: addressesView.contactModel.proxy_filter
+ model: addressesView.contactModel.proxyFilter
delegate: DefaultRectangle
width: addressListView.width
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/SendResult.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/SendResult.qml
index 0c7e070d10..41b06be0cb 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/SendResult.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/SendResult.qml
@@ -5,24 +5,57 @@ import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import "../Components"
import "../Constants"
import App 1.0
+import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
id: root
property var result
- property alias address: address.text
+ property alias address: address.text_value
property string custom_amount
- property alias tx_hash: tx_hash.text
+ property alias tx_hash: tx_hash.text_value
titleText: qsTr("Transaction Complete!")
+ // Transaction Hash
+ TitleText
+ {
+ text: qsTr("Transaction Hash")
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ visible: text !== ""
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
+ }
+ TextEditWithCopy
+ {
+ id: tx_hash
+ font_size: 13
+ align_left: true
+ text_box_width: 560
+ onCopyNotificationTitle: qsTr("%1 txid", "TICKER").arg(api_wallet_page.ticker)
+ onCopyNotificationMsg: qsTr("copied to clipboard.")
+ privacy: true
+ }
// Address
- TextEditWithTitle
+ TitleText
- id: address
- title: qsTr("Recipient's address")
+ text: qsTr("Recipient's address")
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
visible: text !== ""
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
+ }
+ TextEditWithCopy
+ {
+ id: address
+ font_size: 13
+ align_left: true
+ text_box_width: 560
+ onCopyNotificationTitle: qsTr("%1 address", "TICKER").arg(api_wallet_page.ticker)
+ onCopyNotificationMsg: qsTr("copied to clipboard.")
+ privacy: true
// Amount
@@ -68,13 +101,6 @@ MultipageModalContent
text: result.withdraw_answer.date
- // Transaction Hash
- TextEditWithTitle
- {
- id: tx_hash
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- title: qsTr("Transaction Hash")
- }
// Buttons
@@ -91,7 +117,7 @@ MultipageModalContent
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: qsTr("View on Explorer")
radius: 18
- onClicked: General.viewTxAtExplorer(api_wallet_page.ticker, tx_hash.text)
+ onClicked: General.viewTxAtExplorer(api_wallet_page.ticker, tx_hash.text_value)
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/Sidebar.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/Sidebar.qml
index fefe8f9179..4df9424272 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/Sidebar.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/Sidebar.qml
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import "../Components"
import "../Constants" as Constants
import App 1.0
import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+import Dex.Components 1.0 as Dex
// Coins bar at left side
@@ -58,21 +59,9 @@ Item
Layout.preferredWidth: 150
Layout.preferredHeight: 38
- textField.placeholderText: qsTr("Search coin")
+ textField.placeholderText: qsTr("Search")
forceFocus: true
- textField.onTextChanged: portfolio_coins.setFilterFixedString(textField.text)
- Component.onDestruction: portfolio_coins.setFilterFixedString("")
- Connections
- {
- target: root
- function onResetted()
- {
- if (searchCoinField.textField.text === "") resetCoinFilter()
- else searchCoinField.textField.text = ""
- }
- }
+ searchModel: portfolio_coins
// Coins list
@@ -83,14 +72,21 @@ Item
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
color: 'transparent'
- content: DexListView {
+ content: Dex.ListView
+ {
id: list
height: list_bg.height
model: portfolio_coins
topMargin: 5
bottomMargin: 5
scrollbar_visible: false
- DexRectangle {
+ reuseItems: true
+ delegate: SidebarItemDelegate { }
+ Dex.Rectangle
+ {
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
width: parent.width + 4
@@ -106,23 +102,21 @@ Item
- DexRectangle {
+ Dex.Rectangle
+ {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
width: parent.width + 4
height: 30
radius: 8
opacity: .5
visible: list.position > 0 ? true : false
- Qaterial.Icon {
+ Qaterial.Icon
+ {
anchors.centerIn: parent
- color: DexTheme.foregroundColor
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
icon: Qaterial.Icons.arrowUpCircleOutline
- reuseItems: true
- delegate: SidebarItemDelegate { }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/SidebarItemDelegate.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/SidebarItemDelegate.qml
index 408a48545d..8d3a1ad757 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/SidebarItemDelegate.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/SidebarItemDelegate.qml
@@ -6,15 +6,18 @@ import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
import "../Components"
-import "../Constants" as Constants
+import "../Constants" as Dex
import App 1.0
-GradientRectangle {
+ property int activation_progress: Dex.General.zhtlcActivationProgress(activation_status, ticker)
width: list_bg.width - list_bg.border.width*2 - 6
height: 44
- radius: Constants.Style.rectangleCornerRadius + 4
+ radius: Dex.Style.rectangleCornerRadius + 4
- start_color: api_wallet_page.ticker === ticker ? DexTheme.buttonColorEnabled : mouse_area.containsMouse ? DexTheme.buttonColorHovered : 'transparent'
+ start_color: api_wallet_page.ticker === ticker ? Dex.DexTheme.buttonColorEnabled : mouse_area.containsMouse ? Dex.DexTheme.buttonColorHovered : 'transparent'
end_color: 'transparent'
// Click area
@@ -24,23 +27,23 @@ GradientRectangle {
hoverEnabled: true
acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton
- onClicked: {
- if(!can_change_ticker) return
- if (mouse.button === Qt.RightButton) context_menu.popup()
- else api_wallet_page.ticker = ticker
- }
- onPressAndHold: {
- if(!can_change_ticker) return
- if (mouse.source === Qt.MouseEventNotSynthesized) context_menu.popup()
+ onClicked:
+ {
+ if (mouse.button === Qt.RightButton)
+ {
+ context_menu.can_disable = General.canDisable(ticker)
+ context_menu.popup()
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ api_wallet_page.ticker = ticker
+ }
+ onPressAndHold: if (mouse.source === Qt.MouseEventNotSynthesized) context_menu.popup()
// Right click menu
- CoinMenu {
- id: context_menu
- }
+ CoinMenu { id: context_menu }
readonly property double side_margin: 16
@@ -50,9 +53,33 @@ GradientRectangle {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: side_margin - scrollbar_margin
- source: Constants.General.coinIcon(ticker)
- width: Constants.Style.textSizeSmall4*2
+ source: Dex.General.coinIcon(ticker)
+ width: Dex.Style.textSizeSmall4*2
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ DexRectangle
+ {
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ radius: 15
+ enabled: Dex.General.isZhtlc(ticker) ? activation_progress != 100 : false
+ visible: enabled
+ opacity: .9
+ color: Dex.DexTheme.backgroundColor
+ }
+ DexLabel
+ {
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ enabled: Dex.General.isZhtlc(ticker) ? activation_progress != 100 : false
+ visible: enabled
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+ text: activation_progress + "%"
+ font: Dex.DexTypo.head8
+ color: Dex.DexTheme.greenColor
+ }
ColumnLayout {
@@ -64,10 +91,10 @@ GradientRectangle {
DexLabel {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
Layout.preferredWidth: 80
- font: DexTypo.caption
- wrapMode: DexLabel.WordWrap
+ font: Dex.DexTypo.caption
+ wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text_value: mouse_area.containsMouse ? name.replace(" (TESTCOIN)", "") : ticker
- color: DexTheme.foregroundColor
+ color: Dex.DexTheme.foregroundColor
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/TransactionDetailsModal.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/TransactionDetailsModal.qml
index f6e8e37855..25380f302a 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/TransactionDetailsModal.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/TransactionDetailsModal.qml
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
id: root
+ width: 780
function reset() { }
@@ -28,12 +29,34 @@ MultipageModal
titleText: qsTr("Transaction Details")
+ // Transaction Hash
+ TitleText
+ {
+ text: qsTr("Transaction Hash")
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ visible: text !== ""
+ color: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
+ }
+ TextEditWithCopy
+ {
+ id: tx_hash
+ font_size: 13
+ align_left: true
+ text_box_width: 600
+ text_value: !details ? "" : details.tx_hash
+ linkURL: !details ? "" :General.getTxExplorerURL(api_wallet_page.ticker, details.tx_hash, false)
+ onCopyNotificationTitle: qsTr("%1 txid", "TICKER").arg(api_wallet_page.ticker)
+ onCopyNotificationMsg: qsTr("copied to clipboard.")
+ privacy: true
+ }
// Amount
title: qsTr("Amount")
text: !details ? "" : General.formatCrypto(!details.am_i_sender, details.amount, api_wallet_page.ticker, details.amount_fiat, API.app.settings_pg.current_currency)
- value_color: !details ? "white" : details.am_i_sender ? DexTheme.redColor : DexTheme.greenColor
+ value_color: !details ? "white" : details.am_i_sender ? Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.okColor
privacy: true
label.font.pixelSize: 13
@@ -43,11 +66,35 @@ MultipageModal
title: qsTr("Fees")
text: !details ? "" : General.formatCrypto(parseFloat(details.fees) < 0, Math.abs(parseFloat(details.fees)), current_ticker_infos.fee_ticker, details.fees_amount_fiat, API.app.settings_pg.current_currency)
- value_color: !details ? "white" : parseFloat(details.fees) > 0 ? DexTheme.redColor : DexTheme.greenColor
+ value_color: !details ? "white" : parseFloat(details.fees) > 0 ? Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.okColor
privacy: true
label.font.pixelSize: 13
+ AddressList
+ {
+ width: parent.width
+ title: qsTr("From")
+ model: !details ? [] :
+ details.from
+ linkURL: !details ? "" :General.getAddressExplorerURL(api_wallet_page.ticker, details.from)
+ onCopyNotificationTitle: qsTr("From address")
+ }
+ AddressList
+ {
+ width: parent.width
+ title: qsTr("To")
+ model: !details ?
+ [] : details.to.length > 1 ?
+ General.arrayExclude(details.to, details.from[0]) : details.to
+ linkURL: !details ? ""
+ : details.to.length > 1
+ ? General.getAddressExplorerURL(api_wallet_page.ticker, General.arrayExclude(details.to, details.from[0]))
+ : General.getAddressExplorerURL(api_wallet_page.ticker, details.to)
+ onCopyNotificationTitle: qsTr("To address")
+ }
// Date
@@ -56,19 +103,6 @@ MultipageModal
label.font.pixelSize: 13
- // Transaction Hash
- TextEditWithTitle
- {
- id: txHash
- title: qsTr("Transaction Hash")
- text: !details ? "" : details.tx_hash
- label.font.pixelSize: 13
- privacy: true
- copy: true
- onCopyNotificationTitle: qsTr("Transactions")
- onCopyNotificationMsg: qsTr("txid copied to clipboard")
- }
// Confirmations
@@ -86,32 +120,6 @@ MultipageModal
label.font.pixelSize: 13
- DexRectangle {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.preferredHeight: addressColumn.height + 10
- color: DexTheme.contentColorTop
- Column {
- id: addressColumn
- width: parent.width - 10
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- AddressList {
- width: parent.width
- title: qsTr("From")
- model: !details ? [] :
- details.from
- }
- AddressList {
- width: parent.width
- title: qsTr("To")
- model: !details ?
- [] : details.to.length > 1 ?
- General.arrayExclude(details.to, details.from[0]) : details.to
- }
- }
- }
// Notes
@@ -124,6 +132,7 @@ MultipageModal
titleColor: Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor2
remove_newline: false
field.text: !details ? "" : details.transaction_note
+ field.rightPadding: 0
saveable: true
@@ -138,7 +147,7 @@ MultipageModal
// Buttons
- DexButton
+ DefaultButton
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: qsTr("Close")
@@ -147,6 +156,7 @@ MultipageModal
radius: 18
onClicked: root.close()
Layout.fillWidth: true
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/Transactions.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/Transactions.qml
index 9ad085c5d5..30e94fa2b8 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/Transactions.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/Wallet/Transactions.qml
@@ -5,31 +5,34 @@ import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import "../Components"
import "../Constants"
import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
+import Dex.Components 1.0 as Dex
id: list
readonly property int row_height: 45
- ModalLoader
- {
- id: tx_details_modal
- sourceComponent: TransactionDetailsModal {}
- }
+ property real _categoryColumnWidth: 140
+ property real _cryptoColumnWidth: 170
+ property real _fiatColumnWidth: 170
+ property real _feeColumnWidth: 225
+ property real _dateColumnWidth: 170
+ model: transactions_mdl.proxy_mdl
// Row
- delegate: DexRectangle
+ delegate: Dex.Rectangle
id: rectangle
- implicitWidth: list.width
+ width: list.width
height: row_height
radius: 0
border.width: 0
colorAnimation: false
color: mouse_area.containsMouse ? Dex.CurrentTheme.buttonColorHovered : 'transparent'
- DexMouseArea
+ Dex.MouseArea
id: mouse_area
anchors.fill: parent
@@ -41,84 +44,96 @@ DefaultListView
- Circle
+ RowLayout
- id: note_tag
- width: 6
- color: Style.colorOrange
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: 15
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- visible: transaction_note !== ""
- }
+ id: tx_row
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.margins: 15
- Arrow
- {
- id: received_icon
- up: am_i_sender ? true : false
- color: !am_i_sender ? Dex.CurrentTheme.arrowUpColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.arrowDownColor
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- anchors.left: note_tag.right
- anchors.leftMargin: 10
- }
+ RowLayout
+ {
+ spacing: 3
+ Layout.preferredWidth: _categoryColumnWidth
- // Description
- DefaultText
- {
- id: description
- text_value: am_i_sender ? qsTr("Sent") : qsTr("Received")
- font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall3
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- anchors.left: received_icon.right
- anchors.leftMargin: 10
- }
+ Circle
+ {
+ id: note_tag
+ width: 6
+ color: Style.colorOrange
+ visible: transaction_note !== ""
+ }
- // Crypto
- DefaultText
- {
- id: crypto_amount
- text_value: General.formatCrypto(!am_i_sender, amount, api_wallet_page.ticker)
- font.pixelSize: description.font.pixelSize
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: parent.width * 0.2
- color: am_i_sender ? Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.okColor
- privacy: true
- }
+ TransactionArrow
+ {
+ id: received_icon
+ amISender: am_i_sender ? true : false
+ }
- // Fiat
- DefaultText
- {
- text_value: General.formatFiat(!am_i_sender, amount_fiat, API.app.settings_pg.current_currency)
- font.pixelSize: description.font.pixelSize
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: parent.width * 0.4
- color: crypto_amount.color
- privacy: true
- }
+ // Description
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ id: description
+ horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft
+ text_value: am_i_sender ? qsTr("Sent") : qsTr("Received")
+ font.pixelSize: Style.textSizeSmall3
+ }
+ }
- // Fee
- DefaultText
- {
- text_value: General.formatCrypto(!(parseFloat(fees) > 0), Math.abs(parseFloat(fees)),
- current_ticker_infos.fee_ticker + " " + qsTr("fees"))
- font.pixelSize: description.font.pixelSize
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: parent.width * 0.575
- privacy: true
- }
+ // Crypto
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ id: crypto_amount
+ Layout.preferredWidth: _cryptoColumnWidth
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ text_value:
+ {
+ api_wallet_page.ticker.length > 6
+ ? General.formatCrypto(!am_i_sender, amount, '', false, false, 6, true)
+ : General.formatCrypto(!am_i_sender, amount, api_wallet_page.ticker, false, false, 6, true)
- // Date
- DefaultText
- {
- font.pixelSize: description.font.pixelSize
- text_value: !date || unconfirmed ? qsTr("Unconfirmed") : date
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- anchors.right: parent.right
- anchors.rightMargin: 20
- privacy: true
+ }
+ font.pixelSize: description.font.pixelSize
+ color: am_i_sender ? Dex.CurrentTheme.noColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.okColor
+ privacy: true
+ }
+ // Fiat
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ Layout.preferredWidth: _fiatColumnWidth
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ text_value: General.formatFiat(!am_i_sender, amount_fiat, API.app.settings_pg.current_currency)
+ font.pixelSize: description.font.pixelSize
+ color: crypto_amount.color
+ privacy: true
+ }
+ // Fee
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ Layout.preferredWidth: _feeColumnWidth
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ text_value: General.formatCrypto(!(parseFloat(fees) > 0), Math.abs(parseFloat(fees)),
+ current_ticker_infos.fee_ticker + " " + qsTr("fees"))
+ font.pixelSize: description.font.pixelSize
+ privacy: true
+ }
+ // Date
+ Dex.Text
+ {
+ Layout.preferredWidth: _dateColumnWidth
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+ font.pixelSize: description.font.pixelSize
+ text_value: !date || unconfirmed ? qsTr("Unconfirmed") : date
+ privacy: true
+ }
+ ModalLoader
+ {
+ id: tx_details_modal
+ sourceComponent: TransactionDetailsModal {}
+ }
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/main.qml b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/main.qml
index 4e33fed379..546f406a79 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/Dex/main.qml
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/Dex/main.qml
@@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
-//! Qt Imports
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls.Universal 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
import Qt.labs.settings 1.0
+import ModelHelper 0.1
-//! 3rdParty Imports
import Qaterial 1.0 as Qaterial
-//! Project Imports
import App 1.0
import "Components"
import Dex.Themes 1.0 as Dex
@@ -17,11 +15,12 @@ DexWindow
id: window
- property int previousX: 0
- property int previousY: 0
- property int real_visibility
+ property int previousX: 0
+ property int previousY: 0
+ property int real_visibility
property bool isOsx: Qt.platform.os == "osx"
property bool logged: false
+ property var orders: API.app.orders_mdl.orders_proxy_mdl.ModelHelper
title: API.app_name
visible: true
@@ -108,32 +107,8 @@ DexWindow
anchors.fill: parent
- let dialog = app.showText(
- {
- "title": qsTr("Confirm Logout"),
- text: qsTr("Are you sure you want to log out?"),
- standardButtons: Dialog.Yes | Dialog.Cancel,
- warning: true,
- height: 230,
- centerAlign: true,
- yesButtonText: qsTr("Yes"),
- cancelButtonText: qsTr("Cancel"),
- onAccepted: function(text)
- {
- app.notifications_list = []
- userMenu.close()
- app.currentWalletName = ""
- API.app.disconnect()
- app.onDisconnect()
- window.logged = false
- dialog.close()
- dialog.destroy()
- },
- onRejected: function()
- {
- userMenu.close()
- }
- })
+ if (orders.count != 0) app.logout_confirm_modal.open()
+ else app.return_to_login()
@@ -199,11 +174,14 @@ DexWindow
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
layoutDirection: Qt.RightToLeft
spacing: 6
width: 15
height: 1
+ // User / logout
width: __row.width + 10
@@ -211,6 +189,7 @@ DexWindow
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
radius: 3
color: _area.containsMouse ? Dex.CurrentTheme.floatingBackgroundColor : "transparent"
id: __row
@@ -247,6 +226,7 @@ DexWindow
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
id: _area
@@ -264,11 +244,14 @@ DexWindow
width: 10
height: 1
+ // Wallet Balance
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
@@ -283,6 +266,7 @@ DexWindow
visible: _label.visible
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
text_value: General.formatFiat("", API.app.portfolio_pg.balance_fiat_all, API.app.settings_pg.current_currency)
@@ -315,6 +299,7 @@ DexWindow
height: 1
+ // Notifications
color: containsMouse ? Dex.CurrentTheme.gradientButtonPressedStartColor : Dex.CurrentTheme.foregroundColor
@@ -357,6 +342,7 @@ DexWindow
fileName: atomic_cfg_file
+ // Theme toggle
id: themeSwitchBut
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/assets/.gitignore b/atomic_defi_design/assets/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..90d1f28b17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/assets/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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index b26d4d3b95..3dd82ff7a3 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/.gitignore
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/.gitignore
@@ -2,4 +2,5 @@ dex-logo-big.png
\ No newline at end of file
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index aeb4f784f7..0000000000
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index 879ec2d322..0000000000
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index 535e23e2c1..0000000000
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index d61ce54f16..0000000000
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deleted file mode 100644
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deleted file mode 100644
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deleted file mode 100644
index 74c4cf014d..0000000000
Binary files a/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/coins/xor.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9478a855a8..0000000000
Binary files a/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/coins/xp.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index f49910b5cb..0000000000
Binary files a/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/coins/xpa.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index f32e349dbf..0000000000
Binary files a/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/coins/xpm.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 0545067a7c..0000000000
Binary files a/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/coins/xrg.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index f24cf25963..0000000000
Binary files a/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/coins/xrp.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 5747b31134..0000000000
Binary files a/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/coins/xsg.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 67f0438af9..0000000000
Binary files a/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/coins/xsgd.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 79ecc75f3f..0000000000
Binary files a/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/coins/xtz.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 82dc953964..0000000000
Binary files a/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/coins/xuc.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1b25554709..0000000000
Binary files a/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/coins/xvc.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 0de5ce45b5..0000000000
Binary files a/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/coins/xvg.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index b802ff87ea..0000000000
Binary files a/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/coins/xvs.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 926bed0313..0000000000
Binary files a/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/coins/xzc.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 856678403b..0000000000
Binary files a/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/coins/yfi.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8b38b93190..0000000000
Binary files a/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/coins/yfii.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 121fa343d7..0000000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index 0abf5cb2ba..0000000000
Binary files a/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/coins/zb.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index cdc675a7dc..0000000000
Binary files a/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/coins/zcl.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9327fc65d1..0000000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index 5900bcda93..0000000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index aaf63d8cf9..0000000000
Binary files a/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/coins/zen.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 848c885401..0000000000
Binary files a/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/coins/zer.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index eb57167ccb..0000000000
Binary files a/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/coins/zest.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index b107a81f4d..0000000000
Binary files a/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/coins/zet.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index e49147f507..0000000000
Binary files a/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/coins/zil.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 03f5c545b6..0000000000
Binary files a/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/coins/zilla.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 30f2e8d12c..0000000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index d4baae5fc9..0000000000
Binary files a/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/coins/zrx.png and /dev/null differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4b7c4335b
Binary files /dev/null and b/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/lang/de.png differ
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/lang/es.png b/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/lang/es.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..5fdf39bb75
Binary files /dev/null and b/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/lang/es.png differ
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/white_check.svg b/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/white_check.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..927f9bf9a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/assets/images/white_check.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/atomic_defi_de.ts b/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/atomic_defi_de.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..06dad49822
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/atomic_defi_de.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4553 @@
+ AddAddressForm
+ Use standard network address
+ Standard-Netzwerkadresse verwenden
+ Label
+ Bezeichnung
+ This key already exists.
+ Dieser Schlüssel existiert bereits.
+ Address
+ Adresse
+ Cancel
+ Abbrechen
+ Convert
+ Umwandeln
+ Edit
+ Bearbeiten
+ Add
+ Hinzufügen
+ You need to enable %1 before adding this kind of address.
+ Sie müssen %1 aktivieren, bevor Sie diese Art von Adresse hinzufügen.
+ Enable
+ Aktivieren
+ AddCustomCoinModal
+ Get the contract address from
+ Erhalten Sie die Vertragsadresse von
+ Choose the asset type
+ Wählen Sie den Asset-Typ aus
+ Cancel
+ Abbrechen
+ Next
+ Weiter
+ Contract address
+ Vertragsadresse
+ Enter the contract address
+ Geben Sie die Vertragsadresse ein
+ Choose the asset ticker
+ Wählen Sie den Asset-Ticker
+ Ticker
+ Ticker
+ Enter the ticker
+ Geben Sie den Ticker ein
+ Get the contract address from
+ Erhalten Sie die Vertragsadresse von
+ Previous
+ Vorherige
+ Choose the asset logo
+ Wählen Sie ein Logo für das Asset aus
+ Browse
+ Durchsuchen
+ Please choose the asset logo
+ Bitte wählen Sie für das Asset ein Logo aus
+ Configuration
+ Konfiguration
+ All configuration fields will be fetched using the contract address you provided.
+ Alle Konfigurationsfelder werden mit der von Ihnen angegebenen Vertragsadresse abgerufen.
+ Name
+ Name
+ Enter the name
+ Geben Sie den Namen ein
+ Coingecko ID
+ Coingecko ID
+ Enter the Coingecko ID
+ Geben Sie die Coingecko-ID ein
+ Get the Coingecko ID
+ Coingecko-ID erhalten
+ Active
+ Aktiv
+ Preview
+ Vorschau
+ WARNING: Application will restart immidiately to apply the changes!
+ WARNUNG: Die Anwendung wird sofort neu gestartet, um die Änderungen zu übernehmen!
+ Asset not found, please go back and make sure Contract Address is correct
+ Asset nicht gefunden, bitte gehen Sie zurück und stellen Sie sicher, dass die Vertragsadresse korrekt ist
+ Config Fields
+ Konfigurationsfelder
+ Fetched Data
+ Abgerufene Daten
+ Submit & Restart
+ Bestätigen und Neu starten
+ AddTagPopup
+ Tag name
+ Schlagwort
+ Contact already has this tag.
+ Der Kontakt hat bereits dieses Schlagwort.
+ + ADD
+ AmountChart
+ Work in progress
+ In Arbeit
+ App
+ Recover Funds Result
+ Ergebnis der Rückerstattung der Geldmittel
+ AssetFromStandardSelector
+ Choose a valid
+ Wählen Sie eine gültige
+ asset
+ Asset
+ Search an asset
+ Asset suchen
+ Disabled
+ Deaktiviert
+ AssetPieChart
+ Assets
+ Assets
+ AssetsList
+ Asset
+ Asset
+ Balance
+ Balance
+ Fiat Balance
+ Fiat Balance
+ Change 24h
+ 24h Veränderung
+ Price
+ Preis
+ Source
+ Quelle
+ Activating:
+ Price provider is: %1
+ Preisanbieter ist: %1
+ Bottom
+ Settings
+ Einstellungen
+ Support
+ Support
+ Privacy
+ Datenschutz
+ Disable Privacy?
+ Datenschutz deaktivieren?
+ Enter wallet password to confirm
+ Geben Sie zur Bestätigung das Kennwort der Brieftasche ein
+ Type password
+ Kennwort eingeben
+ Confirm
+ Bestätigen
+ Cancel
+ Abbrechen
+ Privacy status
+ Status Datenschutz
+ Privacy mode disabled successfully
+ Der Datenschutzmodus wurde erfolgreich deaktiviert
+ Ok
+ Ok
+ Wrong password!
+ Falsches Kennwort!
+ wallet password is incorrect
+ Kennwort der Brieftasche ist falsch
+ CamouflagePasswordModal
+ Setup Camouflage Password
+ Tarnkennwort einrichten
+ Camouflage Password is a secret password for emergency situations.
+ Das Tarnkennwort (Camouflage Password) ist ein geheimes Passwort für Notsituationen.
+ Using it to login will display your balance lower than it actually is.
+ Wenn Sie sich damit anmelden, wird Ihr Guthaben niedriger angezeigt, als es tatsächlich ist.
+ Here you enter the suffix and at login you need to enter {real_password}{suffix}
+ Hier geben Sie den Zusatz ein und beim Einloggen benötigen Sie {echtes Kennwort}{suffix}
+Beispiel: Kennwort = 1234 Suffix=56 Eingabe beim Login=123456
+ Password suffix
+ Kennwort-Zusatz
+ Confirm pasword suffix
+ Kennwort-Zusatz bestätigen
+ Enter a password suffix
+ Geben Sie einen Kennwort-Zusatz ein
+ Enter the same password suffix to confirm
+ Geben Sie zur Bestätigung denselben Kennwort-Zusatz ein
+ Cancel
+ Abbrechen
+ Save
+ Speichern
+ CannotEnableCoinModal
+ Failed to enable %1
+ Aktivierung von %1 fehlgeschlagen
+ Enabling %1 did not succeed. Limit of enabled coins might have been reached.
+ Das Aktivieren von %1 war nicht erfolgreich. Das Limit der aktivierten Coins wurde möglicherweise erreicht.
+ Change limit in settings
+ Limit in den Einstellungen ändern
+ Cancel
+ Abbrechen
+ Center
+ Portfolio
+ Portfolio
+ Wallet
+ Brieftasche
+ Address Book
+ Adressbuch
+ Fiat
+ Fiat
+ CexInfoModal
+ Market Data
+ Marktdaten
+ Market data (prices, charts, etc.) marked with the ⓘ icon originates from third-party sources.<br><br>Data is sourced via <a href="https://bandprotocol.com/">Band Decentralized Oracle</a> and <a href="https://coingecko.com">CoinGecko</a>.<br><br><b>Oracle Supported Pairs:</b><br>%1<br><br><b>Last reference (Band Oracle):</b><br><a href="%2">%2</a>
+ Mit dem Symbol ⓘ gekennzeichnete Marktdaten (Kurse, Charts etc.) stammen aus Drittquellen.<br><br>Die Daten stammen von <a href="https://bandprotocol.com/">Band Decentralized Oracle</a> und <a href="https://coingecko.com">CoinGecko</a>.<br><br><b>Oracle unterstützte Paare:</b><br>%1<br><br><b>Letzte Referenz (Band Oracle):</b><br><a href="%2">%2</a>
+ Chart
+ Loading market data
+ Laden von Marktdaten
+ There is no chart data for this pair yet
+ Für dieses Paar liegen noch keine Chartdaten vor
+ ClaimRewardsModal
+ Failed to prepare to claim rewards
+ Vorbereitung zum Einfordern von Belohnungen fehlgeschlagen
+ Claim your %1 reward?
+ %1 Belohnung beantragen?
+ No UTXOs eligible for claiming
+ Keine beanspruchungsberechtigten UTXOs vorhanden
+ Transaction fee is higher than the reward!
+ Die Transaktionsgebühr ist höher als die Belohnung!
+ You will receive
+ Sie erhalten
+ Refresh
+ Aktualisieren
+ Read more about KMD active users rewards
+ Lesen Sie mehr über die Belohnungen für aktive KMD-Benutzer
+ Amount
+ Menge
+ Reward
+ Belohnung
+ Accruing Start
+ Anfallender Start
+ Accruing Stop
+ Anfallender Stopp
+ Time Left
+ Verbleibende Zeit
+ Error
+ Fehler
+ Locktime is not set
+ Die Sperrzeit ist nicht eingestellt
+ Locktime is less than the threshold
+ Die Sperrzeit liegt unter dem Schwellenwert
+ UTXO height is greater than end of the era
+ UTXO-Höhe ist größer als Ende der Ära
+ UTXO amount is less than 10
+ UTXO-Menge ist kleiner als 10
+ One hour did not pass yet
+ Eine Stunde ist noch nicht vergangen
+ Transaction is in mempool
+ Die Transaktion befindet sich in Mempool
+ Unknown problem
+ Unbekanntes Problem
+ Cancel
+ Abbrechen
+ Confirm
+ Bestätigen
+ CoinMenu
+ Disable %1
+ %1 deaktivieren
+ Disable and Delete %1
+ %1 deaktivieren und löschen
+ Disable all %1 assets
+ Alle %1 Assets deaktivieren
+ Disable all assets
+ Alle Assets deaktivieren
+ Disable 0 balance assets
+ Alle Assets mit der Balance 0 deaktivieren
+ ComboBoxWithSearchBar
+ Search
+ Suchen
+ Combo_fiat
+ Language
+ Sprache
+ Fiat
+ Fiat
+ Recommended:
+ Empfohlen:
+ ConfirmMultiOrderTradeModal
+ Confirm Multi Order Details
+ Bestätigen Sie die Details der Mehrfachorder
+ These swaps requests can not be undone and this is the final event!
+ Diese Tauschanfragen können nicht rückgängig gemacht werden und dies ist das endgültige Ereignis!
+ These transactions can take up to 60 mins - DO NOT close this application!
+ Diese Transaktionen können bis zu 60 Minuten dauern - schließen Sie diese Anwendung NICHT!
+ Same funds will be used until an order matches.
+ Die gleichen Geldmittel werden verwendet, bis eine Bestellung übereinstimmt.
+ Note that if one order is filled other will not be cancelled.
+ Beachten Sie, dass, wenn eine Bestellung ausgeführt wird, andere nicht storniert werden.
+ Cancel
+ Abbrechen
+ Confirm
+ Bestätigen
+ Placed multiple orders
+ Mehrere Aufrtäge aufgegeben
+ ConfirmTradeModal
+ Confirm Exchange Details
+ Bestätigen Sie die Austausch-Details
+ Trade price is more than 50% different to CEX! Confirm?
+ Der Handelspreis unterscheidet sich um mehr als 50% vom CEX-Preis. Bestätigen?
+ This swap request can not be undone and is a final event!
+ Diese Tauschanfrage kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden und ist ein endgültiges Ereignis!
+ This transaction can take up to 60 mins - DO NOT close this application!
+ Diese Transaktion kann bis zu 60 Minuten dauern - schließen Sie diese Anwendung NICHT!
+ Loading fees...
+ Lade Gebühren...
+ <b>Total %1 fees:</b>
+ <b>Gesamt %1 Gebühren:</b>
+ Security configuration
+ Sicherheitskonfiguration
+ %1 confirmations for incoming %2 transactions
+ %1 Bestätigungen für eingehende %2 Transaktionen
+ Read more about dPoW
+ Lesen Sie mehr über dPoW
+ Use custom protection settings for incoming %1 transactions
+ Benutzerdefinierte Schutzeinstellungen für eingehende %1 Transaktionen verwenden
+ Enable Komodo dPoW security
+ Komodo dPoW-Sicherheit aktivieren
+ dPoW protected
+ dPoW-gesichert
+ Required Confirmations
+ Erforderliche Bestätigungen
+ Warning, this atomic swap is not dPoW protected!
+ Achtung, dieser Atomic Swap ist nicht dPoW-geschützt!
+ Cancel
+ Abbrechen
+ Confirm
+ Bestätigen
+ CopyFieldButton
+ Copied to Clipboard
+ In die Zwischenablage kopiert
+ Dashboard
+ The current number of enabled coins does not match your configuration specification. Your assets configuration will be reset.
+ Die aktuelle Anzahl aktivierter Coins stimmt nicht mit Ihrer Konfigurationsvorgabe überein. Die Konfiguration der Assets wird zurückgesetzt.
+ Matching
+ Zusammenführung
+ Order Matching
+ Order wird zusammengeführt
+ Matched
+ Zusammengeführt
+ Order Matched
+ Order wurde zusammengeführt
+ Ongoing
+ Laufend
+ Swap Ongoing
+ Austausch läuft
+ Successful
+ Erfolgreich
+ Swap Successful
+ Tausch erfolgreich
+ Refunding
+ Rückzahlung
+ Failed
+ Fehlgeschlagen
+ Swap Failed
+ Tausch fehlgeschlagen
+ Unknown
+ Unbekannt
+ Unknown State
+ Unbekannter Status
+ Started
+ Gestartet
+ Negotiated
+ Ausgehandelt
+ Taker fee sent
+ Taker-Gebühr gesendet
+ Maker payment received
+ Maker-Zahlung erhalten
+ Maker payment wait confirm started
+ Warten auf die Zahlungsbestätigung des Makers gestartet
+ Maker payment validated and confirmed
+ Maker-Zahlung validiert und bestätigt
+ Taker payment sent
+ Taker-Zahlung gesendet
+ Taker payment spent
+ Taker-Zahlung ausgegeben
+ Maker payment spent
+ Maker-Zahlung ausgegeben
+ Finished
+ Fertig
+ Start failed
+ Start fehlgeschlagen
+ Negotiate failed
+ Verhandeln fehlgeschlagen
+ Taker fee validate failed
+ Validierung der Abnehmergebühr fehlgeschlagen
+ Maker payment transaction failed
+ Maker-Zahlungstransaktion fehlgeschlagen
+ Maker payment Data send failed
+ Fehler beim Senden der Maker-Zahlungsdaten
+ Maker payment wait confirm failed
+ Warten auf die Zahlungsbestätigung des Makers fehlgeschlagen
+ Taker payment validate failed
+ Validierung der Taker-Zahlung fehlgeschlagen
+ Taker payment wait confirm failed
+ Warten auf die Zahlungsbestätigung des Takers fehlgeschlagen
+ Taker payment spend failed
+ Zahlungsausgabe des Takers fehlgeschlagen
+ Maker payment wait refund started
+ Countdown für die Rückerstattung der Maker-Zahlung hat begonnen
+ Maker payment refunded
+ Maker-Zahlung zurückerstattet
+ Maker payment refund failed
+ Rückerstattung der Maker-Zahlung fehlgeschlagen
+ DatePicker
+ Date
+ Datum
+ DefaultCopyIcon
+ copied to clipboard
+ In die Zwischenablage kopiert
+ DefaultRangeSlider
+ Min
+ Min
+ Max
+ Max
+ DefaultTextEdit
+ copied to clipboard
+ In die Zwischenablage kopiert
+ DeleteWalletModal
+ Delete Wallet
+ Brieftasche löschen
+ Are you sure you want to delete %1 wallet?
+ Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die %1 Brieftasche löschen möchten?
+ If so, make sure you record your seed phrase in order to restore your wallet in the future.
+ Wenn ja, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Ihre Seed-Phrase notieren, um Ihre Brieftasche in Zukunft wiederherzustellen.
+ Enter your wallet password
+ Geben Sie das Kennwort für ihre Brieftasche ein
+ Wrong Password
+ Falsches Kennwort
+ Cancel
+ Abbrechen
+ Delete
+ Löschen
+ DexAppPasswordField
+ Type password
+ Kennwort eingeben
+ DexKeyChecker
+ At least 1 lowercase alphabetical character
+ Mindestens 1 Kleinbuchstabe
+ At least 1 uppercase alphabetical character
+ Mindestens 1 Großbuchstabe
+ At least 1 numeric character
+ Mindestens 1 Ziffer
+ At least 1 special character (eg. !@#$%)
+ Mindestens 1 Sonderzeichen (z. B. ! @ # $ %)
+ Between %1 and %2 character(s)
+ Password and Confirm Password have to be same
+ Kennwort und Kennwortbestätigung müssen identisch sein
+ DexPaginator
+ items per page
+ Elemente pro Seite
+ DexRangeSlider
+ Min
+ Min
+ Half
+ Halb
+ Max
+ Max
+ DexSweetComboBox
+ Search
+ Suchen
+ EditContactModal
+ Edit contact
+ Kontakt bearbeiten
+ Contact name
+ Kontaktname
+ Enter a contact name
+ Geben Sie einen Kontaktnamen ein
+ Address list
+ Adressliste
+ Address Book
+ Adressbuch
+ address copied to clipboard
+ Adresse in die Zwischenablage kopiert
+ Edit
+ Bearbeiten
+ + Add
+ + Hinzufügen
+ Tags
+ Schlagworte
+ Add tag
+ Schlagwort hinzufügen
+ Cancel
+ Abbrechen
+ Confirm
+ Bestätigen
+ EnableAssetModal
+ The selected address belongs to a disabled asset, you need to enabled it before sending.
+ Die ausgewählte Adresse gehört zu einem deaktivierten Asset, Sie müssen es vor dem Senden aktivieren.
+ Enable
+ Aktivieren
+ Cancel
+ Abbrechen
+ EnableCoinModal
+ Enable assets
+ Assets aktivieren
+ Select all assets
+ Alle Assets auswählen
+ All assets are already enabled!
+ Alle Assets sind bereits aktiviert!
+ You can still enable %1 assets. Selected: %2.
+ Sie können weiterhin %1 Assets aktivieren. Ausgewählt: %2.
+ Search asset
+ Asset suchen
+ Change assets limit
+ Asset-Limit ändern
+ Add a custom asset
+ Benutzerdefiniertes Asset hinzufügen
+ Cancel
+ Abbrechen
+ Enable
+ Aktivieren
+ EulaModal
+ Disclaimer & Terms of Service
+ Haftungsausschluss & Nutzungsbedingungen
+ Accept EULA
+ EULA akzeptieren
+ Accept Terms and Conditions
+ Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen akzeptieren
+ Close
+ Schließen
+ Cancel
+ Abbrechen
+ Confirm
+ Bestätigen
+ FatalErrorModal
+ Fatal Error
+ Schwerwiegender Fehler
+ Connection has been lost. You have been disconnected.
+ Die Verbindung wurde unterbrochen. Ihre Verbindung wurde getrennt.
+ Close
+ Schließen
+ FeeInfo
+ Minimum fee
+ Mindestgebühr
+ Fees will be calculated
+ Gebühren werden berechnet
+ GasInfoModal
+ How do I calculate gas?
+ Gas is measured in gwei. Gwei is just a unit of Ether, and is equal to 0.000000001 ETH (or the equivalent platform coin such as AVAX or BNB). The gas price varies over time depending on network congestion.
+ The gas limit is how many units of gas (maximum) you allocate to pay for a transaction. The gas required depending on the size of the transaction & data being transmitted.
+ A standard transaction not involving contracts uses 21,000 gas units, with any of the limit remaining returned to the source address.
+ Transactions involving contracts may result in the whole limit being consumed, so be careful not to set it too high.
+ For more information, read the article at <a href="https://support.mycrypto.com/how-to/sending/how-to-know-what-gas-limit-to-use">https://support.mycrypto.com/how-to/sending/how-to-know-what-gas-limit-to-use</a>
+ General
+ %n day(s)
+ %n Tag
+ %n Tage
+ %nd
+ day
+ %nh
+ hours
+ %nm
+ minutes
+ %ns
+ seconds
+ %nms
+ milliseconds
+ -
+ -
+ <b>Taker tx fee:</b>
+ <b>Taker tx Gebühren:</b>
+ <b>Dex tx fee:</b>
+ <b>Dex tx Gebühren:</b>
+ <b>Dex fee:</b>
+ <b>Dex Gebühren:</b>
+ <b>Maker tx fee:</b>
+ <b>Maker tx Gebühren:</b>
+ Trading Fee
+ Handelsgebühr
+ Minimum Trading Amount
+ Mindesthandelsbetrag
+ Wallet %1 already exists
+ Brieftasche %1 existiert bereits
+ %1 balance is lower than the fees amount: %2 %3
+ Das %1 Guthaben ist niedriger als der Gebührenbetrag: %2 %3
+ Tradable (after fees) %1 balance is lower than minimum trade amount
+ Handelbares %1 Guthaben (nach Gebühren) ist niedriger als der Mindesthandelsbetrag
+ Please fill the price field
+ Bitte füllen Sie das Preisfeld aus
+ Please fill the volume field
+ Please wait for %1 to fully activate
+ %1 volume is lower than minimum trade amount
+ %1 Volumen ist niedriger als der minimale Handelsbetrag
+ %1 needs to be enabled in order to use %2
+ %1 muss aktiviert werden, um %2 verwenden zu können
+ %1 balance needs to be funded, a non-zero balance is required to pay the gas of %2 transactions
+ Das %1 Guthaben muss finanziert werden, ein Guthaben größer Null ist erforderlich, um das Benzin von %2 Transaktionen zu bezahlen
+ Unknown Error
+ Unbekannter Fehler
+ Header
+ You get
+ Du erhältst
+ You send
+ Sie senden
+ Fiat Price
+ Fiat Preis
+ CEX rate
+ CEX-Kurs
+ Price
+ Preis
+ Quantity
+ Menge
+ Total
+ Gesamt
+ ImportWallet
+ Failed to Import the wallet
+ Fehler beim Importieren der Brieftasche
+ Import wallet - Setup
+ Brieftasche importieren - Einrichtung
+ Import wallet - Choose password
+ Brieftasche importieren - Kennwort wählen
+ Wallet Name
+ Name der Brieftasche
+ Enter seed
+ Geben Sie den Seed ein
+ Your seed is not BIP39 compliant.
+Try again or select 'Allow custom seed' to continue.
+ Ihr Seed ist nicht BIP39-konform. Versuchen Sie es erneut oder wählen Sie "benutzerdefinierten Seed erlauben" um fortzufahren
+ i understand
+ Ich verstehe
+ я согласен
+ je comprends
+ entiendo
+ anladım
+ ich verstehe
+ Ok
+ Ok
+ Allow custom seed
+ Benutzerdefinierten Seed zulassen
+ <strong>Allow custom seed</strong>
+ <strong>Benutzerdefinierten Seed zulassen</strong>
+ Custom seed phrases might be less secure and easier to crack than a generated BIP39 compliant seed phrase or private key (WIF).<br><br>To confirm you understand the risk and know what you are doing, type <strong>'I understand'</strong> in the box below.
+ Benutzerdefinierte Seed-Phrasen sind möglicherweise weniger sicher und leichter zu knacken als eine generierte BIP39-konforme Seed-Phrase oder ein privater Schlüssel (WIF).<br><br>Um zu bestätigen, dass Sie das Risiko verstehen und wissen, was Sie tun, geben Sie bitte <strong>'Ich verstehe'</strong> in das Feld unten ein.
+ I understand
+ Ich verstehe
+ Next
+ Weiter
+ Enter the same password to confirm
+ Geben Sie zur Bestätigung dasselbe Kennwort ein
+ Continue
+ Fortsetzen
+ LinksRow
+ Join our Discord server
+ Tritt unserem Discord-Server bei
+ Follow us on Twitter
+ Folge uns auf Twitter
+ Go to Support Guides
+ Zu den Support-Leitfäden
+ List
+ Funds are recoverable
+ Geldmittel sind erstattungsfähig
+ Best Orders
+ Die günstigsten Order
+ Enter volume to see best orders.
+ ListDelegate
+ %1 is not enabled - Do you want to enable it to be able to select %2 best orders ?<br><a href='#'>Yes</a> - <a href='#no'>No</a>
+ %1 ist nicht aktiviert - Möchten Sie es aktivieren, um die günstigsten Order von %2 auswählen zu können? <br><a href='#'>Ja</a> - <a href='#no'>Nein</a>
+ This order requires a minimum amount of %1 %2 <br>You don't have enough funds.<br> %3
+ Für diese Order ist ein Mindestbetrag von %1 %2 erforderlich. <br>Ihr Guthaben reicht nicht aus.<br> %3
+ LogModal
+ Close
+ Schließen
+ Logging
+ Loading, please wait
+ Lädt, bitte warten
+ Initializing MM2
+ MM2 initialisieren
+ Enabling assets
+ Assets ermöglichen
+ Getting ready
+ Fertig werden
+ Login
+ Incorrect Password
+ Falsches Kennwort
+ Log In
+ Anmelden
+ Cancel
+ Abbrechen
+ LogoutModal
+ Exit %1 or go to login menu?
+ Warning: You currently have a swap in progress.
+Logging out may result in a failed swap.
+ Warning: You currently have open maker orders.
+They will be removed from the orderbook until you log in again.
+ Login menu
+ Exit
+ Cancel
+ Abbrechen
+ Main
+ Segwit
+ Segwit
+ Confirmation
+ Bestätigung
+ Do you want to send your %1 funds to %2 wallet first?
+ Möchten Sie Ihr %1-Guthaben zuerst an die %2-Brieftasche senden?
+ Success
+ Erfolg
+ Your transaction is send, may take some time to arrive
+ Ihre Transaktion wird gesendet, es kann einige Zeit dauern, bis sie ankommt
+ Price
+ Preis
+ Change 24hr
+ 24h Veränderung
+ Porfolio
+ Portfolio
+ Contract Address
+ Vertragsadresse
+ Send
+ Senden
+ Enable %1 ?
+ %1 aktivieren?
+ Yes
+ Ja
+ No
+ Nein
+ Receive
+ Empfangen
+ Swap
+ Tausch
+ is wallet only
+ nur Brieftasche (kein DEX möglich)
+ Rewards
+ Belohnungen
+ Faucet
+ Faucet
+ Public Key
+ Öffentlicher Schlüssel
+ Copied to Clipboard
+ In die Zwischenablage kopiert
+ Loading market data
+ Laden von Marktdaten
+ There is no chart data for this ticker yet
+ Für diesen Ticker liegen noch keine Chartdaten vor
+ Fetching transactions...
+ Transaktionen werden abgerufen...
+ Please wait, %1 is %2
+ % activated...
+ No transactions available
+ Keine Transaktionen verfügbar
+ Click to view your address on %1 (%2) block explorer
+ Klicken Sie hier, um Ihre Adresse im %1 (%2) Block-Explorer anzuzeigen
+ Trade
+ Handeln
+ Trading Information
+ Handelsinformationen
+ Chart
+ Chart
+ Orders
+ Order
+ History
+ Historie
+ Place Order
+ Order platzieren
+ Order Selected
+ Order ausgewählt
+ Address Book
+ Adressbuch
+ Search contact
+ Kontakt suchen
+ + Neuer Kontakt
+ Name
+ Name
+ Tags
+ Schlagworte
+ Edit
+ Bearbeiten
+ Delete
+ Löschen
+ address copied to clipboard
+ Adresse in die Zwischenablage kopiert
+ This contact does not have any registered address.
+ Dieser Kontakt hat keine registrierte Adresse.
+ MarketModeSelector
+ Sell %1
+ %1 Verkaufen
+ Buy %1
+ %1 Kaufen
+ MinTradeModal
+ Minimum Trading Amount
+ Mindesthandelsbetrag
+ the minimum amount of %1 coin available for the order; the min_volume must be greater than or equal to %2; it must be also less or equal than volume param; default is %3
+ die Mindestmenge von %1 Coin, die für die Bestellung verfügbar ist; das min_volume muss größer oder gleich %2 sein; es muss auch kleiner oder gleich als volume param sein; Standard ist %3
+ MultiOrder
+ %1 price is zero!
+ %1 Preis ist null!
+ %1 receive volume is lower than minimum trade amount
+ %1 Empfangsvolumen ist niedriger als der Mindesthandelsbetrag
+ Error:
+ Fehler:
+ You'll receive %1
+ Sie erhalten %1
+ Price
+ Preis
+ NewContactPopup
+ Contact name
+ Kontaktname
+ This contact name already exists.
+ Dieser Kontaktname existiert bereits.
+ + ADD
+ NewUpdateModal
+ Searching new updates
+ Suche nach neuen Updates
+ Fetching...
+ Abrufen…
+ Close
+ Schließen
+ Could not check new updates for the following reason:
+ Neue Updates konnten aus folgendem Grund nicht überprüft werden: %1
+ New version found
+ Neue Version gefunden
+ Mandatory version found
+ Zwingend notwendige Version gefunden
+ %1 %2 is available !
+ %1 %2 ist verfügbar !
+ This update is mandatory to continue using the application
+ Dieses Update ist zwingend erforderlich, um die Anwendung weiterhin verwenden zu können
+ Close Dex
+ Dex schließen
+ Your application is updated.
+ Ihre Anwendung ist auf dem neuesten Stand.
+ Download
+ Herunterladen
+ NewWallet
+ Wrong word, please check again
+ Falsches Wort, bitte überprüfen Sie es erneut
+ st
+ .
+ nd
+ .
+ rd
+ .
+ th
+ .
+ Failed to create a wallet
+ Anlegen einer Brieftasche ist fehlgeschlagen
+ New Wallet
+ Neue Brieftasche
+ Confirm Seed
+ Seed bestätigen
+ Choose Password
+ Wählen sie ein Kennwort
+ Important: Back up your seed phrase before proceeding!
+ Wichtig: Sichern Sie Ihre Seed-Phrase, bevor Sie fortfahren!
+ We recommend storing it offline.
+ Wir empfehlen, sie offline zu speichern.
+ Generated Seed
+ Generierter Seed
+ Seed phrase
+ Seed Phrase
+ copied to clipboard
+ In die Zwischenablage kopiert
+ Next
+ Weiter
+ Let's double check your seed phrase
+ Lassen Sie uns Ihre Seed-Phrase noch einmal überprüfen
+ Your seed phrase is important - that's why we like to make sure it's correct. We'll ask you three different questions about your seed phrase to make sure you'll be able to easily restore your wallet whenever you want.
+ Ihre Seed-Phrase ist wichtig – deshalb stellen wir gerne sicher, dass sie korrekt ist. Wir stellen Ihnen drei verschiedene Fragen zu Ihrer Seed-Phrase, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie Ihre Wallet jederzeit problemlos wiederherstellen können.
+ Enter the
+ Geben Sie das
+ word
+ Wort ein
+ Check
+ Prüfen
+ Enter the same password to confirm
+ Geben Sie zur Bestätigung dasselbe Kennwort ein
+ Continue
+ Fortsetzen
+ NoConnection
+ No connection
+ Keine Verbindung
+ Please make sure you are connected to the internet
+ Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie mit dem Internet verbunden sind
+ Will automatically retry in %1 seconds
+ Wird in %1 Sekunde(n) automatisch erneut versucht
+ Retry
+ Wiederholen
+ NotificationsModal
+ Matching
+ Zusammenführung
+ Order Matching
+ Order wird abgeglichen
+ Matched
+ Abgestimmt
+ Order Matched
+ Order wurde abgestimmt
+ Ongoing
+ Läuft
+ Swap Ongoing
+ Austausch läuft
+ Successful
+ Erfolgreich
+ Swap Successful
+ Tausch erfolgreich
+ Refunding
+ Rückzahlung
+ Failed
+ Fehlgeschlagen
+ Swap Failed
+ Tausch fehlgeschlagen
+ Unknown
+ Unbekannt
+ Unknown State
+ Unbekannter Status
+ Swap status updated
+ Austausch-Status aktualisiert
+ You sent %1
+ Sie %1 haben gesendet
+ You received %1
+ Sie %1 haben erhalten
+ Your wallet balance changed
+ Ihr Guthaben hat sich geändert
+ %1 Enable status
+ Please check your internet connection (e.g. VPN service or firewall might block it).
+ Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Internetverbindung (z. B. könnte VPN-Dienst oder Firewall sie blockieren).
+ Failed to enable %1
+ Aktivierung von %1 fehlgeschlagen
+ Failed to disable %1
+ Endpoint not reachable
+ Endpunkt nicht erreichbar
+ Could not reach to endpoint
+ Endpunkt konnte nicht erreicht werden
+ Show
+ Zeigen
+ Restart
+ Neustart
+ Quit
+ Beenden
+ Notifications
+ Benachrichtigungen
+ There aren't any notifications
+ Es gibt keine Benachrichtigungen
+ Mark all as read
+ Alle als gelesen makieren
+ OrderForm
+ Price
+ Preis
+ Reduce 1% relative to CEX market price.
+ Use CEX market price.
+ Increase 1% relative to CEX market price.
+ Volume
+ Volumen
+ Amount to sell
+ Zu verkaufender Betrag
+ Amount to receive
+ Zu erhaltender Betrag
+ Max
+ Max
+ Swap 25% of your tradable balance.
+ Swap 50% of your tradable balance.
+ Swap 100% of your tradable balance.
+ Min Volume
+ Min amount to sell
+ Min amount to receive
+ Minimum accepted trade equals 10% of order volume.
+ Minimum accepted trade equals 25% of order volume.
+ Minimum accepted trade equals 50% of order volume.
+ Min volume:
+ Mindestvolumen:
+ Use custom minimum trade amount
+ Benutzerdefinierten Mindesthandelsbetrag verwenden
+ OrderLine
+ Funds are recoverable
+ Geldmittel sind erstattungsfähig
+ OrderList
+ No results found
+ Keine Ergebnisse gefunden
+ OrderModal
+ Swap Details
+ Tauschdetails
+ Order Details
+ Orderdetails
+ Order Type
+ Orderart
+ Maker Order
+ Maker-Order
+ Taker Order
+ Taker-Order
+ Refund State
+ Rückerstattungsstatus
+ Your swap failed but the auto-refund process for your payment started already. Please wait and keep application opened until you receive your payment back
+ Ihr Umtausch ist fehlgeschlagen, aber der automatische Rückerstattungsprozess für Ihre Zahlung hat bereits begonnen. Bitte warten Sie und lassen Sie die Anwendung geöffnet, bis Sie Ihre Zahlung zurückerhalten
+ Date
+ Datum
+ Error ID
+ Fehler-ID
+ Error Log
+ Fehlerprotokoll
+ Close
+ Schließen
+ Cancel Order
+ Order Abbrechen
+ Swap ID
+ Swap ID
+ Maker Payment Sent Transaction ID
+ Maker-Zahlung gesendet: Transaktions-ID
+ Maker Payment Spent Transaction ID
+ Maker-Zahlung ausgegeben: Transaktions-ID
+ Maker Payment TXID
+ Maker-Zahlung: TXID
+ Taker Payment Spent Transaction ID
+ Taker-Zahlung ausgegeben: Transaktions-ID
+ Taker Payment Sent Transaction ID
+ Taker-Zahlung gesendet: Transaktions-ID
+ Taker Payment TXID
+ Taker-Zahlung: TXID
+ Recover Funds
+ Rückerstattung der Geldmittel
+ Refunding...
+ Rückzahlung…
+ View on Explorer
+ Ansicht im Explorer
+ OrderRemovedModal
+ Selected Order Removed
+ Ausgewählte Order entfernt
+ The selected order does not exist anymore, it might have been matched or canceled, and no order with a better price is available.
+Please select a new order.
+ Die ausgewählte Order existiert nicht mehr! Sie wurde möglicherweise zugeordnet oder storniert und es ist keine Order mit einem besseren Preis verfügbar.
+Bitte wählen Sie eine neue Order aus.
+ OK
+ OK
+ OrdersPage
+ Filter
+ Filter
+ Date
+ Datum
+ Export CSV
+ CSV exportieren
+ Apply Filter
+ Filter anwenden
+ Cancel All
+ Alles stornieren
+ From
+ Von
+ To
+ Bis
+ Please choose the CSV export name and location
+ Bitte wählen Sie den CSV-Exportnamen und den Speicherort aus
+ Pagination
+ items per page
+ Elemente pro Seite
+ PasswordField
+ Password
+ Kennwort
+ Enter your wallet password
+ Geben Sie das Kennwort für ihre Brieftasche ein
+ At least 1 lowercase alphabetical character
+ Mindestens 1 Kleinbuchstabe
+ At least 1 uppercase alphabetical character
+ Mindestens 1 Großbuchstabe
+ At least 1 numeric character
+ Mindestens 1 Ziffer
+ At least 1 special character (eg. !@#$%)
+ Mindestens 1 Sonderzeichen (z. B. ! @ # $ %)
+ Between %1 and %2 character(s)
+ PasswordForm
+ Password
+ Kennwort
+ Confirm Password
+ Kennwort bestätigen
+ Enter the same password to confirm
+ Geben Sie zur Bestätigung dasselbe Kennwort ein
+ Portfolio
+ Search asset
+ Asset suchen
+ Show only coins with balance
+ Nur Coins mit Guthaben anzeigen
+ (%1/%2)
+ (%1/%2)
+ Portfolio
+ Portfolio
+ PriceLine
+ Set swap price for evaluation
+ Legen Sie den Tausch-Preis für die Bewertung fest
+ Exchange rate
+ Wechselkurs
+ Selected
+ Ausgewählt
+ Expensive
+ Teuer
+ Expedient
+ Sinnvoll
+ %1 compared to CEX
+ %1 im Vergleich zu CEX
+ CEXchange rate
+ CEX-Wechselkurs
+ PriceLineSimplified
+ Exchange rate
+ Wechselkurs
+ Selected
+ Ausgewählt
+ CEXchange rate
+ CEX-Wechselkurs
+ Expensive
+ Teuer
+ Expedient
+ Sinnvoll
+ %1 compared to CEX
+ %1 im Vergleich zu CEX
+ ProView
+ Failed to place the order
+ Die Order konnte nicht platziert werden
+ Placed the order
+ Order platziert
+ QObject
+ Cannot reach the endpoint:
+ Der Endpunkt kann nicht erreicht werden:
+ ReceiveModal
+ Receive %1
+ Only send %1 to this address
+ %1 address
+ copied to clipboard.
+ In die Zwischenablage kopiert
+ Close
+ Schließen
+ RecoverSeedModal
+ View seed and private keys
+ Seed- und privaten Schlüsseln anzeigen
+ Please enter your password to view the seed.
+ Bitte geben Sie Ihr Kennwort ein, um den Seed anzuzeigen.
+ Seed
+ Seed
+ Backup Seed
+ Seed Sicherung
+ Public Address copied to clipboard
+ Öffentliche Adresse in die Zwischenablage kopiert
+ Cancel
+ Abbrechen
+ Incorrect Password
+ Falsches Kennwort
+ View
+ Ansehen
+ copied to clipboard
+ In die Zwischenablage kopiert
+ RPC Password
+ RPC Kennwort
+ Search a coin.
+ Coin suchen.
+ Public Address
+ Öffentliche Adresse
+ Private Key copied to clipboard
+ Privater Schlüssel in die Zwischenablage kopiert
+ Private Key
+ Privater Schlüssel
+ RemoveContactPopup
+ Do you want to remove this contact ?
+ Möchten Sie diesen Kontakt entfernen?
+ Yes
+ Ja
+ No
+ Nein
+ RestartModal
+ Applying the changes...
+ Übernehmen der Änderungen...
+ Restarting the application. %1
+ Neustart der Anwendung. %1
+ Restarting the application...
+ Neustart der Anwendung...
+ RightClickMenu
+ Cut
+ Ausschneiden
+ Copy
+ Kopieren
+ Paste
+ Einfügen
+ SearchField
+ Search
+ Suchen
+ SendModal
+ Failed to send
+ Fehler beim Senden
+ Prepare to send
+ Versandvorbereitung von
+ Address of the recipient
+ Adresse des Empfängers
+ Amount to send
+ Zu sendender Betrag
+ Gas price
+ Gas Preis
+ Cancel
+ Abbrechen
+ Recipient's address
+ Empfängeradresse
+ The address has to be mixed case.
+ Die Adresse muss Groß-/Kleinschreibung sein.
+ Failed to Broadcast
+ Fix
+ Korrigieren
+ Fiat amount: Unavailable
+ Fiat-Betrag: Nicht verfügbar
+ Fiat amount: %1
+ Fiat-Betrag: %1
+ %1 amount: %2
+ %1 Betrag: %2
+ Specify in Fiat
+ In Fiat angeben
+ Specify in Crypto
+ In Krypto angeben
+ Enable Custom Fees
+ Benutzerdefinierte Gebühren
+ Enter the custom fee
+ Geben Sie die benutzerdefinierte Gebühr ein
+ Gas Limit
+ Gas Limit
+ Custom Fee can't be higher than the amount
+ Die benutzerdefinierten Gebühren dürfen nicht höher sein als der Betrag
+ Not enough funds.
+ Nicht genug Geldmittel.
+ You have %1
+ Sie haben %1
+ Only use custom fees if you know what you are doing!
+ Prepare
+ Vorbereiten
+ Send
+ Senden
+ %1 address
+ copied to clipboard.
+ In die Zwischenablage kopiert
+ Amount
+ Menge
+ Fees
+ Gebühren
+ Date
+ Datum
+ Back
+ Zurück
+ SendModalContactList
+ Select a contact with an %1 address
+ Wählen Sie einen Kontakt mit einer %1-Adresse aus
+ Search for contacts...
+ Kontakte suchen...
+ %1 addresses
+ %1 Adressen
+ 1 address
+ 1 Adresse
+ Back
+ Zurück
+ Choose an %1 address of %2
+ Wählen Sie eine %1-Adresse von %2
+ Name
+ Name
+ Address
+ Adresse
+ SendResult
+ Transaction Complete!
+ Transaktion abgeschlossen!
+ %1 txid
+ copied to clipboard.
+ In die Zwischenablage kopiert
+ Recipient's address
+ Empfängeradresse
+ %1 address
+ Amount
+ Menge
+ Fees
+ Gebühren
+ Date
+ Datum
+ Transaction Hash
+ Transaktions-Hash
+ Close
+ Schließen
+ View on Explorer
+ Ansicht im Explorer
+ SettingModal
+ Cancel
+ Abbrechen
+ Settings
+ Einstellungen
+ General
+ Allgemein
+ Language
+ Sprache
+ User Interface
+ Benutzeroberfläche
+ Security
+ Sicherheit
+ Enable Desktop Notifications
+ Desktop-Benachrichtigungen aktivieren
+ Maximum number of enabled coins
+ Maximale Anzahl aktivierter Coins
+ Logs
+ Protokolle
+ Open Folder
+ Ordner öffnen
+ Reset
+ Zurücksetzen
+ Current Font
+ Aktuelle Schriftart
+ Current font changed to %1.
+ Aktuelle Schriftart in %1 geändert.
+ Theme
+ Thema
+ Changing theme to %1
+ Design zu %1 geändert
+ Disable 2FA?
+ 2FA deaktivieren?
+ Enter your wallet password to confirm
+ Geben Sie zur Bestätigung das Kennwort ihrer Brieftasche ein
+ Type password
+ Kennwort eingeben
+ 2FA status
+ 2FA Status
+ 2FA disabled successfully
+ 2FA erfolgreich deaktiviert
+ Ok
+ Ok
+ Wrong password!
+ Falsches Kennwort!
+ Wallet password is incorrect
+ Kennwort der Brieftasche ist falsch
+ Application Version
+ Anwendungsversion
+ copied to clipboard
+ In die Zwischenablage kopiert
+ About & Version
+ Über & Version
+ Reset wallet configuration
+ Konfiguration der Brieftasche zurücksetzen
+ This will restart your wallet with default settings
+ Dadurch wird Ihre Brieftasche mit den Standardeinstellungen neu gestartet
+ Confirm
+ Bestätigen
+ Ask system's password before sending coins ? (2FA)
+ Vor dem Senden von Coins nach dem Kennwort des Systems fragen? (2FA)
+ View seed and private keys
+ Seed- und privaten Schlüsseln anzeigen
+ Show
+ Zeigen
+ Setup Camouflage Password
+ Tarnkennwort einrichten
+ Open
+ Öffnen
+ Disclaimer and ToS
+ Haftungsausschluss und Nutzungsbedingungen
+ Application version
+ Anwendungsversion
+ MM2 version
+ MM2 Version
+ MM2 Version
+ MM2 Version
+ MM2 Version copied to clipboard.
+ MM2 Version in die Zwischenablage kopiert.
+ Qt version
+ Qt Version
+ Qt Version
+ Qt Version
+ Qt Version copied to clipboard.
+ Qt Version in die Zwischenablage kopiert.
+ Search Update
+ Update suchen
+ Logout
+ Abmelden
+ Sidebar
+ Search
+ Suchen
+ Add asset
+ Asset hinzufügen
+ SmartChartView
+ Loading market data
+ Laden von Marktdaten
+ There is no chart data for this ticker yet
+ Für diesen Ticker liegen noch keine Chartdaten vor
+ SubBestOrder
+ Token
+ Token
+ Available Quantity
+ Verfügbare Menge
+ Available Quantity (in %1)
+ Verfügbare Menge (in %1)
+ Fiat Volume
+ Fiat Volumen
+ CEX Rate
+ CEX-Kurs
+ %1 is not enabled - Do you want to enable it to be able to select %2 best orders ?<br><a href='#'>Yes</a> - <a href='#no'>No</a>
+ %1 ist nicht aktiviert - Möchten Sie es aktivieren, um die günstigsten Order von %2 auswählen zu können? <br><a href='#'>Ja</a> - <a href='#no'>Nein</a>
+ SubCoinSelector
+ Token
+ Token
+ Balance
+ Balance
+ Balance Fiat
+ Fiat Balance
+ No Selectable coin.
+ Kein wählbarer Coin.
+ SubHistory
+ History
+ Historie
+ Filter
+ Filter
+ Date
+ Datum
+ Close filtering options.
+ Filteroptionen schließen.
+ Open filtering options.
+ Filteroptionen öffnen.
+ Filter settings
+ Filtereinstellungen
+ From
+ Von
+ To
+ Bis
+ Cancel
+ Abbrechen
+ Apply filter
+ Filter anwenden
+ Export
+ Exportieren
+ Please choose the CSV export name and location
+ Bitte wählen Sie den CSV-Exportnamen und den Speicherort aus
+ No results found
+ Keine Ergebnisse gefunden
+ SubOrders
+ Orders
+ Order
+ Close filtering options.
+ Filteroptionen schließen.
+ Filter
+ Filter
+ Date
+ Datum
+ Open filtering options.
+ Filteroptionen öffnen.
+ Filter settings
+ Filtereinstellungen
+ From
+ Von
+ To
+ Bis
+ Cancel
+ Abbrechen
+ Apply filter
+ Filter anwenden
+ No results found
+ Keine Ergebnisse gefunden
+ SupportModal
+ Frequently Asked Questions
+ Häufig gestellte Fragen
+ Do you store my private keys?
+ Speichern Sie meine privaten Schlüssel?
+ No! %1 is non-custodial. We never store any sensitive data, including your private keys, seed phrases, or PIN. This data is only stored on the user’s device and never leaves it. You are in full control of your assets.
+ Nein! %1 hat keine Vormundschaft. Wir speichern niemals sensible Daten, einschließlich Ihrer privaten Schlüssel, Seed-Phrasen oder PINs. Diese Daten werden nur auf dem Gerät des Benutzers gespeichert und verlassen es nie. Sie haben die volle Kontrolle über Ihr Vermögen.
+ How is trading on %1 different from trading on other DEXs?
+ Wie unterscheidet sich der Handel auf %1 vom Handel auf anderen DEXs?
+ Other DEXs generally only allow you to trade assets that are based on a single blockchain network, use proxy tokens, and only allow placing a single order with the same funds.
+%1 enables you to natively trade across two different blockchain networks without proxy tokens. You can also place multiple orders with the same funds. For example, you can sell 0.1 BTC for KMD, QTUM, or VRSC — the first order that fills automatically cancels all other orders.
+ Bei anderen DEXs können Sie im Allgemeinen nur Assets handeln, die auf einem einzigen Blockchain-Netzwerk basieren, Proxy-Token verwenden und nur eine einzige Order mit denselben Geldmitteln aufgeben.
+%1 ermöglicht Ihnen den nativen Handel über zwei verschiedene Blockchain-Netzwerke ohne Proxy-Token. Sie können auch mehrere Order mit demselben Guthaben aufgeben. Sie können beispielsweise 0,1 BTC für KMD, QTUM oder VRSC verkaufen – die erste Order, die automatisch ausgeführt wird, storniert alle anderen Orders.
+ How long does each atomic swap take?
+ Wie lange dauert ein Atomic Swap?
+ Several factors determine the processing time for each swap. The block time of the traded assets depends on each network (Bitcoin typically being the slowest) Additionally, the user can customize security preferences. For example, (you can ask %1 to consider a KMD transaction as final after just 3 confirmations which makes the swap time shorter compared to waiting for a <a href="https://komodoplatform.com/security-delayed-proof-of-work-dpow/">notarization</a>.
+ Mehrere Faktoren bestimmen die Bearbeitungszeit für einen Swap. Die Blockzeit der gehandelten Assets hängt vom jeweiligen Netzwerk ab (Bitcoin ist normalerweise das langsamste). Außerdem kann der Benutzer die Sicherheitseinstellungen anpassen. Zum Beispiel (können Sie %1 bitten, eine KMD-Transaktion nach nur 3 Bestätigungen als endgültig zu betrachten, wodurch die Tauschzeit kürzer wird als beim Warten auf eine <a href="https://komodoplatform.com/security-delayed-proof-of-work-dpow/">Beglaubigung </a>).
+ Do I need to be online for the duration of the swap?
+ Muss ich für die Dauer des Austauschs online sein?
+ Yes. You must remain connected to the internet and have your app running to successfully complete each atomic swap (very short breaks in connectivity are usually fine). Otherwise, there is risk of trade cancellation if you are a maker, and risk of loss of funds if you are a taker.
+The atomic swap protocol requires both participants to stay online and monitor the involved blockchains for the process to stay atomic.
+If you go offline, so will your orders, and any that are in progress will fail, leading to potential loss of trade / transaction fees, and a wait for the swap to timeout and issue a refund. It may also negatively affect your wallet's reputation score for future trade matching.
+When you come back online, your orders will begin to broadcast again at the price you set before you went offline. If there has been significant price movement in the meantime, you might unintentionally offer someone a bargain!
+For this reason, we recommend cancelling orders before closing %1, or reviewing and revising your prices when restarting %1.
+ Ja. Sie müssen mit dem Internet verbunden bleiben und die App ausführen, um jeden Atomic Swap erfolgreich abzuschließen (sehr kurze Verbindungsunterbrechungen sind normalerweise in Ordnung). Andernfalls besteht das Risiko einer Orderstornierung, wenn Sie ein Maker sind, und das Risiko eines Geldverlusts, wenn Sie ein Taker sind.
+Das Atomic-Swap-Protokoll erfordert, dass beide Teilnehmer online bleiben und die beteiligten Blockchains überwachen, damit der Prozess atomar bleibt.
+Wenn Sie offline gehen, werden Ihre offenen und laufenden Order fehlschlagen, was zu einem potenziellen Verlust von Handels-/Transaktionsgebühren und einem Warten auf das Timeout des Swaps und die Ausstellung einer Rückerstattung führen kann. Es kann sich auch negativ auf den Reputationswert Ihrer Brieftasche für zukünftige Handelsabgleiche auswirken.
+Wenn Sie wieder online gehen, werden Ihre Order wieder zu dem Preis übertragen, den Sie festgelegt haben, bevor Sie offline gegangen sind. Wenn es in der Zwischenzeit zu erheblichen Preisbewegungen gekommen ist, könnten Sie jemandem unbeabsichtigt ein Schnäppchen anbieten!
+Aus diesem Grund empfehlen wir, Order vor dem Schließen von %1 zu stornieren oder Ihre Preise zu überprüfen und zu überarbeiten, wenn Sie %1 neu starten.
+ How are the fees on %1 calculated?
+ Wie werden die Gebühren für %1 berechnet?
+ There are two fee categories to consider when trading on %1.
+1. %1 charges approximately 0.13% (1/777 of trading volume but not lower than 0.0001) as the trading fee for taker orders, and maker orders have zero fees.
+2. Both makers and takers will need to pay normal network fees to the involved blockchains when making atomic swap transactions.
+Network fees can vary greatly depending on your selected trading pair.
+ Beim Handel von %1 sind zwei Gebührenkategorien zu berücksichtigen.
+1. %1 berechnet ungefähr 0,13 % (1/777 des Handelsvolumens, aber nicht weniger als 0,0001) als Handelsgebühr für Taker-Orders, Maker-Orders haben keine Gebühren.
+2. Sowohl Maker als auch Taker müssen normale Netzwerkgebühren an die beteiligten Blockchains zahlen, wenn sie Atomic-Swap-Transaktionen durchführen.
+Die Netzwerkgebühren können je nach ausgewähltem Handelspaar stark variieren.
+ Do you provide user support?
+ Bieten Sie Benutzerunterstützung an?
+ Yes! %1 offers support through the <a href="%2">%1 Discord server</a>. The team and the community are always happy to help!
+ Ja! %1 bietet Support über den <a href="%2">%1 Discord server</a>. Das Team und die Community helfen Euch gerne weiter!
+ Who is behind %1?
+ Wer steckt hinter %1?
+ %1 is developed by the Komodo team. Komodo is one of the most established blockchain projects working on innovative solutions like atomic swaps, Delayed Proof of Work, and an interoperable multi-chain architecture.
+ %1 wird vom Komodo-Team entwickelt. Komodo ist eines der etabliertesten Blockchain-Projekte, das an innovativen Lösungen wie Atomic Swaps, Delayed Proof of Work und einer interoperablen Multi-Chain-Architektur arbeitet.
+ Is it possible to develop my own white-label exchange on %1?
+ Ist es möglich, meine eigene White-Label-Börse auf %1 zu entwickeln?
+ Absolutely! You can read our developer documentation for more details or contact us with your partnership inquiries. Have a specific technical question? The %1 developer community is always ready to help!
+ Auf jeden Fall! Sie können unsere Entwicklerdokumentation für weitere Details lesen oder uns mit Ihren Partnerschaftsanfragen kontaktieren. Haben Sie eine spezielle technische Frage? Die %1-Entwicklercommunity ist immer bereit zu helfen!
+ Which devices can I use %1 on?
+ Auf welchen Geräten kann ich %1 verwenden?
+ %1 is available for mobile on both <a href="%2">Android and iPhone, and for desktop on Windows, Mac, and Linux</a> operating systems.
+ %1 ist auf Mobilgeräte für <a href="%2">Android und iPhone sowie auf dem Desktop für Windows, Mac und Linux</a> Betriebssystemen erhältlich.
+ Compliance Info
+ Compliance-Informationen
+ Due to regulatory and legal circumstances the citizens of certain jurisdictions including, but not limited to, the United States of America, Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, Singapore, Sudan, Austria, Iran and any other state, country or other jurisdiction that is embargoed by the United States of America or the European Union are not allowed to use this application.
+ Aufgrund regulatorischer und rechtlicher Umstände sind die Bürger bestimmter Gerichtsbarkeiten, einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf, der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, Kanada, Hongkong, Israel, Singapur, Sudan, Österreich, Iran und alle anderen Staaten, Länder oder anderen Gerichtsbarkeiten, die mit einem Embargo von den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika oder der Europäischen Union belegt sind, dürfen diese Anwendung nicht verwenden.
+ Changelog
+ Änderungsprotokoll
+ Open Logs Folder
+ Protokollordner öffnen
+ SwapProgress
+ act
+ tatsächlich
+ est
+ geschätzt
+ Progress details
+ Fortschrittsdetails
+ TextAreaWithTitle
+ Save
+ Speichern
+ Edit
+ Bearbeiten
+ TextEditWithCopy
+ copied to clipboard
+ In die Zwischenablage kopiert
+ TextEditWithTitle
+ copied to clipboard
+ In die Zwischenablage kopiert
+ TextFieldWithTitle
+ Required
+ Erforderlich
+ Toast
+ Click here to see the details
+ Klicken Sie hier, um die Details anzuzeigen
+ Trade
+ Swap
+ Tauschen
+ Instant trading with best orders
+ Sofortiger Handel mit den besten Order
+ Reset form
+ Formular zurücksetzen
+ You have no tradable assets
+ Keine handelbaren Assets vorhanden
+ From
+ Von
+ Enter an amount
+ Betrag eingeben
+ To
+ Nach
+ Pick an order
+ Order auswählen
+ Price
+ Preis
+ Better price found: %1. Updating forms.
+ Besseren Preis gefunden: %1. Formulare aktualisieren.
+ Better price (%1) found but received quantity (%2) is lower than your current one (%3). Click here to update the selected order.
+ Besseren Preis (%1) gefunden, aber erhaltene Menge (%2) ist niedriger als Ihre aktuelle (%3). Klicken Sie hier, um den ausgewählte Order zu aktualisieren.
+ %1
+ %1
+ Tradable:
+ Handelbar:
+ Min: %1
+ Minimum: %1
+ Pick a coin
+ Wählen Sie einen Coin
+ Failed to place the order
+ Die Order konnte nicht platziert werden
+ Placed the order
+ Order platziert
+ Entered amount must be superior than 0.
+ Der eingegebene Betrag muss größer als 0 sein.
+ You must select an order.
+ Sie müssen eine Order auswählen.
+ Entered amount is below the minimum required by this order: %1
+ Der eingegebene Betrag liegt unter dem für diese Order erforderlichen Mindestbetrag: %1
+ %1 needs to be enabled in order to use %2
+ %1 muss aktiviert werden, um %2 verwenden zu können
+ %1 balance needs to be funded, a non-zero balance is required to pay the gas of %2 transactions
+ Das %1 Guthaben muss finanziert werden, ein Guthaben größer Null ist erforderlich, um das Benzin von %2 Transaktionen zu bezahlen
+ %1 balance does not have enough funds to pay the gas of %2 transactions
+ Das Guthaben von %1 reicht nicht aus, um das Gas von %2 Transaktionen zu bezahlen
+ No buy orders found for %1.
+ Keine Kauforder für %1 gefunden.
+ You can check later or try to sell a different coin.
+ Sie können später nachsehen oder versuchen, einen anderen Coin zu verkaufen.
+ Calculating fee estimate...
+ Geschätzten Gebühren werden berechnet...
+ Total %1 fees:
+ %1 Gesamtgebühren:
+ %2 (%3)
+ %2 (%3)
+ TradeViewHeader
+ Pro View Settings
+ Pro-Ansicht Einstellungen
+ Display Settings
+ Bildschirmeinstellungen
+ Ticker Selectors
+ Ticker Selektoren
+ Trading Information
+ Handelsinformationen
+ Order Book
+ Orderbuch
+ Best Orders
+ Beste Order
+ Place Order
+ Order platzieren
+ TransactionDetailsModal
+ Transaction Details
+ Transaktionsdetails
+ Amount
+ Menge
+ Fees
+ Gebühren
+ Date
+ Datum
+ Unconfirmed
+ Unbestätigt
+ Transaction Hash
+ Transaktions-Hash
+ Confirmations
+ Bestätigungen
+ Block Height
+ Blockhöhe
+ From
+ Von
+ %1 txid
+ copied to clipboard.
+ In die Zwischenablage kopiert
+ From address
+ Von Adresse
+ To
+ Nach
+ To address
+ Nach Adresse
+ Notes
+ Anmerkungen
+ Close
+ Schließen
+ View on Explorer
+ Ansicht im Explorer
+ Transactions
+ Sent
+ Gesendet
+ Received
+ Erhalten
+ fees
+ Gebühren
+ Unconfirmed
+ Unbestätigt
+ UpdateInvalidChecksum
+ The downloaded update archive is corrupted !
+ Das heruntergeladene Update-Archiv ist beschädigt!
+ Vertical
+ Order Book
+ Orderbuch
+ WalletsView
+ Welcome
+ Herzlich Willkommen
+ New wallet
+ Neue Brieftasche
+ Import wallet
+ Brieftasche importieren
+ Search your wallets...
+ Brieftaschen durchsuchen ...
+ My Wallets
+ Meine Brieftaschen
+ No wallets found!
+ Keine Brieftaschen gefunden!
+ Delete
+ Löschen
+ Enter password to confirm deletion of
+ Geben Sie das Kennwort ein, um das Löschen zu bestätigen
+ wallet
+ Brieftasche
+ Type password
+ Kennwort eingeben
+ Cancel
+ Abbrechen
+ Wallet status
+ Status der Brieftasche
+ wallet deleted successfully
+ Brieftasche erfolgreich gelöscht
+ Ok
+ Ok
+ wallet password is incorrect
+ Kennwort der Brieftasche ist falsch
+ ZcashParamsModal
+ %1 Activation Failed!
+ To activate ZHTLC coins, you need to download the Zcash Params.
+This might take a few minutes...
+ Download params & enable coins
+ More Info
+ Close
+ Schließen
+ atomic_dex::settings_page
+ An error has occurred.
+ atomic_dex::wallet_page
+ You do not have enough funds.
+ Sie haben nicht genügend Kapital.
+ %1 is not activated: click on the button to enable it or enable it manually
+ %1 ist nicht aktiviert: Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche, um es zu aktivieren, oder aktivieren Sie es manuell
+ You need to have %1 to pay the gas for %2 transactions.
+ Sie benötigen %1, um das Benzin für %2 Transaktionen zu bezahlen.
+ Checksum verification failed for %1.
+ Überprüfung der Prüfsumme für %1 fehlgeschlagen.
+ Invalid checksum for %1. Click the button to convert to mixed case address.
+ Ungültige Prüfsumme für %1. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche, um die Adresse in Groß-/Kleinschreibung umzuwandeln.
+ Legacy address used for %1. Click the button to convert to a Cashaddress.
+ Legacy-Adresse für %1 verwendet. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche, um sie in eine Cashadresse umzuwandeln.
+ %1 address must be prefixed with 0x
+ %1 Adresse muss 0x vorangestellt werden
+ %1 address length is invalid, please use a valid address.
+ Länge der %1 Adresse ist ungültig, bitte verwenden Sie eine gültige Adresse.
+ %1 address is invalid.
+ %1 Adresse ist ungültig.
+ Invalid checksum.
+ Ungültige Prüfsumme.
+ %1 address has invalid prefixes.
+ %1 Adresse hat ungültige Vorsilben.
+ Backend error: %1
+ Backend Fehler: %1
+ main
+ Logout
+ Abmelden
+ Balance
+ Balance
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/atomic_defi_en.ts b/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/atomic_defi_en.ts
index 9307dfb436..574da37ff9 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/atomic_defi_en.ts
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/atomic_defi_en.ts
@@ -2,560 +2,382 @@
- QPlatformTheme
+ AddAddressForm
- &Yes
- Yes
+ Use standard network address
+ Label
+ This key already exists.
- &No
- No
+ Address
- Cancel
+ Cancel
- AddCustomCoinModal
- Get the contract address from
+ Convert
- Choose the asset type
+ Edit
+ Add
- Type
+ You need to enable %1 before adding this kind of address.
+ Enable
+ AddCustomCoinModal
+ Get the contract address from
+ Choose the asset type
+ Contract address
Enter the contract address
Choose the asset ticker
Enter the ticker
- Contract Address
Get the contract address from
Choose the asset logo
Please choose the asset logo
All configuration fields will be fetched using the contract address you provided.
Enter the name
Coingecko ID
Enter the Coingecko ID
Get the Coingecko ID
WARNING: Application will restart immidiately to apply the changes!
Asset not found, please go back and make sure Contract Address is correct
Config Fields
Fetched Data
Submit & Restart
- AddressBook
- Address Book
+ AddTagPopup
- Search a contact by name or tags
+ Tag name
- New Contact
+ Contact already has this tag.
- Name
- Tags (first 6)
- Actions
- Edit
- Remove
- Do you want to remove this contact ?
- Yes
- Yes
- No
+ + ADD
- AddressBookAddContactAddressModal
- Edit address entry
- Create a new address
- Selected wallet: %1
- Enter a name
- This key already exists.
- Enter the address
- Validate
- Cancel
- Cancel
+ AmountChart
- Convert
+ Work in progress
- AddressBookEditContactModal
- Edit contact
- Contact Name
- Enter a contact name
- Address List
- Search for an address entry.
- Type
- Key
- Address
- Actions
- New Address
- Tags
- +
- Confirm
- Cancel
- Cancel
- The selected address belongs to a disabled coin, you need to enabled it before sending.
- Enable
+ App
- Cannot send to this address
+ Recover Funds Result
+ AssetFromStandardSelector
- Your balance is empty
+ Choose a valid
- Ok
+ asset
- Remove address ?
+ Search an asset
- Yes
- Yes
- No
+ Disabled
- AddressBookNewContactCategoryModal
- Add a new tag
- Enter the tag name
- This contact already has this tag
+ AssetPieChart
- Add
+ Assets
- Cancel
- Cancel
- AddressBookNewContactModal
+ AssetsList
- Create a new contact
+ Asset
- Enter the contact name
+ Balance
- This contact name already exists.
+ Fiat Balance
- Confirm
+ Change 24h
- Cancel
- Cancel
- AddressBookSendWalletSelector
- Choose a valid
+ Price
- coin
+ Source
- AddressBookWalletTypeListModal
- Select wallet type
+ Activating:
- Search
+ Price provider is: %1
- AmountChart
+ Bottom
- Work in progress
+ Settings
- App
- Recover Funds Result
+ Support
- AssetPieChart
- Assets
+ Privacy
- AssetsList
- Asset
+ Disable Privacy?
- Balance
+ Enter wallet password to confirm
- Change 24h
+ Type password
- Price
+ Confirm
- Source
+ Cancel
+ Cancel
- Price provider is: %1
+ Privacy status
- Bottom
- Settings
+ Privacy mode disabled successfully
- Support
+ Ok
- Privacy
+ Wrong password!
- BuyBox
- Buy
+ wallet password is incorrect
@@ -567,64 +389,51 @@
Camouflage Password is a secret password for emergency situations.
Using it to login will display your balance lower than it actually is.
Here you enter the suffix and at login you need to enter {real_password}{suffix}
Password suffix
Confirm pasword suffix
Enter a password suffix
Enter the same password suffix to confirm
- CandleStickChart
- Loading market data
- There is no chart data for this pair yet
@@ -689,122 +498,134 @@
+ Chart
+ Loading market data
+ There is no chart data for this pair yet
Failed to prepare to claim rewards
Claim your %1 reward?
No UTXOs eligible for claiming
Transaction fee is higher than the reward!
- You will receive %1
+ You will receive
Read more about KMD active users rewards
Accruing Start
Accruing Stop
Time Left
Locktime is not set
Locktime is less than the threshold
UTXO height is greater than end of the era
UTXO amount is less than 10
One hour did not pass yet
Transaction is in mempool
Unknown problem
@@ -812,37 +633,55 @@
Disable %1
Disable and Delete %1
Disable all %1 assets
Disable all assets
+ Disable 0 balance assets
+ ComboBoxWithSearchBar
+ Search
+ Language
@@ -893,74 +732,83 @@
Confirm Exchange Details
+ Trade price is more than 50% different to CEX! Confirm?
This swap request can not be undone and is a final event!
This transaction can take up to 60 mins - DO NOT close this application!
- Total %1 fees: %2 (%3)
+ Loading fees...
- Security configuration
+ <b>Total %1 fees:</b>
- dPoW protected
+ Security configuration
%1 confirmations for incoming %2 transactions
Read more about dPoW
Use custom protection settings for incoming %1 transactions
Enable Komodo dPoW security
+ dPoW protected
Required Confirmations
Warning, this atomic swap is not dPoW protected!
@@ -981,181 +829,197 @@
Order Matching
Order Matched
Swap Ongoing
Swap Successful
Swap Failed
Unknown State
Taker fee sent
Maker payment received
Maker payment wait confirm started
Maker payment validated and confirmed
Taker payment sent
Taker payment spent
Maker payment spent
Start failed
Negotiate failed
Taker fee validate failed
Maker payment transaction failed
Maker payment Data send failed
Maker payment wait confirm failed
Taker payment validate failed
Taker payment wait confirm failed
Taker payment spend failed
Maker payment wait refund started
Maker payment refunded
Maker payment refund failed
+ DatePicker
+ Date
+ DefaultCopyIcon
+ copied to clipboard
@@ -1164,8 +1028,16 @@
- Max
+ Max
+ DefaultTextEdit
+ copied to clipboard
@@ -1211,7 +1083,7 @@
Type password
@@ -1219,35 +1091,32 @@
At least 1 lowercase alphabetical character
At least 1 uppercase alphabetical character
At least 1 numeric character
At least 1 special character (eg. !@#$%)
- At least %n character(s)
+ Between %1 and %2 character(s)
Password and Confirm Password have to be same
@@ -1255,7 +1124,7 @@
items per page
@@ -1281,55 +1150,136 @@
- EnableCoinModal
+ EditContactModal
- Enable assets
+ Edit contact
+ Contact name
+ Enter a contact name
+ Address list
+ Address Book
+ address copied to clipboard
+ Edit
+ + Add
+ Tags
+ Add tag
+ Cancel
+ Cancel
+ Confirm
+ EnableAssetModal
+ The selected address belongs to a disabled asset, you need to enabled it before sending.
+ Enable
- Add a custom asset to the list
+ Cancel
+ Cancel
+ EnableCoinModal
+ Enable assets
Select all assets
All assets are already enabled!
You can still enable %1 assets. Selected: %2.
Search asset
Change assets limit
- Close
+ Add a custom asset
+ Cancel
+ Cancel
@@ -1342,27 +1292,27 @@
Accept EULA
Accept Terms and Conditions
@@ -1388,20 +1338,53 @@
Minimum fee
Fees will be calculated
+ GasInfoModal
+ How do I calculate gas?
+ Gas is measured in gwei. Gwei is just a unit of Ether, and is equal to 0.000000001 ETH (or the equivalent platform coin such as AVAX or BNB). The gas price varies over time depending on network congestion.
+ The gas limit is how many units of gas (maximum) you allocate to pay for a transaction. The gas required depending on the size of the transaction & data being transmitted.
+ A standard transaction not involving contracts uses 21,000 gas units, with any of the limit remaining returned to the source address.
+ Transactions involving contracts may result in the whole limit being consumed, so be careful not to set it too high.
+ For more information, read the article at <a href="https://support.mycrypto.com/how-to/sending/how-to-know-what-gas-limit-to-use">https://support.mycrypto.com/how-to/sending/how-to-know-what-gas-limit-to-use</a>
%n day(s)
@@ -1409,7 +1392,7 @@
@@ -1418,7 +1401,7 @@
@@ -1427,7 +1410,7 @@
@@ -1436,7 +1419,7 @@
@@ -1445,7 +1428,7 @@
@@ -1454,66 +1437,92 @@
+ <b>Taker tx fee:</b>
+ <b>Dex tx fee:</b>
+ <b>Dex fee:</b>
+ <b>Maker tx fee:</b>
Trading Fee
Minimum Trading Amount
Wallet %1 already exists
%1 balance is lower than the fees amount: %2 %3
Tradable (after fees) %1 balance is lower than minimum trade amount
Please fill the price field
Please fill the volume field
+ Please wait for %1 to fully activate
%1 volume is lower than minimum trade amount
%1 needs to be enabled in order to use %2
%1 balance needs to be funded, a non-zero balance is required to pay the gas of %2 transactions
Unknown Error
@@ -1521,146 +1530,165 @@
You get
You send
Fiat Price
CEX rate
- History
- Recent Swaps
Failed to Import the wallet
Import wallet - Setup
Import wallet - Choose password
Wallet Name
Enter seed
- BIP39 seed validation failed, try again or select 'Allow custom seed'
+ Your seed is not BIP39 compliant.
+Try again or select 'Allow custom seed' to continue.
+ i understand
+ я согласен
+ je comprends
+ entiendo
+ anladım
+ ich verstehe
+ Ok
Allow custom seed
<strong>Allow custom seed</strong>
Custom seed phrases might be less secure and easier to crack than a generated BIP39 compliant seed phrase or private key (WIF).<br><br>To confirm you understand the risk and know what you are doing, type <strong>'I understand'</strong> in the box below.
I understand
- Enable
Enter the same password to confirm
- Languages
- Language
Join our Discord server
Follow us on Twitter
Go to Support Guides
@@ -1672,16 +1700,26 @@
Funds are recoverable
+ Best Orders
+ Enter volume to see best orders.
%1 is not enabled - Do you want to enable it to be able to select %2 best orders ?<br><a href='#'>Yes</a> - <a href='#no'>No</a>
This order requires a minimum amount of %1 %2 <br>You don't have enough funds.<br> %3
@@ -1720,17 +1758,52 @@
Incorrect Password
- Connect
+ Log In
+ Cancel
+ Cancel
+ LogoutModal
+ Exit %1 or go to login menu?
+ Warning: You currently have a swap in progress.
+Logging out may result in a failed swap.
+ Warning: You currently have open maker orders.
+They will be removed from the orderbook until you log in again.
+ Login menu
+ Exit
@@ -1738,128 +1811,140 @@
Do you want to send your %1 funds to %2 wallet first?
Your transaction is send, may take some time to arrive
- Wallet Balance
+ Price
- Price
+ Change 24hr
- Change 24h
+ Porfolio
- Portfolio %
+ Contract Address
Enable %1 ?
+ is wallet only
- Loading market data
+ Public Key
- There is no chart data for this ticker yet
+ Copied to Clipboard
+ Loading market data
- Loading
+ There is no chart data for this ticker yet
- Scanning blocks for TX History...
+ Fetching transactions...
- Syncing TX History...
+ Please wait, %1 is %2
- Refreshing
+ % activated...
- No transactions
+ No transactions available
- Fetching transactions
+ Click to view your address on %1 (%2) block explorer
@@ -1868,26 +1953,101 @@
+ Trading Information
+ Chart
+ Place Order
+ Order Selected
+ Address Book
+ Search contact
+ Name
+ Tags
+ Edit
+ Delete
+ address copied to clipboard
+ This contact does not have any registered address.
- Sell
+ Sell %1
- Buy
+ Buy %1
@@ -1930,171 +2090,202 @@
- Price
+ Price
+ NewContactPopup
+ Contact name
+ This contact name already exists.
+ + ADD
- Searching new updates...
+ Searching new updates
- Please wait while the application is finding a new update... You can close this modal if you want.
+ Fetching...
- Already updated
+ Close
- %1 is already up-to-date !
+ Could not check new updates for the following reason:
- Close
+ New version found
- New update detected !
+ Mandatory version found
- Do you want to update %1 from %2 to %3 ?
+ %1 %2 is available !
- Download
+ This update is mandatory to continue using the application
- Remind me later
+ Close Dex
- Download in progress...
+ Your application is updated.
- Update downloaded
+ Download
+ NewWallet
- Update has been successfully downloaded. Do you want to restart the application now ?
+ Wrong word, please check again
- Restart now
+ st
- Restart later
+ nd
- NewWallet
- Wrong word, please check again
+ rd
+ th
Failed to create a wallet
New Wallet
Confirm Seed
Choose Password
Important: Back up your seed phrase before proceeding!
We recommend storing it offline.
Generated Seed
Seed phrase
copied to clipboard
Let's double check your seed phrase
Your seed phrase is important - that's why we like to make sure it's correct. We'll ask you three different questions about your seed phrase to make sure you'll be able to easily restore your wallet whenever you want.
- Enter the %n. word
+ Enter the
+ word
Enter the same password to confirm
@@ -2125,150 +2316,152 @@
Order Matching
Order Matched
Swap Ongoing
Swap Successful
Swap Failed
Unknown State
Swap status updated
You sent %1
You received %1
Your wallet balance changed
- Please check your internet connection (e.g. VPN service or firewall might block it).
- Failed to enable %1
+ %1 Enable status
- Endpoint not reachable
+ Please check your internet connection (e.g. VPN service or firewall might block it).
- Could not reach to endpoint
+ Failed to enable %1
- Mismatch at %1 custom asset configuration
+ Failed to disable %1
- Application needs to be restarted for %1 custom asset.
+ Endpoint not reachable
- Batch %1 failed. Reason: %2
+ Could not reach to endpoint
- There isn't any notification
+ Notifications
+ There aren't any notifications
Mark all as read
@@ -2276,44 +2469,97 @@
+ Reduce 1% relative to CEX market price.
+ Use CEX market price.
+ Increase 1% relative to CEX market price.
Amount to sell
Amount to receive
- Min volume:
+ Max
+ Swap 25% of your tradable balance.
+ Swap 50% of your tradable balance.
+ Swap 100% of your tradable balance.
+ Min Volume
+ Min amount to sell
+ Min amount to receive
+ Minimum accepted trade equals 10% of order volume.
+ Minimum accepted trade equals 25% of order volume.
- How to use the pro-view slider ?
+ Minimum accepted trade equals 50% of order volume.
- This slider is used to setup the order requirements you need.
-Left slider: Sets the minimum amount required to process a trade.
-Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
+ Min volume:
Use custom minimum trade amount
@@ -2321,7 +2567,7 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Funds are recoverable
@@ -2329,7 +2575,7 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
No results found
@@ -2337,97 +2583,114 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Swap Details
Order Details
+ Order Type
Maker Order
Taker Order
Refund State
Your swap failed but the auto-refund process for your payment started already. Please wait and keep application opened until you receive your payment back
- ID
+ Error ID
- Maker Payment Sent ID
+ Error Log
- Maker Payment Spent ID
+ Close
- Taker Payment Spent ID
+ Cancel Order
- Taker Payment Sent ID
+ Swap ID
- Error ID
+ Maker Payment Sent Transaction ID
- Error Log
+ Maker Payment Spent Transaction ID
- Close
+ Maker Payment TXID
- Cancel Order
+ Taker Payment Spent Transaction ID
+ Taker Payment Sent Transaction ID
+ Taker Payment TXID
Recover Funds
View on Explorer
@@ -2435,64 +2698,62 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Selected Order Removed
- The selected order does not exist anymore, it might have been matched or canceled, and no order with a better price is available. Please select a new order.
+ The selected order does not exist anymore, it might have been matched or canceled, and no order with a better price is available.
+Please select a new order.
- Orders
- Orders
Export CSV
Apply Filter
+ Cancel All
Please choose the CSV export name and location
@@ -2500,7 +2761,7 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
items per page
@@ -2508,42 +2769,39 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Enter your wallet password
At least 1 lowercase alphabetical character
At least 1 uppercase alphabetical character
At least 1 numeric character
At least 1 special character (eg. !@#$%)
- At least %n character(s)
+ Between %1 and %2 character(s)
@@ -2567,66 +2825,66 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Search asset
Show only coins with balance
- Add asset
Set swap price for evaluation
Exchange rate
%1 compared to CEX
CEXchange rate
@@ -2634,37 +2892,32 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
- Set swap price for evaluation
Exchange rate
CEXchange rate
%1 compared to CEX
@@ -2673,63 +2926,21 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Failed to place the order
Placed the order
+ QObject
- Chart
- Trading Information
- Exchange Rates
- Orders
- History
- Order Book
- Best Orders
- Place Order
- Order Selected
+ Cannot reach the endpoint:
@@ -2737,27 +2948,29 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
- Receive
+ Receive %1
Only send %1 to this address
%1 address
- copied to clipboard
+ copied to clipboard.
@@ -2765,91 +2978,94 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
View seed and private keys
Please enter your password to view the seed.
- Wrong Password
+ Seed
- Cancel
- Cancel
- View
+ Backup Seed
- Seed phrase
+ Public Address copied to clipboard
- copied to clipboard
+ Cancel
+ Cancel
- RPC password
+ Incorrect Password
- phrase key copied to clipboard
+ View
- Backup seed
+ copied to clipboard
RPC Password
Search a coin.
- %1 address
+ Public Address
- %1 private key
+ Private Key copied to clipboard
- Public Address
+ Private Key
+ RemoveContactPopup
- Private Key
+ Do you want to remove this contact ?
- Close
+ Yes
+ Yes
+ No
@@ -2897,140 +3113,165 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
- SellBox
- Sell
Failed to send
- Failed to Send
Prepare to send
Address of the recipient
Amount to send
- Max amount
+ Gas price
- Gas price
+ Cancel
+ Cancel
Recipient's address
- Address Book
+ The address has to be mixed case.
- The address has to be mixed case.
+ Failed to Broadcast
- Enable Custom Fees
+ Fiat amount: Unavailable
+ Fiat amount: %1
+ %1 amount: %2
+ Specify in Fiat
+ Specify in Crypto
- Only use custom fees if you know what you are doing!
+ Enable Custom Fees
Enter the custom fee
Gas Limit
Custom Fee can't be higher than the amount
Not enough funds.
You have %1
- Close
+ Only use custom fees if you know what you are doing!
+ %1 address
+ copied to clipboard.
@@ -3038,86 +3279,104 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Select a contact with an %1 address
Search for contacts...
%1 addresses
1 address
Choose an %1 address of %2
- Address
+ Address
+ SendResult
+ Transaction Complete!
+ %1 txid
+ copied to clipboard.
- SendResult
- Transaction Complete!
+ Recipient's address
- Recipient's address
+ %1 address
Transaction Hash
View on Explorer
@@ -3125,282 +3384,240 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
- Confirm Logout
- Are you sure you want to log out?
- Yes
- Yes
User Interface
Enable Desktop Notifications
Maximum number of enabled coins
Open Folder
Current Font
Current font changed to %1.
Changing theme to %1
+ Application Version
+ copied to clipboard
About & Version
Reset wallet configuration
This will restart your wallet with default settings
Ask system's password before sending coins ? (2FA)
- View seed and private keys
- Show
- Setup Camouflage Password
- Open
- Disclaimer and ToS
- Application version
- DEX Version
+ Disable 2FA?
- DEX Version copied to clipboard.
+ Enter your wallet password to confirm
- MM2 version
+ Type password
- MM2 Version
+ 2FA status
- MM2 Version copied to clipboard.
+ 2FA disabled successfully
- Qt version
+ Ok
- Qt Version
+ Wrong password!
- Qt Version copied to clipboard.
+ Wallet password is incorrect
- Search Update
+ View seed and private keys
- Logout
+ Show
- Settings
- Fiat
+ Setup Camouflage Password
- Recommended:
+ Open
- Enable Desktop Notifications
+ Disclaimer and ToS
- Use QtTextRendering Or NativeTextRendering
+ Application version
- Open Logs Folder
+ MM2 version
- View seed and private keys
+ MM2 Version
- Disclaimer and ToS
+ MM2 Version copied to clipboard.
- Setup Camouflage Password
+ Qt version
- Reset wallet configuration
+ Qt Version
- Delete Wallet
+ Qt Version copied to clipboard.
- Log out
+ Search Update
- mm2 version
+ Logout
- Search coin
+ Search
Add asset
@@ -3421,32 +3638,32 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Available Quantity
Available Quantity (in %1)
Fiat Volume
CEX Rate
%1 is not enabled - Do you want to enable it to be able to select %2 best orders ?<br><a href='#'>Yes</a> - <a href='#no'>No</a>
@@ -3454,22 +3671,22 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Balance Fiat
No Selectable coin.
@@ -3512,32 +3729,32 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Apply filter
Please choose the CSV export name and location
No results found
@@ -3546,250 +3763,240 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Close filtering options.
Open filtering options.
Filter settings
Apply filter
No results found
- Support
- Update available
- Up to date
- Changelog
- Open Logs Folder
+ SupportModal
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you store my private keys?
No! %1 is non-custodial. We never store any sensitive data, including your private keys, seed phrases, or PIN. This data is only stored on the user’s device and never leaves it. You are in full control of your assets.
How is trading on %1 different from trading on other DEXs?
- Other DEXs generally only allow you to trade assets that are based on a single blockchain network, use proxy tokens, and only allow placing a single order with the same funds.
+ Other DEXs generally only allow you to trade assets that are based on a single blockchain network, use proxy tokens, and only allow placing a single order with the same funds.
%1 enables you to natively trade across two different blockchain networks without proxy tokens. You can also place multiple orders with the same funds. For example, you can sell 0.1 BTC for KMD, QTUM, or VRSC — the first order that fills automatically cancels all other orders.
How long does each atomic swap take?
Several factors determine the processing time for each swap. The block time of the traded assets depends on each network (Bitcoin typically being the slowest) Additionally, the user can customize security preferences. For example, (you can ask %1 to consider a KMD transaction as final after just 3 confirmations which makes the swap time shorter compared to waiting for a <a href="https://komodoplatform.com/security-delayed-proof-of-work-dpow/">notarization</a>.
Do I need to be online for the duration of the swap?
Yes. You must remain connected to the internet and have your app running to successfully complete each atomic swap (very short breaks in connectivity are usually fine). Otherwise, there is risk of trade cancellation if you are a maker, and risk of loss of funds if you are a taker.
The atomic swap protocol requires both participants to stay online and monitor the involved blockchains for the process to stay atomic.
If you go offline, so will your orders, and any that are in progress will fail, leading to potential loss of trade / transaction fees, and a wait for the swap to timeout and issue a refund. It may also negatively affect your wallet's reputation score for future trade matching.
When you come back online, your orders will begin to broadcast again at the price you set before you went offline. If there has been significant price movement in the meantime, you might unintentionally offer someone a bargain!
For this reason, we recommend cancelling orders before closing %1, or reviewing and revising your prices when restarting %1.
How are the fees on %1 calculated?
There are two fee categories to consider when trading on %1.
1. %1 charges approximately 0.13% (1/777 of trading volume but not lower than 0.0001) as the trading fee for taker orders, and maker orders have zero fees.
2. Both makers and takers will need to pay normal network fees to the involved blockchains when making atomic swap transactions.
Network fees can vary greatly depending on your selected trading pair.
Do you provide user support?
Yes! %1 offers support through the <a href="%2">%1 Discord server</a>. The team and the community are always happy to help!
- %1 is available for mobile on both <a href="%2">Android and iPhone, and for desktop on Windows, Mac, and Linux</a> operating systems.
Who is behind %1?
%1 is developed by the Komodo team. Komodo is one of the most established blockchain projects working on innovative solutions like atomic swaps, Delayed Proof of Work, and an interoperable multi-chain architecture.
Is it possible to develop my own white-label exchange on %1?
Absolutely! You can read our developer documentation for more details or contact us with your partnership inquiries. Have a specific technical question? The %1 developer community is always ready to help!
Which devices can I use %1 on?
+ %1 is available for mobile on both <a href="%2">Android and iPhone, and for desktop on Windows, Mac, and Linux</a> operating systems.
Compliance Info
Due to regulatory and legal circumstances the citizens of certain jurisdictions including, but not limited to, the United States of America, Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, Singapore, Sudan, Austria, Iran and any other state, country or other jurisdiction that is embargoed by the United States of America or the European Union are not allowed to use this application.
+ Changelog
+ Open Logs Folder
Progress details
- SweetDexComboBox
- Search
- TextEditWithTitle
+ TextEditWithCopy
- Swap ID
+ copied to clipboard
+ TextEditWithTitle
copied to clipboard
@@ -3797,7 +4004,7 @@ Network fees can vary greatly depending on your selected trading pair.
@@ -3813,213 +4020,281 @@ Network fees can vary greatly depending on your selected trading pair.
Instant trading with best orders
+ Reset form
+ You have no tradable assets
Enter an amount
Pick an order
Better price found: %1. Updating forms.
Better price (%1) found but received quantity (%2) is lower than your current one (%3). Click here to update the selected order.
- Reset form.
Min: %1
Pick a coin
Failed to place the order
Placed the order
Entered amount must be superior than 0.
You must select an order.
Entered amount is below the minimum required by this order: %1
%1 needs to be enabled in order to use %2
%1 balance needs to be funded, a non-zero balance is required to pay the gas of %2 transactions
- Search
+ %1 balance does not have enough funds to pay the gas of %2 transactions
No buy orders found for %1.
You can check later or try to sell a different coin.
+ Calculating fee estimate...
Total %1 fees:
%2 (%3)
+ TradeViewHeader
+ Pro View Settings
+ Display Settings
+ Ticker Selectors
+ Trading Information
+ Order Book
+ Best Orders
+ Place Order
Transaction Details
+ %1 txid
+ copied to clipboard.
+ From address
+ To address
Transaction Hash
Block Height
View on Explorer
@@ -4027,22 +4302,22 @@ Network fees can vary greatly depending on your selected trading pair.
@@ -4056,15 +4331,10 @@ Network fees can vary greatly depending on your selected trading pair.
- WalletNameField
- Wallet Name
+ Vertical
- Enter the name of your wallet here
+ Order Book
@@ -4086,118 +4356,165 @@ Network fees can vary greatly depending on your selected trading pair.
+ Search your wallets...
My Wallets
+ No wallets found!
Enter password to confirm deletion of
Type password
Wallet status
wallet deleted successfully
wallet password is incorrect
+ ZcashParamsModal
+ %1 Activation Failed!
+ To activate ZHTLC coins, you need to download the Zcash Params.
+This might take a few minutes...
+ Download params & enable coins
+ More Info
+ Close
+ atomic_dex::settings_page
+ An error has occurred.
You do not have enough funds.
%1 is not activated: click on the button to enable it or enable it manually
You need to have %1 to pay the gas for %2 transactions.
Checksum verification failed for %1.
- Invalid checksum for %1. Click on the convert button to turn it into a mixed case address
+ Invalid checksum for %1. Click the button to convert to mixed case address.
- Legacy address used for %1, click on the convert button to convert it to a Cashaddress.
+ Legacy address used for %1. Click the button to convert to a Cashaddress.
%1 address must be prefixed with 0x
%1 address length is invalid, please use a valid address.
%1 address is invalid.
Invalid checksum.
%1 address has invalid prefixes.
Backend error: %1
@@ -4205,32 +4522,12 @@ Network fees can vary greatly depending on your selected trading pair.
- Confirm Logout
- Are you sure you want to log out?
- Yes
- Yes
- Cancel
- Cancel
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/atomic_defi_es.ts b/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/atomic_defi_es.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c2b1055f75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/atomic_defi_es.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4556 @@
+ AddAddressForm
+ Use standard network address
+ Utilice la dirección de red
+ Label
+ Etiqueta
+ This key already exists.
+ Esta clave ya existe.
+ Address
+ Dirección
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ Convert
+ Convertir
+ Edit
+ Editar
+ Add
+ Agregar
+ You need to enable %1 before adding this kind of address.
+ Debe habilitar %1 antes de agregar este tipo de dirección.
+ Enable
+ Habilitar
+ AddCustomCoinModal
+ Get the contract address from
+ Obtener la dirección del contrato de
+ Choose the asset type
+ Elija el tipo de activo
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ Next
+ Siguiente
+ Contract address
+ Dirección del contrato
+ Enter the contract address
+ Ingrese la dirección del contrato
+ Choose the asset ticker
+ Elija el ticker del activo
+ Ticker
+ Ticker
+ Enter the ticker
+ Ingrese el ticker
+ Get the contract address from
+ Obtener la dirección del contrato de
+ Previous
+ Anterior
+ Choose the asset logo
+ Elija el logotipo del activo
+ Browse
+ Navegar
+ Please choose the asset logo
+ Elija el logotipo del activo
+ Configuration
+ Configuración
+ All configuration fields will be fetched using the contract address you provided.
+ Todos los campos de configuración se obtendrán usando la dirección del contrato que proporcionó.
+ Name
+ Nombre
+ Enter the name
+ Ingrese el nombre
+ Coingecko ID
+ Coingecko ID
+ Enter the Coingecko ID
+ Ingrese el Coingecko ID
+ Get the Coingecko ID
+ Obtener el Coingecko ID
+ Active
+ Activo
+ Preview
+ Vista previa
+ WARNING: Application will restart immidiately to apply the changes!
+ ADVERTENCIA: ¡La aplicación se reiniciará inmediatamente para aplicar los cambios!
+ Asset not found, please go back and make sure Contract Address is correct
+ Activo no encontrado, regrese y asegúrese de que la dirección del contrato sea correcta
+ Config Fields
+ Campos de configuracion
+ Fetched Data
+ Datos obtenidos
+ Submit & Restart
+ Enviar & Reiniciar
+ AddTagPopup
+ Tag name
+ Nombre de la etiqueta
+ Contact already has this tag.
+ El contacto ya tiene esta etiqueta.
+ + ADD
+ + Añadir
+ AmountChart
+ Work in progress
+ Trabajo en proceso
+ App
+ Recover Funds Result
+ Resultados de Recuperar Fondos
+ AssetFromStandardSelector
+ Choose a valid
+ Elija un
+ asset
+ activo
+ Search an asset
+ Buscar un activo
+ Disabled
+ deshabilitados
+ AssetPieChart
+ Assets
+ Activos
+ AssetsList
+ Asset
+ Activo
+ Balance
+ Saldo
+ Fiat Balance
+ Saldo Fiat
+ Change 24h
+ Cambio en 24h
+ Price
+ Precio
+ Source
+ Fuente
+ Activating:
+ Activando:
+ Price provider is: %1
+ El proveedor de precios es: %1
+ Bottom
+ Settings
+ Configuración
+ Support
+ Soporte
+ Privacy
+ Privacidad
+ Disable Privacy?
+ ¿Deshabilitar privacidad?
+ Enter wallet password to confirm
+ Ingrese la contraseña de la billetera para confirmar
+ Type password
+ Escriba la contraseña
+ Confirm
+ Confirmar
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ Privacy status
+ Estado de privacidad
+ Privacy mode disabled successfully
+ Modo de privacidad deshabilitado correctamente
+ Ok
+ Ok
+ Wrong password!
+ ¡Contraseña incorrecta!
+ wallet password is incorrect
+ la contraseña de la billetera es incorrecta
+ CamouflagePasswordModal
+ Setup Camouflage Password
+ Configuración de Contraseña Camuflaje
+ Camouflage Password is a secret password for emergency situations.
+ Contraseña Camuflaje es una contraseña secreta para situaciones de emergencia.
+ Using it to login will display your balance lower than it actually is.
+ Usarlo para iniciar sesión mostrará su saldo más bajo de lo que realmente es.
+ Here you enter the suffix and at login you need to enter {real_password}{suffix}
+ Aquí ingresa el sufijo y al iniciar sesión debe ingresar {real_password}{suffix}
+ Password suffix
+ Sufijo de contraseña
+ Confirm pasword suffix
+ Confirmar sufijo
+ Enter a password suffix
+ Ingrese un sufijo de contraseña
+ Enter the same password suffix to confirm
+ Ingrese el mismo sufijo de contraseña para confirmar
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ Save
+ Guardar
+ CannotEnableCoinModal
+ Failed to enable %1
+ No se pudo habilitar %1
+ Enabling %1 did not succeed. Limit of enabled coins might have been reached.
+ No se pudo habilitar %1. Es posible que se haya alcanzado el límite de monedas habilitadas.
+ Change limit in settings
+ Cambiar el límite en la configuración
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ Center
+ Portfolio
+ Cartera
+ Wallet
+ Monedero
+ Address Book
+ Directorio
+ Fiat
+ Fiat
+ CexInfoModal
+ Market Data
+ Data de Mercado
+ Market data (prices, charts, etc.) marked with the ⓘ icon originates from third-party sources.<br><br>Data is sourced via <a href="https://bandprotocol.com/">Band Decentralized Oracle</a> and <a href="https://coingecko.com">CoinGecko</a>.<br><br><b>Oracle Supported Pairs:</b><br>%1<br><br><b>Last reference (Band Oracle):</b><br><a href="%2">%2</a>
+ Datos de mercado (precios, estadisticas, etc.) marcados con ⓘ se obtienen a través de fuentes terceras.<br><br>Data is sourced via <a href="https://bandprotocol.com/">Band Decentralized Oracle</a> and <a href="https://coingecko.com">CoinGecko</a>.<br><br><b>Oracle Supported Pairs:</b><br>%1<br><br><b>Last reference (Band Oracle):</b><br><a href="%2">%2</a>
+ Chart
+ Loading market data
+ Cargando datos de mercado
+ There is no chart data for this pair yet
+ Todavía no hay datos de gráficos para este par
+ ClaimRewardsModal
+ Failed to prepare to claim rewards
+ No se pudo preparar para reclamar recompensas
+ Claim your %1 reward?
+ ¿Reclamar su %1 de recompensa?
+ No UTXOs eligible for claiming
+ Ningún UTXO elegible para reclamar
+ Transaction fee is higher than the reward!
+ ¡La tarifa de transacción es más alta que la recompensa!
+ You will receive
+ Recibirá
+ Refresh
+ Actualizar
+ Read more about KMD active users rewards
+ Lea más sobre las recompensas de los usuarios activos de KMD
+ Amount
+ Cantidad
+ Reward
+ Recompensa
+ Accruing Start
+ Inicio de Acumulación
+ Accruing Stop
+ Detener Acumulación
+ Time Left
+ Tiempo Restante
+ Error
+ Error
+ Locktime is not set
+ Locktime no está configurado
+ Locktime is less than the threshold
+ Locktime es inferior al umbral
+ UTXO height is greater than end of the era
+ La altura de UTXO es mayor que el final de la era
+ UTXO amount is less than 10
+ La cantidad de UTXO es inferior a 10
+ One hour did not pass yet
+ Una hora no pasa aún
+ Transaction is in mempool
+ La transacción está en el mempool
+ Unknown problem
+ Problema desconocido
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ Confirm
+ Confirmar
+ CoinMenu
+ Disable %1
+ Deshabilitar %1
+ Disable and Delete %1
+ Deshabilitar y eliminar %1
+ Disable all %1 assets
+ Deshabilitar todos los activos de %1
+ Disable all assets
+ Deshabilitar todos los activos
+ Disable 0 balance assets
+ Deshabilitar 0 balancear activos
+ ComboBoxWithSearchBar
+ Search
+ Buscar
+ Combo_fiat
+ Language
+ Idioma
+ Fiat
+ Fiat
+ Recommended:
+ Recomendado:
+ ConfirmMultiOrderTradeModal
+ Confirm Multi Order Details
+ Confirmar detalles de Multi Order
+ These swaps requests can not be undone and this is the final event!
+ Estas solicitudes de intercambio no se pueden deshacer y este es el evento final!
+ These transactions can take up to 60 mins - DO NOT close this application!
+ Estas transacciones pueden demorar hasta 60 minutos. ¡NO cierre esta aplicación!
+ Same funds will be used until an order matches.
+ Se utilizarán los mismos fondos hasta que coincida un pedido.
+ Note that if one order is filled other will not be cancelled.
+ Tenga en cuenta que si se completa un pedido, el otro no se cancelará.
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ Confirm
+ Confirmar
+ Placed multiple orders
+ Pedidos múltiples realizados
+ ConfirmTradeModal
+ Confirm Exchange Details
+ Confirmar Detalles de Intercambio
+ Trade price is more than 50% different to CEX! Confirm?
+ ¡El precio comercial es más del 50% diferente al de CEX! ¿Confirmar?
+ This swap request can not be undone and is a final event!
+ ¡Esta solicitud de intercambio no se puede deshacer y es un evento final!
+ This transaction can take up to 60 mins - DO NOT close this application!
+ Esta transacción puede demorar hasta 60 minutos. ¡NO cierre esta aplicación!
+ Loading fees...
+ Cargando tarifas...
+ <b>Total %1 fees:</b>
+ <b>Cuota total de %1:</b>
+ Security configuration
+ Configuración de seguridad
+ %1 confirmations for incoming %2 transactions
+ %1 confirmaciones para %2 transacciones entrantes
+ Read more about dPoW
+ Obtenga más información sobre dPoW
+ Use custom protection settings for incoming %1 transactions
+ Utilice configuraciones de protección personalizadas para %1 transacciones entrantes
+ Enable Komodo dPoW security
+ Habilite la seguridad dPoW de Komodo
+ dPoW protected
+ Protegido por dPoW
+ Required Confirmations
+ Confirmaciones Requeridas
+ Warning, this atomic swap is not dPoW protected!
+ Advertencia, este intercambio atómico no está protegido por dPoW!
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ Confirm
+ Confirmar
+ CopyFieldButton
+ Copied to Clipboard
+ Copiada en el Portapapeles
+ Dashboard
+ The current number of enabled coins does not match your configuration specification. Your assets configuration will be reset.
+ El número actual de monedas habilitadas no coincide con su especificación de configuración. Se restablecerá la configuración de sus activos.
+ Matching
+ Emparejando
+ Order Matching
+ Emparejando Orden
+ Matched
+ Emparejado
+ Order Matched
+ Orden Emparejada
+ Ongoing
+ En Curso
+ Swap Ongoing
+ Intercambio En Curso
+ Successful
+ Exitoso
+ Swap Successful
+ Intercambio exitoso
+ Refunding
+ Reembolso
+ Failed
+ Fallo
+ Swap Failed
+ Intercambio fallido
+ Unknown
+ Desconocido
+ Unknown State
+ Estado Desconocido
+ Started
+ Iniciado
+ Negotiated
+ Negociado
+ Taker fee sent
+ Tarifa taker enviada
+ Maker payment received
+ Pago de maker recibido
+ Maker payment wait confirm started
+ Inicio de espera de confirmacion de pago de maker
+ Maker payment validated and confirmed
+ Validacion y confirmacion de pago de maker
+ Taker payment sent
+ Pago de taker enviado
+ Taker payment spent
+ Pago del taker gastado
+ Maker payment spent
+ Pago del maker gastado
+ Finished
+ Terminado
+ Start failed
+ Inicio fallido
+ Negotiate failed
+ Negociacion fallida
+ Taker fee validate failed
+ Validación de tarifa del taker fallida
+ Maker payment transaction failed
+ Transacción de pago de maker fallo
+ Maker payment Data send failed
+ Envio de data de pago de maker fallo
+ Maker payment wait confirm failed
+ Espera de confirmacion de pago de maker fallo
+ Taker payment validate failed
+ Validacion de pago de taker fallo
+ Taker payment wait confirm failed
+ Espera de confirmacion de pago de taker fallo
+ Taker payment spend failed
+ Gasto de pago de taker fallo
+ Maker payment wait refund started
+ Reembolso de espera de pago de maker iniciado
+ Maker payment refunded
+ Pago de maker reembolsado
+ Maker payment refund failed
+ Reembolso del pago de maker fallo
+ DatePicker
+ Date
+ Fecha
+ DefaultCopyIcon
+ copied to clipboard
+ copiado al portapapeles
+ DefaultRangeSlider
+ Min
+ Min
+ Max
+ Max
+ DefaultTextEdit
+ copied to clipboard
+ copiado al portapapeles
+ DeleteWalletModal
+ Delete Wallet
+ Eliminar billetera
+ Are you sure you want to delete %1 wallet?
+ ¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar %1 billetera?
+ If so, make sure you record your seed phrase in order to restore your wallet in the future.
+ Si es así, asegúrese de registrar su frase inicial para restaurar su billetera en el futuro.
+ Enter your wallet password
+ Ingrese la contraseña de su billetera
+ Wrong Password
+ Contraseña incorrecta
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ Delete
+ Eliminar
+ DexAppPasswordField
+ Type password
+ Escriba la contraseña
+ DexKeyChecker
+ At least 1 lowercase alphabetical character
+ Al menos 1 carácter alfabético en minúsculas
+ At least 1 uppercase alphabetical character
+ Al menos 1 carácter alfabético en mayúsculas
+ At least 1 numeric character
+ Al menos 1 carácter numérico
+ At least 1 special character (eg. !@#$%)
+ Al menos 1 carácter especial ( ej., !@#$%)
+ Between %1 and %2 character(s)
+ Entre %1 y %2 carácter(es)
+ Password and Confirm Password have to be same
+ Contraseña y Confirmar Contraseña tienen que ser los mismos
+ DexPaginator
+ items per page
+ elementos por página
+ DexRangeSlider
+ Min
+ Min
+ Half
+ Mitad
+ Max
+ Max
+ DexSweetComboBox
+ Search
+ Buscar
+ EditContactModal
+ Edit contact
+ Editar contacto
+ Contact name
+ Nombre
+ Enter a contact name
+ Ingresar un nombre de contacto
+ Address list
+ Lista de direcciónes
+ Address Book
+ Libreta de direcciones
+ address copied to clipboard
+ dirección copiada al portapapeles
+ Edit
+ Editar
+ + Add
+ + Añadir
+ Tags
+ Etiquetas
+ Add tag
+ Agregar etiqueta
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ Confirm
+ Confirmar
+ EnableAssetModal
+ The selected address belongs to a disabled asset, you need to enabled it before sending.
+ La dirección seleccionada pertenece a un activo deshabilitado, debe habilitó antes de enviar.
+ Enable
+ Habilitar
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ EnableCoinModal
+ Enable assets
+ Habilitar activos
+ Select all assets
+ Seleccionar todos los activos
+ All assets are already enabled!
+ ¡Todos los activos ya están habilitados!
+ You can still enable %1 assets. Selected: %2.
+ Todavía puede habilitar activos %1. Seleccionado: %2.
+ Search asset
+ Buscar activo
+ Change assets limit
+ Cambiar el límite de activos
+ Add a custom asset
+ Agregar un activo personalizado
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ Enable
+ Habilitar
+ EulaModal
+ Disclaimer & Terms of Service
+ Descargo de Responsabilidad & Términos de servicio
+ Accept EULA
+ Aceptar EULA
+ Accept Terms and Conditions
+ Aceptar términos y condiciones
+ Close
+ Cerrar
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ Confirm
+ Confirmar
+ FatalErrorModal
+ Fatal Error
+ Error Fatal
+ Connection has been lost. You have been disconnected.
+ Ha perdido la conexión. Has sido desconectado.
+ Close
+ Cerrar
+ FeeInfo
+ Minimum fee
+ Tarifa mínima
+ Fees will be calculated
+ Las tarifas se calcularán
+ GasInfoModal
+ How do I calculate gas?
+ ¿Cómo calculo la gasolina?
+ Gas is measured in gwei. Gwei is just a unit of Ether, and is equal to 0.000000001 ETH (or the equivalent platform coin such as AVAX or BNB). The gas price varies over time depending on network congestion.
+ El gas se mide en gwei. Gwei es solo una unidad de Ether y es igual a 0.000000001 ETH (o la moneda de plataforma equivalente como AVAX o BNB). El precio del gas varía con el tiempo dependiendo de la congestión de la red.
+ The gas limit is how many units of gas (maximum) you allocate to pay for a transaction. The gas required depending on the size of the transaction & data being transmitted.
+ A standard transaction not involving contracts uses 21,000 gas units, with any of the limit remaining returned to the source address.
+ Una transacción estándar que no implica contratos utiliza 21.000 unidades de gas, y el límite restante se devuelve a la dirección de origen.
+ Transactions involving contracts may result in the whole limit being consumed, so be careful not to set it too high.
+ Las transacciones que involucran contratos pueden resultar en que se consuma todo el límite, así que tenga cuidado de no establecerlo demasiado alto.
+ For more information, read the article at <a href="https://support.mycrypto.com/how-to/sending/how-to-know-what-gas-limit-to-use">https://support.mycrypto.com/how-to/sending/how-to-know-what-gas-limit-to-use</a>
+ Para obtener más información, lea el artículo en <a href="https://support.mycrypto.com/how-to/sending/how-to-know-what-gas-limit-to-use">https://support.mycrypto.com/how-to/sending/how-to-know-what-gas-limit-to-use</a>
+ General
+ %n day(s)
+ %n día
+ %n días
+ %nd
+ day
+ %nh
+ hours
+ %nm
+ minutes
+ %ns
+ seconds
+ %nms
+ milliseconds
+ -
+ -
+ <b>Taker tx fee:</b>
+ <b>Cuota de tx del taker:</b>
+ <b>Dex tx fee:</b>
+ <b>Cuota de tx del Dex:</b>
+ <b>Dex fee:</b>
+ <b>Cuota Dex:</b>
+ <b>Maker tx fee:</b>
+ <b>Cuota tx del maker:</b>
+ Trading Fee
+ Tarifa de Intercambio
+ Minimum Trading Amount
+ Cantidad Mínima de Intercambio
+ Wallet %1 already exists
+ Monedero %1 ya existe
+ %1 balance is lower than the fees amount: %2 %3
+ El saldo de %1 es inferior al monto de las tarifas: %2 %3
+ Tradable (after fees) %1 balance is lower than minimum trade amount
+ El saldo de %1 (después de las tarifas) es inferior al monto mínimo de intercambio
+ Please fill the price field
+ Por favor complete el campo de precio
+ Please fill the volume field
+ Complete el campo de volumen
+ Please wait for %1 to fully activate
+ Espere a que %1 se active por completo
+ %1 volume is lower than minimum trade amount
+ El volumen de %1 es inferior al monto mínimo de intercambio
+ %1 needs to be enabled in order to use %2
+ %1 debe habilitarse para usar %2
+ %1 balance needs to be funded, a non-zero balance is required to pay the gas of %2 transactions
+ se debe rellenar el saldo de %1, se requiere un saldo distinto de cero para pagar el gas de %2 transacciones
+ Unknown Error
+ Error Desconocido
+ Header
+ You get
+ Obtienes
+ You send
+ Envía
+ Fiat Price
+ Precio Fiat
+ CEX rate
+ Tasa CEX
+ Price
+ Precio
+ Quantity
+ Cantidad
+ Total
+ Total
+ ImportWallet
+ Failed to Import the wallet
+ No se pudo importar la billetera
+ Import wallet - Setup
+ Importar billetera - Configurar
+ Import wallet - Choose password
+ Importar billetera - Elegir contraseña
+ Wallet Name
+ Nombre de billetera
+ Enter seed
+ Ingresar semilla
+ Your seed is not BIP39 compliant.
+Try again or select 'Allow custom seed' to continue.
+ Su semilla no cumple con BIP39.
+Vuelva a intentarlo o seleccione 'Permitir semilla personalizada' personalizada continúe.
+ i understand
+ entiendo
+ я согласен
+ je comprends
+ entiendo
+ anladım
+ ich verstehe
+ Ok
+ Ok
+ Allow custom seed
+ Permitir semilla personalizada
+ <strong>Allow custom seed</strong>
+ <strong>Permitir semilla personalizada</strong>
+ Custom seed phrases might be less secure and easier to crack than a generated BIP39 compliant seed phrase or private key (WIF).<br><br>To confirm you understand the risk and know what you are doing, type <strong>'I understand'</strong> in the box below.
+ Las frases semilla personalizadas pueden ser menos seguras y más fáciles de descifrar que una frase semilla o clave privada (WIF) compatible con BIP39.<br><br>Para confirmar que comprende el riesgo y sabe lo que está haciendo, escriba <strong> 'Entiendo'</strong> en el cuadro de abajo.
+ I understand
+ Entiendo
+ Next
+ Siguiente
+ Enter the same password to confirm
+ Ingrese la misma contraseña para confirmar
+ Continue
+ Continuar
+ LinksRow
+ Join our Discord server
+ Únase a nuestro servidor de Discord
+ Follow us on Twitter
+ Síganos en Twitter
+ Go to Support Guides
+ Ir a Guías de soporte
+ List
+ Funds are recoverable
+ Los fondos son recuperables
+ Best Orders
+ Mejores Ordenes
+ Enter volume to see best orders.
+ Introduce el volumen para ver los mejores ordenes
+ ListDelegate
+ %1 is not enabled - Do you want to enable it to be able to select %2 best orders ?<br><a href='#'>Yes</a> - <a href='#no'>No</a>
+ %1 no está habilitado. ¿Desea habilitarlo para poder seleccionar %2 mejores ordenes?<br><a href='#'>Sí</a> - <a href='#no'>No</a>
+ This order requires a minimum amount of %1 %2 <br>You don't have enough funds.<br> %3
+ Este pedido requiere una cantidad mínima de %1 %2 <br>No tiene fondos suficientes.<br> %3
+ LogModal
+ Close
+ Cerrar
+ Logging
+ Loading, please wait
+ Cargando, por favor espere
+ Initializing MM2
+ Inicializando MM2
+ Enabling assets
+ Habilitando activos
+ Getting ready
+ Preparándose
+ Login
+ Incorrect Password
+ Contraseña incorrecta
+ Log In
+ Iniciar sesión
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ LogoutModal
+ Exit %1 or go to login menu?
+ Salga de %1 o vaya al menú de inicio de sesión
+ Warning: You currently have a swap in progress.
+Logging out may result in a failed swap.
+ Advertencia: actualmente tiene una operación en curso.
+Cerrar sesión puede resultar en una transacción fallida.
+ Warning: You currently have open maker orders.
+They will be removed from the orderbook until you log in again.
+ Advertencia: actualmente tiene órdenes abiertas.
+Se eliminarán del libro de pedidos hasta que vuelva a iniciar sesión.
+ Login menu
+ Menú de inicio de sesión
+ Exit
+ Dejar
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ Main
+ Segwit
+ Segwit
+ Confirmation
+ Confirmación
+ Do you want to send your %1 funds to %2 wallet first?
+ ¿Desea enviar sus fondos de %1 a la billetera %2 primero?
+ Success
+ Éxito
+ Your transaction is send, may take some time to arrive
+ Su transacción se envió, puede demorar algún tiempo en llegar
+ Price
+ Precio
+ Change 24hr
+ Cambio
+ Porfolio
+ Cartera
+ Contract Address
+ Dirección del Contrato
+ Send
+ Enviar
+ Enable %1 ?
+ ¿Habilitar %1?
+ Yes
+ Sí
+ No
+ No
+ Receive
+ Recibir
+ Swap
+ Intercambiar
+ is wallet only
+ es solo billetera
+ Rewards
+ Recompensas
+ Faucet
+ Grifo
+ Public Key
+ Clave Pública
+ Copied to Clipboard
+ Copiada en el Portapapeles
+ Loading market data
+ Cargando datos de mercado
+ There is no chart data for this ticker yet
+ No hay datos de gráficos para este ticker aún
+ Fetching transactions...
+ Obteniendo transacciones...
+ Please wait, %1 is %2
+ Por favor espera %1 es %2
+ % activated...
+ % activado...
+ No transactions available
+ No hay transacciones disponibles
+ Click to view your address on %1 (%2) block explorer
+ Haga clic para ver su dirección en %1 (%2) explorador de bloques
+ Trade
+ Intercambio
+ Trading Information
+ Información de Intercambios
+ Chart
+ Gráfico
+ Orders
+ Pedidos
+ History
+ Historial
+ Place Order
+ Realizar pedido
+ Order Selected
+ Pedido seleccionado
+ Address Book
+ Libreta de direcciones
+ Search contact
+ Buscar contacto
+ + Nuevo contacto
+ Name
+ Nombre
+ Tags
+ Etiquetas
+ Edit
+ Editar
+ Delete
+ Eliminar
+ address copied to clipboard
+ dirección copiada al portapapeles
+ This contact does not have any registered address.
+ Este contacto no tiene ninguna dirección registrada.
+ MarketModeSelector
+ Sell %1
+ Vender %1
+ Buy %1
+ Comprar %1
+ MinTradeModal
+ Minimum Trading Amount
+ Cantidad Mínima de Intercambio
+ the minimum amount of %1 coin available for the order; the min_volume must be greater than or equal to %2; it must be also less or equal than volume param; default is %3
+ la cantidad mínima de la moneda %1 disponible para la orden; el min_volume debe ser mayor o igual a %2; debe ser también menor o igual que volumen param; el valor predeterminado es %3
+ MultiOrder
+ %1 price is zero!
+ el precio de %1 es cero!
+ %1 receive volume is lower than minimum trade amount
+ volumen de recepción de %1 es inferior al monto mínimo de transacción
+ Error:
+ Error:
+ You'll receive %1
+ Tu'll recibes %1
+ Price
+ Precio
+ NewContactPopup
+ Contact name
+ Nombre
+ This contact name already exists.
+ Este nombre de contacto ya existe.
+ + ADD
+ + Añadir
+ NewUpdateModal
+ Searching new updates
+ Buscando nuevas actualizaciones
+ Fetching...
+ Buscando...
+ Close
+ Cerrar
+ Could not check new updates for the following reason:
+ No se pudieron comprobar las nuevas actualizaciones por el siguiente motivo: %1
+ New version found
+ Nueva versión encontrada
+ Mandatory version found
+ Versión obligatoria encontrada
+ %1 %2 is available !
+ %1 ¡%2 está disponible!
+ This update is mandatory to continue using the application
+ Esta actualización es obligatoria para seguir usando la aplicación
+ Close Dex
+ Cerrar Dex
+ Your application is updated.
+ Tu aplicación está actualizada.
+ Download
+ Descargar
+ NewWallet
+ Wrong word, please check again
+ Palabra incorrecta, verifique nuevamente
+ st
+ st
+ nd
+ nd
+ rd
+ rd
+ th
+ th
+ Failed to create a wallet
+ No se pudo crear una billetera
+ New Wallet
+ Nueva billetera
+ Confirm Seed
+ Confirmar semilla
+ Choose Password
+ Elegir contraseña
+ Important: Back up your seed phrase before proceeding!
+ Importante: ¡Haga una copia de seguridad de su frase semilla antes de continuar!
+ We recommend storing it offline.
+ Recomendamos almacenarlo fuera de línea.
+ Generated Seed
+ Semilla Generada
+ Seed phrase
+ Frase semilla
+ copied to clipboard
+ copiado al portapapeles
+ Next
+ Siguiente
+ Let's double check your seed phrase
+ Verifiquemos dos veces su frase semilla
+ Your seed phrase is important - that's why we like to make sure it's correct. We'll ask you three different questions about your seed phrase to make sure you'll be able to easily restore your wallet whenever you want.
