Authors: Flavio Torres and Eduardo Scarpellini
Simple REST interface for Solarwinds IPAM
Available functions:
/networks: List all available VLANs.
URI: /networks
Method: GET
/network/<network_name>: Print a specific VLAN name.
URI: /networks/DEV.
Method: GET
/network/<network_name>/allocate: Allocate the next available IP from a given VLAN Name.
URI: /network/Subnet_QA_1/allocate
It will allocate the next available IP of "Subnet_QA_1" VLAN name.
Method: POST
POST Param:
POST Param: project=Project_webstore
Ex: curl --insecure -X POST -F "" "https://ad_user:[email protected]/network/Subnet_QA_1/allocate"
/network/<network_name>/next: Show the next available IP from a given VLAN.
URI: /network/DEV/next
Method: GET
/network/release: Release IP from a given hostname. OBS: It will create a ServiceNow Request
URI: /network/Subnet_QA_1/release
Method: POST
POST Param:
POST Param: ip=
Ex: curl --insecure -X POST -F "" -F "ip=" "https://ad_user:[email protected]/network/Subnet_QA_1/release"
/report/history: IPAM - Last 500 IP History records
URI: /report/history
Method: GET
/report/ip/<ip>: Show information about given IP
URI: /report/ip/
Method: GET
/report/hostname/<hostname>: Show information about a given hostname
URI: /report/hostname/dc-nix-your-hostname
Method: GET
/healthcheck: Healthcheck, DB connection test.
URI: /healthcheck
Method: GET
/help = Print this help.
Method: GET
All you need is: