A library-companion to register custom data types that can be encoded and decoded for json.lua.
Require it as such: local arson = require("arson")
or if it is nested in a directory: local arson = require("folder.folder.arson")
You can check the main.lua as an example. It has descriptive comments.
Your class or object must have the public field type
. This will be used by Arson to determine whether a table stored in the data is to be encoded/decoded
local my_custom_class = {
text = "Hello, World!",
type = "my_custom_class" --IMPORTANT
- Arson.register - register your own custom data/class that can be encoded and decoded
--(type_name : string, on_encode : function, on_decode : function)
--returns nothing
return { x = data.x, y = data.y }
return my_custom_vec2_class:new(data.x, data.y)
- Arson.unregister - unregister an already added custom data/class
--(type_name : string)
--returns nothing
arson.unregister("custom_class") --will error
- Arson.encode - encode a table
--(t : table)
--returns custom_encoded_table : table
local data = {
1, 2, 3, custom_vec2_class(1, 1),
foo = { 4, 5, 6 },
bar = custom_vec2_class(2, 2),
local custom_data = arson.encode(data)
returned table:
1, 2, 3, { x = 1, y = 1, type = "custom_vec2_class" },
foo = { 4, 5, 6 },
bar = { x = 1, y = 1, type = "custom_vec2_class" }
--the custom_data table can now be used with json.lua
local str_json = json.encode(custom_data)
- Arson.decode - decode a table. It will modify the table passed as it will replace custom data with the decoded one
--(t : table)
--returns nothing
--first let us decode the str_json
local json_decoded = json.decode(str_json)
--then finally decode custom data/class
It is from RSON
, which is derived from Register-JSON
. I know it does not make any sense. But is sounds cool.
See MIT License file here