pyMPC can run on Raspberry PI (we tested model 3B). This procedure may also work on other versions and maybe other ARM machines, but we haven't tested yet.
We assume you already have Raspbian installed on the Raspberry PI.
- Install the following packages via apt
apt-get install git
apt-get install cmake
- Install the berryconda conda distribution
chmod +x
In the installation process, you will be asked for an installation folder. The default /home/pi/berryconda3 is fine
- Install required packages in your new (berry)conda distribtion
cd /home/pi/berryconda3
./conda install numpy scipy matplotlib
./conda install -c numba numba
./pip install control
apt-get install cmake
./pip install osqp
- Get a local copy the pyMPC project
git clone
- Install pyMPC. In the folder where you cloned the project, run
pip install -e .