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17 lines (16 loc) · 1.36 KB

File metadata and controls

17 lines (16 loc) · 1.36 KB

Contributing to others’ projects is an avenue to learn new software development skills and experience new technologies. The pull request is how your personal contributions will be added to the project. The following is an overview of the Git project management workflow:

Search project for contribution instructions and follow them if present. Fork project repo from your personal Github account. Copy the fork and clone repo onto your local machine. Add the original repository (the you forked) as a remote called upstream. If you created your fork a while ago be sure to pull upstream changes into your local repository. Create a new branch to work on! Branch from develop if it exists, else from master. Implement/fix your feature, comment your code. Follow the code style of the project, including indentation. If the project has included tests use them. Add additional tests or convert existing tests as necessary. Add or convert project documentation as needed. Push your working branch to your forked repo on Github. Make a pull request from your forked repo to the origin master or development branch if present. Once your pull request is merged, pull down upstream master to your local repo and delete any additional branch(es) you may have created. Commit messages should be written in present tense describing what the committed code does and not what you changed in the code.