+ Su frase semilla es importante, por eso nos gusta asegurarnos de que sea correcta. Le haremos tres preguntas diferentes sobre su frase semilla para asegurarnos de que podrá restaurar fácilmente su billetera cuando lo desee.
+ Enter the
+ Ingresa la
+ word
+ palabra
+ Check
+ Verificar
+ Enter the same password to confirm
+ Ingrese la misma contraseña para confirmar
+ Continue
+ Continuar
+ NoConnection
+ No connection
+ Sin conexión
+ Please make sure you are connected to the internet
+ Asegúrate de que estás conectado a Internet
+ Will automatically retry in %1 seconds
+ Intentará de nuevo automáticamente en %1 segundos
+ Retry
+ Reintentar
+ NotificationsModal
+ Matching
+ Emparejando
+ Order Matching
+ Emparejando Orden
+ Matched
+ Emparejado
+ Order Matched
+ Orden Emparejada
+ Ongoing
+ En Curso
+ Swap Ongoing
+ Intercambio En Curso
+ Successful
+ Exitoso
+ Swap Successful
+ Intercambio exitoso
+ Refunding
+ Reembolso
+ Failed
+ Fallo
+ Swap Failed
+ Intercambio fallido
+ Unknown
+ Desconocido
+ Unknown State
+ Estado Desconocido
+ Swap status updated
+ Estado de Intercambio Actualizado
+ You sent %1
+ Enviaste %1
+ You received %1
+ Recibiste %1
+ Your wallet balance changed
+ El saldo de tu billetera cambió
+ %1 Enable status
+ %1 habilitar el estado
+ Please check your internet connection (e.g. VPN service or firewall might block it).
+ Verifica tu conexión a Internet (por ejemplo, el servicio VPN o el firewall pueden bloquearlo).
+ Failed to enable %1
+ No se pudo habilitar %1
+ Failed to disable %1
+ Error al deshabilitar %1
+ Endpoint not reachable
+ Punto final no accesible
+ Could not reach to endpoint
+ No se pudo llegar al punto final
+ Show
+ Mostrar
+ Restart
+ Reiniciar
+ Quit
+ Salir
+ Notifications
+ Notificaciones
+ There aren't any notifications
+ No hay ' notificaciones
+ Mark all as read
+ Marcar todo como leído
+ OrderForm
+ Price
+ Precio
+ Reduce 1% relative to CEX market price.
+ Reducción del 1% en relación con el precio de mercado CEX.
+ Use CEX market price.
+ Utilice el precio de mercado CEX.
+ Increase 1% relative to CEX market price.
+ Aumento del 1% en relación con el precio de mercado de CEX.
+ Volume
+ Volumen
+ Amount to sell
+ Importe para vender
+ Amount to receive
+ Importe para recibir
+ Max
+ Max
+ Swap 25% of your tradable balance.
+ Usar el 25% de su saldo comercial.
+ Swap 50% of your tradable balance.
+ Usar el 50% de su saldo comercial.
+ Swap 100% of your tradable balance.
+ Usar el 100% de su saldo comercial.
+ Min Volume
+ Volumen Mínimo
+ Min amount to sell
+ Cantidad mínima para vender
+ Min amount to receive
+ Cantidad mínimo para recibir
+ Minimum accepted trade equals 10% of order volume.
+ El comercio mínimo aceptado es igual al 10% del volumen del pedido.
+ Minimum accepted trade equals 25% of order volume.
+ El comercio mínimo aceptado es igual al 25% del volumen del pedido.
+ Minimum accepted trade equals 50% of order volume.
+ El comercio mínimo aceptado es igual al 50% del volumen del pedido.
+ Min volume:
+ Volumen mínimo:
+ Use custom minimum trade amount
+ Utilizar una cantidad personalizada de intercambio mínima
+ OrderLine
+ Funds are recoverable
+ Los fondos son recuperables
+ OrderList
+ No results found
+ No se encontraron resultados
+ OrderModal
+ Swap Details
+ Detalles de Intercambio
+ Order Details
+ Detalles de Orden
+ Order Type
+ Tipo de Orden
+ Maker Order
+ Orden de Maker
+ Taker Order
+ Orden de Taker
+ Refund State
+ Estado del Reembolso
+ Your swap failed but the auto-refund process for your payment started already. Please wait and keep application opened until you receive your payment back
+ Su intercambio falló, pero el proceso de reembolso automático para su pago ya comenzó. Espere y mantenga la aplicación abierta hasta que reciba su pago
+ Date
+ Fecha
+ Error ID
+ ID de Error
+ Error Log
+ Registro de Error
+ Close
+ Cerrar
+ Cancel Order
+ Cancelar Pedido
+ Swap ID
+ ID de Intercambio
+ Maker Payment Sent Transaction ID
+ ID de la transacción pago enviada de Maker
+ Maker Payment Spent Transaction ID
+ ID de la transacción pago gastado de Maker
+ Maker Payment TXID
+ TXID del pago de Maker
+ Taker Payment Spent Transaction ID
+ ID de la transacción pago gastado de Taker
+ Taker Payment Sent Transaction ID
+ ID de la transacción pago enviada de Taker
+ Taker Payment TXID
+ TXID del pago de Taker
+ Recover Funds
+ Recuperar fondos
+ Refunding...
+ Reembolso...
+ View on Explorer
+ Ver en Explorer
+ OrderRemovedModal
+ Selected Order Removed
+ Pedido Seleccionado Eliminado
+ The selected order does not exist anymore, it might have been matched or canceled, and no order with a better price is available.
+Please select a new order.
+ El pedido seleccionado ya no existe, puede haber sido igualado o cancelado, y no hay un pedido con mejor precio disponible.
+Seleccione un nuevo pedido.
+ OK
+ Aceptar
+ OrdersPage
+ Filter
+ Filtrar
+ Date
+ Fecha
+ Export CSV
+ Exportar CSV
+ Apply Filter
+ Aplicar Filtro
+ Cancel All
+ Cancelar Todo
+ From
+ Desde
+ To
+ A
+ Please choose the CSV export name and location
+ Por favor, elija el nombre y la ubicación de exportación CSV
+ Pagination
+ items per page
+ elementos por página
+ PasswordField
+ Password
+ Contraseña
+ Enter your wallet password
+ Ingrese la contraseña de su billetera
+ At least 1 lowercase alphabetical character
+ Al menos 1 carácter alfabético en minúsculas
+ At least 1 uppercase alphabetical character
+ Al menos 1 carácter alfabético en mayúsculas
+ At least 1 numeric character
+ Al menos 1 carácter numérico
+ At least 1 special character (eg. !@#$%)
+ Al menos 1 carácter especial ( ej., !@#$%)
+ Between %1 and %2 character(s)
+ Entre %1 y %2 carácter(es)
+ PasswordForm
+ Password
+ Contraseña
+ Confirm Password
+ Confirmar contraseña
+ Enter the same password to confirm
+ Ingrese la misma contraseña para confirmar
+ Portfolio
+ Search asset
+ Buscar activo
+ Show only coins with balance
+ Mostrar solo monedas con saldo
+ (%1/%2)
+ (%1/%2)
+ Portfolio
+ Cartera
+ PriceLine
+ Set swap price for evaluation
+ Establecer precio de intercambio para evaluación
+ Exchange rate
+ Tasa de cambio
+ Selected
+ Seleccionada
+ Expensive
+ Caro
+ Expedient
+ Expediente
+ %1 compared to CEX
+ %1 en comparación con CEX
+ CEXchange rate
+ Tasa de cambio CEX
+ PriceLineSimplified
+ Exchange rate
+ Tasa de cambio
+ Selected
+ Seleccionada
+ CEXchange rate
+ Tasa de cambio CEX
+ Expensive
+ Caro
+ Expedient
+ Expediente
+ %1 compared to CEX
+ %1 en comparación con CEX
+ ProView
+ Failed to place the order
+ Error al realizar el pedido
+ Placed the order
+ Realizó el pedido El
+ QObject
+ Cannot reach the endpoint:
+ No se puede llegar al punto final:
+ ReceiveModal
+ Receive %1
+ Recibir %1
+ Only send %1 to this address
+ Enviar solo %1 a esta dirección
+ %1 address
+ %1 dirección
+ copied to clipboard.
+ copiado al portapapeles.
+ Close
+ Cerrar
+ RecoverSeedModal
+ View seed and private keys
+ Ver semilla y claves privadas
+ Please enter your password to view the seed.
+ Por favor ingrese su contraseña para ver la semilla.
+ Seed
+ Semilla
+ Backup Seed
+ Copia de seguridad de semilla
+ Public Address copied to clipboard
+ Direccion publica copiada en el portapapeles
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ Incorrect Password
+ Contraseña incorrecta
+ View
+ Ver
+ copied to clipboard
+ copiado al portapapeles
+ RPC Password
+ Contraseña RPC
+ Search a coin.
+ Buscar una moneda.
+ Public Address
+ Dirección Pública
+ Private Key copied to clipboard
+ Clave Privada copiada en el portapapeles
+ Private Key
+ Clave Privada
+ RemoveContactPopup
+ Do you want to remove this contact ?
+ ¿Desea eliminar este contacto?
+ Yes
+ Sí
+ No
+ No
+ RestartModal
+ Applying the changes...
+ Aplicando los cambios...
+ Restarting the application. %1
+ Reiniciando la aplicación. %1
+ Restarting the application...
+ Reiniciando la aplicación...
+ RightClickMenu
+ Cut
+ Cortar
+ Copy
+ Copiar
+ Paste
+ Pegar
+ SearchField
+ Search
+ Buscar
+ SendModal
+ Failed to send
+ Error al enviar
+ Prepare to send
+ Preparar para enviar
+ Address of the recipient
+ Dirección del destinatario
+ Amount to send
+ Cantidad a enviar
+ Gas price
+ Precio del gas
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ Recipient's address
+ Dirección del destinatario
+ The address has to be mixed case.
+ La dirección debe estar en mayúsculas y minúsculas.
+ Failed to Broadcast
+ Error al transmitir
+ Fix
+ Arreglar
+ Fiat amount: Unavailable
+ Cantidad en Fiat: No disponible
+ Fiat amount: %1
+ Cantidad de Fiat: %1
+ %1 amount: %2
+ Cantidad de %1: %2
+ Specify in Fiat
+ Especificar en Fiat
+ Specify in Crypto
+ Especificar en Crypto
+ Enable Custom Fees
+ Habilitar Tarifas Personalizadas
+ Enter the custom fee
+ Ingrese la tarifa personalizada
+ Gas Limit
+ Límite de gas
+ Custom Fee can't be higher than the amount
+ Tarifa personalizada no puede ser mayor que la cantidad
+ Not enough funds.
+ No hay suficientes fondos.
+ You have %1
+ Tiene %1
+ Only use custom fees if you know what you are doing!
+ ¡Solo use tarifas personalizadas si sabe lo que está haciendo!
+ Prepare
+ Preparar
+ Send
+ Enviar
+ %1 address
+ %1 dirección
+ copied to clipboard.
+ copiado al portapapeles.
+ Amount
+ Cantidad
+ Fees
+ Tarifas
+ Date
+ Fecha
+ Back
+ Atrás
+ SendModalContactList
+ Select a contact with an %1 address
+ Seleccione un contacto con %1 dirección
+ Search for contacts...
+ Buscar contactos...
+ %1 addresses
+ direcciones %1
+ 1 address
+ 1 dirección
+ Back
+ Atrás
+ Choose an %1 address of %2
+ Elija una direccion %1 de %2
+ Name
+ Nombre
+ Address
+ Dirección
+ SendResult
+ Transaction Complete!
+ ¡Transacción completa!
+ %1 txid
+ %1 txid
+ copied to clipboard.
+ copiado al portapapeles.
+ Recipient's address
+ Dirección del destinatario
+ %1 address
+ %1 dirección
+ Amount
+ Cantidad
+ Fees
+ Tarifas
+ Date
+ Fecha
+ Transaction Hash
+ Hash de Transaccion
+ Close
+ Cerrar
+ View on Explorer
+ Ver en Explorer
+ SettingModal
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ Settings
+ Configuración
+ General
+ General
+ Language
+ Idioma
+ User Interface
+ Interfaz
+ Security
+ Seguridad
+ Enable Desktop Notifications
+ Habilitar notificaciones de escritorio
+ Maximum number of enabled coins
+ Número máximo de monedas habilitadas
+ Logs
+ Registros
+ Open Folder
+ Carpeta Abierta
+ Reset
+ Restablecer
+ Current Font
+ Fuente Actual
+ Current font changed to %1.
+ La fuente actual cambió a %1.
+ Theme
+ Tema
+ Changing theme to %1
+ Cambiando el tema a %1
+ Application Version
+ La versión de la aplicación
+ copied to clipboard
+ copiado al portapapeles
+ About & Version
+ Acerca de & Versión
+ Reset wallet configuration
+ Restablecer configuración de billetera
+ This will restart your wallet with default settings
+ Esto reiniciará su billetera con la configuración predeterminada
+ Confirm
+ Confirmar
+ Ask system's password before sending coins ? (2FA)
+ ¿Preguntar la contraseña del sistema antes de enviar monedas? (2FA)
+ Disable 2FA?
+ ¿Deshabilitar 2FA?
+ Enter your wallet password to confirm
+ Ingrese la contraseña de su billetera para confirmar
+ Type password
+ Escriba la contraseña
+ 2FA status
+ Estado 2FA
+ 2FA disabled successfully
+ 2FA deshabilitado correctamente
+ Ok
+ Ok
+ Wrong password!
+ ¡Contraseña incorrecta!
+ Wallet password is incorrect
+ Contraseña de la billetera es incorrecta
+ View seed and private keys
+ Ver semilla y claves privadas
+ Show
+ Mostrar
+ Setup Camouflage Password
+ Configuración de Contraseña Camuflaje
+ Open
+ Abrir
+ Disclaimer and ToS
+ Descargo de Responsabilidad y Terminos de Servicio
+ Application version
+ Versión de Aplicación
+ MM2 version
+ Versión MM2
+ MM2 Version
+ Versión MM2
+ MM2 Version copied to clipboard.
+ Versión MM2 copiada al portapapeles.
+ Qt version
+ Versión Qt
+ Qt Version
+ Versión Qt
+ Qt Version copied to clipboard.
+ Versión de Qt copiada al portapapeles.
+ Search Update
+ Buscar Actualizacion
+ Logout
+ Cerrar sesión
+ Sidebar
+ Search
+ Buscar
+ Add asset
+ Agregar activo
+ SmartChartView
+ Loading market data
+ Cargando datos de mercado
+ There is no chart data for this ticker yet
+ No hay datos de gráficos para este ticker aún
+ SubBestOrder
+ Token
+ Token
+ Available Quantity
+ Cantidad Disponible
+ Available Quantity (in %1)
+ Cantidad Disponible (en %1)
+ Fiat Volume
+ Volumen en Fiat
+ CEX Rate
+ Tasa CEX
+ %1 is not enabled - Do you want to enable it to be able to select %2 best orders ?<br><a href='#'>Yes</a> - <a href='#no'>No</a>
+ %1 no está habilitado. ¿Desea habilitarlo para poder seleccionar %2 mejores ordenes?<br><a href='#'>Sí</a> - <a href='#no'>No</a>
+ SubCoinSelector
+ Token
+ Token
+ Balance
+ Saldo
+ Balance Fiat
+ Saldo Fiat
+ No Selectable coin.
+ No Moneda seleccionable.
+ SubHistory
+ History
+ Historial
+ Filter
+ Filtrar
+ Date
+ Fecha
+ Close filtering options.
+ Cerrar opciones de filtrado.
+ Open filtering options.
+ Abrir opciones de filtrado.
+ Filter settings
+ Configuración de filtros
+ From
+ Desde
+ To
+ A
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ Apply filter
+ Aplicar filtro
+ Export
+ Exportar
+ Please choose the CSV export name and location
+ Por favor, elija el nombre y la ubicación de exportación CSV
+ No results found
+ No se encontraron resultados
+ SubOrders
+ Orders
+ Pedidos
+ Close filtering options.
+ Cerrar opciones de filtrado.
+ Filter
+ Filtrar
+ Date
+ Fecha
+ Open filtering options.
+ Abrir opciones de filtrado.
+ Filter settings
+ Configuración de filtros
+ From
+ Desde
+ To
+ A
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ Apply filter
+ Aplicar filtro
+ No results found
+ No se encontraron resultados
+ SupportModal
+ Frequently Asked Questions
+ Preguntas frecuentes
+ Do you store my private keys?
+ ¿Almacenan mis claves privadas?
+ No! %1 is non-custodial. We never store any sensitive data, including your private keys, seed phrases, or PIN. This data is only stored on the user’s device and never leaves it. You are in full control of your assets.
+ ¡No! %1 no tiene custodia. Nunca almacenamos datos confidenciales, incluidas sus claves privadas, frases iniciales o PIN. Estos datos solo se almacenan en el dispositivo del usuario y nunca lo abandonan. Usted tiene el control total de sus activos.
+ How is trading on %1 different from trading on other DEXs?
+ ¿En qué se diferencia el intercambio en %1 del comercio en otros DEX?
+ Other DEXs generally only allow you to trade assets that are based on a single blockchain network, use proxy tokens, and only allow placing a single order with the same funds.
+%1 enables you to natively trade across two different blockchain networks without proxy tokens. You can also place multiple orders with the same funds. For example, you can sell 0.1 BTC for KMD, QTUM, or VRSC — the first order that fills automatically cancels all other orders.
+ Otros DEX generalmente solo le permiten intercambiar activos que se basan en una sola red de cadena de bloques, usar tokens de proxy y solo permiten realizar un solo pedido con los mismos fondos.
+%1 le permite comerciar de forma nativa en dos redes de cadena de bloques diferentes sin tokens de proxy. También puede realizar varios pedidos con los mismos fondos. Por ejemplo, puede vender 0,1 BTC por KMD, QTUM o VRSC: el primer pedido que se completa automáticamente cancela todos los demás pedidos.
+ How long does each atomic swap take?
+ ¿Cuánto tiempo toma cada intercambio atómico?
+ Several factors determine the processing time for each swap. The block time of the traded assets depends on each network (Bitcoin typically being the slowest) Additionally, the user can customize security preferences. For example, (you can ask %1 to consider a KMD transaction as final after just 3 confirmations which makes the swap time shorter compared to waiting for a <a href="https://komodoplatform.com/security-delayed-proof-of-work-dpow/">notarization</a>.
+ Varios factores determinan el tiempo de procesamiento de cada intercambio. El tiempo de bloqueo de los activos negociados depende de cada red (Bitcoin suele ser la más lenta). Además, el usuario puede personalizar las preferencias de seguridad. Por ejemplo, (puede pedirle a %1 que considere una transacción KMD como final después de solo 3 confirmaciones, lo que hace que el tiempo de intercambio sea más corto en comparación con esperar un <a href="https://komodoplatform.com/security-delayed- prueba de trabajo-dpow/">certificación notarial</a>.
+ Do I need to be online for the duration of the swap?
+ ¿Necesito estar en línea durante la duración del intercambio?
+ Yes. You must remain connected to the internet and have your app running to successfully complete each atomic swap (very short breaks in connectivity are usually fine). Otherwise, there is risk of trade cancellation if you are a maker, and risk of loss of funds if you are a taker.
+The atomic swap protocol requires both participants to stay online and monitor the involved blockchains for the process to stay atomic.
+If you go offline, so will your orders, and any that are in progress will fail, leading to potential loss of trade / transaction fees, and a wait for the swap to timeout and issue a refund. It may also negatively affect your wallet's reputation score for future trade matching.
+When you come back online, your orders will begin to broadcast again at the price you set before you went offline. If there has been significant price movement in the meantime, you might unintentionally offer someone a bargain!
+For this reason, we recommend cancelling orders before closing %1, or reviewing and revising your prices when restarting %1.
+ Sí. Debe permanecer conectado a Internet y tener su aplicación ejecutándose para completar con éxito cada intercambio atómico (las interrupciones muy breves en la conectividad generalmente están bien). De lo contrario, existe el riesgo de cancelación de la operación si es un creador y el riesgo de pérdida de fondos si es un tomador.
+El protocolo de intercambio atómico requiere que ambos participantes permanezcan en línea y monitoreen las cadenas de bloques involucradas para que el proceso permanezca atómico.
+Si se desconecta, también lo harán sus pedidos, y cualquiera que esté en curso fallará, lo que provocará una posible pérdida de tarifas comerciales / de transacción, y una espera para que el intercambio se agote y emita un reembolso. También puede afectar negativamente el puntaje de reputación de su billetera para futuras coincidencias comerciales.
+Cuando vuelva a estar en línea, sus pedidos comenzarán a transmitirse nuevamente al precio que estableció antes de desconectarse. Si ha habido un movimiento de precios significativo en el ínterin, ¡es posible que involuntariamente le ofrezcas a alguien una ganga!
+Por este motivo, recomendamos cancelar los pedidos antes de cerrar %1 o revisar y revisar sus precios al reiniciar %1.
+ How are the fees on %1 calculated?
+ ¿Cómo se calculan las tarifas de %1?
+ There are two fee categories to consider when trading on %1.
+1. %1 charges approximately 0.13% (1/777 of trading volume but not lower than 0.0001) as the trading fee for taker orders, and maker orders have zero fees.
+2. Both makers and takers will need to pay normal network fees to the involved blockchains when making atomic swap transactions.
+Network fees can vary greatly depending on your selected trading pair.
+ Hay dos categorías de tarifas a tener en cuenta al operar en %1.
+1. %1 cobra aproximadamente el 0,13 % (1/777 del volumen de negociación pero no menos de 0,0001) como tarifa de negociación para las órdenes del tomador, y las órdenes del fabricante no tienen tarifas.
+2. Tanto los creadores como los tomadores deberán pagar tarifas de red normales a las cadenas de bloques involucradas al realizar transacciones de intercambio atómico.
+Las tarifas de la red pueden variar mucho según el par comercial seleccionado.
+ Do you provide user support?
+ ¿Ofrecen soporte al usuario?
+ Yes! %1 offers support through the <a href="%2">%1 Discord server</a>. The team and the community are always happy to help!
+ ¡Sí! %1 ofrece soporte a través del <a href="%2">%1 servidor Discord</a>. ¡El equipo y la comunidad siempre están dispuestos a ayudar!
+ Who is behind %1?
+ ¿Quién está detrás de %1?
+ %1 is developed by the Komodo team. Komodo is one of the most established blockchain projects working on innovative solutions like atomic swaps, Delayed Proof of Work, and an interoperable multi-chain architecture.
+ %1 está desarrollado por el equipo de Komodo. Komodo es uno de los proyectos de cadena de bloques más establecidos que trabaja en soluciones innovadoras como intercambios atómicos, prueba de trabajo retrasada y una arquitectura multicadena interoperable.
+ Is it possible to develop my own white-label exchange on %1?
+ ¿Es posible desarrollar mi propio intercambio de marca blanca en %1?
+ Absolutely! You can read our developer documentation for more details or contact us with your partnership inquiries. Have a specific technical question? The %1 developer community is always ready to help!
+ ¡Absolutamente! Puede leer nuestra documentación para desarrolladores para obtener más detalles o ponerse en contacto con nosotros con sus consultas de asociación. ¿Tiene una pregunta técnica específica? ¡La comunidad de desarrolladores de %1 siempre está lista para ayudar!
+ Which devices can I use %1 on?
+ ¿En qué dispositivos puedo usar %1?
+ %1 is available for mobile on both <a href="%2">Android and iPhone, and for desktop on Windows, Mac, and Linux</a> operating systems.
+ %1 está disponible para dispositivos móviles en <a href="%2">Android y iPhone, y para escritorio en Windows, Mac y Linux</a> sistemas operativos.
+ Compliance Info
+ Información de cumplimiento
+ Due to regulatory and legal circumstances the citizens of certain jurisdictions including, but not limited to, the United States of America, Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, Singapore, Sudan, Austria, Iran and any other state, country or other jurisdiction that is embargoed by the United States of America or the European Union are not allowed to use this application.
+ Debido a circunstancias reglamentarias y legales, los ciudadanos de ciertas jurisdicciones, incluidos, entre otros, los Estados Unidos de América, Canadá, Hong Kong, Israel, Singapur, Sudán, Austria, Irán y cualquier otro estado, país u otra jurisdicción que está embargado por los Estados Unidos de América o la Unión Europea no se les permite utilizar esta aplicación.
+ Changelog
+ Cambios
+ Open Logs Folder
+ Abrir Carpeta de Registros
+ SwapProgress
+ act
+ act
+ est
+ est
+ Progress details
+ Detalles del Progreso
+ TextAreaWithTitle
+ Save
+ Guardar
+ Edit
+ Editar
+ TextEditWithCopy
+ copied to clipboard
+ copiado al portapapeles
+ TextEditWithTitle
+ copied to clipboard
+ copiado al portapapeles
+ TextFieldWithTitle
+ Required
+ Requerido
+ Toast
+ Click here to see the details
+ Haga clic aquí para ver los detalles
+ Trade
+ Swap
+ Intercambiar
+ Instant trading with best orders
+ Comercio instantáneo con las mejores órdenes
+ Reset form
+ Restablecer formulario
+ You have no tradable assets
+ No tiene activos intercambiables
+ From
+ Desde
+ Enter an amount
+ Ingrese una cantidad
+ To
+ A
+ Pick an order
+ Elegir una orden
+ Price
+ Precio
+ Better price found: %1. Updating forms.
+ Mejor precio encontrado: %1. Actualización de formularios.
+ Better price (%1) found but received quantity (%2) is lower than your current one (%3). Click here to update the selected order.
+ Mejor precio (%1) encontrado pero la cantidad recibida (%2) es más baja que la actual (%3). Haga clic aquí para actualizar el pedido seleccionado.
+ %1
+ %1
+ Tradable:
+ Negociable:
+ Min: %1
+ Mín.: %1
+ Pick a coin
+ Elija una moneda
+ Failed to place the order
+ Error al realizar el pedido
+ Placed the order
+ Realizó el pedido El
+ Entered amount must be superior than 0.
+ monto ingresado debe ser superior a 0.
+ You must select an order.
+ Debe seleccionar un pedido.
+ Entered amount is below the minimum required by this order: %1
+ El monto ingresado está por debajo del mínimo requerido por esta orden: %1
+ %1 needs to be enabled in order to use %2
+ %1 debe habilitarse para usar %2
+ %1 balance needs to be funded, a non-zero balance is required to pay the gas of %2 transactions
+ se debe rellenar el saldo de %1, se requiere un saldo distinto de cero para pagar el gas de %2 transacciones
+ %1 balance does not have enough funds to pay the gas of %2 transactions
+ %1 el saldo no tiene fondos suficientes para pagar el gas de %2 transacciones
+ No buy orders found for %1.
+ No se encontraron órdenes de compra para %1.
+ You can check later or try to sell a different coin.
+ Puede verificar más tarde o intentar vender una moneda diferente.
+ Calculating fee estimate...
+ Calculando tarifa estimada...
+ Total %1 fees:
+ Total de %1 tarifas:
+ %2 (%3)
+ %2 (%3)
+ TradeViewHeader
+ Pro View Settings
+ Vista de Configuración Pro
+ Display Settings
+ Configuracion de Vista
+ Ticker Selectors
+ Selectores
+ Trading Information
+ Información de Intercambios
+ Order Book
+ Libro de Ordenes
+ Best Orders
+ Mejores Ordenes
+ Place Order
+ Realizar pedido
+ TransactionDetailsModal
+ Transaction Details
+ Detalles de Transacción
+ %1 txid
+ %1 txid
+ copied to clipboard.
+ copiado al portapapeles.
+ Amount
+ Cantidad
+ Fees
+ Tarifas
+ From address
+ Desde dirección
+ To address
+ Para dirección
+ Date
+ Fecha
+ Unconfirmed
+ Sin confirmar
+ Transaction Hash
+ Hash de Transaccion
+ Confirmations
+ Confirmaciones
+ Block Height
+ Altura del Bloque
+ From
+ Desde
+ To
+ A
+ Notes
+ Notas
+ Close
+ Cerrar
+ View on Explorer
+ Ver en Explorer
+ Transactions
+ Sent
+ Enviado
+ Received
+ Recibido
+ fees
+ tarifas
+ Unconfirmed
+ Sin confirmar
+ UpdateInvalidChecksum
+ The downloaded update archive is corrupted !
+ ¡El archivo de actualización descargado está dañado!
+ Vertical
+ Order Book
+ Libro de Ordenes
+ WalletsView
+ Welcome
+ Bienvenido
+ New wallet
+ Nuevo monedero
+ Import wallet
+ Importar monedero
+ Search your wallets...
+ Buscar en sus monederos...
+ My Wallets
+ Mis Monederos
+ No wallets found!
+ ¡No se han encontrado monederos!
+ Delete
+ Eliminar
+ Enter password to confirm deletion of
+ Ingrese la contraseña para confirmar la eliminación de
+ wallet
+ billetera
+ Type password
+ Escriba la contraseña
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ Wallet status
+ Estado
+ wallet deleted successfully
+ billetera eliminada con éxito
+ Ok
+ Ok
+ wallet password is incorrect
+ la contraseña de la billetera es incorrecta
+ ZcashParamsModal
+ %1 Activation Failed!
+ ¡Error en la activación de %1!
+ To activate ZHTLC coins, you need to download the Zcash Params.
+This might take a few minutes...
+ Para activar las monedas ZHTLC, debe descargar Zcash Params.
+Esto puede tardar unos minutos...
+ Download params & enable coins
+ Descargar parámetros & habilitar monedas
+ More Info
+ Más información
+ Close
+ Cerrar
+ atomic_dex::settings_page
+ An error has occurred.
+ Se ha producido un error.
+ atomic_dex::wallet_page
+ You do not have enough funds.
+ No tiene fondos suficientes.
+ %1 is not activated: click on the button to enable it or enable it manually
+ %1 no está activado: haga clic en el botón para habilitarlo o habilítelo manualmente
+ You need to have %1 to pay the gas for %2 transactions.
+ Necesita tener %1 para pagar la gasolina de %2 transacciones.
+ Checksum verification failed for %1.
+ La verificación de la suma de comprobación falló para %1.
+ Invalid checksum for %1. Click the button to convert to mixed case address.
+ Suma de comprobación no válida para %1. Haga clic en el botón para convertir a dirección de mayúsculas y minúsculas.
+ Legacy address used for %1. Click the button to convert to a Cashaddress.
+ Dirección heredada utilizada para %1. Haga clic en el botón para convertir a una dirección de efectivo.
+ %1 address must be prefixed with 0x
+ La dirección %1 debe tener el prefijo 0x
+ %1 address length is invalid, please use a valid address.
+ La longitud de la dirección %1 no es válida, utilice una dirección válida.
+ %1 address is invalid.
+ La dirección %1 no es válida.
+ Invalid checksum.
+ Suma de comprobación no válida.
+ %1 address has invalid prefixes.
+ La dirección %1 tiene prefijos no válidos.
+ Backend error: %1
+ Error de backend: %1
+ main
+ Logout
+ Cerrar sesión
+ Balance
+ Saldo
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/atomic_defi_fr.ts b/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/atomic_defi_fr.ts
index 674e6081c5..ca2981786a 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/atomic_defi_fr.ts
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/atomic_defi_fr.ts
@@ -2,502 +2,269 @@
- QPlatformTheme
+ AddAddressForm
- &Yes
- Oui
+ Use standard network address
- &No
- Non
+ Label
+ This key already exists.
+ Cette clé existe déjà.
+ Address
+ Adresse
- Annuler
+ Annuler
+ Convert
+ Edit
+ Éditer
+ Add
+ Ajouter
+ You need to enable %1 before adding this kind of address.
+ Enable
+ Activer
Choose the asset type
Choisir le type d'actif
- Type
- Type
Enter the contract address
Entrer l'adresse du contrat
Choose the asset ticker
Choisissez le symbole de l'actif
Enter the ticker
Entrez le symbole
- Contract Address
- Adresse du contrat
Get the contract address from
Obtenez l'adresse du contrat de
+ Contract address
Get the contract address from
Obtenez l'adresse du contrat de
Choose the asset logo
Choisissez le logo de l'actif
Please choose the asset logo
S'il-vous-plaît choissisez le logo de l'actif
All configuration fields will be fetched using the contract address you provided.
Tous les champs de configuration vont être récupérés à partir de l'adresse du contrat que vous avez fournis.
Enter the name
Entrez le nom
Coingecko ID
Coingecko ID
Enter the Coingecko ID
Entrer l'identifiant coingecko
Get the Coingecko ID
Récupérer l'identifiant coingecko
WARNING: Application will restart immidiately to apply the changes!
AVERTISSEMENT: l'application redémarrera immédiatement pour appliquer les modifications!
Asset not found, please go back and make sure Contract Address is correct
Actif introuvable, veuillez revenir en arrière et vous assurer que l'adresse du contrat est correcte
Config Fields
Champs de configuration
Fetched Data
Données récupérées
Submit & Restart
Soumettre et redémarrer
- AddressBook
- Address Book
- Carnet d'adresses
- New Contact
- Nouveau contact
- Search a contact by name or tags
- Rechercher un contact par nom ou par tags
- Name
- Nom
- Tags (first 6)
- Tags (Les 6 premiers)
- Actions
- Actions
- Edit
- Éditer
- Remove
- Retirer
- Do you want to remove this contact ?
- Voulez-vous supprimer ce contact ?
- Yes
- Oui
- No
- Non
- AddressBookAddContactAddressModal
- Create a new address
- Créer une nouvelle adresse
- Edit address entry
- Edition de l'entrée pour l'addresse
- Selected wallet: %1
- Portefeuille sélectionné : %1
- Enter a name
- Entrez un nom
- This key already exists.
- Cette clé existe déjà.
- Enter the address
- Entrez l'adresse
- Validate
- Valider
- Cancel
- Annuler
+ AddTagPopup
- Convert
+ Tag name
- AddressBookEditContactModal
- Edit contact
- Modifier le contact
- Contact Name
- Nom du contact
- Enter a contact name
- Entrez un nom de contact
- Address List
- Liste d'addresse
- Search for an address entry.
- Rechercher une addresse.
- Type
- Type
- Key
- Clef
- Address
- Addresse
- Actions
- Actions
- New Address
- Nouvelle addresse
- Tags
- Tags
- +
- +
- Confirm
- Confirmer
- Cancel
- Annuler
- The selected address belongs to a disabled coin, you need to enabled it before sending.
- L'adresse sélectionnée appartient à un actif désactivée, vous devez l'activer avant l'envoi.
- Enable
- Activer
- Cannot send to this address
- Impossible d'envoyer à cette adresse
- Your balance is empty
- Votre solde est vide
- Ok
- Ok
- Remove address ?
+ Contact already has this tag.
- Yes
- Oui
- No
- Non
+ + ADD
- AddressBookNewContactCategoryModal
- Add a new tag
- Ajouter un nouveau tag
- Enter the tag name
- Entrer le nom du tag
- This contact already has this tag
- Ce contact possède déjà ce tag
- Add
- Ajouter
+ AmountChart
- Cancel
- Annuler
+ Work in progress
+ Travail en cours
- AddressBookNewContactModal
- Create a new contact
- Créer un nouveau contact
- Enter the contact name
- Entrez le nom du contact
- This contact name already exists.
- Ce nom de contact existe déjà.
- Confirm
- Confirmer
+ App
- Cancel
- Annuler
+ Recover Funds Result
+ Le résultat de la récupération des fonds
- AddressBookSendWalletSelector
+ AssetFromStandardSelector
Choose a valid
- Choisissez un actif
- coin
- valide
- AddressBookWalletTypeListModal
- Select wallet type
- Sélectionnez le type de portefeuille
+ Choisissez un actif
- Search
- Rechercher
+ asset
- AmountChart
- Work in progress
- Travail en cours
+ Search an asset
- App
- Recover Funds Result
- Le résultat de la récupération des fonds
+ Disabled
@@ -505,32 +272,42 @@
+ Fiat Balance
Change 24h
Changement 24H
+ Activating:
Price provider is: %1
Fournisseur de prix : %1
@@ -538,27 +315,70 @@
- BuyBox
- Buy
- Acheter
+ Disable Privacy?
+ Enter wallet password to confirm
+ Type password
+ Tapez votre mot de passe
+ Confirm
+ Confirmer
+ Cancel
+ Annuler
+ Privacy status
+ Privacy mode disabled successfully
+ Ok
+ Ok
+ Wrong password!
+ wallet password is incorrect
+ le mot de passe du portefeuille est incorrect
@@ -569,64 +389,51 @@
Configurer le mot de passe de camouflage
Camouflage Password is a secret password for emergency situations.
Le mot de passe de camouflage est un mot de passe secret pour les situations d'urgence.
Using it to login will display your balance lower than it actually is.
Son utilisation pour vous connecter affichera votre solde inférieur à ce qu'il est réellement.
Here you enter the suffix and at login you need to enter {real_password}{suffix}
Ici, vous entrez le suffixe et lors de la connexion, vous devez entrer {mot de passe réel}{suffixe}
Password suffix
Suffixe du mot de passe
Confirm pasword suffix
Confirmer le suffixe du mot de passe
Enter a password suffix
Entrez un suffixe de mot de passe
Enter the same password suffix to confirm
Entrez le même suffixe de mot de passe pour confirmer
- CandleStickChart
- Loading market data
- Chargement des données de marché
- There is no chart data for this pair yet
- Il n'y a pas encore de données graphiques pour cette paire
@@ -691,122 +498,134 @@
Les données de marché (prix, graphiques, etc.) marquées de l'icône ⓘ proviennent de sources tierces.<br><br>Les données proviennent de <a href="https://bandprotocol.com/"> Band Decentralized Oracle</a> et <a href="https://www.coingecko.com/fr">Coingecko </a>.<br><br><b>Paires prises en charge par Oracle:</b><br>%1<br><br><b>Dernière référence (Band Oracle) :</b><br><a href="%2">%2</a>
+ Chart
+ Loading market data
+ Chargement des données de marché
+ There is no chart data for this pair yet
+ Il n'y a pas encore de données graphiques pour cette paire
Failed to prepare to claim rewards
Échec de la préparation de la réclamation des récompenses
Claim your %1 reward?
Réclamer votre %1 récompense ?
No UTXOs eligible for claiming
Aucun UTXO éligible pour réclamer
- You will receive %1
- Vous allez recevoir %1
Transaction fee is higher than the reward!
Les frais de transaction sont plus élevés que la récompense !
+ You will receive
Read more about KMD active users rewards
En savoir plus sur les récompenses des utilisateurs actifs de KMD
Accruing Start
Début accumulation
Accruing Stop
Fin accumulation
Time Left
Temps restant
Locktime is not set
L'heure de verrouillage n'est pas définie
Locktime is less than the threshold
Le temps de verrouillage est inférieur au seuil
UTXO height is greater than end of the era
La hauteur UTXO est supérieure à la fin de l'ère
UTXO amount is less than 10
Le montant UTXO est inférieur à 10
One hour did not pass yet
Une heure ne s'est pas encore écoulée
Transaction is in mempool
La transaction est en mempool
Unknown problem
Problème inconnu
@@ -814,37 +633,55 @@
Disable %1
Désactiver %1
Disable and Delete %1
Désactiver et Supprimer %1
Disable all %1 assets
Désactiver tous les actifs %1
Disable all assets
Désactiver tous les actifs
+ Disable 0 balance assets
+ ComboBoxWithSearchBar
+ Search
+ Rechercher
+ Language
+ Langue
Monnaie fiduciaire
@@ -895,74 +732,83 @@
Confirm Exchange Details
Détails de la confirmation de l'échange
This swap request can not be undone and is a final event!
La requête de ce swap ne peut pas être annulé, c'est irréversible !
- Total %1 fees: %2 (%3)
- Total %1 frais: %2 (%3)
Security configuration
Configuration de la sécurité
- dPoW protected
- dPoW protégé
Read more about dPoW
En savoir plus sur dPoW
Use custom protection settings for incoming %1 transactions
- Utiliser les paramètres de protection personnalisés pour les transactions%1 entrantes
+ Utiliser les paramètres de protection personnalisés pour les transactions %1 entrantes
Enable Komodo dPoW security
Activer la sécurité de Komodo dPoW
%1 confirmations for incoming %2 transactions
Il y a %1 confirmations pour les transactions entrantes du ticker %2
This transaction can take up to 60 mins - DO NOT close this application!
Cette transaction peut prendre jusqu'à 60 minutes - NE fermez PAS cette application !
+ Trade price is more than 50% different to CEX! Confirm?
+ Le prix est supérieur à 50% du prix sur les CEX ! Êtes-vous sûr ?
+ Loading fees...
+ <b>Total %1 fees:</b>
+ Frais totaux %1:
+ dPoW protected
+ Protégé par dPoW
Required Confirmations
Confirmations requises
Warning, this atomic swap is not dPoW protected!
Attention, ce swap atomique n'est pas protégé par dPoW !
@@ -983,181 +829,197 @@
Le nombre actuel d'actifs activées ne correspond pas à vos spécifications de configuration. La configuration de vos actifs sera réinitialisée.
Recherche en cours
Order Matching
Recherche d'un ordre
Order Matched
Ordre trouvé
En cours
Swap Ongoing
Échange en cours
Swap Successful
Échange terminé
En cours de remboursement
Swap Failed
Erreur lors de l'échange
Unknown State
État inconnu
Taker fee sent
Frais de preneur envoyés
Maker payment received
Paiement de l'envoyeur reçu
Maker payment wait confirm started
La confirmation d'attente de paiement de l'envoyeur a commencé
Maker payment validated and confirmed
Paiement de l'envoyeur validé et confirmé
Taker payment sent
Paiement du preneur envoyé
Taker payment spent
Paiement du preneur dépensé
Maker payment spent
Paiement de l'envoyeur dépensé
Start failed
Le démarrage a échoué
Negotiate failed
La négociation a échoué
Taker fee validate failed
Échec de la validation des frais du preneur
Maker payment transaction failed
La transaction de paiement du créateur a échoué
Maker payment Data send failed
Échec de l'envoi des données de paiement du créateur
Maker payment wait confirm failed
La confirmation de l'attente de paiement du créateur a échoué
Taker payment validate failed
La validation du paiement du preneur a échoué
Taker payment wait confirm failed
La confirmation de l'attente de paiement du preneur a échoué
Taker payment spend failed
Échec des dépenses de paiement du preneur
Maker payment wait refund started
attente de paiement du créateur, remboursement commencé
Maker payment refunded
Paiement du créateur remboursé
Maker payment refund failed
échec du remboursement du paiement du créateur
+ DatePicker
+ Date
+ Date
+ DefaultCopyIcon
+ copied to clipboard
+ copié dans le presse-papier
@@ -1171,6 +1033,14 @@
+ DefaultTextEdit
+ copied to clipboard
+ copié dans le presse-papier
@@ -1213,7 +1083,7 @@
Type password
Tapez votre mot de passe
@@ -1221,35 +1091,32 @@
At least 1 lowercase alphabetical character
Au moins 1 caractère alphabétique en minuscule
At least 1 uppercase alphabetical character
Au moins 1 caractère alphabétique en majuscule
At least 1 numeric character
Au moins 1 caractère numérique
At least 1 special character (eg. !@#$%)
Au moins 1 caractère spécial (ex: ! @ # $%)
- At least %n character(s)
- Au moins %n caractère
- Au moins %n caractères
+ Between %1 and %2 character(s)
Password and Confirm Password have to be same
Le mot de passe et la confirmation du mot de passe doivent être identiques
@@ -1257,7 +1124,7 @@
items per page
Nombres d'éléments par page
@@ -1283,55 +1150,136 @@
+ EditContactModal
+ Edit contact
+ Modifier le contact
+ Contact name
+ Enter a contact name
+ Entrez un nom de contact
+ Address list
+ Address Book
+ Carnet d'adresses
+ address copied to clipboard
+ Edit
+ Éditer
+ + Add
+ Tags
+ Tags
+ Add tag
+ Cancel
+ Annuler
+ Confirm
+ Confirmer
+ EnableAssetModal
+ The selected address belongs to a disabled asset, you need to enabled it before sending.
+ Enable
+ Activer
+ Cancel
+ Annuler
Enable assets
Activer les actifs
Search asset
Rechercher un actif
- Add a custom asset to the list
- Ajouter un token personnalisé à la liste
All assets are already enabled!
Tous les actifs sont déjà activés !
Change assets limit
Limiter le nombre d'actifs
+ Cancel
+ Annuler
Select all assets
Sélectionnez tous les actifs
You can still enable %1 assets. Selected: %2.
Vous pouvez toujours activer %1 actifs. Sélectionnés: %2.
- Close
- Fermer
+ Add a custom asset
@@ -1344,27 +1292,27 @@
Clause de non-responsabilité et conditions d'utilisation
Accept EULA
Acceptez l'EULA
Accept Terms and Conditions
Accepter les termes et conditions
@@ -1382,28 +1330,61 @@
La connexion a été perdue. Vous avez été déconnecté.
- Close
- Fermer
+ Close
+ Fermer
+ FeeInfo
+ Minimum fee
+ Frais minimum
+ Fees will be calculated
+ Les frais seront calculés
+ GasInfoModal
+ How do I calculate gas?
+ Gas is measured in gwei. Gwei is just a unit of Ether, and is equal to 0.000000001 ETH (or the equivalent platform coin such as AVAX or BNB). The gas price varies over time depending on network congestion.
+ The gas limit is how many units of gas (maximum) you allocate to pay for a transaction. The gas required depending on the size of the transaction & data being transmitted.
+ A standard transaction not involving contracts uses 21,000 gas units, with any of the limit remaining returned to the source address.
- FeeInfo
- Minimum fee
- Frais minimum
+ Transactions involving contracts may result in the whole limit being consumed, so be careful not to set it too high.
- Fees will be calculated
- Les frais seront calculés
+ For more information, read the article at <a href="https://support.mycrypto.com/how-to/sending/how-to-know-what-gas-limit-to-use">https://support.mycrypto.com/how-to/sending/how-to-know-what-gas-limit-to-use</a>
%n day(s)
%n jour(s)
@@ -1411,7 +1392,7 @@
@@ -1420,7 +1401,7 @@
@@ -1429,7 +1410,7 @@
@@ -1438,7 +1419,7 @@
@@ -1447,7 +1428,7 @@
@@ -1456,66 +1437,92 @@
+ <b>Taker tx fee:</b>
+ Taxes de transaction du preneur:
+ <b>Dex tx fee:</b>
+ Taxes de transaction de DEX:
+ <b>Dex fee:</b>
+ Taxes de DEX:
+ <b>Maker tx fee:</b>
+ Taxes de transaction du créateur
Trading Fee
Frais d'échanges
Minimum Trading Amount
Frais d'échange minimum
Wallet %1 already exists
Le portefeuille %1 existe déjà
%1 balance is lower than the fees amount: %2 %3
La %1 balance est inférieur aux frais: %2 %3
Tradable (after fees) %1 balance is lower than minimum trade amount
Le solde négociable (après frais) %1 est inférieur au montant minimum de la transaction
Please fill the price field
Veuillez remplir le champ de prix
Please fill the volume field
- Veuillez remplir le champ de volume
+ Please wait for %1 to fully activate
%1 volume is lower than minimum trade amount
Le volume de %1 est inférieur au montant minimum de la transaction
%1 needs to be enabled in order to use %2
%1 doit être activé pour utiliser %2
%1 balance needs to be funded, a non-zero balance is required to pay the gas of %2 transactions
Le solde %1 doit être financé, un solde différent de zéro est requis pour payer les frais de transactions de %2
Unknown Error
Erreur inconnue
@@ -1523,146 +1530,165 @@
You get
Vous recevez
You send
Vous envoyez
Fiat Price
Prix fiduciaire
CEX rate
Taux CEX
- History
- Recent Swaps
- Swaps récents
Failed to Import the wallet
Échec de l'importation du portefeuille
Import wallet - Setup
Importer le portefeuille - Configuration
Import wallet - Choose password
Importer le portefeuille - Choisir le mot de passe
Wallet Name
Nom du portefeuille
Enter seed
Entrez la phrase de récupération
- BIP39 seed validation failed, try again or select 'Allow custom seed'
- Échec de la validation de la phrase de récupération BIP39, réessayez ou sélectionnez ' Autoriser les phrases de récupérations personnalisées'
+ Your seed is not BIP39 compliant.
+Try again or select 'Allow custom seed' to continue.
+ i understand
+ je comprends
+ я согласен
+ je comprends
+ entiendo
+ anladım
+ ich verstehe
+ Ok
+ Ok
Allow custom seed
Autoriser les phrases de récupération personnalisées
<strong>Allow custom seed</strong>
<strong>Autoriser les phrases personnalisées</strong>
Custom seed phrases might be less secure and easier to crack than a generated BIP39 compliant seed phrase or private key (WIF).<br><br>To confirm you understand the risk and know what you are doing, type <strong>'I understand'</strong> in the box below.
Les phrases de départ personnalisées peuvent être moins sécurisées et plus faciles à déchiffrer qu'une phrase de départ ou une clé privée (WIF) conforme à BIP39 générée.<br><br>Pour confirmer que vous comprenez le risque et savez ce que vous faites, tapez <strong>'Je comprends'</strong> dans la case ci-dessous.
I understand
Je comprends
- Enable
- Activer
Enter the same password to confirm
Entrez le même mot de passe pour confirmer
- Languages
- Language
- Langue
Join our Discord server
Rejoignez notre serveur Discord
Follow us on Twitter
Suivez-nous sur Twitter
Go to Support Guides
M'envoyer sur les guides du support
@@ -1674,16 +1700,26 @@
Funds are recoverable
Les fonds sont récupérables
+ Best Orders
+ Meilleurs offres
+ Enter volume to see best orders.
%1 is not enabled - Do you want to enable it to be able to select %2 best orders ?<br><a href='#'>Yes</a> - <a href='#no'>No</a>
%1 n'est pas activé - Souhaitez vous l'activer pour pouvoir selectionnez les meilleurs offres %2 ?<br><a href='#'>Oui</a> - <a href='#no'>Non</a>
This order requires a minimum amount of %1 %2 <br>You don't have enough funds.<br> %3
Cette commande nécessite un montant minimum de %1 %2 <br>Vous n'avez pas assez de fonds.<br> %3
@@ -1722,147 +1758,194 @@
Incorrect Password
Mot de passe incorrect
- Connect
- Connection
+ Log In
+ LogoutModal
+ Exit %1 or go to login menu?
+ Warning: You currently have a swap in progress.
+Logging out may result in a failed swap.
+ Warning: You currently have open maker orders.
+They will be removed from the orderbook until you log in again.
+ Login menu
+ Exit
+ Cancel
+ Annuler
Do you want to send your %1 funds to %2 wallet first?
Voulez-vous d'abord envoyer vos fonds %1 vers le portefeuille %2 ?
Your transaction is send, may take some time to arrive
Votre transaction est envoyée, peut prendre un certain temps pour arriver
- Wallet Balance
- Solde portefeuille
- Change 24h
- Changement 24H
+ Change 24hr
+ Porfolio
- Portfolio %
- Portefeuille %
+ Contract Address
Enable %1 ?
Activer %1 ?
+ is wallet only
+ Public Key
+ Copied to Clipboard
+ Copier dans le presse-papier
Loading market data
Chargement des données de marché
There is no chart data for this ticker yet
Il n'y a pas encore de données graphiques pour ce ticker
- Loading
- Chargement
- Scanning blocks for TX History...
- Analyses des blocs pour l'historique TX...
+ Fetching transactions...
- Syncing TX History...
- Synchronisation de l'historique de transactions...
+ Please wait, %1 is %2
- No transactions
- Pas de transactions
+ % activated...
- Refreshing
- Actualiser
+ No transactions available
- Fetching transactions
- Récupération des transactions
+ Click to view your address on %1 (%2) block explorer
@@ -1870,27 +1953,102 @@
+ Trading Information
+ Informations de Trading
+ Chart
+ Chart
+ Place Order
+ Placer l'ordre
+ Order Selected
+ Ordre séléctionné
+ Address Book
+ Carnet d'adresses
+ Search contact
+ Name
+ Nom
+ Tags
+ Tags
+ Edit
+ Éditer
+ Delete
+ Supprimez
+ address copied to clipboard
+ This contact does not have any registered address.
- Sell
- Vendre
+ Sell %1
- Buy
- Acheter
+ Buy %1
@@ -1938,165 +2096,196 @@
- NewUpdateModal
+ NewContactPopup
- Searching new updates...
- Recherche de nouvelles mises à jour ...
+ Contact name
- Please wait while the application is finding a new update... You can close this modal if you want.
- Veuillez patienter pendant que l'application recherche une nouvelle mise à jour ... Vous pouvez fermer ce modal si vous le souhaitez.
+ This contact name already exists.
+ Ce nom de contact existe déjà.
- Already updated
- Déjà mis à jour
+ + ADD
+ NewUpdateModal
- %1 is already up-to-date !
- %1 est déjà à jour !
+ Searching new updates
- Close
- Fermer
+ Fetching...
- New update detected !
- Nouvelle mise à jour détectée !
+ Close
+ Fermer
- Do you want to update %1 from %2 to %3 ?
- Voulez-vous mettre à jour %1 de %2 vers %3 ?
+ Could not check new updates for the following reason:
- Download
- Téléchargement
+ New version found
- Remind me later
- Rappelle-moi plus tard
+ Mandatory version found
- Download in progress...
- Téléchargement en cours...
+ %1 %2 is available !
- Update downloaded
- Mise à jour téléchargée
+ This update is mandatory to continue using the application
- Update has been successfully downloaded. Do you want to restart the application now ?
- La mise à jour a été téléchargée avec succès. Voulez-vous redémarrer l'application maintenant ?
+ Close Dex
- Restart now
- Redémarrer maintenant
+ Your application is updated.
- Restart later
- Redémarrer plus tard
+ Download
+ Téléchargement
Wrong word, please check again
Mauvais mot, veuillez vérifier à nouveau
+ st
+ nd
+ rd
+ th
Failed to create a wallet
Impossible de créer un portefeuille
New Wallet
Nouveau portefeuille
Confirm Seed
Confirmer la phrase de récupération
Choose Password
Choisissez un mot de passe
Important: Back up your seed phrase before proceeding!
Important: sauvegardez votre phrase de recupération avant de continuer !
We recommend storing it offline.
Nous vous recommandons de le stocker hors ligne.
Generated Seed
Générer un Seed
Seed phrase
Phrase de récupération
copied to clipboard
copié dans le presse-papier
Let's double check your seed phrase
Vérifions à nouveau votre phrase de récupération
Your seed phrase is important - that's why we like to make sure it's correct. We'll ask you three different questions about your seed phrase to make sure you'll be able to easily restore your wallet whenever you want.
Votre phrase de récupération est importante - c'est pourquoi nous aimons nous assurer qu'elle est correcte. Nous vous poserons trois questions différentes au sujet de votre phrase source pour vous assurer que vous pourrez facilement restaurer votre portefeuille à tout moment.
- Enter the %n. word
- Entrez le mot numéro %n
- Entrez le mot numéro %n
+ Enter the
+ word
Enter the same password to confirm
Entrez le même mot de passe pour confirmer
@@ -2127,150 +2316,152 @@
Recherche en cours
Order Matching
Recherche d'un ordre
Order Matched
Ordre trouvé
En cours
Swap Ongoing
Échange en cours
Swap Successful
Échange terminé
En cours de remboursement
Swap Failed
Erreur lors de l'échange
Unknown State
État inconnu
Swap status updated
État du swap mis à jour
You sent %1
Vous avez envoyé %1
You received %1
Vous avez reçu %1
Your wallet balance changed
Le solde de votre portefeuille a changé
+ %1 Enable status
Please check your internet connection (e.g. VPN service or firewall might block it).
Veuillez vérifier votre connexion Internet (par exemple, le service VPN ou le pare-feu peut la bloquer).
Failed to enable %1
Échec de l'activation de %1
+ Failed to disable %1
Endpoint not reachable
Point final non accessible
Could not reach to endpoint
Impossible d'atteindre le point de terminaison
- Mismatch at %1 custom asset configuration
- Non-correspondance à la configuration de l'asset personnalisé %1
- Application needs to be restarted for %1 custom asset.
- L'application doit être redémarrée pour l'asset personnalisé %1.
- Batch %1 failed. Reason: %2
- Le lot %1 a échoué. Raison :%2
- There isn't any notification
- Il n'y a aucune notification
+ Notifications
+ There aren't any notifications
Mark all as read
Tout marquer comme lu
@@ -2278,46 +2469,97 @@
Amount to sell
Montant à vendre
Amount to receive
Montant à recevoir
- Min volume:
- Min volume :
+ Max
+ Max
+ Swap 25% of your tradable balance.
+ Swap 50% of your tradable balance.
+ Swap 100% of your tradable balance.
- How to use the pro-view slider ?
- Comment utiliser le slider pro-view ?
+ Min Volume
+ Min amount to sell
+ Min amount to receive
+ Minimum accepted trade equals 10% of order volume.
+ Minimum accepted trade equals 25% of order volume.
+ Minimum accepted trade equals 50% of order volume.
- This slider is used to setup the order requirements you need.
-Left slider: Sets the minimum amount required to process a trade.
-Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
- Ce curseur est utilisé pour configurer les exigences de commande dont vous avez besoin.
-Curseur de gauche : définit le montant minimum requis pour traiter une transaction.
-Curseur droit : définit le volume que vous souhaitez trader.
+ Min volume:
+ Min volume :
Use custom minimum trade amount
Utiliser le montant d'échange minimum personnalisé
+ Reduce 1% relative to CEX market price.
+ Use CEX market price.
+ Increase 1% relative to CEX market price.
@@ -2325,7 +2567,7 @@ Curseur droit : définit le volume que vous souhaitez trader.
Funds are recoverable
Les fonds sont récupérables
@@ -2333,7 +2575,7 @@ Curseur droit : définit le volume que vous souhaitez trader.
No results found
Aucun résultat trouvé
@@ -2341,97 +2583,114 @@ Curseur droit : définit le volume que vous souhaitez trader.
Swap Details
Détails de l'échange
Order Details
Détails de l'ordre
+ Order Type
Maker Order
Ordre de vente
Taker Order
Ordre d'achat
Refund State
État de remboursement
Your swap failed but the auto-refund process for your payment started already. Please wait and keep application opened until you receive your payment back
Votre échange a échoué, mais le processus de remboursement automatique de votre paiement a déjà commencé. Veuillez patienter et garder l'application ouverte jusqu'à ce que vous receviez votre remboursement
- ID
- ID
Recover Funds
Récupérer des fonds
View on Explorer
Voir dans l'explorateur
- Maker Payment Sent ID
- Identifiant d'envoi du paiement du créateur
+ Cancel Order
+ Annuler l'ordre
- Maker Payment Spent ID
- Identifiant de paiement du créateur
+ Error ID
+ ID de l'erreur
- Taker Payment Spent ID
- Identifiant de paiement du preneur d'achat
+ Swap ID
+ ID du Swap
- Taker Payment Sent ID
- Identifiant d'envoi du paiement du preneur
+ Maker Payment Sent Transaction ID
- Cancel Order
- Annuler l'ordre
+ Maker Payment Spent Transaction ID
- Error ID
- ID de l'erreur
+ Maker Payment TXID
+ Taker Payment Spent Transaction ID
+ Taker Payment Sent Transaction ID
+ Taker Payment TXID
Error Log
Journal des erreurs
@@ -2439,64 +2698,62 @@ Curseur droit : définit le volume que vous souhaitez trader.
Selected Order Removed
Ordre sélectionné supprimé
- The selected order does not exist anymore, it might have been matched or canceled, and no order with a better price is available. Please select a new order.
- La commande sélectionnée n'existe plus, elle a peut-être été matché ou annulée, et aucune commande avec un meilleur prix n'est disponible. Veuillez sélectionner un nouvelle ordre.
+ The selected order does not exist anymore, it might have been matched or canceled, and no order with a better price is available.
+Please select a new order.
- Orders
- Orders
- Ordres
Apply Filter
Appliquer les changements
Export CSV
Exporter CSV
+ Cancel All
Please choose the CSV export name and location
Veuillez choisir le nom et l'emplacement de l'exportation CSV
@@ -2504,7 +2761,7 @@ Curseur droit : définit le volume que vous souhaitez trader.
items per page
Nombres d'éléments par page
@@ -2512,42 +2769,39 @@ Curseur droit : définit le volume que vous souhaitez trader.
Mot de passe
Enter your wallet password
Entrez le mot de passe de votre portefeuille
At least 1 lowercase alphabetical character
Au moins 1 caractère alphabétique en minuscule
At least 1 uppercase alphabetical character
Au moins 1 caractère alphabétique en majuscule
At least 1 numeric character
Au moins 1 caractère numérique
At least 1 special character (eg. !@#$%)
Au moins 1 caractère spécial (ex: ! @ # $%)
- At least %n character(s)
- Au moins %n caractère
- Au moins %n caractères
+ Between %1 and %2 character(s)
@@ -2571,66 +2825,66 @@ Curseur droit : définit le volume que vous souhaitez trader.
Search asset
Rechercher un actif
Show only coins with balance
Afficher uniquement les assets avec solde
- Add asset
- Ajouter un actif
Set swap price for evaluation
Définir le prix d'échange pour l'évaluation
Exchange rate
Taux de l'échange
%1 compared to CEX
%1 par rapport aux CEX
CEXchange rate
Taux du CEX
@@ -2638,37 +2892,32 @@ Curseur droit : définit le volume que vous souhaitez trader.
- Set swap price for evaluation
- Définir le prix d'échange pour l'évaluation
Exchange rate
Taux de l'échange
CEXchange rate
Taux du CEX
%1 compared to CEX
%1 par rapport aux CEX
@@ -2677,91 +2926,51 @@ Curseur droit : définit le volume que vous souhaitez trader.
Failed to place the order
Échec lors du placement de l'ordre
Placed the order
L'ordre a été placé avec succès
+ QObject
- Chart
- Chart
- Trading Information
- Informations de Trading
- Exchange Rates
- Taux d'échanges
- Orders
- Ordres
- History
- Historique
- Order Book
- Carnet d'ordres
- Best Orders
- Meilleurs offres
- Place Order
- Placer l'ordre
- Order Selected
- Ordre séléctionné
+ Cannot reach the endpoint:
- Receive
- Recevoir
+ Receive %1
Only send %1 to this address
- Envoyez uniquement %1 à cette adresse
%1 address
- adresse %1
- copied to clipboard
- copié dans le presse-papier
+ copied to clipboard.
@@ -2769,94 +2978,97 @@ Curseur droit : définit le volume que vous souhaitez trader.
View seed and private keys
Afficher le seed et les clefs privées
Please enter your password to view the seed.
Veuillez entrer votre mot de passe pour voir la phrase de récupération.
- Wrong Password
- Mauvais mot de passe
- Cancel
- Annuler
+ Seed
- Seed phrase
- Phrase de récupération
+ Backup Seed
- copied to clipboard
- copié dans le presse-papier
+ Public Address copied to clipboard
- RPC password
- Mot de passe RPC
+ Cancel
+ Annuler
- phrase key copied to clipboard
- clé de phrase copiée dans le presse-papiers
+ Incorrect Password
+ Mot de passe incorrect
- Backup seed
- Seed de récuperation
+ copied to clipboard
+ copié dans le presse-papier
RPC Password
Mot de passe RPC
Search a coin.
Rechercher une asset.
- %1 address
- adresse %1
- %1 private key
- clef privée %1
Public Address
Adresse publique
- Private Key
- Clé privée
+ Private Key copied to clipboard
- Close
- Fermer
+ Private Key
+ Clé privée
+ RemoveContactPopup
+ Do you want to remove this contact ?
+ Voulez-vous supprimer ce contact ?
+ Yes
+ Oui
+ No
+ Non
@@ -2901,140 +3113,165 @@ Curseur droit : définit le volume que vous souhaitez trader.
- SellBox
- Sell
- Vendre
Failed to send
Échec de l'envoi
- Failed to Send
- Échec de l'envoi
Prepare to send
Préparez à envoyer du
Address of the recipient
Adresse du destinataire
Amount to send
Montant à envoyer
- Max amount
- Montant maximum
Gas price
Prix du gaz
- Recipient's address
- Adresse du destinataire
+ Cancel
+ Annuler
- Address Book
- Carnet d'adresses
+ Recipient's address
+ Adresse du destinataire
The address has to be mixed case.
L'adresse doit être mixte (case).
+ Failed to Broadcast
- Enable Custom Fees
- Activer les frais personnalisés
+ Fiat amount: Unavailable
- Only use custom fees if you know what you are doing!
- N'utilisez des frais personnalisés que si vous savez ce que vous faites !
+ Fiat amount: %1
+ %1 amount: %2
+ Specify in Fiat
+ Specify in Crypto
+ Enable Custom Fees
+ Activer les frais personnalisés
Enter the custom fee
Entrez les frais personnalisées
Gas Limit
Limite de gaz
Custom Fee can't be higher than the amount
Les frais personnalisées ne peuvent pas être supérieurs au montant
Not enough funds.
Pas assez de fonds.
You have %1
Vous avez %1
- Close
- Fermer
+ Only use custom fees if you know what you are doing!
+ %1 address
+ copied to clipboard.
@@ -3042,43 +3279,43 @@ Curseur droit : définit le volume que vous souhaitez trader.
Select a contact with an %1 address
Sélectionnez un contact avec une adresse %1
Search for contacts...
Rechercher des contacts...
%1 addresses
%1 adresses
1 address
1 adresse
Choose an %1 address of %2
Choisissez une adresse %1 de %2
@@ -3086,42 +3323,60 @@ Curseur droit : définit le volume que vous souhaitez trader.
Transaction Complete!
Transaction terminée !
+ %1 txid
+ copied to clipboard.
Recipient's address
Adresse du destinataire
+ %1 address
Transaction Hash
Hachage de la transaction
View on Explorer
Voir dans l'explorateur
@@ -3129,282 +3384,240 @@ Curseur droit : définit le volume que vous souhaitez trader.
- Confirm Logout
- Confirmer la déconnexion
- Are you sure you want to log out?
- Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir vous déconnecter ?
- Yes
- Oui
User Interface
Interface utilsateur
About & Version
À propos & version
Enable Desktop Notifications
Activer les notifications
Maximum number of enabled coins
Nombre maximum d'actifs activés
- Open Folder
- Ouvrir le dossier
+ Open Folder
+ Ouvrir le dossier
+ Reset wallet configuration
+ Réinitialiser la configuration du portefeuille
+ This will restart your wallet with default settings
+ Cela redémarrera votre portefeuille avec les paramètres par défaut
+ Confirm
+ Confirmer
+ Changing theme to %1
+ Changer le thème en %1
+ Disable 2FA?
+ Enter your wallet password to confirm
+ Type password
+ Tapez votre mot de passe
+ 2FA status
+ 2FA disabled successfully
+ Ok
+ Ok
- Reset wallet configuration
- Réinitialiser la configuration du portefeuille
+ Wrong password!
- This will restart your wallet with default settings
- Cela redémarrera votre portefeuille avec les paramètres par défaut
+ Wallet password is incorrect
- Confirm
- Confirmer
+ Application Version
- Changing theme to %1
- Changer le thème en %1
+ copied to clipboard
+ copié dans le presse-papier
Current Font
Police actuelle
Current font changed to %1.
La police actuelle est passée à %1.
Ask system's password before sending coins ? (2FA)
Demander le mot de passe du système avant d'envoyer des actifs ? (2FA)
Application version
Version de l'application
- DEX Version
- DEX Version
- DEX Version copied to clipboard.
- Version DEX copiée dans le presse-papiers.
MM2 version
Version de MM2
MM2 Version
MM2 Version
MM2 Version copied to clipboard.
MM2 Version copiée dans le presse-papiers.
Qt version
Version de Qt
Qt Version
Qt Version
Qt Version copied to clipboard.
Version Qt copiée dans le presse-papiers.
Search Update
Rechercher une mise à jour
Se déconnecter
View seed and private keys
Afficher la phrase de récupération et les clefs privées
Setup Camouflage Password
Configurer le mot de passe de camouflage
- Disclaimer and ToS
- Clause de non-responsabilité et conditions d'utilisation
- Settings
- Fiat
- Monnaie fiduciaire
- Recommended:
- Conseillé :
- Enable Desktop Notifications
- Activer les notifications
- Use QtTextRendering Or NativeTextRendering
- Utilisez QtTextRendering ou NativeTextRendering
- Open Logs Folder
- Ouvrir le répertoire de logs
- View seed and private keys
- Voir le seed et les clefs privées
Disclaimer and ToS
Clause de non-responsabilité et conditions d'utilisation
- Setup Camouflage Password
- Configurez un mot de passe de camouflage
- Reset wallet configuration
- Réinitialiser la configuration du portefeuille
- Delete Wallet
- Supprimez le portefeuille
- Log out
- Déconnexion
- mm2 version
- Version de mm2
- Search coin
- Rechercher un actif
+ Search
+ Rechercher
Add asset
Ajouter un actif
@@ -3425,32 +3638,32 @@ Curseur droit : définit le volume que vous souhaitez trader.
