Last changes approved at the 2013-03-17 Community Council Meeting.
From time to time, Freegeek Chicago is approached by organizations wishing to bring in groups to participate in the Earn-a-Box program. Here is a proposal for a standard response to such requests:
- Request a formal Letter of Partnership declaring the organization’s intent to use Freegeek Chicago as their computer recycler in the future.
- No more than 4 people in a group can participate in a Friday or Sunday OpenBuild.
- All participants must attend our regularly scheduled Friday or Sunday orientation sessions before working on the floor.
- Organizations that need to bring more than 4 participants at a time to Openbuild must be scheduled on a non-Openbuild day (ie. not an open Friday or Sunday); these PrivateBuild days must be approved by the Community Council and are subject to staff and volunteer availability.