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102 lines (75 loc) · 3.98 KB

File metadata and controls

102 lines (75 loc) · 3.98 KB


Report issues

If you find a bug, please report it, including environment andexamples of current behavior and what you believe to be the correct behavior. The clearer your description and information, the more likely it is someone will be able to make progress on it.

Fix issues

Pull requests with fixes are totally welcome. Familiarize yourself with the folder structure and code style before you dive in. Where possible fixes should include tests to prevent future regressions in functionality. Also, if they apply and you have the ability, make fixes to both python and javascript implementations.

We use to run build and test passes. If you run make from the root folder locally, tests will run and should all pass before your pull request will be accepted.






We use the master branch as the primrary development branch.


Each platform has a branch that tracks to the latest release of that platform.

  • python-stable
  • node-stable
  • gh-pages

Functional Parity

Keeping the platforms in some semblance of functional parity is one of the key features of this project. As such, there branches for the last time synchronization occured and when it stablized.

  • sync
  • sync-stable


This project has been around for a while. While some parts have improved significantly over time, others fell into disrepair and were mothballed.


There is a out-of-date version of the beautifier available on branch attic-php. If you're interested in using it feel free. If you plan to enhance it, please consider joining this project, and updating this version to match current functionality.

Other Languages

Versions of the beautifier adapted to other languages are at least two years out-of-date and are available on branch attic-other. Take a look and feel free to resurrect them, but know it's pretty dusty back there.

Generic Eval Unpacker

The attic-genericeval branch includes an unpacker that call eval on whatever source is passed to it. Useful when working with source that unpacks itself when eval is called on it, but also unsafe. We keep it on this separate branch to keep it from hurting the other children.

Publishing a Release

Each platform has it's own release process.

NOTE: Before you do any of these make sure the latest changes have passed the travis-ci build!

##Web Merge changes from master to gh-pages branch. This is very low cost and can be done whenever is convenient.

##Python NOTE: For now, we'd like to keep python and node version numbers synchronized, so if you publish a python release, you should publish a node release as well.

To perform these steps you will need:

  1. A pypi user account from .
  2. Permissions to the jsbeautifier package. File an issue here on github and the appropriate person will help you.

We basically follow the simplest release path found at . :

git clean -xfd
# replace 0.0.1 with the actual version number you want to use
echo "__version__ = '$NEW_VERSION'" > python/jsbeautifier/
git commit -am "Python $NEW_VERSION"
cd python
python register
python sdist bdist_wininst upload
git push

##Node NOTE: For now, we'd like to keep python and node version numbers synchronized, so if you plan to publish a node release, you should publish a python release first, then perform the steps below.

To perform these steps you will need:

  1. An user account from .
  2. Permissions to the js-beautify module on File an issue here on github and the appropriate person will help you.

Npm makes this process even simpler than python's and creates a tag for the release as well.

git clean -xfd
# replace 0.0.1 with the actual version number you want to use
npm version $NEW_VERSION
npm publish .
git push --tags