Available Quantity
Quantité disponible
Available Quantity (in %1)
Quantité disponible (en %1)
Fiat Volume
Montant Fiduciaire
CEX Rate
Taux CEX
%1 is not enabled - Do you want to enable it to be able to select %2 best orders ?<br><a href='#'>Yes</a> - <a href='#no'>No</a>
%1 n'est pas activé - Souhaitez vous l'activer pour pouvoir selectionnez les meilleurs offres %2 ?<br><a href='#'>Oui</a> - <a href='#no'>Non</a>
@@ -3458,22 +3671,22 @@ Curseur droit : définit le volume que vous souhaitez trader.
Balance Fiat
Balance Fiduciaire
No Selectable coin.
Aucune asset sélectionnable.
@@ -3516,32 +3729,32 @@ Curseur droit : définit le volume que vous souhaitez trader.
Apply filter
Appliquer changement
Please choose the CSV export name and location
Veuillez choisir le nom et l'emplacement de l'exportation CSV
No results found
Aucun résultat trouvé
@@ -3550,266 +3763,242 @@ Curseur droit : définit le volume que vous souhaitez trader.
Close filtering options.
Fermez les options de filtrage.
Open filtering options.
Ouvrir les options de filtrage.
Filter settings
Paramètres de filtre
Apply filter
Appliquer changement
No results found
Aucun résultat trouvé
- Support
- Update available
- Mise à jour disponible
- Up to date
- À jour
+ SupportModal
- Changelog
- Anglicisme
- Changelog
- Open Logs Folder
- Ouvrir le répertoire de logs
Frequently Asked Questions
- Foire aux questions
+ Foire aux questions
Do you store my private keys?
- Stockez-vous mes clés privées ?
+ Stockez-vous mes clés privées ?
No! %1 is non-custodial. We never store any sensitive data, including your private keys, seed phrases, or PIN. This data is only stored on the user’s device and never leaves it. You are in full control of your assets.
- Non! %1 n'est pas dépositaire. Nous ne stockons jamais de données sensibles, y compris vos clés privées, vos phrases de départ ou votre code PIN. Ces données ne sont stockées que sur l'appareil de l'utilisateur et ne le quittent jamais. Vous avez le plein contrôle de vos actifs.
+ Non! %1 n'est pas dépositaire. Nous ne stockons jamais de données sensibles, y compris vos clés privées, vos phrases de départ ou votre code PIN. Ces données ne sont stockées que sur l'appareil de l'utilisateur et ne le quittent jamais. Vous avez le plein contrôle de vos actifs.
How is trading on %1 different from trading on other DEXs?
- En quoi le trading sur %1 est-il différent du trading sur d'autres DEX ?
+ En quoi le trading sur %1 est-il différent du trading sur d'autres DEX ?
- Other DEXs generally only allow you to trade assets that are based on a single blockchain network, use proxy tokens, and only allow placing a single order with the same funds.
+ Other DEXs generally only allow you to trade assets that are based on a single blockchain network, use proxy tokens, and only allow placing a single order with the same funds.
%1 enables you to natively trade across two different blockchain networks without proxy tokens. You can also place multiple orders with the same funds. For example, you can sell 0.1 BTC for KMD, QTUM, or VRSC — the first order that fills automatically cancels all other orders.
- Les autres DEX ne vous permettent généralement d'échanger que des actifs basés sur un seul réseau de blockchain, d'utiliser des jetons proxy et de ne passer qu'une seule commande avec les mêmes fonds.
-%1 vous permet de trader de manière native sur deux réseaux blockchain différents sans jetons proxy. Vous pouvez également passer plusieurs commandes avec les mêmes fonds. Par exemple, vous pouvez vendre 0,1 BTC pour KMD, QTUM ou VRSC - la première commande exécutée annule automatiquement toutes les autres commandes.
+ How long does each atomic swap take?
+ Combien de temps dure chaque échange atomique ?
Several factors determine the processing time for each swap. The block time of the traded assets depends on each network (Bitcoin typically being the slowest) Additionally, the user can customize security preferences. For example, (you can ask %1 to consider a KMD transaction as final after just 3 confirmations which makes the swap time shorter compared to waiting for a <a href="https://komodoplatform.com/security-delayed-proof-of-work-dpow/">notarization</a>.
- Les autres DEX ne vous permettent généralement d'échanger que des actifs basés sur un seul réseau de blockchain, d'utiliser des jetons proxy et de ne passer qu'une seule commande avec les mêmes fonds.
+ Les autres DEX ne vous permettent généralement d'échanger que des actifs basés sur un seul réseau de blockchain, d'utiliser des jetons proxy et de ne passer qu'une seule commande avec les mêmes fonds.
Plusieurs facteurs déterminent le temps de traitement de chaque swap. Le temps de blocage des actifs échangés dépend de chaque réseau (Bitcoin étant généralement le plus lent). De plus, l'utilisateur peut personnaliser ses préférences de sécurité. Par exemple, (vous pouvez demander à %1 de considérer une transaction KMD comme finale après seulement 3 confirmations, ce qui raccourcit le temps d'échange par rapport à l'attente d'une <a href="https://komodoplatform.com/security-delayed-proof- of-work-dpow/">notarisation</a>.
+ Do I need to be online for the duration of the swap?
+ Dois-je être en ligne pendant toute la durée du swap ?
Yes. You must remain connected to the internet and have your app running to successfully complete each atomic swap (very short breaks in connectivity are usually fine). Otherwise, there is risk of trade cancellation if you are a maker, and risk of loss of funds if you are a taker.
The atomic swap protocol requires both participants to stay online and monitor the involved blockchains for the process to stay atomic.
If you go offline, so will your orders, and any that are in progress will fail, leading to potential loss of trade / transaction fees, and a wait for the swap to timeout and issue a refund. It may also negatively affect your wallet's reputation score for future trade matching.
When you come back online, your orders will begin to broadcast again at the price you set before you went offline. If there has been significant price movement in the meantime, you might unintentionally offer someone a bargain!
-For this reason, we recommend cancelling orders before closing %1, or reviewing and revising your prices when restarting %1.
- Les autres DEX ne vous permettent généralement de négocier que des actifs basés sur un seul réseau de blockchain, d'utiliser des jetons proxy et de ne passer qu'une seule commande avec les mêmes fonds.
-Oui. Vous devez rester connecté à Internet et exécuter votre application pour terminer avec succès chaque échange atomique (de très courtes interruptions de connectivité conviennent généralement). Sinon, il existe un risque d'annulation de la transaction si vous êtes un fabricant et un risque de perte de fonds si vous êtes un preneur.
-Le protocole d'échange atomique exige que les deux participants restent en ligne et surveillent les chaînes de blocs impliquées pour que le processus reste atomique.
-Si vous vous déconnectez, vos commandes échoueront également, et toutes celles qui sont en cours échoueront, ce qui entraînera une perte potentielle de frais de transaction / transaction et une attente pour que l'échange expire et émette un remboursement. Cela peut également affecter négativement le score de réputation de votre portefeuille pour les futures correspondances commerciales.
-Lorsque vous reviendrez en ligne, vos commandes recommenceront à être diffusées au prix que vous avez défini avant de vous déconnecter. S'il y a eu un mouvement de prix important entre-temps, vous pourriez involontairement proposer une bonne affaire à quelqu'un !
-Pour cette raison, nous vous recommandons d'annuler les commandes avant de fermer %1, ou de revoir et de réviser vos prix lors du redémarrage de %1.
+For this reason, we recommend cancelling orders before closing %1, or reviewing and revising your prices when restarting %1.
How are the fees on %1 calculated?
- Comment les frais sur %1 sont-ils calculés ?
+ Comment les frais sur %1 sont-ils calculés ?
+ There are two fee categories to consider when trading on %1.
+1. %1 charges approximately 0.13% (1/777 of trading volume but not lower than 0.0001) as the trading fee for taker orders, and maker orders have zero fees.
+2. Both makers and takers will need to pay normal network fees to the involved blockchains when making atomic swap transactions.
+Network fees can vary greatly depending on your selected trading pair.
+ Do you provide user support?
+ Fournissez-vous un support utilisateur ?
+ Yes! %1 offers support through the <a href="%2">%1 Discord server</a>. The team and the community are always happy to help!
+ Oui! %1 offre une assistance via le <a href="%2">%1 serveur Discord</a>. L'équipe et la communauté sont toujours ravies de vous aider !
Who is behind %1?
- Qui est derrière %1 ?
+ Qui est derrière %1 ?
%1 is developed by the Komodo team. Komodo is one of the most established blockchain projects working on innovative solutions like atomic swaps, Delayed Proof of Work, and an interoperable multi-chain architecture.
- %1 est développé par l'équipe de Komodo. Komodo est l'un des projets de blockchain les plus établis travaillant sur des solutions innovantes telles que les échanges atomiques, la preuve de travail différée et une architecture multichaîne interopérable.
+ %1 est développé par l'équipe de Komodo. Komodo est l'un des projets de blockchain les plus établis travaillant sur des solutions innovantes telles que les échanges atomiques, la preuve de travail différée et une architecture multichaîne interopérable.
Is it possible to develop my own white-label exchange on %1?
- Est-il possible de développer mon propre échange en white label sur %1 ?
+ Est-il possible de développer mon propre échange en white label sur %1 ?
Absolutely! You can read our developer documentation for more details or contact us with your partnership inquiries. Have a specific technical question? The %1 developer community is always ready to help!
- Absolument! Vous pouvez lire notre documentation développeur pour plus de détails ou nous contacter avec vos demandes de partenariat. Vous avez une question technique spécifique? La communauté de développeurs %1 est toujours prête à vous aider !
+ Absolument! Vous pouvez lire notre documentation développeur pour plus de détails ou nous contacter avec vos demandes de partenariat. Vous avez une question technique spécifique? La communauté de développeurs %1 est toujours prête à vous aider !
Which devices can I use %1 on?
- Sur quels appareils puis-je utiliser %1 ?
- There are two fee categories to consider when trading on %1.
-1. %1 charges approximately 0.13% (1/777 of trading volume but not lower than 0.0001) as the trading fee for taker orders, and maker orders have zero fees.
-2. Both makers and takers will need to pay normal network fees to the involved blockchains when making atomic swap transactions.
-Network fees can vary greatly depending on your selected trading pair.
- Il existe deux catégories de frais à prendre en compte lors de la négociation sur %1.
-1. %1 facture environ 0,13% (1/777 du volume de négociation mais pas moins de 0,0001) comme frais de négociation pour les ordres preneurs, et les ordres maker n'ont aucun frais.
-2. Les fabricants et les preneurs devront payer des frais de réseau normaux aux chaînes de blocs impliquées lors de transactions d'échange atomique.
-Les frais de réseau peuvent varier considérablement en fonction de votre paire de trading sélectionnée.
- Yes! %1 offers support through the <a href="%2">%1 Discord server</a>. The team and the community are always happy to help!
- Oui! %1 offre une assistance via le <a href="%2">%1 serveur Discord</a>. L'équipe et la communauté sont toujours ravies de vous aider !
+ Sur quels appareils puis-je utiliser %1 ?
%1 is available for mobile on both <a href="%2">Android and iPhone, and for desktop on Windows, Mac, and Linux</a> operating systems.
- %1 est disponible pour mobile sur <a href="%2">Android et iPhone, et pour ordinateur de bureau sur les systèmes d'exploitation Windows, Mac et Linux</a>.
+ %1 est disponible pour mobile sur <a href="%2">Android et iPhone, et pour ordinateur de bureau sur les systèmes d'exploitation Windows, Mac et Linux</a>.
Compliance Info
- Informations de conformité
+ Informations de conformité
Due to regulatory and legal circumstances the citizens of certain jurisdictions including, but not limited to, the United States of America, Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, Singapore, Sudan, Austria, Iran and any other state, country or other jurisdiction that is embargoed by the United States of America or the European Union are not allowed to use this application.
- En raison de circonstances réglementaires et juridiques, les citoyens de certaines juridictions, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, les États-Unis d'Amérique, le Canada, Hong Kong, Israël, Singapour, le Soudan, l'Autriche, l'Iran et tout autre État, pays ou autre juridiction sous embargo par les États-Unis d'Amérique ou l'Union européenne ne sont pas autorisés à utiliser cette application.
- How long does each atomic swap take?
- Combien de temps dure chaque échange atomique ?
+ En raison de circonstances réglementaires et juridiques, les citoyens de certaines juridictions, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, les États-Unis d'Amérique, le Canada, Hong Kong, Israël, Singapour, le Soudan, l'Autriche, l'Iran et tout autre État, pays ou autre juridiction sous embargo par les États-Unis d'Amérique ou l'Union européenne ne sont pas autorisés à utiliser cette application.
- Do I need to be online for the duration of the swap?
- Dois-je être en ligne pendant toute la durée du swap ?
+ Changelog
+ Changelog
- Do you provide user support?
- Fournissez-vous un support utilisateur ?
+ Open Logs Folder
+ Ouvrir le répertoire de logs
Progress details
Détails de la progression
- SweetDexComboBox
- Search
- Rechercher
- TextEditWithTitle
+ TextEditWithCopy
- Swap ID
- ID du Swap
+ copied to clipboard
+ copié dans le presse-papier
+ TextEditWithTitle
copied to clipboard
copié dans le presse-papier
@@ -3817,7 +4006,7 @@ Les frais de réseau peuvent varier considérablement en fonction de votre paire
@@ -3833,213 +4022,281 @@ Les frais de réseau peuvent varier considérablement en fonction de votre paire
Instant trading with best orders
Trading instantané avec les meilleurs ordres
+ Reset form
+ You have no tradable assets
Enter an amount
Entrez un montant
Pick an order
Choisir une commande
Better price found: %1. Updating forms.
Meilleur prix trouvé : %1. Mise à jour du formulaire.
Better price (%1) found but received quantity (%2) is lower than your current one (%3). Click here to update the selected order.
Meilleur prix (%1) trouvé mais la quantité reçue (%2) est inférieure à votre montant de réception (%3). Cliquez ici pour mettre à jour la commande sélectionnée.
- Reset form.
- Réinitialiser le formulaire.
Min: %1
Pick a coin
Choisissez un actif
Failed to place the order
Échec lors du placement de l'ordre
Placed the order
L'ordre a été placé
Entered amount must be superior than 0.
Le montant saisi doit être supérieur à 0.
You must select an order.
Vous devez sélectionner une commande.
Entered amount is below the minimum required by this order: %1
Le montant saisi est inférieur au minimum requis par cette commande : %1
%1 needs to be enabled in order to use %2
%1 doit être activé pour utiliser %2
%1 balance needs to be funded, a non-zero balance is required to pay the gas of %2 transactions
Le solde %1 doit être financé, un solde différent de zéro est requis pour payer les frais de transactions de %2
- Search
- Rechercher
+ %1 balance does not have enough funds to pay the gas of %2 transactions
No buy orders found for %1.
Aucun ordre d'achat trouvé pour %1.
You can check later or try to sell a different coin.
Vous pouvez vérifier plus tard ou essayer de vendre un actif différent.
+ Calculating fee estimate...
Total %1 fees:
Frais totaux %1 :
%2 (%3)
+ TradeViewHeader
+ Pro View Settings
+ Display Settings
+ Ticker Selectors
+ Trading Information
+ Informations de Trading
+ Order Book
+ Carnet d'ordres
+ Best Orders
+ Meilleurs offres
+ Place Order
+ Placer l'ordre
Transaction Details
Détails de la transaction
+ %1 txid
+ copied to clipboard.
+ From address
+ To address
Non confirmé
Transaction Hash
Hachage de la transaction
Block Height
Hauteur de bloc
View on Explorer
Voir dans l'explorateur
@@ -4047,22 +4304,22 @@ Les frais de réseau peuvent varier considérablement en fonction de votre paire
Non confirmé
@@ -4076,16 +4333,11 @@ Les frais de réseau peuvent varier considérablement en fonction de votre paire
- WalletNameField
+ Vertical
- Wallet Name
- Nom du portefeuille
- Enter the name of your wallet here
- Entrez le nom du portefeuille ici
+ Order Book
+ Carnet d'ordres
@@ -4106,118 +4358,165 @@ Les frais de réseau peuvent varier considérablement en fonction de votre paire
Importer un portefeuille
+ Search your wallets...
My Wallets
Mes portefeuilles
+ No wallets found!
Enter password to confirm deletion of
Entrez le mot de passe pour confirmer la suppression de
Type password
Tapez votre mot de passe
Wallet status
État du portefeuille
wallet deleted successfully
portefeuille supprimé avec succès
wallet password is incorrect
le mot de passe du portefeuille est incorrect
+ ZcashParamsModal
+ %1 Activation Failed!
+ To activate ZHTLC coins, you need to download the Zcash Params.
+This might take a few minutes...
+ Download params & enable coins
+ More Info
+ Close
+ Fermer
+ atomic_dex::settings_page
+ An error has occurred.
You do not have enough funds.
Vous n'avez pas assez de fonds.
%1 is not activated: click on the button to enable it or enable it manually
%1 n'est pas activé : cliquez sur le bouton pour l'activer ou l'activer manuellement
You need to have %1 to pay the gas for %2 transactions.
Vous devez avoir %1 activée pour payer les frais de transactions de %2.
Checksum verification failed for %1.
Échec de la vérification du checksum de contrôle pour %1.
- Invalid checksum for %1. Click on the convert button to turn it into a mixed case address
- Checksum-non valide pour %1. Cliquez sur le bouton pour avoir une adresse de cas mixte
+ Invalid checksum for %1. Click the button to convert to mixed case address.
- Legacy address used for %1, click on the convert button to convert it to a Cashaddress.
- Ancien format d'adresse utilisée pour %1, cliquez sur le bouton pour la convertir en Cashaddress.
+ Legacy address used for %1. Click the button to convert to a Cashaddress.
%1 address must be prefixed with 0x
L'adresse %1 doit être précédée de 0x
%1 address length is invalid, please use a valid address.
La longueur de l'adresse %1 n'est pas valide, veuillez utiliser une adresse valide.
%1 address is invalid.
L'adresse %1 n'est pas valide.
Invalid checksum.
Somme de contrôle invalide.
%1 address has invalid prefixes.
L'adresse %1 a des préfixes non valides.
Backend error: %1
Erreur de backend : %1
@@ -4225,32 +4524,12 @@ Les frais de réseau peuvent varier considérablement en fonction de votre paire
Se déconnecter
- Confirm Logout
- Confirmer la déconnexion
- Are you sure you want to log out?
- Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir vous déconnecter ?
- Yes
- Oui
- Cancel
- Annuler
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/atomic_defi_lang_template.ts b/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/atomic_defi_lang_template.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5836a5dfc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/atomic_defi_lang_template.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3713 @@
+ AddAddressForm
+ Use standard network address
+ Label
+ This key already exists.
+ Address
+ Cancel
+ Convert
+ Edit
+ Add
+ You need to enable %1 before adding this kind of address.
+ Enable
+ AddCustomCoinModal
+ Get the contract address from
+ Choose the asset type
+ Cancel
+ Next
+ Contract address
+ Enter the contract address
+ Choose the asset ticker
+ Ticker
+ Enter the ticker
+ Get the contract address from
+ Previous
+ Choose the asset logo
+ Browse
+ Please choose the asset logo
+ Configuration
+ All configuration fields will be fetched using the contract address you provided.
+ Name
+ Enter the name
+ Coingecko ID
+ Enter the Coingecko ID
+ Get the Coingecko ID
+ Active
+ Preview
+ WARNING: Application will restart immidiately to apply the changes!
+ Asset not found, please go back and make sure Contract Address is correct
+ Config Fields
+ Fetched Data
+ Submit & Restart
+ AddTagPopup
+ Tag name
+ Contact already has this tag.
+ + ADD
+ AmountChart
+ Work in progress
+ App
+ Recover Funds Result
+ AssetFromStandardSelector
+ Choose a valid
+ asset
+ Search an asset
+ Disabled
+ AssetPieChart
+ Assets
+ AssetsList
+ Asset
+ Balance
+ Fiat Balance
+ Change 24h
+ Price
+ Source
+ Activating:
+ Price provider is: %1
+ Bottom
+ Settings
+ Support
+ Privacy
+ Disable Privacy?
+ Enter wallet password to confirm
+ Type password
+ Confirm
+ Cancel
+ Privacy status
+ Privacy mode disabled successfully
+ Ok
+ Wrong password!
+ wallet password is incorrect
+ CamouflagePasswordModal
+ Setup Camouflage Password
+ Camouflage Password is a secret password for emergency situations.
+ Using it to login will display your balance lower than it actually is.
+ Here you enter the suffix and at login you need to enter {real_password}{suffix}
+ Password suffix
+ Confirm pasword suffix
+ Enter a password suffix
+ Enter the same password suffix to confirm
+ Cancel
+ Save
+ CannotEnableCoinModal
+ Failed to enable %1
+ Enabling %1 did not succeed. Limit of enabled coins might have been reached.
+ Change limit in settings
+ Cancel
+ Center
+ Portfolio
+ Wallet
+ Address Book
+ Fiat
+ CexInfoModal
+ Market Data
+ Market data (prices, charts, etc.) marked with the ⓘ icon originates from third-party sources.<br><br>Data is sourced via <a href="https://bandprotocol.com/">Band Decentralized Oracle</a> and <a href="https://coingecko.com">CoinGecko</a>.<br><br><b>Oracle Supported Pairs:</b><br>%1<br><br><b>Last reference (Band Oracle):</b><br><a href="%2">%2</a>
+ Chart
+ Loading market data
+ There is no chart data for this pair yet
+ ClaimRewardsModal
+ Failed to prepare to claim rewards
+ Claim your %1 reward?
+ No UTXOs eligible for claiming
+ Transaction fee is higher than the reward!
+ You will receive
+ Refresh
+ Read more about KMD active users rewards
+ Amount
+ Reward
+ Accruing Start
+ Accruing Stop
+ Time Left
+ Error
+ Locktime is not set
+ Locktime is less than the threshold
+ UTXO height is greater than end of the era
+ UTXO amount is less than 10
+ One hour did not pass yet
+ Transaction is in mempool
+ Unknown problem
+ Cancel
+ Confirm
+ CoinMenu
+ Disable %1
+ Disable and Delete %1
+ Disable all %1 assets
+ Disable all assets
+ Disable 0 balance assets
+ ComboBoxWithSearchBar
+ Search
+ Combo_fiat
+ Language
+ Fiat
+ Recommended:
+ ConfirmMultiOrderTradeModal
+ Confirm Multi Order Details
+ These swaps requests can not be undone and this is the final event!
+ These transactions can take up to 60 mins - DO NOT close this application!
+ Same funds will be used until an order matches.
+ Note that if one order is filled other will not be cancelled.
+ Cancel
+ Confirm
+ Placed multiple orders
+ ConfirmTradeModal
+ Confirm Exchange Details
+ Trade price is more than 50% different to CEX! Confirm?
+ This swap request can not be undone and is a final event!
+ This transaction can take up to 60 mins - DO NOT close this application!
+ Loading fees...
+ <b>Total %1 fees:</b>
+ Security configuration
+ dPoW protected
+ %1 confirmations for incoming %2 transactions
+ Read more about dPoW
+ Use custom protection settings for incoming %1 transactions
+ Enable Komodo dPoW security
+ Required Confirmations
+ Warning, this atomic swap is not dPoW protected!
+ Cancel
+ Confirm
+ CopyFieldButton
+ Copied to Clipboard
+ Dashboard
+ The current number of enabled coins does not match your configuration specification. Your assets configuration will be reset.
+ Matching
+ Order Matching
+ Matched
+ Order Matched
+ Ongoing
+ Swap Ongoing
+ Successful
+ Swap Successful
+ Refunding
+ Failed
+ Swap Failed
+ Unknown
+ Unknown State
+ Started
+ Negotiated
+ Taker fee sent
+ Maker payment received
+ Maker payment wait confirm started
+ Maker payment validated and confirmed
+ Taker payment sent
+ Taker payment spent
+ Maker payment spent
+ Finished
+ Start failed
+ Negotiate failed
+ Taker fee validate failed
+ Maker payment transaction failed
+ Maker payment Data send failed
+ Maker payment wait confirm failed
+ Taker payment validate failed
+ Taker payment wait confirm failed
+ Taker payment spend failed
+ Maker payment wait refund started
+ Maker payment refunded
+ Maker payment refund failed
+ DatePicker
+ Date
+ DefaultCopyIcon
+ copied to clipboard
+ DefaultRangeSlider
+ Min
+ Max
+ DefaultTextEdit
+ copied to clipboard
+ DeleteWalletModal
+ Delete Wallet
+ Are you sure you want to delete %1 wallet?
+ If so, make sure you record your seed phrase in order to restore your wallet in the future.
+ Enter your wallet password
+ Wrong Password
+ Cancel
+ Delete
+ DexAppPasswordField
+ Type password
+ DexKeyChecker
+ At least 1 lowercase alphabetical character
+ At least 1 uppercase alphabetical character
+ At least 1 numeric character
+ At least 1 special character (eg. !@#$%)
+ At least %n character(s)
+ Password and Confirm Password have to be same
+ DexPaginator
+ items per page
+ DexRangeSlider
+ Min
+ Half
+ Max
+ DexSweetComboBox
+ Search
+ EditContactModal
+ Edit contact
+ Contact name
+ Enter a contact name
+ Address list
+ Address Book
+ address copied to clipboard
+ Edit
+ + Add
+ Tags
+ Add tag
+ Close
+ Confirm
+ EnableAssetModal
+ The selected address belongs to a disabled asset, you need to enabled it before sending.
+ Enable
+ Cancel
+ EnableCoinModal
+ Enable assets
+ Select all assets
+ All assets are already enabled!
+ You can still enable %1 assets. Selected: %2.
+ Search asset
+ Change assets limit
+ Add a custom asset
+ Close
+ Enable
+ EulaModal
+ Disclaimer & Terms of Service
+ Accept EULA
+ Accept Terms and Conditions
+ Close
+ Cancel
+ Confirm
+ FatalErrorModal
+ Fatal Error
+ Connection has been lost. You have been disconnected.
+ Close
+ FeeInfo
+ Minimum fee
+ Fees will be calculated
+ General
+ %n day(s)
+ %nd
+ day
+ %nh
+ hours
+ %nm
+ minutes
+ %ns
+ seconds
+ %nms
+ milliseconds
+ -
+ <b>Taker tx fee:</b>
+ <b>Dex tx fee:</b>
+ <b>Dex fee:</b>
+ <b>Maker tx fee:</b>
+ %1 %2 %3 (%4)
+ Trading Fee
+ Minimum Trading Amount
+ Wallet %1 already exists
+ %1 balance is lower than the fees amount: %2 %3
+ Tradable (after fees) %1 balance is lower than minimum trade amount
+ Please fill the price field
+ Please fill the volume field
+ Please wait for %1 to fully activate
+ %1 volume is lower than minimum trade amount
+ %1 needs to be enabled in order to use %2
+ %1 balance needs to be funded, a non-zero balance is required to pay the gas of %2 transactions
+ Unknown Error
+ Header
+ You get
+ You send
+ Fiat Price
+ CEX rate
+ Price
+ Quantity
+ Total
+ ImportWallet
+ Failed to Import the wallet
+ Import wallet - Setup
+ Import wallet - Choose password
+ Wallet Name
+ Enter seed
+ Your seed is not BIP39 compliant.
+Try again or select 'Allow custom seed' to continue.
+ i understand
+ Ok
+ Allow custom seed
+ <strong>Allow custom seed</strong>
+ Custom seed phrases might be less secure and easier to crack than a generated BIP39 compliant seed phrase or private key (WIF).<br><br>To confirm you understand the risk and know what you are doing, type <strong>'I understand'</strong> in the box below.
+ I understand
+ Next
+ Enter the same password to confirm
+ Continue
+ LinksRow
+ Join our Discord server
+ Follow us on Twitter
+ Go to Support Guides
+ List
+ Funds are recoverable
+ Best Orders
+ Enter volume to see best orders.
+ ListDelegate
+ %1 is not enabled - Do you want to enable it to be able to select %2 best orders ?<br><a href='#'>Yes</a> - <a href='#no'>No</a>
+ This order requires a minimum amount of %1 %2 <br>You don't have enough funds.<br> %3
+ LogModal
+ Close
+ Logging
+ Loading, please wait
+ Initializing MM2
+ Enabling assets
+ Getting ready
+ Login
+ Incorrect Password
+ Log In
+ Cancel
+ LogoutModal
+ Exit %1 or go to login menu?
+ Warning: You currently have a swap in progress.
+Logging out may result in a failed swap.
+ Warning: You currently have open maker orders.
+They will be removed from the orderbook until you log in again.
+ Login menu
+ Exit
+ Cancel
+ Main
+ Segwit
+ Confirmation
+ Do you want to send your %1 funds to %2 wallet first?
+ Success
+ Your transaction is send, may take some time to arrive
+ Price
+ Change 24hr
+ Porfolio
+ Contract Address
+ Send
+ Enable %1 ?
+ Yes
+ No
+ Receive
+ Swap
+ is wallet only
+ Rewards
+ Faucet
+ Public Key
+ Copied to Clipboard
+ Loading market data
+ There is no chart data for this ticker yet
+ Fetching transactions...
+ Please wait, %1 is %2
+ % activated...
+ No transactions available
+ Click to view your address on %1 (%2) block explorer
+ Trade
+ Trading Information
+ Chart
+ Orders
+ History
+ Place Order
+ Order Selected
+ Address Book
+ Search contact
+ Name
+ Tags
+ Edit
+ Delete
+ address copied to clipboard
+ This contact does not have any registered address.
+ MarketModeSelector
+ Sell %1
+ Buy %1
+ MinTradeModal
+ Minimum Trading Amount
+ the minimum amount of %1 coin available for the order; the min_volume must be greater than or equal to %2; it must be also less or equal than volume param; default is %3
+ MultiOrder
+ %1 price is zero!
+ %1 receive volume is lower than minimum trade amount
+ Error:
+ You'll receive %1
+ Price
+ NewContactPopup
+ Contact name
+ This contact name already exists.
+ + ADD
+ NewUpdateModal
+ Searching new updates
+ Fetching...
+ Close
+ Could not check new updates for the following reason:
+ New version found
+ Mandatory version found
+ %1 %2 is available !
+ This update is mandatory to continue using the application
+ Close Dex
+ Your application is updated.
+ Download
+ NewWallet
+ Wrong word, please check again
+ st
+ nd
+ rd
+ th
+ Failed to create a wallet
+ New Wallet
+ Confirm Seed
+ Choose Password
+ Important: Back up your seed phrase before proceeding!
+ We recommend storing it offline.
+ Generated Seed
+ Seed phrase
+ copied to clipboard
+ Next
+ Let's double check your seed phrase
+ Your seed phrase is important - that's why we like to make sure it's correct. We'll ask you three different questions about your seed phrase to make sure you'll be able to easily restore your wallet whenever you want.
+ Enter the
+ word
+ Check
+ Enter the same password to confirm
+ Continue
+ NoConnection
+ No connection
+ Please make sure you are connected to the internet
+ Will automatically retry in %1 seconds
+ Retry
+ NotificationsModal
+ Matching
+ Order Matching
+ Matched
+ Order Matched
+ Ongoing
+ Swap Ongoing
+ Successful
+ Swap Successful
+ Refunding
+ Failed
+ Swap Failed
+ Unknown
+ Unknown State
+ Swap status updated
+ You sent %1
+ You received %1
+ Your wallet balance changed
+ %1 Enable status
+ Please check your internet connection (e.g. VPN service or firewall might block it).
+ Failed to enable %1
+ Failed to disable %1
+ Endpoint not reachable
+ Could not reach to endpoint
+ Mismatch at %1 custom asset configuration
+ Application needs to be restarted for %1 custom asset.
+ Batch %1 failed. Reason: %2
+ Show
+ Restart
+ Quit
+ Notifications
+ There aren't any notifications
+ Mark all as read
+ OrderForm
+ Price
+ Reduce 1% relative to CEX market price.
+ Use CEX market price.
+ Increase 1% relative to CEX market price.
+ Volume
+ Amount to sell
+ Amount to receive
+ Max
+ Swap 25% of your tradable balance.
+ Swap 50% of your tradable balance.
+ Swap 100% of your tradable balance.
+ Min Volume
+ Min amount to sell
+ Min amount to receive
+ Minimum accepted trade equals 10% of order volume.
+ Minimum accepted trade equals 25% of order volume.
+ Minimum accepted trade equals 50% of order volume.
+ Min volume:
+ Use custom minimum trade amount
+ OrderLine
+ Funds are recoverable
+ OrderList
+ No results found
+ OrderModal
+ Swap Details
+ Order Details
+ Order Type
+ Maker Order
+ Taker Order
+ Refund State
+ Your swap failed but the auto-refund process for your payment started already. Please wait and keep application opened until you receive your payment back
+ Date
+ Error ID
+ Error Log
+ Close
+ Cancel Order
+ Swap ID
+ Maker Payment Sent Transaction ID
+ Maker Payment Spent Transaction ID
+ Maker Payment TXID
+ Taker Payment Spent Transaction ID
+ Taker Payment Sent Transaction ID
+ Taker Payment TXID
+ Recover Funds
+ Refunding...
+ View on Explorer
+ OrderRemovedModal
+ Selected Order Removed
+ The selected order does not exist anymore, it might have been matched or canceled, and no order with a better price is available.
+Please select a new order.
+ OK
+ OrdersPage
+ Filter
+ Date
+ Export CSV
+ Apply Filter
+ Cancel All
+ From
+ To
+ Please choose the CSV export name and location
+ Pagination
+ items per page
+ PasswordField
+ Password
+ Enter your wallet password
+ At least 1 lowercase alphabetical character
+ At least 1 uppercase alphabetical character
+ At least 1 numeric character
+ At least 1 special character (eg. !@#$%)
+ At least %n character(s)
+ PasswordForm
+ Password
+ Confirm Password
+ Enter the same password to confirm
+ Portfolio
+ Search asset
+ Show only coins with balance
+ (%1/%2)
+ Portfolio
+ PriceLine
+ Set swap price for evaluation
+ Exchange rate
+ Selected
+ Expensive
+ Expedient
+ %1 compared to CEX
+ CEXchange rate
+ PriceLineSimplified
+ Exchange rate
+ Selected
+ CEXchange rate
+ Expensive
+ Expedient
+ %1 compared to CEX
+ ProView
+ Failed to place the order
+ Placed the order
+ QObject
+ Cannot reach the endpoint:
+ ReceiveModal
+ Receive %1
+ Only send %1 to this address
+ %1 address
+ copied to clipboard.
+ Close
+ RecoverSeedModal
+ View seed and private keys
+ Please enter your password to view the seed.
+ Seed
+ Backup Seed
+ Public Address copied to clipboard
+ Cancel
+ View
+ copied to clipboard
+ RPC Password
+ Search a coin.
+ Public Address
+ Private Key copied to clipboard
+ Private Key
+ RemoveContactPopup
+ Do you want to remove this contact ?
+ Yes
+ No
+ RestartModal
+ Applying the changes...
+ Restarting the application. %1
+ Restarting the application...
+ RightClickMenu
+ Cut
+ Copy
+ Paste
+ SearchField
+ Search
+ SendModal
+ Failed to send
+ Prepare to send
+ Address of the recipient
+ Amount to send
+ Gas price
+ Recipient's address
+ The address has to be mixed case.
+ Taproot not supported
+ Failed to Broadcast
+ Fix
+ Fiat amount: Unavailable
+ Fiat amount: %1
+ %1 amount: %2
+ Specify in Fiat
+ Specify in Crypto
+ Enable Custom Fees
+ Only use custom fees if you know what you are doing!
+ Enter the custom fee
+ Gas Limit
+ Custom Fee can't be higher than the amount
+ Not enough funds.
+ You have %1
+ Close
+ Prepare
+ Send
+ %1 address
+ copied to clipboard.
+ Amount
+ Fees
+ Date
+ Back
+ SendModalContactList
+ Select a contact with an %1 address
+ Search for contacts...
+ %1 addresses
+ 1 address
+ Back
+ Choose an %1 address of %2
+ Name
+ Address
+ SendResult
+ Transaction Complete!
+ %1 txid
+ copied to clipboard.
+ Recipient's address
+ %1 address
+ Amount
+ Fees
+ Date
+ Transaction Hash
+ Close
+ View on Explorer
+ SettingModal
+ Cancel
+ Settings
+ General
+ Language
+ User Interface
+ Security
+ Enable Desktop Notifications
+ Maximum number of enabled coins
+ Logs
+ Open Folder
+ Reset
+ Current Font
+ Current font changed to %1.
+ Theme
+ Changing theme to %1
+ Application Version
+ copied to clipboard
+ About & Version
+ Reset wallet configuration
+ This will restart your wallet with default settings
+ Confirm
+ Ask system's password before sending coins ? (2FA)
+ Disable 2FA?
+ Enter your wallet password to confirm
+ Type password
+ 2FA status
+ 2FA disabled successfully
+ Ok
+ Wrong password!
+ Wallet password is incorrect
+ View seed and private keys
+ Show
+ Setup Camouflage Password
+ Open
+ Disclaimer and ToS
+ Application version
+ MM2 version
+ MM2 Version
+ MM2 Version copied to clipboard.
+ Qt version
+ Qt Version
+ Qt Version copied to clipboard.
+ Search Update
+ Logout
+ Settings
+ Fiat
+ Recommended:
+ Enable Desktop Notifications
+ Use QtTextRendering Or NativeTextRendering
+ Open Logs Folder
+ View seed and private keys
+ Disclaimer and ToS
+ Setup Camouflage Password
+ Reset wallet configuration
+ Delete Wallet
+ Log out
+ mm2 version
+ Sidebar
+ Search
+ Add asset
+ SmartChartView
+ Loading market data
+ There is no chart data for this ticker yet
+ SubBestOrder
+ Token
+ Available Quantity
+ Available Quantity (in %1)
+ Fiat Volume
+ CEX Rate
+ %1 is not enabled - Do you want to enable it to be able to select %2 best orders ?<br><a href='#'>Yes</a> - <a href='#no'>No</a>
+ SubCoinSelector
+ Token
+ Balance
+ Balance Fiat
+ No Selectable coin.
+ SubHistory
+ History
+ Filter
+ Date
+ Close filtering options.
+ Open filtering options.
+ Filter settings
+ From
+ To
+ Cancel
+ Apply filter
+ Export
+ Please choose the CSV export name and location
+ No results found
+ SubOrders
+ Orders
+ Close filtering options.
+ Filter
+ Date
+ Open filtering options.
+ Filter settings
+ From
+ To
+ Cancel
+ Apply filter
+ No results found
+ SupportModal
+ Frequently Asked Questions
+ Do you store my private keys?
+ No! %1 is non-custodial. We never store any sensitive data, including your private keys, seed phrases, or PIN. This data is only stored on the user’s device and never leaves it. You are in full control of your assets.
+ How is trading on %1 different from trading on other DEXs?
+ Other DEXs generally only allow you to trade assets that are based on a single blockchain network, use proxy tokens, and only allow placing a single order with the same funds.
+%1 enables you to natively trade across two different blockchain networks without proxy tokens. You can also place multiple orders with the same funds. For example, you can sell 0.1 BTC for KMD, QTUM, or VRSC — the first order that fills automatically cancels all other orders.
+ How long does each atomic swap take?
+ Several factors determine the processing time for each swap. The block time of the traded assets depends on each network (Bitcoin typically being the slowest) Additionally, the user can customize security preferences. For example, (you can ask %1 to consider a KMD transaction as final after just 3 confirmations which makes the swap time shorter compared to waiting for a <a href="https://komodoplatform.com/security-delayed-proof-of-work-dpow/">notarization</a>.
+ Do I need to be online for the duration of the swap?
+ Yes. You must remain connected to the internet and have your app running to successfully complete each atomic swap (very short breaks in connectivity are usually fine). Otherwise, there is risk of trade cancellation if you are a maker, and risk of loss of funds if you are a taker.
+The atomic swap protocol requires both participants to stay online and monitor the involved blockchains for the process to stay atomic.
+If you go offline, so will your orders, and any that are in progress will fail, leading to potential loss of trade / transaction fees, and a wait for the swap to timeout and issue a refund. It may also negatively affect your wallet's reputation score for future trade matching.
+When you come back online, your orders will begin to broadcast again at the price you set before you went offline. If there has been significant price movement in the meantime, you might unintentionally offer someone a bargain!
+For this reason, we recommend cancelling orders before closing %1, or reviewing and revising your prices when restarting %1.
+ How are the fees on %1 calculated?
+ There are two fee categories to consider when trading on %1.
+1. %1 charges approximately 0.13% (1/777 of trading volume but not lower than 0.0001) as the trading fee for taker orders, and maker orders have zero fees.
+2. Both makers and takers will need to pay normal network fees to the involved blockchains when making atomic swap transactions.
+Network fees can vary greatly depending on your selected trading pair.
+ Do you provide user support?
+ Yes! %1 offers support through the <a href="%2">%1 Discord server</a>. The team and the community are always happy to help!
+ Who is behind %1?
+ %1 is developed by the Komodo team. Komodo is one of the most established blockchain projects working on innovative solutions like atomic swaps, Delayed Proof of Work, and an interoperable multi-chain architecture.
+ Is it possible to develop my own white-label exchange on %1?
+ Absolutely! You can read our developer documentation for more details or contact us with your partnership inquiries. Have a specific technical question? The %1 developer community is always ready to help!
+ Which devices can I use %1 on?
+ %1 is available for mobile on both <a href="%2">Android and iPhone, and for desktop on Windows, Mac, and Linux</a> operating systems.
+ Compliance Info
+ Due to regulatory and legal circumstances the citizens of certain jurisdictions including, but not limited to, the United States of America, Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, Singapore, Sudan, Austria, Iran and any other state, country or other jurisdiction that is embargoed by the United States of America or the European Union are not allowed to use this application.
+ Changelog
+ Open Logs Folder
+ SwapProgress
+ act
+ est
+ Progress details
+ TextAreaWithTitle
+ Save
+ Edit
+ TextEditWithCopy
+ copied to clipboard
+ TextEditWithTitle
+ copied to clipboard
+ TextFieldWithTitle
+ Required
+ Toast
+ Click here to see the details
+ Trade
+ Swap
+ Instant trading with best orders
+ Reset form
+ You have no tradable assets
+ From
+ Enter an amount
+ To
+ Pick an order
+ Price
+ Better price found: %1. Updating forms.
+ Better price (%1) found but received quantity (%2) is lower than your current one (%3). Click here to update the selected order.
+ %1
+ Tradable:
+ Min: %1
+ Pick a coin
+ Failed to place the order
+ Placed the order
+ Entered amount must be superior than 0.
+ You must select an order.
+ Entered amount is below the minimum required by this order: %1
+ %1 needs to be enabled in order to use %2
+ %1 balance needs to be funded, a non-zero balance is required to pay the gas of %2 transactions
+ %1 balance does not have enough funds to pay the gas of %2 transactions
+ No buy orders found for %1.
+ You can check later or try to sell a different coin.
+ Calculating fee estimate...
+ Total %1 fees:
+ %2 (%3)
+ TradeViewHeader
+ Pro View Settings
+ Display Settings
+ Ticker Selectors
+ Trading Information
+ Order Book
+ Best Orders
+ Place Order
+ TransactionDetailsModal
+ Transaction Details
+ %1 txid
+ copied to clipboard.
+ Amount
+ Fees
+ From address
+ To address
+ Date
+ Unconfirmed
+ Transaction Hash
+ Confirmations
+ Block Height
+ From
+ To
+ Notes
+ Close
+ View on Explorer
+ Transactions
+ Sent
+ Received
+ fees
+ Unconfirmed
+ UpdateInvalidChecksum
+ The downloaded update archive is corrupted !
+ Vertical
+ Order Book
+ WalletsView
+ Welcome
+ New wallet
+ Import wallet
+ Search your wallets...
+ My Wallets
+ No wallets found!
+ Delete
+ Enter password to confirm deletion of
+ wallet
+ Type password
+ Cancel
+ Wallet status
+ wallet deleted successfully
+ Ok
+ wallet password is incorrect
+ ZcashParamsModal
+ %1 Activation Failed!
+ To activate ZHTLC coins, you need to download the Zcash Params.
+This might take a few minutes...
+ Download params & enable coins
+ More Info
+ Close
+ atomic_dex::settings_page
+ An error has occurred.
+ atomic_dex::wallet_page
+ You do not have enough funds.
+ %1 is not activated: click on the button to enable it or enable it manually
+ You need to have %1 to pay the gas for %2 transactions.
+ Checksum verification failed for %1.
+ Invalid checksum for %1. Click the button to convert to mixed case address.
+ Legacy address used for %1. Click the button to convert to a Cashaddress.
+ %1 address must be prefixed with 0x
+ %1 address length is invalid, please use a valid address.
+ %1 address is invalid.
+ Invalid checksum.
+ %1 address has invalid prefixes.
+ Backend error: %1
+ main
+ Logout
+ Balance
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/atomic_defi_ru.ts b/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/atomic_defi_ru.ts
index fb38f9ed71..31ae9a0ed6 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/atomic_defi_ru.ts
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/atomic_defi_ru.ts
@@ -2,502 +2,269 @@
- QPlatformTheme
+ AddAddressForm
- &Yes
- &Да
+ Use standard network address
- &No
- &Нет
+ Label
+ This key already exists.
+ Этот ключ уже существует.
+ Address
+ Адрес
- Отменить
+ Convert
+ Преобразовать
+ Edit
+ Редактировать
+ Add
+ Добавить
+ You need to enable %1 before adding this kind of address.
+ Enable
+ Добавить
Choose the asset type
Выберите тип монеты
- Type
- Тип
Enter the contract address
Введите адрес контракта
Choose the asset ticker
Введите тикер монеты
Enter the ticker
Введите тикер
- Contract Address
- Адрес контракта
Get the contract address from
Получить адрес контракта от
+ Contract address
Get the contract address from
Получить адрес контракта от
Choose the asset logo
Загрузите логотип монеты
Please choose the asset logo
Выберите логотип монеты
All configuration fields will be fetched using the contract address you provided.
Все параметры конфигурации будут получены с помощью адреса контракта.
Enter the name
Введите название
Coingecko ID
Coingecko ID
Enter the Coingecko ID
Введите Coingecko ID
Get the Coingecko ID
Получить Coingecko ID
WARNING: Application will restart immidiately to apply the changes!
ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: Приложение будет немедленно перезапущено для применения изменений!
Asset not found, please go back and make sure Contract Address is correct
Токен не найден, убедитесь, что адрес контракта указан верно
Config Fields
Параметры конфигурации
Fetched Data
Полученные данные
Submit & Restart
Отправить и перезапустить
- AddressBook
- Address Book
- Адресная книга
- New Contact
- Новый контакт
- Search a contact by name or tags
- Поиск контакта по имени или тегам
+ AddTagPopup
- Name
- Имя
- Tags (first 6)
- Теги (первые 6)
- Actions
- Действия
- Edit
- Редактировать
- Remove
- Удалить
- Do you want to remove this contact ?
- Вы действительно хотите удалить этот контакт?
- Yes
- Да
- No
- Нет
- AddressBookAddContactAddressModal
- Create a new address
- Добавить новый адрес
- Edit address entry
- Внести изменения в адрес
- Selected wallet: %1
- Выбранный кошелек: %1
- Enter a name
- Введите имя
- This key already exists.
- Этот ключ уже существует.
- Enter the address
- Введите адрес
- Validate
- Валидировать
- Cancel
- Отменить
- Convert
- Преобразовать
- AddressBookEditContactModal
- Edit contact
- Редактировать контакт
- Contact Name
- Имя контакта
- Enter a contact name
- Введите имя
- Address List
- Список адресов
- Search for an address entry.
- Поиск адреса.
- Type
- Тип
- Key
- Ключ
- Address
- Адрес
- Actions
- Действия
- New Address
- Новый Адрес
- Tags
- Теги
- +
- +
- Confirm
- Подтвердить
- Cancel
- Отменить
- The selected address belongs to a disabled coin, you need to enabled it before sending.
- Вы выбрали адрес отключенной монеты, ее необходимо включить перед отправкой.
- Enable
- Добавить
- Cannot send to this address
- Отправка на этот адрес невозможна
- Your balance is empty
- Баланс отсутствует
- Ok
- ОК
- Remove address ?
- Удалить адрес ?
+ Tag name
- Yes
- Да
+ Contact already has this tag.
- No
- Нет
+ + ADD
- AddressBookNewContactCategoryModal
- Add a new tag
- Добавить новый тег
- Enter the tag name
- Добавить имя тега
- This contact already has this tag
- У этого контакта уже есть этот тег
- Add
- Добавить
+ AmountChart
- Cancel
- Отменить
+ Work in progress
+ Разработка в процессе
- AddressBookNewContactModal
- Create a new contact
- Добавить новый контакт
- Enter the contact name
- Введите имя контакта
- This contact name already exists.
- Контакт с таким именем уже существует.
- Confirm
- Подтвердить
+ App
- Cancel
- Отменить
+ Recover Funds Result
+ Результат восстановления средств
- AddressBookSendWalletSelector
+ AssetFromStandardSelector
Choose a valid
- Выберите валидную
- coin
- монету
+ Выберите валидную
- AddressBookWalletTypeListModal
- Select wallet type
- Выберите тип кошелька
- Search
- Поиск
+ asset
- AmountChart
- Work in progress
- Разработка в процессе
+ Search an asset
- App
- Recover Funds Result
- Результат восстановления средств
+ Disabled
@@ -505,32 +272,42 @@
+ Fiat Balance
Change 24h
Изменение за 24ч
+ Activating:
Price provider is: %1
Провайдер цены: %1
@@ -538,27 +315,70 @@
Скрыть баланс
- BuyBox
- Buy
- Купить
+ Disable Privacy?
+ Enter wallet password to confirm
+ Type password
+ Введите пароль
+ Confirm
+ Cancel
+ Privacy status
+ Privacy mode disabled successfully
+ Ok
+ Ок
+ Wrong password!
+ wallet password is incorrect
+ введен неправильный пароль
@@ -569,64 +389,51 @@
Установить камуфляжный пароль
Camouflage Password is a secret password for emergency situations.
Камуфляжный пароль - секретный пароль для чрезвычайных ситуаций.
Using it to login will display your balance lower than it actually is.
Используйте его во время входа, чтобы ваш баланс не отображался полностью.
Here you enter the suffix and at login you need to enter {real_password}{suffix}
Здесь вы можете ввести окончание пароля. Во время входа в приложения необходимо будет ввести {ваш пароль}{окончание}
Password suffix
Суффикс пароля
Confirm pasword suffix
Подтвердите суффикс пароля
Enter a password suffix
Задайте суффикс пароля
Enter the same password suffix to confirm
Подтвердите суффикс пароля
- CandleStickChart
- Loading market data
- Загрузка данных
- There is no chart data for this pair yet
- Нет данных для построения графика для этой торговой пары
@@ -691,122 +498,134 @@
Рыночные данные (цены, графики, и тд.) отмеченные ⓘ иконкой получены от <a href="https://bandprotocol.com/">Band Decentralized Oracle</a> и <a href="https://coingecko.com">CoinGecko</a>.<br><br><b>Oracle Supported Pairs:</b><br>%1<br><br><b>Last reference (Band Oracle):</b><br><a href="%2">%2</a>
+ Chart
+ Loading market data
+ Загрузка рыночных данных
+ There is no chart data for this pair yet
+ Нет данных для построения графика для этой торговой пары
Failed to prepare to claim rewards
Ошибка при создании транзакции для получения вознаграждения
Claim your %1 reward?
Получить %1 вознаграждение?
No UTXOs eligible for claiming
Нет UTXO, для которых доступны вознаграждения
Transaction fee is higher than the reward!
Комиссия за транзакцию превышает сумму вознаграждений!
- You will receive %1
- Вы получите %1
+ You will receive
Read more about KMD active users rewards
Подробнее о вознаграждениях для активных пользователей KMD
Accruing Start
Начало начисления
Accruing Stop
Прекращение начисления
Time Left
Locktime is not set
Время блокировки не установлено
Locktime is less than the threshold
Время блокировки меньше минимального
UTXO height is greater than end of the era
Высота UTXO больше, чем конец эпохи
UTXO amount is less than 10
UTXO меньше 10
One hour did not pass yet
1 час еще не прошел
Transaction is in mempool
Транзакция находится в мемпуле
Unknown problem
Неизвестная проблема
@@ -814,37 +633,55 @@
Disable %1
Удалить %1
Disable and Delete %1
Удалить токен %1 из AtomicDex
Disable all %1 assets
Отключить все %1 ассеты
Disable all assets
Отключить все ассеты
+ Disable 0 balance assets
+ ComboBoxWithSearchBar
+ Search
+ Поиск
+ Language
+ Язык
@@ -895,74 +732,83 @@
Confirm Exchange Details
Подтвердить данные обмена
+ Trade price is more than 50% different to CEX! Confirm?
+ Стоимость обмена в сравнении с CEX дороже более чем на 50%, вы подтверждаете сделку?
This swap request can not be undone and is a final event!
Этот запрос на своп не может быть отменен и является окончательным!
This transaction can take up to 60 mins - DO NOT close this application!
Эта транзакция может занять до 60 минут - НЕ закрывайте приложение!
- Total %1 fees: %2 (%3)
- Всего %1 комиссии: %2 (%3)
+ Loading fees...
- Security configuration
- Настройки безопасности
+ <b>Total %1 fees:</b>
- dPoW protected
- защищено dPoW
+ Security configuration
+ Настройки безопасности
%1 confirmations for incoming %2 transactions
%1 подтверждений для входящих %2 транзакций
Read more about dPoW
Узнать больше о dPoW
Use custom protection settings for incoming %1 transactions
Использовать пользовательские настройки защиты для входящих транзакций %1
Enable Komodo dPoW security
Включить Komodo dPoW
+ dPoW protected
+ dPoW защита
Required Confirmations
Необходимое количество подтверждений
Warning, this atomic swap is not dPoW protected!
Предупреждение, этот атомарный своп не защищен dPoW!
@@ -983,181 +829,197 @@
Текущее количество включенных монет не совпадает с конфигурацией. Ваша конфигурация активов будет сброшена.
Order Matching
Матчинг ордеров
Order Matched
Ордер сматчен
В процессе
Swap Ongoing
Своп продолжается
Swap Successful
Своп успешно завершен
Проводится возврат
Не завершено
Swap Failed
Своп не был завершен
Unknown State
Статус неизвестен
Taker fee sent
Комиссия тейкера отправлена
Maker payment received
Платеж мейкера получен
Maker payment wait confirm started
Ожидание платежа мейкера
Maker payment validated and confirmed
Платеж мейкера валидирован и подтвержден
Taker payment sent
Платеж тейкера отправлен
Taker payment spent
Платеж тейкера потрачен
Maker payment spent
Платеж мейкера потрачен
Start failed
Не удалось начать
Negotiate failed
Согласование не прошло
Taker fee validate failed
Валидация комиссии тейкера не прошла
Maker payment transaction failed
Платежная транзакция мейкера не прошла
Maker payment Data send failed
Отправка платежных данных мейкера не прошла
Maker payment wait confirm failed
Платежная транзакция мейкера не была подтверждена
Taker payment validate failed
Не прошла валидация платежа тейкера
Taker payment wait confirm failed
Платежная транзакция тейкера не была подтверждена
Taker payment spend failed
Spend платежа тейкера не прошел
Maker payment wait refund started
Ожидание возврата платежа мейкера
Maker payment refunded
Платеж мейкера возвращен
Maker payment refund failed
Возврат платежа мейкера не выполнен
+ DatePicker
+ Date
+ Дата
+ DefaultCopyIcon
+ copied to clipboard
+ скопировано в буфер
@@ -1171,6 +1033,14 @@
+ DefaultTextEdit
+ copied to clipboard
+ скопировано в буфер
@@ -1213,7 +1083,7 @@
Type password
Введите пароль
@@ -1221,36 +1091,32 @@
At least 1 lowercase alphabetical character
Как минимум 1 строчная буква
At least 1 uppercase alphabetical character
Как минимум 1 заглавная буква
At least 1 numeric character
Как минимум 1 цифра
At least 1 special character (eg. !@#$%)
Как минимум 1 специальный символ (!@#$%)
- At least %n character(s)
- Не менее %n символов
- Не менее %n символов
- Не менее %n символов
+ Between %1 and %2 character(s)
Password and Confirm Password have to be same
Пароль и подтверждение пароля должны совпадать
@@ -1258,7 +1124,7 @@
items per page
элементов на странице
@@ -1284,55 +1150,136 @@
+ EditContactModal
+ Edit contact
+ Редактировать контакт
+ Contact name
+ Enter a contact name
+ Введите имя
+ Address list
+ Address Book
+ Адресная книга
+ address copied to clipboard
+ Edit
+ Редактировать
+ + Add
+ Tags
+ Теги
+ Add tag
+ Cancel
+ Отменить
+ Confirm
+ EnableAssetModal
+ The selected address belongs to a disabled asset, you need to enabled it before sending.
+ Enable
+ Добавить
+ Cancel
+ Отменить
Enable assets
Подключить активы
Search asset
Поиск актива
- Add a custom asset to the list
- Добавить пользовательский ассет в список
All assets are already enabled!
Все ассеты уже добавлены!
Change assets limit
Изменить лимит
+ Cancel
Select all assets
Выбрать все ассеты
You can still enable %1 assets. Selected: %2.
Вы можете активировать еще %1 активов. Активно: %2.
- Close
- Закрыть
+ Add a custom asset
@@ -1345,27 +1292,27 @@
Дисклеймер и условия использования
Accept EULA
Принять EULA
Accept Terms and Conditions
Принять Terms of Service
@@ -1391,20 +1338,53 @@
- Minimum fee
- Минимальная комиссия
+ Minimum fee
+ Минимальная комиссия
+ Fees will be calculated
+ Комиссия будет рассчитана
+ GasInfoModal
+ How do I calculate gas?
+ Gas is measured in gwei. Gwei is just a unit of Ether, and is equal to 0.000000001 ETH (or the equivalent platform coin such as AVAX or BNB). The gas price varies over time depending on network congestion.
+ The gas limit is how many units of gas (maximum) you allocate to pay for a transaction. The gas required depending on the size of the transaction & data being transmitted.
+ A standard transaction not involving contracts uses 21,000 gas units, with any of the limit remaining returned to the source address.
+ Transactions involving contracts may result in the whole limit being consumed, so be careful not to set it too high.
- Fees will be calculated
- Комиссия будет рассчитана
+ For more information, read the article at <a href="https://support.mycrypto.com/how-to/sending/how-to-know-what-gas-limit-to-use">https://support.mycrypto.com/how-to/sending/how-to-know-what-gas-limit-to-use</a>
%n day(s)
%n день
@@ -1413,7 +1393,7 @@
@@ -1423,7 +1403,7 @@
@@ -1433,7 +1413,7 @@
@@ -1443,7 +1423,7 @@
@@ -1453,7 +1433,7 @@
@@ -1463,66 +1443,92 @@
+ <b>Taker tx fee:</b>
+ <b>Dex tx fee:</b>
+ <b>Dex fee:</b>
+ <b>Maker tx fee:</b>
Trading Fee
Торговая комиссия
Minimum Trading Amount
Минимальный объем сделки
Wallet %1 already exists
Кошелек %1 уже существует
%1 balance is lower than the fees amount: %2 %3
%1 баланс менее чем размер комиссий: %2 %3
Tradable (after fees) %1 balance is lower than minimum trade amount
Торгуемый (после комиссий) баланс %1 - меньше минимальной суммы сделки
Please fill the price field
Пожалуйста, укажите цену
Please fill the volume field
- Пожалуйста, укажите сумму
+ Please wait for %1 to fully activate
%1 volume is lower than minimum trade amount
Сумма %1 меньше минимальной суммы сделки
%1 needs to be enabled in order to use %2
%1 должен быть активным для использования %2
%1 balance needs to be funded, a non-zero balance is required to pay the gas of %2 transactions
нужно пополнить баланс %1 для оплаты газа %2 транзакций
Unknown Error
Неизвестная ошибка
@@ -1530,146 +1536,165 @@
You get
Вы получите
You send
Вы отправите
Fiat Price
фиатная цена
CEX rate
Цена на CEX
- History
- Recent Swaps
- Последние свопы
Failed to Import the wallet
Не удалось импортировать кошелек
Import wallet - Setup
Импорт кошелька - Введите данные
Import wallet - Choose password
Импорт кошелька - Задайте пароль
Wallet Name
Название кошелька
Enter seed
Введите сид-фразу
- BIP39 seed validation failed, try again or select 'Allow custom seed'
- BIP39 валидация сид-фразы неуспешна, пожалуйста попробуйте снова или выберите 'Разрешить пользовательский формат сид-фразы'
+ Your seed is not BIP39 compliant.
+Try again or select 'Allow custom seed' to continue.
+ i understand
+ Я согласен
+ я согласен
+ je comprends
+ entiendo
+ anladım
+ ich verstehe
+ Ok
+ Ок
Allow custom seed
Разрешить пользовательский формат сид-фразы
<strong>Allow custom seed</strong>
<strong>Разрешить произвольный seed</strong>
Custom seed phrases might be less secure and easier to crack than a generated BIP39 compliant seed phrase or private key (WIF).<br><br>To confirm you understand the risk and know what you are doing, type <strong>'I understand'</strong> in the box below.
- Пользовательские seed фразы могут быть менее безопасными и подверженными взлому, в сравнении с фразой сгенерированной в соответствии со стандартом BIP39 или приватным ключом (WIF).<br><br>Для подтверждения того, что вы понимаете что делаете введите <strong>'I understand'</strong> в поле ниже.
+ Пользовательские исходные фразы могут быть менее безопасными и их легче взломать, чем сгенерированные исходные фразы или закрытый ключ (WIF), совместимые с BIP39.<br><br>Чтобы подтвердить, что вы понимаете риск и знаете, что делаете, введите <strong>'Я согласен'</strong> в поле ниже.
I understand
- Enable
- Добавить
+ Я согласен
Enter the same password to confirm
Введите тот же пароль для подтверждения
- Languages
- Language
- Язык
Join our Discord server
Присоединяйтесь к нашему Discord серверу
Follow us on Twitter
Подписывайтесь на наш Twitter
Go to Support Guides
Форум и база знаний
@@ -1681,16 +1706,26 @@
Funds are recoverable
Средства могут быть восстановлены
+ Best Orders
+ Лучшие ордеры
+ Enter volume to see best orders.
%1 is not enabled - Do you want to enable it to be able to select %2 best orders ?<br><a href='#'>Yes</a> - <a href='#no'>No</a>
%1 не активирован -Вы хотите активировать этот %2 актив чтобы видеть лучшие ордеры для него ?<br><a href='#'>Да</a> - <a href='#no'>Нет</a>
This order requires a minimum amount of %1 %2 <br>You don't have enough funds.<br> %3
@@ -1729,175 +1764,297 @@
Incorrect Password
Неправильный пароль
- Connect
+ Log In
+ LogoutModal
+ Exit %1 or go to login menu?
+ Warning: You currently have a swap in progress.
+Logging out may result in a failed swap.
+ Warning: You currently have open maker orders.
+They will be removed from the orderbook until you log in again.
+ Login menu
+ Exit
+ Cancel
Do you want to send your %1 funds to %2 wallet first?
Хотели бы вы сначала отправить ваши %1 средства на кошелек %2?
Your transaction is send, may take some time to arrive
Ваша транзакция была отправлена, получение может занять какое-то время
- Wallet Balance
- Баланс кошелька
- Change 24h
- Изменение за 24ч
+ Change 24hr
+ Porfolio
- Portfolio %
- % портфолио
+ Contract Address
Enable %1 ?
Активировать %1 ?
+ is wallet only
+ Public Key
+ Copied to Clipboard
+ Скопировано в буфер обмена
Loading market data
Загрузка рыночных данных
There is no chart data for this ticker yet
Для данного актива пока еще нет графиков данных
- Loading
- Загрузка
- Scanning blocks for TX History...
- Сканирование блокчейна для получения данных о транзакциях...
+ Fetching transactions...
- Syncing TX History...
- Синхронизация истории транзакций...
+ Please wait, %1 is %2
- No transactions
- Нет транзакций
+ % activated...
- Refreshing
- Обновление данных
+ No transactions available
- Fetching transactions
- Получение данных о транзакциях
+ Click to view your address on %1 (%2) block explorer
+ торговля
+ Trading Information
+ Торговая информация
+ Chart
+ График
+ Place Order
+ Разместить ордер
+ Order Selected
+ Ордер выбран
+ Address Book
+ Адресная книга
+ Search contact
+ поиск контактов
+ новый контакт
+ Name
+ Название
+ Tags
+ Теги
+ Edit
+ Редактировать
+ Delete
+ Удалить
+ address copied to clipboard
+ This contact does not have any registered address.
- Sell
- Продать
+ Sell %1
- Buy
- Купить
+ Buy %1
@@ -1945,166 +2102,196 @@
- NewUpdateModal
+ NewContactPopup
+ Contact name
- Searching new updates...
- Ищем обновление...
+ This contact name already exists.
+ Контакт с таким именем уже существует.
- Please wait while the application is finding a new update... You can close this modal if you want.
- Пожалуйста подождите пока приложение ищет обновление... Вы можете закрыть это окно если желаете.
+ + ADD
+ NewUpdateModal
- Already updated
- Обновлено
+ Searching new updates
- %1 is already up-to-date !
- %1 уже последней версии!
+ Fetching...
- New update detected !
- Обнаружено обновление !
- Do you want to update %1 from %2 to %3 ?
- Хотели бы вы обновить %1 с %2 на %3 ?
+ Could not check new updates for the following reason:
- Download
- Скачать
+ New version found
- Remind me later
- Напомнить мне позже
+ Mandatory version found
- Download in progress...
- В процессе скачивания...
+ %1 %2 is available !
- Update downloaded
- Новая версия скачана
+ This update is mandatory to continue using the application
- Update has been successfully downloaded. Do you want to restart the application now ?
- Новая версия была успешно скачана. Хотели бы вы перезагрузить приложение сейчас?
+ Close Dex
- Restart now
- Перезагрузить сейчас
+ Your application is updated.
- Restart later
- Перезагрузить потом
+ Download
+ Скачать
Wrong word, please check again
Неверное слово. Пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз
+ st
+ nd
+ rd
+ th
Failed to create a wallet
Ошибка при создании кошелька
New Wallet
Новый кошелек
Confirm Seed
Подтвердить seed ключ
Choose Password
Задайте пароль
Important: Back up your seed phrase before proceeding!
Важно: убедитесь, что вы сохранили ваш seed ключ, прежде чем продолжить!
We recommend storing it offline.
Мы рекумендуем хранить его офлайн.
Generated Seed
Сгенерированный seed ключ
Seed phrase
Seed фраза
copied to clipboard
скопировано в буфер
Let's double check your seed phrase
Давайте перепроверим ваш seed ключ
Your seed phrase is important - that's why we like to make sure it's correct. We'll ask you three different questions about your seed phrase to make sure you'll be able to easily restore your wallet whenever you want.
Ваш seed ключ важен, и поэтому мы хотим убедиться, что вы его сохранили. Мы зададим вам три разных вопроса о вашем seed ключе, чтобы убедиться, что вы сможете легко восстановить свой кошелек, когда захотите.
- Enter the %n. word
- Введите %nе слово
- Введите %nе слово
- Введите %nе слово
+ Enter the
+ word
Enter the same password to confirm
Введите тот же пароль для подтверждения
@@ -2135,150 +2322,152 @@
Order Matching
Матчинг ордеров
Order Matched
Ордер сматчен
В процессе
Swap Ongoing
Обмен продолжается
Swap Successful
Обмен успешно завершен
Проводится возврат
Не завершено
Swap Failed
Обмен не был завершен
Unknown State
Статус неизвестен
Swap status updated
Обновление статуса Свопа
You sent %1
Вы отправили %1
You received %1
Вы получили %1
Your wallet balance changed
Баланс вашего кошелька изменился
+ %1 Enable status
Please check your internet connection (e.g. VPN service or firewall might block it).
Пожалуйста, проверьте ваше интернет-соединение (например, служба VPN или брандмауэр могут блокировать подключение).
Failed to enable %1
Не получается включить %1
+ Failed to disable %1
Endpoint not reachable
Эндпоинт не доступен
Could not reach to endpoint
Не удалось подключиться
- Mismatch at %1 custom asset configuration
- Несоответствие в конфигурации актива %1
- Application needs to be restarted for %1 custom asset.
- Необходимо перезапустить приложение для %1.
- Batch %1 failed. Reason: %2
- Группа %1 .не удалась. Причина: %2
- There isn't any notification
- Нет новых уведомлений
+ Notifications
+ There aren't any notifications
Mark all as read
Отметить все как прочитанные
@@ -2286,46 +2475,97 @@
+ Reduce 1% relative to CEX market price.
+ Use CEX market price.
+ Increase 1% relative to CEX market price.
- Amount to sell
- Сумма для продажи
+ Amount to sell
+ Сумма для продажи
+ Amount to receive
+ Получаемая сумма
+ Max
+ Макс
+ Swap 25% of your tradable balance.
+ Swap 50% of your tradable balance.
+ Swap 100% of your tradable balance.
+ Min Volume
+ Min amount to sell
+ Min amount to receive
- Amount to receive
- Получаемая сумма
+ Minimum accepted trade equals 10% of order volume.
