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change from text to the lichss svgs in annotations
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franciscoBSalgueiro committed Nov 14, 2023
1 parent f58ea9b commit 92a6210
Showing 1 changed file with 73 additions and 15 deletions.
88 changes: 73 additions & 15 deletions src/components/boards/BoardPlay.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -522,26 +522,29 @@ function AnnotationHint({
bottom: `${(rank - 1) * 12.5}%`,
transform: "translateY(-40%) translateX(-50%)",
<Box pl="90%">
{annotation && (
transform: "translateY(-40%) translateX(-50%)",
<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" width="100%" height="100%">

styles={(theme) => ({
"cg-board": {
"square.last-move": {
background: theme.fn.rgba(
theme.colorScheme === "dark" ? 8 : 6
theme.colors[color][theme.colorScheme === "dark" ? 8 : 6],
Expand All @@ -552,4 +555,59 @@ function AnnotationHint({

// taken from lichess
const glyphToSvg = {
"?!": (
d="M37.734 21.947c-3.714 0-7.128.464-10.242 1.393-3.113.928-6.009 2.13-8.685 3.605l4.343 8.766c2.35-1.202 4.644-2.157 6.883-2.867a22.366 22.366 0 0 1 6.799-1.065c2.294 0 4.07.464 5.326 1.393 1.311.874 1.967 2.186 1.967 3.933 0 1.748-.546 3.277-1.639 4.588-1.038 1.257-2.786 2.758-5.244 4.506-2.786 2.021-4.751 3.961-5.898 5.819-1.147 1.857-1.721 4.15-1.721 6.88v2.952h10.568v-2.377c0-1.147.137-2.103.41-2.868.328-.764.93-1.557 1.803-2.376.874-.82 2.104-1.803 3.688-2.95 2.13-1.584 3.906-3.058 5.326-4.424 1.42-1.42 2.485-2.95 3.195-4.59.71-1.638 1.065-3.576 1.065-5.816 0-4.206-1.584-7.675-4.752-10.406-3.114-2.731-7.51-4.096-13.192-4.096zm24.745.819l2.048 39.084h9.75l2.047-39.084zM35.357 68.73c-1.966 0-3.632.52-4.998 1.557-1.365.983-2.047 2.732-2.047 5.244 0 2.404.682 4.152 2.047 5.244 1.366 1.038 3.032 1.557 4.998 1.557 1.912 0 3.55-.519 4.916-1.557 1.366-1.092 2.05-2.84 2.05-5.244 0-2.512-.684-4.26-2.05-5.244-1.365-1.038-3.004-1.557-4.916-1.557zm34.004 0c-1.966 0-3.632.52-4.998 1.557-1.365.983-2.049 2.732-2.049 5.244 0 2.404.684 4.152 2.05 5.244 1.365 1.038 3.03 1.557 4.997 1.557 1.912 0 3.55-.519 4.916-1.557 1.366-1.092 2.047-2.84 2.047-5.244 0-2.512-.681-4.26-2.047-5.244-1.365-1.038-3.004-1.557-4.916-1.557z"
"?": (
d="M40.436 60.851q0-4.66 1.957-7.83 1.958-3.17 6.712-6.619 4.195-2.983 5.967-5.127 1.864-2.237 1.864-5.22 0-2.983-2.237-4.475-2.144-1.585-6.06-1.585-3.915 0-7.737 1.212t-7.83 3.263l-4.941-9.975q4.568-2.517 9.881-4.101 5.314-1.585 11.653-1.585 9.695 0 15.008 4.661 5.407 4.661 5.407 11.839 0 3.822-1.212 6.619-1.212 2.796-3.635 5.22-2.424 2.33-6.06 5.034-2.703 1.958-4.195 3.356-1.491 1.398-2.05 2.703-.467 1.305-.467 3.263v2.703H40.436zm-1.492 18.924q0-4.288 2.33-5.966 2.331-1.771 5.687-1.771 3.263 0 5.594 1.771 2.33 1.678 2.33 5.966 0 4.102-2.33 5.966-2.331 1.772-5.594 1.772-3.356 0-5.686-1.772-2.33-1.864-2.33-5.966z"
"??": (
