diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index 521746d6c318..9057a35aa5d3 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,3 +1,56 @@ +## Fleet 4.48.0 (Apr 02, 2024) + +### Bug fixes + +## Changelog + +### Endpoint operations + +- Added integration with Google Calendar. + +* Fleet admins can enable Google Calendar integration by using a Google service account with domain-wide delegation. +* Calendar integration is enabled at the team level for specific team policies. +* If the policy is failing, a calendar event will be put on the host user's calendar for the 3rd Tuesday of the month. +* During the event, Fleet will fire a webhook. IT admins should use this webhook to trigger a script or MDM command that will remediate the issue. + +- Reduced the number of 'Deadlock found' errors seen by the server when multiple hosts share the same UUID. +- Removed outdated tooltips from UI. +- Added hover states to clickable elements. +- Added cross-platform check for duplicate MDM profiles names in batch set MDM profiles API. + +### Device management (MDM) + +- Added Windows MDM support to the `osquery-perf` host-simulation command. +- Added a missing database index to the MDM Windows enrollments table that will improve performance at scale. +- Migrate MDM-related endpoints to new paths, deprecating (but still supporting indefinitely) the old endpoints. +- Adds API functionality for creating DDM declarations, both individually and as a batch. +- Added DDM activities to the fleet UI. +- Added the `enable_release_device_manually` configuration setting for a team and no team. **Note** that the macOS automatic enrollment profile cannot set the `await_device_configured` option anymore, this setting is controlled by Fleet via the new `enable_release_device_manually` option. +- Automatically release a macOS DEP-enrolled device after enrollment commands and profiles have been delivered, unless `enable_release_device_manually` is set to `true`. + +### Vulnerability management + +- Added Visual Studio extensions to Fleet's software inventory. + +### Bug fixes + +- Fixed a bug where valid MDM enrollments would show up as unmanaged (EnrollmentState 3). +- Fixed flash message from closing when a modal closes. +- Fixed a bug where OS version information would not get detected on Windows Server 2019. +- Fixed issue where getting host details failed when attempting to read the host's bitlocker status from the datastore. +- Fixed false negative vulnerabilities on macOS Homebrew python packages. +- Fixed styling of live query disabled warning. +- Fixed issue where Windows MDM profile processing was skipping `<Add>` commands. +- Fixed UI's ability to bulk delete hosts when "All teams" is selected. +- Fixed error state rendering on the global Host status expiry settings page, fix error state alignment for tooltip-wrapper field labels across organization settings. +- Fixed `GET fleet/os_versions` and `GET fleet/os_versions/[id]` so team users no longer have access to os versions on hosts from other teams. +- `fleetctl gitops` now batch processes queries and policies. +- Fixed UI bug to render the query platform correctly for queries imported from the standard query library. +- Fixed issue where microsoft edge was not reporting vulnerabilities. +- Fixed a bug where all Windows MDM enrollments were detected as automatic. +- Fixed a bug where `null` or excluded `smtp_settings` caused a UI 500. +- Fixed query reports so they reset when there is a change to the selected platform or selected minimum osquery version. +- Fixed live query sort of sql result sort for both string and numerical columns. ## Fleet 4.47.3 (Mar 26, 2024) ### Bug fixes diff --git a/charts/fleet/Chart.yaml b/charts/fleet/Chart.yaml index f0558d302ea8..792846d9bb0d 100644 --- a/charts/fleet/Chart.yaml +++ b/charts/fleet/Chart.yaml @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ version: v6.0.2 home: https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet sources: - https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet.git -appVersion: v4.47.3 +appVersion: v4.48.0 dependencies: - name: mysql condition: mysql.enabled diff --git