- Min volume:
- Мин. объем:
+ Minimum accepted trade equals 25% of order volume.
- How to use the pro-view slider ?
- Как использовать pro-view слайдер?
+ Minimum accepted trade equals 50% of order volume.
- This slider is used to setup the order requirements you need.
-Left slider: Sets the minimum amount required to process a trade.
-Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
- Этот слайдер используется для настройки желаемых параметров сделки.
-Левый слайдер: Задает минимальный объем для начала обмена.
-Правый слайдер: Задает объем который вы хотите обменять.
+ Min volume:
+ Мин. объем:
Use custom minimum trade amount
Задать минимальный объем сделки
@@ -2333,7 +2573,7 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Funds are recoverable
Средства могут быть восстановлены
@@ -2341,7 +2581,7 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
No results found
Не найдено результатов
@@ -2349,97 +2589,114 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Swap Details
Детали свопа
Order Details
Детали ордера
+ Order Type
Maker Order
Мейкер ордер
Taker Order
Тейкер ордер
Refund State
Статус рефанда
Your swap failed but the auto-refund process for your payment started already. Please wait and keep application opened until you receive your payment back
Обмен не был завершен, но процесс автоматического рефанда уже начался. Пожалуйста, подождите, оставляя приложение открытым, пока вы не получите свои средства
- ID
- ID
+ Error ID
+ ID ошибки
- Maker Payment Sent ID
- ID отправки платежа мейкера
+ Error Log
+ Лог ошибки
- Maker Payment Spent ID
- ID spend платежа мейкера
+ Close
+ Закрыть
- Taker Payment Spent ID
- ID spend платежа тейкера
+ Cancel Order
+ Отменить ордер
- Taker Payment Sent ID
- ID отправки платежа тейкера
+ Swap ID
+ ID обмена
- Error ID
- ID ошибки
+ Maker Payment Sent Transaction ID
- Error Log
- Лог ошибки
+ Maker Payment Spent Transaction ID
- Close
- Закрыть
+ Maker Payment TXID
- Cancel Order
- Отменить ордер
+ Taker Payment Spent Transaction ID
+ Taker Payment Sent Transaction ID
+ Taker Payment TXID
Recover Funds
Восстановить средства
View on Explorer
Показать в эксплорере
@@ -2447,64 +2704,62 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Selected Order Removed
Выбранный ордер удален
- The selected order does not exist anymore, it might have been matched or canceled, and no order with a better price is available. Please select a new order.
- Выбранный ордер больше не существует. Возможно его отменили или заполнили. Пожалуйста выберите другой ордер.
+ The selected order does not exist anymore, it might have been matched or canceled, and no order with a better price is available.
+Please select a new order.
- Orders
- Orders
- Ордеры
+ OK
Export CSV
Скачать CSV
Apply Filter
Применить фильтр
+ Cancel All
Please choose the CSV export name and location
Выберите название и расположение загружаемого файла
@@ -2512,7 +2767,7 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
items per page
элементов на странице
@@ -2520,43 +2775,39 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Enter your wallet password
Введите пароль вашего кошелька
At least 1 lowercase alphabetical character
Как минимум 1 строчная буква
At least 1 uppercase alphabetical character
Как минимум 1 заглавная буква
At least 1 numeric character
Как минимум 1 цифра
At least 1 special character (eg. !@#$%)
Как минимум 1 специальный символ (!@#$%)
- At least %n character(s)
- Не менее %n символов
- Не менее %n символов
- Не менее %n символов
+ Between %1 and %2 character(s)
@@ -2580,66 +2831,66 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Search asset
Поиск актива
Show only coins with balance
Показывать только монеты с балансом
+ (%1/%2)
- Add asset
- Добавить крипто актив
Set swap price for evaluation
Установите цену для оценки
Exchange rate
Обменный курс
Невыгодный курс
Выгодный курс
%1 compared to CEX
%1 по сравнению с CEX
CEXchange rate
CEXchange Цена
@@ -2647,37 +2898,32 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
- Set swap price for evaluation
- Установите цену для оценки
Exchange rate
Обменный курс
CEXchange rate
CEXchange Цена
Невыгодный курс
Выгодный курс
%1 compared to CEX
%1 по сравнению с CEX
@@ -2686,91 +2932,51 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Failed to place the order
Не удалось разместить ордер
Placed the order
Ордер размещен
+ QObject
- Chart
- График
- Trading Information
- Торговая информация
- Exchange Rates
- Курс обмена
- Orders
- Ордеры
- History
- История
- Order Book
- Ордербук
- Best Orders
- Лучшие ордеры
- Place Order
- Разместить ордер
- Order Selected
- Ордер выбран
+ Cannot reach the endpoint:
- Receive
- Получить
+ Receive %1
Only send %1 to this address
- Отправить %1 на данный адресс
%1 address
- %1 адрес
- copied to clipboard
- скопировано в буфер
+ copied to clipboard.
@@ -2778,94 +2984,97 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
View seed and private keys
Показать seed-фразу и приватные ключи
Please enter your password to view the seed.
Введите пароль для отображения seed ключа.
- Wrong Password
- Неправильный пароль
- Cancel
- Отменить
+ Seed
- Seed phrase
- Seed фраза
+ Backup Seed
- copied to clipboard
- скопировано в буфер
+ Public Address copied to clipboard
- RPC password
- RPC пароль
+ Cancel
+ Отменить
- phrase key copied to clipboard
- ключевая фраза скопирована в буфер
+ Incorrect Password
+ Неправильный пароль
- Backup seed
- Сделать бекап seed-фразы
+ copied to clipboard
+ скопировано в буфер
RPC Password
RPC Пароль
Search a coin.
Поиск актива.
- %1 address
- %1 адрес
- %1 private key
- %1 приватный ключ
Public Address
Публичный адрес
- Private Key
- Приватный ключ
+ Private Key copied to clipboard
- Close
- Закрыть
+ Private Key
+ Приватный ключ
+ RemoveContactPopup
+ Do you want to remove this contact ?
+ Вы действительно хотите удалить этот контакт?
+ Yes
+ Да
+ No
+ Нет
@@ -2910,140 +3119,165 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
- SellBox
- Sell
- Продать
Failed to send
Ошибка отправки
- Failed to Send
- Отправка не прошла
Prepare to send
Подготовить к отправке
Address of the recipient
Адрес получателя
Amount to send
Сумма для отправки
- Max amount
- Максимальное количество
Gas price
Цена газа
- Recipient's address
- Адрес получателя
+ Cancel
- Address Book
- Адресная книга
+ Recipient's address
+ Адрес получателя
The address has to be mixed case.
Адрес должен быть написан в смешанном регистре.
+ Failed to Broadcast
- Enable Custom Fees
- Включить настройку комиссий
+ Fiat amount: Unavailable
+ Fiat amount: %1
+ %1 amount: %2
- Only use custom fees if you know what you are doing!
- Используйте настраиваемые комиссии только если знаете, что делаете!
+ Specify in Fiat
+ Specify in Crypto
+ Enable Custom Fees
+ Включить настройку комиссий
Enter the custom fee
Введите комиссию сети
Gas Limit
Gas лимит
Custom Fee can't be higher than the amount
Комиссия не может больше общей суммы транзакции
Not enough funds.
Недостаточно средств.
You have %1
У вас %1
- Close
- Закрыть
+ Only use custom fees if you know what you are doing!
+ %1 address
+ copied to clipboard.
@@ -3051,43 +3285,43 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Select a contact with an %1 address
Выберите контакт с %1 адресом
Search for contacts...
Поиск по контактам...
%1 addresses
%1 адреса
1 address
1 адрес
Choose an %1 address of %2
Выбрать %1 адрес из %2
@@ -3095,42 +3329,60 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Transaction Complete!
Транзакция завершена!
+ %1 txid
+ copied to clipboard.
Recipient's address
Адрес получателя
+ %1 address
Общая сумма транзакции
Комиссия сети
Transaction Hash
Хэш транзакции
View on Explorer
Смотреть в эксплорере
@@ -3138,282 +3390,240 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
- Confirm Logout
- Подтвердите выход
- Are you sure you want to log out?
- Вы действительно хотите выйти?
- Yes
- Да
User Interface
About & Version
О программе
Enable Desktop Notifications
Включить уведомления для рабочего стола
Maximum number of enabled coins
Макс. количество активированных монет
Open Folder
Открыть папку с логами
Reset wallet configuration
Сбросить конфигурацию кошелька
This will restart your wallet with default settings
Эта опция перезапустит ваш кошелек с настройками по умолчанию
- Confirm
- Подтвердить
+ Confirm
+ Подтвердить
+ Changing theme to %1
+ Изменить тему на %1
+ Disable 2FA?
+ Enter your wallet password to confirm
+ Type password
+ Введите пароль
+ 2FA status
+ 2FA disabled successfully
+ Ok
+ Ок
+ Wrong password!
+ Wallet password is incorrect
+ Application Version
- Changing theme to %1
- Изменить тему на %1
+ copied to clipboard
+ скопировано в буфер
Current Font
Текущий шрифт
Current font changed to %1.
Текущий шрифт изменен на %1.
Ask system's password before sending coins ? (2FA)
Спрашивать системный пароль перед отправкой монет? (2FA)
Application version
Версия приложения
- DEX Version
- Версия DEX
- DEX Version copied to clipboard.
- Версия DEX скопирована в буфер обмена.
MM2 version
Версия MM2
MM2 Version
Версия MM2
MM2 Version copied to clipboard.
Версия MM2 скопирована в буфер обмена.
Qt version
Версия Qt
Qt Version
Версия Qt
Qt Version copied to clipboard.
Версия Qt скопирована в буфер обмена.
Search Update
Проверить на обновления
View seed and private keys
Показать seed-фразу и приватные ключи
Setup Camouflage Password
Установить камуфляжный пароль
Disclaimer and ToS
Дисклеймер и Условия Использования
- Settings
- Fiat
- Фиат
- Recommended:
- Рекомендации:
- Enable Desktop Notifications
- Включить уведомления для рабочего стола
- Use QtTextRendering Or NativeTextRendering
- Использовать QtTextRendering или NativeTextRendering
- Open Logs Folder
- Открыть папку с логами
- View seed and private keys
- Показать seed-фразу и приватные ключи
- Disclaimer and ToS
- Дисклеймер и TOS
- Setup Camouflage Password
- Установить камуфляжный пароль
- Reset wallet configuration
- Сбросить конфигурацию кошелька
- Delete Wallet
- Удалить кошелек
- Log out
- Выйти
- mm2 version
- версия MM2
- Search coin
- Поиск монеты
+ Search
+ Поиск
Add asset
Добавить крипто актив
@@ -3434,32 +3644,32 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Available Quantity
Доступное количество
Available Quantity (in %1)
Доступное количество (в %1)
Fiat Volume
Фиатный объем
CEX Rate
CEX цена
%1 is not enabled - Do you want to enable it to be able to select %2 best orders ?<br><a href='#'>Yes</a> - <a href='#no'>No</a>
%1 не активирован -Вы хотите активировать этот %2 актив чтобы видеть лучшие ордеры для него ?<br><a href='#'>Да</a> - <a href='#no'>Нет</a>
@@ -3467,22 +3677,22 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
+ Токен
Balance Fiat
Баланс в фиате
No Selectable coin.
Нет монет для выбора.
@@ -3525,32 +3735,32 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Apply filter
Применить фильтр
Please choose the CSV export name and location
Выберите название и расположение экспортируемого CSV файла
No results found
Ничего не найдено
@@ -3559,261 +3769,240 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Close filtering options.
Закрыть настройки фильтра.
Open filtering options.
Открыть настройки фильтра.
Filter settings
+ Настройки фильтра
Apply filter
Применить фильтр
No results found
Не найдено результатов
- Support
- Update available
- Доступно обновление
- Up to date
- Последняя версия
- Changelog
- Журнал изменений
- Open Logs Folder
- Открыть папку с логами
+ SupportModal
Frequently Asked Questions
- Часто задаваемые вопросы
+ Часто задаваемые вопросы
Do you store my private keys?
- Вы храните мои личные ключи?
+ Вы храните мои личные ключи?
No! %1 is non-custodial. We never store any sensitive data, including your private keys, seed phrases, or PIN. This data is only stored on the user’s device and never leaves it. You are in full control of your assets.
- Нет! %1 не хранит персональную информацию, включая приватные ключи, seed фразы, или PIN. Эти данные хранятся только у вас и никогда не покидают ваше устройство. Ваши активы всегда в вашем и только вашем распоряжении.
+ Нет! %1 не хранит персональную информацию, включая приватные ключи, seed фразы, или PIN. Эти данные хранятся только у вас и никогда не покидают ваше устройство. Ваши активы всегда в вашем и только вашем распоряжении.
How is trading on %1 different from trading on other DEXs?
- Как торговля на %1 отличается от других торговли на других децентрализованных биржах?
+ Как торговля на %1 отличается от других торговли на других децентрализованных биржах?
- Other DEXs generally only allow you to trade assets that are based on a single blockchain network, use proxy tokens, and only allow placing a single order with the same funds.
+ Other DEXs generally only allow you to trade assets that are based on a single blockchain network, use proxy tokens, and only allow placing a single order with the same funds.
%1 enables you to natively trade across two different blockchain networks without proxy tokens. You can also place multiple orders with the same funds. For example, you can sell 0.1 BTC for KMD, QTUM, or VRSC — the first order that fills automatically cancels all other orders.
- Другие Децентрализованные биржи обычно позволяют торговать активами которые базируются лишь на единственном блокчейне, используют прокси - токены и разрешают размещать только один ордер одними и теми же средств.
-%1 же позволяет вам торговать нативно через две разные блокчейн сети без прокси токенов. Также вы можете размещать несколько ордеов одним и тем же балансом. Например вы можете продать 0.1 BTC за KMD, QTUM или VRSC – первый сматченный ордер автоматически отменит остальные.
+ How long does each atomic swap take?
+ Сколько времени занимает каждый атомарный своп?
Several factors determine the processing time for each swap. The block time of the traded assets depends on each network (Bitcoin typically being the slowest) Additionally, the user can customize security preferences. For example, (you can ask %1 to consider a KMD transaction as final after just 3 confirmations which makes the swap time shorter compared to waiting for a <a href="https://komodoplatform.com/security-delayed-proof-of-work-dpow/">notarization</a>.
- Несколько факторов определяют время завершения каждого Атомарного Свопа. Время блока на каждой из торгуемых сетей (Bitcoin обычно самый медленный) В добавок каждый юзер может кастомизировать опции защиты. Например в пред-настройках Свопа, (вы можете установить %1 так чтобы протокол считал транзакцию KMD финальной как только она получит всего 3 подтверждения что уменьшает время Атомарного Свопа в сравнении с ожиданием <a href="https://komodoplatform.com/security-delayed-proof-of-work-dpow/">нотаризации</a>.
+ Несколько факторов определяют время завершения каждого Атомарного Свопа. Время блока на каждой из торгуемых сетей (Bitcoin обычно самый медленный) В добавок каждый юзер может кастомизировать опции защиты. Например в пред-настройках Свопа, (вы можете установить %1 так чтобы протокол считал транзакцию KMD финальной как только она получит всего 3 подтверждения что уменьшает время Атомарного Свопа в сравнении с ожиданием <a href="https://komodoplatform.com/security-delayed-proof-of-work-dpow/">нотаризации</a>.
+ Do I need to be online for the duration of the swap?
+ Необходимо ли мне быть в сети во время свопа?
Yes. You must remain connected to the internet and have your app running to successfully complete each atomic swap (very short breaks in connectivity are usually fine). Otherwise, there is risk of trade cancellation if you are a maker, and risk of loss of funds if you are a taker.
The atomic swap protocol requires both participants to stay online and monitor the involved blockchains for the process to stay atomic.
If you go offline, so will your orders, and any that are in progress will fail, leading to potential loss of trade / transaction fees, and a wait for the swap to timeout and issue a refund. It may also negatively affect your wallet's reputation score for future trade matching.
When you come back online, your orders will begin to broadcast again at the price you set before you went offline. If there has been significant price movement in the meantime, you might unintentionally offer someone a bargain!
For this reason, we recommend cancelling orders before closing %1, or reviewing and revising your prices when restarting %1.
- Да. Вы должны оставаться подключенным к Интернету и иметь работающее приложение для успешного завершения каждого атомарного свопа (очень короткие перерывы в подключении обычно допустимы). В противном случае существует риск отмены сделки, если вы - мейкер, и риск потери средств, если вы - тейкер.
-Протокол атомарных свопов требует, чтобы оба участника обмена оставались в сети для наблюдения за блокчейнами, чтобы процесс оставался атомарным.
-Если вы перейдете в оффлайн режим, ваши ордеры не будут доступны, и все обмены в процессе закончатся неуспешно, что приведет к потенциальной потере комиссий за торговлю / транзакции, а также к ожиданию отмены свопа и возврата средств. Это также может негативно повлиять на рейтинг репутации вашего кошелька для будущих сделок.
-Когда вы вернетесь в онлайн, ваши ордеры снова начнут транслироваться по цене, которую вы установили до выхода в офлайн. Если тем временем произошло значительное движение цены, вы можете непреднамеренно предложить кому-то сделку!
-По этой причине мы рекомендуем отменять заказы перед закрытием%1 или проверять и корректировать свои цены при перезапуске%1.
- Yes! %1 offers support through the <a href="%2">%1 Discord server</a>. The team and the community are always happy to help!
- Да! %1 предоставляет саппорт через <a href="%2">%1 Discord сервер</a>. Команда и сообщество проекта всегда рады помочь!
+ How are the fees on %1 calculated?
+ Как подсчитывается %1 комиссия?
- %1 is available for mobile on both <a href="%2">Android and iPhone, and for desktop on Windows, Mac, and Linux</a> operating systems.
- %1 доступен для Android и iOS мобильных устройв <a href="%2">, и для операционных систем Windows, Mac и Linux</a> на PC.
+ There are two fee categories to consider when trading on %1.
+1. %1 charges approximately 0.13% (1/777 of trading volume but not lower than 0.0001) as the trading fee for taker orders, and maker orders have zero fees.
+2. Both makers and takers will need to pay normal network fees to the involved blockchains when making atomic swap transactions.
+Network fees can vary greatly depending on your selected trading pair.
+ Do you provide user support?
+ Предоставляете ли вы поддержку пользователей?
+ Yes! %1 offers support through the <a href="%2">%1 Discord server</a>. The team and the community are always happy to help!
+ Да! %1 предоставляет саппорт через <a href="%2">%1 Discord сервер</a>. Команда и сообщество проекта всегда рады помочь!
Who is behind %1?
- Кто создал %1?
+ Кто создал %1?
%1 is developed by the Komodo team. Komodo is one of the most established blockchain projects working on innovative solutions like atomic swaps, Delayed Proof of Work, and an interoperable multi-chain architecture.
- %1 разрабатывается командой Komodo. Komodo один из наиболее известных блокчейн проектов который работает над такими инновационными решениями как Атомарные Свопы, "Отложенный" PoW, а также над совместимой мульти-чейн архитектурой.
+ %1 разрабатывается командой Komodo. Komodo один из наиболее известных блокчейн проектов который работает над такими инновационными решениями как Атомарные Свопы, "Отложенный" PoW, а также над совместимой мульти-чейн архитектурой.
Is it possible to develop my own white-label exchange on %1?
- Возможно ли разработать децентрализованную биржу с моим брендом на %1?
+ Возможно ли разработать децентрализованную биржу с моим брендом на %1?
Absolutely! You can read our developer documentation for more details or contact us with your partnership inquiries. Have a specific technical question? The %1 developer community is always ready to help!
- Обязательно! Вы можете прочитать нашу документацию для разработчиков для более детального ревью или же связаться с нашей командой по поводу партнерства. Есть очень специфичный технический вопрос? %1 наше комьюнити разработчиков всегда готово помочь!
+ Обязательно! Вы можете прочитать нашу документацию для разработчиков для более детального ревью или же связаться с нашей командой по поводу партнерства. Есть очень специфичный технический вопрос? %1 наше комьюнити разработчиков всегда готово помочь!
Which devices can I use %1 on?
- На каких устройствах я могу использовать %1 ?
+ На каких устройствах я могу использовать %1 ?
- Compliance Info
- Комплаенс информация
- Due to regulatory and legal circumstances the citizens of certain jurisdictions including, but not limited to, the United States of America, Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, Singapore, Sudan, Austria, Iran and any other state, country or other jurisdiction that is embargoed by the United States of America or the European Union are not allowed to use this application.
- В связи с нормативными и правовыми обстоятельствами граждане определенных юрисдикций, включая, помимо прочего, Соединенные Штаты Америки, Канаду, Гонконг, Израиль, Сингапур, Судан, Австрию, Иран и любые другие государства, страны или другие юрисдикции, на которые введено эмбарго. Соединенных Штатов Америки или Европейского Союза не могут использовать это приложение.
- How long does each atomic swap take?
- Сколько времени занимает каждый атомарный своп?
+ %1 is available for mobile on both <a href="%2">Android and iPhone, and for desktop on Windows, Mac, and Linux</a> operating systems.
+ %1 доступен для Android и iOS мобильных устройв <a href="%2">, и для операционных систем Windows, Mac и Linux</a> на PC.
- Do I need to be online for the duration of the swap?
- Необходимо ли мне быть в сети во время свопа?
+ Compliance Info
+ Комплаенс информация
- How are the fees on %1 calculated?
- Как подсчитывается %1 комиссия?
+ Due to regulatory and legal circumstances the citizens of certain jurisdictions including, but not limited to, the United States of America, Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, Singapore, Sudan, Austria, Iran and any other state, country or other jurisdiction that is embargoed by the United States of America or the European Union are not allowed to use this application.
+ В связи с нормативными и правовыми обстоятельствами граждане определенных юрисдикций, включая, помимо прочего, Соединенные Штаты Америки, Канаду, Гонконг, Израиль, Сингапур, Судан, Австрию, Иран и любые другие государства, страны или другие юрисдикции, на которые введено эмбарго. Соединенных Штатов Америки или Европейского Союза не могут использовать это приложение.
- There are two fee categories to consider when trading on %1.
-1. %1 charges approximately 0.13% (1/777 of trading volume but not lower than 0.0001) as the trading fee for taker orders, and maker orders have zero fees.
-2. Both makers and takers will need to pay normal network fees to the involved blockchains when making atomic swap transactions.
-Network fees can vary greatly depending on your selected trading pair.
- Две категории комиссий каждый трейдер должен иметь ввиду когда использует %1.
-1. %1 комиссия это примерно 0.13% (1/777 от объема торга но не менее чем 0.0001) в качестве торговой комиссия за тейкер ордеры, а мейкер ордеры в данном случае комиссию не платят.
-2. Но и мейкер и тейкер в любом случае должны иметь возможность оплатить комиссиии сети за обычные транзакции во время проведения Атомарного Свопа.
-Комиссии сети могут очень сильно варьироваться в зависимости от выбранной торговой пары.
+ Changelog
+ Журнал изменений
- Do you provide user support?
- Предоставляете ли вы поддержку пользователей?
+ Open Logs Folder
+ Открыть папку с логами
Progress details
- SweetDexComboBox
- Search
- Поиск
- TextEditWithTitle
+ TextEditWithCopy
- Swap ID
- ID обмена
+ copied to clipboard
+ скопировано в буфер
+ TextEditWithTitle
copied to clipboard
скопировано в буфер
@@ -3821,7 +4010,7 @@ Network fees can vary greatly depending on your selected trading pair.
Обязательное поле
@@ -3837,213 +4026,281 @@ Network fees can vary greatly depending on your selected trading pair.
Instant trading with best orders
Быстрая торговля с лучшими ордерами
+ Reset form
+ You have no tradable assets
Enter an amount
Введите количество
Pick an order
Выберите ордер
Better price found: %1. Updating forms.
Найдена цена лучше: %1.Обновляю форму.
Better price (%1) found but received quantity (%2) is lower than your current one (%3). Click here to update the selected order.
Лучшая цена (%1) была обнаружена но количество (%2) меньше чем в вашем текущем ордере (%3).Нажмите чтобы обновить выбранный ордер.
- Reset form.
- Сбросить форму.
+ %1
Min: %1
Мин: %1
Pick a coin
Выберите монету
Failed to place the order
Не удалось разместить ордер
Placed the order
Ордер размещен
Entered amount must be superior than 0.
Введенная сумма должна быть больше 0.
You must select an order.
Вы должны выбрать ордер.
Entered amount is below the minimum required by this order: %1
Введнная сумма меньше минимальной для этого ордера: %1
%1 needs to be enabled in order to use %2
%1 должен быть активным для использования %2
%1 balance needs to be funded, a non-zero balance is required to pay the gas of %2 transactions
нужно пополнить баланс %1 для оплаты газа %2 транзакций
- Search
- Поиск
+ %1 balance does not have enough funds to pay the gas of %2 transactions
No buy orders found for %1.
Не найдено ордеров на покупку дл] %1.
You can check later or try to sell a different coin.
Вы можете попробовать позже или попробовать продать другой актив.
+ Calculating fee estimate...
Total %1 fees:
Всего %1 комиссий:
%2 (%3)
+ %2 (%3)
+ TradeViewHeader
+ Pro View Settings
+ Display Settings
+ Ticker Selectors
+ Trading Information
+ Торговая информация
+ Order Book
+ Ордербук
+ Best Orders
+ Лучшие ордеры
+ Place Order
+ Разместить ордер
Transaction Details
Детали транзакции
+ %1 txid
+ copied to clipboard.
Комиссия сети
+ From address
+ To address
Не подтверждена
Transaction Hash
Хэш транзакции
Block Height
View on Explorer
Смотреть в эксплорере
@@ -4051,22 +4308,22 @@ Network fees can vary greatly depending on your selected trading pair.
Не подтверждена
@@ -4080,17 +4337,11 @@ Network fees can vary greatly depending on your selected trading pair.
- WalletNameField
- Wallet Name
- Название кошелька
+ Vertical
- Enter the name of your wallet here
- Введите название для вашего кошелька
- Название кошелька
+ Order Book
+ Ордербук
@@ -4111,118 +4362,165 @@ Network fees can vary greatly depending on your selected trading pair.
Импортировать кошелек
+ Search your wallets...
My Wallets
Мои кошельки
+ No wallets found!
Enter password to confirm deletion of
Введите пароль чтобы подтвердить удаление
Type password
Введите пароль
Wallet status
Статус кошелька
wallet deleted successfully
кошелек успешно удален
wallet password is incorrect
введен неправильный пароль
+ ZcashParamsModal
+ %1 Activation Failed!
+ To activate ZHTLC coins, you need to download the Zcash Params.
+This might take a few minutes...
+ Download params & enable coins
+ More Info
+ Close
+ Закрыть
+ atomic_dex::settings_page
+ An error has occurred.
You do not have enough funds.
У вас не достаточно средств.
%1 is not activated: click on the button to enable it or enable it manually
%1 не активирован: нажмите на кнопку чтобы активировать или сделайте это вручную
You need to have %1 to pay the gas for %2 transactions.
Вам нужен %1 для оплаты газа за %2 транзакции.
Checksum verification failed for %1.
Checksum верфикация неуспешна для %1.
- Invalid checksum for %1. Click on the convert button to turn it into a mixed case address
- Невалидная хэш-сумма для %1. Нажмите на кнопку конвертации в mixed case адрес
+ Invalid checksum for %1. Click the button to convert to mixed case address.
- Legacy address used for %1, click on the convert button to convert it to a Cashaddress.
- Введен legacy адрес для %1, нажмите на кнопку для конвертации в Cashaddress формат.
+ Legacy address used for %1. Click the button to convert to a Cashaddress.
%1 address must be prefixed with 0x
%1 адрес должен начинаться с 0x
%1 address length is invalid, please use a valid address.
%1 длина адреса не валидна, пожалуйста используйте валидный адрес.
%1 address is invalid.
некорректный адрес %1.
Invalid checksum.
Неверная чек-сумма.
%1 address has invalid prefixes.
у адреса %1 неверный префикс.
Backend error: %1
Ошибка бэкенда: %1
@@ -4230,32 +4528,12 @@ Network fees can vary greatly depending on your selected trading pair.
- Confirm Logout
- Подтверждение выхода
- Are you sure you want to log out?
- Вы действительно хотите выйти?
- Yes
- Да
- Cancel
- Отменить
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/atomic_defi_tr.ts b/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/atomic_defi_tr.ts
index 6b69125052..d4fe94d9c5 100644
--- a/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/atomic_defi_tr.ts
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/atomic_defi_tr.ts
@@ -2,500 +2,269 @@
- QPlatformTheme
+ AddAddressForm
- &Yes
- Yes
+ Use standard network address
+ Label
+ This key already exists.
+ Bu anahtar zaten mevcut.
- &No
- No
+ Address
+ Adres
- Cancel
+ İptal
+ Convert
+ Edit
+ Düzenle
+ Add
+ Ekle
+ You need to enable %1 before adding this kind of address.
+ Enable
+ Etkinleştir
Choose the asset type
Varlık türünü seçin
- Type
- Tip
Enter the contract address
Kontrat adresini girin
Choose the asset ticker
Varlık kodunu girin
Varlık Kodu
Enter the ticker
Varlık kodunu girin
- Contract Address
- Kontrat Adresi
Get the contract address from
Kontrat adresini şuradan alın
+ Contract address
Get the contract address from
Kontrat adresini şuradan alın
Choose the asset logo
Varlık logosunu seçin
Göz at
Please choose the asset logo
Lütfen varlık logosunu seçin
All configuration fields will be fetched using the contract address you provided.
Tüm konfigürasyon bilgileri verdiğiniz kontrat adresinden edinilip doldurulacak.
Enter the name
İsmi girin
Coingecko ID
Coingecko ID
Enter the Coingecko ID
Coingecko ID'sini girin
Get the Coingecko ID
Coingecko ID'si al
WARNING: Application will restart immidiately to apply the changes!
DİKKAT: Program değişiklikleri uygulamak için yeniden başlatılacak!
Asset not found, please go back and make sure Contract Address is correct
Varlık bulunamadı, lütfen geri dönün ve Kontrat Adresi'nin doğruluğundan emin olun
Config Fields
Konfig Alanları
Fetched Data
Çekilen Veri
Submit & Restart
Yolla ve Yeniden Başlat
- AddressBook
+ AddTagPopup
- Address Book
- Adres Defteri
- New Contact
- Yeni Kişi
- Search a contact by name or tags
- İsim ya da etiket ile kişi ara
- Name
- İsim
- Tags (first 6)
- Etiket
- Actions
- Eylemler
- Edit
- Düzenle
- Remove
- Kaldır
- Do you want to remove this contact ?
- Bu kişiyi kaldırmak istiyor musunuz ?
- Yes
- Evet
- No
- Hayır
- AddressBookAddContactAddressModal
- Create a new address
- Yeni bir adres oluştur
- Edit address entry
- Adres girdisini düzenleyin
- Selected wallet: %1
+ Tag name
+ Contact already has this tag.
- Enter a name
- Bir ad girin
- This key already exists.
- Bu anahtar zaten mevcut.
- Enter the address
- Adresi girin
- Validate
- Geçerle
- Cancel
- İptal
- Convert
+ + ADD
- AddressBookEditContactModal
- Edit contact
- Kişiyi düzenle
- Contact Name
- Kişi Adı
- Enter a contact name
- Bir kişi adı girin
- Address List
- Adres Listesi
- Search for an address entry.
- Bir adres girdisi arayın.
- Type
- Tür
- Key
- Anahtar
- Address
- Adres
- Actions
- Eylemler
- New Address
- Yeni Adres
- Tags
- Etiketler
- +
- +
- Confirm
- Onayla
- Cancel
- İptal
- The selected address belongs to a disabled coin, you need to enabled it before sending.
- Seçilen adres devre dışı bırakılmış bir koine aittir, göndermeden önce etkinleştirmeniz gerekir.
- Enable
- Etkinleştir
- Cannot send to this address
- Bu adrese gönderilemiyor
- Your balance is empty
- Bakiyeniz boş
- Ok
- Tamam
- Remove address ?
- Yes
- Evet
- No
- Hayır
- AddressBookNewContactCategoryModal
- Add a new tag
- Yeni etiket ekle
- Enter the tag name
- Etiket adı girin
- This contact already has this tag
- Bu kişi zaten bu etikete sahip
- Add
- Ekle
+ AmountChart
- Cancel
- İptal
+ Work in progress
+ İş devam ediyor
- AddressBookNewContactModal
- Create a new contact
- Yeni bir kişi ekle
- Enter the contact name
- Kişi adını girin
- This contact name already exists.
- Bu kişi adı zaten mevcut.
- Confirm
- Onayla
+ App
- Cancel
- İptal
+ Recover Funds Result
+ Fon Kurtarma Sonucu
- AddressBookSendWalletSelector
+ AssetFromStandardSelector
Choose a valid
- Geçerli bir
- coin
- koin seçin
- AddressBookWalletTypeListModal
- Select wallet type
- Cüzdan türünü seçin
+ Geçerli bir
- Search
- Ara
+ asset
- AmountChart
- Work in progress
- İş devam ediyor
+ Search an asset
- App
- Recover Funds Result
- Fon Kurtarma Sonucu
+ Disabled
@@ -503,32 +272,42 @@
+ Fiat Balance
Change 24h
Değişim 24sa
+ Activating:
Price provider is: %1
@@ -536,27 +315,70 @@
- BuyBox
- Buy
- Satın Al
+ Disable Privacy?
+ Enter wallet password to confirm
+ Type password
+ Confirm
+ Onayla
+ Cancel
+ İptal
+ Privacy status
+ Privacy mode disabled successfully
+ Ok
+ Tamam
+ Wrong password!
+ wallet password is incorrect
@@ -567,64 +389,51 @@
Kamuflaj Parolasını Ayarla
Camouflage Password is a secret password for emergency situations.
Kamuflaj Parolası acil durumlar için olan gizli bir paroladır.
Using it to login will display your balance lower than it actually is.
Bu parolayla giriş yapınca bakiyeniz normalinden daha az görünecektir.
Here you enter the suffix and at login you need to enter {real_password}{suffix}
Buraya son eki gireceksiniz, giriş yaparken ise {gerçek_şifre}{son ek} şeklinde giriş yapacaksınız
Password suffix
Confirm pasword suffix
Enter a password suffix
Enter the same password suffix to confirm
- CandleStickChart
- Loading market data
- Borsa bilgisi yükleniyor
- There is no chart data for this pair yet
- Bu parite için henüz grafik verisi yok
@@ -689,122 +498,134 @@
ⓘ simgesiyle işaretlenen piyasa verileri (fiyatlar, grafikler vb.) üçüncü taraf kaynaklardan alınmıştır. .<br><br>Veriler kaynakları: <a href="https://bandprotocol.com/">Band Decentralized Oracle</a> ve <a href="https://coingecko.com">CoinGecko</a>.<br><br><b>Oracle Supported Pairs:</b><br>%1<br><br><b>Son referans (Band Oracle):</b><br><a href="%2">%2</a>
+ Chart
+ Loading market data
+ Piyasa bilgisi yükleniyor
+ There is no chart data for this pair yet
+ Bu parite için henüz grafik verisi yok
Failed to prepare to claim rewards
Ödül alımı hazırlığı başarısız sonuçlandı
Claim your %1 reward?
%1 ödülünüzü alacak mısınız?
No UTXOs eligible for claiming
Ödül alımı için uygun UTXO yok
- You will receive %1
- %1 alacaksınız
Transaction fee is higher than the reward!
İşlem ücreti ödülden daha yüksek!
+ You will receive
Read more about KMD active users rewards
KMD aktif kullanıcı ödülleri hakkında daha fazla bilgi
Accruing Start
Tahakkuk Başlangıcı
Accruing Stop
Tahakkuk Bitişi
Time Left
Kalan Zaman
Locktime is not set
Kilit süresi ayarlanmamış
Locktime is less than the threshold
Kilit süresi limitin altında
UTXO height is greater than end of the era
UTXO uzunluğu dönem sonundan daha büyük
UTXO amount is less than 10
UTXO miktarı 10'dan az
One hour did not pass yet
Henüz bir saat geçmedi
Transaction is in mempool
İşlem mempool'da
Unknown problem
Bilinmeyen hata
@@ -812,37 +633,55 @@
Disable %1
%1'i Etkisizleştir
Disable and Delete %1
%1'i Etkisizleştir ve Sil
Disable all %1 assets
Tüm %1 türü varlıkları etkisizleştir
Disable all assets
Tüm varlıkları etkisizleştir
+ Disable 0 balance assets
+ ComboBoxWithSearchBar
+ Search
+ Ara
+ Language
+ Dil
@@ -893,74 +732,83 @@
Confirm Exchange Details
Al-Sat Detaylarını Onayla
This swap request can not be undone and is a final event!
Bu takas isteği geri döndürülemez!
- Total %1 fees: %2 (%3)
- Toplam %1 ücreti: %2 (%3)
Security configuration
Güvenlik yapılandırması
- dPoW protected
- dPoW korumalı
Read more about dPoW
dPoW hakkında daha fazla bilgi
Use custom protection settings for incoming %1 transactions
%1 işlemleri için özel güvenlik ayarları kullan
Enable Komodo dPoW security
Komodo dPoW güvenliğini etkinleştir
%1 confirmations for incoming %2 transactions
Gelen %2 işlemleri için %1 onay
This transaction can take up to 60 mins - DO NOT close this application!
Bu işlem 60 dakikayı bulabilir - Programı KAPATMAYINIZ!
+ Trade price is more than 50% different to CEX! Confirm?
+ Takas ücreti CEX ile karşılaştırıldığında %50'den daha fazla farka sahip. Onaylıyor musunuz?
+ Loading fees...
+ <b>Total %1 fees:</b>
+ <b>Toplam %1 işlem giderleri: </b>
+ dPoW protected
+ dPoW korumalı
Required Confirmations
Gereken Onaylar
Warning, this atomic swap is not dPoW protected!
Uyarı, bu atomik takas dPoW korumalı değil!
@@ -981,181 +829,197 @@
Etkinleştirilmiş koinlerin mevcut sayısı yapılandırma ayarlarınızla eşleşmiyor. Varlık yapılandırmanız sıfırlanacak.
Order Matching
Emir Eşleşiyor
Order Matched
Emir Eşleşti
Devam ediyor
Swap Ongoing
Takas Devam Ediyor
Swap Successful
Takas Başarılı
Geri ödeniyor
Swap Failed
Takas Başarısız
Unknown State
Bilinmeyen durum
Pazarlık yapıldı
Taker fee sent
Alıcı ücreti gönderildi
Maker payment received
Yapıcı ödemesi alındı
Maker payment wait confirm started
Yapıcı ödemesi bekleme onayı başladı
Maker payment validated and confirmed
Yapıcı ödemesi doğrulandı ve onaylandı
Taker payment sent
Alıcı ödemesi gönderildi
Taker payment spent
Alıcı ödemesi harcandı
Maker payment spent
Yapıcı ödemesi harcandı
Start failed
Negotiate failed
Pazarlık başarısız
Taker fee validate failed
Alıcı ücreti doğrulanamadı
Maker payment transaction failed
Yapıcı ödeme işlemi başarısız
Maker payment Data send failed
Yapıcı ödeme verileri gönderilemedi
Maker payment wait confirm failed
Yapıcı ödemesi bekleme onayı başarısız
Taker payment validate failed
Alıcı ödemesi doğrulanamadı
Taker payment wait confirm failed
Alıcı ödemesi bekleme onayı başarısız oldu
Taker payment spend failed
Alıcı ödeme harcaması başarısız oldu
Maker payment wait refund started
Yapıcı ödemesi bekleme iadesi başladı
Maker payment refunded
Yapıcı ödemesi iade edildi
Maker payment refund failed
Yapıcı ödeme iadesi başarısız
+ DatePicker
+ Date
+ Tarih
+ DefaultCopyIcon
+ copied to clipboard
@@ -1169,6 +1033,14 @@
+ DefaultTextEdit
+ copied to clipboard
@@ -1211,7 +1083,7 @@
Type password
@@ -1219,34 +1091,32 @@
At least 1 lowercase alphabetical character
En az 1 küçük harf
At least 1 uppercase alphabetical character
En az 1 büyük harf
At least 1 numeric character
En az 1 sayı
At least 1 special character (eg. !@#$%)
En az 1 özel karakter (ör. !@#$%)
- At least %n character(s)
- En az %n karakter
+ Between %1 and %2 character(s)
Password and Confirm Password have to be same
Parola ve Parola Doğrulaması aynı olmalıdır
@@ -1254,7 +1124,7 @@
items per page
sayfa başına öğe
@@ -1280,55 +1150,136 @@
+ EditContactModal
+ Edit contact
+ Kişiyi düzenle
+ Contact name
+ Enter a contact name
+ Bir kişi adı girin
+ Address list
+ Address Book
+ Adres Defteri
+ address copied to clipboard
+ Edit
+ Düzenle
+ + Add
+ Tags
+ Etiketler
+ Add tag
+ Cancel
+ İptal
+ Confirm
+ Onayla
+ EnableAssetModal
+ The selected address belongs to a disabled asset, you need to enabled it before sending.
+ Enable
+ Etkinleştir
+ Cancel
+ İptal
Enable assets
Varlıkları etkineştir
Search asset
- Add a custom asset to the list
- Listeye özel varlık ekleyin
All assets are already enabled!
Bütün varlıklar zaten etkinleştirildi!
Change assets limit
Varlıkların limitini değiştirin
+ Cancel
+ İptal
Select all assets
Tüm varlıkları seç
You can still enable %1 assets. Selected: %2.
Hala %1 varlık etkinleştirebilirsiniz. Seçilen: %2.
- Close
- Kapat
+ Add a custom asset
@@ -1341,27 +1292,27 @@
Sorumluluk Reddi & Kullanım Şartları
Accept EULA
Son Kullanıcı Lisans Sözleşmesi (EULA) 'ni kabul ediyorum
Accept Terms and Conditions
Şartları ve koşulları kabul ediyorum
@@ -1374,40 +1325,73 @@
Kritik Hata
- Connection has been lost. You have been disconnected.
- Bağlantı kaybedildi.
+ Connection has been lost. You have been disconnected.
+ Bağlantı kaybedildi.
+ Close
+ Kapat
+ FeeInfo
+ Minimum fee
+ En düşük ücret
+ Fees will be calculated
+ Ücretler hesaplanacak
+ GasInfoModal
+ How do I calculate gas?
+ Gas is measured in gwei. Gwei is just a unit of Ether, and is equal to 0.000000001 ETH (or the equivalent platform coin such as AVAX or BNB). The gas price varies over time depending on network congestion.
+ The gas limit is how many units of gas (maximum) you allocate to pay for a transaction. The gas required depending on the size of the transaction & data being transmitted.
- Close
- Kapat
+ A standard transaction not involving contracts uses 21,000 gas units, with any of the limit remaining returned to the source address.
- FeeInfo
- Minimum fee
- En düşük ücret
+ Transactions involving contracts may result in the whole limit being consumed, so be careful not to set it too high.
- Fees will be calculated
- Ücretler hesaplanacak
+ For more information, read the article at <a href="https://support.mycrypto.com/how-to/sending/how-to-know-what-gas-limit-to-use">https://support.mycrypto.com/how-to/sending/how-to-know-what-gas-limit-to-use</a>
%n day(s)
%n gün
@@ -1415,7 +1399,7 @@
@@ -1423,7 +1407,7 @@
@@ -1431,7 +1415,7 @@
@@ -1439,7 +1423,7 @@
@@ -1447,66 +1431,92 @@
+ <b>Taker tx fee:</b>
+ <b>Dex tx fee:</b>
+ <b>Dex fee:</b>
+ <b>Maker tx fee:</b>
Trading Fee
Takas Ücreti
Minimum Trading Amount
Minimum Takas Hacmi
Wallet %1 already exists
%1 cüzdanı zaten mevcut
%1 balance is lower than the fees amount: %2 %3
%1 bakiye ücret tutarının altında: %2 %3
Tradable (after fees) %1 balance is lower than minimum trade amount
Takas edilebilir (ücretlerden sonra)%1 bakiyesi minimum işlem ücretinden düşük
Please fill the price field
Lütfen fiyat alanını doldurun
Please fill the volume field
- Lütfen hacim alanını doldurunuz
+ Please wait for %1 to fully activate
%1 volume is lower than minimum trade amount
%1 hacmi, minimum işlem ücretinden düşük
%1 needs to be enabled in order to use %2
%1 balance needs to be funded, a non-zero balance is required to pay the gas of %2 transactions
Unknown Error
Bilinmeyen Hata
@@ -1514,146 +1524,165 @@
You get
You send
Fiat Price
Döviz Fiyatı
CEX rate
CEX oranı
- History
- Recent Swaps
- Son Takaslar
Failed to Import the wallet
Import wallet - Setup
Import wallet - Choose password
Wallet Name
Cüzdan Adı
Enter seed
- BIP39 seed validation failed, try again or select 'Allow custom seed'
+ Your seed is not BIP39 compliant.
+Try again or select 'Allow custom seed' to continue.
+ i understand
+ Anladım
+ я согласен
+ je comprends
+ entiendo
+ anladım
+ ich verstehe
+ Ok
+ Tamam
Allow custom seed
Özel Seed'e izin ver
<strong>Allow custom seed</strong>
Custom seed phrases might be less secure and easier to crack than a generated BIP39 compliant seed phrase or private key (WIF).<br><br>To confirm you understand the risk and know what you are doing, type <strong>'I understand'</strong> in the box below.
+ Özel çekirdek tümceler, oluşturulmuş bir BIP39 uyumlu çekirdek sözcük grubu veya özel anahtara (WIF).<br><br> Riski anladığınızı ve ne yaptığınızı bildiğinizi doğrulamak için lütfen aşağıdaki kutuya <strong>'Anladım'</strong> yazın.
I understand
- Enable
- Etkinleştir
+ Anladım
Enter the same password to confirm
Doğrulamak için aynı parolayı giriniz
- Languages
- Language
- Dil
Join our Discord server
Discord kanalımıza katılın
Follow us on Twitter
Bizi Twitter'dan takip edin
Go to Support Guides
Destek Kılavuzlarına Git
@@ -1665,16 +1694,26 @@
Funds are recoverable
Fonlar kurtarılabilir
+ Best Orders
+ En İyi Emirler
+ Enter volume to see best orders.
%1 is not enabled - Do you want to enable it to be able to select %2 best orders ?<br><a href='#'>Yes</a> - <a href='#no'>No</a>
%1 etkin değil - En iyi %2 siparişini seçebilmesi için etkinleştirmek istiyor musunuz ? <br><a href='#'>Evet</a> - <a href='#no'>Hayır</a>
This order requires a minimum amount of %1 %2 <br>You don't have enough funds.<br> %3
@@ -1713,17 +1752,52 @@
Incorrect Password
Yanlış Parola
- Connect
+ Log In
+ Cancel
+ İptal
+ LogoutModal
+ Exit %1 or go to login menu?
+ Warning: You currently have a swap in progress.
+Logging out may result in a failed swap.
+ Warning: You currently have open maker orders.
+They will be removed from the orderbook until you log in again.
+ Login menu
+ Exit
@@ -1731,129 +1805,141 @@
Do you want to send your %1 funds to %2 wallet first?
Your transaction is send, may take some time to arrive
- Wallet Balance
- Cüzdan Bakiyesi
- Change 24h
- Değişim 24sa
+ Change 24hr
+ Porfolio
- Portfolio %
- Portföy %
+ Contract Address
Enable %1 ?
%1 Etkinleştirilsin mi ?
+ is wallet only
+ Public Key
+ Copied to Clipboard
+ Panoya Kopyalandı
Loading market data
Piyasa bilgisi yükleniyor
There is no chart data for this ticker yet
Henüz bu hisse senedi için grafik verisi yok
- Loading
- Yükleniyor
- Scanning blocks for TX History...
- TX Geçmişi için bloklar taranıyor ...
+ Fetching transactions...
- Syncing TX History...
- TX Geçmişi senkronize ediliyor ...
+ Please wait, %1 is %2
- No transactions
- İşlem yok
+ % activated...
- Refreshing
- Yenileniyor
+ No transactions available
- Fetching transactions
- İşlemler alınıyor
+ Click to view your address on %1 (%2) block explorer
@@ -1861,27 +1947,102 @@
Al Sat
+ Trading Information
+ Al Sat Bilgisi
+ Chart
+ Grafik
+ Place Order
+ Emir Ver
+ Order Selected
+ Emir Seçildi
+ Takası başlat
+ Address Book
+ Adres Defteri
+ Search contact
+ Kişileri ara
+ Yeni bağlantı
+ Name
+ İsim
+ Tags
+ Etiketler
+ Edit
+ Düzenle
+ Delete
+ Sil
+ address copied to clipboard
+ This contact does not have any registered address.
- Sell
- Sat
+ Sell %1
- Buy
- Satın Al
+ Buy %1
@@ -1929,164 +2090,196 @@
- NewUpdateModal
+ NewContactPopup
+ Contact name
- Searching new updates...
- Yeni güncellemeler aranıyor...
+ This contact name already exists.
+ Bu kişi adı zaten mevcut.
- Please wait while the application is finding a new update... You can close this modal if you want.
- Uygulama yeni bir güncelleme ararken lütfen bekleyin... İsterseniz bu sekmeyi kapatabilirsiniz.
+ + ADD
+ NewUpdateModal
- Already updated
- Zaten güncellendi
+ Searching new updates
- %1 is already up-to-date !
- %1 zaten güncel !
+ Fetching...
- New update detected !
- Yeni güncelleme tespit edildi !
- Do you want to update %1 from %2 to %3 ?
- %1'i %2'den %3'e güncellemek istiyor musunuz ?
+ Could not check new updates for the following reason:
- Download
- İndir
+ New version found
- Remind me later
- Daha sonra hatırlat
+ Mandatory version found
- Download in progress...
- İndirme işlemi devam ediyor...
+ %1 %2 is available !
- Update downloaded
- Güncelleme indirildi
+ This update is mandatory to continue using the application
- Update has been successfully downloaded. Do you want to restart the application now ?
- Güncelleme başarıyla indirildi. Uygulamayı şimdi yeniden başlatmak istiyor musunuz ?
+ Close Dex
- Restart now
- Şimdi yeniden başlat
+ Your application is updated.
- Restart later
- Daha sonra yeniden başlat
+ Download
+ İndir
Wrong word, please check again
Hatalı kelime, lütfen kontrol ediniz
+ st
+ nd
+ rd
+ th
Failed to create a wallet
Cüzdan oluşturulamadı
New Wallet
Yeni Cüzdan
Confirm Seed
Seed'i Onayla
Choose Password
Important: Back up your seed phrase before proceeding!
Önemli: Devam etmeden önce seed kelimelerinizi yedekleyin!
We recommend storing it offline.
Çevrimdışı saklamanızı öneririz.
Generated Seed
Seed Oluştur
Seed phrase
copied to clipboard
Let's double check your seed phrase
Seed kelimelerinizi tekrar kontrol edelim
Your seed phrase is important - that's why we like to make sure it's correct. We'll ask you three different questions about your seed phrase to make sure you'll be able to easily restore your wallet whenever you want.
Seed kelimeleriniz önemlidir - bu yüzden doğru olduğundan emin olmak istiyoruz. Cüzdanınızı istediğiniz zaman kolayca kurtarabileceğinizden emin olmak için seed kelimeleriniz hakkında üç farklı soru soracağız.
- Enter the %n. word
- %n. kelimeyi giriniz
+ Enter the
+ word
Enter the same password to confirm
Doğrulamak için aynı parolayı giriniz
@@ -2117,150 +2310,152 @@
Order Matching
Emir Eşleşiyor
Order Matched
Emir Eşleşti
Devam ediyor
Swap Ongoing
Takas Devam Ediyor
Swap Successful
Takas Başarılı
Geri ödeniyor
Swap Failed
Takas Başarısız
Unknown State
Bilinmeyen durum
Swap status updated
Takas durumu güncellendi
You sent %1
%1 gönderdiniz
You received %1
%1 aldınız
Your wallet balance changed
Cüzdan bakiyeniz değişti
+ %1 Enable status
Please check your internet connection (e.g. VPN service or firewall might block it).
Lütfen internet bağlantınızı kontrol edin (ör. VPN hizmeti veya güvenlik duvarı bağlantıyı engelliyor olabilir).
Failed to enable %1
%1 etkinleştirilemedi
+ Failed to disable %1
Endpoint not reachable
Uç nokta ulaşılabilir değil
Could not reach to endpoint
Uç noktaya ulaşılamadı
- Mismatch at %1 custom asset configuration
- %1 özel varlık yapılandırmasında uyuşmazlık
- Application needs to be restarted for %1 custom asset.
- %1 özel varlığı için uygulamanın yeniden başlatılması gerekiyor.
- Batch %1 failed. Reason: %2
- %1 toplu işlemi başarısız oldu. Sebep: %2
Yeniden Başlat
- There isn't any notification
- Bildirim yok
+ Notifications
+ There aren't any notifications
Mark all as read
@@ -2268,44 +2463,97 @@
Amount to sell
Satılacak miktar
Amount to receive
Alınacak miktar
- Min volume:
+ Max
+ Maks
+ Swap 25% of your tradable balance.
+ Swap 50% of your tradable balance.
+ Swap 100% of your tradable balance.
+ Min Volume
+ Min amount to sell
+ Min amount to receive
+ Minimum accepted trade equals 10% of order volume.
+ Minimum accepted trade equals 25% of order volume.
- How to use the pro-view slider ?
+ Minimum accepted trade equals 50% of order volume.
- This slider is used to setup the order requirements you need.
-Left slider: Sets the minimum amount required to process a trade.
-Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
+ Min volume:
Use custom minimum trade amount
+ Reduce 1% relative to CEX market price.
+ Use CEX market price.
+ Increase 1% relative to CEX market price.
@@ -2313,7 +2561,7 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Funds are recoverable
Fonlar kurtarılabilir
@@ -2321,7 +2569,7 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
No results found
@@ -2329,97 +2577,114 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Swap Details
Takas Detayları
Order Details
Emir Detayları
+ Order Type
Maker Order
Yapıcı Emri
Taker Order
Alıcı Emri
Refund State
Geri Ödeme Durumu
Your swap failed but the auto-refund process for your payment started already. Please wait and keep application opened until you receive your payment back
Takas işlemi başarısız oldu, ancak otomatik geri ödeme süreci başladı. Lütfen bekleyin ve ödemenizi geri alana kadar uygulamayı açık tutun
- ID
- ID
Recover Funds
Fon Kurtar
View on Explorer
Explorer'da Göster
- Maker Payment Sent ID
- Yapıcı Ödemesi Gönderilen Kimliği
+ Cancel Order
+ Emri İptal Et
- Maker Payment Spent ID
- Yapıcı Ödemesi Harcanan Kimliği
+ Error ID
+ Hata ID
- Taker Payment Spent ID
- Alıcı Ödemesi Harcanan Kimliği
+ Swap ID
- Taker Payment Sent ID
- Alıcı Ödemesi Gönderilen Kimliği
+ Maker Payment Sent Transaction ID
- Cancel Order
- Emri İptal Et
+ Maker Payment Spent Transaction ID
- Error ID
- Hata ID
+ Maker Payment TXID
+ Taker Payment Spent Transaction ID
+ Taker Payment Sent Transaction ID
+ Taker Payment TXID
Error Log
Hata Kaydı
@@ -2427,64 +2692,62 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Selected Order Removed
Seçilen Emir Kaldırıldı
- The selected order does not exist anymore, it might have been matched or canceled, and no order with a better price is available. Please select a new order.
- Seçilen emir artık mevcut değil, eşleşmiş veya iptal edilmiş olabilir, ve daha iyi fiyatlı bir emir bulunmamakta. Lütfen yeni bir emir seçin.
+ The selected order does not exist anymore, it might have been matched or canceled, and no order with a better price is available.
+Please select a new order.
- Orders
- Orders
- Emirler
Apply Filter
Filtreyi Uygula
Export CSV
CSV'yi dışa aktar
+ Cancel All
Please choose the CSV export name and location
Lütfen CSV dışa aktarma adını ve konumunu seçin
@@ -2492,7 +2755,7 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
items per page
sayfa başına öğe
@@ -2500,41 +2763,39 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Enter your wallet password
Cüzdan parolanızı girin
At least 1 lowercase alphabetical character
En az 1 küçük harf
At least 1 uppercase alphabetical character
En az 1 büyük harf
At least 1 numeric character
En az 1 sayı
At least 1 special character (eg. !@#$%)
En az 1 özel karakter (ör. !@#$%)
- At least %n character(s)
- En az %n karakter
+ Between %1 and %2 character(s)
@@ -2558,66 +2819,66 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Search asset
Show only coins with balance
Sadece bakiyesi olan koinleri göster
- Add asset
- Varlık ekle
Set swap price for evaluation
Değerlendirme için takas fiyatı belirleyin
Exchange rate
Döviz kuru
%1 compared to CEX
CEX ile karşılaştırıldığında %1
CEXchange rate
CEXchange kuru
@@ -2625,37 +2886,32 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
- Set swap price for evaluation
- Değerlendirme için takas fiyatı belirleyin
Exchange rate
Döviz kuru
CEXchange rate
CEXchange kuru
%1 compared to CEX
CEX ile karşılaştırıldığında %1
@@ -2664,91 +2920,51 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Failed to place the order
Emir başarısız oldu
Placed the order
Emir başarılı
+ QObject
- Chart
- Grafik
- Trading Information
- Al Sat Bilgisi
- Exchange Rates
- Döviz kurları
- Orders
- Emirler
- History
- Tarihçe
- Order Book
- Emir Defteri
- Best Orders
- En İyi Emirler
- Place Order
- Emir Ver
+ Cannot reach the endpoint:
- Order Selected
- Emir Seçildi
- Receive
- Al
+ Receive %1
Only send %1 to this address
- Bu adrese yalnızca %1 gönder
%1 address
- copied to clipboard
+ copied to clipboard.
@@ -2756,94 +2972,97 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
View seed and private keys
Seed ve özel anahtarları görüntüle
Please enter your password to view the seed.
Seed'i görmek için lütfen parolanızı giriniz.
- Wrong Password
- Yanlış Parola
- Cancel
- İptal
+ Seed
- Seed phrase
+ Backup Seed
- copied to clipboard
+ Public Address copied to clipboard
- RPC password
+ Cancel
+ İptal
- phrase key copied to clipboard
+ Incorrect Password
+ Yanlış Parola
- Backup seed
- Seed'i yedekle
+ copied to clipboard
RPC Password
RPC Parolası
Search a coin.
Koin ara.
- %1 address
+ Public Address
+ Public Adres
- %1 private key
+ Private Key copied to clipboard
- Public Address
- Public Adres
Private Key
Private Key
- Close
- Kapat
+ RemoveContactPopup
+ Do you want to remove this contact ?
+ Bu kişiyi kaldırmak istiyor musunuz ?
+ Yes
+ Evet
+ No
+ Hayır
@@ -2888,140 +3107,165 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
- SellBox
- Sell
- Sat
Failed to send
- Failed to Send
- Gönderilemedi
Prepare to send
Göndermeye hazırlanıyor
Address of the recipient
Amount to send
- Max amount
+ Gas price
- Gas price
+ Cancel
+ İptal
Recipient's address
Alıcı adresi
- Address Book
- Adres Defteri
The address has to be mixed case.
Adres, büyük-küçük harf karışık olmalıdır.
+ Failed to Broadcast
- Enable Custom Fees
- Özel İşlem Ücretlerini Etkinleştir
+ Fiat amount: Unavailable
+ Fiat amount: %1
+ %1 amount: %2
+ Specify in Fiat
- Only use custom fees if you know what you are doing!
- Özel işlem ücretleri hakkında bilginiz yoksa kullanmayınız!
+ Specify in Crypto
+ Enable Custom Fees
+ Özel İşlem Ücretlerini Etkinleştir
Enter the custom fee
Özel ücreti giriniz
Gas Limit
Gas Limiti
Custom Fee can't be higher than the amount
Özel İşlem Ücreti takas miktarından daha yüksek olamaz
Not enough funds.
Yetersiz bakiye.
You have %1
%1'niz var
- Close
- Kapat
+ Only use custom fees if you know what you are doing!
+ %1 address
+ copied to clipboard.
İşlem Ücreti
@@ -3029,43 +3273,43 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Select a contact with an %1 address
%1 adresi olan bir kişi seçin
Search for contacts...
Kişi ara...
%1 addresses
%1 adresleri
1 address
1 adres
Choose an %1 address of %2
%2'nin bir %1 adresini seçin
@@ -3073,42 +3317,60 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Transaction Complete!
İşlem Tamamlandı!
+ %1 txid
+ copied to clipboard.
Recipient's address
Alıcının adresi
+ %1 address
İşlem Ücreti
Transaction Hash
İşlem Hash'i
View on Explorer
Explorer'da göster
@@ -3116,282 +3378,240 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
- Confirm Logout
- Are you sure you want to log out?
- Yes
- Evet
User Interface
Kullanıcı Arayüzü
- General
- Genel
+ General
+ Genel
+ About & Version
+ Enable Desktop Notifications
+ Masaüstü Bildirimlerini Aktif Et
+ Maximum number of enabled coins
+ Maksimum etkin koin sayısı
+ Logs
+ Günlük Kaydı
+ Open Folder
+ Klasörü Aç
+ Reset wallet configuration
+ This will restart your wallet with default settings
+ Confirm
+ Onayla
+ Changing theme to %1
+ Disable 2FA?
- About & Version
+ Enter your wallet password to confirm
- Enable Desktop Notifications
- Masaüstü Bildirimlerini Aktif Et
+ Type password
- Maximum number of enabled coins
- Maksimum etkin koin sayısı
+ 2FA status
- Logs
- Günlük Kaydı
+ 2FA disabled successfully
- Open Folder
- Klasörü Aç
+ Ok
+ Tamam
- Reset wallet configuration
+ Wrong password!
- This will restart your wallet with default settings
+ Wallet password is incorrect
- Confirm
- Onayla
+ Application Version
- Changing theme to %1
+ copied to clipboard
Current Font
Geçerli Yazı Tipi
Current font changed to %1.
Ask system's password before sending coins ? (2FA)
Para göndermeden önce sistem parolası sorulsun mu ? (2FA)
Application version
Uygulama sürümü
- DEX Version
- DEX Version copied to clipboard.
MM2 version
MM2 sürümü
MM2 Version
MM2 Version copied to clipboard.
Qt version
Qt sürümü
Qt Version
Qt Version copied to clipboard.
Search Update
Güncelleme Ara
View seed and private keys
Seed ve özel anahtarları görüntüle
Setup Camouflage Password
Kamuflaj Parolasını Ayarla
- Disclaimer and ToS
- Sorumluluk Reddi ve K.Ş.
- Settings
- Fiat
- Döviz
- Recommended:
- Önerilen:
- Enable Desktop Notifications
- Masaüstü Bildirimlerini Aktif Et
- Use QtTextRendering Or NativeTextRendering
- QtTextRendering veya NativeTextRendering Kullan
- Open Logs Folder
- Günlük Kaydı Klasörünü Aç
Disclaimer and ToS
Sorumluluk Reddi ve K.Ş.
- Setup Camouflage Password
- Kamuflaj Parolasını Ayarla
- mm2 version
- mm2 versiyonu
- Delete Wallet
- Cüzdanı Sil
- View seed and private keys
- Seed ve özel anahtarları görüntüle
- Reset wallet configuration
- Log out
- Çıkış yap
- Search coin
+ Search
+ Ara
Add asset
Varlık ekle
@@ -3412,32 +3632,32 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Available Quantity
Mevcut Miktar
Available Quantity (in %1)
Mevcut Miktar (%1 olarak)
Fiat Volume
Fiat Hacmi
CEX Rate
CEX Oranı
%1 is not enabled - Do you want to enable it to be able to select %2 best orders ?<br><a href='#'>Yes</a> - <a href='#no'>No</a>
%1 etkin değil - En iyi %2 siparişini seçebilmesi için etkinleştirmek istiyor musunuz ? <br><a href='#'>Evet</a> - <a href='#no'>Hayır</a>
@@ -3445,22 +3665,22 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Balance Fiat
Fiat Bakiye
No Selectable coin.
Seçilebilir Koin Yok
@@ -3503,32 +3723,32 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Apply filter
Filtreyi uygula
Dışarı al
Please choose the CSV export name and location
Lütfen CSV dışa aktarma adını ve konumunu seçin
No results found
@@ -3537,261 +3757,240 @@ Right slider: Sets the volume you want to trade.
Close filtering options.
Open filtering options.
Filter settings
Ayarları filtrele
Apply filter
Filtreyi uygula
No results found
- Support
- Update available
- Güncelleme mevcut
- Up to date
- Güncel
- Changelog
- Değişim günlüğü
- Open Logs Folder
- Günlük Kaydı Klasörünü Aç
+ SupportModal
Frequently Asked Questions
- Sıkça Sorulan Sorular
+ Sıkça Sorulan Sorular
Do you store my private keys?
- Özel anahtarlarımızı depoluyor musunuz?
+ Özel anahtarlarımızı depoluyor musunuz?
No! %1 is non-custodial. We never store any sensitive data, including your private keys, seed phrases, or PIN. This data is only stored on the user’s device and never leaves it. You are in full control of your assets.
- Hayır! %1 gözetlenmiyor. Özel anahtarlarınız, seed veya PIN'iniz dahil olmak üzere hiçbir hassas veriyi asla depolamayız. Bu veriler yalnızca kullanıcının cihazında depolanır ve asla oradan çıkmaz. Varlıklarınızın tam kontrolü sizdedir.
+ Hayır! %1 gözetlenmiyor. Özel anahtarlarınız, seed veya PIN'iniz dahil olmak üzere hiçbir hassas veriyi asla depolamayız. Bu veriler yalnızca kullanıcının cihazında depolanır ve asla oradan çıkmaz. Varlıklarınızın tam kontrolü sizdedir.
How is trading on %1 different from trading on other DEXs?
- %1'de işlem yapmanın diğer DEX'lerde işlem yapmaktan farkı nedir?
+ %1'de işlem yapmanın diğer DEX'lerde işlem yapmaktan farkı nedir?
- Other DEXs generally only allow you to trade assets that are based on a single blockchain network, use proxy tokens, and only allow placing a single order with the same funds.
+ Other DEXs generally only allow you to trade assets that are based on a single blockchain network, use proxy tokens, and only allow placing a single order with the same funds.
%1 enables you to natively trade across two different blockchain networks without proxy tokens. You can also place multiple orders with the same funds. For example, you can sell 0.1 BTC for KMD, QTUM, or VRSC — the first order that fills automatically cancels all other orders.
- Diğer DEX'ler genellikle yalnızca tek bir blok zinciri ağına dayalı varlıklarla ticaret yapmanıza izin verir, ve aracı token kullanmanızı ister ve yalnızca aynı fonlarla tek bir sipariş vermenize izin verir.
-%1, aracı token olmadan iki farklı blok zinciri ağında yerel olarak ticaret yapmanızı sağlar. Aynı parayla birden fazla sipariş verebilirsiniz. Örneğin, KMD, QTUM veya VRSC için 0,1 BTC satabilirsiniz - otomatik olarak doldurulan ilk sipariş diğer tüm siparişleri iptal eder.
+ How long does each atomic swap take?
+ Her bir atomik takas ne kadar sürer?
Several factors determine the processing time for each swap. The block time of the traded assets depends on each network (Bitcoin typically being the slowest) Additionally, the user can customize security preferences. For example, (you can ask %1 to consider a KMD transaction as final after just 3 confirmations which makes the swap time shorter compared to waiting for a <a href="https://komodoplatform.com/security-delayed-proof-of-work-dpow/">notarization</a>.
- Her takas için işlem süresini birkaç faktör belirler. İşlem gören varlıkların blok süresi her bir ağa bağlıdır (Bitcoin tipik olarak en yavaş olanıdır) Ek olarak, kullanıcı güvenlik tercihlerini özelleştirebilir. (Örneğin; %1 in KMD işlemini sadece 3 onayla gerçekleştirmesini seçerek takas süresini <a href="https://komodoplatform.com/security-delayed-proof-of-work-dpow/">notarizasyon</a> süresinden daha öncesine kısaltabilirsiniz.
+ Her takas için işlem süresini birkaç faktör belirler. İşlem gören varlıkların blok süresi her bir ağa bağlıdır (Bitcoin tipik olarak en yavaş olanıdır) Ek olarak, kullanıcı güvenlik tercihlerini özelleştirebilir. (Örneğin; %1 in KMD işlemini sadece 3 onayla gerçekleştirmesini seçerek takas süresini <a href="https://komodoplatform.com/security-delayed-proof-of-work-dpow/">notarizasyon</a> süresinden daha öncesine kısaltabilirsiniz.
+ Do I need to be online for the duration of the swap?
+ Takas süresi boyunca çevrimiçi olmam gerekir mi?
Yes. You must remain connected to the internet and have your app running to successfully complete each atomic swap (very short breaks in connectivity are usually fine). Otherwise, there is risk of trade cancellation if you are a maker, and risk of loss of funds if you are a taker.
The atomic swap protocol requires both participants to stay online and monitor the involved blockchains for the process to stay atomic.
If you go offline, so will your orders, and any that are in progress will fail, leading to potential loss of trade / transaction fees, and a wait for the swap to timeout and issue a refund. It may also negatively affect your wallet's reputation score for future trade matching.
