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File metadata and controls

180 lines (102 loc) · 10 KB

This is the documentation for maintainers and developers of the web app.

This app follows the Twelve-Factor specification, and this should be kept in mind when developing for it.


The app is configured using environment variables. On Heroku these can be configured using the heroku:config command, and on your development environment they can be added to config/application.yml as described in the Figaro documentation.

Variables that can be used to configure the app are:

  • RAILS_MAX_THREADS: Number of threads the puma server will use
  • DOMAIN_NAME: The canonical domain name of the site.
  • DOMAIN_IN_EMAIL_LINKS: Override the above for email links specifically (e.g. if you need to add a port number or email links have a short domain name). Leave unset to use DOMAIN_NAME.
  • EMAIL_FROM: The name and email address that will be used for 'From' in emails sent by this platform. Make sure the DKIM & SPF settings are correct for this domain with respect to your email sending service (e.g. SendGrid; see below).
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID / AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY / AWS_REGION / S3_BUCKET: Creds for a user who has SES access to send mail and S3 permission to read/write the given bucket.
  • GA_ID: Google Analytics ID
  • BUTTONDOWN_API_KEY: If set, enables the Buttondown mailing list integration on the user's settings page and allows them to opt in when creating an account.
  • JWT_SECRET: A secret (e.g. generated with rails secret) used in signing of JWT keys used with the public API. Development environment


The development environment is packaged for use on Tilt and currently uses Podman for its container management (although this could easily be changed to Docker in the future).

Getting Tilt set up is a little work - there's a script here that should work on any Fedora installation. (For example, if you install Fedora in a virtual machine.)

Once Tilt is running, you should be able to change into your clone of this repo and run:

tilt up

Press space to open the dashboard in your browser and watch all the services build and deploy to your Kubernetes. Once they're up and running, you'll be able to access the web interface at: http://localhost:3000 and you can run commands on your pod using the included bin/tilt-run command.

The db/seeds.rb includes an admin user and the three most common sets of pronouns. Look in that file for the password.

Usage and tips

Whenever you edit the Gemfile, bundle will run automatically and your server will restart. However, you'll need to copy the lockfiles back to your host machine using the sync lockfiles resource. Same goes for adding yarn packages.

If you create new DB migrations, you can run them using the action in the dashboard, and you'll need to run the sync lockfiles resource to get your db/schema.rb back onto the host.

You can also completely wipe out the DB and replace it with the contents of db/seeds.rb any time by hitting the Reset database button.

If you create any files inside the pod, such as with a rails generate command, be sure to copy them back to your host using the sync app files resource.

If you change the services this repo uses or any environment variables, you'll need to edit the Tilt & Kubernetes configuration, which are in Tiltfile and k8s/*.yaml.

Deploying to Heroku

The app already conforms to the Twelve-Factor specification and has a Procfile with all the information Heroku needs to get going.

You'll need the Heroku CLI installed to run these commands.

The apt buildpack is used to install libvips, which is a prerequisite of the default ActiveStorage configuration for 7+.

To deploy it to Heroku, you can do:

cd ~/path/to/
# Replace name_pn with the name of the new heroku app
heroku apps:create --region eu name-pn
heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 heroku-community/apt
git push heroku main

The app should install all its dependencies and create the database automatically.

To get a Rails console on Heroku (e.g. for assigning the admin role to a user):

heroku run rails c

To deploy a new version:

git push heroku main

Or you can set up automatic deploys through the Heroku dashboard. If you're using GitHub & Codeship you can integrate this with your Codeship CI, so the new version is only deployed if the tests pass.

GitHub Actions CI

The app is configured for continuous integration using GitHub Actions. There are two workflows:

  • audits: runs a security audit on the gem & yarn dependencies
  • tests: sets up a vaguely production-like environment and runs the rspec & spinach tests on it

No special configuration should be necessary - just using GitHub for this repo should be enough to enable the actions on every push.

If tests fail, screenshots are taken and uploaded to the test artifacts, which may be helpful in debugging.

If you're using Heroku it's a good idea to set it to only allow automatic deploys after CI passes.



This is a Rails 7.x application, and comes with all the usual Rails stuff, plus the following additional important components.

Bulma UI

The user interface is derived from Bulma, in its modular Sass mode. The CSS is compiled in Webpack from the app/javascript/scss/application.scss file and everything it includes. Remember to include Bulma features before you use them.


Frontend TypeScript is based on the Stimulus framework. You can create a new TS controller by adding a file to app/javascript/controllers and then naming that controller in your HTML by adding a data-controller attribute to the parent element of the UI feature you want to control.

TypeScript is bundled using esbuild (via jsbundling-rails) and is currently configured to transpile to target browsers with support for es2020 and above, even if you use JS features that are newer than this version.


Most web views are written in the concise Haml templating language. This is a concise version of HTML but should be instantly familiar to anyone who knows HTML.


User management and authorization is provided by Devise and is subject to all the documentation there.

Active Admin

The administration interface is based on Active Admin and is accessible on your site at the /admin URL.

You will need to be signed in as a user with role :admin to access the admin interface. If you need to assign this role to an existing user from the Rails console you can do it like this:

User.find_by(email: '[email protected]').update(role: :admin)


All controller actions are authorized by Pundit policies. This allows us to ensure only the right users are allowed to do the right things at any given time.

Policies are located in app/policies and can be applied using the policy_scope method (for indexes) and the authorize method (for other controller actions). There are some guards to ensure these methods are called. If you write a new controller action that definitely doesn't need authorization, you can skip these: see the HomeController for an example.

Simple form

Forms are normally managed by Simple Form, with a custom integration into the Bulma widget set. The customizations are in the config/initializers/simple_form_bulma.rb file.

Meta tags

Meta tags are automatically provided by the MetaTags gem.

Titles for pages are normally set in the views using the title helper with an I18n string called title at an appropriate place on the page; for example:

= title t('.title')

Testing: RSpec & Spinach

Unit tests, API tests (if any) and policy tests are all done in regular rspec. All the config can be found in spec/spec_helper.rb and spec/rails_helper.rb.

To run these tests:


Integration tests are written in Spinach, using the acceptance criteria (in Gherkin format) in the features/ directory. Spinach is extremely similar to Cucumber, but encourages the use of one-time steps which are scoped to a specific feature.

The development environment integrates a headless Chromium browser, which can be used to test JavaScript. If you want to use this, just add the @javascript tag to the feature and it will be automatically enabled in Capybara.

To run these tests:



Bundler Audit is a tool that looks for security advisories against any of the gems in your Gemfile. It's recomended to run this regularly (such as in the Codeship CI) and update the gems when it reports issues.

improved-yarn-audit does the same things for the JavaScript packages and is configured to run as part of the Codeship steps. There's an .iyarc file for configuring exceptions.


The app is configured to work with Datadog for tracing/debugging, including correlation of logs and traces.

To get this working in development, you'll need an account (a free plan one will do) and an API key. Set the DD_API_KEY environment variable to your key before running docker-compose up and the rest should sort itself out.

To get it working in Heroku, you'll need to follow the buildpack instructions for APM and the log drain instructions for logs.