a/charts/fleet/values.yaml b/charts/fleet/values.yaml index af4099168f08..f553a50326d4 100644 --- a/charts/fleet/values.yaml +++ b/charts/fleet/values.yaml @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ # All settings related to how Fleet is deployed in Kubernetes hostName: fleet.localhost replicas: 3 # The number of Fleet instances to deploy -imageTag: v4.47.3 # Version of Fleet to deploy +imageTag: v4.48.0 # Version of Fleet to deploy podAnnotations: {} # Additional annotations to add to the Fleet pod serviceAccountAnnotations: {} # Additional annotations to add to the Fleet service account resources: diff --git a/infrastructure/dogfood/terraform/aws/variables.tf b/infrastructure/dogfood/terraform/aws/variables.tf index 991c9135ded0..cb0d1593dec0 100644 --- a/infrastructure/dogfood/terraform/aws/variables.tf +++ b/infrastructure/dogfood/terraform/aws/variables.tf @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ variable "database_name" { variable "fleet_image" { description = "the name of the container image to run" - default = "fleetdm/fleet:v4.47.3" + default = "fleetdm/fleet:v4.48.0" } variable "software_inventory" { diff --git a/infrastructure/dogfood/terraform/gcp/variables.tf b/infrastructure/dogfood/terraform/gcp/variables.tf index b3cddde5ca3a..afe4e46243ff 100644 --- a/infrastructure/dogfood/terraform/gcp/variables.tf +++ b/infrastructure/dogfood/terraform/gcp/variables.tf @@ -68,5 +68,5 @@ variable "redis_mem" { } variable "image" { - default = "fleet:v4.47.3" + default = "fleet:v4.48.0" } diff --git a/terraform/byo-vpc/README.md b/terraform/byo-vpc/README.md index 27920c181930..0cc44fdec0a8 100644 --- a/terraform/byo-vpc/README.md +++ b/terraform/byo-vpc/README.md @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ No requirements. |------|-------------|------|---------|:--------:| | <a name="input_alb_config"></a> [alb\_config](#input\_alb\_config) | n/a | <pre>object({<br> name = optional(string, "fleet")<br> subnets = list(string)<br> security_groups = optional(list(string), [])<br> access_logs = optional(map(string), {})<br> certificate_arn = string<br> allowed_cidrs = optional(list(string), [""])<br> allowed_ipv6_cidrs = optional(list(string), ["::/0"])<br> egress_cidrs = optional(list(string), [""])<br> egress_ipv6_cidrs = optional(list(string), ["::/0"])<br> extra_target_groups = optional(any, [])<br> https_listener_rules = optional(any, [])<br> tls_policy = optional(string, "ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS-1-2-2017-01")<br> idle_timeout = optional(number, 60)<br> })</pre> | n/a | yes | | <a name="input_ecs_cluster"></a> [ecs\_cluster](#input\_ecs\_cluster) | The config for the terraform-aws-modules/ecs/aws module | <pre>object({<br> autoscaling_capacity_providers = optional(any, {})<br> cluster_configuration = optional(any, {<br> execute_command_configuration = {<br> logging = "OVERRIDE"<br> log_configuration = {<br> cloud_watch_log_group_name = "/aws/ecs/aws-ec2"<br> }<br> }<br> })<br> cluster_name = optional(string, "fleet")<br> cluster_settings = optional(map(string), {<br> "name" : "containerInsights",<br> "value" : "enabled",<br> })<br> create = optional(bool, true)<br> default_capacity_provider_use_fargate = optional(bool, true)<br> fargate_capacity_providers = optional(any, {<br> FARGATE = {<br> default_capacity_provider_strategy = {<br> weight = 100<br> }<br> }<br> FARGATE_SPOT = {<br> default_capacity_provider_strategy = {<br> weight = 0<br> }<br> }<br> })<br> tags = optional(map(string))<br> })</pre> | <pre>{<br> "autoscaling_capacity_providers": {},<br> "cluster_configuration": {<br> "execute_command_configuration": {<br> "log_configuration": {<br> "cloud_watch_log_group_name": "/aws/ecs/aws-ec2"<br> },<br> "logging": "OVERRIDE"<br> }<br> },<br> "cluster_name": "fleet",<br> "cluster_settings": {<br> "name": "containerInsights",<br> "value": "enabled"<br> },<br> "create": true,<br> "default_capacity_provider_use_fargate": true,<br> "fargate_capacity_providers": {<br> "FARGATE": {<br> "default_capacity_provider_strategy": {<br> "weight": 100<br> }<br> },<br> "FARGATE_SPOT": {<br> "default_capacity_provider_strategy": {<br> "weight": 