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libdag - a high-level C interface for parallel computation of directed acyclic graphs (DAG)s

To suit the manifold different structures and constraints of parallel programs, there exist an amazing diversity of good toolkits for parallel programming, including thread building blocks (TBB), Cilkplus, MPI, etc. etc. This library focuses on implementing computations on directed acyclic graphs, where child nodes must be computed before parents but no other constraints are present. The implementation differs from others by allowing considerable flexibility in how the DAG manages its data so the library itself can provide only what is necessary to ensure correct execution order -- children (aka dependencies) before parents (aka successors).

Using the Library

There are 2 levels of helper functions included. The simplest is a set of thread helper functions, including especially run_threaded, which takes per-thread setup, work, and completion functions as arguments and blindly executes them. To use it, just include dag_thread.h.

The next level, in dag.h, includes dag_thread.h, and adds task execution scheduling. It requires the user to build a task graph (by wrapping the user's data structures inside task_t objects, and then call exec_dag. Other than the task API:

  // A is the user's node data type.
  // G is the user's extra global info data type.

  task_t *new_tasks(int n);

  // Create a start task.
  // These are special because they are never run, but
  // serve only to add successos before immediately being
  // deleted by exec_dag.
  task_t *start_task();

  // Atomically set parent as a successor of child.
  // This returns 1 if a link is created,
  // or else 0 if the child has already executed.
  int link_task(task_t *parent, task_t *child);

  // Atomically set task info.
  //  All new tasks begin with info set to NULL.
  //  Tasks with info set to NULL activate their successors
  //  as normal, but don't get passed to the user's run function.
  //  Returns NULL if task was NULL before and the (unchanged)
  //  current value of task_t otherwise.
  //  This behavior allows it to be used to prevent races
  //  when initializing nodes in parallel.
  A *set_task_info(task_t *, A *);

  //  The read-only counterpart of set_task_info.
  A *get_task_info(task_t *x);

  typedef task_t * (*run_A)(A *, G *);
  void exec_dag(task_t *start, run_A run_fn, G);
  void del_tasks(int n, task_t *blk);

the task_t structures are opaque. The user must therefore use their own data structure (type A) to hold the reference structure and implement return value passing.

Task Execution

Using the library is really just as simple as calling start_task, new_tasks and then link_task while traversing the user's data structure. The function exec_dag runs the graph beginning at start, in child to parent order by calling the supplied run function on every node for which info is non-NULL. The start node itself is immediately deleted without being run -- so it's info value is irrelevant.

The caller must ensure that added links do not create a cycle in the graph, or else execution will deadlock. A cycle happens whenever the added dependency is reachable by traversing the the successors of the current node. libdag does not check this, because it assumes the user will actually add a DAG.

All DAGs must begin at a single start task and terminate at a single end task. Whenever a leaf task (i.e. a task with no dependencies) is encountered, it must be linked as the parent of the start task in order to be executed. Similarly, if your graph produces multiple outputs, you'll need to make a fake end task and link them as children (for detecting algorithm termination). In contrast to start, the end task is executed if it's info is non-NULL.

To run the DAG, pass the start task to exec_dag.

Examples are available in the test directory, which includes:

  • simple use of run_threaded
  • execution of a 10-node graph
  • execution of 20,000 trivially parallel nodes
  • computation of FFTs of size 2^k
  • Merkle-tree computation on random DAGs

Advanced Topics

Expanding the task graph

The DAG of tasks can be expanded during the task's compute phase by calling start_task, new_tasks and/or link_task to add new dependencies to the current node. The code allows any new or existing tasks to be added as dependencies. The caller must still ensure that no cycles are created.

Usually the compute task returns NULL. To expand the task graph, the compute phase instead returns a newly created start task to indicate the additional tasks.

Since parallel execution is generally in progress while expanding the task graph, it is important that tasks created here have their first call to link_task on the new start node. This will prevent the new tasks from launching prematurely.

Also, the caller must arrange the currently running task to be a successor of the newly added tasks (reachable by some path from the new start). This is so that the successors of the current task will still be executed later. If this is not done, then the successors won't be activated, likely resulting in deadlock. Adding more successors than needed to the start task is OK.

A minimal example that just re-runs the current node would therefore be:

task_t *run(void *self, void *runinfo) {
    //... do some computation on self ...
    if(I_should_redo(self)) { 
 	    task_t *start = start_task();
        link_task(task_of(self), start);
        return start; // causes immediate enqueue of self
    return NULL; // no expansion

DAG Coarsening

Good parallelism requires maximizing the time spent doing work while minimizing time spent in the queueing algorithm. If your parallelism is too fine-grained, it makes sense to coarsen the DAG by combining subgraphs. We have not yet implemented library features to help with this process.

At a minimum, what is needed is:

  1. A data structure, B, to hold subgraphs.
  2. A function which takes a DAG of A type tasks and returns a list of B type tasks.
    • Ideally, this function should make use of an auxilliary function that estimates the work for each A-type task.

Finding Strongly Connected Components

If your task graph may contain cycles (e.g. co-recursive calls), then you must first turn it into a DAG before using this library. A helpful implementation of Tarjan's algo for enumerating strongly connected components is present in scc.c.