- This is configuration profile for my old notebook that have only 32GB of space so it is pretty limited only to basic stuff
- It is usefull for experimenting, I am using it as a simple VM or testing lab
- I am only importing GNOME to this profile
Don't forget that some configuration decisions should be set in flake.nix file
- In configuration.nix you have system configuration settings.
- In hardware-configuration.nix is hardware configuration of the device you are installing this config, you should generate your own one with this command:
sudo nixos-generate-config --dir ~/.dotfiles/kogami
System configuration features |
Systemd Boot |
GDM Login Manager |
Stylix |
Basics |
Audio |
Fonts |
Network |
Bluetooth |
Printing |
System packages and options |
KDE connect |
- In home.nix you have user/home-manager configuration.
- Also I am using custom application lists in apps
Home configuration |
Bash |
Firefox |
LibreOffice |