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PyLadies Sthlm


This is the source code for the future website. It uses:

  • mynt - a static site generator
  • Grunt - task runner (for development)
  • Bower - package manager (for development)
  • Sass with Compass - CSS pre-processor and authoring framework (for development)
  • Bootstrap - Front-end web development framework
  • Cute icon fonts, kindly provided by Fontello

Directory Layout

This is a general overview of the top-level directory structure:

├── test           # Mocha test files
└── src            # mynt directory
    ├── _assets        # CSS, JavaScript, images and fonts.
    ├── _templates     # Layouts and includes.
    ├── about
    └── events

Note: mynt also handles blog posts, and RSS feeds and archives which this site does not currently use.

To run locally

Depending on if you want to work on the layout/code or add content, there are two divering paths

Both paths

  1. Clone to your machine
  2. Open a terminal and go to the project directory (sthlm)
  3. Create (mkvirtualenv PyLadies) or use (workon PyLadies) PyLadies virtual environment
  4. pip install -r requirements.txt

Adding content

  1. mynt gen -f src _site && mynt serve _site --port=9000
  2. Open http://localhost:9000/ in your browser to view the site
  3. Once done, copy the built site (_site) to the site repository, commit changes and push

Working on site

npm install && bower install && bundle install && pip install -r requirements.txt to draw in all dependencies

Basic commands

  • grunt server to run a local development server, opens http://localhost:9000 and reloads at changes
  • grunt deploy pushes the changes in the site to the live site repository, with a commit message stating its' auto-generated

To do:

  • Add content
  • Create Sponsors page
  • Meetup and Twitter integration (widgets)
  • Contact form
  • Resources (links to projects and such)
  • Turn navtabs into other kind of menu at a smaller size