When you come back online, your orders will begin to broadcast again at the price you set before you went offline. If there has been significant price movement in the meantime, you might unintentionally offer someone a bargain!
For this reason, we recommend cancelling orders before closing %1, or reviewing and revising your prices when restarting %1.
- Evet. Her atomik takası başarıyla tamamlamak için internete bağlı kalmalı ve uygulamanızın çalışır durumda olmasını sağlamalısınız (bağlantıda çok kısa kesintilerde sorun yoktur). Aksi takdirde, eğer satıcıysanız işlemin iptali ve alıcı iseniz fon kaybı riski vardır.
-Atomik takas protokolü, her iki katılımcının da çevrimiçi kalmasını ve sürecin atomik kalması için ilgili blok zincirlerini izlemesini gerektirir.
-Çevrimdışı olursanız, siparişleriniz ve devam eden siparişleriniz de başarısız olur, bu da potansiyel ticaret / işlem ücretleri kaybına ve takasın zaman aşımına uğraması ve geri ödeme yapılması için beklemeye neden olur. Ayrıca gelecekteki ticaret eşleşmeleri için cüzdanınızın itibar puanını da olumsuz etkileyebilir.
-Tekrar çevrimiçi olduğunuzda, siparişleriniz çevrimdışı olmadan önce belirlediğiniz fiyat üzerinden tekrar yayınlanmaya başlayacaktır. Bu arada önemli bir fiyat hareketi olduysa, istemeden birine pazarlık teklif edebilirsiniz!
-Bu nedenle, %1 'i kapatmadan önce siparişleri iptal etmenizi veya %1 'i yeniden başlatırken fiyatlarınızı gözden geçirmenizi ve revize etmenizi öneririz.
How are the fees on %1 calculated?
- %1 üzerinde işlem ücretleri nasıl hesaplanır?
+ %1 üzerinde işlem ücretleri nasıl hesaplanır?
There are two fee categories to consider when trading on %1.
1. %1 charges approximately 0.13% (1/777 of trading volume but not lower than 0.0001) as the trading fee for taker orders, and maker orders have zero fees.
2. Both makers and takers will need to pay normal network fees to the involved blockchains when making atomic swap transactions.
Network fees can vary greatly depending on your selected trading pair.
- %1 üzerinde alım satım yaparken iki işlem ücreti kategorisi vardır.
-1. %1, alıcı emirler için işlem ücreti olarak yaklaşık %0.13'ünü (0,0001'den düşük olmayacak şekilde alım satım hacminin 1/777'si) alır ve satıcı emirleri sıfır ücrete sahiptir.
-2. Hem satıcılar hem de alıcılar, atomik takas işlemleri yaparken ilgili blok zincirlerine normal ağ ücretleri ödemek zorundadırlar.
-Ağ ücretleri, seçtiğiniz işlem çiftine bağlı olarak büyük ölçüde değişebilir.
- Yes! %1 offers support through the <a href="%2">%1 Discord server</a>. The team and the community are always happy to help!
+ Do you provide user support?
+ Kullanıcı desteği sağlıyor musunuz?
- %1 is available for mobile on both <a href="%2">Android and iPhone, and for desktop on Windows, Mac, and Linux</a> operating systems.
+ Yes! %1 offers support through the <a href="%2">%1 Discord server</a>. The team and the community are always happy to help!
Who is behind %1?
- %1 arkasında kim var?
+ %1 arkasında kim var?
%1 is developed by the Komodo team. Komodo is one of the most established blockchain projects working on innovative solutions like atomic swaps, Delayed Proof of Work, and an interoperable multi-chain architecture.
- %1, Komodo ekibi tarafından geliştirilmiştir. Komodo, atomik takaslar, Gecikmeli Çalışma Kanıtı ve birlikte çalışabilir bir çok zincirli mimari gibi yenilikçi çözümler üzerinde çalışan en köklü blok zinciri projelerinden biridir.
+ %1, Komodo ekibi tarafından geliştirilmiştir. Komodo, atomik takaslar, Gecikmeli Çalışma Kanıtı ve birlikte çalışabilir bir çok zincirli mimari gibi yenilikçi çözümler üzerinde çalışan en köklü blok zinciri projelerinden biridir.
Is it possible to develop my own white-label exchange on %1?
- %1 üzerinde kendi markamla borsamı geliştirmem mümkün mü?
+ %1 üzerinde kendi markamla borsamı geliştirmem mümkün mü?
Absolutely! You can read our developer documentation for more details or contact us with your partnership inquiries. Have a specific technical question? The %1 developer community is always ready to help!
- Kesinlikle! Daha fazla ayrıntı için geliştirici belgelerimizi okuyabilir veya ortaklık sorularınız için bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz. Belirli bir teknik sorunuz mu var? %1 geliştirici topluluğu her zaman yardıma hazır!
+ Kesinlikle! Daha fazla ayrıntı için geliştirici belgelerimizi okuyabilir veya ortaklık sorularınız için bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz. Belirli bir teknik sorunuz mu var? %1 geliştirici topluluğu her zaman yardıma hazır!
Which devices can I use %1 on?
- %1 'i hangi cihazlarda kullanabilirim?
+ %1 'i hangi cihazlarda kullanabilirim?
- Compliance Info
- Uyumluluk Bilgisi
+ %1 is available for mobile on both <a href="%2">Android and iPhone, and for desktop on Windows, Mac, and Linux</a> operating systems.
- Due to regulatory and legal circumstances the citizens of certain jurisdictions including, but not limited to, the United States of America, Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, Singapore, Sudan, Austria, Iran and any other state, country or other jurisdiction that is embargoed by the United States of America or the European Union are not allowed to use this application.
- Düzenleyici ve yasal koşullar nedeniyle, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, Kanada, Hong Kong, İsrail, Singapur, Sudan, Avusturya, İran ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri veya Avrupa Birliği tarafından ambargo uygulanan diğer herhangi bir eyalet, ülke veya diğer bölge vatandaşlarının bu uygulamayı kullanmasına izin verilmez.
+ Compliance Info
+ Uyumluluk Bilgisi
- How long does each atomic swap take?
- Her bir atomik takas ne kadar sürer?
+ Due to regulatory and legal circumstances the citizens of certain jurisdictions including, but not limited to, the United States of America, Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, Singapore, Sudan, Austria, Iran and any other state, country or other jurisdiction that is embargoed by the United States of America or the European Union are not allowed to use this application.
+ Düzenleyici ve yasal koşullar nedeniyle, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, Kanada, Hong Kong, İsrail, Singapur, Sudan, Avusturya, İran ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri veya Avrupa Birliği tarafından ambargo uygulanan diğer herhangi bir eyalet, ülke veya diğer bölge vatandaşlarının bu uygulamayı kullanmasına izin verilmez.
- Do I need to be online for the duration of the swap?
- Takas süresi boyunca çevrimiçi olmam gerekir mi?
+ Changelog
+ Değişim günlüğü
- Do you provide user support?
- Kullanıcı desteği sağlıyor musunuz?
+ Open Logs Folder
+ Günlük Kaydı Klasörünü Aç
Progress details
İlerleme ayrıntıları
- SweetDexComboBox
- Search
- Ara
- TextEditWithTitle
+ TextEditWithCopy
- Swap ID
+ copied to clipboard
+ TextEditWithTitle
copied to clipboard
@@ -3799,7 +3998,7 @@ Ağ ücretleri, seçtiğiniz işlem çiftine bağlı olarak büyük ölçüde de
@@ -3815,213 +4014,281 @@ Ağ ücretleri, seçtiğiniz işlem çiftine bağlı olarak büyük ölçüde de
Instant trading with best orders
En iyi emirlerle anında alım satım
+ Reset form
+ You have no tradable assets
Enter an amount
Bir miktar gir
Pick an order
Emri seç
Better price found: %1. Updating forms.
Daha iyi fiyat bulundu: %1. Formları güncelliyor.
Better price (%1) found but received quantity (%2) is lower than your current one (%3). Click here to update the selected order.
Daha iyi fiyat (%1) bulundu, ancak alınan miktar (%2) mevcut fiyattan (%3) daha düşük. Seçilen emri güncellemek için buraya tıklayın.
- Reset form.
- Formu sıfırla
Al sat yapılabilir:
Min: %1
Pick a coin
Failed to place the order
Emir başarısız oldu
Placed the order
Emir başarılı
Entered amount must be superior than 0.
Girilen tutar 0'dan büyük olmalıdır.
You must select an order.
Bir emir seçmelisiniz.
Entered amount is below the minimum required by this order: %1
Girilen miktar, bu emrin gerektirdiği minimum %1 tutarının altında
%1 needs to be enabled in order to use %2
%1 balance needs to be funded, a non-zero balance is required to pay the gas of %2 transactions
- Search
- Ara
+ %1 balance does not have enough funds to pay the gas of %2 transactions
No buy orders found for %1.
You can check later or try to sell a different coin.
+ Calculating fee estimate...
Total %1 fees:
Toplam %1 işlem giderleri:
%2 (%3)
%2 (%3)
+ TradeViewHeader
+ Pro View Settings
+ Display Settings
+ Ticker Selectors
+ Trading Information
+ Al Sat Bilgisi
+ Order Book
+ Emir Defteri
+ Best Orders
+ En İyi Emirler
+ Place Order
+ Emir Ver
Transaction Details
İşlem Detayları
+ %1 txid
+ copied to clipboard.
İşlem Ücreti
+ From address
+ To address
Transaction Hash
İşlem Hash'i
Onay Sayısı
Block Height
Blok Uzunluğu
View on Explorer
Explorer'da göster
@@ -4029,22 +4296,22 @@ Ağ ücretleri, seçtiğiniz işlem çiftine bağlı olarak büyük ölçüde de
işlem ücretleri
@@ -4058,16 +4325,11 @@ Ağ ücretleri, seçtiğiniz işlem çiftine bağlı olarak büyük ölçüde de
- WalletNameField
- Wallet Name
- Cüzdan Adı
+ Vertical
- Enter the name of your wallet here
- Cüzdanınızın adını giriniz
+ Order Book
+ Emir Defteri
@@ -4088,118 +4350,165 @@ Ağ ücretleri, seçtiğiniz işlem çiftine bağlı olarak büyük ölçüde de
+ Search your wallets...
My Wallets
+ No wallets found!
Enter password to confirm deletion of
Type password
Wallet status
wallet deleted successfully
wallet password is incorrect
+ ZcashParamsModal
+ %1 Activation Failed!
+ To activate ZHTLC coins, you need to download the Zcash Params.
+This might take a few minutes...
+ Download params & enable coins
+ More Info
+ Close
+ Kapat
+ atomic_dex::settings_page
+ An error has occurred.
You do not have enough funds.
Bakiye yetersiz.
%1 is not activated: click on the button to enable it or enable it manually
%1 etkinleştirilmedi: etkinleştirmek için düğmeye tıklayın veya manuel olarak etkinleştirin
You need to have %1 to pay the gas for %2 transactions.
%2 işlemi için gaz ödemek üzere %1'e sahip olmanız gerekir.
Checksum verification failed for %1.
%1 için sağlama toplamı doğrulaması başarısız oldu.
- Invalid checksum for %1. Click on the convert button to turn it into a mixed case address
- %1 için geçersiz sağlama toplamı. Karışık bir durum adresine dönüştürmek için dönüştür düğmesine tıklayın
+ Invalid checksum for %1. Click the button to convert to mixed case address.
- Legacy address used for %1, click on the convert button to convert it to a Cashaddress.
- %1 için kullanılan eski adres, onu bir Cashaddress'e dönüştürmek için dönüştür düğmesine tıklayın.
+ Legacy address used for %1. Click the button to convert to a Cashaddress.
%1 address must be prefixed with 0x
%1 adresinin önüne 0x konulmalı
%1 address length is invalid, please use a valid address.
%1 adres uzunluğu geçersiz, lütfen geçerli bir adres kullanın.
%1 address is invalid.
Invalid checksum.
%1 address has invalid prefixes.
Backend error: %1
@@ -4207,32 +4516,12 @@ Ağ ücretleri, seçtiğiniz işlem çiftine bağlı olarak büyük ölçüde de
- Confirm Logout
- Are you sure you want to log out?
- Yes
- Evet
- Cancel
- İptal
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/gen_translation.py b/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/gen_translation.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..a401e547fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/gen_translation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os
+import csv
+NOTE: This script takes a CSV file as input, then generates a .ts file using the english file as a template.
+There may be some postprocessing required to manually fix bad csv input and numerusform values.
+def get_lang_dict():
+ with open('translations_matrix.csv') as f:
+ csv_reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')
+ lang_dict = {}
+ line_count = 0
+ for row in csv_reader:
+ if line_count == 0:
+ en = row.index("English")
+ es = row.index("Spanish")
+ de = row.index("German")
+ line_count += 1
+ else:
+ lang_dict.update({
+ row[en]: {
+ "es": row[es],
+ "de": row[de]
+ }
+ })
+ line_count += 1
+ return lang_dict
+def remove_existing_translations():
+ with open(f"atomic_defi_en.ts", "r") as f:
+ ts_file = f.readlines()
+ with open(f"atomic_defi_lang_template.ts", "w") as f:
+ lines = []
+ ignoring = False
+ for l in ts_file:
+ if l.find(" -1 or ignoring:
+ ignoring = True
+ if l.find("translation>") > -1:
+ ignoring = False
+ else:
+ lines.append(l)
+ f.writelines(lines)
+def generate_translation(lang='en'):
+ lang_dict = get_lang_dict()
+ remove_existing_translations()
+ with open(f"atomic_defi_lang_template.ts", "r") as f:
+ lang_file = f.read()
+ multiline = False
+ multiline_data = []
+ untranslated_count = 0
+ for i in lang_dict:
+ try:
+ # TODO: handle numerusform translations
+ if f"{i}" in lang_file:
+ lang_file = lang_file.replace(f"{i}", f"{i}\n {lang_dict[i][lang]}")
+ if f" {i}" in lang_file:
+ lang_file = lang_file.replace(f"{i}", f"{i}\n {lang_dict[i][lang]}")
+ elif f"{i}" in lang_file:
+ multiline = True
+ multiline_data.append(f"{lang_dict[i][lang]}")
+ elif multiline:
+ multiline_data.append(f"{lang_dict[i][lang]}")
+ elif f"{i}" in lang_file:
+ multiline_data.append(f"{lang_dict[i][lang]}")
+ translation = '\n'.join(multiline_data)
+ lang_file = lang_file.replace(f"{i}", f"{i}\n {translation}")
+ multiline = False
+ elif f"{i}" not in lang_file:
+ print(f"{i} ---> {lang_dict[i][lang]}")
+ print(f">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> '{i}' not found!")
+ untranslated_count += 1
+ else:
+ #print(lang_dict[i][lang])
+ untranslated_count += 1
+ pass
+ except Exception as e:
+ untranslated_count += 1
+ print(f">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'Error: {e} | source: {i}")
+ print(f"{untranslated_count} lines untranslated")
+ with open(f"atomic_defi_{lang}.ts", 'w') as f:
+ f.write(lang_file)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ generate_translation('es')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/translations_matrix.csv b/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/translations_matrix.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37a934e80a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/translations_matrix.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,807 @@
+"Location/Area line
+(German lang. file)",Location/Area,comment,"Source Line
+(German lang. file)",English,"Translation Line
+(German lang. file)",German,Spanish,Mandarin,…
+7,Dex/Addressbook/AddAddressForm.qml,,8,Use standard network address,9,Standard-Netzwerkadresse verwenden,Utilice la dirección de red,,
+17,Dex/Addressbook/AddAddressForm.qml,,18,This key already exists.,19,Dieser Schlüssel existiert bereits.,Esta clave ya existe.,,
+48,Dex/Addressbook/AddAddressForm.qml,,49,You need to enable %1 before adding this kind of address.,50,"Sie müssen %1 aktivieren, bevor Sie diese Art von Adresse hinzufügen.",Debe habilitar %1 antes de agregar este tipo de dirección.,,
+61,Dex/Settings/AddCustomCoinModal.qml,,62,Get the contract address from,63,Erhalten Sie die Vertragsadresse von,Obtener la dirección del contrato de,,
+66,Dex/Settings/AddCustomCoinModal.qml,,67,Choose the asset type,68,Wählen Sie den Asset-Typ aus,Elija el tipo de activo,,
+83,Dex/Settings/AddCustomCoinModal.qml,,84,Contract address,85,Vertragsadresse,Dirección del contrato,,
+88,Dex/Settings/AddCustomCoinModal.qml,,89,Enter the contract address,90,Geben Sie die Vertragsadresse ein,Ingrese la dirección del contrato,,
+93,Dex/Settings/AddCustomCoinModal.qml,,94,Choose the asset ticker,95,Wählen Sie den Asset-Ticker,Elija el ticker del activo,,
+103,Dex/Settings/AddCustomCoinModal.qml,,104,Enter the ticker,105,Geben Sie den Ticker ein,Ingrese el ticker,,
+108,Dex/Settings/AddCustomCoinModal.qml,,109,Get the contract address from ,110,Erhalten Sie die Vertragsadresse von,Obtener la dirección del contrato de,,
+121,Dex/Settings/AddCustomCoinModal.qml,,122,Choose the asset logo,123,Wählen Sie ein Logo für das Asset aus,Elija el logotipo del activo,,
+131,Dex/Settings/AddCustomCoinModal.qml,,132,Please choose the asset logo,133,Bitte wählen Sie für das Asset ein Logo aus,Elija el logotipo del activo,,
+141,Dex/Settings/AddCustomCoinModal.qml,,142,All configuration fields will be fetched using the contract address you provided.,143,Alle Konfigurationsfelder werden mit der von Ihnen angegebenen Vertragsadresse abgerufen.,Todos los campos de configuración se obtendrán usando la dirección del contrato que proporcionó.,,
+151,Dex/Settings/AddCustomCoinModal.qml,,152,Enter the name,153,Geben Sie den Namen ein,Ingrese el nombre,,
+156,Dex/Settings/AddCustomCoinModal.qml,,157,Coingecko ID,158,Coingecko ID,Coingecko ID,,
+161,Dex/Settings/AddCustomCoinModal.qml,,162,Enter the Coingecko ID,163,Geben Sie die Coingecko-ID ein,Ingrese el Coingecko ID,,
+166,Dex/Settings/AddCustomCoinModal.qml,,167,Get the Coingecko ID,168,Coingecko-ID erhalten,Obtener el Coingecko ID,,
+177,Dex/Settings/AddCustomCoinModal.qml,,178,Preview,179,Vorschau,Vista previa,,
+182,Dex/Settings/AddCustomCoinModal.qml,,183,WARNING: Application will restart immidiately to apply the changes!,184,"WARNUNG: Die Anwendung wird sofort neu gestartet, um die Änderungen zu übernehmen!",ADVERTENCIA: ¡La aplicación se reiniciará inmediatamente para aplicar los cambios!,,
+187,Dex/Settings/AddCustomCoinModal.qml,,188,"Asset not found, please go back and make sure Contract Address is correct",189,"Asset nicht gefunden, bitte gehen Sie zurück und stellen Sie sicher, dass die Vertragsadresse korrekt ist","Activo no encontrado, regrese y asegúrese de que la dirección del contrato sea correcta",,
+192,Dex/Settings/AddCustomCoinModal.qml,,193,Config Fields,194,Konfigurationsfelder,Campos de configuracion,,
+197,Dex/Settings/AddCustomCoinModal.qml,,198,Fetched Data,199,Abgerufene Daten,Datos obtenidos,,
+202,Dex/Settings/AddCustomCoinModal.qml,,203,Submit & Restart,204,Bestätigen und Neu starten,Enviar & Reiniciar,,
+210,Dex/Addressbook/AddTagPopup.qml,,211,Tag name,212,Schlagwort,Nombre de la etiqueta,,
+215,Dex/Addressbook/AddTagPopup.qml,,216,Contact already has this tag.,217,Der Kontakt hat bereits dieses Schlagwort.,El contacto ya tiene esta etiqueta.,,
+220,Dex/Addressbook/AddTagPopup.qml,,221,+ ADD,222,+ HINZUFÜGEN,#NAME?,,
+228,Dex/Portfolio/AmountChart.qml,,229,Work in progress,230,In Arbeit,Trabajo en proceso,,
+236,Dex/App.qml,,237,Recover Funds Result,238,Ergebnis der Rückerstattung der Geldmittel,Resultados de Recuperar Fondos,,
+244,Dex/Addressbook/AssetFromStandardSelector.qml,,245,Choose a valid ,246,Wählen Sie eine gültige,Elija un,,
+254,Dex/Addressbook/AssetFromStandardSelector.qml,,255,Search an asset,256,Asset suchen,Buscar un activo,,
+285,Dex/Portfolio/AssetsList.qml,,286,Fiat Balance,287,Fiat Balance,Saldo Fiat,,
+290,Dex/Portfolio/AssetsList.qml,,291,Change 24h,292,24h Veränderung,Cambio en 24h,,
+305,Dex/Portfolio/AssetsList.qml,,306,Price provider is: %1,307,Preisanbieter ist: %1,El proveedor de precios es: %1,,
+328,Dex/Sidebar/Bottom.qml,,329,Disable Privacy?,330,Datenschutz deaktivieren?,¿Deshabilitar privacidad?,,
+333,Dex/Sidebar/Bottom.qml,,334,Enter wallet password to confirm,335,Geben Sie zur Bestätigung das Kennwort der Brieftasche ein,Ingrese la contraseña de la billetera para confirmar,,
+338,Dex/Sidebar/Bottom.qml,,339,Type password,340,Kennwort eingeben,Escriba la contraseña,,
+353,Dex/Sidebar/Bottom.qml,,354,Privacy status,355,Status Datenschutz,Estado de privacidad,,
+358,Dex/Sidebar/Bottom.qml,,359,Privacy mode disabled successfully,360,Der Datenschutzmodus wurde erfolgreich deaktiviert,Modo de privacidad deshabilitado correctamente,,
+369,Dex/Sidebar/Bottom.qml,,370,Wrong password!,371,Falsches Kennwort!,¡Contraseña incorrecta!,,
+374,Dex/Sidebar/Bottom.qml,,375,wallet password is incorrect,376,Kennwort der Brieftasche ist falsch,la contraseña de la billetera es incorrecta,,
+382,Dex/Settings/CamouflagePasswordModal.qml,,383,Setup Camouflage Password,384,Tarnkennwort einrichten,Configurar Contraseña Camuflaje,,
+387,Dex/Settings/CamouflagePasswordModal.qml,,388,Camouflage Password is a secret password for emergency situations.,389,Das Tarnkennwort (Camouflage Password) ist ein geheimes Passwort für Notsituationen.,Contraseña Camuflaje es una contraseña secreta para situaciones de emergencia.,,
+392,Dex/Settings/CamouflagePasswordModal.qml,,393,Using it to login will display your balance lower than it actually is.,394,"Wenn Sie sich damit anmelden, wird Ihr Guthaben niedriger angezeigt, als es tatsächlich ist.",Usarlo para iniciar sesión mostrará su saldo más bajo de lo que realmente es.,,
+397,Dex/Settings/CamouflagePasswordModal.qml,,398,Here you enter the suffix and at login you need to enter {real_password}{suffix},399,Hier geben Sie den Zusatz ein und beim Einloggen benötigen Sie {echtes Kennwort}{suffix},Aquí ingresa el sufijo y al iniciar sesión debe ingresar {real_password}{suffix},,
+403,Dex/Settings/CamouflagePasswordModal.qml,,404,Password suffix,405,Kennwort-Zusatz,Sufijo de contraseña,,
+408,Dex/Settings/CamouflagePasswordModal.qml,,409,Confirm pasword suffix,410,Kennwort-Zusatz bestätigen,Confirmar sufijo,,
+413,Dex/Settings/CamouflagePasswordModal.qml,,414,Enter a password suffix,415,Geben Sie einen Kennwort-Zusatz ein,Ingrese un sufijo de contraseña,,
+418,Dex/Settings/CamouflagePasswordModal.qml,,419,Enter the same password suffix to confirm,420,Geben Sie zur Bestätigung denselben Kennwort-Zusatz ein,Ingrese el mismo sufijo de contraseña para confirmar,,
+436,Dex/Components/CannotEnableCoinModal.qml,,437,Failed to enable %1,438,Aktivierung von %1 fehlgeschlagen,No se pudo habilitar %1,,
+441,Dex/Components/CannotEnableCoinModal.qml,,442,Enabling %1 did not succeed. Limit of enabled coins might have been reached.,443,Das Aktivieren von %1 war nicht erfolgreich. Das Limit der aktivierten Coins wurde möglicherweise erreicht.,No se pudo habilitar %1. Es posible que se haya alcanzado el límite de monedas habilitadas.,,
+446,Dex/Components/CannotEnableCoinModal.qml,,447,Change limit in settings,448,Limit in den Einstellungen ändern,Cambiar el límite en la configuración,,
+474,Dex/Sidebar/Center.qml,,475,Address Book,476,Adressbuch,Libreta de direcciones,,
+487,Dex/Components/CexInfoModal.qml,,488,Market Data,489,Marktdaten,Data de Mercado,,
+492,Dex/Components/CexInfoModal.qml,,493,"Market data (prices, charts, etc.) marked with the ⓘ icon originates from third-party sources.<br><br>Data is sourced via <a href="https://bandprotocol.com/">Band Decentralized Oracle</a> and <a href="https://coingecko.com">CoinGecko</a>.<br><br><b>Oracle Supported Pairs:</b><br>%1<br><br><b>Last reference (Band Oracle):</b><br><a href="%2">%2</a>",494,"Mit dem Symbol ⓘ gekennzeichnete Marktdaten (Kurse, Charts etc.) stammen aus Drittquellen.<br><br>Die Daten stammen von <a href="https://bandprotocol.com/">Band Decentralized Oracle</a> und <a href="https://coingecko.com">CoinGecko</a>.<br><br><b>Oracle unterstützte Paare:</b><br>%1<br><br><b>Letzte Referenz (Band Oracle):</b><br><a href="%2">%2</a>","Datos de mercado (precios, estadisticas, etc.) marcados con ⓘ se obtienen a través de fuentes terceras.<br><br>Data is sourced via <a href="https://bandprotocol.com/">Band Decentralized Oracle</a> and <a href="https://coingecko.com">CoinGecko</a>.<br><br><b>Oracle Supported Pairs:</b><br>%1<br><br><b>Last reference (Band Oracle):</b><br><a href="%2">%2</a>",,
+500,Dex/Exchange/ProView/Chart.qml,,501,Loading market data,502,Laden von Marktdaten,Cargando datos de mercado,,
+505,Dex/Exchange/ProView/Chart.qml,,506,There is no chart data for this pair yet,507,Für dieses Paar liegen noch keine Chartdaten vor,Todavía no hay datos de gráficos para este par,,
+513,Dex/Wallet/ClaimRewardsModal.qml,,514,Failed to prepare to claim rewards,515,Vorbereitung zum Einfordern von Belohnungen fehlgeschlagen,No se pudo preparar para reclamar recompensas,,
+518,Dex/Wallet/ClaimRewardsModal.qml,TICKER,519,Claim your %1 reward?,521,%1 Belohnung beantragen?,¿Reclamar su %1 de recompensa?,,
+524,Dex/Wallet/ClaimRewardsModal.qml,,525,No UTXOs eligible for claiming,526,Keine beanspruchungsberechtigten UTXOs vorhanden,Ningún UTXO elegible para reclamar,,
+529,Dex/Wallet/ClaimRewardsModal.qml,,530,Transaction fee is higher than the reward!,531,Die Transaktionsgebühr ist höher als die Belohnung!,¡La tarifa de transacción es más alta que la recompensa!,,
+534,Dex/Wallet/ClaimRewardsModal.qml,,535,You will receive ,536,Sie erhalten,Recibirá,,
+544,Dex/Wallet/ClaimRewardsModal.qml,,545,Read more about KMD active users rewards,546,Lesen Sie mehr über die Belohnungen für aktive KMD-Benutzer,Lea más sobre las recompensas de los usuarios activos de KMD,,
+564,Dex/Wallet/ClaimRewardsModal.qml,,565,Accruing Start,566,Anfallender Start,Inicio de Acumulación,,
+569,Dex/Wallet/ClaimRewardsModal.qml,,570,Accruing Stop,571,Anfallender Stopp,Detener Acumulación,,
+574,Dex/Wallet/ClaimRewardsModal.qml,,575,Time Left,576,Verbleibende Zeit,Tiempo Restante,,
+584,Dex/Wallet/ClaimRewardsModal.qml,,585,Locktime is not set,586,Die Sperrzeit ist nicht eingestellt,Locktime no está configurado,,
+589,Dex/Wallet/ClaimRewardsModal.qml,,590,Locktime is less than the threshold,591,Die Sperrzeit liegt unter dem Schwellenwert,Locktime es inferior al umbral,,
+594,Dex/Wallet/ClaimRewardsModal.qml,,595,UTXO height is greater than end of the era,596,UTXO-Höhe ist größer als Ende der Ära,La altura de UTXO es mayor que el final de la era,,
+599,Dex/Wallet/ClaimRewardsModal.qml,,600,UTXO amount is less than 10,601,UTXO-Menge ist kleiner als 10,La cantidad de UTXO es inferior a 10,,
+604,Dex/Wallet/ClaimRewardsModal.qml,,605,One hour did not pass yet,606,Eine Stunde ist noch nicht vergangen,Una hora no pasa aún,,
+609,Dex/Wallet/ClaimRewardsModal.qml,,610,Transaction is in mempool,611,Die Transaktion befindet sich in Mempool,La transacción está en el mempool,,
+614,Dex/Wallet/ClaimRewardsModal.qml,,615,Unknown problem,616,Unbekanntes Problem,Problema desconocido,,
+632,Dex/Components/CoinMenu.qml,TICKER,633,Disable %1,635,%1 deaktivieren,Deshabilitar %1,,
+638,Dex/Components/CoinMenu.qml,TICKER,639,Disable and Delete %1,641,%1 deaktivieren und löschen,Deshabilitar y eliminar %1,,
+644,Dex/Components/CoinMenu.qml,,645,Disable all %1 assets,646,Alle %1 Assets deaktivieren,Deshabilitar todos los activos de %1,,
+649,Dex/Components/CoinMenu.qml,,650,Disable all assets,651,Alle Assets deaktivieren,Deshabilitar todos los activos,,
+654,Dex/Components/CoinMenu.qml,,655,Disable 0 balance assets,656,Alle Assets mit der Balance 0 deaktivieren,Deshabilitar 0 balancear activos,,
+680,Dex/Settings/Combo_fiat.qml,,681,Recommended: ,682,Empfohlen:,Recomendado:,,
+688,Dex/Exchange/Trade/ConfirmMultiOrderTradeModal.qml,,689,Confirm Multi Order Details,690,Bestätigen Sie die Details des Mehrfachauftrags,Confirmar detalles de Multi Order,,
+693,Dex/Exchange/Trade/ConfirmMultiOrderTradeModal.qml,,694,These swaps requests can not be undone and this is the final event!,695,Diese Tauschanfragen können nicht rückgängig gemacht werden und dies ist das endgültige Ereignis!,Estas solicitudes de intercambio no se pueden deshacer y este es el evento final!,,
+698,Dex/Exchange/Trade/ConfirmMultiOrderTradeModal.qml,,699,These transactions can take up to 60 mins - DO NOT close this application!,700,Diese Transaktionen können bis zu 60 Minuten dauern - schließen Sie diese Anwendung NICHT!,Estas transacciones pueden demorar hasta 60 minutos. ¡NO cierre esta aplicación!,,
+703,Dex/Exchange/Trade/ConfirmMultiOrderTradeModal.qml,,704,Same funds will be used until an order matches.,705,"Die gleichen Geldmittel werden verwendet, bis eine Bestellung übereinstimmt.",Se utilizarán los mismos fondos hasta que coincida un pedido.,,
+708,Dex/Exchange/Trade/ConfirmMultiOrderTradeModal.qml,,709,Note that if one order is filled other will not be cancelled.,710,"Beachten Sie, dass, wenn eine Bestellung ausgeführt wird, andere nicht storniert werden.","Tenga en cuenta que si se completa un pedido, el otro no se cancelará.",,
+723,Dex/Exchange/Trade/ConfirmMultiOrderTradeModal.qml,,724,Placed multiple orders,725,Mehrere Aufrtäge aufgegeben,Pedidos múltiples realizados,,
+731,Dex/Exchange/Trade/ConfirmTradeModal.qml,,732,Confirm Exchange Details,733,Bestätigen Sie die Austausch-Details,Confirmar Detalles de Intercambio,,
+736,Dex/Exchange/Trade/ConfirmTradeModal.qml,,737,Trade price is more than 50% different to CEX! Confirm?,738,Der Handelspreis unterscheidet sich um mehr als 50 % vom CEX-Preis! Bestätigen?,¡El precio comercial es más del 50% diferente al de CEX! ¿Confirmar?,,
+741,Dex/Exchange/Trade/ConfirmTradeModal.qml,,742,This swap request can not be undone and is a final event!,743,Diese Tauschanfrage kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden und ist ein endgültiges Ereignis!,¡Esta solicitud de intercambio no se puede deshacer y es un evento final!,,
+746,Dex/Exchange/Trade/ConfirmTradeModal.qml,,747,This transaction can take up to 60 mins - DO NOT close this application!,748,Diese Transaktion kann bis zu 60 Minuten dauern - schließen Sie diese Anwendung NICHT!,Esta transacción puede demorar hasta 60 minutos. ¡NO cierre esta aplicación!,,
+751,Dex/Exchange/Trade/ConfirmTradeModal.qml,,752,Loading fees...,753,Lade Gebühren...,Cargando tarifas...,,
+756,Dex/Exchange/Trade/ConfirmTradeModal.qml,,757,<b>Total %1 fees:</b>,758,<b>Gesamt %1 Gebühren:</b>,<b>Total de %1 fees:</b>,,
+761,Dex/Exchange/Trade/ConfirmTradeModal.qml,,762,Security configuration,763,Sicherheitskonfiguration,Configuración de seguridad,,
+766,Dex/Exchange/Trade/ConfirmTradeModal.qml,,767,dPoW protected,768,dPoW-geschützt,Protegido por dPoW,,
+771,Dex/Exchange/Trade/ConfirmTradeModal.qml,,772,%1 confirmations for incoming %2 transactions,773,%1 Bestätigungen für eingehende %2 Transaktionen,%1 confirmaciones para %2 transacciones entrantes,,
+776,Dex/Exchange/Trade/ConfirmTradeModal.qml,,777,Read more about dPoW,778,Lesen Sie mehr über dPoW,Obtenga más información sobre dPoW,,
+781,Dex/Exchange/Trade/ConfirmTradeModal.qml,TICKER,782,Use custom protection settings for incoming %1 transactions,784,Benutzerdefinierte Schutzeinstellungen für eingehende %1 Transaktionen verwenden,Utilice configuraciones de protección personalizadas para %1 transacciones entrantes,,
+787,Dex/Exchange/Trade/ConfirmTradeModal.qml,,788,Enable Komodo dPoW security,789,Komodo dPoW-Sicherheit aktivieren,Habilite la seguridad dPoW de Komodo,,
+792,Dex/Exchange/Trade/ConfirmTradeModal.qml,,793,Required Confirmations,794,Erforderliche Bestätigungen,Confirmaciones Requeridas,,
+797,Dex/Exchange/Trade/ConfirmTradeModal.qml,,798,"Warning, this atomic swap is not dPoW protected!",799,"Achtung, dieser Atomic Swap ist nicht dPoW-geschützt!","Advertencia, este intercambio atómico no está protegido por dPoW!",,
+815,Dex/Components/CopyFieldButton.qml,,816,Copied to Clipboard,817,In die Zwischenablage kopiert,Copiado al Portapapeles,,
+823,Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml,,824,The current number of enabled coins does not match your configuration specification. Your assets configuration will be reset.,825,Die aktuelle Anzahl aktivierter Coins stimmt nicht mit Ihrer Konfigurationsvorgabe überein. Die Konfiguration der Assets wird zurückgesetzt.,El número actual de monedas habilitadas no coincide con su especificación de configuración. Se restablecerá la configuración de sus activos.,,
+833,Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml,,834,Order Matching,835,"Auftrag wird zusammengeführt",Emparejamiento de Ordenes,,
+838,Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml,,839,Matched,840,"Zusammengeführt",Emparejamiento Completo,,
+843,Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml,,844,Order Matched,845,"Auftrag wurde zusammengeführt",Orden Emparejada,,
+848,Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml,,849,Ongoing,850,"Laufend",En curso,,
+853,Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml,,854,Swap Ongoing,855,Austausch läuft,Intercambio en Curso,,
+863,Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml,,864,Swap Successful,865,Tausch erfolgreich,Intercambio Exitoso,,
+878,Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml,,879,Swap Failed,880,Tausch fehlgeschlagen,Intercambio Fallido,,
+888,Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml,,889,Unknown State,890,Unbekannter Status,Estado Desconocido,,
+903,Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml,,904,Taker fee sent,905,Taker-Gebühr gesendet,Tarifa taker enviada,,
+908,Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml,,909,Maker payment received,910,Maker-Zahlung erhalten,Pago de maker recibido,,
+913,Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml,,914,Maker payment wait confirm started,915,Warten auf die Zahlungsbestätigung des Makers gestartet,Inicio de espera de confirmacion de pago de maker,,
+918,Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml,,919,Maker payment validated and confirmed,920,Maker-Zahlung validiert und bestätigt,Validacion y confirmacion de pago de maker,,
+923,Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml,,924,Taker payment sent,925,Taker-Zahlung gesendet,Pago de taker enviado,,
+928,Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml,,929,Taker payment spent,930,Taker-Zahlung ausgegeben,Pago del taker gastado,,
+933,Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml,,934,Maker payment spent,935,Maker-Zahlung ausgegeben,Pago del maker gastado,,
+943,Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml,,944,Start failed,945,Start fehlgeschlagen,Inicio fallido,,
+948,Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml,,949,Negotiate failed,950,Verhandeln fehlgeschlagen,Negociacion fallida,,
+953,Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml,,954,Taker fee validate failed,955,Validierung der Abnehmergebühr fehlgeschlagen,Validación de tarifa del taker fallida,,
+958,Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml,,959,Maker payment transaction failed,960,Maker-Zahlungstransaktion fehlgeschlagen,Transacción de pago de maker fallo,,
+963,Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml,,964,Maker payment Data send failed,965,Fehler beim Senden der Maker-Zahlungsdaten,Envio de data de pago de maker fallo,,
+968,Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml,,969,Maker payment wait confirm failed,970,Warten auf die Zahlungsbestätigung des Makers fehlgeschlagen,Espera de confirmacion de pago de maker fallo,,
+973,Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml,,974,Taker payment validate failed,975,Validierung der Taker-Zahlung fehlgeschlagen,Validacion de pago de taker fallo,,
+978,Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml,,979,Taker payment wait confirm failed,980,Warten auf die Zahlungsbestätigung des Takers fehlgeschlagen,Espera de confirmacion de pago de taker fallo,,
+983,Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml,,984,Taker payment spend failed,985,Zahlungsausgabe des Takers fehlgeschlagen,Gasto de pago de taker fallo,,
+988,Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml,,989,Maker payment wait refund started,990,Countdown für die Rückerstattung der Maker-Zahlung hat begonnen,Reembolso de espera de pago de maker iniciado,,
+993,Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml,,994,Maker payment refunded,995,Maker-Zahlung zurückerstattet,Pago de maker reembolsado,,
+998,Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml,,999,Maker payment refund failed,1000,Rückerstattung der Maker-Zahlung fehlgeschlagen,Reembolso del pago de maker fallo,,
+1014,Dex/Components/DefaultCopyIcon.qml,,1015,copied to clipboard,1016,In die Zwischenablage kopiert,copiada al portapapeles,,
+1035,Dex/Components/DefaultTextEdit.qml,,1036,copied to clipboard,1037,In die Zwischenablage kopiert,copiado al portapapeles,,
+1043,Dex/Settings/DeleteWalletModal.qml,,1044,Delete Wallet,1045,Brieftasche löschen,Eliminar billetera,,
+1048,Dex/Settings/DeleteWalletModal.qml,WALLET_NAME,1049,Are you sure you want to delete %1 wallet?,1051,"Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die %1 Brieftasche löschen möchten?",¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar %1 billetera?,,
+1054,Dex/Settings/DeleteWalletModal.qml,,1055,"If so, make sure you record your seed phrase in order to restore your wallet in the future.",1056,"Wenn ja, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Ihre Seed-Phrase notieren, um Ihre Brieftasche in Zukunft wiederherzustellen.","Si es así, asegúrese de registrar su frase inicial para restaurar su billetera en el futuro.",,
+1059,Dex/Settings/DeleteWalletModal.qml,,1060,Enter your wallet password,1061,Geben Sie das Kennwort für ihre Brieftasche ein,Ingrese la contraseña de su billetera,,
+1064,Dex/Settings/DeleteWalletModal.qml,,1065,Wrong Password,1066,Falsches Kennwort,Contraseña incorrecta,,
+1082,Dex/Components/DexAppPasswordField.qml,,1083,Type password,1084,Kennwort eingeben,Escriba la contraseña,,
+1090,Dex/Components/DexKeyChecker.qml,,1091,At least 1 lowercase alphabetical character,1092,Mindestens 1 Kleinbuchstabe,Al menos 1 carácter alfabético en minúscula,,
+1095,Dex/Components/DexKeyChecker.qml,,1096,At least 1 uppercase alphabetical character,1097,Mindestens 1 Großbuchstabe,Al menos 1 carácter alfabético en mayúscula,,
+1100,Dex/Components/DexKeyChecker.qml,,1101,At least 1 numeric character,1102,Mindestens 1 Ziffer,Al menos 1 carácter numérico,,
+1105,Dex/Components/DexKeyChecker.qml,,1106,At least 1 special character (eg. !@#$%),1107,Mindestens 1 Sonderzeichen (z. B. ! @ # $ %),"Al menos 1 carácter especial (p. ej., !@#$%)",,
+1110,Dex/Components/DexKeyChecker.qml,,1111,At least %n character(s),1112,,Al menos %n carácter(es),,
+1118,Dex/Components/DexKeyChecker.qml,,1119,Password and Confirm Password have to be same,1120,Kennwort und Kennwortbestätigung müssen identisch sein,Contraseña y Confirmar Contraseña tienen que ser los mismos,,
+1126,Dex/Components/DexPaginator.qml,,1127,items per page,1128,Elemente pro Seite,elementos por página,,
+1160,Dex/Addressbook/EditContactModal.qml,,1161,Edit contact,1162,Kontakt bearbeiten,Editar contacto,,
+1165,Dex/Addressbook/EditContactModal.qml,,1166,Contact name,1167,Kontaktname,Nombre,,
+1170,Dex/Addressbook/EditContactModal.qml,,1171,Enter a contact name,1172,Geben Sie einen Kontaktnamen ein,Ingresar un nombre de contacto,,
+1175,Dex/Addressbook/EditContactModal.qml,,1176,Address list,1177,Adressliste,Lista de direcciónes,,
+1180,Dex/Addressbook/EditContactModal.qml,,1181,Address Book,1182,Adressbuch,Libreta de direcciónes,,
+1185,Dex/Addressbook/EditContactModal.qml,,1186,address copied to clipboard,1187,Adresse in die Zwischenablage kopiert,direccion copiada al portapapeles,,
+1195,Dex/Addressbook/EditContactModal.qml,,1196,+ Add,1197,+ Hinzufügen,#NAME?,,
+1205,Dex/Addressbook/EditContactModal.qml,,1206,Add tag,1207,Schlagwort hinzufügen,Agregar etiqueta,,
+1223,Dex/Addressbook/EnableAssetModal.qml,,1224,"The selected address belongs to a disabled asset, you need to enabled it before sending.",1225,"Die ausgewählte Adresse gehört zu einem deaktivierten Asset, Sie müssen es vor dem Senden aktivieren.","La dirección seleccionada pertenece a un activo deshabilitado, debe habilitó antes de enviar.",,
+1241,Dex/Wallet/EnableCoinModal.qml,,1242,Enable assets,1243,Assets aktivieren,Habilitar activos,,
+1246,Dex/Wallet/EnableCoinModal.qml,,1247,Select all assets,1248,Alle Assets auswählen,Seleccionar todos los activos,,
+1251,Dex/Wallet/EnableCoinModal.qml,,1252,All assets are already enabled!,1253,Alle Assets sind bereits aktiviert!,¡Todos los activos ya están habilitados!,,
+1256,Dex/Wallet/EnableCoinModal.qml,,1257,You can still enable %1 assets. Selected: %2.,1258,Sie können weiterhin %1 Assets aktivieren. Ausgewählt: %2.,Todavía puede habilitar activos %1. Seleccionado: %2.,,
+1261,Dex/Wallet/EnableCoinModal.qml,,1262,Search asset,1263,Asset suchen,Buscar activo,,
+1266,Dex/Wallet/EnableCoinModal.qml,,1267,Change assets limit,1268,Asset-Limit ändern,Cambiar el límite de activos,,
+1271,Dex/Wallet/EnableCoinModal.qml,,1272,Add a custom asset,1273,Benutzerdefiniertes Asset hinzufügen,Agregar un activo personalizado,,
+1289,Dex/Components/EulaModal.qml,,1290,Disclaimer & Terms of Service,1291,Haftungsausschluss & Nutzungsbedingungen,Descargo de Responsabilidad & Términos de servicio,,
+1294,Dex/Components/EulaModal.qml,,1295,Accept EULA,1296,EULA akzeptieren,Aceptar EULA,,
+1299,Dex/Components/EulaModal.qml,,1300,Accept Terms and Conditions,1301,Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen akzeptieren,Aceptar términos y condiciones,,
+1322,Dex/Dashboard/FatalErrorModal.qml,,1323,Fatal Error,1324,Schwerwiegender Fehler,Error Fatal,,
+1327,Dex/Dashboard/FatalErrorModal.qml,,1328,Connection has been lost. You have been disconnected.,1329,Die Verbindung wurde unterbrochen. Ihre Verbindung wurde getrennt.,Ha perdido la conexión. Has sido desconectado.,,
+1340,Dex/Exchange/Trade/Trading/Items/FeeInfo.qml,,1341,Minimum fee,1342,Mindestgebühr,Tarifa mínima,,
+1345,Dex/Exchange/Trade/Trading/Items/FeeInfo.qml,,1346,Fees will be calculated,1347,Gebühren werden berechnet,Las tarifas se calcularán,,
+1353,Dex/Constants/General.qml,,1354,%n day(s),1355,,%n día(s),,
+1411,Dex/Constants/General.qml,,1412,<b>Taker tx fee:</b> ,1413,<b>Taker tx Gebühren:</b> ,<b>Taker tx fee:</b>,,
+1416,Dex/Constants/General.qml,,1417,<b>Dex tx fee:</b> ,1418,<b>Dex tx Gebühren:</b> ,<b>Dex tx fee:</b>,,
+1421,Dex/Constants/General.qml,,1422,<b>Dex fee:</b> ,1423,<b>Dex Gebühren:</b> ,<b>Dex fee:</b>,,
+1426,Dex/Constants/General.qml,,1427,<b>Maker tx fee:</b> ,1428,<b>Maker tx Gebühren:</b> ,<b>Maker tx fee:</b>,,
+1431,Dex/Constants/General.qml,,1432,%1 %2 %3 (%4),1433,%1 %2 %3 (%4),%1 %2 %3 (%4),,
+1436,Dex/Constants/General.qml,,1437,Trading Fee,1438,Handelsgebühr,Tarifa de Intercambio,,
+1441,Dex/Constants/General.qml,,1442,Minimum Trading Amount,1443,Mindesthandelsbetrag,Minimo Monto de Intercambio,,
+1446,Dex/Constants/General.qml,WALLETNAME,1447,Wallet %1 already exists,1449,Brieftasche %1 existiert bereits,Monedero %1 ya existe,,
+1452,Dex/Constants/General.qml,,1453,%1 balance is lower than the fees amount: %2 %3,1454,Das %1 Guthaben ist niedriger als der Gebührenbetrag: %2 %3,El saldo de %1 es inferior al monto de las tarifas: %2 %3,,
+1457,Dex/Constants/General.qml,,1458,Tradable (after fees) %1 balance is lower than minimum trade amount,1459,Handelbares %1 Guthaben (nach Gebühren) ist niedriger als der Mindesthandelsbetrag,El saldo de %1 (después de las tarifas) es inferior al monto mínimo de intercambio,,
+1462,Dex/Constants/General.qml,,1463,Please fill the price field,1464,Bitte füllen Sie das Preisfeld aus,Por favor complete el campo de precio,,
+1467,Dex/Constants/General.qml,,1468,Please fill the volume field,1469,Bitte füllen Sie das Volumenfeld aus,Complete el campo de volumen,,
+1473,Dex/Constants/General.qml,,1474,%1 volume is lower than minimum trade amount,1475,%1 Volumen ist niedriger als der minimale Handelsbetrag,El volumen de %1 es inferior al monto mínimo de intercambio,,
+1479,Dex/Constants/General.qml,,1480,%1 needs to be enabled in order to use %2,1481,"%1 muss aktiviert werden, um %2 verwenden zu können",%1 debe habilitarse para usar %2,,
+1485,Dex/Constants/General.qml,,1486,"%1 balance needs to be funded, a non-zero balance is required to pay the gas of %2 transactions",1487,"Das %1 Guthaben muss finanziert werden, ein Guthaben größer Null ist erforderlich, um das Benzin von %2 Transaktionen zu bezahlen","el saldo de %1 esta en cero, se requiere un saldo minimo para pagar el gas de transacciones de % 2",,
+1490,Dex/Constants/General.qml,,1491,Unknown Error,1492,Unbekannter Fehler,Error Desconocido,,
+1498,Dex/Exchange/Trade/BestOrder/Header.qml,,1499,You get,1500,Du erhältst,Obtienes,,
+1503,Dex/Exchange/Trade/BestOrder/Header.qml,,1504,You send,1505,Sie senden,Envía,,
+1508,Dex/Exchange/Trade/BestOrder/Header.qml,,1509,Fiat Price,1510,Fiat Preis,Precio Fiat,,
+1513,Dex/Exchange/Trade/BestOrder/Header.qml,,1514,CEX rate,1515,CEX-Kurs,Tasa CEX,,
+1536,Dex/Screens/Startup/ImportWallet.qml,,1537,Failed to Import the wallet,1538,Fehler beim Importieren der Brieftasche,No se pudo importar la billetera,,
+1541,Dex/Screens/Startup/ImportWallet.qml,,1542,Import wallet - Setup,1543,Brieftasche importieren - Einrichtung,Importar billetera - Configurar,,
+1546,Dex/Screens/Startup/ImportWallet.qml,,1547,Import wallet - Choose password,1548,Brieftasche importieren - Kennwort wählen,Importar billetera - Elegir contraseña,,
+1551,Dex/Screens/Startup/ImportWallet.qml,,1552,Wallet Name,1553,Name der Brieftasche,Nombre de billetera,,
+1556,Dex/Screens/Startup/ImportWallet.qml,,1557,Enter seed,1558,Geben Sie den Seed ein,Ingresar semilla,,
+1561,Dex/Screens/Startup/ImportWallet.qml,,1562,Your seed is not BIP39 compliant. Try again or select 'Allow custom seed' to continue.,1564,Ihr Seed ist nicht BIP39-konform. Versuchen Sie es erneut oder wählen Sie "benutzerdefinierten Seed erlauben" um fortzufahren,Su semilla no es compatible con BIP39. Vuelva a intentarlo o seleccione 'Permitir semilla personalizada' continuar.,,
+1568,Dex/Screens/Startup/ImportWallet.qml,,1569,i understand,1570,Ich verstehe,entiendo,,
+1578,Dex/Screens/Startup/ImportWallet.qml,,1579,Allow custom seed,1580,Benutzerdefinierten Seed zulassen,Permitir semilla personalizada,,
+1583,Dex/Screens/Startup/ImportWallet.qml,,1584,<strong>Allow custom seed</strong>,1585,<strong>Benutzerdefinierten Seed zulassen</strong>,<strong>Permitir semilla personalizada</strong>,,
+1588,Dex/Screens/Startup/ImportWallet.qml,,1589,"Custom seed phrases might be less secure and easier to crack than a generated BIP39 compliant seed phrase or private key (WIF).<br><br>To confirm you understand the risk and know what you are doing, type <strong>'I understand'</strong> in the box below.",1590,"Benutzerdefinierte Seed-Phrasen sind möglicherweise weniger sicher und leichter zu knacken als eine generierte BIP39-konforme Seed-Phrase oder ein privater Schlüssel (WIF).<br><br>Um zu bestätigen, dass Sie das Risiko verstehen und wissen, was Sie tun, geben Sie <strong>'Ich verstehe'</strong> im Kasten unten.","Las frases semilla personalizadas pueden ser menos seguras y más fáciles de descifrar que una frase semilla o clave privada (WIF) compatible con BIP39.<br><br>Para confirmar que comprende el riesgo y sabe lo que está haciendo, escriba <strong> 'Entiendo'</strong> en el cuadro de abajo.",,
+1593,Dex/Screens/Startup/ImportWallet.qml,,1594,I understand,1595,Ich verstehe,Entiendo,,
+1603,Dex/Screens/Startup/ImportWallet.qml,,1604,Enter the same password to confirm,1605,Geben Sie zur Bestätigung dasselbe Kennwort ein,Ingrese la misma contraseña para confirmar,,
+1616,Dex/Components/LinksRow.qml,,1617,Join our Discord server,1618,Tritt unserem Discord-Server bei,Únase a nuestro servidor de Discord,,
+1621,Dex/Components/LinksRow.qml,,1622,Follow us on Twitter,1623,Folge uns auf Twitter,Síganos en Twitter,,
+1626,Dex/Components/LinksRow.qml,,1627,Go to Support Guides,1628,Zu den Support-Leitfäden,Ir a Guías de soporte,,
+1634,Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/List.qml,,1635,Funds are recoverable,1636,Geldmittel sind erstattungsfähig,Los fondos son recuperables,,
+1639,Dex/Exchange/Trade/BestOrder/List.qml,,1640,Best Orders,1641,Die günstigsten Aufträge,Mejores Ordenes,,
+1647,Dex/Exchange/Trade/BestOrder/ListDelegate.qml,,1648,%1 is not enabled - Do you want to enable it to be able to select %2 best orders ?<br><a href='#'>Yes</a> - <a href='#no'>No</a>,1649,"%1 ist nicht aktiviert - Möchten Sie es aktivieren, um die günstigsten Aufträge von %2 auswählen zu können? <br><a href='#'>Ja</a> - <a href='#no'>Nein</a>",%1 no está habilitado. ¿Desea habilitarlo para poder seleccionar las mejores ordenes de %2 ?< br><a href='#'>Sí</a> - <a href='#no'>No</a>,,
+1652,Dex/Exchange/Trade/OrderBook/ListDelegate.qml,,1653,This order requires a minimum amount of %1 %2 <br>You don't have enough funds.<br> %3,1654,Für diesen Auftrag ist ein Mindestbetrag von %1 %2 erforderlich. <br>Ihr Guthaben reicht nicht aus.<br> %3,Este pedido requiere una cantidad mínima de %1 %2 <br>No tiene fondos suficientes.<br> %3,,
+1668,Dex/Screens/Startup/Logging.qml,,1669,"Loading, please wait",1670,"Lädt, bitte warten","Cargando, por favor espere",,
+1673,Dex/Screens/Startup/Logging.qml,,1674,Initializing MM2,1675,MM2 initialisieren,Inicializando MM2,,
+1678,Dex/Screens/Startup/Logging.qml,,1679,Enabling assets,1680,Assets ermöglichen,Habilitando activos,,
+1683,Dex/Screens/Startup/Logging.qml,,1684,Getting ready,1685,Fertig werden,Preparándose,,
+1691,Dex/Screens/Startup/Login.qml,,1692,Incorrect Password,1693,Falsches Kennwort,Contraseña incorrecta,,
+1696,Dex/Screens/Startup/Login.qml,,1697,Log In,1698,Anmelden,Iniciar sesión,,
+1719,Dex/Wallet/Main.qml,,1720,Do you want to send your %1 funds to %2 wallet first?,1721,Möchten Sie Ihr %1-Guthaben zuerst an die %2-Brieftasche senden?,¿Desea enviar sus fondos de %1 a la billetera %2 primero?,,
+1729,Dex/Wallet/Main.qml,,1730,"Your transaction is send, may take some time to arrive",1731,"Ihre Transaktion wird gesendet, es kann einige Zeit dauern, bis sie ankommt","Su transacción se envió, puede demorar algún tiempo en llegar",,
+1739,Dex/Wallet/Main.qml,,1740,Change 24hr,1741,24h Veränderung,Cambio,,
+1749,Dex/Wallet/Main.qml,,1750,Contract Address,1751,Vertragsadresse,Dirección del Contrato,,
+1759,Dex/Wallet/Main.qml,,1760,Enable %1 ?,1761,%1 aktivieren?,¿Habilitar %1?,,
+1784,Dex/Wallet/Main.qml,,1785,is wallet only,1786,nur Brieftasche (kein DEX möglich),es solo monedero,,
+1801,Dex/Wallet/Main.qml,,1802,Public Key,1803,Öffentlicher Schlüssel,Clave Pública,,
+1806,Dex/Wallet/Main.qml,,1807,Copied to Clipboard,1808,In die Zwischenablage kopiert,Copiada en el Portapapeles,,
+1811,Dex/Wallet/Main.qml,,1812,Loading market data,1813,Laden von Marktdaten,Cargando datos de mercado,,
+1816,Dex/Wallet/Main.qml,,1817,There is no chart data for this ticker yet,1818,Für diesen Ticker liegen noch keine Chartdaten vor,Todavía no hay datos de gráfico para este ticker,,
+1821,Dex/Wallet/Main.qml,,1822,Fetching transactions...,1823,Transaktionen werden abgerufen...,Obteniendo transacciones...,,
+1826,Dex/Wallet/Main.qml,,1827,No transactions available,1828,Keine Transaktionen verfügbar,No hay transacciones disponibles,,
+1831,Dex/Wallet/Main.qml,,1832,Click to view your address on %1 (%2) block explorer,1833,"Klicken Sie hier, um Ihre Adresse im %1 (%2) Block-Explorer anzuzeigen",Haga clic para ver su dirección en %1 (%2) explorador de bloques,,
+1841,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/Main.qml,,1842,Trading Information,1843,Handelsinformationen,Informacion de Intercambio,,
+1863,Dex/Exchange/ProView/PlaceOrderForm/Main.qml,,1864,Place Order,1865,Auftrag platzieren,Realizar pedido,,
+1868,Dex/Exchange/ProView/PlaceOrderForm/Main.qml,,1869,Order Selected,1870,Auftrag ausgewählt,Pedido seleccionado,,
+1873,Dex/Exchange/ProView/PlaceOrderForm/Main.qml,,1874,START SWAP,1875,TAUSCH STARTEN,INICIO INTERCAMBIAR,,
+1879,Dex/Addressbook/Main.qml,,1880,Address Book,1881,Adressbuch,Libreta de direcciones,,
+1884,Dex/Addressbook/Main.qml,,1885,Search contact,1886,Kontakt suchen,Buscar contacto,,
+1889,Dex/Addressbook/Main.qml,,1890,+ NEW CONTACT,1891,+ Neuer Kontakt,Nuevo contacto,,
+1914,Dex/Addressbook/Main.qml,,1915,address copied to clipboard,1916,Adresse in die Zwischenablage kopiert,dirección copiada al portapapeles,,
+1919,Dex/Addressbook/Main.qml,,1920,This contact does not have any registered address.,1921,Dieser Kontakt hat keine registrierte Adresse.,Este contacto no tiene ninguna dirección registrada.,,
+1927,Dex/Exchange/ProView/PlaceOrderForm/MarketModeSelector.qml,TICKER,1928,Sell %1,1930,%1 Verkaufen,Vender %1,,
+1933,Dex/Exchange/ProView/PlaceOrderForm/MarketModeSelector.qml,TICKER,1934,Buy %1,1936,%1 Kaufen,Comprar %1,,
+1942,Dex/Components/MinTradeModal.qml,,1943,Minimum Trading Amount,1944,Mindesthandelsbetrag,Cantidad Mínima de Intercambio,,
+1947,Dex/Components/MinTradeModal.qml,,1948,the minimum amount of %1 coin available for the order; the min_volume must be greater than or equal to %2; it must be also less or equal than volume param; default is %3,1949,"die Mindestmenge von %1 Coin, die für die Bestellung verfügbar ist; das min_volume muss größer oder gleich %2 sein; es muss auch kleiner oder gleich als volume param sein; Standard ist %3",la cantidad mínima de la moneda %1 disponible para la orden; el min_volume debe ser mayor o igual a %2; debe ser también menor o igual que volumen param; el valor predeterminado es %3,,
+1955,Dex/Exchange/Trade/MultiOrder.qml,TICKER,1956,%1 price is zero!,1958,%1 Preis ist null!,el precio de %1 es cero!,,
+1961,Dex/Exchange/Trade/MultiOrder.qml,TICKER,1962,%1 receive volume is lower than minimum trade amount,1964,%1 Empfangsvolumen ist niedriger als der Mindesthandelsbetrag,volumen de recepción de %1 es inferior al monto mínimo de transacción,,
+1972,Dex/Exchange/Trade/MultiOrder.qml,AMOUNT TICKER,1973,You'll receive %1,1975,Sie erhalten %1,Tu'll recibes %1,,
+1986,Dex/Addressbook/NewContactPopup.qml,,1987,Contact name,1988,Kontaktname,Nombre,,
+1991,Dex/Addressbook/NewContactPopup.qml,,1992,This contact name already exists.,1993,Dieser Kontaktname existiert bereits.,Este nombre de contacto ya existe.,,
+1996,Dex/Addressbook/NewContactPopup.qml,,1997,+ ADD,1998,+ HINZUFÜGEN,#NAME?,,
+2006,Dex/NewUpdateModal.qml,,2007,Searching new updates,2008,Suche nach neuen Updates,Buscando nuevas actualizaciones,,
+2024,Dex/NewUpdateModal.qml,,2025,Could not check new updates for the following reason: %1,2027,Neue Updates konnten aus folgendem Grund nicht überprüft werden: %1,No se pudieron comprobar nuevas actualizaciones por el siguiente motivo: %1,,
+2030,Dex/NewUpdateModal.qml,,2031,New version found,2032,Neue Version gefunden,Nueva versión encontrada,,
+2035,Dex/NewUpdateModal.qml,,2036,Mandatory version found,2037,Zwingend notwendige Version gefunden,Versión obligatoria encontrada,,
+2040,Dex/NewUpdateModal.qml,,2041,%1 %2 is available !,2042,%1 %2 ist verfügbar !,%1 ¡%2 está disponible!,,
+2045,Dex/NewUpdateModal.qml,,2046,This update is mandatory to continue using the application,2047,"Dieses Update ist zwingend erforderlich, um die Anwendung weiterhin verwenden zu können",Esta actualización es obligatoria para seguir usando la aplicación,,
+2050,Dex/NewUpdateModal.qml,,2051,Close Dex,2052,Dex schließen,Cerrar Dex,,
+2055,Dex/NewUpdateModal.qml,,2056,Your application is updated.,2057,Ihre Anwendung ist auf dem neuesten Stand.,Tu aplicación está actualizada.,,
+2068,Dex/Screens/Startup/NewWallet.qml,,2069,"Wrong word, please check again",2070,"Falsches Wort, bitte überprüfen Sie es erneut","Palabra incorrecta, verifique nuevamente",,
+2093,Dex/Screens/Startup/NewWallet.qml,,2094,Failed to create a wallet,2095,Anlegen einer Brieftasche ist fehlgeschlagen,No se pudo crear una billetera,,
+2098,Dex/Screens/Startup/NewWallet.qml,,2099,New Wallet,2100,Neue Brieftasche,Nueva billetera,,
+2103,Dex/Screens/Startup/NewWallet.qml,,2104,Confirm Seed,2105,Seed bestätigen,Confirmar semilla,,
+2108,Dex/Screens/Startup/NewWallet.qml,,2109,Choose Password,2110,Wählen sie ein Kennwort,Elegir contraseña,,
+2113,Dex/Screens/Startup/NewWallet.qml,,2114,Important: Back up your seed phrase before proceeding!,2115,"Wichtig: Sichern Sie Ihre Seed-Phrase, bevor Sie fortfahren!",Importante: ¡Haga una copia de seguridad de su frase semilla antes de continuar!,,
+2118,Dex/Screens/Startup/NewWallet.qml,,2119,We recommend storing it offline.,2120,"Wir empfehlen, sie offline zu speichern.",Recomendamos almacenarlo fuera de línea.,,
+2123,Dex/Screens/Startup/NewWallet.qml,,2124,Generated Seed,2125,Generierter Seed,Semilla Generada,,
+2128,Dex/Screens/Startup/NewWallet.qml,,2129,Seed phrase,2130,Seed Phrase,Frase semilla,,
+2133,Dex/Screens/Startup/NewWallet.qml,,2134,copied to clipboard,2135,In die Zwischenablage kopiert,copiada al portapapeles,,
+2143,Dex/Screens/Startup/NewWallet.qml,,2144,Let's double check your seed phrase,2145,Lassen Sie uns Ihre Seed-Phrase noch einmal überprüfen,Verifiquemos dos veces su frase semilla,,
+2148,Dex/Screens/Startup/NewWallet.qml,,2149,Your seed phrase is important - that's why we like to make sure it's correct. We'll ask you three different questions about your seed phrase to make sure you'll be able to easily restore your wallet whenever you want.,2150,"Ihre Seed-Phrase ist wichtig – deshalb stellen wir gerne sicher, dass sie korrekt ist. Wir stellen Ihnen drei verschiedene Fragen zu Ihrer Seed-Phrase, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie Ihre Wallet jederzeit problemlos wiederherstellen können.","Su frase semilla es importante, por eso nos gusta asegurarnos de que sea correcta. Le haremos tres preguntas diferentes sobre su frase semilla para asegurarnos de que podrá restaurar fácilmente su billetera cuando lo desee.",,
+2153,Dex/Screens/Startup/NewWallet.qml,,2154,Enter the ,2155,Geben Sie das,Ingresa la,,
+2158,Dex/Screens/Startup/NewWallet.qml,,2159,word,2160,Wort ein,palabra,,
+2168,Dex/Screens/Startup/NewWallet.qml,,2169,Enter the same password to confirm,2170,Geben Sie zur Bestätigung dasselbe Kennwort ein,Ingresa la misma contraseña para confirmar,,
+2181,Dex/NoConnection.qml,,2182,No connection,2183,Keine Verbindung,Sin conexión,,
+2186,Dex/NoConnection.qml,,2187,Please make sure you are connected to the internet,2188,"Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie mit dem Internet verbunden sind",Asegúrate de que estás conectado a Internet,,
+2191,Dex/NoConnection.qml,,2192,Will automatically retry in %1 seconds,2193,Wird in %1 Sekunde(n) automatisch erneut versucht,Intentará de nuevo automáticamente en %1 segundos,,
+2209,Dex/Dashboard/NotificationsModal.qml,,2210,Order Matching,2211,Auftrag wird abgeglichen,Emparejando Orden,,
+2219,Dex/Dashboard/NotificationsModal.qml,,2220,Order Matched,2221,Auftrag wurde abgestimmt,Orden Emparejada,,
+2224,Dex/Dashboard/NotificationsModal.qml,,2225,Ongoing,2226,"Läuft",En Curso,,
+2229,Dex/Dashboard/NotificationsModal.qml,,2230,Swap Ongoing,2231,Austausch läuft,Intercambio En Curso,,
+2239,Dex/Dashboard/NotificationsModal.qml,,2240,Swap Successful,2241,Tausch erfolgreich,Intercambio exitoso,,
+2254,Dex/Dashboard/NotificationsModal.qml,,2255,Swap Failed,2256,Tausch fehlgeschlagen,Intercambio fallido,,
+2264,Dex/Dashboard/NotificationsModal.qml,,2265,Unknown State,2266,Unbekannter Status,Estado Desconocido,,
+2269,Dex/Dashboard/NotificationsModal.qml,,2270,Swap status updated,2271,Austausch-Status aktualisiert,Estado de Intercambio Actualizado,,
+2274,Dex/Dashboard/NotificationsModal.qml,,2275,You sent %1,2276,Sie %1 haben gesendet,Enviaste %1,,
+2279,Dex/Dashboard/NotificationsModal.qml,,2280,You received %1,2281,Sie %1 haben erhalten,Recibiste %1,,
+2284,Dex/Dashboard/NotificationsModal.qml,,2285,Your wallet balance changed,2286,Ihr Guthaben hat sich geändert,El saldo de tu billetera cambió,,
+2289,Dex/Dashboard/NotificationsModal.qml,,2290,Please check your internet connection (e.g. VPN service or firewall might block it).,2291,Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Internetverbindung (z. B. könnte VPN-Dienst oder Firewall sie blockieren).,"Verifica tu conexión a Internet (por ejemplo, el servicio VPN o el firewall pueden bloquearlo).",,
+2294,Dex/Dashboard/NotificationsModal.qml,TICKER,2295,Failed to enable %1,2297,Aktivierung von %1 fehlgeschlagen,No se pudo habilitar %1,,
+2300,Dex/Dashboard/NotificationsModal.qml,,2301,Endpoint not reachable,2302,Endpunkt nicht erreichbar,Punto final no accesible,,
+2305,Dex/Dashboard/NotificationsModal.qml,,2306,Could not reach to endpoint,2307,Endpunkt konnte nicht erreicht werden,No se pudo llegar al punto final,,
+2310,Dex/Dashboard/NotificationsModal.qml,TICKER,2311,Mismatch at %1 custom asset configuration,2313,Nichtübereinstimmung bei benutzerdefinierter Konfiguration des %1 Asset,Falta de emparejamiento en %1 configuración de recurso personalizado,,
+2316,Dex/Dashboard/NotificationsModal.qml,TICKER,2317,Application needs to be restarted for %1 custom asset.,2319,Die Anwendung muss für benutzerdefiniertes Asset %1 neu gestartet werden.,Es necesario reiniciar la aplicación para %1 recurso personalizado.,,
+2322,Dex/Dashboard/NotificationsModal.qml,,2323,Batch %1 failed. Reason: %2,2324,Batch %1 fehlgeschlagen. Grund: %2,El lote %1 falló. Razón: %2,,
+2347,Dex/Dashboard/NotificationsModal.qml,,2348,There aren't any notifications,2349,Es gibt keine Benachrichtigungen,No hay ' notificaciones,,
