This policy analyzes the stored billing data for Microsoft Azure from 2 days ago to a user-specified number of days back and reports on the number of VMs using the Bring-Your-Own-License (BYOL) feature each day. The report includes daily numbers and percentages as well as the peak total BYOL usage and peak percentage BYOL usage and is emailed to a user-specified list of email addresses.
- The policy leverages the Flexera Cloud Cost Optimization (CCO) API to retrieve amortized costs and metadata for Azure virtual machines on a per-subscription basis. Costs for the most recent 2 days are ignored due to the high likelihood of cost data this recent being incomplete.
- The
Operating System
dimension is used to determine if each virtual machine is using Bring-Your-Own-License (BYOL) or not. The following values for this dimension are considered BYOL: Red Hat BYOS, SUSE BYOS, Windows Server BYOL, Windows Client BYOL - The total number of virtual machines, the number using BYOL, and the percentage using BYOL are calculated for each day based on the above data.
- Email Addresses - Email addresses of the recipients you wish to notify when new incidents are created.
- Allow/Deny Subscriptions - Determines whether the Allow/Deny Subscriptions List parameter functions as an allow list (only providing results for the listed subscriptions) or a deny list (providing results for all subscriptions except for the listed subscriptions).
- Allow/Deny Subscriptions List - A list of allowed or denied Subscription IDs/names. If empty, no filtering will occur and recommendations will be produced for all subscriptions.
- Allow/Deny Regions - Whether to treat Allow/Deny Regions List parameter as allow or deny list. Has no effect if Allow/Deny Regions List is left empty.
- Allow/Deny Regions List - Filter results by region, either only allowing this list or denying it depending on how the above parameter is set. Leave blank to consider all the regions.
- Look Back Period (Days) - How far back, in days, to report on Azure virtual machines that utilize Bring-Your-Own-License (BYOL).
- Sends an email notification
This Policy Template uses Credentials for authenticating to datasources -- in order to apply this policy you must have a Credential registered in the system that is compatible with this policy. If there are no Credentials listed when you apply the policy, please contact your Flexera Org Admin and ask them to register a Credential that is compatible with this policy. The information below should be consulted when creating the credential(s).
For administrators creating and managing credentials to use with this policy, the following information is needed:
- Flexera Credential (provider=flexera) which has the following roles:
The Provider-Specific Credentials page in the docs has detailed instructions for setting up Credentials for the most common providers.
- Azure
This policy template does not incur any cloud costs.