0<br> }<br> }<br> },<br> "tags": {}<br>}</pre> | no | -| <a name="input_fleet_config"></a> [fleet\_config](#input\_fleet\_config) | The configuration object for Fleet itself. Fields that default to null will have their respective resources created if not specified. | <pre>object({<br> mem = optional(number, 4096)<br> cpu = optional(number, 512)<br> image = optional(string, "fleetdm/fleet:v4.47.3")<br> family = optional(string, "fleet")<br> sidecars = optional(list(any), [])<br> depends_on = optional(list(any), [])<br> mount_points = optional(list(any), [])<br> volumes = optional(list(any), [])<br> extra_environment_variables = optional(map(string), {})<br> extra_iam_policies = optional(list(string), [])<br> extra_execution_iam_policies = optional(list(string), [])<br> extra_secrets = optional(map(string), {})<br> security_groups = optional(list(string), null)<br> security_group_name = optional(string, "fleet")<br> iam_role_arn = optional(string, null)<br> service = optional(object({<br> name = optional(string, "fleet")<br> }), {<br> name = "fleet"<br> })<br> database = optional(object({<br> password_secret_arn = string<br> user = string<br> database = string<br> address = string<br> rr_address = optional(string, null)<br> }), {<br> password_secret_arn = null<br> user = null<br> database = null<br> address = null<br> rr_address = null<br> })<br> redis = optional(object({<br> address = string<br> use_tls = optional(bool, true)<br> }), {<br> address = null<br> use_tls = true<br> })<br> awslogs = optional(object({<br> name = optional(string, null)<br> region = optional(string, null)<br> create = optional(bool, true)<br> prefix = optional(string, "fleet")<br> retention = optional(number, 5)<br> }), {<br> name = null<br> region = null<br> prefix = "fleet"<br> retention = 5<br> })<br> loadbalancer = optional(object({<br> arn = string<br> }), {<br> arn = null<br> })<br> extra_load_balancers = optional(list(any), [])<br> networking = optional(object({<br> subnets = list(string)<br> security_groups = optional(list(string), null)<br> }), {<br> subnets = null<br> security_groups = null<br> })<br> autoscaling = optional(object({<br> max_capacity = optional(number, 5)<br> min_capacity = optional(number, 1)<br> memory_tracking_target_value = optional(number, 80)<br> cpu_tracking_target_value = optional(number, 80)<br> }), {<br> max_capacity = 5<br> min_capacity = 1<br> memory_tracking_target_value = 80<br> cpu_tracking_target_value = 80<br> })<br> iam = optional(object({<br> role = optional(object({<br> name = optional(string, "fleet-role")<br> policy_name = optional(string, "fleet-iam-policy")<br> }), {<br> name = "fleet-role"<br> policy_name = "fleet-iam-policy"<br> })<br> execution = optional(object({<br> name = optional(string, "fleet-execution-role")<br> policy_name = optional(string, "fleet-execution-role")<br> }), {<br> name = "fleet-execution-role"<br> policy_name = "fleet-iam-policy-execution"<br> })<br> }), {<br> name = "fleetdm-execution-role"<br> })<br> })</pre> | <pre>{<br> "autoscaling": {<br> "cpu_tracking_target_value": 80,<br> "max_capacity": 5,<br> "memory_tracking_target_value": 80,<br> "min_capacity": 1<br> },<br> "awslogs": {<br> "create": true,<br> "name": null,<br> "prefix": "fleet",<br> "region": null,<br> "retention": 5<br> },<br> "cpu": 256,<br> "database": {<br> "address": null,<br> "database": null,<br> "password_secret_arn": null,<br> "rr_address": null,<br> "user": null<br> },<br> "depends_on": [],<br> "extra_environment_variables": {},<br> "extra_execution_iam_policies": [],<br> "extra_iam_policies": [],<br> "extra_load_balancers": [],<br> "extra_secrets": {},<br> "family": "fleet",<br> "iam": {<br> "execution": {<br> "name": "fleet-execution-role",<br> "policy_name": "fleet-iam-policy-execution"<br> },<br> "role": {<br> "name": "fleet-role",<br> "policy_name": "fleet-iam-policy"<br> }<br> },<br> "iam_role_arn": null,<br> "image": "fleetdm/fleet:v4.31.1",<br> "loadbalancer": {<br> "arn": null<br> },<br> "mem": 512,<br> "mount_points": [],<br> "networking": {<br> "security_groups": null,<br> "subnets": null<br> },<br> "redis": {<br> "address": null,<br> "use_tls": true<br> },<br> "security_group_name": "fleet",<br> "security_groups": null,<br> "service": {<br> "name": "fleet"<br> },<br> "sidecars": [],<br> "volumes": []<br>}</pre> | no | +| <a name="input_fleet_config"></a> [fleet\_config](#input\_fleet\_config) | The configuration object for Fleet itself. Fields that default to null will have their respective resources created if not specified. | <pre>object({<br> mem = optional(number, 4096)<br> cpu = optional(number, 512)<br> image = optional(string, "fleetdm/fleet:v4.48.0")<br> family = optional(string, "fleet")<br> sidecars = optional(list(any), [])<br> depends_on = optional(list(any), [])<br> mount_points = optional(list(any), [])<br> volumes = optional(list(any), [])<br> extra_environment_variables = optional(map(string), {})<br> extra_iam_policies = optional(list(string), [])<br> extra_execution_iam_policies = optional(list(string), [])<br> extra_secrets = optional(map(string), {})<br> security_groups = optional(list(string), null)<br> security_group_name = optional(string, "fleet")<br> iam_role_arn = optional(string, null)<br> service = optional(object({<br> name = optional(string, "fleet")<br> }), {<br> name = "fleet"<br> })<br> database = optional(object({<br> password_secret_arn = string<br> user = string<br> database = string<br> address = string<br> rr_address = optional(string, null)<br> }), {<br> password_secret_arn = null<br> user = null<br> database = null<br> address = null<br> rr_address = null<br> })<br> redis = optional(object({<br> address = string<br> use_tls = optional(bool, true)<br> }), {<br> address = null<br> use_tls = true<br> })<br> awslogs = optional(object({<br> name = optional(string, null)<br> region = optional(string, null)<br> create = optional(bool, true)<br> prefix = optional(string, "fleet")<br> retention = optional(number, 5)<br> }), {<br> name = null<br> region = null<br> prefix = "fleet"<br> retention = 5<br> })<br> loadbalancer = optional(object({<br> arn = string<br> }), {<br> arn = null<br> })<br> extra_load_balancers = optional(list(any), [])<br> networking = optional(object({<br> subnets = list(string)<br> security_groups = optional(list(string), null)<br> }), {<br> subnets = null<br> security_groups = null<br> })<br> autoscaling = optional(object({<br> max_capacity = optional(number, 5)<br> min_capacity = optional(number, 1)<br> memory_tracking_target_value = optional(number, 80)<br> cpu_tracking_target_value = optional(number, 80)<br> }), {<br> max_capacity = 5<br> min_capacity = 1<br> memory_tracking_target_value = 80<br> cpu_tracking_target_value = 80<br> })<br> iam = optional(object({<br> role = optional(object({<br> name = optional(string, "fleet-role")<br> policy_name = optional(string, "fleet-iam-policy")<br> }), {<br> name = "fleet-role"<br> policy_name = "fleet-iam-policy"<br> })<br> execution = optional(object({<br> name = optional(string, "fleet-execution-role")<br> policy_name = optional(string, "fleet-execution-role")<br> }), {<br> name = "fleet-execution-role"<br> policy_name = "fleet-iam-policy-execution"<br> })<br> }), {<br> name = "fleetdm-execution-role"<br> })<br> })</pre> | <pre>{<br> "autoscaling": {<br> "cpu_tracking_target_value": 80,<br> "max_capacity": 5,<br> "memory_tracking_target_value": 80,<br> "min_capacity": 1<br> },<br> "awslogs": {<br> "create": true,<br> "name": null,<br> "prefix": "fleet",<br> "region": null,<br> "retention": 5<br> },<br> "cpu": 256,<br> "database": {<br> "address": null,<br> "database": null,<br> "password_secret_arn": null,<br> "rr_address": null,<br> "user": null<br> },<br> "depends_on": [],<br> "extra_environment_variables": {},<br> "extra_execution_iam_policies": [],<br> "extra_iam_policies": [],<br> "extra_load_balancers": [],<br> "extra_secrets": {},<br> "family": "fleet",<br> "iam": {<br> "execution": {<br> "name": "fleet-execution-role",<br> "policy_name": "fleet-iam-policy-execution"<br> },<br> "role": {<br> "name": "fleet-role",<br> "policy_name": "fleet-iam-policy"<br> }<br> },<br> "iam_role_arn": null,<br> "image": "fleetdm/fleet:v4.31.1",<br> "loadbalancer": {<br> "arn": null<br> },<br> "mem": 