The file escutcheon.scad can be used as an OpenSCAD library to generate single pipe or double pipes escutcheon. This model has been designed to be printed with ease in FDM printers.
- escutcheon_height (h), [numerical]
- escutcheon_width (w), [numerical]
- escutcheon_hole_diameter (d), [numerical]
- separation_between_pipes (s), [numerical]
- edge (e), [string with one of the following values: “chamfer”, “filet” or “none”]
- nozzle_width (nw), [numerical]
- printer_tolerance (pt), [numerical]
- parts (p), [string with one of the following values: “both”, “male” or “female”]
translate([0, -60, 0]) escutcheon(p="female"); translate([0, -50, 0]) escutcheon(p="male"); escutcheon(); translate([0, 48, 0]) escutcheon(s=36, e="chamfer"); translate([0, 90, 0]) escutcheon(h=4, w=6, d=16, s=24, e="none", nw=0.2, pt=0.2); translate([0, 125, 0]) escutcheon(h=3, w=8, d=10, s=0, e="chamfer", nw=0.6, pt=0.3);