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230 lines (156 loc) · 6.87 KB

File metadata and controls

230 lines (156 loc) · 6.87 KB

Change Log



  • ActiveRecord 6.1 compatibility


  • Add #web_search method to use Postgres' 11+ websearch_to_tsquery


  • Active Record 6.0 compatibility


  • ActiveRecord 5.2 compatibility by wrapping string queries with Arel.sql()
  • Adds latest Ruby, Rails and Postgres-dependencies to Travis.
  • Rewrite development migration code to support Rails 5.0-5.2.


  • ActiveRecord 5.1 compatibility
  • drop support for ActiveRecord older than 5.0 and Ruby version lower than 2.2.5


  • ActiveRecord 5 compatibility above 5.0.0


  • ActiveRecord 5 compatibility


  • Fallback to zero similarity when trying to match null values
  • Fix search term escaping
  • Trigram installation migration only install extension if not installed yet.
  • Update the README to illustrate how to change the similarity threshold.
  • Remove deprecated dynamic search methods.


  • Fix trigram installation migration reversed filename and content.
  • Rewrite all tests using RSpec.
  • We're ActiveRecord 4.2+ compatible until tests prove otherwise.


  • Add generator for trigram installation migration.
  • Expand gemspec to allow newest version of ActiveRecord.


  • Avoid Deprecation warnings from ActiveRecord 4.0.0.rc2.
  • Fix method_missing in ActiveRecord 4.0.0.rc2.
  • Remove unused Textacular#normalize method.
  • Add OR example to the README.
  • Fix tests for Ruby 2.0.0 & related improvements.
  • Improve Rails integration.
  • Fix dependency loading for textacular rake tasks.
  • Fix ranking failures when rows had NULL column values.
  • Clean up Rakefile; should make developing the gem nicer.
  • DEPRECATION: The dynamic search helpers will be removed at the next major release.


  • All deprecations have been resolved. This breaks backwards compatibility.
  • Rename gem to Textacular.


    • The whole gem is being renamed and will no longer be maintained as Texticle. The new name it Textacular.
  • 1 new feature
    • Expand gemspec to allow Rails 4.


  • 1 bugfix
    • Include lib/textacular/version.rb in the gemspec so the gem will load. Sorry!


    • search aliases new advanced_search method (same functionality as before), but will alias basic_search in 3.0! Should print warnings.
  • 3 new features
    • Generate full text search indexes from a rake task (sort of like in 1.x). Supply a specific model name.
    • New search methods: basic_search, advanced_search and fuzzy_search. Basic allows special characters like &, and % in search terms. Fuzzy is based on Postgres's trigram matching extension pg_trgm. Advanced is the same functionality from search previously.
    • Rake task that installs pg_trgm now works on Postgres 9.1 and up.
  • 2 dev improvements
    • Test database configuration not automatically generated from a rake task and ignored by git.
    • New interactive developer console (powered by pry).


  • 1 new feature
    • Allow searching through relations. Model.join(:relation).search(:relation => {:column => "query"}) works, and reduces the need for multi-model tables. Huge thanks to Ben Hamill for the pull request.
    • Allow searching through all model columns irrespective of the column's type; we cast all columns to text in the search query. Performance may degrade when searching through anything but a string column.
  • 2 bugfixes
    • Fix exceptions when adding Textacular to a table-less model.
    • Column names in a search query are now scoped to the current table.
  • 1 dev improvement
    • Running rake from the project root will setup the test environment by creating a test database and running the necessary migrations. rake can also be used to run all the project tests.


  • 1 bugfix
    • Our #respond_to? overwritten method was causing failures when a model didn't have a table (e.g. if migrations hadn't been run yet). Not the case anymore.


  • 1 new feature
    • Can now define #searchable_language to specify the language used for the query. This changes what's considered a stop word on Postgres' side. 'english' is the default language.
  • 1 bugfix
    • We were only specifying a language in to_tsvector() and not in to_tsquery(), which could cause queries to fail if the default database language wasn't set to 'english'.


  • 1 new feature
    • Searchable is now available to specify which columns you want searched:

      require 'textacular/searchable'
      class Game
        extend Searchable(:title)

      This also allows Textacular use in Rails without having #search available to all models:

      gem 'textacular', '~> 2.0.pre4', :require => 'textacular/searchable'
  • 1 bugfix
    • ActiveRecord::Base.extend(Textacular) doesn't break #method_missing and #respond_to? anymore


  • 1 new feature
    • #select calls now limit the columns that are searched
  • 1 bugfix
    • #search calls without an argument assume an empty string as a search term (it errored out previously)


  • 1 bugfix
    • #respond_to? wasn't overwritten correctly


  • Complete refactoring of Textacular
    • For users:
      • Textacular should only be used for its simplicity; if you need to deeply configure your text search, please give gem install pg_search a try.
      • #search method is now included in all ActiveRecord models by default, and searches across a model's :string columns.
      • #search_by_<column> dynamic methods are now available.
      • #search can now be chained; Game.search_by_title("Street Fighter").search_by_system("PS3") works.
      • #search now accepts a hash to specify columns to be searched, e.g. => "Mario")
      • No more access to #rank values for results (though they're still ordered by rank).
      • No way to give different weights to different columns in this release.
    • For devs:
      • We now have actual tests to run against; this will make accepting pull requests much more enjoyable.

HEAD (unreleased)

  • 1 minor bugfix
    • Multiple named indices are now supported.

1.0.4 / 2010-08-19

  • 2 major enhancements
    • use Rails.root instead of RAILS_ROOT
    • refactored tasks to ease maintainance and patchability
  • 3 minor enhancements
    • fix timestamp for migrationfile
    • fixed deprecation warning for rails3 (dropping rails2-support)
    • prevented warning about defined constant

1.0.3 / 2010-07-07

  • 1 major enhancement
    • Added Rails 3 support.
  • 1 bugfix
    • Model names that end in double 's's (like Address) don't choke the rake tasks anymore.

1.0.2 / 2009-10-17

  • 1 bugfix
    • Generated migration now uses UTC time rather than local time.

1.0.1 / 2009-04-14

  • 1 minor enhancement
    • Textical adds a rake task to generate FTS index migrations. Just run:

      rake textical:migration

1.0.0 / 2009-04-14

  • 1 major enhancement
    • Birthday!