+2352,Dex/Dashboard/NotificationsModal.qml,,2353,Mark all as read,2354,Alle als gelesen makieren,Marcar todo como leído,,
+2370,Dex/Exchange/ProView/PlaceOrderForm/OrderForm.qml,,2371,Amount to sell,2372,Zu verkaufender Betrag,Importe para vender,,
+2375,Dex/Exchange/ProView/PlaceOrderForm/OrderForm.qml,,2376,Amount to receive,2377,Zu erhaltender Betrag,Importe para recibir,,
+2380,Dex/Exchange/ProView/PlaceOrderForm/OrderForm.qml,,2381,Min Volume,2382,Min Volumen,Volumen Mínimo,,
+2385,Dex/Exchange/ProView/PlaceOrderForm/OrderForm.qml,,2386,Min amount to sell,2387,Min Verkaufsmenge,Cantidad mínima para vender,,
+2390,Dex/Exchange/ProView/PlaceOrderForm/OrderForm.qml,,2391,Min amount to receive,2392,Min zu erhaltende Menge,Cantidad mínimo para recibir,,
+2395,Dex/Exchange/ProView/PlaceOrderForm/OrderForm.qml,,2396,Min volume: ,2397,Mindestvolumen:,Volumen mínimo:,,
+2400,Dex/Exchange/ProView/PlaceOrderForm/OrderForm.qml,,2401,Use custom minimum trade amount,2402,Benutzerdefinierten Mindesthandelsbetrag verwenden,Utilizar una cantidad personalizada de intercambio mínima,,
+2408,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderLine.qml,,2409,Funds are recoverable,2410,Geldmittel sind erstattungsfähig,Los fondos son recuperables,,
+2416,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderList.qml,,2417,No results found,2418,Keine Ergebnisse gefunden,No se han encontrado resultados,,
+2424,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderModal.qml,,2425,Swap Details,2426,Tauschdetails,Detalles de Intercambio,,
+2429,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderModal.qml,,2430,Order Details,2431,Auftragsdetails,Detalles de Orden,,
+2434,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderModal.qml,,2435,Order Type,2436,Auftragsart,Tipo de Orden,,
+2439,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderModal.qml,,2440,Maker Order,2441,Maker-Auftrag,Orden de Maker,,
+2444,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderModal.qml,,2445,Taker Order,2446,Taker-Auftrag,Orden de Taker,,
+2449,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderModal.qml,,2450,Refund State,2451,Rückerstattungsstatus,Estado del Reembolso,,
+2454,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderModal.qml,,2455,Your swap failed but the auto-refund process for your payment started already. Please wait and keep application opened until you receive your payment back,2456,"Ihr Umtausch ist fehlgeschlagen, aber der automatische Rückerstattungsprozess für Ihre Zahlung hat bereits begonnen. Bitte warten Sie und lassen Sie die Anwendung geöffnet, bis Sie Ihre Zahlung zurückerhalten","Su intercambio falló, pero el proceso de reembolso automático para su pago ya comenzó. Espere y mantenga la aplicación abierta hasta que reciba su pago",,
+2464,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderModal.qml,,2465,Error ID,2466,Fehler-ID,ID de Error,,
+2470,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderModal.qml,,2471,Error Log,2472,Fehlerprotokoll,Registro de Error,,
+2480,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderModal.qml,,2481,Cancel Order,2482,Auftrag Abbrechen,Cancelar Pedido,,
+2486,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderModal.qml,,2487,Swap ID,2488,Swap ID,ID de Intercambio,,
+2491,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderModal.qml,,2492,Maker Payment Sent Transaction ID,2493,Maker-Zahlung gesendet: Transaktions-ID,ID de la transacción pago enviada de Maker,,
+2496,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderModal.qml,,2497,Maker Payment Spent Transaction ID,2498,Maker-Zahlung ausgegeben: Transaktions-ID,ID de la transacción pago gastado de Maker,,
+2501,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderModal.qml,,2502,Maker Payment TXID,2503,Maker-Zahlung: TXID,TXID del pago de Maker,,
+2506,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderModal.qml,,2507,Taker Payment Spent Transaction ID,2508,Taker-Zahlung ausgegeben: Transaktions-ID,ID de la transacción pago gastado de Taker,,
+2511,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderModal.qml,,2512,Taker Payment Sent Transaction ID,2513,Taker-Zahlung gesendet: Transaktions-ID,ID de la transacción pago enviada de Taker,,
+2516,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderModal.qml,,2517,Taker Payment TXID,2518,Taker-Zahlung: TXID,TXID del pago de Taker,,
+2521,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderModal.qml,,2522,Recover Funds,2523,Rückerstattung der Geldmittel,Recuperar fondos,,
+2531,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrderModal.qml,,2532,View on Explorer,2533,Ansicht im Explorer,Ver en Explorer,,
+2539,Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/OrderRemovedModal.qml,,2540,Selected Order Removed,2541,Ausgewählten Auftrag entfernt,Pedido Seleccionado Eliminado,,
+2544,Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/OrderRemovedModal.qml,,2545,"The selected order does not exist anymore, it might have been matched or canceled, and no order with a better price is available.",2547,Der ausgewählte Auftrag existiert nicht mehr! Er wurde möglicherweise zugeordnet oder storniert und es ist kein Auftrag mit einem besseren Preis verfügbar.,"El pedido seleccionado ya no existe, es posible que haya sido igualado o cancelado, y no hay ningún pedido disponible con un mejor precio.",,
+2544,Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/OrderRemovedModal.qml,,2545,Please select a new order.,2548,Bitte wählen Sie einen neuen Auftrag aus.,Seleccione un nuevo pedido.,,
+2570,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrdersPage.qml,,2571,Export CSV,2572,CSV exportieren,Exportar CSV,,
+2575,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrdersPage.qml,,2576,Apply Filter,2577,Filter anwenden,Aplicar Filtro,,
+2580,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrdersPage.qml,,2581,Cancel All,2582,Alles stornieren,Cancelar Todo,,
+2595,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/OrdersPage.qml,,2596,Please choose the CSV export name and location,2597,Bitte wählen Sie den CSV-Exportnamen und den Speicherort aus,Elija el nombre y la ubicación de exportación CSV,,
+2603,Dex/Components/Pagination.qml,,2604,items per page,2605,Elemente pro Seite,elementos por página,,
+2616,Dex/Components/PasswordField.qml,,2617,Enter your wallet password,2618,Geben Sie das Kennwort für ihre Brieftasche ein,Ingrese la contraseña de su billetera,,
+2621,Dex/Components/PasswordField.qml,,2622,At least 1 lowercase alphabetical character,2623,Mindestens 1 Kleinbuchstabe,Al menos 1 carácter alfabético en minúsculas,,
+2626,Dex/Components/PasswordField.qml,,2627,At least 1 uppercase alphabetical character,2628,Mindestens 1 Großbuchstabe,Al menos 1 carácter alfabético en mayúsculas,,
+2631,Dex/Components/PasswordField.qml,,2632,At least 1 numeric character,2633,Mindestens 1 Ziffer,Al menos 1 carácter numérico,,
+2636,Dex/Components/PasswordField.qml,,2637,At least 1 special character (eg. !@#$%),2638,Mindestens 1 Sonderzeichen (z. B. ! @ # $ %),"Al menos 1 carácter especial ( ej., !@#$%)",,
+2641,Dex/Components/PasswordField.qml,,2642,At least %n character(s),2643,,Al menos %n carácter(es),,
+2657,Dex/Components/PasswordForm.qml,,2658,Confirm Password,2659,Kennwort bestätigen,Confirmar contraseña,,
+2662,Dex/Components/PasswordForm.qml,,2663,Enter the same password to confirm,2664,Geben Sie zur Bestätigung dasselbe Kennwort ein,Ingrese la misma contraseña para confirmar,,
+2670,Dex/Portfolio/Portfolio.qml,,2671,ADD ASSET,2672,ASSET HINZUFÜGEN,AGREGAR ACTIVO,,
+2675,Dex/Portfolio/Portfolio.qml,,2676,Search asset,2677,Asset suchen,Buscar activo,,
+2680,Dex/Portfolio/Portfolio.qml,,2681,Show only coins with balance,2682,Nur Coins mit Guthaben anzeigen,Mostrar solo monedas con saldo,,
+2698,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/PriceLine.qml,,2699,Set swap price for evaluation,2700,Legen Sie den Tausch-Preis für die Bewertung fest,Establecer precio de intercambio para evaluación,,
+2703,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/PriceLine.qml,,2704,Exchange rate,2705,Wechselkurs,Tipo de cambio,,
+2723,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/PriceLine.qml,PRICE_DIFF%,2724,%1 compared to CEX,2726,%1 im Vergleich zu CEX,%1 en comparación con CEX,,
+2729,Dex/Exchange/ProView/TradingInfo/PriceLine.qml,,2730,CEXchange rate,2731,CEX-Wechselkurs,Tasa de cambio CEX,,
+2737,Dex/Exchange/Trade/PriceLineSimplified.qml,,2738,Exchange rate,2739,Wechselkurs,Tasa de cambio,,
+2747,Dex/Exchange/Trade/PriceLineSimplified.qml,,2748,CEXchange rate,2749,CEX-Wechselkurs,Tasa de cambio CEX,,
+2762,Dex/Exchange/Trade/PriceLineSimplified.qml,PRICE_DIFF%,2763,%1 compared to CEX,2765,%1 im Vergleich zu CEX,%1 en comparación con CEX,,
+2771,Dex/Exchange/Trade/ProView.qml,,2772,Failed to place the order,2773,Der Auftrag konnte nicht platziert werden,No se pudo realizar la orden,,
+2776,Dex/Exchange/Trade/ProView.qml,,2777,Placed the order,2778,Auftrag platziert,Orden emitida,,
+2784,../src/core/atomicdex/services/update/update.checker.service.cpp,,2785,Cannot reach the endpoint: ,2786,Der Endpunkt kann nicht erreicht werden:,No se puede llegar al punto final:,,
+2797,Dex/Wallet/ReceiveModal.qml,TICKER,2798,Only send %1 to this address:,2800,Sende nur %1 an diese Adresse:,Enviar solo %1 a esta dirección:,,
+2803,Dex/Wallet/ReceiveModal.qml,,2804,copied to clipboard.,2805,In die Zwischenablage kopiert,copiado al portapapeles.,,
+2817,Dex/Settings/RecoverSeedModal.qml,,2818,View seed and private keys,2819,Seed- und privaten Schlüsseln anzeigen,Ver semilla y claves privadas,,
+2822,Dex/Settings/RecoverSeedModal.qml,,2823,Please enter your password to view the seed.,2824,"Bitte geben Sie Ihr Kennwort ein, um den Seed anzuzeigen.",Por favor ingrese su contraseña para ver la semilla.,,
+2832,Dex/Settings/RecoverSeedModal.qml,,2833,Backup Seed,2834,Seed Sicherung,Copia de seguridad de semilla,,
+2837,Dex/Settings/RecoverSeedModal.qml,,2838,Public Address copied to clipboard,2839,Öffentliche Adresse in die Zwischenablage kopiert,Direccion publica copiada en el portapapeles,,
+2853,Dex/Settings/RecoverSeedModal.qml,,2854,copied to clipboard,2855,In die Zwischenablage kopiert,copiada en el portapapeles,,
+2859,Dex/Settings/RecoverSeedModal.qml,,2860,RPC Password,2861,RPC Kennwort,Contraseña RPC,,
+2864,Dex/Settings/RecoverSeedModal.qml,,2865,Search a coin.,2866,Coin suchen.,Buscar una moneda.,,
+2869,Dex/Settings/RecoverSeedModal.qml,,2870,Public Address,2871,Öffentliche Adresse,Dirección Pública,,
+2874,Dex/Settings/RecoverSeedModal.qml,,2875,Private Key copied to clipboard,2876,Privater Schlüssel in die Zwischenablage kopiert,Clave Privada copiada en el portapapeles,,
+2879,Dex/Settings/RecoverSeedModal.qml,,2880,Private Key,2881,Privater Schlüssel,Clave Privada,,
+2887,Dex/Addressbook/RemoveContactPopup.qml,,2888,Do you want to remove this contact ?,2889,Möchten Sie diesen Kontakt entfernen?,¿Desea eliminar este contacto?,,
+2905,Dex/Components/RestartModal.qml,,2906,Applying the changes...,2907,Übernehmen der Änderungen...,Aplicando los cambios...,,
+2910,Dex/Components/RestartModal.qml,,2911,Restarting the application. %1,2912,Neustart der Anwendung. %1,Reiniciando la aplicación. %1,,
+2915,Dex/Components/RestartModal.qml,,2916,Restarting the application...,2917,Neustart der Anwendung...,Reiniciando la aplicación...,,
+2949,Dex/Wallet/SendModal.qml,,2950,Failed to send,2951,Fehler beim Senden,Error al enviar,,
+2954,Dex/Wallet/SendModal.qml,,2955,Failed to Send,2956,Fehler beim Senden,Error al enviar,,
+2959,Dex/Wallet/SendModal.qml,,2960,Prepare to send ,2961,Versandvorbereitung von ,Preparar para enviar,,
+2964,Dex/Wallet/SendModal.qml,,2965,Address of the recipient,2966,Adresse des Empfängers,Dirección del destinatario,,
+2969,Dex/Wallet/SendModal.qml,,2970,Amount to send,2971,Zu sendender Betrag,Cantidad a enviar,,
+2974,Dex/Wallet/SendModal.qml,,2975,Gas price,2976,Gas Preis,Precio del gas,,
+2979,Dex/Wallet/SendModal.qml,,2980,Recipient's address,2981,Empfängeradresse,Direccion's recipiente,,
+2984,Dex/Wallet/SendModal.qml,,2985,The address has to be mixed case.,2986,Die Adresse muss Groß-/Kleinschreibung sein.,La dirección debe estar en mayúsculas y minúsculas.,,
+2999,Dex/Wallet/SendModal.qml,,3000,Fiat amount: Unavailable,3001,Fiat-Betrag: Nicht verfügbar,Cantidad en Fiat: No disponible,,
+3004,Dex/Wallet/SendModal.qml,,3005,Fiat amount: %1,3006,Fiat-Betrag: %1,Cantidad de Fiat: %1,,
+3009,Dex/Wallet/SendModal.qml,,3010,%1 amount: %2,3011,%1 Betrag: %2,Cantidad de %1: %2,,
+3014,Dex/Wallet/SendModal.qml,,3015,Specify in Fiat,3016,In Fiat angeben,Especificar en Fiat,,
+3019,Dex/Wallet/SendModal.qml,,3020,Specify in Crypto,3021,In Krypto angeben,Especificar en Crypto,,
+3024,Dex/Wallet/SendModal.qml,,3025,Enable Custom Fees,3026,Benutzerdefinierte Gebühren,Habilitar Tarifas Personalizadas,,
+3029,Dex/Wallet/SendModal.qml,,3030,Only use custom fees if you know what you are doing!,3031,"Benutzerdefinierte Gebühren nur verwenden, wenn Sie wissen, was Sie tun!",¡Solo use tarifas personalizadas si sabe lo que está haciendo!,,
+3034,Dex/Wallet/SendModal.qml,,3035,Enter the custom fee,3036,Geben Sie die benutzerdefinierte Gebühr ein,Ingrese la tarifa personalizada,,
+3039,Dex/Wallet/SendModal.qml,,3040,Gas Limit,3041,Gas Limit,Límite de gas,,
+3044,Dex/Wallet/SendModal.qml,,3045,Custom Fee can't be higher than the amount,3046,Die benutzerdefinierten Gebühren dürfen nicht höher sein als der Betrag,Tarifa personalizada no puede ser mayor que la cantidad,,
+3049,Dex/Wallet/SendModal.qml,,3050,Not enough funds.,3051,Nicht genug Geldmittel.,No hay suficientes fondos.,,
+3055,Dex/Wallet/SendModal.qml,AMT TICKER,3056,You have %1,3058,Sie haben %1,Tiene %1,,
+3100,Dex/Wallet/SendModalContactList.qml,,3101,Select a contact with an %1 address,3102,Wählen Sie einen Kontakt mit einer %1-Adresse aus,Seleccione un contacto con %1 dirección,,
+3105,Dex/Wallet/SendModalContactList.qml,,3106,Search for contacts...,3107,Kontakte suchen...,Buscar contactos...,,
+3110,Dex/Wallet/SendModalContactList.qml,,3111,%1 addresses,3112,%1 Adressen,direcciones %1,,
+3115,Dex/Wallet/SendModalContactList.qml,,3116,1 address,3117,1 Adresse,1 dirección,,
+3126,Dex/Wallet/SendModalContactList.qml,,3127,Choose an %1 address of %2,3128,Wählen Sie eine %1-Adresse von %2,Elija una direccion %1 de %2,,
+3144,Dex/Wallet/SendResult.qml,,3145,Transaction Complete!,3146,Transaktion abgeschlossen!,¡Transacción completa!,,
+3149,Dex/Wallet/SendResult.qml,,3150,Recipient's address,3151,Empfängeradresse,Dirección del destinatario,,
+3169,Dex/Wallet/SendResult.qml,,3170,Transaction Hash,3171,Transaktions-Hash,Hash de Transacción,,
+3179,Dex/Wallet/SendResult.qml,,3180,View on Explorer,3181,Ansicht im Explorer,Ver en Explorer,,
+3187,Dex/Settings/SettingModal.qml,,3188,Confirm Logout,3189,Abmelden bestätigen,Confirmar Cerrar Sesión,,
+3192,Dex/Settings/SettingModal.qml,,3193,Are you sure you want to log out?,3194,Wollen Sie sich wirklich abmelden?,¿Está seguro de que desea cerrar sesión?,,
+3224,Dex/Settings/SettingModal.qml,,3225,User Interface,3226,Benutzeroberfläche,Interfaz,,
+3234,Dex/Settings/SettingModal.qml,,3235,Enable Desktop Notifications,3236,Desktop-Benachrichtigungen aktivieren,Habilitar Notificaciones de Escritorio,,
+3239,Dex/Settings/SettingModal.qml,,3240,Maximum number of enabled coins,3241,Maximale Anzahl aktivierter Coins,Número máximo de monedas habilitadas,,
+3249,Dex/Settings/SettingModal.qml,,3250,Open Folder,3251,Ordner öffnen,Carpeta Abierta,,
+3259,Dex/Settings/SettingModal.qml,,3260,Current Font,3261,Aktuelle Schriftart,Fuente Actual,,
+3264,Dex/Settings/SettingModal.qml,,3265,Current font changed to %1.,3266,Aktuelle Schriftart in %1 geändert.,La fuente actual cambió a %1.,,
+3274,Dex/Settings/SettingModal.qml,,3275,Changing theme to %1,3276,Design zu %1 geändert,Cambiando el tema a %1,,
+3279,Dex/Settings/SettingModal.qml,,3280,Disable 2FA?,3281,2FA deaktivieren?,¿Deshabilitar 2FA?,,
+3284,Dex/Settings/SettingModal.qml,,3285,Enter your wallet password to confirm,3286,Geben Sie zur Bestätigung das Kennwort ihrer Brieftasche ein,Ingrese la contraseña de su billetera para confirmar,,
+3289,Dex/Settings/SettingModal.qml,,3290,Type password,3291,Kennwort eingeben,Escriba la contraseña,,
+3294,Dex/Settings/SettingModal.qml,,3295,2FA status,3296,2FA Status,Estado 2FA,,
+3299,Dex/Settings/SettingModal.qml,,3300,2FA disabled successfully,3301,2FA erfolgreich deaktiviert,2FA deshabilitado correctamente,,
+3310,Dex/Settings/SettingModal.qml,,3311,Wrong password!,3312,Falsches Kennwort!,¡Contraseña incorrecta!,,
+3315,Dex/Settings/SettingModal.qml,,3316,Wallet password is incorrect,3317,Kennwort der Brieftasche ist falsch,Contraseña de la billetera es incorrecta,,
+3320,Dex/Settings/SettingModal.qml,,3321,Application Version,3322,Anwendungsversion,La versión de la aplicación,,
+3325,Dex/Settings/SettingModal.qml,,3326,copied to clipboard,3327,In die Zwischenablage kopiert,copió en el portapapeles,,
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- assets/languages/atomic_defi_tr.qm
- Dex/App.qml
- Dex/String.js
- Dex/Components/AddressField.qml
- Dex/Components/AddressFieldWithTitle.qml
- Dex/Components/AmountField.qml
- Dex/Components/AmountFieldWithInfo.qml
- Dex/Components/AmountIntField.qml
- Dex/Components/AnimatedRectangle.qml
- Dex/Components/Arrow.qml
- Dex/Components/Blank.qml
- Dex/Components/CannotEnableCoinModal.qml
- Dex/Components/CexInfoModal.qml
- Dex/Components/CexInfoTrigger.qml
- Dex/Components/Circle.qml
- Dex/Components/ClickableText.qml
- Dex/Components/ClipRRect.qml
- Dex/Components/CoinMenu.qml
- Dex/Components/CoinTypeTag.qml
- Dex/Components/ColumnHeader.qml
- Dex/Components/ComboBoxWithTitle.qml
- Dex/Components/ComponentWithTitle.qml
- Dex/Components/CopyFieldButton.qml
- Dex/Components/DangerButton.qml
- Dex/Components/DefaultAlertIcon.qml
- Dex/Components/DefaultAnimatedImage.qml
- Dex/Components/DefaultBusyIndicator.qml
- Dex/Components/DefaultButton.qml
- Dex/Components/DefaultCheckBox.qml
- Dex/Components/DefaultColorOverlay.qml
- Dex/Components/DefaultComboBox.qml
- Dex/Components/DefaultFlickable.qml
- Dex/Components/DefaultImage.qml
- Dex/Components/DefaultInnerShadow.qml
- Dex/Components/DefaultListView.qml
- Dex/Components/DefaultLoader.qml
- Dex/Components/DefaultModal.qml
- Dex/Components/DefaultMouseArea.qml
- Dex/Components/DefaultRangeSlider.qml
- Dex/Components/DefaultRectangle.qml
- Dex/Components/DefaultScrollBar.qml
- Dex/Components/DefaultScrollView.qml
- Dex/Components/DefaultSlider.qml
- Dex/Components/DefaultSplitView.qml
- Dex/Components/DefaultSubstractRectangle.qml
- Dex/Components/DefaultSweetComboBox.qml
- Dex/Components/DefaultSwitch.qml
- Dex/Components/DefaultText.qml
- Dex/Components/DefaultTextArea.qml
- Dex/Components/DefaultTextEdit.qml
- Dex/Components/DefaultTextField.qml
- Dex/Components/DefaultTooltip.qml
- Dex/Components/DexAnimatedImage.qml
- Dex/Components/DexAmountField.qml
- Dex/Components/DexAppButton.qml
- Dex/Components/DexTransparentButton.qml
- Dex/Components/DexAppOutlineButton.qml
- Dex/Components/DexAppTextField.qml
- Dex/Components/DexAppPasswordField.qml
- Dex/Components/DexBox.qml
- Dex/Components/DexBoxManager.qml
- Dex/Components/DexButton.qml
- Dex/Components/DexCheckBox.qml
- Dex/Components/DexCheckEye.qml
- Dex/Components/DexColorOverlay.qml
- Dex/Components/DexCopyableLabel.qml
- Dex/Components/DexComboBox.qml
- Dex/Components/DexDialogManager.qml
- Dex/Components/DexDialogTextField.qml
- Dex/Components/DexFadebehavior.qml
- Dex/Components/DexVisibleBehavior.qml
- Dex/Components/DexFlickable.qml
- Dex/Components/DexGradientAppButton.qml
- Dex/Components/DexIconButton.qml
- Dex/Components/DexImage.qml
- Dex/Components/DexInnerShadow.qml
- Dex/Components/DexItemBox.qml
- Dex/Components/DexLabel.qml
- Dex/Components/DexLabelUnlinked.qml
- Dex/Components/DexLanguage.qml
- Dex/Components/DexListView.qml
- Dex/Components/DexLoader.qml
- Dex/Components/DexKeyChecker.qml
- Dex/Components/DexMacControl.qml
- Dex/Components/DexModal.qml
- Dex/Components/DexModalHeader.qml
- Dex/Components/DexMouseArea.qml
- Dex/Components/DexPaginator.qml
- Dex/Components/DexPopup.qml
- Dex/Components/DexRangeSlider.qml
- Dex/Components/DexRectangle.qml
- Dex/Components/DexScrollBar.qml
- Dex/Components/DexSelectableButton.qml
- Dex/Components/DexSlider.qml
- Dex/Components/DexSplitView.qml
- Dex/Components/DexSubstractRectangle.qml
- Dex/Components/DexSweetComboBox.qml
- Dex/Components/DexSwitch.qml
- Dex/Components/DexText.qml
- Dex/Components/DexAppTextArea.qml
- Dex/Components/DexTextArea.qml
- Dex/Components/DexTextEdit.qml
- Dex/Components/DexTextField.qml
- Dex/Components/DexTooltip.qml
- Dex/Components/DexTradeBox.qml
- Dex/Components/DexWindow.qml
- Dex/Components/DexWindowControl.qml
- Dex/Components/DexWindowHeaderControl.qml
- Dex/Components/DexMacosHeaderControl.qml
- Dex/Components/EulaModal.qml
- Dex/Components/FloatingBackground.qml
- Dex/Components/ForceRestartModal.qml
- Dex/Components/GradientButton.qml
- Dex/Components/GradientRectangle.qml
- Dex/Components/HelpModal.qml
- Dex/Components/HideFieldButton.qml
- Dex/Components/HorizontalLine.qml
- Dex/Components/InnerBackground.qml
- Dex/Components/ItemBox.qml
- Dex/Components/LinkIcon.qml
- Dex/Components/LinksRow.qml
- Dex/Components/LoaderBusyIndicator.qml
- Dex/Components/LogModal.qml
- Dex/Components/MinTradeModal.qml
- Dex/Components/ModalHeader.qml
- Dex/Components/ModalLoader.qml
- Dex/Components/MultipageModal.qml
- Dex/Components/MultipageModalContent.qml
- Dex/Components/OutlineButton.qml
- Dex/Components/Pagination.qml
- Dex/Components/PaginationButton.qml
- Dex/Components/PasswordField.qml
- Dex/Components/PasswordForm.qml
- Dex/Components/PlusButton.qml
- Dex/Components/PrimaryButton.qml
- Dex/Components/RestartModal.qml
- Dex/Components/RightClickMenu.qml
- Dex/Components/RoundComboBox.qml
- Dex/Components/SearchField.qml
- Dex/Components/Separator.qml
- Dex/Components/SetupPage.qml
- Dex/Components/SidebarPanel.qml
- Dex/Components/SquareButton.qml
- Dex/Components/SwapIcon.qml
- Dex/Components/TextAreaWithTitle.qml
- Dex/Components/TextEditWithTitle.qml
- Dex/Components/TextFieldWithTitle.qml
- Dex/Components/TextWithTitle.qml
- Dex/Components/TitleText.qml
- Dex/Components/Toast.qml
- Dex/Components/ToastManager.qml
- Dex/Components/VerticalLine.qml
- Dex/Components/VerticalLineBasic.qml
- Dex/Components/WalletNameField.qml
- Dex/Constants
- Dex/Constants/API.qml
- Dex/Constants/DexTheme.qml
- Dex/Constants/DexTypo.qml
- Dex/Constants/General.qml
- Dex/Constants/Style.qml
- Dex/Dashboard/FatalErrorModal.qml
- Dex/Dashboard/NewUpdateModal.qml
- Dex/Dashboard/UpdateInvalidChecksum.qml
- Dex/Dashboard/NotificationsModal.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Exchange.qml
- Dex/Exchange/History/History.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Orders/Orders.qml
- Dex/Exchange/ProView/MarketModeSelector.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/BestOrder/Header.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/BestOrder/List.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/BestOrder/ListDelegate.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/CandleStickChart.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/ConfirmMultiOrderTradeModal.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/ConfirmTradeModal.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/DefaultSweetModal.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/DexComboBoxLine.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/FeeIcon.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/MultiOrder.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/OrderBook/Header.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/OrderBook/Horizontal.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/OrderBook/List.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/OrderBook/ListDelegate.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/OrderBook/Vertical.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/Orders/OrderContent.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/Orders/OrderLine.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/Orders/OrderList.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/Orders/OrderModal.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/Orders/OrdersPage.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/Orders/SwapProgress.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/PriceLine.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/PriceLineSimplified.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/ProView.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/List.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/Main.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/Main.js
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/Trade.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/OrderRemovedModal.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/SubBestOrder.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/SubCoinSelector.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/SubOrders.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/SimpleView/SubHistory.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/SweetDexComboBox.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/TickerSelector.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/Trade.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/TradeBox/BuyBox.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/TradeBox/OrderForm.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/TradeBox/SellBox.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/Trading/Items/FeeInfo.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/Trading/Items/TotalView.qml
- Dex/Exchange/Trade/Trading/TradeViewHeader.qml
- Dex/Fiat/FiatRamp.qml
- Dex/Graphics/Color.js
- Dex/Graphics/qmldir
- Dex/NoConnection.qml
- Dex/Portfolio/Portfolio.qml
- Dex/Screens/Dashboard.qml
- Dex/Screens/qmldir
- Dex/Screens/Startup/ImportWallet.qml
- Dex/Screens/Startup/Logging.qml
- Dex/Screens/Startup/Login.qml
- Dex/Screens/Startup/Main.qml
- Dex/Screens/Startup/NewWallet.qml
- Dex/Screens/Startup/WalletsView.qml
- Dex/Settings/AddCustomCoinModal.qml
- Dex/Settings/CamouflagePasswordModal.qml
- Dex/Settings/Combo_fiat.qml
- Dex/Settings/DeleteWalletModal.qml
- Dex/Settings/Languages.qml
- Dex/Settings/RecoverSeedModal.qml
- Dex/Settings/SettingsButton.qml
- Dex/Settings/SettingModal.qml
- Dex/Settings/Settings.qml
- Dex/Sidebar/Bottom.qml
- Dex/Sidebar/Center.qml
- Dex/Sidebar/FigurativeLine.qml
- Dex/Sidebar/Line.qml
- Dex/Sidebar/Main.qml
- Dex/Sidebar/qmldir
- Dex/Sidebar/Top.qml
- Dex/Support/FAQLine.qml
- Dex/Support/Support.qml
- Dex/Themes/CurrentTheme.qml
- Dex/Themes/DefaultTheme.js
- Dex/Themes/qmldir
- Dex/Themes/ThemeData.qml
- Dex/Wallet/AddressBook.qml
- Dex/Wallet/AddressBookAddContactAddressModal.qml
- Dex/Wallet/AddressBookEditContactModal.qml
- Dex/Wallet/AddressBookNewContactCategoryModal.qml
- Dex/Wallet/AddressBookNewContactModal.qml
- Dex/Wallet/AddressBookSendWalletSelector.qml
- Dex/Wallet/AddressBookWalletTypeList.qml
- Dex/Wallet/AddressBookWalletTypeListModal.qml
- Dex/Wallet/AddressBookWalletTypeListRow.qml
- Dex/Wallet/AddressList.qml
- Dex/Wallet/ClaimFaucetResultModal.qml
- Dex/Wallet/ClaimRewardsModal.qml
- Dex/Wallet/EnableCoinModal.qml
- Dex/Wallet/Main.qml
- Dex/Wallet/ReceiveModal.qml
- Dex/Wallet/SendModal.qml
- Dex/Wallet/SendModalContactList.qml
- Dex/Wallet/SendResult.qml
- Dex/Wallet/Sidebar.qml
- Dex/Wallet/SidebarItemDelegate.qml
- Dex/Wallet/TransactionDetailsModal.qml
- Dex/Wallet/Transactions.qml
- Dex/Wallet/Wallet.qml
- Dex/Portfolio/AmountChart.qml
- Dex/Portfolio/AssetPieChart.qml
- Dex/Portfolio/PieItem.qml
- Dex/Portfolio/SmartChartView.qml
- Dex/Portfolio/AssetsList.qml
- Dex/main.qml
- qtquickcontrols2.conf
- Dex/Components/PopupManager.qml
diff --git a/ci_tools_atomic_dex/ci_scripts/osx_script.sh b/ci_tools_atomic_dex/ci_scripts/osx_script.sh
index 77d1c23a23..949442963e 100755
--- a/ci_tools_atomic_dex/ci_scripts/osx_script.sh
+++ b/ci_tools_atomic_dex/ci_scripts/osx_script.sh
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
brew update
-brew tap-new $USER/local-nim
-brew extract --version=1.4.8 nim $USER/local-nim
brew unlink libtool
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/0fbd6e24c4122e18ade1ec6c5916cb21de14f352/Formula/libtool.rb
@@ -12,7 +10,7 @@ brew install autoconf \
automake \
pkgconfig \
wget \
- nim@1.4.8 \
+ nim \
ninja \
gnu-sed \
coreutils \
@@ -22,7 +20,7 @@ brew install autoconf \
pip3 install yq
export CC=clang
export CXX=clang++
# get curl
#git clone https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/curl.git
diff --git a/ci_tools_atomic_dex/ci_scripts/windows_script.ps1 b/ci_tools_atomic_dex/ci_scripts/windows_script.ps1
index f82af5a3db..c3b07f0f79 100644
--- a/ci_tools_atomic_dex/ci_scripts/windows_script.ps1
+++ b/ci_tools_atomic_dex/ci_scripts/windows_script.ps1
@@ -14,9 +14,16 @@ scoop cache rm git
scoop cache rm cmake
scoop cache rm ninja
scoop cache rm llvm
$Env:QT_INSTALL_CMAKE_PATH = "C:\Qt\$Env:QT_VERSION\msvc2019_64"
$Env:QT_ROOT = "C:\Qt"
+git clone https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/coins/ -b master
+mkdir -p atomic_defi_design\assets\images\coins
+Get-Item -Path "coins\icons\*.png" | Move-Item -Destination "atomic_defi_design\assets\images\coins"
mkdir build
cd build
-cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -GNinja ../
ninja install
diff --git a/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/osx/config/config.xml.in b/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/osx/config/config.xml.in
index 94ce96cd9b..7b601889c4 100644
--- a/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/osx/config/config.xml.in
+++ b/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/osx/config/config.xml.in
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- 0.5.5
+ 0.5.7
diff --git a/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/osx/packages/com.komodoplatform.atomicdex/meta/package.xml.in b/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/osx/packages/com.komodoplatform.atomicdex/meta/package.xml.in
index 0f4899f2c3..06109f6ba9 100644
--- a/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/osx/packages/com.komodoplatform.atomicdex/meta/package.xml.in
+++ b/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/osx/packages/com.komodoplatform.atomicdex/meta/package.xml.in
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
- 0.5.5
- 2021-12-06
+ 0.5.7
+ 2022-11-09
diff --git a/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/windows/config/config.xml.in b/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/windows/config/config.xml.in
index 8b2c1c44d6..9fe11ef931 100644
--- a/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/windows/config/config.xml.in
+++ b/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/windows/config/config.xml.in
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
- 0.5.5
+ 0.5.7
diff --git a/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/windows/packages/com.komodoplatform.atomicdex/meta/installscript.qs.in b/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/windows/packages/com.komodoplatform.atomicdex/meta/installscript.qs.in
index cc11201d0d..204713cb6d 100644
--- a/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/windows/packages/com.komodoplatform.atomicdex/meta/installscript.qs.in
+++ b/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/windows/packages/com.komodoplatform.atomicdex/meta/installscript.qs.in
@@ -10,17 +10,17 @@ Component.prototype.createOperations = function()
if (installer.value("os") === "win") {
// Start Menu Shortcut
- "workingDirectory=@DEX_TARGET_DIR@",
+ "workingDirectory=@DEX_TARGET_DIR@/bin",
"iconPath=@DEX_ICON_DIR@", "iconId=0",
"description=Start @DEX_DISPLAY_NAME@");
// Desktop Shortcut
- "workingDirectory=@DEX_TARGET_DIR@",
+ "workingDirectory=@DEX_TARGET_DIR@/bin",
"iconPath=@DEX_ICON_DIR@", "iconId=0",
"description=Start @DEX_DISPLAY_NAME@");
diff --git a/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/windows/packages/com.komodoplatform.atomicdex/meta/package.xml.in b/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/windows/packages/com.komodoplatform.atomicdex/meta/package.xml.in
index 0f4899f2c3..1a0b0bc1c3 100644
--- a/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/windows/packages/com.komodoplatform.atomicdex/meta/package.xml.in
+++ b/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/windows/packages/com.komodoplatform.atomicdex/meta/package.xml.in
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
- 0.5.5
- 2021-12-06
+ 0.5.7
+ 2022-10-24
diff --git a/ci_tools_atomic_dex/src/ci_tools_atomic_dex.nim b/ci_tools_atomic_dex/src/ci_tools_atomic_dex.nim
index feb24df7e3..ab8425ffa5 100644
--- a/ci_tools_atomic_dex/src/ci_tools_atomic_dex.nim
+++ b/ci_tools_atomic_dex/src/ci_tools_atomic_dex.nim
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ Atomic Dex CI Tools.
ci_tools_atomic_dex --install_vcpkg
ci_tools_atomic_dex --install_dependencies
- ci_tools_atomic_dex build (release|debug) [--osx_sdk=] [--compiler=]
+ ci_tools_atomic_dex build (Release|Debug) [--osx_sdk=] [--compiler=]
ci_tools_atomic_dex clean (full|dependencies|build_dir)
- ci_tools_atomic_dex generate (release|debug) [--osx_sdk=] [--compiler=]
- ci_tools_atomic_dex bundle (release|debug) [--osx_sdk=] [--compiler=]
- ci_tools_atomic_dex tests (release|debug) [--osx_sdk=] [--compiler=]
+ ci_tools_atomic_dex generate (Release|Debug) [--osx_sdk=] [--compiler=]
+ ci_tools_atomic_dex bundle (Release|Debug) [--osx_sdk=] [--compiler=]
+ ci_tools_atomic_dex tests (Release|Debug) [--osx_sdk=] [--compiler=]
ci_tools_atomic_dex --version
ci_tools_atomic_dex (-h | --help)
@@ -32,30 +32,37 @@ Options:
proc main() =
let args = docopt(doc, version = "Atomic Dex CI Tools 0.0.1")
if args["--install_vcpkg"]:
elif args["--install_dependencies"]:
elif args["generate"]:
- if args["release"]:
+ if args["Release"]:
generate_solution("Release", $args["--osx_sdk"], $args["--compiler"])
- elif args["debug"]:
+ elif args["Debug"]:
generate_solution("Debug", $args["--osx_sdk"], $args["--compiler"])
elif args["build"]:
- if args["release"]:
+ if args["Release"]:
build_atomic_qt("Release", $args["--osx_sdk"], $args["--compiler"])
- elif args["debug"]:
+ elif args["Debug"]:
build_atomic_qt("Debug", $args["--osx_sdk"], $args["--compiler"])
elif args["bundle"]:
- if args["release"]:
+ if args["Release"]:
bundle("Release", $args["--osx_sdk"], $args["--compiler"])
- elif args["debug"]:
+ elif args["Debug"]:
bundle("Debug", $args["--osx_sdk"], $args["--compiler"])
elif args["tests"]:
- if args["release"]:
+ if args["Release"]:
run_tests("Release", $args["--osx_sdk"], $args["--compiler"])
- elif args["debug"]:
+ elif args["Debug"]:
run_tests("Debug", $args["--osx_sdk"], $args["--compiler"])
elif args["clean"]:
if args["full"]:
diff --git a/ci_tools_atomic_dex/src/clean.nim b/ci_tools_atomic_dex/src/clean.nim
index a84a1ad28d..888368a376 100644
--- a/ci_tools_atomic_dex/src/clean.nim
+++ b/ci_tools_atomic_dex/src/clean.nim
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
import os
proc remove_vcpkg()=
- if os.existsDir("vcpkg-repo"):
+ if os.dirExists("vcpkg-repo"):
proc remove_build()=
- if os.existsDir("build-Debug"):
+ if os.dirExists("build-Debug"):
- if os.existsDir("build-Release"):
+ if os.dirExists("build-Release"):
proc clean*(clean_type: string) =
diff --git a/ci_tools_atomic_dex/src/generate.nim b/ci_tools_atomic_dex/src/generate.nim
index 22cbb68233..d53b6a1ff8 100644
--- a/ci_tools_atomic_dex/src/generate.nim
+++ b/ci_tools_atomic_dex/src/generate.nim
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import dependencies
proc generate_solution*(build_type: string, osx_sdk_path: string, compiler_path: string) =
var full_name = "build-" & build_type
- if not os.existsDir(os.getCurrentDir().joinPath(full_name)):
+ if not os.dirExists(os.getCurrentDir().joinPath(full_name)):
echo "creating directory: " & full_name
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ proc generate_solution*(build_type: string, osx_sdk_path: string, compiler_path:
var cmd_line = "cmake -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=" & build_type & " " &
when defined(osx):
- if not osx_sdk_path.isNil() and osx_sdk_path != "nil":
- cmd_line = cmd_line & " -DCMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT=" & osx_sdk_path & " -DCMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.14 -DPREFER_BOOST_FILESYSTEM=ON"
+ if os.dirExists(osx_sdk_path):
+ cmd_line = cmd_line & " -DCMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT=" & osx_sdk_path & " -DCMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.15"
echo "cmd line: " & cmd_line
discard execCmd(cmd_line)
diff --git a/ci_tools_atomic_dex/src/tests.nim b/ci_tools_atomic_dex/src/tests.nim
index 0b8240610a..78ee2980ff 100644
--- a/ci_tools_atomic_dex/src/tests.nim
+++ b/ci_tools_atomic_dex/src/tests.nim
@@ -12,8 +12,26 @@ proc run_tests*(build_type: string, osx_sdk_path: string, compiler_path: string)
generate_solution(build_type, osx_sdk_path, compiler_path)
when defined(osx):
echo os.getCurrentDir()
- os.setCurrentDir(os.getCurrentDir().joinPath("bin").joinPath(os.getEnv("DEX_PROJECT_NAME") & "_tests.app").joinPath("Contents").joinPath("MacOS"))
+ discard osproc.execCmd("ls")
+ os.setCurrentDir(os.getCurrentDir().joinPath("bin"))
+ echo os.getCurrentDir()
+ discard osproc.execCmd("ls")
+ os.setCurrentDir(os.getCurrentDir().joinPath(os.getEnv("DEX_PROJECT_NAME") & "_tests.app"))
+ echo os.getCurrentDir()
+ discard osproc.execCmd("ls")
+ os.setCurrentDir(os.getCurrentDir().joinPath("Contents"))
+ echo os.getCurrentDir()
+ discard osproc.execCmd("ls")
+ os.setCurrentDir(os.getCurrentDir().joinPath("MacOS"))
+ echo os.getCurrentDir()
+ discard osproc.execCmd("ls")
+ # os.setCurrentDir(os.getCurrentDir().joinPath("bin").joinPath(os.getEnv("DEX_PROJECT_NAME") & "_tests.app").joinPath("Contents").joinPath("MacOS"))
echo "Running AtomicDex Pro Unit tests"
discard osproc.execCmd("./" & os.getEnv("DEX_PROJECT_NAME") & "_tests --reporters=xml --out=" & os.getEnv("DEX_PROJECT_NAME") & "-tests-result.xml -s")
echo "Successfully Generated", os.getEnv("DEX_PROJECT_NAME"), "-tests-result.xml"
diff --git a/ci_tools_atomic_dex/src/vcpkg.nim b/ci_tools_atomic_dex/src/vcpkg.nim
index c679f29a8e..fca94fc080 100644
--- a/ci_tools_atomic_dex/src/vcpkg.nim
+++ b/ci_tools_atomic_dex/src/vcpkg.nim
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ var g_vcpkg_local_path* = ""
var g_vcpkg_cmake_script_path* = ""
proc check_if_vcpkg_exists*(): bool =
- result = os.existsDir("vcpkg-repo")
+ result = os.dirExists("vcpkg-repo")
proc build_vcpkg() =
- if not os.existsFile(g_vcpkg_local_path):
+ if not os.fileExists(g_vcpkg_local_path):
echo "building vcpkg"
when defined(windows):
diff --git a/ci_tools_atomic_dex/util/compare_themes.py b/ci_tools_atomic_dex/util/compare_themes.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..40b5f097cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci_tools_atomic_dex/util/compare_themes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import json
+import requests
+Purpose: Scans the light and dark theme json files for a list of whitelabel
+ branches, and compares them with the dev branch to identify theme
+ selectors which are obsolete or not present in the whitelabel branch.
+Usage: `./compare_themes.py`
+REPO_URL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KomodoPlatform/atomicDEX-Desktop"
+BRANCHES = ['smartdex', 'GleecDEX', 'shibadex']
+def get_theme_url(branch, theme):
+ '''Returns a github url for a branch theme.'''
+ path = f"assets/themes/Default%20-%20{theme.title()}"
+ return f"{REPO_URL}/{branch}/{path}/colors.json"
+def get_themes_data(branches):
+ '''Returns a dict of dark/light theme data for each branch.'''
+ themes = {}
+ for branch in branches+['dev']:
+ themes.update({branch: {}})
+ for theme in ['light', 'dark']:
+ url = get_theme_url(branch, theme)
+ themes[branch].update({
+ theme: requests.get(url).json()
+ })
+ return themes
+def get_selectors(themes, branch='dev'):
+ '''Returns a list of selectors within each theme for a branch.'''
+ return {
+ 'light': set(themes[branch]['light'].keys()),
+ 'dark': set(themes[branch]['dark'].keys())
+ }
+def compare_branch_themes(branches, show_results=True):
+ '''Scans whitelabel theme data to identify missing/obsolete selectors.'''
+ themes = get_themes_data(branches)
+ dev_selectors = get_selectors(themes, 'dev')
+ for branch in branches:
+ for theme in ['light', 'dark']:
+ selectors = set(themes[branch][theme].keys())
+ missing = dev_selectors[theme].difference(selectors)
+ themes[branch].update({
+ f"missing_{theme}": missing,
+ f"obsolete_{theme}": selectors.difference(dev_selectors[theme])
+ })
+ if show_results:
+ output_results(themes, branch, theme)
+def output_results(themes, branch, theme):
+ '''Outputs results for a branch to the console.'''
+ print(f"\n#### {branch} {theme} ####")
+ if len(themes[branch][f"obsolete_{theme}"]) == 0:
+ print(f"No obsolete selectors")
+ else:
+ for i in themes[branch][f"obsolete_{theme}"]:
+ print(f"Obsolete selector: {i}...")
+ if len(themes[branch][f"missing_{theme}"]) == 0:
+ print(f"No obsolete selectors")
+ else:
+ for i in themes[branch][f"missing_{theme}"]:
+ dev_color = themes['dev'][theme][i]
+ for j in themes['dev'][theme]:
+ if dev_color == themes['dev'][theme][j]:
+ if j in themes[branch][theme]:
+ print(f"Missing {i}... Try {themes[branch][theme][j]}")
+ break
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ compare_branch_themes(BRANCHES, True)
diff --git a/ci_tools_atomic_dex/vcpkg-custom-ports b/ci_tools_atomic_dex/vcpkg-custom-ports
index 15ad59b292..f20c053d1b 160000
--- a/ci_tools_atomic_dex/vcpkg-custom-ports
+++ b/ci_tools_atomic_dex/vcpkg-custom-ports
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 15ad59b2928caaaac104702ee5b46d0ae5c3da71
+Subproject commit f20c053d1b47957af9c50aa34be45c69dfdcc1a4
diff --git a/cmake/compiler_prerequisites.cmake b/cmake/compiler_prerequisites.cmake
index 41579fed1f..847dc1a911 100644
--- a/cmake/compiler_prerequisites.cmake
+++ b/cmake/compiler_prerequisites.cmake
@@ -7,14 +7,4 @@ endif ()
if (WIN32)
-endif ()
- message(STATUS "Boost filesystem over std::filesystem")
- add_compile_definitions(PREFER_BOOST_FILESYSTEM)
-endif ()
-# message(STATUS "Boost optional over std::optional")
-# add_compile_definitions(PREFER_BOOST_OPTIONAL)
\ No newline at end of file
+endif ()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmake/compiler_targets.cmake b/cmake/compiler_targets.cmake
index 2793d91d09..ecbe4a273b 100644
--- a/cmake/compiler_targets.cmake
+++ b/cmake/compiler_targets.cmake
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ target_compile_definitions(antara_optimize_settings INTERFACE
- $<$,$,$>:-DEBUG>
+ $<$,$,$>:DEBUG>
diff --git a/cmake/dex_generate_qrc.cmake b/cmake/dex_generate_qrc.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e242abb7d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/dex_generate_qrc.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+function(dex_generate_qrc directory output)
+ cmake_parse_arguments(
+ ""
+ ${ARGN}
+ )
+ set(resources)
+ file(GLOB_RECURSE resources ${directory}/* ${directory}/*/*)
+ file(WRITE ${directory}/qml.qrc "\n")
+ file(APPEND ${directory}/qml.qrc " \n")
+ foreach(res ${resources})
+ set(excluded FALSE)
+ foreach(file_to_exclude ${GENERATE_QRC_FILES_TO_EXCLUDE})
+ set(find_res)
+ string(FIND ${res} ${file_to_exclude} find_res)
+ if (${find_res} GREATER -1)
+ set(excluded TRUE)
+ break()
+ endif ()
+ endforeach()
+ if (excluded)
+ continue()
+ endif ()
+ string(REPLACE ${directory}/ "" res ${res})
+ file(APPEND ${directory}/qml.qrc " ${res}\n")
+ endforeach()
+ foreach(res ${GENERATE_QRC_FILES})
+ string(REPLACE ${directory}/ "" res ${res})
+ file(APPEND ${directory}/qml.qrc " ${res}\n")
+ endforeach()
+ file(APPEND ${directory}/qml.qrc " \n")
+ file(APPEND ${directory}/qml.qrc "\n")
+ set(${output} ${directory}/qml.qrc PARENT_SCOPE)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmake/install/linux/linux_post_install.cmake b/cmake/install/linux/linux_post_install.cmake
index e0b7c1690a..23eae65e00 100644
--- a/cmake/install/linux/linux_post_install.cmake
+++ b/cmake/install/linux/linux_post_install.cmake
@@ -5,20 +5,26 @@ execute_process(COMMAND bash -c "echo -n `git rev-parse --short HEAD`"
+message(STATUS "PROJECT_ROOT_DIR (before readjusting) -> ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}")
-if (EXISTS ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/build-Release)
+if (EXISTS ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/build-Release OR EXISTS ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/build-Debug)
message(STATUS "from ci tools, readjusting")
endif ()
set(PROJECT_QML_DIR ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/atomic_defi_design/Dex)
set(PROJECT_APP_DIR AntaraAtomicDexAppDir)
set(TARGET_APP_PATH ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/bundled/linux)
+message(STATUS "VCPKG package manager enabled")
+message(STATUS "PROJECT_ROOT_DIR (after readjusting) -> ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}")
@@ -28,16 +34,13 @@ else ()
message(FATAL_ERROR "Didn't find ${PROJECT_APP_PATH}")
endif ()
-message(STATUS "VCPKG package manager enabled")
set(LINUX_DEPLOY_PATH ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/ci_tools_atomic_dex/linux_misc/linuxdeployqt-7-x86_64.AppImage)
message(STATUS "linuxdeployqt path is -> ${LINUX_DEPLOY_PATH}")
else ()
message(FATAL_ERROR "Didn't find ${LINUX_DEPLOY_PATH}")
endif ()
message(STATUS "Copying required libraries for QtWebEngine")
@@ -49,26 +52,35 @@ list(APPEND LIST_LIBS
file(COPY ${PROJECT_APP_PATH}/usr/share/icons/default/64x64/apps/dex-logo-64.png DESTINATION ${PROJECT_APP_PATH})
file(COPY ${PROJECT_APP_PATH}/usr/share/applications/dex.desktop DESTINATION ${PROJECT_APP_PATH})
foreach (current_lib ${LIST_LIBS})
message(STATUS "copying ${current_lib} to ${PROJECT_LIB_PATH}")
endforeach ()
message(STATUS "Executing linuxdeployqt to fix dependencies")
-message(STATUS "Executing cmd: [${LINUX_DEPLOY_PATH} ${PROJECT_BIN_PATH} -qmldir=${PROJECT_QML_DIR} -bundle-non-qt-libs -exclude-libs="libnss3.so,libnssutil3.so" -unsupported-allow-new-glibc -no-copy-copyright-files -verbose=1 -extra-plugins=iconengines,platformthemes/libqgtk3.so -appimage]")
-execute_process(COMMAND ${LINUX_DEPLOY_PATH} ${PROJECT_BIN_PATH} -qmldir=${PROJECT_QML_DIR} -bundle-non-qt-libs -exclude-libs="libnss3.so,libnssutil3.so" -unsupported-allow-new-glibc -no-copy-copyright-files -verbose=1 -extra-plugins=iconengines,platformthemes/libqgtk3.so -appimage
+message(STATUS "Executing cmd: [${LINUX_DEPLOY_PATH} ${PROJECT_BIN_PATH} -qmldir=${PROJECT_QML_DIR} -bundle-non-qt-libs -exclude-libs='libnss3.so,libnssutil3.so' -unsupported-allow-new-glibc -no-copy-copyright-files -verbose=1 -extra-plugins=iconengines,platformthemes/libqgtk3.so -appimage]")
+execute_process(COMMAND ${LINUX_DEPLOY_PATH} ${PROJECT_BIN_PATH} -qmldir=${PROJECT_QML_DIR} -bundle-non-qt-libs -exclude-libs='libnss3.so,libnssutil3.so' -unsupported-allow-new-glibc -no-copy-copyright-files -verbose=1 -extra-plugins=iconengines,platformthemes/libqgtk3.so -appimage
+message(STATUS "Renaming ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}-${VERSION_ID}-x86_64.AppImage to ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}-linux-${VERSION_ID}-x86_64.AppImage")
execute_process(COMMAND zip -r ${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}-linux-${VERSION_ID}.zip AntaraAtomicDexAppDir
execute_process(COMMAND tar --zstd -cf ${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}-linux-${VERSION_ID}.tar.zst AntaraAtomicDexAppDir
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cmake/install/macos/dex_install.cmake b/cmake/install/macos/dex_install.cmake
index 158c4f73aa..c472d7684d 100644
--- a/cmake/install/macos/dex_install.cmake
+++ b/cmake/install/macos/dex_install.cmake
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ if (APPLE)
add_custom_command(TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME}
diff --git a/cmake/install/macos/macos_notarize.sh b/cmake/install/macos/macos_notarize.sh
index 0b68c86797..4413004d0a 100755
--- a/cmake/install/macos/macos_notarize.sh
+++ b/cmake/install/macos/macos_notarize.sh
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ if ! command -v xq >/dev/null ; then
! PARSED=$(getopt --options=$OPTS --longoptions=$LONGOPTS --name "$0" -- "$@" )
if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ]]; then
@@ -51,6 +51,10 @@ while true; do
shift 2
+ --asc-public-id)
+ shift 2
+ ;;
echo "Usage: $0 --app-specific-password= --apple-id= --primary-bundle-id= --target-binary="
echo "Example: $0 --app-specific-password=\$DDEV_MACOS_APP_PASSWORD --apple-id=accounts@drud.com --primary-bundle-id=com.ddev.ddev --target-binary=.gotmp/bin/darwin_amd64/ddev"
@@ -72,7 +76,7 @@ fi
echo "before xcrun"
# Submit the zipball and get REQUEST_UUID
-SUBMISSION_INFO=$(xcrun altool --notarize-app --primary-bundle-id=${PRIMARY_BUNDLE_ID} -u ${APPLE_ID} -p ${APP_SPECIFIC_PASSWORD} --file ${TARGET_BINARY}.zip 2>&1) ;
+SUBMISSION_INFO=$(xcrun altool --notarize-app --primary-bundle-id=${PRIMARY_BUNDLE_ID} --asc-public-id=${ASC_PUBLIC_ID} -u ${APPLE_ID} -p ${APP_SPECIFIC_PASSWORD} --file ${TARGET_BINARY}.zip) ;
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
printf "Submission failed: $SUBMISSION_INFO \n"
diff --git a/cmake/install/macos/osx_post_install.cmake b/cmake/install/macos/osx_post_install.cmake
index b01cc75062..bd42ae336c 100644
--- a/cmake/install/macos/osx_post_install.cmake
+++ b/cmake/install/macos/osx_post_install.cmake
@@ -1,38 +1,43 @@
+message(STATUS "PROJECT_ROOT_DIR (before readjusting) -> ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}")
message(STATUS "from ci tools, readjusting")
endif ()
-set(PROJECT_QML_DIR ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/atomic_defi_design/Dex)
-message(STATUS "bin dir -> ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/bin")
-else ()
-endif ()
+set(PROJECT_QML_DIR ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/atomic_defi_design/Dex)
+set(MAC_DEPLOY_PATH $ENV{QT_ROOT}/clang_64/bin/macdeployqt)
message(STATUS "VCPKG package manager enabled")
+message(STATUS "QT_ROOT -> ${QT_ROOT}")
+message(STATUS "BIN_DIR -> ${BIN_DIR}")
+message(STATUS "PROJECT_ROOT_DIR (after readjusting) -> ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}")
-message(STATUS "Using QT tools from $HOME/QT")
-set(MAC_DEPLOY_PATH $ENV{QT_ROOT}/clang_64/bin/macdeployqt)
+else ()
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Didn't find PROJECT_APP_PATH")
+endif ()
- message(STATUS "macdeployqt path is -> ${MAC_DEPLOY_PATH}")
else ()
- message(FATAL_ERROR "Didn't find macdeployqt")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Didn't find MAC_DEPLOY_PATH")
endif ()
- ##-------------------------------------------
message(STATUS "${MAC_DEPLOY_PATH} ${PROJECT_APP_PATH} -qmldir=${PROJECT_QML_DIR} -always-overwrite -sign-for-notarization=$ENV{MAC_SIGN_IDENTITY} -verbose=3")
@@ -41,9 +46,6 @@ if (NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}.dmg)
- ##-------------------------------------------
- ##-------------------------------------------
message(STATUS "Fixing QTWebengineProcess")
set(QTWEBENGINE_BUNDLED_PATH ${PROJECT_APP_PATH}/Contents/Frameworks/QtWebEngineCore.framework/Helpers/QtWebEngineProcess.app/Contents/MacOS/QtWebEngineProcess)
message(STATUS "Executing: [install_name_tool -add_rpath @executable_path/../../../../../../Frameworks ${QTWEBENGINE_BUNDLED_PATH}]")
@@ -52,7 +54,7 @@ if (NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}.dmg)
- execute_process(COMMAND codesign --deep --force -v -s "$ENV{MAC_SIGN_IDENTITY}" -o runtime --timestamp ${PROJECT_APP_PATH}/Contents/Resources/assets/tools/mm2/mm2
+ execute_process(COMMAND codesign --deep --force -v -s "$ENV{MAC_SIGN_IDENTITY}" -o runtime --timestamp ${PROJECT_APP_PATH}/Contents/Resources/assets/tools/mm2/${DEX_API}
@@ -68,7 +70,6 @@ if (NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}.dmg)
- ##-------------------------------------------
message(STATUS "Packaging the DMG")
set(PACKAGER_PATH ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/ci_tools_atomic_dex/dmg-packager/package.sh)
@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ if (NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}.dmg)
- execute_process(COMMAND ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/cmake/install/macos/macos_notarize.sh --app-specific-password=$ENV{APPLE_ATOMICDEX_PASSWORD} --apple-id=$ENV{APPLE_ID} --primary-bundle-id=com.komodoplatform.atomicdex --target-binary=${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}.dmg
+ execute_process(COMMAND ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/cmake/install/macos/macos_notarize.sh --asc-public-id=$ENV{ASC_PUBLIC_ID} --app-specific-password=$ENV{APPLE_ATOMICDEX_PASSWORD} --apple-id=$ENV{APPLE_ID} --primary-bundle-id=com.komodoplatform.atomicdex --target-binary=${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}.dmg
@@ -97,13 +98,13 @@ endif ()
-get_filename_component(QT_ROOT_DIR $ENV{QT_ROOT} DIRECTORY)
-set(IFW_BINDIR ${QT_ROOT_DIR}/Tools/QtInstallerFramework/4.3/bin)
+get_filename_component(QT_ROOT_DIR $ENV{QT_ROOT} DIRECTORY)
+set(IFW_BINDIR ${QT_ROOT_DIR}/Tools/QtInstallerFramework/4.5/bin)
- message(STATUS "Generating ${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}.7z with [${IFW_BINDIR}/archivegen ${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}.7z ${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}.app] from directory: ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/bin")
@@ -111,9 +112,11 @@ else()
message(STATUS "${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}.7z already created - skipping")
+message(STATUS "Copying ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}.7z TO ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/osx/packages/com.komodoplatform.atomicdex/data")
file(COPY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}.7z DESTINATION ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/osx/packages/com.komodoplatform.atomicdex/data)
-execute_process(COMMAND ${IFW_BINDIR}/binarycreator -c ./config/config.xml -p ./packages/ ${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}_installer -s $ENV{MAC_SIGN_IDENTITY}
+execute_process(COMMAND ${IFW_BINDIR}/binarycreator -c ./config/config.xml -p ./packages/ ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/osx/${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}_installer -s $ENV{MAC_SIGN_IDENTITY}
WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/osx
@@ -123,14 +126,17 @@ execute_process(COMMAND codesign --deep --force -v -s "$ENV{MAC_SIGN_IDENTITY}"
-execute_process(COMMAND ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/cmake/install/macos/macos_notarize.sh --app-specific-password=$ENV{APPLE_ATOMICDEX_PASSWORD} --apple-id=$ENV{APPLE_ID} --primary-bundle-id=com.komodoplatform.atomicdex --target-binary=${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/osx/${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}_installer.app
+execute_process(COMMAND ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/cmake/install/macos/macos_notarize.sh --asc-public-id=$ENV{ASC_PUBLIC_ID} --app-specific-password=$ENV{APPLE_ATOMICDEX_PASSWORD} --apple-id=$ENV{APPLE_ID} --primary-bundle-id=com.komodoplatform.atomicdex --target-binary=${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/osx/${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}_installer.app
file(COPY ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/osx/${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}_installer.app DESTINATION ${TARGET_APP_PATH})
-execute_process(COMMAND ${IFW_BINDIR}/archivegen ${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}_installer.7z ${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}_installer.app
+execute_process(COMMAND ${IFW_BINDIR}/archivegen ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/osx/${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}_installer.7z ${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}_installer.app
\ No newline at end of file
+file(COPY ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/osx/${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}_installer.7z DESTINATION ${TARGET_APP_PATH})
diff --git a/cmake/install/windows/windows_post_install.cmake b/cmake/install/windows/windows_post_install.cmake
index 5613a15b0b..a477153535 100644
--- a/cmake/install/windows/windows_post_install.cmake
+++ b/cmake/install/windows/windows_post_install.cmake
@@ -1,25 +1,32 @@
+message(STATUS "===== Starting Windows Post Install =====")
+message(STATUS "PROJECT_ROOT_DIR (before readjusting) -> ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}")
-if (EXISTS ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/build-Release)
+if (EXISTS ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/build-Release OR EXISTS ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/build-Debug)
message(STATUS "from ci tools, readjusting")
endif ()
+message(STATUS "PROJECT_ROOT_DIR (after readjusting) -> ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}")
set(TARGET_APP_PATH ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/bundled/windows)
+message(STATUS "VCPKG package manager enabled")
- message(STATUS "TARGET_APP_PATH path is -> ${TARGET_APP_PATH}")
else ()
message(FATAL_ERROR "Didn't find ${PROJECT_APP_PATH}")
endif ()
+ message(STATUS "Creating bin.zip...")
execute_process(COMMAND powershell.exe -nologo -noprofile -command "& { Add-Type -A 'System.IO.Compression.FileSystem'; [IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory('bin', 'bin.zip'); }"
@@ -31,7 +38,7 @@ endif()
message(STATUS "Copying ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin.zip to ${TARGET_APP_PATH}/${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}.zip")
message(STATUS "${TARGET_APP_PATH}/${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}.zip exists - skipping")
@@ -40,15 +47,21 @@ message(STATUS "Embedding the manifest")
if (NOT EXISTS ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/windows/packages/com.komodoplatform.atomicdex/data/${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}.exe.manifest)
message(WARNING "${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/windows/packages/com.komodoplatform.atomicdex/data/${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}.exe.manifest doesn't exist - aborting")
-file(COPY ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/windows/packages/com.komodoplatform.atomicdex/data/${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}.exe.manifest DESTINATION ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/bin)
+file(COPY ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/windows/packages/com.komodoplatform.atomicdex/data/${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}.exe.manifest DESTINATION ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/bin)
-#message(STATUS "curdir: ${CURDIR}")
+message(STATUS "curdir: ${CURDIR}")
#message(STATUS "Executing: [mt.exe -manifest \"${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}.exe.manifest\" -outputresource:\"${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}.exe\";\#1] from directory: ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/bin")
set(DEX_IN "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}\\bin\\${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}.exe.manifest")
#message(STATUS "mt.exe -manifest ${DEX_IN_NATIVE} -outputresource:${DEX_OUT_NATIVE}")
execute_process(COMMAND powershell.exe -File ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/ci_tools_atomic_dex/ci_scripts/mt_wrapper.ps1 ${DEX_IN} ${DEX_OUT}
@@ -58,12 +71,19 @@ execute_process(COMMAND powershell.exe -File ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/ci_tools_atomic
message(STATUS "Creating Installer")
-set(IFW_BINDIR $ENV{QT_ROOT}/Tools/QtInstallerFramework/4.3/bin)
+set(IFW_BINDIR $ENV{QT_ROOT}/Tools/QtInstallerFramework/4.5/bin)
- message(STATUS "command is: [${IFW_BINDIR}/archivegen.exe ${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}.7z .]")
- execute_process(COMMAND ${IFW_BINDIR}/archivegen.exe ${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}.7z .
