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Formstack Kafka Connect SQS Fork

We forked this repo to update the AWS SDK to the latest version to be compatible with EKS Pod Identity Association authentication.

Building and Deploying

Right now the build and deploy process is manual:

  1. Create a new release in this Github and bump the version in pom.xml
  2. Build jar with mvn clean package
  3. Attach the jar at target/plugin/kafka-connect-sqs-... to the release
  4. Publish the release and copy the link to the jar. Place it in the appropriate Strimzi Kafka Connect Cluster build

Note: Our Github's maven repository is private so publishing it there will not work! Strimzi Kafka Connect builds only support jars hosted at public URL's.


Below is the README info from original repo:

The SQS connector plugin provides the ability to use AWS SQS queues as both a source (from an SQS queue into a Kafka topic) or sink (out of a Kafka topic into an SQS queue).

Compatibility matrix

Connector version Kafka Connect API AWS SDK
1.4 3.1.1 1.12.241
1.5 3.3.2 1.12.409
1.6 3.4.1 1.12.669

Building the distributable

You can build the connector with Maven using the standard lifecycle goals:

mvn clean
mvn package

Source connector

SQS source connector reads from an AWS SQS queue and publishes to a Kafka topic.

Required properties:

  • topics: Kafka topic to be written to.
  • sqs.queue.url: URL of the SQS queue to be read from.

Optional properties:

  • sqs.region: AWS region of the SQS queue to be read from.
  • sqs.endpoint.url: Override value for the AWS region specific endpoint.
  • sqs.max.messages: Maximum number of messages to read from SQS queue for each poll interval. Range is 0 - 10 with default of 1.
  • sqs.wait.time.seconds: Duration (in seconds) to wait for a message to arrive in the queue. Default is 1.
  • sqs.message.attributes.enabled: If true, it gets the SQS MessageAttributes and inserts them as Kafka Headers (only string headers are currently supported). Default is false.
  • sqs.message.attributes.include.list: The comma separated list of MessageAttribute names to be included, if empty it includes all the Message Attributes. Default is the empty string.
  • sqs.message.attributes.partition.key: The name of a single AWS SQS MessageAttribute to use as the partition key. If this is not specified, default to the SQS message ID as the partition key.

Sample IAM policy

When using this connector, ensure the authentication principal has privileges to read messages from the SQS queue.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [{
    "Sid": "kafka-connect-sqs-source",
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": "arn:aws:sqs:*:*:*"

Sink connector

SQS sink connector reads from a Kafka topic and publishes to an AWS SQS queue.

Required properties:

  • topics: Kafka topic to be read from.
  • sqs.queue.url: URL of the SQS queue to be written to.

Optional properties:

  • sqs.region: AWS region of the SQS queue to be written to.
  • sqs.endpoint.url: Override value for the AWS region specific endpoint.
  • sqs.message.attributes.enabled: If true, it gets the Kafka Headers and inserts them as SQS MessageAttributes (only string headers are currently supported). Default is false.
  • sqs.message.attributes.include.list: The comma separated list of Header names to be included, if empty it includes all the Headers. Default is the empty string.

Sample SQS queue policy

Define a corresponding SQS queue policy that allows the connector to send messages to the SQS queue:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Id": "arn:aws:sqs:us-west-2:<AWS_ACCOUNT>:my-queue/SQSDefaultPolicy",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "kafka-connect-sqs-sink",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "<Your principal ARN>"
      "Action": "sqs:SendMessage",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:sqs:us-west-2:<AWS_ACCOUNT>:my-queue"

Sample IAM policy

When using this connector, ensure the authentication principal has privileges to read messages from the SQS queue.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "kafka-connect-sqs-sink",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "arn:aws:sqs:*:*:*"

AWS authentication

By default, the connector uses the AWS SDK DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain to determine the identity of the connector. This works well in simple scenarios when the connector gains privileges granted to the Kafka Connect worker (i.e., environment variables, EC2 instance metadata, etc.)

When the identity of the connector must be separate from the worker, supply an implementation of sqs.credentials.provider.class in the worker's classpath. There are two implementations directly included within this library:

  • com.nordstrom.kafka.connect.auth.AWSUserCredentialsProvider
  • com.nordstrom.kafka.connect.auth.AWSAssumeRoleCredentialsProvider


Use this credentials provider to cause the connector to authenticate as a specific IAM user.

Required properties:

  • sqs.credentials.provider.class: Must be com.nordstrom.kafka.connect.auth.AWSUserCredentialsProvider
  • sqs.credentials.provider.accessKeyId: AWS access key of the IAM user
  • sqs.credentials.provider.secretKey: AWS secret key of the IAM user


Use this credentials provider to cause the connector to assume an IAM role.

Required properties:

  • sqs.credentials.provider.class: Must be com.nordstrom.kafka.connect.auth.AWSAssumeRoleCredentialsProvider
  • sqs.credentials.provider.role.arn: ARN of the IAM role to assume
  • A session name specific to this connector

Optional properties:

The IAM role will have a corresponding trust policy. For example:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::<AWS_ACCOUNT>:root"
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
      "Condition": {
        "StringEquals": {
          "sts:ExternalId": "my-external-id"

Running the connector

This example demonstrates using the sink connector to send a message to an SQS queue from Kafka.

  • Setup an SQS queue
  • Setup Kafka. Use the cluster defined in docker-compose.yaml if you don't have one
  • Customize the files in the config directory; for example, config/

Now, start the sink connector in standalone mode:

$KAFKA_HOME/bin/ \
  config/ config/

Use a tool to produce messages to the Kafka topic.

bin/kafka-console-producer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
    --topic hello-sqs-sink \
    --property parse.headers=true \
    --property 'headers.delimiter=\t'