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Visual Studio Test Steps Template

Steps Template Usage

  • This template is used to run VSTest jobs for tests such as Build Verification or Functional Tests
  • To run the test the job needs to dotNet build the test project or download an artifact of the build.
  • This template has an option to replace tokens in target files with variables. This is useful when you need to use variables to replace values in files
  • You can define the test plan and suite for a vsTest. This requires you create a test plan in Azure DevOps

Steps Template Schema

# - template: for vsTest steps
  - template: steps/test/visualStudioTest.yaml
  # parameters: within visualStudioTest.yaml template
    # preSteps: Optional: inserts stepList after checkout and download
        - script: echo add stepList of tasks into steps
      replaceTokens: true # Enable replace tokens task for variable replacement
      replaceTokensTargets: '**appsettings.*.json' # Target file match pattern for replace tokens task
      keyVaultName: keyVaultName # Get secrets from an Azure KeyVault. Useful with replace tokens task when you need to inject secrets into settings
      keyVaultSubscription: 'subscriptionServiceConnection' # Azure service connection to subscription of Azure KeyVault
      testPlan: 123456 # The ID number of the testPlan
      testSuite: 123456 # The ID number of the testSuite
      testConfiguration: 523 # The ID number of the testConfiguration
      testRunTitle: 'Test Run Title'
      testDiagnosticsEnabled: false # Default: true
      testCollectDumpOn: always # Default: onAbortOnly | always | never
      runInParallel: false # Default: true | run tests serially or in parallel
      rerunMaxAttempts: 2
      continueOnError: true
      distributionBatchType: basedOnExecutionTime # default: basedOnTestCases | basedOnExecutionTime | basedOnAssembly
      customBatchSizeValue: 10 # Optional when distributionBatchType is basedOnExecutionTime. Value greater than 0 enables batchingBasedOnAgentsOption: customBatchSize
      customRunTimePerBatchValue: 10 # Optional when distributionBatchType is BasedOnExecutionTime
      dotNetProjects: '*.sln' # Optional: File matching pattern to Visual Studio solution (*.sln) or dotNet project (*.csproj) to restore. 
      dotNetVersion: '3.1.x' # Optional: if param has value, use dotNet version task inserted
      dotNetFeedRestore: '' # Optional: GUID of Azure artifact feed. Use when projects restore NuGet artifacts from a private feed
      dotNetArguments: '' # Optional: Additional arguments for projects if command is build or publish. Excluding '--no-restore' and '--output' as they are predefined
      publishEnabled: false # Disable the publish task, default true. Publishes the testResultsFolder
      publishArtifact: 'artifactName' # Default: $(Build.DefinitionName)_$(System.JobName)
    # postSteps: Optional: inserts stepList before publish and clean
        - script: echo add stepList of tasks into steps

Insert Steps Template into Stages Template

The following example shows how to insert the Visual Studio Test steps template into the stages template.

name: $(Build.Repository.Name)_$(Build.SourceVersion)_$(Build.SourceBranchName) # name is the format for $(Build.BuildNumber)

# params to pass into stages.yaml template:
- name: testPool
  type: object
    vmImage: 'windows-latest' # Nested into pool param of test jobs
- name: vsTests
  type: object
    - job: vsTest
      dependsOn: []
      dotNetProjects: '*.csproj'
      testPlan: 123456
      testSuite: 123456
      testConfiguration: 523
      testRunTitle: 'Functional Test'
      rerunMaxAttempts: 2
      continueOnError: false

- name: matrix
  type: object
  default: ''
- name: parallel
  type: number
  default: 1

# parameter defaults in the above section can be set on the manual run of a pipeline to override

    - repository: templates # Resource identifier for template usage
      type: github
      name: fitchtech/AzurePipelines # This repository
      ref: refs/tags/v1 # The tagged release of the repository
      endpoint: GitHub # Azure Service Connection Name

    - master # CI Trigger on commit to master
    - v*.*.*-* # CI Trigger when tag matches format

# template: file path at repo resource id to extend from
  template: stages.yaml@templates
# parameters: within stages.yaml@templates
  # code: jobList inserted into code stage in stages
  # build: jobList inserted into build stage in stages param
  # deploy: deploymentList inserted into deploy stage in stages param
  # promote: deploymentList inserted into promote stage in stages param
  # test: jobList inserted into test stage in stages param
      - ${{ each test in parameters.vsTests }}:
      # This expression would require you provide a dotNet project to build and the test plan and suite ID 
        - ${{ if and(test.job, test.dotNetProjects, parameters.testPlan, parameters.testSuite) }}:
        # - job: name must be unique within stage
          - job: ${{ test.job }}
          # for each job param of test item in vsTests, insert param
            ${{ each parameter in test }}:
              ${{ if in(parameter.key, 'displayName', 'condition', 'continueOnError', 'pool', 'workspace', 'container', 'timeoutInMinutes', 'cancelTimeoutInMinutes', 'services') }}:
                ${{ parameter.key }}: ${{ parameter.value }}
            # If test job depends on other jobs in test stage insert dependencies
            ${{ if test.dependsOn }}:
              - ${{ each dependency in test.dependsOn }}:
                - ${{ dependency }}
            # If no test.dependsOn job does not depend on others
            ${{ if not(test.dependsOn) }}:
              dependsOn: []
            # If variables defined add key value pairs
            ${{ if test.variables }}:
              ${{ each variable in test.variables }}:
                ${{ variable.key }}: ${{ variable.value }}
            # If no test.displayName use default
            ${{ if not(test.displayName) }}:
              displayName: 'Visual Studio Test Job'
            # If no test.pool use parameters.testPool value
            ${{ if not(test.pool) }}:
              pool: ${{ parameters.testPool }}
            # If test.matrix or test.parallel strategy for Visual Studio Test jobs
            ${{ if or(test.matrix, gt(test.parallel, 1)) }}:
                ${{ if test.matrix }}:
                  matrix: ${{ test.matrix }}
                ${{ if not(test.matrix) }}:
                  parallel: ${{ test.parallel }}
            # If the test has no test.matrix or test.parallel values then use parameters.matrix and parameters.parallel as default
            ${{ if and(or(parameters.matrix, gt(parameters.parallel, 1)), not(test.matrix), le(test.parallel, 1)) }}:
                ${{ if parameters.matrix }}:
                  matrix: ${{ parameters.matrix }}
                ${{ if not(parameters.matrix) }}:
                  parallel: ${{ parameters.parallel }}
            # - template: insert visualStudioTest template
              - template: steps/test/visualStudioTest.yaml
              # parameters within visualStudioTest.yaml template
                # preSteps: 
                  # - task: add preSteps into job
                # for each parameter in test that is not a job parameter, these are the parameters for the steps
                  ${{ each parameter in test }}:
                    ${{ if notIn(parameter.key, 'job', 'displayName', 'dependsOn', 'condition', 'strategy', 'continueOnError', 'pool', 'workspace', 'container', 'timeoutInMinutes', 'cancelTimeoutInMinutes', 'variables', 'steps', 'services') }}:
                      ${{ parameter.key }}: ${{ parameter.value }}
                  ${{ if not(test.testRunTitle) }}:
                    testRunTitle: 'Visual Studio Test'
                # postSteps:
                  # - task: add postSteps into job

    # - job: insert additional jobs into the test stage

  # reject: deploymentList inserted into reject stage in stages param