d="M31.8 22.22c-3.675 0-7.052.46-10.132 1.38-3.08.918-5.945 2.106-8.593 3.565l4.298 8.674c2.323-1.189 4.592-2.136 6.808-2.838a22.138 22.138 0 0 1 6.728-1.053c2.27 0 4.025.46 5.268 1.378 1.297.865 1.946 2.16 1.946 3.89s-.541 3.242-1.622 4.539c-1.027 1.243-2.756 2.73-5.188 4.458-2.756 2-4.7 3.918-5.836 5.755-1.134 1.837-1.702 4.107-1.702 6.808v2.92h10.457v-2.35c0-1.135.135-2.082.406-2.839.324-.756.918-1.54 1.783-2.35.864-.81 2.079-1.784 3.646-2.918 2.107-1.568 3.863-3.026 5.268-4.376 1.405-1.405 2.46-2.92 3.162-4.541.703-1.621 1.054-3.54 1.054-5.755 0-4.161-1.568-7.592-4.702-10.294-3.08-2.702-7.43-4.052-13.05-4.052zm38.664 0c-3.675 0-7.053.46-10.133 1.38-3.08.918-5.944 2.106-8.591 3.565l4.295 8.674c2.324-1.189 4.593-2.136 6.808-2.838a22.138 22.138 0 0 1 6.728-1.053c2.27 0 4.026.46 5.269 1.378 1.297.865 1.946 2.16 1.946 3.89s-.54 3.242-1.62 4.539c-1.027 1.243-2.757 2.73-5.189 4.458-2.756 2-4.7 3.918-5.835 5.755-1.135 1.837-1.703 4.107-1.703 6.808v2.92h10.457v-2.35c0-1.135.134-2.082.404-2.839.324-.756.918-1.54 1.783-2.35.865-.81 2.081-1.784 3.648-2.918 2.108-1.568 3.864-3.026 5.269-4.376 1.405-1.405 2.46-2.92 3.162-4.541.702-1.621 1.053-3.54 1.053-5.755 0-4.161-1.567-7.592-4.702-10.294-3.08-2.702-7.43-4.052-13.05-4.052zM29.449 68.504c-1.945 0-3.593.513-4.944 1.54-1.351.973-2.027 2.703-2.027 5.188 0 2.378.676 4.108 2.027 5.188 1.35 1.027 3 1.54 4.944 1.54 1.892 0 3.512-.513 4.863-1.54 1.35-1.08 2.026-2.81 2.026-5.188 0-2.485-.675-4.215-2.026-5.188-1.351-1.027-2.971-1.54-4.863-1.54zm38.663 0c-1.945 0-3.592.513-4.943 1.54-1.35.973-2.026 2.703-2.026 5.188 0 2.378.675 4.108 2.026 5.188 1.351 1.027 2.998 1.54 4.943 1.54 1.891 0 3.513-.513 4.864-1.54 1.351-1.08 2.027-2.81 2.027-5.188 0-2.485-.676-4.215-2.027-5.188-1.35-1.027-2.973-1.54-4.864-1.54z"
"!?": (
d="M60.823 58.9q0-4.098 1.72-6.883 1.721-2.786 5.9-5.818 3.687-2.622 5.243-4.506 1.64-1.966 1.64-4.588t-1.967-3.933q-1.885-1.393-5.326-1.393t-6.8 1.065q-3.36 1.065-6.883 2.868l-4.343-8.767q4.015-2.212 8.685-3.605 4.67-1.393 10.242-1.393 8.521 0 13.192 4.097 4.752 4.096 4.752 10.405 0 3.36-1.065 5.818-1.066 2.458-3.196 4.588-2.13 2.048-5.326 4.424-2.376 1.72-3.687 2.95-1.31 1.229-1.802 2.376-.41 1.147-.41 2.868v2.376h-10.57zm-1.311 16.632q0-3.77 2.048-5.244 2.049-1.557 4.998-1.557 2.868 0 4.916 1.557 2.049 1.475 2.049 5.244 0 3.605-2.049 5.244-2.048 1.556-4.916 1.556-2.95 0-4.998-1.556-2.048-1.64-2.048-5.244zM36.967 61.849h-9.75l-2.049-39.083h13.847zM25.004 75.532q0-3.77 2.049-5.244 2.048-1.557 4.998-1.557 2.867 0 4.916 1.557 2.048 1.475 2.048 5.244 0 3.605-2.048 5.244-2.049 1.556-4.916 1.556-2.95 0-4.998-1.556-2.049-1.64-2.049-5.244z"
"!": (
d="M54.967 62.349h-9.75l-2.049-39.083h13.847zM43.004 76.032q0-3.77 2.049-5.244 2.048-1.557 4.998-1.557 2.867 0 4.916 1.557 2.048 1.475 2.048 5.244 0 3.605-2.048 5.244-2.049 1.556-4.916 1.556-2.95 0-4.998-1.556-2.049-1.64-2.049-5.244z"
"!!": (
d="M71.967 62.349h-9.75l-2.049-39.083h13.847zM60.004 76.032q0-3.77 2.049-5.244 2.048-1.557 4.998-1.557 2.867 0 4.916 1.557 2.048 1.475 2.048 5.244 0 3.605-2.048 5.244-2.049 1.556-4.916 1.556-2.95 0-4.998-1.556-2.049-1.64-2.049-5.244zM37.967 62.349h-9.75l-2.049-39.083h13.847zM26.004 76.032q0-3.77 2.049-5.244 2.048-1.557 4.998-1.557 2.867 0 4.916 1.557 2.048 1.475 2.048 5.244 0 3.605-2.048 5.244-2.049 1.556-4.916 1.556-2.95 0-4.998-1.556-2.049-1.64-2.049-5.244z"
} as const;

export default memo(BoardPlay);

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