Let's verify sample application on ChibiOS/RT using VeriFast.
Install following:
Note needing to set PATH to avobe tools. And install following cygwin packages:
- cmake
- gcc-core (5.3.0)
- libusb1.0-devel
- make
Open cygwin terminal, checkout stlink and build/install it:
$ git clone https://github.com/texane/stlink.git
$ (cd stlink && make)
$ (cd stlink/build/Release && make install)
$ cp /usr/local/lib/cygstlink-shared-1.dll /usr/local/bin/
Download latest VeriFast, unzip it and set PATH to verifast-XXXXXXX/bin
Open cygwin terminal, checkout custom ChibiOS/RT source code:
$ git clone https://github.com/fpiot/chibios-verifast.git
Open cygwin terminal, and build the code:
$ cd chibios-verifast/verifast_demo/STM32/RT-STM32F091RC-NUCLEO
$ make
After connect the board to your PC using USB cable, dowload application into the board:
$ cd chibios-verifast/verifast_demo/STM32/RT-STM32F091RC-NUCLEO
$ make flash
Open serial console "STMicroelectronics STLink Virtual COM Port" using TeraTerm with baud rate 9600, and push USER
button on the board. You will see following log on serial console:
*** ChibiOS/RT test suite
*** Kernel: 3.1.5
*** Compiled: Jan 15 2017 - 20:38:01
*** Compiler: GCC 4.8.4 20140725 (release) [ARM/embedded-4_8-branch revision 213147]
*** Architecture: ARMv6-M
*** Core Variant: Cortex-M0
*** Port Info: Preemption through NMI
*** Platform: STM32F091xC Entry Level Access Line devices
*** Test Board: STMicroelectronics NUCLEO-F091RC
Simply kick GNU make on cygwin terminal to open VeriFast IDE:
$ cd chibios-verifast/verifast_demo/STM32/RT-STM32F091RC-NUCLEO
$ make vfide