512,<br> "mount_points": [],<br> "networking": {<br> "security_groups": null,<br> "subnets": null<br> },<br> "redis": {<br> "address": null,<br> "use_tls": true<br> },<br> "security_group_name": "fleet",<br> "security_groups": null,<br> "service": {<br> "name": "fleet"<br> },<br> "sidecars": [],<br> "volumes": []<br>}</pre> | no | | <a name="input_migration_config"></a> [migration\_config](#input\_migration\_config) | The configuration object for Fleet's migration task. | <pre>object({<br> mem = number<br> cpu = number<br> })</pre> | <pre>{<br> "cpu": 1024,<br> "mem": 2048<br>}</pre> | no | | <a name="input_rds_config"></a> [rds\_config](#input\_rds\_config) | The config for the terraform-aws-modules/rds-aurora/aws module | <pre>object({<br> name = optional(string, "fleet")<br> engine_version = optional(string, "8.0.mysql_aurora.3.02.2")<br> instance_class = optional(string, "db.t4g.large")<br> subnets = optional(list(string), [])<br> allowed_security_groups = optional(list(string), [])<br> allowed_cidr_blocks = optional(list(string), [])<br> apply_immediately = optional(bool, true)<br> monitoring_interval = optional(number, 10)<br> db_parameter_group_name = optional(string)<br> db_parameters = optional(map(string), {})<br> db_cluster_parameter_group_name = optional(string)<br> db_cluster_parameters = optional(map(string), {})<br> enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports = optional(list(string), [])<br> master_username = optional(string, "fleet")<br> snapshot_identifier = optional(string)<br> cluster_tags = optional(map(string), {})<br> preferred_maintenance_window = optional(string, "thu:23:00-fri:00:00")<br> })</pre> | <pre>{<br> "allowed_cidr_blocks": [],<br> "allowed_security_groups": [],<br> "apply_immediately": true,<br> "cluster_tags": {},<br> "db_cluster_parameter_group_name": null,<br> "db_cluster_parameters": {},<br> "db_parameter_group_name": null,<br> "db_parameters": {},<br> "enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports": [],<br> "engine_version": "8.0.mysql_aurora.3.02.2",<br> "instance_class": "db.t4g.large",<br> "master_username": "fleet",<br> "monitoring_interval": 10,<br> "name": "fleet",<br> "preferred_maintenance_window": "thu:23:00-fri:00:00",<br> "snapshot_identifier": null,<br> "subnets": []<br>}</pre> | no | | <a name="input_redis_config"></a> [redis\_config](#input\_redis\_config) | n/a | <pre>object({<br> name = optional(string, "fleet")<br> replication_group_id = optional(string)<br> elasticache_subnet_group_name = optional(string, "")<br> allowed_security_group_ids = optional(list(string), [])<br> subnets = list(string)<br> allowed_cidrs = list(string)<br> availability_zones = optional(list(string), [])<br> cluster_size = optional(number, 3)<br> instance_type = optional(string, "cache.m5.large")<br> apply_immediately = optional(bool, true)<br> automatic_failover_enabled = optional(bool, false)<br> engine_version = optional(string, "6.x")<br> family = optional(string, "redis6.x")<br> at_rest_encryption_enabled = optional(bool, true)<br> transit_encryption_enabled = optional(bool, true)<br> parameter = optional(list(object({<br> name = string<br> value = string<br> })), [])<br> log_delivery_configuration = optional(list(map(any)), [])<br> tags = optional(map(string), {})<br> })</pre> | <pre>{<br> "allowed_cidrs": null,<br> "allowed_security_group_ids": [],<br> "apply_immediately": true,<br> "at_rest_encryption_enabled": true,<br> "automatic_failover_enabled": false,<br> "availability_zones": [],<br> "cluster_size": 3,<br> "elasticache_subnet_group_name": "",<br> "engine_version": "6.x",<br> "family": "redis6.x",<br> "instance_type": "cache.m5.large",<br> "log_delivery_configuration": [],<br> "name": "fleet",<br> "parameter": [],<br> "replication_group_id": null,<br> "subnets": null,<br> "tags": {},<br> "transit_encryption_enabled": true<br>}</pre> | no | diff --git a/terraform/byo-vpc/byo-db/byo-ecs/variables.tf b/terraform/byo-vpc/byo-db/byo-ecs/variables.tf index 367832f457de..20b8249bff7c 100644 --- a/terraform/byo-vpc/byo-db/byo-ecs/variables.tf +++ b/terraform/byo-vpc/byo-db/byo-ecs/variables.tf @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ variable "fleet_config" { type = object({ mem = optional(number, 4096) cpu = optional(number, 