#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
OpenCV has namespace : cv::
| types in OpenCV : CV_<bit_count>
, example:
- RGB image is
: 8-bit unsigned char with 3 channels for RGB - Grayscale image is
: single 8-bit unsigned char for intensity
Better to use DataType
, DataType<uint>::type == CV_8UC1
Basic Matrix Type : Every image is a cv::Mat
, for “Matrix” : Mat image(rows, cols, DataType, Value);
and Mat_<T> image(rows, cols, Value);
. Initialize with zeros
cv:: Mat image = cv:: Mat :: zeros (10, 10, CV_8UC3);
using Matf = cv::Mat_ <float >;
Matf image_float = Matf :: zeros (10, 10);
Get type identifier with image.type();
and size with image.rows
, image.cols
- Read image with
| Write image withimwrite
| Show image withimshow
| Detects I/O method from extension
cv::Mat is sort of shared pointer: $ c++ -std=c++11 -o copy copy.cpp pkg -config --libs --cflags opencv
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp >
#include <iostream >
int main () {
using Matf = cv::Mat_ <float >;
Matf image = Matf :: zeros (10, 10);
Matf image_no_copy = image; // Does not copy!
image_no_copy .at <float >(5, 5) = 42.42f;
std :: cout << image.at <float >(5, 5) << std :: endl;
Matf image_copy = image.clone (); // Copies image.
image_copy .at <float >(1, 1) = 42.42f;
std :: cout << image.at <float >(1, 1) << std :: endl;
imread | imwrite |
1 #include <opencv2/ imgcodecs .hpp >
2 #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp >
3 using namespace cv;
4 int main () {
5 Mat i1 = imread("logo_opencv.png",
7 Mat_ <uint8_t > i2 = imread("logo_opencv.png",
9 std :: cout << (i1.type () == i2.type ()) << std :: endl;
10 return 0;
11 } |
#include <opencv2/core.hpp >
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp >
int main () {
cv:: Mat image = cv:: imread("logo_opencv.png",
cv:: imwrite("copy.jpg", image);
return 0;
} Write float images to *.exr files. These files will store and read values as is without losing precision. Float images I/O example: #include <iostream >
#include <string >
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp >
int main () {
using Matf = cv::Mat_ <float >;
Matf image = Matf :: zeros (10, 10);
image.at <float >(5, 5) = 42.42f;
std :: string f = "test.exr";
cv:: imwrite(f, image);
Matf copy = cv:: imread(f, cv:: IMREAD_UNCHANGED );
std :: cout << copy.at <float >(5, 5) << std :: endl;
return 0;
} |
imshow | OpenCV vector type |
// clang -format off
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp >
int main () {
cv:: Mat image = cv:: imread("logo_opencv.png",
std :: string window_name = "Window name";
// Create a window.
cv:: namedWindow (window_name , cv:: WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
cv:: imshow(window_name , image); // Show image.
cv:: waitKey (); // Don't close window instantly.
return 0;
} |
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp >
#include <iostream >
using namespace cv;
int main () {
Mat mat = Mat :: zeros (10, 10, CV_8UC3);
std :: cout << mat.at <Vec3b >(5, 5) << std :: endl;
Mat_ <Vec3f > matf3 = Mat_ <Vec3f >:: zeros (10, 10);
std :: cout << matf3.at <Vec3f >(5, 5) << std :: endl;
} |
Popular features: illumination, rotation and translation invariant (to some degree)
to detect the keypointsSiftDescriptorExtractor
to compute descriptors in keypoints
// Detect key points.
auto detector = SiftFeatureDetector :: create ();
vector <cv:: KeyPoint > keypoints ;
detector ->detect(input , keypoints );
// Show the keypoints on the image.
Mat image_with_keypoints ;
drawKeypoints (input , keypoints , image_with_keypoints );
// extract the SIFT descriptors
auto extractor = SiftDescriptorExtractor :: create ();
extractor ->compute(input , keypoints , descriptors );
Nearest Neighbors : build K-d tree, search for neighbors there:
// Create a kdtree for searching the data.
cv:: flann :: KDTreeIndexParams index_params ;
cv:: flann :: Index kdtree(data , index_params );
// Search the nearest vector to some query
int k = 1;
Mat nearest_vector_idx (1, k, DataType <int >:: type);
Mat nearest_vector_dist (1, k, DataType <float >:: type);
kdtree. knnSearch (query , nearest_vector_idx ,
nearest_vector_dist , k);