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Directory Structure

Dmitri edited this page Oct 10, 2022 · 36 revisions
.cspell/ # custom dictionary of Frequency terms based on CSpell checker
  |_.workflows/ # GitHub workflow files
      |_ legacy/ # previous CI workflows (v1)
      |_ merge-pr.yml # CI workflow for running actions after PR merge
      |_ release.yml # CI worflow for creating a release
      |_ verify-pr-commit.yml # CI workflow for running checks on a PR commit
.maintain/ # templates necessary to maintain the project (ex. generating weights)?
ci/ # CI related scripts
common/ # common things shared between pallets (ex. types, primitives, etc.)
designdocs/ # temporary docs mostly for alignment for the team and will be deleted as features being built and released
docs/images/ # images used in documentation 
docker/ # docker files for different nodes
  |_[node-name].dockerfile # node docker image
  |_[node-name] # DockerHub overview page for the corresponding docker image
js/api-augmeneted # RPC configurations for Frequency for use with Polkadot JS API
node/ # Frequency node built on FRAME-based Substrate node
  |_cli/ # Substrate CLI for Frequency node
  |_service/ # Substrate node for Frequency
     |_src/ # source code file that defines a chain's initial (genesis) state
  |_src/ # ?
pallets/ # custom pallets developed by Frequency team
res/ # short for "results", a collection of generated chain specs
  |_genesis/ # specific to first block
  |   |_local/ # Frequency + Rococo local chain spec, compiled WASM and state
  |   |_mainnet/ # Frequency + Polkadot mainnet chain spec, compiled WASM and state
  |   |_testnet/ # Frequency + Rococo testnet chain spec, compiled WASM and state
  |_rococo-local.json # chain spec for Rococo local relay chain, aka Rococo local testnet
runtime/ # supported runtimes
  |_common/ # types and functions shared between runtimes
  |_frequency/ # Frequency runtime for running against Polkadot relay chain (prod)
  |_frequency-rococo/ # Frequency runtime for running against Rococo local (local dev) and Rococo testnet (staging)
scripts/ # collection of general scripts for building and maintaining the project
target/release/ # output directory for compiled code 
Makefile # recipe for running different tasks designed to build and manage project