From 708bad806d686f089eed575295c3cbd165ff0894 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chmod77 Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2024 12:01:17 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] feat: update docs build README --- docs/ | 50 +- pyproject.toml | 622 +++++--- uv.lock | 4168 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------- 3 files changed, 3203 insertions(+), 1637 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/ index 576948df3a..f721a72b8a 100644 --- a/docs/ +++ b/docs/ @@ -2,35 +2,53 @@ ## Prerequisites -* `conda` (We recommend Miniconda installed with an [official installer]( +* `uv` -* [`conda-lock`]( +For MacOS / Linux: +```bash +curl -LsSf | sh +``` -## Set up the build environment - -In the `flyteorg/flyte` root directory do: +For Windows, use irm to download the script and execute it with iex: ```bash -$ conda-lock install --name monodocs-env monodocs-environment.lock.yaml -$ conda activate monodocs-env -$ pip install ./flyteidl +powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm | iex" + +powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm | iex" ``` -This creates a new environment called `monodocs-env` with all the dependencies needed to build the docs. You can choose a different environment name if you like. +To install via PyPi: +```bash -## Building the docs +pipx install uv +``` -In the `flyteorg/flyte` root directory make sure you have activated the `monodocs-env` (or whatever you called it) environment and do: +or -```bash -# need to set this to a fake value to build the docs locally -$ export DOCSEARCH_API_KEY=fake-api-key +```bash + + pip install uv ``` + +## Setup the build environment + ```bash -$ make docs +uv sync + +uv pip install ./flyteidl + ``` -The resulting `html` files will be in `docs/_build/html`. +## Building the docs + +```bash +export DOCSEARCH_API_KEY=fake-api-key +export FLYTEKIT_LOCAL_PATH= +export FLYTESNACKS_LOCAL_PATH= + +uv run make docs +``` +The resulting `html` files will be in `docs/_build/html`. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml index 393d54aae2..ad3c4a76a7 100644 --- a/pyproject.toml +++ b/pyproject.toml @@ -1,194 +1,442 @@ [project] name = "flyte" version = "0.1.0" -description = "Documentation builder for Flyte" -requires-python = ">=3.9,<3.10" # pinning to <3.10 for now. 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"dataclasses-json", specifier = "==0.5.9" }, + { name = "datasets", specifier = "==2.14.4" }, + { name = "db-dtypes", specifier = "==1.2.0" }, + { name = "debugpy", specifier = "==1.8.7" }, + { name = "decorator", specifier = "==5.1.1" }, + { name = "defusedxml", specifier = "==0.7.1" }, + { name = "deprecated", specifier = "==1.2.14" }, + { name = "dill", specifier = "==0.3.7" }, + { name = "diskcache", specifier = "==5.6.3" }, + { name = "distlib", specifier = "==0.3.9" }, + { name = "distributed", specifier = "==2024.8.0" }, + { name = "distro", specifier = "==1.9.0" }, + { name = "docker", specifier = "==7.1.0" }, + { name = "docker-pycreds", specifier = "==0.4.0" }, + { name = "docstring-parser", specifier = "==0.16" }, + { name = "docutils", specifier = "==0.21.2" }, + { name = "dolt-integrations", specifier = "==0.1.5" }, + { name = "doltcli", specifier = "==0.1.18" }, + { name = "duckdb", specifier = "==1.1.2" }, + { name = "durationpy", specifier = "==0.9" }, + { name = "entrypoints", specifier = "==0.4" }, + { name = "exceptiongroup", specifier = "==1.2.2" }, + { name = "executing", specifier = "==2.1.0" }, + { name = "fastavro", specifier = "==1.9.7" }, + { name = "fastjsonschema", specifier = "==2.20.0" }, + { name = "filelock", specifier = "==3.16.1" }, + { name = "fiona", specifier = "==1.10.1" }, + { name = "flask", specifier = "==3.0.3" }, + { name = "flatbuffers", specifier = "==24.3.25" }, + { name = "folium", specifier = "==0.17.0" }, + { name = "fonttools", specifier = "==4.54.1" }, + { name = "fqdn", specifier = "==1.5.1" }, + { name = "frozendict", specifier = "==2.4.6" }, + { name = "frozenlist", specifier = "==1.4.1" }, + { name = "fsspec", specifier = "==2024.9.0" }, + { name = "furo", specifier = "==2024.8.6" }, + { name = "future", specifier = "==1.0.0" }, + { name = "gast", specifier = "==0.5.5" }, + { name = "gcsfs", specifier = "==2024.9.0.post1" }, + { name = "geopandas", specifier = "==0.14.4" }, + { name = "gitdb", specifier = "==4.0.11" }, + { name = "gitpython", specifier = "==3.1.43" }, + { name = "gmpy2", specifier = "==2.1.5" }, + { name = "google-api-core", specifier = "==2.23.0" }, + { name = "google-auth", specifier = "==2.35.0" }, + { name = "google-auth-oauthlib", specifier = "==1.2.1" }, + { name = "google-cloud", specifier = "==0.34.0" }, + { name = "google-cloud-bigquery", specifier = "==3.26.0" }, + { name = "google-cloud-bigquery-storage", specifier = "==2.27.0" }, + { name = "google-cloud-core", specifier = "==2.4.1" }, + { name = "google-cloud-storage", specifier = "==2.18.2" }, + { name = "google-crc32c", specifier = "==1.1.2" }, + { name = "google-pasta", specifier = "==0.2.0" }, + { name = "google-resumable-media", specifier = "==2.7.2" }, + { name = "googleapis-common-protos", specifier = "==1.66.0" }, + { name = "graphene", specifier = "==3.3" }, + { name = "graphql-core", specifier = "==3.2.5" }, + { name = "graphql-relay", specifier = "==3.2.0" }, + { name = "great-expectations", specifier = "==0.18.19" }, + { name = "greenlet", specifier = "==3.1.1" }, + { name = "grpcio", specifier = "==1.62.2" }, + { name = "grpcio-status", specifier = "==1.62.2" }, + { name = "gunicorn", specifier = "==22.0.0" }, + { name = "h11", specifier = "==0.14.0" }, + { name = "h2", specifier = "==4.1.0" }, + { name = "h5py", specifier = "==3.11.0" }, + { name = "hpack", specifier = "==4.0.0" }, + { name = "htmlmin", specifier = "==0.1.12" }, + { name = "httpcore", specifier = "==1.0.6" }, + { name = "httpx", specifier = "==0.27.2" }, + { name = "huggingface-hub", specifier = "==0.25.2" }, + { name = "hyperframe", specifier = "==6.0.1" }, + { name = "identify", specifier = "==2.6.1" }, + { name = "idna", specifier = "==3.10" }, + { name = "imagehash", specifier = "==4.3.1" }, + { name = "imagesize", specifier = "==1.4.1" }, + { name = "importlib-metadata", specifier = "==8.5.0" }, + { name = "importlib-resources", specifier = "==6.4.5" }, + { name = "ipykernel", specifier = "==6.29.5" }, + { name = "ipython", specifier = "==8.18.1" }, + { name = "ipywidgets", specifier = "==8.1.5" }, + { name = "isodate", specifier = "==0.7.2" }, + { name = "isoduration", specifier = "==20.11.0" }, + { name = "itsdangerous", specifier = "==2.2.0" }, + { name = "jaraco-classes", specifier = "==3.4.0" }, + { name = "jaraco-context", specifier = "==6.0.1" }, + { name = "jaraco-functools", specifier = "==4.1.0" }, + { name = "jedi", specifier = "==0.19.1" }, + { name = "jinja2", specifier = "==3.1.4" }, + { name = "jiter", specifier = "==0.6.1" }, + { name = "jmespath", specifier = "==1.0.1" }, + { name = "joblib", specifier = "==1.4.2" }, + { name = "json5", specifier = "==0.9.25" }, + { name = "jsonlines", specifier = "==4.0.0" }, + { name = "jsonpatch", specifier = "==1.33" }, + { name = "jsonpickle", specifier = "==3.3.0" }, + { name = "jsonpointer", specifier = "==3.0.0" }, + { name = "jsonref", specifier = "==1.1.0" }, + { name = "jsonschema", specifier = "==4.23.0" }, + { name = "jsonschema-specifications", specifier = "==2024.10.1" }, + { name = "jupyter", specifier = "==1.1.1" }, + { name = "jupyter-cache", specifier = "==1.0.0" }, + { name = "jupyter-client", specifier = "==8.6.3" }, + { name = "jupyter-console", specifier = "==6.6.3" }, + { name = "jupyter-core", specifier = "==5.7.2" }, + { name = "jupyter-events", specifier = "==0.10.0" }, + { name = "jupyter-lsp", specifier = "==2.2.5" }, + { name = "jupyter-server", specifier = "==2.14.2" }, + { name = "jupyter-server-terminals", specifier = "==0.5.3" }, + { name = "jupyterlab", specifier = "==4.2.5" }, + { name = "jupyterlab-pygments", specifier = "==0.3.0" }, + { name = "jupyterlab-server", specifier = "==2.27.3" }, + { name = "jupyterlab-widgets", specifier = "==3.0.13" }, + { name = "jupytext", specifier = "==1.16.4" }, + { name = "keras", specifier = "==3.6.0" }, + { name = "keyring", specifier = "==25.4.1" }, + { name = "kiwisolver", specifier = "==1.4.7" }, + { name = "kubernetes", specifier = "==31.0.0" }, + { name = "libclang", specifier = "==18.1.1" }, + { name = "llvmlite", specifier = "==0.43.0" }, + { name = "locket", specifier = "==1.0.0" }, + { name = "lz4", specifier = "==4.3.3" }, + { name = "makefun", specifier = "==1.15.6" }, + { name = "mako", specifier = "==1.3.5" }, + { name = "mapclassify", specifier = "==2.8.1" }, + { name = "markdown", specifier = "==3.6" }, + { name = "markdown-it-py", specifier = "==3.0.0" }, + { name = "markupsafe", specifier = "==3.0.1" }, + { name = "marshmallow", specifier = "==3.22.0" }, + { name = "marshmallow-enum", specifier = "==1.5.1" }, + { name = "marshmallow-jsonschema", specifier = "==0.13.0" }, + { name = "mashumaro", specifier = "==3.13.1" }, + { name = "matplotlib", specifier = "==3.9.2" }, + { name = "matplotlib-inline", specifier = "==0.1.7" }, + { name = "mdit-py-plugins", specifier = "==0.4.2" }, + { name = "mdurl", specifier = "==0.1.2" }, + { name = "mistune", specifier = "==3.0.2" }, + { name = "ml-dtypes", specifier = "==0.4.1" }, + { name = "mlflow", specifier = "==2.16.2" }, + { name = "mlflow-skinny", specifier = "==2.16.2" }, + { name = "modin", specifier = "==0.32.0" }, + { name = "monotonic", specifier = "==1.5" }, + { name = "more-itertools", specifier = "==10.5.0" }, + { name = "mpmath", specifier = "==1.3.0" }, + { name = "msal", specifier = "==1.31.0" }, + { name = "msal-extensions", specifier = "==1.2.0" }, + { name = "msgpack", specifier = "==1.1.0" }, + { name = "multidict", specifier = "==6.1.0" }, + { name = "multimethod", specifier = "==1.9.1" }, + { name = "multiprocess", specifier = "==0.70.15" }, + { name = "munkres", specifier = "==1.1.4" }, + { name = "mypy-extensions", specifier = "==1.0.0" }, + { name = "myst-nb", specifier = "==1.1.2" }, + { name = "myst-parser", specifier = "==4.0.0" }, + { name = "namex", specifier = "==0.0.8" }, + { name = "nbclient", specifier = "==0.10.0" }, + { name = "nbconvert", specifier = "==7.16.4" }, + { name = "nbformat", specifier = "==5.10.4" }, + { name = "neptune", specifier = "==1.12.0" }, + { name = "nest-asyncio", specifier = "==1.6.0" }, + { name = "networkx", specifier = "==3.2.1" }, + { name = "nodeenv", specifier = "==1.9.1" }, + { name = "notebook", specifier = "==7.2.2" }, + { name = "notebook-shim", specifier = "==0.2.4" }, + { name = "numba", specifier = "==0.60.0" }, + { name = "numpy", specifier = "==1.23.5" }, + { name = "oauthlib", specifier = "==3.2.2" }, + { name = "onnx", specifier = "==1.17.0" }, + { name = "onnxconverter-common", specifier = "==1.13.0" }, + { name = "openai", specifier = "==1.51.2" }, + { name = "opentelemetry-api", specifier = "==1.16.0" }, + { name = "opentelemetry-sdk", specifier = "==1.16.0" }, + { name = "opentelemetry-semantic-conventions", specifier = "==0.37b0" }, + { name = "opt-einsum", specifier = "==3.4.0" }, + { name = "optree", specifier = "==0.12.1" }, + { name = "overrides", specifier = "==7.7.0" }, + { name = "packaging", specifier = "==24.1" }, + { name = "pandas", specifier = "==2.2.3" }, + { name = "pandera", specifier = "==0.20.4" }, + { name = "pandocfilters", specifier = "==1.5.0" }, + { name = "papermill", specifier = "==2.6.0" }, + { name = "paramiko", specifier = "==3.5.0" }, + { name = "parso", specifier = "==0.8.4" }, + { name = "partd", specifier = "==1.4.2" }, + { name = "patsy", specifier = "==0.5.6" }, + { name = "perian", specifier = "==0.2.9" }, + { name = "pexpect", specifier = "==4.9.0" }, + { name = "phik", specifier = "==0.12.4" }, + { name = "pickleshare", specifier = "==0.7.5" }, + { name = "pillow", specifier = "==10.4.0" }, + { name = "pkgutil-resolve-name", specifier = "==1.3.10" }, + { name = "platformdirs", specifier = "==3.11.0" }, + { name = "plotly", specifier = "==5.24.1" }, + { name = "polars", specifier = "==1.9.0" }, + { name = "portalocker", specifier = "==2.10.1" }, + { name = "pre-commit", specifier = "==4.0.1" }, + { name = "progressbar2", specifier = "==4.5.0" }, + { name = "prometheus-client", specifier = "==0.21.0" }, + { name = "prometheus-flask-exporter", specifier = "==0.23.1" }, + { name = "prompt-toolkit", specifier = "==3.0.48" }, + { name = "propcache", specifier = "==0.2.0" }, + { name = "proto-plus", specifier = "==1.25.0" }, + { name = "protobuf", specifier = "==4.25.5" }, + { name = "protoc-gen-openapiv2", specifier = "==0.0.1" }, + { name = "psutil", specifier = "==6.0.0" }, + { name = "psycopg2-binary", specifier = "==2.9.9" }, + { name = "ptyprocess", specifier = "==0.7.0" }, + { name = "pure-eval", specifier = "==0.2.3" }, + { name = "py4j", specifier = "==" }, + { name = "pyarrow", specifier = "==17.0.0" }, + { name = "pyarrow-hotfix", specifier = "==0.6" }, + { name = "pyasn1", specifier = "==0.6.1" }, + { name = "pyasn1-modules", specifier = "==0.4.1" }, + { name = "pycparser", specifier = "==2.22" }, + { name = "pydantic", specifier = "==2.9.2" }, + { name = "pydantic-core", specifier = "==2.23.4" }, + { name = "pydata-google-auth", 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specifier = "==26.2.0" }, + { name = "querystring-parser", specifier = "==1.2.4" }, + { name = "ray", specifier = "==2.39.0" }, + { name = "readthedocs-sphinx-ext", specifier = "==2.2.5" }, + { name = "recommonmark", specifier = "==0.7.1" }, + { name = "referencing", specifier = "==0.35.1" }, + { name = "requests", specifier = "==2.32.3" }, + { name = "requests-oauthlib", specifier = "==2.0.0" }, + { name = "rfc3339-validator", specifier = "==0.1.4" }, + { name = "rfc3986-validator", specifier = "==0.1.1" }, + { name = "rfc3987", specifier = "==1.3.8" }, + { name = "rich", specifier = "==13.9.2" }, + { name = "rich-click", specifier = "==1.8.3" }, + { name = "rpds-py", specifier = "==0.20.0" }, + { name = "rsa", specifier = "==4.9" }, + { name = "rtree", specifier = "==1.3.0" }, + { name = "ruamel-yaml", specifier = "==0.17.40" }, + { name = "ruamel-yaml-clib", specifier = "==0.2.8" }, + { name = "s3fs", specifier = "==2024.9.0" }, + { name = "s3transfer", specifier = "==0.10.3" }, + { name = "scikit-learn", specifier = "==1.5.2" }, + { name = "scipy", specifier = "==1.13.1" }, + { name = "seaborn", specifier = "==0.13.2" }, + { name = "send2trash", specifier = "==1.8.3" }, + { name = "sentry-sdk", specifier = "==2.16.0" }, + { name = "setproctitle", specifier = "==1.3.3" }, + { name = "shapely", specifier = "==2.0.6" }, + { name = "simplejson", specifier = "==3.19.3" }, + { name = "six", specifier = "==1.16.0" }, + { name = "skl2onnx", specifier = "==1.17.0" }, + { name = "smmap", specifier = "==5.0.0" }, + { name = "sniffio", specifier = "==1.3.1" }, + { name = "snowballstemmer", specifier = "==2.2.0" }, + { name = "snowflake-connector-python", specifier = "==3.12.2" }, + { name = "sortedcontainers", specifier = "==2.4.0" }, + { name = "soupsieve", specifier = "==2.5" }, + { name = "sphinx", specifier = "==8.1.3" }, + { name = "sphinx-autoapi", specifier = "==3.3.2" }, + { name = "sphinx-basic-ng", specifier = "==1.0.0b2" }, + { name = "sphinx-click", specifier = "==6.0.0" }, + { name = "sphinx-code-include", specifier = "==1.4.0" }, + { name = "sphinx-copybutton", specifier = "==0.5.2" }, + { name = "sphinx-design", specifier = "==0.6.1" }, + { name = "sphinx-docsearch", specifier = "==0.1.0" }, + { name = "sphinx-fontawesome", specifier = "==0.0.6" }, + { name = "sphinx-issues", specifier = "==1.2.0" }, + { name = "sphinx-markdown-tables", specifier = "==0.0.17" }, + { name = "sphinx-prompt", specifier = "==1.4.0" }, + { name = "sphinx-reredirects", specifier = "==0.1.5" }, + { name = "sphinx-tabs", specifier = "==3.4.7" }, { name = "sphinx-tags", specifier = "==0.2.1" }, - { name = "sphinxcontrib-mermaid" }, - { name = "sphinxcontrib-video" }, - { name = "sphinxcontrib-youtube" }, - { name = "sphinxext-remoteliteralinclude" }, - { name = "sqlalchemy", marker = "extra == 'db'" }, - { name = "tensorflow", marker = "extra == 'ml'", specifier = "==2.13.1" }, - { name = "tf2onnx", marker = "extra == 'ml'" }, - { name = "torch", marker = "extra == 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