Jellyfish Dashboard is a web application that allows you to manage your Jellyfish Media Server instance. It is a React application that uses the Jellyfish React Client API for adding and receiving tracks and Jellyfish Server API for adding peers, creating rooms etc.
It was created to help Jellyfish developers in testing but was later extended and adapted as a tool for tutorials and demos. Here, we present a short introduction to the dashboard and its features.
Make sure you have:
- Running Jellyfish server
Up-to-date version is available online here
docker pull
git clone
cd jellyfish-dashboard
# in the cloned repo root directory
npm ci
npm run dev
Take a look at our Dashboard quick start guide to get started.
- Try out our React examples
- Experiment with mobile SDKs:
- Take deep dive into Jellyfish with our documentation
- Read more about our joureney to the Jellyfish Media Server
npx @openapitools/openapi-generator-cli generate -i http://localhost:5002/openapi.json -g typescript-axios -o ./src/server-sdk
We welcome contributions to Jellyfish Dashboard. Please report any bugs or issues you find or feel free to make a pull request with your own bug fixes and/or features.
Detailed information about contributing to Jellyfish Dashboard can be found in contributing document.
Client SDKs | React, React Native, iOs, Android |
Server SDKs | Elixir, Python, OpenAPI |
Services | Videoroom - an example videoconferencing app written in elixir Dashboard - an internal tool used to showcase Jellyfish's capabilities |
Resources | Jellyfish Book - theory of the framework, Docs, Tutorials |
Membrane | Jellyfish is based on Membrane, Discord |
Compositor | Compositor - Membrane plugin to transform video |
Protobufs | If you want to use Jellyfish on your own, you can use our protobufs |
Copyright 2023, Software Mansion
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0