This Policy Template leverages the Azure Cost Management APIs (Reservation Transactions and Reservation Summaries). It will notify only if utilization of a Reserved Instance (RI) falls below the value specified in the Maximum Reservation Utilization Threshold
field. It examines the RI utilization for the prior 7 days or 30 days (starting from 2 days ago) in making this determination.
This policy has the following input parameters required when launching the policy.
- Azure Endpoint - Azure Endpoint to access resources
- Look Back Period - Number of days of prior Azure Reservation usage to analyze.
- Maximum Reservation Utilization Threshold - Show Reservations with utilization below this value (%).
- Email addresses to notify - A list of email addresses to notify.
The following policy actions are taken on any resources found to be out of compliance.
- Send an email report
This Policy Template uses Credentials for authenticating to datasources -- in order to apply this policy you must have a Credential registered in the system that is compatible with this policy. If there are no Credentials listed when you apply the policy, please contact your Flexera Org Admin and ask them to register a Credential that is compatible with this policy. The information below should be consulted when creating the credential(s).
For administrators creating and managing credentials to use with this policy, the following information is needed:
- Azure Resource Manager Credential (provider=azure_rm) which has the following permissions:
The Provider-Specific Credentials page in the docs has detailed instructions for setting up Credentials for the most common providers.
- Azure
This policy template does not incur any cloud costs.