diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5258b55..b707cdb 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,54 +1,24 @@
-BungeeStatus is a PHP powered website that allows server owners with PHP-capable web server to show their players which of their servers are online, how many players are there on each and if they are down, why.
+BungeeStatus is a PHP powered website that allows server owners to show their players which of their servers are online, how many players there are on each and if they are down, why.
 * Upload to your webserver
-* Change the settings in config.php
-* Add your servers to servers.json
-* Check your servers.json file using a json parser (http://www.jsoneditoronline.org)
+* Change the password in [config.php](config.php)
+* Add your servers on the admin page (***/admin***)
-    'password' =>       'CHANGE-THIS', //The password used to access the admin page
-    'columns' =>        2, //The number of columns of servers on the main page
-    'player_columns'=>  2, //The number of columns of players on the server page
-    'nojava' =>         false, //Switch to the old loading system
-    'toolbar' =>        "top" //Location of the toolbar
-  "servers": [
-    {
-      "Name": "Server display name",
-      "Adress": "Server adress",
-      "Port": "Server QUERY port",
-      "Description": "Description (optional)",
-      "Offline_reason": "Reason shown when the server is offline (optional)"
-    },
-    {
-      "Name": "Hub",
-      "Adress": "",
-      "Port": 25570,
-      "Description": "The server used for passing between servers"
-    }
-  ]
-**Everything except the port MUST HAVE QUOTES!**
-**Each item inside brackets ([] or {}) except the last one has to be folowed by a comma (,)!**
+ * Servers can be configured on the admin page (***/admin***)
+ * Password can be set in [config.php](config.php)
+ * Everything else can be set in [config.json](config.json)
 * Most of everything: franga2000 (http://franga2000.com)
 * Minecraft Query Script: xPaw (https://github.com/xPaw/PHP-Minecraft-Query)
-* Json Fancify Script: Dave Perrett (http://www.daveperrett.com/articles/2008/03/11/format-json-with-php/)