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File metadata and controls

182 lines (146 loc) · 7.68 KB


The default config.yaml file should look like the following:

Default config.yaml file
  prefix: "cosmos"

  type: remote
      client_name: juno
      address: http://localhost:26657
      max_connections: 20
      insecure: true
      address: localhost:9090
      address: localhost:1317

  fast_sync: true
  listen_new_blocks: true
  parse_genesis: true
  parse_old_blocks: true
  start_height: 1
  workers: 1

  host: localhost
  max_idle_connections: 0
  max_open_connections: 0
  name: database-name
  password: password
  port: 5432
  schema: public
  user: user

  format: "text"
  level: "debug"

Let's see what each section refers to:


This section contains the details of the chain configuration regarding the Cosmos SDK.

Attribute Type Description Example
modules array List of modules that should be enabled [ "auth", "bank", "distribution" ]
prefix string Bech 32 prefix of the addresses cosmos

Supported modules

Currently we support the followings Cosmos modules:

  • auth to parse the x/auth data
  • bank to parse the x/bank data
  • distribution to parse the x/distribution data
  • gov to parse the x/gov data
  • mint to parse the x/mint data
  • slashing to parse the x/slashing data
  • staking to parse the x/staking data

We also have the following custom modules implemented:

  • modules to get the list of enabled modules inside Juno
  • pricefeed to get the token prices
  • pruning to periodically prune the old database data
  • telemetry to support a telemetry service


This section contains the details of the node to which Juno will connect.

Attribute Type Description Example
type string Tells which type of node to use (either local or remote) remote
config object Contains the configuration data for the node

Remote node

A remote node is the default implementation of a node. It relies on both an RPC and gRPC connections to get the data. If you want to use this kind of node, you need to set the node type to remote and then set the following attributes of the configuration.

Attribute Type Description Example
rpc object Contains the RPC configuration data
grpc object Contains the gRPC configuration data
api object Contains the REST API configuration data


Attribute Type Description Example
address string Address of the RPC endpoint http://localhost:26657
client_name string Client name used when subscribing to the Tendermint websocket juno
max_connections int Max number of connections that can created towards the RPC node (any value less or equal to 0 means to use the default one instead) 20


Attribute Type Description Example
address string Address of the gRPC endpoint localhost:9090
insecure boolean Whether the gRPC endpoint is insecure or not false


Attribute Type Description Example
address string Address of the REST API endpoint localhost:1317

Local node

A local node reads the data to be parsed from a local directory referred to as home. If you want to use this kind of node, you need to set the node type to local and then set the following attributes of the configuration.

Attribute Type Description Example
home string Path to the home folder of the node /home/user/.gaiad


Attribute Type Description Example
fast_sync boolean Whether Juno should use the fast sync abilities of different modules when enabled false
listen_new_blocks boolean Whether Juno should parse new blocks as soon as they get created true
parse_genesis boolean Whether Juno needs to parse the genesis state or not true
parse_old_blocks boolean Whether Juno should parse old chain blocks or not true
start_height integer Height at which Juno should start parsing old blocks 250000
workers integer Number of works that will be used to fetch the data and store it inside the database 5
genesis_file_path string Path of the genesis file to be parsed '/bdjuno/.bdjuno/genesis/genesis.json'


This section contains all the different configuration related to the PostgreSQL database where Juno will write the data.

Attribute Type Description Example
host string Host where the database is found localhost
port integer Port to be used to connect to the PostgreSQL instance 5432
name string Name of the database to which connect to juno
user string Name of the user to use when connecting to the database. This user must have read/write access to all the database. juno
password string Password to be used to connect to the database instance password
schema string Schema to be used inside the database (default: public) public
ssl_mode string PostgreSQL SSL mode to be used when connecting to the database. If not set, disable will be used. verify-ca
max_idle_connections integer Max number of idle connections that should be kept open (default: 1) 10
max_open_connections integer Max number of open connections at any time (default: 1) 15


This section allows to configure the logging details of Juno.

Attribute Type Description Example
format string Format in which the logs should be output (either json or text) json
level string Level of the log (either verbose, debug, info, warn or error) error


This section contains the configuration about the pruning options of the database. Note that this will have effect only if you add the "pruning" entry to the modules field of the chain config.

Attribute Type Description Example
interval integer Number of blocks that should pass between one pruning and the other (default: prune every 10 blocks) 100
keep_every integer Keep the state every nth block, even if it should have been pruned 500
keep_recent integer Do not prune this amount of recent states 100


This section allows to configure the telemetry details of Juno. Note that this will have effect only if you add the "telemetry" entry to the modules field of the chain config.

Attribute Type Description Example
port uint Port on which the telemetry server will listen 8000

If the telemetry server is enabled, a new endpoint at the provided port and path /metrics will expose Prometheus data.