512) - image = optional(string, "fleetdm/fleet:v4.47.3") + image = optional(string, "fleetdm/fleet:v4.48.0") family = optional(string, "fleet") sidecars = optional(list(any), []) depends_on = optional(list(any), []) diff --git a/terraform/byo-vpc/byo-db/variables.tf b/terraform/byo-vpc/byo-db/variables.tf index 7c8ff1738f8a..88cb0c03fb8c 100644 --- a/terraform/byo-vpc/byo-db/variables.tf +++ b/terraform/byo-vpc/byo-db/variables.tf @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ variable "fleet_config" { type = object({ mem = optional(number, 4096) cpu = optional(number, 512) - image = optional(string, "fleetdm/fleet:v4.47.3") + image = optional(string, "fleetdm/fleet:v4.48.0") family = optional(string, "fleet") sidecars = optional(list(any), []) depends_on = optional(list(any), []) diff --git a/terraform/byo-vpc/example/main.tf b/terraform/byo-vpc/example/main.tf index daefdcbc542e..28311ecee138 100644 --- a/terraform/byo-vpc/example/main.tf +++ b/terraform/byo-vpc/example/main.tf @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ provider "aws" { } locals { - fleet_image = "fleetdm/fleet:v4.47.3" + fleet_image = "fleetdm/fleet:v4.48.0" domain_name = "example.com" } diff --git a/terraform/byo-vpc/variables.tf b/terraform/byo-vpc/variables.tf index f74561183feb..4ad249b0b03d 100644 --- a/terraform/byo-vpc/variables.tf +++ b/terraform/byo-vpc/variables.tf @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ variable "fleet_config" { type = object({ mem = optional(number, 4096) cpu = optional(number, 512) - image = optional(string, "fleetdm/fleet:v4.47.3") + image = optional(string, "fleetdm/fleet:v4.48.0") family = optional(string, "fleet") sidecars = optional(list(any), []) depends_on = optional(list(any), []) diff --git a/terraform/example/main.tf b/terraform/example/main.tf index 5a2fcf5491fb..04b2691900e2 100644 --- a/terraform/example/main.tf +++ b/terraform/example/main.tf @@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ module "fleet" { fleet_config = { # To avoid pull-rate limiting from dockerhub, consider using our quay.io mirror - # for the Fleet image. e.g. "quay.io/fleetdm/fleet:v4.47.3" - image = "fleetdm/fleet:v4.47.3" # override default to deploy the image you desire + # for the Fleet image. e.g. "quay.io/fleetdm/fleet:v4.48.0" + image = "fleetdm/fleet:v4.48.0" # override default to deploy the image you desire # See https://fleetdm.com/docs/deploy/reference-architectures#aws for appropriate scaling # memory and cpu. autoscaling = { diff --git a/terraform/variables.tf b/terraform/variables.tf index e8b6e29b67dd..a5cb956185c2 100644 --- a/terraform/variables.tf +++ b/terraform/variables.tf @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ variable "fleet_config" { type = object({ mem = optional(number, 4096) cpu = optional(number, 512) - image = optional(string, "fleetdm/fleet:v4.47.3") + image = optional(string, "fleetdm/fleet:v4.48.0") family = optional(string, "fleet") sidecars = optional(list(any), []) depends_on = optional(list(any), []) diff --git a/tools/fleetctl-npm/package.json b/tools/fleetctl-npm/package.json index 19de34bf6c7c..80a5a278cbef 100644 --- a/tools/fleetctl-npm/package.json +++ b/tools/fleetctl-npm/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "fleetctl", - "version": "v4.47.3", + "version": "v4.48.0", "description": "Installer for the fleetctl CLI tool", "bin": { "fleetctl": "./run.js" diff --git a/tools/release/publish_release.sh b/tools/release/publish_release.sh index e4bfe6e99e47..78d67e3693bc 100755 --- a/tools/release/publish_release.sh +++ b/tools/release/publish_release.sh @@ -429,17 +429,17 @@ if [ "$force" = "false" ]; then fi # 4.47.2 start_milestone="${start_version:1}" -# 4.47.3 +# 4.48.0 target_milestone="${next_ver:1}" # 79 target_milestone_number=`gh api repos/:owner/:repo/milestones | jq -r ".[] | select(.title==\"$target_milestone\") | .number"` -# patch-fleet-v4.47.3 +# patch-fleet-v4.48.0 target_patch_branch="patch-fleet-$next_ver" if [[ "$main_release" == "true" ]]; then target_patch_branch="prepare-fleet-$next_ver" fi -# fleet-v4.47.3 +# fleet-v4.48.0 next_tag="fleet-$next_ver" if [ "$print_info" = "true" ]; then