+ message(STATUS "Contents of folder: ls ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}")
+ execute_process(COMMAND ls "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}")
+ message(STATUS "Contents of folder: ls ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/bin")
+ execute_process(COMMAND ls "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/bin")
+ message(STATUS "Contents of folder: ls ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/bundled")
+ execute_process(COMMAND ls "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/bundled")
+ message(STATUS "command is: [${IFW_BINDIR}/archivegen.exe ${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}.7z ${PROJECT_APP_PATH} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/bundled]")
+ execute_process(COMMAND
@@ -74,10 +94,18 @@ else()
message(STATUS "${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}.7z already exists skipping")
-file(COPY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}.7z DESTINATION ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/windows/packages/com.komodoplatform.atomicdex/data)
+message(STATUS "Contents of folder: ls ${PROJECT_APP_PATH}")
+execute_process(COMMAND ls "${PROJECT_APP_PATH}")
+file(COPY ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/bundled/${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}.7z DESTINATION ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/windows/packages/com.komodoplatform.atomicdex/data)
execute_process(COMMAND ${IFW_BINDIR}/binarycreator.exe -c ./config/config.xml -p ./packages/ ${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}_installer.exe
WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/windows
-file(COPY ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/windows/${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}_installer.exe DESTINATION ${TARGET_APP_PATH})
\ No newline at end of file
+file(COPY ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/ci_tools_atomic_dex/installer/windows/${DEX_PROJECT_NAME}_installer.exe DESTINATION ${TARGET_APP_PATH})
+message(STATUS "Contents of folder: ls ${TARGET_APP_PATH}")
+execute_process(COMMAND ls "${TARGET_APP_PATH}")
+message(STATUS "===== Windows Post Install Complete =====")
diff --git a/cmake/project.metadata.cmake b/cmake/project.metadata.cmake
index 162b6daf8c..a838dd9f6a 100644
--- a/cmake/project.metadata.cmake
+++ b/cmake/project.metadata.cmake
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
# Default project values
+set(DEX_API "mm2")
+set(DEX_RPCPORT 7783)
+set(DEX_RPC "")
set(DEX_PROJECT_NAME "firodex")
set(DEX_DISPLAY_NAME "Firo Dex")
set(DEX_MAINTENANCE_TOOL_NAME "Firo Dex Maintenance Tool")
@@ -18,13 +21,20 @@ if (APPLE)
else ()
set(DEX_APPDATA_FOLDER "firodex")
endif ()
-message(STATUS "APPDATA folder is ${DEX_APPDATA_FOLDER}")
set(DEX_LINUX_APP_ID "dex.desktop")
endif ()
# Erases default project values with environment variables if they exist.
+endif ()
+endif ()
+endif ()
endif ()
@@ -37,9 +47,31 @@ endif ()
endif ()
+else ()
+endif ()
+endif ()
+endif ()
# Shows project metadata
+message(STATUS "Project Metadata:")
# Generates files which need to be configured with custom variables from env/CMake.
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 25ab4e6aa4..531c27e8d6 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# Core target
@@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ DEX_NEW_LIB(core INTERFACE
@@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ DEX_NEW_LIB(core INTERFACE
target_precompile_headers(${PROJECT_NAME}_core INTERFACE core/atomicdex/pch.hpp)
if (APPLE)
set_source_files_properties(core/atomicdex/platform/osx/manager.mm PROPERTIES SKIP_PRECOMPILE_HEADERS ON)
macro(adex_add_framework fwname appname)
@@ -51,6 +53,8 @@ set_directory_properties(PROPERTIES CLEAN_NO_CUSTOM TRUE)
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/atomic_defi_de.ts
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages/atomic_defi_es.ts
set_source_files_properties(${TS_FILES} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_LOCATION ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/atomic_defi_design/assets/languages)
@@ -62,6 +66,17 @@ qt5_create_translation(QM_FILES
message(STATUS "QM FILES -> ${QM_FILES}")
message(STATUS "TS FILES -> ${TS_FILES}")
+set(imports_qrc ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/atomic_defi_design/imports/qml.qrc)
+dex_generate_qrc(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/atomic_defi_design/Dex qml_qrc
+ FILES_TO_EXCLUDE ".gitignore;.DS_Store;.qrc")
+dex_generate_qrc(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/atomic_defi_design/assets assets_qrc
+ PATH_PREFIX "assets"
+ FILES "languages/atomic_defi_en.qm;languages/atomic_defi_es.qm;languages/atomic_defi_de.qm;languages/atomic_defi_fr.qm;languages/atomic_defi_ru.qm;languages/atomic_defi_tr.qm")
# Main executable
@@ -73,8 +88,9 @@ add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME}
##! QRC
- ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/atomic_defi_design/qml.qrc
- ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/atomic_defi_design/imports/qml.qrc
+ ${qml_qrc}
+ ${assets_qrc}
+ ${imports_qrc}
##! Linguistic
@@ -92,19 +108,30 @@ endif ()
# Testing executable
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME}_tests MACOSX_BUNDLE ${ICON}
+ tests/atomic.dex.qt.utilities.tests.cpp
+ tests/atomic.dex.provider.cex.prices.api.tests.cpp
+ tests/atomic.dex.provider.cex.prices.tests.cpp
- tests/atomic.dex.provider.cex.prices.tests.cpp
- tests/atomic.dex.qt.utilities.tests.cpp
+ ##! API
+ tests/api/coingecko/coingecko.tests.cpp
+ tests/api/komodo_prices/komodo.prices.tests.cpp
+ tests/api/mm2/mm2.api.format.address.tests.cpp
+ tests/api/mm2/mm2.api.utxo.merge.params.tests.cpp
+ tests/api/mm2/mm2.api.balance.infos.tests.cpp
+ tests/api/mm2/mm2.fraction.tests.cpp
+ tests/api/mm2/mm2.rpc.trade.preimage.tests.cpp
+ ##! CFG
##! API
- #tests/api/github/github.api.tests.cpp
- #tests/api/checksum/checksum.api.tests.cpp
+ tests/api/mm2/enable_bch_with_tokens_rpc_tests.cpp
##! Utilities
@@ -116,7 +143,10 @@ add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME}_tests MACOSX_BUNDLE ${ICON}
##! Models
- tests/atomic.dex.provider.cex.prices.api.tests.cpp)
+ ##! Utilities
+ tests/utilities/qt.utilities.tests.cpp
+ tests/utilities/global.utilities.tests.cpp)
diff --git a/src/app/app.cpp b/src/app/app.cpp
index f47a8e2e0b..ee80584c2e 100644
--- a/src/app/app.cpp
+++ b/src/app/app.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright © 2013-2021 The Komodo Platform Developers. *
+ * Copyright © 2013-2022 The Komodo Platform Developers. *
* *
* the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright *
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
//! QT
@@ -40,7 +41,6 @@
#include "app.hpp"
#include "atomicdex/services/exporter/exporter.service.hpp"
#include "atomicdex/services/mm2/auto.update.maker.order.service.hpp"
-//#include "atomicdex/services/price/coingecko/coingecko.provider.hpp"
#include "atomicdex/services/price/komodo_prices/komodo.prices.provider.hpp"
#include "atomicdex/services/price/coingecko/coingecko.wallet.charts.hpp"
#include "atomicdex/services/price/coinpaprika/coinpaprika.provider.hpp"
@@ -54,8 +54,7 @@ namespace
namespace atomic_dex
- void
- atomic_dex::application::change_state([[maybe_unused]] int visibility)
+ void atomic_dex::application::change_state([[maybe_unused]] int visibility)
/*#ifdef __APPLE__
@@ -66,8 +65,7 @@ namespace atomic_dex
- bool
- atomic_dex::application::enable_coins(const QStringList& coins)
+ bool atomic_dex::application::enable_coins(const QStringList& coins)
auto enableable_coins_count = entity_registry_.template ctx().value("MaximumNbCoinsEnabled").toULongLong();
if (enableable_coins_count < coins.size() + get_portfolio_page()->get_global_cfg()->get_enabled_coins().size())
@@ -79,54 +77,66 @@ namespace atomic_dex
atomic_dex::mm2_service& mm2 = get_mm2();
std::unordered_set extra_coins;
- for (auto&& coin: coins) {
+ for (auto&& coin : coins)
+ {
auto coin_info = mm2.get_coin_info(coin.toStdString());
- if (coin_info.has_parent_fees_ticker && coin_info.ticker != coin_info.fees_ticker)
+ if (coin_info.has_parent_fees_ticker &&
+ coin_info.ticker != coin_info.fees_ticker &&
+ !coins.contains(QString::fromStdString(coin_info.fees_ticker)))
auto coin_parent_info = mm2.get_coin_info(coin_info.fees_ticker);
- if (!coin_parent_info.currently_enabled && !coin_parent_info.active && extra_coins.insert(coin_parent_info.ticker).second)
+ // todo: why can it be empty when it has been found ?
+ // refactor coins enabling logic!!!
+ if (coin_parent_info.ticker != "")
- SPDLOG_INFO("Adding extra coin: {} to enable", coin_parent_info.ticker);
+ if (!coin_parent_info.currently_enabled && !coin_parent_info.active && extra_coins.insert(coin_parent_info.ticker).second)
+ {
+ SPDLOG_INFO("Adding extra coin: {} to enable", coin_parent_info.ticker);
+ }
for (auto&& extra_coin : extra_coins)
- mm2.enable_multiple_coins(coins_std);
+ mm2.enable_coins(coins_std);
return true;
- bool
- atomic_dex::application::enable_coin(const QString& coin)
+ bool atomic_dex::application::enable_coin(const QString& coin)
return enable_coins(QStringList{coin});
- bool
- application::disable_coins(const QStringList& coins)
+ bool application::disable_coins(const QStringList& coins)
QString primary_coin = QString::fromStdString(g_primary_dex_coin);
QString secondary_coin = QString::fromStdString(g_second_primary_dex_coin);
QStringList coins_copy;
const auto& mm2 = system_manager_.get_system();
- for (auto&& coin: coins)
+ for (auto&& coin : coins)
const auto coin_info = mm2.get_coin_info(coin.toStdString());
bool has_parent_fees = coin_info.has_parent_fees_ticker;
if (not get_orders()->swap_is_in_progress(coin) && coin != primary_coin && coin != secondary_coin)
- if (has_parent_fees)
+ if (!get_mm2().is_zhtlc_coin_ready(coin.toStdString()))
- coins_copy.push_front(coin);
+ this->dispatcher_.trigger(coin.toStdString(), "Can't disable until fully activated.");
- coins_copy.push_back(coin);
+ if (has_parent_fees)
+ {
+ coins_copy.push_front(coin);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ coins_copy.push_back(coin);
+ }
@@ -137,7 +147,7 @@ namespace atomic_dex
- for (auto&& coin: coins_copy)
+ for (auto&& coin : coins_copy)
if (QString::fromStdString(get_mm2().get_current_ticker()) == coin && m_primary_coin_fully_enabled)
@@ -152,8 +162,7 @@ namespace atomic_dex
return true;
- bool
- application::disable_no_balance_coins()
+ bool application::disable_no_balance_coins()
auto* portfolio_page = get_portfolio_page();
auto* portfolio_mdl = portfolio_page->get_portfolio();
@@ -170,8 +179,7 @@ namespace atomic_dex
return disable_coins(coins_to_disable);
- bool
- application::has_coins_with_balance()
+ bool application::has_coins_with_balance()
auto* portfolio_page = get_portfolio_page();
auto* portfolio_mdl = portfolio_page->get_portfolio();
@@ -181,14 +189,135 @@ namespace atomic_dex
return ranges::any_of(portfolio_data, functor);
- bool
- atomic_dex::application::first_run()
+ bool atomic_dex::application::first_run()
return qt_wallet_manager::get_wallets().empty();
- void
- application::launch()
+ void atomic_dex::application::reset_coin_cfg()
+ {
+ using namespace std::string_literals;
+ const std::string wallet_name = qt_wallet_manager::get_default_wallet_name().toStdString();
+ const std::string wallet_cfg_file = std::string(atomic_dex::get_raw_version()) + "-coins"s + "."s + wallet_name + ".json"s;
+ std::string wallet_custom_cfg_filename = "custom-tokens."s + wallet_name + ".json"s;
+ const fs::path wallet_custom_cfg_path{utils::get_atomic_dex_config_folder() / wallet_custom_cfg_filename};
+ const fs::path wallet_cfg_path{utils::get_atomic_dex_config_folder() / wallet_cfg_file};
+ const fs::path mm2_coins_file_path{atomic_dex::utils::get_current_configs_path() / "coins.json"};
+ const fs::path ini_file_path = atomic_dex::utils::get_current_configs_path() / "cfg.ini";
+ const fs::path cfg_json_file_path = atomic_dex::utils::get_current_configs_path() / "cfg.json";
+ const fs::path logo_path = atomic_dex::utils::get_logo_path();
+ const fs::path theme_path = atomic_dex::utils::get_themes_path();
+ const auto functor_remove = [](auto&& path_to_remove)
+ {
+ if (fs::exists(path_to_remove))
+ {
+ std::error_code ec;
+ if (fs::is_directory(path_to_remove))
+ {
+ fs::remove_all(path_to_remove, ec);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fs::remove(path_to_remove, ec);
+ }
+ if (ec)
+ {
+ LOG_PATH("error when removing {}", path_to_remove);
+ SPDLOG_ERROR("error: {}", ec.message());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG_PATH("Successfully removed {}", path_to_remove);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ if (fs::exists(wallet_cfg_path))
+ {
+ nlohmann::json coin_config_json_data;
+ std::unordered_set active_coins_registry;
+ QFile coins_file;
+ coins_file.setFileName(std_path_to_qstring(wallet_cfg_path));
+ coins_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text);
+ //! Read Contents
+ coin_config_json_data = nlohmann::json::parse(QString(coins_file.readAll()).toStdString());
+ coins_file.close();
+ //! Get the active coins
+ for (auto&& [key, value]: coin_config_json_data.items())
+ {
+ if (value["active"]) { active_coins_registry.insert(key); }
+ }
+ // remove old coins file
+ functor_remove(std::move(wallet_cfg_path));
+ //! Copy default coins file
+ const auto cfg_path = ag::core::assets_real_path() / "config";
+ std::string filename = std::string(atomic_dex::get_raw_version()) + "-coins.json";
+ fs::copy(cfg_path / filename, wallet_cfg_path);
+ QFile default_coins_file;
+ //! Open coins file
+ default_coins_file.setFileName(std_path_to_qstring(wallet_cfg_path));
+ default_coins_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text);
+ //! Read default coins contents
+ nlohmann::json default_coin_config_json_data;
+ default_coin_config_json_data = nlohmann::json::parse(QString(default_coins_file.readAll()).toStdString());
+ default_coins_file.close();
+ //! set active coins again
+ for (auto&& key: active_coins_registry)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ if (default_coin_config_json_data.contains(key))
+ {
+ default_coin_config_json_data[key]["active"] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception& error)
+ {
+ SPDLOG_ERROR("Exception caught: {}", error.what());
+ }
+ }
+ //! Write
+ QFile output_coins_file;
+ //SPDLOG_DEBUG("Data written: ", default_coin_config_json_data.dump(4));
+ output_coins_file.setFileName(std_path_to_qstring(wallet_cfg_path));
+ output_coins_file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Truncate);
+ output_coins_file.write(QString::fromStdString(default_coin_config_json_data.dump(4)).toUtf8());
+ output_coins_file.close();
+ }
+ if (fs::exists(wallet_custom_cfg_path))
+ {
+ nlohmann::json custom_config_json_data = utils::read_json_file(wallet_custom_cfg_path);
+ //! Modify
+ for (auto&& [key, value]: custom_config_json_data.items()) { value["active"] = false; }
+ //! Write
+ QFile file;
+ file.setFileName(std_path_to_qstring(wallet_custom_cfg_path));
+ file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Truncate);
+ file.write(QString::fromStdString(custom_config_json_data.dump()).toUtf8());
+ file.close();
+ }
+ functor_remove(std::move(mm2_coins_file_path));
+ functor_remove(std::move(cfg_json_file_path));
+ functor_remove(std::move(logo_path));
+ functor_remove(std::move(theme_path));
+ // Uncomment if you want to reset fiat/language/theme
+ // functor_remove(std::move(ini_file_path));
+ atomic_dex::application::restart();
+ }
+ void application::launch()
SPDLOG_INFO("Launch the application");
@@ -197,8 +326,7 @@ namespace atomic_dex
- QString
- atomic_dex::application::get_mnemonic()
+ QString atomic_dex::application::get_mnemonic()
std::array data{};
boost::random_device device;
@@ -211,8 +339,7 @@ namespace atomic_dex
return output;
- void
- application::tick()
+ void application::tick()
if (m_event_actions[events_action::need_a_full_refresh_of_mm2])
@@ -231,6 +358,7 @@ namespace atomic_dex
while (not m_portfolio_queue.empty())
const char* ticker_cstr = nullptr;
+ bool add_to_init(true);
std::string ticker(ticker_cstr);
if (ticker == g_primary_dex_coin)
@@ -241,7 +369,17 @@ namespace atomic_dex
this->m_secondary_coin_fully_enabled = true;
- to_init.push_back(ticker);
+ //! TODO: figure out why sometimes ZHTLC coins end up in here twice. When they do, without this check it crashes.
+ if (std::find(to_init.begin(), to_init.end(), ticker) != to_init.end()) {
+ SPDLOG_DEBUG("Ticker {} is already in vector", ticker);
+ add_to_init = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ SPDLOG_DEBUG("Ticker {} is not already in vector", ticker);
+ }
+ if (add_to_init) {
+ to_init.push_back(ticker);
+ }
@@ -293,32 +431,27 @@ namespace atomic_dex
- mm2_service&
- application::get_mm2()
+ mm2_service& application::get_mm2()
return this->system_manager_.get_system();
- entt::dispatcher&
- application::get_dispatcher()
+ entt::dispatcher& application::get_dispatcher()
return this->dispatcher_;
- const entt::registry&
- application::get_registry() const
+ const entt::registry& application::get_registry() const
return this->entity_registry_;
- entt::registry&
- application::get_registry()
+ entt::registry& application::get_registry()
return this->entity_registry_;
- void
- application::post_handle_settings()
+ void application::post_handle_settings()
QSettings& settings = get_registry().ctx();
if (settings.value("AutomaticUpdateOrderBot", false).toBool())
@@ -336,7 +469,7 @@ namespace atomic_dex
application::application(QObject* pParent) : QObject(pParent)
- fs::path settings_path = (atomic_dex::utils::get_current_configs_path() / "cfg.ini");
+ std::filesystem::path settings_path = (atomic_dex::utils::get_current_configs_path() / "cfg.ini");
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)
this->entity_registry_.set(QString::fromStdWString(settings_path.wstring()), QSettings::IniFormat);
@@ -373,15 +506,15 @@ namespace atomic_dex
// system_manager_.create_system(system_manager_);
- auto& self_update_system = system_manager_.create_system();
-#if !defined(Q_OS_WINDOWS)
- self_update_system.disable();
+ system_manager_.create_system();
system_manager_, m_event_actions.at(events_action::about_to_exit_app), portfolio_system.get_portfolio(), this);
+ system_manager_.create_system(system_manager_, this->dispatcher_, this);
if (qt_wallet_manager::is_there_a_default_wallet())
@@ -407,36 +540,37 @@ namespace atomic_dex
- bool
- application::do_i_have_enough_funds(const QString& ticker, const QString& amount) const
+ bool application::do_i_have_enough_funds(const QString& ticker, const QString& amount) const
t_float_50 amount_f = safe_float(amount.toStdString());
return get_mm2().do_i_have_enough_funds(ticker.toStdString(), amount_f);
- const mm2_service&
- application::get_mm2() const
+ const mm2_service& application::get_mm2() const
return this->system_manager_.get_system();
- QString
- application::get_balance(const QString& coin)
+ QJsonObject application::get_zhtlc_status(const QString& coin)
+ {
+ QJsonObject res = nlohmann_json_object_to_qt_json_object(get_mm2().get_zhtlc_status(coin.toStdString()));
+ return res;
+ }
+ QString application::get_balance(const QString& coin)
std::error_code ec;
auto res = get_mm2().my_balance(coin.toStdString(), ec);
return QString::fromStdString(res);
- void
- application::on_mm2_initialized_event([[maybe_unused]] const mm2_initialized& evt)
+ void application::on_mm2_initialized_event([[maybe_unused]] const mm2_initialized& evt)
SPDLOG_DEBUG("{} l{}", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
- void
- application::refresh_orders_and_swaps()
+ void application::refresh_orders_and_swaps()
auto& mm2 = get_mm2();
if (mm2.is_mm2_running())
@@ -445,8 +579,7 @@ namespace atomic_dex
- bool
- application::disconnect()
+ bool application::disconnect()
//! Clears pending events
while (not this->m_actions_queue.empty())
@@ -498,14 +631,13 @@ namespace atomic_dex
auto& wallet_manager = this->system_manager_.get_system();
- this->m_secondary_coin_fully_enabled = false;
this->m_primary_coin_fully_enabled = false;
+ this->m_secondary_coin_fully_enabled = false;
- return fs::remove(utils::get_atomic_dex_config_folder() / "default.wallet");
+ return std::filesystem::remove(utils::get_atomic_dex_config_folder() / "default.wallet");
- void
- application::connect_signals()
+ void application::connect_signals()
SPDLOG_INFO("connecting signals");
@@ -519,8 +651,7 @@ namespace atomic_dex
// get_dispatcher().sink().connect<&application::on_process_swaps_finished_event>(*this);
- void
- application::set_qt_app(std::shared_ptr app, QQmlApplicationEngine* engine)
+ void application::set_qt_app(std::shared_ptr app, QQmlApplicationEngine* engine)
this->m_app = app;
connect(m_app.get(), SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()), this, SLOT(exit_handler()));
@@ -530,12 +661,11 @@ namespace atomic_dex
- QString
- application::recover_fund(const QString& uuid)
+ QString application::recover_fund(const QString& uuid)
QString result;
- ::mm2::api::recover_funds_of_swap_request request{.swap_uuid = uuid.toStdString()};
+ mm2::recover_funds_of_swap_request request{.swap_uuid = uuid.toStdString()};
auto res = get_mm2().get_mm2_client().rpc_recover_funds(std::move(request));
result = QString::fromStdString(res.raw_result);
@@ -759,10 +889,20 @@ namespace atomic_dex
//! update checker
namespace atomic_dex
- self_update_service*
- application::get_self_update_service() const
+ update_checker_service* application::get_update_checker_service() const
+ {
+ auto ptr = const_cast(std::addressof(system_manager_.get_system()));
+ assert(ptr != nullptr);
+ return ptr;
+ }
+} // namespace atomic_dex
+//! update checker
+namespace atomic_dex
+ zcash_params_service* application::get_zcash_params_service() const
- auto ptr = const_cast(std::addressof(system_manager_.get_system()));
+ auto ptr = const_cast(std::addressof(system_manager_.get_system()));
assert(ptr != nullptr);
return ptr;
diff --git a/src/app/app.hpp b/src/app/app.hpp
index 82c1b11af0..297f25150d 100644
--- a/src/app/app.hpp
+++ b/src/app/app.hpp
@@ -48,7 +48,9 @@
#include "atomicdex/services/ip/ip.checker.service.hpp"
#include "atomicdex/services/mm2/mm2.service.hpp"
#include "atomicdex/services/price/global.provider.hpp"
-#include "atomicdex/services/update/self.update.service.hpp"
+#include "atomicdex/services/update/update.checker.service.hpp"
+#include "atomicdex/services/update/zcash.params.service.hpp"
+#include "atomicdex/utilities/qt.utilities.hpp"
namespace ag = antara::gaming;
@@ -62,7 +64,7 @@ namespace atomic_dex
//! Properties
- Q_PROPERTY(addressbook_page* addressbook_pg READ get_addressbook_page NOTIFY addressbookPageChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(addressbook_page* addressbookPg READ get_addressbook_page NOTIFY addressbookPageChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(orders_model* orders_mdl READ get_orders NOTIFY ordersChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(portfolio_page_ptr portfolio_pg READ get_portfolio_page NOTIFY portfolioPageChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(notification_manager* notification_mgr READ get_notification_manager)
@@ -73,7 +75,8 @@ namespace atomic_dex
Q_PROPERTY(wallet_page* wallet_pg READ get_wallet_page NOTIFY walletPageChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(settings_page* settings_pg READ get_settings_page NOTIFY settingsPageChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(qt_wallet_manager* wallet_mgr READ get_wallet_mgr NOTIFY walletMgrChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(self_update_service* self_update_service READ get_self_update_service NOTIFY selfUpdateServiceChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(update_checker_service* updateCheckerService READ get_update_checker_service NOTIFY updateCheckerServiceChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(zcash_params_service* zcash_params READ get_zcash_params_service NOTIFY zcashParamsServiceChanged)
//! Private function
void connect_signals();
@@ -102,65 +105,57 @@ namespace atomic_dex
std::atomic_bool m_primary_coin_fully_enabled{false};
- //! Deleted operation
application(application& other) = delete;
application(application&& other) = delete;
application& operator=(application& other) = delete;
application& operator=(application&& other) = delete;
- //! Constructor
explicit application(QObject* pParent = nullptr) ;
- ~application() final = default;
+ ~application() final = default;
- //! Post constructor
void post_handle_settings();
- //! entt::dispatcher events
- void on_ticker_balance_updated_event(const ticker_balance_updated&) ;
- void on_fiat_rate_updated(const fiat_rate_updated&) ;
- void on_coin_fully_initialized_event(const coin_fully_initialized&) ;
- void on_mm2_initialized_event(const mm2_initialized&) ;
- void on_process_orders_and_swaps_finished_event(const process_swaps_and_orders_finished&) ;
- //! Properties Getter
- mm2_service& get_mm2() ;
- [[nodiscard]] const mm2_service& get_mm2() const ;
- entt::dispatcher& get_dispatcher() ;
- const entt::registry& get_registry() const ;
- entt::registry& get_registry() ;
- [[nodiscard]] addressbook_page* get_addressbook_page() const ;
- [[nodiscard]] portfolio_page* get_portfolio_page() const ;
- [[nodiscard]] wallet_page* get_wallet_page() const ;
- orders_model* get_orders() const ;
- notification_manager* get_notification_manager() const ;
- trading_page* get_trading_page() const ;
- settings_page* get_settings_page() const ;
- qt_wallet_manager* get_wallet_mgr() const ;
- internet_service_checker* get_internet_checker() const ;
- ip_service_checker* get_ip_checker() const ;
- self_update_service* get_self_update_service() const;
- exporter_service* get_exporter_service() const ;
- //! Properties Setter
- void set_qt_app(std::shared_ptr app, QQmlApplicationEngine* qml_engine) ;
- //! Launch the internal loop for the SDK.
+ void on_ticker_balance_updated_event(const ticker_balance_updated&);
+ void on_fiat_rate_updated(const fiat_rate_updated&);
+ void on_coin_fully_initialized_event(const coin_fully_initialized&);
+ void on_mm2_initialized_event(const mm2_initialized&);
+ void on_process_orders_and_swaps_finished_event(const process_swaps_and_orders_finished&);
+ mm2_service& get_mm2();
+ [[nodiscard]] const mm2_service& get_mm2() const;
+ entt::dispatcher& get_dispatcher();
+ const entt::registry& get_registry() const;
+ entt::registry& get_registry();
+ [[nodiscard]] addressbook_page* get_addressbook_page() const;
+ [[nodiscard]] portfolio_page* get_portfolio_page() const;
+ [[nodiscard]] wallet_page* get_wallet_page() const;
+ orders_model* get_orders() const;
+ notification_manager* get_notification_manager() const;
+ trading_page* get_trading_page() const;
+ settings_page* get_settings_page() const;
+ qt_wallet_manager* get_wallet_mgr() const;
+ internet_service_checker* get_internet_checker() const;
+ ip_service_checker* get_ip_checker() const;
+ update_checker_service* get_update_checker_service() const;
+ [[nodiscard]] zcash_params_service* get_zcash_params_service() const;
+ exporter_service* get_exporter_service() const;
+ void set_qt_app(std::shared_ptr app, QQmlApplicationEngine* qml_engine);
void launch();
- //! Bind to the QML Worlds
Q_INVOKABLE static void restart();
- //! Wallet Manager QML API Bindings, this internally call the `atomic_dex::qt_wallet_manager`
+ // Wallet Manager QML API Bindings, this internally call the `atomic_dex::qt_wallet_manager`
Q_INVOKABLE bool is_pin_cfg_enabled() const ;
- //! Misc
Q_INVOKABLE static QString to_eth_checksum_qt(const QString& eth_lowercase_address);
Q_INVOKABLE static void change_state(int visibility);
//! Portfolio QML API Bindings
Q_INVOKABLE QString recover_fund(const QString& uuid);
- //! Others
+ Q_INVOKABLE void reset_coin_cfg();
Q_INVOKABLE void refresh_orders_and_swaps();
Q_INVOKABLE static QString get_mnemonic();
Q_INVOKABLE static bool first_run();
@@ -168,6 +163,7 @@ namespace atomic_dex
Q_INVOKABLE bool enable_coins(const QStringList& coins);
Q_INVOKABLE bool enable_coin(const QString& coin);
Q_INVOKABLE QString get_balance(const QString& coin);
+ Q_INVOKABLE QJsonObject get_zhtlc_status(const QString& coin);
Q_INVOKABLE [[nodiscard]] bool do_i_have_enough_funds(const QString& ticker, const QString& amount) const;
Q_INVOKABLE bool disable_coins(const QStringList& coins);
Q_INVOKABLE bool disable_no_balance_coins();
@@ -175,7 +171,6 @@ namespace atomic_dex
Q_INVOKABLE QString get_fiat_from_amount(const QString& ticker, const QString& amount);
- //! Signals to the QML Worlds
void walletMgrChanged();
void coinInfoChanged();
void onWalletDefaultNameChanged();
@@ -184,7 +179,8 @@ namespace atomic_dex
void portfolioPageChanged();
void walletPageChanged();
void ordersChanged();
- void selfUpdateServiceChanged();
+ void updateCheckerServiceChanged();
+ void zcashParamsServiceChanged();
void tradingPageChanged();
void settingsPageChanged();
void internetCheckerChanged();
diff --git a/src/app/main.prerequisites.hpp b/src/app/main.prerequisites.hpp
index 284a67f247..ebb8a79841 100644
--- a/src/app/main.prerequisites.hpp
+++ b/src/app/main.prerequisites.hpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright © 2013-2021 The Komodo Platform Developers. *
+ * Copyright © 2013-2023 The Komodo Platform Developers. *
* *
* the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright *
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
//! Project Headers
#include "app.hpp"
#include "atomicdex/constants/qt.wallet.enums.hpp"
+#include "atomicdex/constants/dex.constants.hpp"
#include "atomicdex/models/qt.portfolio.model.hpp"
#include "atomicdex/utilities/kill.hpp"
#include "atomicdex/utilities/qt.utilities.hpp"
@@ -104,7 +105,7 @@ static void
signal_handler(int signal)
SPDLOG_ERROR("sigabort received, cleaning mm2");
- atomic_dex::kill_executable("mm2");
+ atomic_dex::kill_executable(atomic_dex::g_dex_api);
#if defined(linux) || defined(__APPLE__)
std::ifstream ifs("./backtrace.dump");
@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ connect_signals_handler()
SPDLOG_INFO("connecting signal SIGABRT to the signal handler");
#if defined(linux) || defined(__APPLE__)
- if (fs::exists("./backtrace.dump"))
+ if (std::filesystem::exists("./backtrace.dump"))
// there is a backtrace
std::ifstream ifs("./backtrace.dump");
@@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ connect_signals_handler()
// cleaning up
- fs::remove("./backtrace.dump");
+ std::filesystem::remove("./backtrace.dump");
std::signal(SIGABRT, &signal_handler);
@@ -158,20 +159,37 @@ static void
SPDLOG_INFO("cleaning previous mm2 instance");
- atomic_dex::kill_executable("mm2");
+ atomic_dex::kill_executable(atomic_dex::g_dex_api);
-static void
+static void init_logging()
- auto logger = atomic_dex::utils::register_logger();
- if (spdlog::get("log_mt") == nullptr)
- {
- spdlog::register_logger(logger);
- spdlog::set_default_logger(logger);
- spdlog::set_level(spdlog::level::trace);
- spdlog::set_pattern("[%T] [%^%l%$] [%s:%#] [%t]: %v");
- }
+ constexpr size_t qsize_spdlog = 10240;
+ constexpr size_t spdlog_thread_count = 2;
+ constexpr size_t spdlog_max_file_size = 7777777;
+ constexpr size_t spdlog_max_file_rotation = 3;
+ std::filesystem::path path = atomic_dex::utils::get_atomic_dex_current_log_file();
+ spdlog::init_thread_pool(qsize_spdlog, spdlog_thread_count);
+ auto tp = spdlog::thread_pool();
+ auto stdout_sink = std::make_shared();
+#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)
+ auto rotating_sink = std::make_shared(path.wstring(), spdlog_max_file_size, spdlog_max_file_rotation);
+ auto rotating_sink = std::make_shared(path.string(), spdlog_max_file_size, spdlog_max_file_rotation);
+#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)
+ std::vector sinks{stdout_sink, rotating_sink};
+ std::vector sinks{rotating_sink};
+ auto logger = std::make_shared("log_mt", sinks.begin(), sinks.end(), tp, spdlog::async_overflow_policy::block);
+ spdlog::register_logger(logger);
+ spdlog::set_default_logger(logger);
+ spdlog::set_level(spdlog::level::trace);
+ spdlog::set_pattern("[%T] [%^%l%$] [%s:%#] [%t]: %v");
static void
@@ -224,7 +242,7 @@ init_timezone_db()
using namespace std::string_literals;
- auto install_db_tz_path = std::make_unique(ag::core::assets_real_path() / "tools" / "timezone" / "tzdata");
+ auto install_db_tz_path = std::make_unique(ag::core::assets_real_path() / "tools" / "timezone" / "tzdata");
SPDLOG_INFO("Timezone db successfully initialized");
@@ -238,49 +256,49 @@ init_timezone_db()
static void
- const fs::path theme_path = atomic_dex::utils::get_themes_path();
- fs::path original_theme_path{ag::core::assets_real_path() / "themes"};
- fs_error_code ec;
+ const std::filesystem::path theme_path = atomic_dex::utils::get_themes_path();
+ std::filesystem::path original_theme_path{ag::core::assets_real_path() / "themes"};
+ std::error_code ec;
LOG_PATH_CMP("Checking for setup default themes - theme_path: {} original_theme_path: {}", theme_path, original_theme_path);
LOG_PATH("copying default themes into directory: {}", theme_path);
- //fs::remove_all(theme_path);
- fs::copy(original_theme_path, theme_path, fs::copy_options::recursive | fs::copy_options::overwrite_existing, ec);
+ //std::filesystem::remove_all(theme_path);
+ std::filesystem::copy(original_theme_path, theme_path, std::filesystem::copy_options::recursive | std::filesystem::copy_options::overwrite_existing, ec);
if (ec)
- SPDLOG_ERROR("fs::error: {}", ec.message());
+ SPDLOG_ERROR("std::filesystem::error: {}", ec.message());
//! Logo
- const fs::path logo_path = atomic_dex::utils::get_logo_path();
- fs::path original_logo_path{ag::core::assets_real_path() / "logo"};
+ const std::filesystem::path logo_path = atomic_dex::utils::get_logo_path();
+ std::filesystem::path original_logo_path{ag::core::assets_real_path() / "logo"};
LOG_PATH_CMP("Checking for setup default logo - logo_path: {} original_logo_path: {}", logo_path, original_logo_path);
- //fs::remove_all(logo_path);
- fs::copy(original_logo_path, logo_path, fs::copy_options::recursive | fs::copy_options::overwrite_existing, ec);
+ //std::filesystem::remove_all(logo_path);
+ std::filesystem::copy(original_logo_path, logo_path, std::filesystem::copy_options::recursive | std::filesystem::copy_options::overwrite_existing, ec);
LOG_PATH("copying default logo into directory: {}", logo_path);
if (ec)
- SPDLOG_ERROR("fs::error: {}", ec.message());
+ SPDLOG_ERROR("std::filesystem::error: {}", ec.message());
static void
-check_settings_reconfiguration(const fs::path& path)
+check_settings_reconfiguration(const std::filesystem::path& path)
SPDLOG_INFO("Checking for settings ini reconfiguration");
using namespace atomic_dex::utils;
using namespace atomic_dex;
- const fs::path previous_path = get_atomic_dex_data_folder() / get_precedent_raw_version() / "configs" / "cfg.ini";
- if (fs::exists(previous_path) && !fs::exists(path))
+ const std::filesystem::path previous_path = get_atomic_dex_data_folder() / get_precedent_raw_version() / "configs" / "cfg.ini";
+ if (std::filesystem::exists(previous_path) && !std::filesystem::exists(path))
- fs_error_code ec;
+ std::error_code ec;
LOG_PATH_CMP("Copying {} to {}", previous_path, path);
- fs::copy(previous_path, path, ec);
+ std::filesystem::copy(previous_path, path, ec);
if (ec)
SPDLOG_ERROR("error occured when copying previous cfg.ini : {}", ec.message());
@@ -288,7 +306,7 @@ check_settings_reconfiguration(const fs::path& path)
SPDLOG_INFO("Deleting previous cfg after reconfiguring it");
- fs::remove_all(get_atomic_dex_data_folder() / get_precedent_raw_version(), ec);
+ std::filesystem::remove_all(get_atomic_dex_data_folder() / get_precedent_raw_version(), ec);
if (ec)
SPDLOG_ERROR("error occured when deleting previous path");
@@ -322,7 +340,7 @@ handle_settings(QSettings& settings)
create_settings_functor("AutomaticUpdateOrderBot", QVariant(false));
create_settings_functor("WalletChartsCategory", qint32(WalletChartsCategories::OneMonth));
- create_settings_functor("AvailableLang", QStringList{"en", "fr", "tr", "ru"});
+ create_settings_functor("AvailableLang", QStringList{"en", "es", "fr", "de", "tr", "ru"});
create_settings_functor("CurrentLang", QString("en"));
create_settings_functor("2FA", 0);
create_settings_functor("MaximumNbCoinsEnabled", 50);
@@ -334,10 +352,10 @@ inline int
run_app(int argc, char** argv)
- SPDLOG_INFO("Installing qt_message_handler");
+ SPDLOG_DEBUG("Installing qt_message_handler");
"SSL: {} {} {}", QSslSocket::supportsSsl(), QSslSocket::sslLibraryBuildVersionString().toStdString(),
@@ -346,11 +364,11 @@ run_app(int argc, char** argv)
- fs::path old_path = fs::path(std::getenv("HOME")) / ".atomic_qt";
- fs::path target_path = atomic_dex::utils::get_atomic_dex_data_folder();
- SPDLOG_INFO("{} exists -> {}", old_path.string(), fs::exists(old_path));
- SPDLOG_INFO("{} exists -> {}", target_path.string(), fs::exists(target_path));
- if (fs::exists(old_path) && !fs::exists(target_path))
+ std::filesystem::path old_path = std::filesystem::path(std::getenv("HOME")) / ".atomic_qt";
+ std::filesystem::path target_path = atomic_dex::utils::get_atomic_dex_data_folder();
+ SPDLOG_INFO("{} exists -> {}", old_path.string(), std::filesystem::exists(old_path));
+ SPDLOG_INFO("{} exists -> {}", target_path.string(), std::filesystem::exists(target_path));
+ if (std::filesystem::exists(old_path) && !std::filesystem::exists(target_path))
SPDLOG_INFO("Renaming: {} to {}", old_path.string(), target_path.string());
QDir dir;
@@ -368,7 +386,7 @@ run_app(int argc, char** argv)
- fs::path settings_path = (atomic_dex::utils::get_current_configs_path() / "cfg.ini");
+ std::filesystem::path settings_path = (atomic_dex::utils::get_current_configs_path() / "cfg.ini");
diff --git a/src/core/atomicdex/api/github/github.api.cpp b/src/core/atomicdex/api/github/github.api.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 81da7421fb..0000000000
--- a/src/core/atomicdex/api/github/github.api.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-//! 3rdParty
-//! Project
-#include "github.api.hpp"
-namespace atomic_dex::github_api
- const std::string api_remote_url{"https://api.github.com/"};
- const auto api_client = std::make_unique(FROM_STD_STR(api_remote_url));
- const std::string github_url{"https://github.com/"};
- const auto github_client = std::make_unique(FROM_STD_STR(github_url));
- pplx::task get_repository_releases_async(const repository_releases_request& request)
- {
- web::http::http_request http_request;
- web::uri_builder uri_builder;
- uri_builder.append_path(FROM_STD_STR("repos"));
- uri_builder.append_path(FROM_STD_STR(request.owner));
- uri_builder.append_path(FROM_STD_STR(request.repository));
- uri_builder.append_path(FROM_STD_STR("releases"));
- http_request.set_request_uri(uri_builder.to_uri());
- http_request.set_method(web::http::methods::GET);
- return api_client->request(http_request);
- }
- // Returns the asset element of the release which corresponds to your OS.
- const auto get_matching_os_asset = [](const nlohmann::json& answer)
- {
- for (auto& asset : answer.at("assets"))
- {
- std::string asset_download_url = asset.at("browser_download_url");
- if (asset_download_url.find(
-#ifdef __APPLE__
- "osx.dmg"
-#elif __linux__
- "linux.AppImage"
-#elif _WIN32
- "windows.zip"
- ) != std::string::npos)
- {
- return asset;
- }
- }
- throw std::runtime_error("get_repository_releases_from_http_response: Cannot found a proper download url.");
- };
- std::vector get_repository_releases_from_http_response(const web::http::http_response& resp)
- {
- std::vector result{};
- const auto json_answer = nlohmann::json::parse(TO_STD_STR(resp.extract_string(true).get()));
- result.reserve(json_answer.size());
- for (auto& release_obj : json_answer)
- {
- const auto asset = get_matching_os_asset(release_obj);
- result.push_back(repository_release{
- .url = asset.at("browser_download_url"),
- .assets_url = release_obj.at("assets_url"),
- .name = asset.at("name"),
- .tag_name = release_obj.at("tag_name")});
- }
- return result;
- }
- repository_release get_last_repository_release_from_http_response(const web::http::http_response& resp)
- {
- const std::string string_answer = TO_STD_STR(resp.extract_string(true).get());
- const auto json_answer = nlohmann::json::parse(string_answer);
- if (json_answer.empty())
- {
- return repository_release{};
- }
- const auto asset = get_matching_os_asset(json_answer.at(0));
- return repository_release{.url = asset.at("browser_download_url"), .assets_url = json_answer.at(0).at("assets_url"),
- .name = asset.at("name"), .tag_name = json_answer.at(0).at("tag_name")};
- }
diff --git a/src/core/atomicdex/api/github/github.api.hpp b/src/core/atomicdex/api/github/github.api.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 67e71fad2d..0000000000
--- a/src/core/atomicdex/api/github/github.api.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-//! Std
-#include //> std::string
-#include //> std::vector
-//! Project
-#include "atomicdex/utilities/cpprestsdk.utilities.hpp"
-namespace atomic_dex::github_api
- // Request sent to fetch a GitHub repository's releases.
- struct repository_releases_request
- {
- std::string owner;
- std::string repository;
- };
- // Sends a request to GitHub to fetch every existing release of a valid repository.
- [[nodiscard]] pplx::task get_repository_releases_async(const repository_releases_request& request);
- // GitHub repository release information.
- struct repository_release
- {
- std::string url;
- std::string assets_url;
- std::string name;
- std::string tag_name;
- };
- // Parses the http response returned by `get_repository_releases_async`. Be careful, resp must have returned 200.
- [[nodiscard]] std::vector get_repository_releases_from_http_response(const web::http::http_response& resp);
- // Parses only the first release returned by `get_repository_releases_async`. Be careful, resp must have returned 200.
- [[nodiscard]] repository_release get_last_repository_release_from_http_response(const web::http::http_response& resp);
- struct download_repository_release_request
- {
- std::string owner;
- std::string repository;
- std::string tag_name;
- std::string name;
- };
diff --git a/src/core/atomicdex/api/komodo_prices/komodo.prices.cpp b/src/core/atomicdex/api/komodo_prices/komodo.prices.cpp
index c403ee2966..65ca7505bb 100644
--- a/src/core/atomicdex/api/komodo_prices/komodo.prices.cpp
+++ b/src/core/atomicdex/api/komodo_prices/komodo.prices.cpp
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ namespace atomic_dex::komodo_prices::api
web::http::http_request req;
- SPDLOG_INFO("url: {}", TO_STD_STR(g_komodo_prices_client->base_uri().to_string()) + "api/v2/tickers?expire_at=600");
- req.set_request_uri(FROM_STD_STR("/api/v2/tickers?expire_at=600"));
+ SPDLOG_INFO("url: {}", TO_STD_STR(g_komodo_prices_client->base_uri().to_string()) + "api/v2/tickers?expire_at=21600");
+ req.set_request_uri(FROM_STD_STR("/api/v2/tickers?expire_at=21600"));
return fallback ? g_komodo_prices_client_fallback->request(req) : g_komodo_prices_client->request(req);
} // namespace atomic_dex::komodo_prices::api
diff --git a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/balance.infos.cpp b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/balance.infos.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73c1c8753c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/balance.infos.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * Copyright © 2013-2022 The Komodo Platform Developers. *
+ * *
+ * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright *
+ * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. *
+ * *
+ * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the *
+ * Komodo Platform software, including this file may be copied, modified, *
+ * propagated or distributed except according to the terms contained in the *
+ * LICENSE file *
+ * *
+ * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. *
+ * *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+//! Dependencies Headers
+// Project Headers
+#include "balance.infos.hpp"
+namespace atomic_dex::mm2
+ void
+ from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, balance_infos& answer)
+ {
+ answer.spendable = j.at("spendable").get();
+ answer.unspendable = j.at("unspendable").get();
+ }
+} // namespace atomic_dex::mm2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/balance.infos.hpp b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/balance.infos.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5173db0f8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/balance.infos.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * Copyright © 2013-2022 The Komodo Platform Developers. *
+ * *
+ * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright *
+ * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. *
+ * *
+ * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the *
+ * Komodo Platform software, including this file may be copied, modified, *
+ * propagated or distributed except according to the terms contained in the *
+ * LICENSE file *
+ * *
+ * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. *
+ * *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#pragma once
+namespace atomic_dex::mm2
+ struct balance_infos
+ {
+ std::string spendable;
+ std::string unspendable;
+ };
+ void from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, balance_infos& answer);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/balance_info.cpp b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/balance_info.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dde88b26a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/balance_info.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#include "balance_info.hpp"
+namespace atomic_dex::mm2
+ void from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, balance_info& in)
+ {
+ j.at("spendable").get_to(in.spendable);
+ j.at("unspendable").get_to(in.unspendable);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/balance_info.hpp b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/balance_info.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f40047c368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/balance_info.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#pragma once
+#include //> nlohmann::json
+namespace atomic_dex::mm2
+ struct balance_info
+ {
+ std::string spendable;
+ std::string unspendable;
+ };
+ void from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, balance_info& in);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/enable_bch_with_tokens_rpc.cpp b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/enable_bch_with_tokens_rpc.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26b248f4a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/enable_bch_with_tokens_rpc.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+#include "enable_bch_with_tokens_rpc.hpp"
+namespace atomic_dex::mm2
+ void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const enable_bch_with_tokens_request_rpc& in)
+ {
+ j["ticker"] = in.ticker;
+ j["bchd_urls"] = in.bchd_urls;
+ j["tx_history"] = in.tx_history;
+ j["allow_slp_unsafe_conf"] = in.allow_slp_unsafe_conf.value_or(false);
+ j["mode"] = in.mode;
+ j["slp_tokens_requests"] = in.slp_tokens_requests;
+ if (in.required_confirmations.has_value())
+ j["required_confirmations"] = in.required_confirmations.value();
+ if (in.requires_notarization.has_value())
+ j["requires_notarization"] = in.requires_notarization.value();
+ if (in.address_format.has_value())
+ j["address_format"] = in.address_format.value();
+ if (in.utxo_merge_params.has_value())
+ j["utxo_merge_params"] = in.utxo_merge_params.value();
+ }
+ void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const enable_bch_with_tokens_request_rpc::mode_t& in)
+ {
+ j["rpc"] = in.rpc;
+ j["rpc_data"] = in.rpc_data;
+ }
+ void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const enable_bch_with_tokens_request_rpc::mode_t::data& in)
+ {
+ j["servers"] = in.servers;
+ }
+ void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const enable_bch_with_tokens_request_rpc::address_format_t& in)
+ {
+ j["format"] = in.format;
+ j["network"] = in.network;
+ }
+ void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const enable_bch_with_tokens_request_rpc::slp_token_request_t& in)
+ {
+ j["ticker"] = in.ticker;
+ if (in.required_confirmations)
+ j["required_confirmations"] = in.required_confirmations.value();
+ }
+ void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const enable_bch_with_tokens_request_rpc::utxo_merge_params_t& in)
+ {
+ j["merge_at"] = in.merge_at;
+ j["check_every"] = in.check_every;
+ j["max_merge_at_once"] = in.max_merge_at_once;
+ }
+ void from_json(const nlohmann::json& json, enable_bch_with_tokens_result_rpc& out)
+ {
+ out.current_block = json["current_block"];
+ out.bch_addresses_infos = json["bch_addresses_infos"].get();
+ out.slp_addresses_infos = json["slp_addresses_infos"].get();
+ }
+ void from_json(const nlohmann::json& json, enable_bch_with_tokens_result_rpc::derivation_method_t& out)
+ {
+ out.type = json["type"];
+ }
+ void from_json(const nlohmann::json& json, enable_bch_with_tokens_result_rpc::bch_address_infos_t& out)
+ {
+ out.derivation_method = json["derivation_method"];
+ out.pubkey = json["pubkey"];
+ out.balances = json["balances"];
+ }
+ void from_json(const nlohmann::json& json, enable_bch_with_tokens_result_rpc::slp_address_infos_t& out)
+ {
+ out.derivation_method = json["derivation_method"];
+ out.pubkey = json["pubkey"];
+ out.balances = json["balances"].get();
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/enable_bch_with_tokens_rpc.hpp b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/enable_bch_with_tokens_rpc.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88f8f66cd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/enable_bch_with_tokens_rpc.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "rpc.hpp"
+#include "balance_info.hpp"
+#include "atomicdex/config/electrum.cfg.hpp"
+namespace atomic_dex::mm2
+ struct enable_bch_with_tokens_rpc
+ {
+ static constexpr auto endpoint = "enable_bch_with_tokens";
+ static constexpr bool is_v2 = true;
+ struct expected_request_type
+ {
+ struct mode_t
+ {
+ struct data { std::vector servers; };
+ std::string rpc{"Electrum"};
+ data rpc_data;
+ };
+ struct slp_token_request_t
+ {
+ std::string ticker;
+ std::optional required_confirmations;
+ };
+ struct address_format_t
+ {
+ std::string format;
+ std::string network;
+ };
+ struct utxo_merge_params_t
+ {
+ int merge_at;
+ int check_every;
+ int max_merge_at_once;
+ };
+ std::string ticker;
+ std::optional allow_slp_unsafe_conf{false};
+ std::vector bchd_urls;
+ mode_t mode;
+ bool tx_history{true};
+ std::vector slp_tokens_requests;
+ std::optional required_confirmations;
+ std::optional requires_notarization;
+ std::optional address_format;
+ std::optional utxo_merge_params;
+ };
+ struct expected_result_type
+ {
+ struct derivation_method_t { std::string type; };
+ struct bch_address_infos_t
+ {
+ derivation_method_t derivation_method;
+ std::string pubkey;
+ balance_info balances;
+ };
+ struct slp_address_infos_t
+ {
+ derivation_method_t derivation_method;
+ std::string pubkey;
+ std::unordered_map balances;
+ };
+ std::size_t current_block;
+ std::unordered_map bch_addresses_infos;
+ std::unordered_map slp_addresses_infos;
+ };
+ using expected_error_type = rpc_basic_error_type;
+ expected_request_type request;
+ std::optional result;
+ std::optional error;
+ };
+ using enable_bch_with_tokens_request_rpc = enable_bch_with_tokens_rpc::expected_request_type;
+ using enable_bch_with_tokens_result_rpc = enable_bch_with_tokens_rpc::expected_result_type;
+ using enable_bch_with_tokens_error_rpc = enable_bch_with_tokens_rpc::expected_error_type;
+ void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const enable_bch_with_tokens_request_rpc& in);
+ void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const enable_bch_with_tokens_request_rpc::mode_t& in);
+ void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const enable_bch_with_tokens_request_rpc::mode_t::data& in);
+ void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const enable_bch_with_tokens_request_rpc::address_format_t& in);
+ void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const enable_bch_with_tokens_request_rpc::slp_token_request_t& in);
+ void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const enable_bch_with_tokens_request_rpc::utxo_merge_params_t& in);
+ void from_json(const nlohmann::json& json, enable_bch_with_tokens_result_rpc& out);
+ void from_json(const nlohmann::json& json, enable_bch_with_tokens_result_rpc::derivation_method_t& out);
+ void from_json(const nlohmann::json& json, enable_bch_with_tokens_result_rpc::bch_address_infos_t& out);
+ void from_json(const nlohmann::json& json, enable_bch_with_tokens_result_rpc::slp_address_infos_t& out);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/enable_slp_rpc.cpp b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/enable_slp_rpc.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..314005d743
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/enable_slp_rpc.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#include "enable_slp_rpc.hpp"
+namespace atomic_dex::mm2
+ void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const enable_slp_rpc_request& request)
+ {
+ j["ticker"] = request.ticker;
+ if (request.activation_params.required_confirmations)
+ {
+ j["activation_params"]["required_confirmations"] = *request.activation_params.required_confirmations;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ j["activation_params"] = nlohmann::json::object();
+ }
+ }
+ void from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, enable_slp_rpc_result& in)
+ {
+ j.at("token_id").get_to(in.token_id);
+ j.at("platform_coin").get_to(in.platform_coin);
+ j.at("required_confirmations").get_to(in.required_confirmations);
+ j.at("token_id").get_to(in.token_id);
+ j.at("balances").get_to>(in.balances);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/enable_slp_rpc.hpp b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/enable_slp_rpc.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3bce14e44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/enable_slp_rpc.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ * Copyright © 2013-2022 The Komodo Platform Developers. *
+ * *
+ * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright *
+ * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. *
+ * *
+ * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the *
+ * Komodo Platform software, including this file may be copied, modified, *
+ * propagated or distributed except according to the terms contained in the *
+ * LICENSE file *
+ * *
+ * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. *
+ * *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#pragma once
+#include //> nlohmann::json
+#include "rpc.hpp"
+#include "balance_info.hpp"
+namespace atomic_dex::mm2
+ struct enable_slp_rpc
+ {
+ static constexpr auto endpoint = "enable_slp";
+ static constexpr bool is_v2 = true;
+ struct expected_request_type
+ {
+ std::string ticker;
+ struct { std::optional required_confirmations; } activation_params;
+ };
+ struct expected_result_type
+ {
+ std::string token_id;
+ std::string platform_coin;
+ int required_confirmations;
+ std::unordered_map balances;
+ };
+ using expected_error_type = rpc_basic_error_type;
+ expected_request_type request;
+ std::optional result;
+ std::optional error;
+ };
+ using enable_slp_rpc_request = enable_slp_rpc::expected_request_type;
+ using enable_slp_rpc_result = enable_slp_rpc::expected_result_type;
+ using enable_slp_rpc_error = enable_slp_rpc::expected_error_type;
+ void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const enable_slp_rpc_request& request);
+ void from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, enable_slp_rpc_result& in);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/format.address.cpp b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/format.address.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e860019e11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/format.address.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * Copyright © 2013-2022 The Komodo Platform Developers. *
+ * *
+ * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright *
+ * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. *
+ * *
+ * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the *
+ * Komodo Platform software, including this file may be copied, modified, *
+ * propagated or distributed except according to the terms contained in the *
+ * LICENSE file *
+ * *
+ * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. *
+ * *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+//! Dependencies Headers
+//! Project Headers
+#include "format.address.hpp"
+namespace atomic_dex::mm2
+ void
+ to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const format_address& cfg)
+ {
+ j["format"] = cfg.format;
+ j["network"] = cfg.network;
+ }
+} // namespace atomic_dex::mm2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/format.address.hpp b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/format.address.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c6f9db230c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/format.address.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * Copyright © 2013-2022 The Komodo Platform Developers. *
+ * *
+ * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright *
+ * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. *
+ * *
+ * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the *
+ * Komodo Platform software, including this file may be copied, modified, *
+ * propagated or distributed except according to the terms contained in the *
+ * LICENSE file *
+ * *
+ * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. *
+ * *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#pragma once
+namespace atomic_dex::mm2
+ struct format_address
+ {
+ std::string format;
+ std::string network;
+ };
+ void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const format_address& cfg);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/fraction.cpp b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/fraction.cpp
index 705e82e620..0bcdc944fc 100644
--- a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/fraction.cpp
+++ b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/fraction.cpp
@@ -1,19 +1,12 @@
-// Created by Roman Szterg on 13/02/2021.
-//! Deps
-//! Project Headers
#include "atomicdex/api/mm2/fraction.hpp"
-namespace mm2::api
+namespace atomic_dex::mm2
- void
- from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, fraction& fraction)
+ void from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, mm2::fraction& fraction)
-} // namespace mm2::api
\ No newline at end of file
+} // namespace atomic_dex::mm2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/fraction.fwd.hpp b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/fraction.fwd.hpp
index 751790ad4a..8b0b7bb20c 100644
--- a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/fraction.fwd.hpp
+++ b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/fraction.fwd.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#pragma once
-namespace mm2::api
+namespace atomic_dex::mm2
struct fraction;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/fraction.hpp b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/fraction.hpp
index c1a8895e2d..c197c8a478 100644
--- a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/fraction.hpp
+++ b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/fraction.hpp
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
#pragma once
-//! STD
-//! Deps
-namespace mm2::api
+namespace atomic_dex::mm2
struct fraction
@@ -15,5 +13,5 @@ namespace mm2::api
std::string numer;
- ENTT_API void from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, fraction& fraction);
+ ENTT_API void from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, mm2::fraction& fraction);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/generic.error.cpp b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/generic.error.cpp
index 4c0f6ab146..85943adcf6 100644
--- a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/generic.error.cpp
+++ b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/generic.error.cpp
@@ -1,13 +1,8 @@
-// Created by Sztergbaum Roman on 08/06/2021.
#include "atomicdex/api/mm2/generic.error.hpp"
-namespace mm2::api
+namespace atomic_dex::mm2
- void
- from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, generic_answer_error& res)
+ void from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, generic_answer_error& res)
@@ -15,4 +10,4 @@ namespace mm2::api
-} // namespace mm2::api
\ No newline at end of file
+} // namespace atomic_dex::mm2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/generic.error.hpp b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/generic.error.hpp
index a7de90b803..7be792aae5 100644
--- a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/generic.error.hpp
+++ b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/generic.error.hpp
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
//! Deps
-namespace mm2::api
+namespace atomic_dex::mm2
struct generic_answer_error
@@ -18,4 +18,4 @@ namespace mm2::api
void from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, generic_answer_error& res);
-} // namespace mm2::api
\ No newline at end of file
+} // namespace atomic_dex::mm2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/generics.cpp b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/generics.cpp
index 6920b12069..58ec61a052 100644
--- a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/generics.cpp
+++ b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/generics.cpp
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
#include "atomicdex/api/mm2/rpc.validate.address.hpp"
#include "atomicdex/api/mm2/rpc.recover.funds.hpp"
-namespace mm2::api
+namespace atomic_dex::mm2
@@ -56,4 +56,4 @@ namespace mm2::api
template void extract_rpc_json_answer(const nlohmann::json& j, validate_address_answer& answer);
template void extract_rpc_json_answer(const nlohmann::json& j, convert_address_answer& answer);
template void extract_rpc_json_answer(const nlohmann::json& j, recover_funds_of_swap_answer& answer);
-} // namespace mm2::api
\ No newline at end of file
+} // namespace atomic_dex::mm2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/generics.hpp b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/generics.hpp
index 5c40f63053..f8dc01c009 100644
--- a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/generics.hpp
+++ b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/generics.hpp
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
-namespace mm2::api
+namespace atomic_dex::mm2
diff --git a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/rpc.get.public.key.cpp b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/get_public_key_rpc.cpp
similarity index 86%
rename from src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/rpc.get.public.key.cpp
rename to src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/get_public_key_rpc.cpp
index 966f4d911a..fe8559710b 100644
--- a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/rpc.get.public.key.cpp
+++ b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/get_public_key_rpc.cpp
@@ -14,15 +14,18 @@
* *
-// Deps Headers
-// Project Headers
-#include "rpc.get.public.key.hpp"
+#include "get_public_key_rpc.hpp"
namespace atomic_dex::mm2
- void from_json(const nlohmann::json& json, get_public_key_answer& in)
+ void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const get_public_key_rpc_request& request)
+ {
+ }
+ void from_json(const nlohmann::json& json, get_public_key_rpc_result& in)
diff --git a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/get_public_key_rpc.hpp b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/get_public_key_rpc.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fefb0235e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/get_public_key_rpc.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ * Copyright © 2013-2022 The Komodo Platform Developers. *
+ * *
+ * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright *
+ * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. *
+ * *
+ * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the *
+ * Komodo Platform software, including this file may be copied, modified, *
+ * propagated or distributed except according to the terms contained in the *
+ * LICENSE file *
+ * *
+ * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. *
+ * *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#pragma once
+#include "rpc.hpp"
+namespace atomic_dex::mm2
+ struct get_public_key_rpc
+ {
+ static constexpr auto endpoint = "get_public_key";
+ static constexpr bool is_v2 = true;
+ struct expected_request_type{};
+ struct expected_result_type
+ {
+ std::string public_key;
+ };
+ using expected_error_type = rpc_basic_error_type;
+ expected_request_type request;
+ std::optional result;
+ std::optional error;
+ };
+ using get_public_key_rpc_request = get_public_key_rpc::expected_request_type;
+ using get_public_key_rpc_result = get_public_key_rpc::expected_result_type;
+ using get_public_key_rpc_error = get_public_key_rpc::expected_error_type;
+ void to_json([[maybe_unused]] nlohmann::json& j, const get_public_key_rpc_request&);
+ void from_json(const nlohmann::json& json, get_public_key_rpc_result& in);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/mm2.client.cpp b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/mm2.client.cpp
index 0b51757b58..381cb28822 100644
--- a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/mm2.client.cpp
+++ b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/mm2.client.cpp
@@ -14,15 +14,20 @@
* *
-// Deps Headers
-// Project Headers
-#include "atomicdex/api/mm2/mm2.client.hpp"
-#include "atomicdex/api/mm2/mm2.hpp"
-#include "atomicdex/api/mm2/rpc.tx.history.hpp"
-#include "rpc.get.public.key.hpp"
+#include "enable_slp_rpc.hpp"
+#include "get_public_key_rpc.hpp"
+#include "enable_bch_with_tokens_rpc.hpp"
+#include "my_tx_history_rpc.hpp"
+#include "my_tx_history_v1_rpc.hpp"
+#include "mm2.client.hpp"
+#include "mm2.hpp"
+#include "atomicdex/constants/dex.constants.hpp"
#include "rpc.hpp"
+#include "rpc.tx.history.hpp"
@@ -31,49 +36,60 @@ namespace
t_http_client generate_client()
- web::http::client::http_client_config cfg;
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
- cfg.set_timeout(30s);
- return web::http::client::http_client(FROM_STD_STR(::mm2::api::g_endpoint), cfg);
+ constexpr auto client_timeout = 30s;
+ web::http::client::http_client_config cfg;
+ cfg.set_timeout(client_timeout);
+ return {FROM_STD_STR(atomic_dex::g_dex_rpc), cfg};
- template
+ template
web::http::http_request make_request(typename Rpc::expected_request_type data_req = {})
web::http::http_request request;
- nlohmann::json json_req = {{"method", Rpc::endpoint}, {"userpass", mm2::api::get_rpc_password()}};
+ nlohmann::json json_req = {{"method", Rpc::endpoint}, {"userpass", atomic_dex::mm2::get_rpc_password()}};
+ nlohmann::json json_data;
+ nlohmann::to_json(json_data, data_req);
if (Rpc::is_v2)
json_req["mmrpc"] = "2.0";
- json_req.push_back({"params", data_req});
+ json_req.push_back({"params", json_data});
- json_req.insert(json_req.end(), nlohmann::json(data_req));
+ json_req.insert(json_req.end(), json_data);
return request;
- template
- typename Rpc::expected_answer_type make_answer(const web::http::http_response& answer)
+ template
+ Rpc process_rpc_answer(const web::http::http_response& answer)
+ Rpc rpc;
auto json_answer = nlohmann::json::parse(TO_STD_STR(answer.extract_string(true).get()));
if (Rpc::is_v2)
- return json_answer.at("result").get();
+ if (answer.status_code() == 200)
+ rpc.result = json_answer.at("result").get();
+ else
+ rpc.error = json_answer.get();
- return json_answer.get();
+ else
+ rpc.result = json_answer.get();
+ return rpc;
} // namespace
-namespace atomic_dex
+namespace atomic_dex::mm2
- RpcReturnType
- mm2_client::rpc_process_answer(const web::http::http_response& resp, const std::string& rpc_command)
+ RpcReturnType mm2_client::rpc_process_answer(const web::http::http_response& resp, const std::string& rpc_command)
std::string body = TO_STD_STR(resp.extract_string(true).get());
SPDLOG_INFO("resp code for rpc_command {} is {}", rpc_command, resp.status_code());
@@ -116,7 +132,7 @@ namespace atomic_dex
catch (const std::exception& error)
- "{} l{} f[{}], exception caught {} for rpc {}, body: {}", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, fs::path(__FILE__).filename().string(), error.what(),
+ "{} l{} f[{}], exception caught {} for rpc {}, body: {}", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, std::filesystem::path(__FILE__).filename().string(), error.what(),
rpc_command, body);
answer.rpc_result_code = -1;
answer.raw_result = error.what();
@@ -135,18 +151,31 @@ namespace atomic_dex
return resp;
- template <::mm2::api::rpc ApiCallType>
- void mm2_client::process_rpc_async(const std::function& on_rpc_processed)
+ template
+ void mm2_client::process_rpc_async(const std::function& on_rpc_processed)
- auto request = make_request();
+ using request_type = typename Rpc::expected_request_type;
+ process_rpc_async(request_type{}, on_rpc_processed);
+ }
+ template void mm2_client::process_rpc_async(const std::function&);
+ template void mm2_client::process_rpc_async(const std::function&);
+ template void mm2_client::process_rpc_async(const std::function&);
+ template void mm2_client::process_rpc_async(const std::function&);
+ template void mm2_client::process_rpc_async(const std::function&);
+ template
+ void mm2_client::process_rpc_async(typename Rpc::expected_request_type request, const std::function& on_rpc_processed)
+ {
+ auto http_request = make_request(request);
- .request(request, m_token_source.get_token())
- .template then([on_rpc_processed](const web::http::http_response& resp)
+ .request(http_request, m_token_source.get_token())
+ .template then([on_rpc_processed, request](const web::http::http_response& resp)
- auto answer = make_answer(resp);
- on_rpc_processed(answer);
+ auto rpc = process_rpc_answer(resp);
+ rpc.request = request;
+ on_rpc_processed(rpc);
catch (const std::exception& ex)
@@ -155,8 +184,6 @@ namespace atomic_dex
- template void mm2_client::process_rpc_async(const std::function&);
@@ -167,11 +194,11 @@ namespace atomic_dex
mm2_client::process_rpc(TRequest&& request, std::string rpc_command)
- SPDLOG_INFO("Processing rpc call: {}", rpc_command);
+ SPDLOG_DEBUG("Processing rpc call: {}", rpc_command);
- nlohmann::json json_data = ::mm2::api::template_request(rpc_command);
+ nlohmann::json json_data = mm2::template_request(rpc_command);
- ::mm2::api::to_json(json_data, request);
+ mm2::to_json(json_data, request);
auto json_copy = json_data;
json_copy["userpass"] = "*******";
@@ -198,5 +225,5 @@ namespace atomic_dex
} // namespace atomic_dex
-template mm2::api::tx_history_answer atomic_dex::mm2_client::rpc_process_answer(const web::http::http_response& resp, const std::string& rpc_command);
-template mm2::api::disable_coin_answer atomic_dex::mm2_client::rpc_process_answer(const web::http::http_response& resp, const std::string& rpc_command);
\ No newline at end of file
+template atomic_dex::mm2::tx_history_answer atomic_dex::mm2::mm2_client::rpc_process_answer(const web::http::http_response& resp, const std::string& rpc_command);
+template atomic_dex::mm2::disable_coin_answer atomic_dex::mm2::mm2_client::rpc_process_answer(const web::http::http_response& resp, const std::string& rpc_command);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/mm2.client.hpp b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/mm2.client.hpp
index fb86964b2f..22f9a94c89 100644
--- a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/mm2.client.hpp
+++ b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/mm2.client.hpp
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
#include "rpc.recover.funds.hpp"
#include "rpc.hpp"
-namespace atomic_dex
+namespace atomic_dex::mm2
class ENTT_API mm2_client
@@ -28,8 +28,10 @@ namespace atomic_dex
//! API
pplx::task async_rpc_batch_standalone(nlohmann::json batch_array);
- template
- void process_rpc_async(const std::function& on_rpc_processed);
+ template
+ void process_rpc_async(const std::function& on_rpc_processed);
+ template
+ void process_rpc_async(typename Rpc::expected_request_type request, const std::function& on_rpc_processed);
//! Synced
diff --git a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/mm2.cpp b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/mm2.cpp
index b9beab57dc..d889bd07d1 100644
--- a/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/mm2.cpp
+++ b/src/core/atomicdex/api/mm2/mm2.cpp
@@ -23,9 +23,11 @@
#include "atomicdex/api/mm2/rpc.convertaddress.hpp"
#include "atomicdex/api/mm2/rpc.min.volume.hpp"
#include "atomicdex/api/mm2/rpc.orderbook.hpp"
+#include "atomicdex/api/mm2/rpc.recover.funds.hpp"
#include "atomicdex/api/mm2/rpc.trade.preimage.hpp"
#include "atomicdex/api/mm2/rpc.validate.address.hpp"
#include "atomicdex/api/mm2/rpc.withdraw.hpp"
+#include "atomicdex/api/mm2/rpc2.withdraw_status.hpp"
#include "atomicdex/api/mm2/rpc.recover.funds.hpp"
#include "atomicdex/pages/qt.settings.page.hpp"
#include "atomicdex/services/price/global.provider.hpp"
@@ -167,7 +169,7 @@ namespace
} // namespace
-namespace mm2::api
+namespace atomic_dex::mm2
to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const send_raw_transaction_request& cfg)
@@ -285,7 +287,7 @@ namespace mm2::api
.base_amount = action == "Sell" ? base_amount : rel_amount,
.rel_amount = action == "Sell" ? rel_amount : base_amount,
.order_type = is_maker ? "maker" : "taker",
- .human_date = QString::fromStdString(atomic_dex::utils::to_human_date(time_key / 1000, "%F %T")),
+ .human_date = QString::fromStdString(atomic_dex::utils::to_human_date