An AutoHotkey script that enhances the Google Chrome browser with keyboard shortcuts.
- Navigate trough tabs
- Move tab to end or beginning of the tabs bar
- Move tabs along the tabs bar
- Pop out / Pop in tab
- Pin / Unpin tab
- Download video from current tab
- Download audio from current tab
- Listen to YouTube videos like it was a podcast
Discover the cause of the instability causing the script to not work sometimes when using yt-dlp hotkey.
Cause: Run command given with to many arguments and causing the command to fail.
Run %ComSpec% /c %dl_cmd% && explorer %download_dir% && exit
The problematic command mentioned before was replaced by a new one:
RunWait %ComSpec% /c %dl_cmd% && taskkill /f /im cmd.exe
Followed by a new dedicated funciton check_explorer_path(path), it solved the problem of creating a new window at each time the command run;
Implement a dedicated function or script to handle the yt-dlp command.
- [ ]
- Optimize yt-dlp arguments.
- Insert modal showing the option to embed subtitles or not
- Or maybe assign an alternative hotkey for this option
- Present in a clean way the video title and metadata after downloading it.
- Fetch multiple links from the clipboard and download them.
- Enable quiet mode (backgroud processing without gui)
- Use ffmpeg post processing / compressing to save space
- New name ideas:
- Chrome Commander
- The Chrome Commander (TCC)