The following frameworks and technologies have been selected to implement the application
Framework / Technology | Description |
Spring Boot | Spring Application Framework in addition to Spring Boot has been selected for streamlining the development process |
Spring Data Rest | This Spring module is used to minimise the amount of boilerplate code around REST API endpoints and persistence |
Spring Security + Spring OAuth | Security Framework |
HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State) | For stricter REST compliance including navigation and pagination and more control on the server side |
JWT (JSON web token) format | Refer to official documentation |
JPA / Hibernate | Persistence |
JSR - 303 Bean Validation | Validation technology at the domain model class field level |
Error & Exception Handling | Spring ResponseEntityExceptionHandler and ControllerAdvice features are used for fine-tuning error and exception handling |
The OAuth 2.0 standard has been selected for securing API for authorised access from mobile applications:
- OAuth Authorisation Code flow without client secret has been chosen as stipulated from the official document OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps
- PKCE mechanism not introduced due to sheer amount of work and lack of immediate support from the Spring Security OAuth module (refer to the open ticket )
- Full stack of automated end-to-end integration tests is available in the source code
The end-to-end flow is depicted below.
The API application has co-located Authorisation Server and Resource Server.
| User Device |
| |
| +--------------------------+ | (5) Authorization +---------------+
| | | | Code | |
| | Client App |---------------------->| Token |
| | |<----------------------| Endpoint |
| +--------------------------+ | (6) Access Token, | |
| | ^ | Refresh Token +---------------+
| | | |
| | | |
| | (1) | (4) |
| | Authorizat- | Authoriza- |
| | ion Request | tion Code |
| | | |
| | | |
| v | |
| +---------------------------+ | (2) Authorization +---------------+
| | | | Request | |
| | Browser |--------------------->| Authorization |
| | |<---------------------| Endpoint |
| +---------------------------+ | (3) Authorization | |
| | Code +---------------+