syntax if = | ->
proc `^`*[T: SomeInteger](base: T, exp: T): T =
var (base, exp) = (base, exp)
result = 1
while exp != 0:
if (exp and 1) != 0:
result *= base
exp = exp shr 1
base *= base
echo 2 ^ 10 # 1024
template optLog1{a and a}(a): auto = a
template optLog2{a and (b or (not b))}(a,b): auto = a
template optLog3{a and not a}(a: int): auto = 0
x = 12
s = x and x
# Hint: optLog1(x) --> ’x’ [Pattern]
r = (x and x) and ((s or s) or (not (s or s)))
# Hint: optLog2(x and x, s or s) --> ’x and x’ [Pattern]
# Hint: optLog1(x) --> ’x’ [Pattern]
q = (s and not x) and not (s and not x)
# Hint: optLog3(s and not x) --> ’0’ [Pattern]
(define make-list
[A|D] -> [cons (make-list A) (make-list D)]
X -> X)
(defmacro info-macro
[info Exp] -> [output "~A: ~A~%" (make-list Exp) Exp])
(info (* 5 6)) \\ outputs [* 5 6]: 30
=> (defmacro +-macro
[A + B] -> [+ A B])
=> (1 + (* 2 3))
(defmacro branch-if-macro
[branch-if Cond1 Cond2 Both Fst Snd None] ->
[if Cond1
[if Cond2 Both Fst]
[if Cond2 Snd None]])
(defmacro if2 [[cond1 cond2] bothTrue firstTrue secondTrue else]
`(let [cond1# ~cond1
cond2# ~cond2]
(if cond1# (if cond2# ~bothTrue ~firstTrue)
(if cond2# ~secondTrue ~else))))
(define-syntax if2
(syntax-rules ()
((if2 cond1 cond2 both-true first-true second-true none-true)
(let ((c2 cond2))
(if cond1
(if c2 both-true first-true)
(if c2 second-true none-true))))))
syntax if [test] then [t] else [e] = ifThenElse test t e;
term syntax "[" [o] [s1] ":" [arg1] [s2] ":" [arg2] "]" = (return o) >>= (s1 arg1 {s2 = arg2})
greeting <- [greeting stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: recipient withString: replacement]
let x: Vec<u32> = vec![1, 2, 3];
macro_rules! vec {
( $( $x:expr ),* ) => {
let mut temp_vec = Vec::new();
let x: Vec<u32> = {
let mut temp_vec = Vec::new();
define macro table
{ table(?table-class:expression, ?table-contents) }
=> { let ht = make(?table-class); ?table-contents; ht; }
{ table(?rest:*) } => { table(<table>, ?rest); }
{ } => { }
{ ?key:expression => ?value:expression, ... }
=> { ht[?key] := ?value; ... }
end macro table
module demo::lang::Exp::Concrete::WithLayout::Syntax
layout Whitespace = [\t-\n\r\ ]*;
lexical IntegerLiteral = [0-9]+;
start syntax Exp
= IntegerLiteral
| bracket "(" Exp ")"
> left Exp "*" Exp
> left Exp "+" Exp