- Info: Try to Fix infinite loop of settings.json update
- Info: Fixed rel. paths are replaced in local settings on start up
- Info: Partially fixed passing strings as cmd args to exe
- Info: Fixed infinite loop of settings.json update
- Info: Another bugfix for system architecture validation
- Info: Bugfix for system architecture validation
- Info: Another hotfix for lldb debugger selection in launch.json file
- Info: Hotfix for lldb debugger selection in launch.json file
- Info: Fixed infinite loop of settings.json update
- Info: Tried to fix infinite loop of settings.json update
- Info: Fasten up storage of local settings
- Regression: Improved error messages when the user selected c/c++ compiler does not exits/work
- Regression: Some changes for default MSVC Path (internal)
- Regression: Fixed setting name "msvcSecureNoWarnings'" to "msvcSecureNoWarnings"
- Regression: Fixed compiler warnings not showing in problems tab
- Info: Added better understandable error messages for compilers
- Info: Added better understandable error messages
- Bugfix: Fixed some debug config issues
- Info: Huge internal refactoring (users shouldn't care about this ;))
- Info: Added option for MSVC to deactivate safety warnings about functions like scanf, printf etc.
- Info: Auto select workspace dir if there are source files as the active folder on startup
- Info: Add error message on single file run, when the exe is not present
- Info: Added LTO for Cuda Code
- Info: Added Compile Time Info for Cuda Code
- Info: Added the ability to compile Cuda (.cu) code with the Cuda NVCC compiler
- Info: Removed some keyboard shortcuts
- Info: Trigger error message window when the user wants to run or debug a non-existing executable
- Info: Added Run and Debug Single File Action to the play button in the upper right corner
- Info: Updated README.md
- Info: Updated README.md
- Info: Only use the LTO flag when there are multiple translation units
- Info: Updated README.md
- Info: Added command to generate assembler code for currently viewed c/c++ file. Currently, it's only working for single-file examples
- Info: Added useAddressSanitizer flag to optimize builds in release mode
- Info: Refactored README.md
- Info: Removed the "_DEBUG" define for debug builds. This caused linker errors with MSVC
- Info: Added the "_DEBUG" define for debug builds. Note that release builds have the "NDEBUG" define
- Info: Added separate compiler warning setting for MSVC
- Info: Added the following sanitizers (GCC/Clang):
- Undefined Sanitizer
- Leak Sanitizer
- Info: Added c23 standard
- Info: Updated README
- Info: Added option to show detailed compilation time
- Bugfix: Whitespaces in filenames should be no problem anymore
- Bugfix: Compilation was broken
- Info: Added Tooltips for Status Bar Items
- Info: When there are more than 6 files to compile wildcards are used to prevent a too-long terminal command error
- Info: If there is only the root directory in the workspace auto select this as the active folder
- Info: Better settings description for the address sanitizer and fixed the typo
- Info: Better settings description for the address sanitizer
- Bugfix: Now the address sanitizer is only run in debug build
- Info: Fixed status bar colors in white mode
- Info: Added address (memory) sanitizer flag for the debug build
- Info: It is only suggested to edit the settings.json and not the launch.json or c_cpp_properties.json file!
- Change: Removed change logic: If launch.json is changed the settings.json is not changed anymore
- Change: Removed change logic: If c_cpp_properties.json is changed the settings.json is not changed anymore
- Bugfix: CMake projects should not activate this extension
- Bugfix: Several bugfixes for the msvc/Unix switch
- For older updates, see here